Popular Mobilization Army of Iraq is only doing what Parliament of Iraq has voted to do. America must not attack Popular Mobilization Army of Iraq and Iran backed forces in Iraq. We know they attacked USA military and Embassy but they did it after their leader and Qassem Solleimani were terrored by USA military and after USA military was designated terror organization. If you look at it their attacks on USA military were legal and authorized by they law. USA military Centcom is terror organization since attack on Qassem Soleimani.
Popular Mobilization Army of Iraq and other Iran backed forces in Iraq were critical in fight against ISIS. Popular Mobilization Army fought DAESH (ISIL or ISIS) both in Iraq and Syria. They were most consequential in defeating ISIS. It means they must be supported and helped by USA and other actors such as NATO.
Iran and Iraq Military must integrate. We want to have USA military and NATO to leave Iraq. Then we unify Iran and Iraq into one unified Nation. One step in this important and critical process is integrating militaries of Iran and Iraq. Iran and Iraq alcan integrate their militaries before unifying the two Nations. It will prevent future wars between Iran and Iraq. They must create also a military union between Iran and Iraq. Iran will build military bases in Iraq. But Iraq will not be allowed in Iran. We want to unify Iran and Iraq. We want to make military alliance between them. If I was present in person to react and influence every step of the way then I could make it happen very fast. For example, if I was present at the meeting and pushed stage of agreement forward by Facebook post or by Political Power. I would have unified the two Nations into One Iran-Iraq Unified Empire. So I make a code to help the process forward. Meaning others can enter the video code into their system to force Unification of Iran and Iraq forward. I have not built the code yet. But I buikt one for Unification Of Iran, Armenia, and Georgia.
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,