Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Peru is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. In 2020 I changed the government of Peru. Back then I dictated Peru must establish excellent relationships with Iran. Later in 2020 I dictated Peru must become province of Iran along with Chile. It is time for Peru to become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Peru. Peru is not allowed to have military in Iran. Iran shall collect tax from Peru. Iran and Peru must sign economic agreement and trade agreement. Iran must have advantages. Peru, Chile, and Bolivia must unify with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. This way Bolivia will have access to open Seas. Bolivia no longer will be a land locked country. Iran shall collect tax from Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. Bolivia, Chile, and Peru are not allowed to have military in Iran, Middle East, Red Sea, and Horn of Africa. USA Military and NATO must fully withdraw from Middle East, Red Sea, and Horn of Africa. If NATO and USA Military delay the withdraw their troops from the region we will destroy Europe and USA by Hurricanes, Volcanos, and Earthquakes. USA Military must close down its military industry complex and down size its military manufacturing industries. USA Military Industry complex must create dependency on Iran for its part manufacturing. This way we can control the Military Manufacturing of USA Military Industry Complex. Central and South America Nations must be enemy of USA and Europe. They must reduce their diplomatic, economic, geopolitic, military, and economic relations with Europe and North America. Central America and South America must establish strategic Alliance with Iran. Peru, Chile, and Bolivia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Peru #Bolivia #Chile #SouthAemrica #NorthAmerica
I won the election in New Zealand in 2020. I brought People to Power we wanted in New Zealand. New Zealand is a province and colony of Iran. New Zealand must pay tax to Iran. Iran shall collect tax from New Zealand. New Zealand is a colony of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in New Zealand. New Zealand is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. I made 6.6 Richter Earthquake in New Zealand several years ago. I apologize for that. It happened when I was entering the code and someone else was choosing the location of eathquakes. I have won the election in New Zealand and it is time for New Zealand to become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran and New Zealand must sign a trade agreement. Iran must gain access to global markets through New Zealand. For example, New Zealand imports with an advantage from USA. Then New Zealand exports to Iran with disadvantage. Another example, Iran exports to New Zealand with Advantage. Then New Zealand exports to USA with an advantage. It is how we want to formulate the trade relations. Iran will also give New Zealand access to Eurasian Economic Union and several other Unions. New Zealand must accept Iranian currency for International trade and Petroleum trade. New Zealand must create a payment mechanism for Iran similar to SWIFT and INSTEX. The Payment mechanism must cover all types of transactions and payments. The Payment mechanism must cover trade with all nations and with all actors. I made an earthquakes in Church Christ and it was magnitude 6.6 Richter. I also made and earthquake New Caledonia. Caledonia means The Head of The World and The One who can kill the World. I am Makan Abazari. It is time for New Zealand to become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Australia must become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Protesters in Nepal must demand unification with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Protesters must pressure government of Nepal to unify with Iran. Nepalese politicians and governments must work toward unification with Iran. Iran and Nepal must unify into one nation as soon as possible. The Capital City is in Iran. We are adding many nations to Iran to create a great empire. So many nations have become provinces and territories of Iran so far. Nepal will benefit a great deal from unification with Iran. Nepal will become a superpower if Nepal becomes a province of Iran. We will also make on demand and snow rain codes for Nepal. I and Islamic Republic of Iran will be able to enter the code to make rain at any time. If Nepal becomes province of Iran we will also industrialize Nepal at Max efficiency and max capacity creating an industrial powerhouse on Himalaya while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing. We are Industrializing central regions of the earth such as Iran, Central Asia, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, North Africa, and Anatolia. Nepal matches category of Central Nations. But Nepal must first become a province of Iran. In upcoming election in Nepal people must vote for Candidate who will support Unification with Iran. People of Nepal must vote to unify Nepal with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Nepal and Iran are ancient Nations. Unification of two Ancient Nations will create a superpower to stand the test of Time. Jammu and Kashmir are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, And Himalaya are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Nepal is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran must control Nepal, Himalaya, Jammu and Kashmir, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Kyrgyzstan to protect Middle East and West from India and China. Iran must have military presence in Nepal, Himalaya, Jammu and Kashmir, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Kyrgyzstan to protect Middle East, West, and Region from China and India. Foreign militaries must leave Nepal, Himalaya, Jammu and Kashmir, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Kyrgyzstan. Only Iran is allowed to have military Presence in Nepal, Himalaya, Jammu and Kashmir, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Kyrgyzstan. Iran has excellent relations with China and India. But World Security Demands Iran must control Nepal, Himalaya, Jammu and Kashmir, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Kyrgyzstan to protect Middle East and West from China and India. Iran shall maintain excellent relations with China and India. Nepal is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
South Africa and Zimbabwe must become Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I changed Mugabe of Zimbabwe and Mugabe was removed from office. Later I helped manangagwa to become President Of Zimbabwe Against Chamitsa. Soon after I removed President Zuma Of South Africa from power. So I changed the leadership of Both Zimbabwe and South Africa. I also kept CIO of Zimbabwe and other structures in place in Zimbabwe to prevent genocides. I also brought people to invest in Zimbabwe and produce parts for electric cars. I have also developed Economy of Zimbabwe and South Africa. I also expanded farming industry of Zimbabwe. I also brought China to invest in infrastructure projects in Zimbabwe and South Africa. I also established influence for Iran in Zimbabwe. Now I want Zimbabwe and South Africa to become Provinces of Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Zimbabwe must create payment mechanism similar to SWIFT and INSTEX for Iran. The Payment mechanism must cover all types of trade and trade with everyone. South Africa must create payment mechanism similar to SWIFT and INSTEX for Iran. The Payment mechanism must cover all types of trade and trade with everyone. Nobody must have capability to block payment mechanism. Iran, South Africa, and Zimbabwe must sign trade agreement. Zimbabwe, Iran, and South Africa must establish banking and financial connection and agreements. Zimbabwe and South Africa are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Mosambique is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Military of Iran is allowed to have military presence in Mozambique. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran shall collect tax from Mozambique. I want to unify Iran, Mozambique, Tanzania, and South Africa into One Unified Nation with its Capital City is in Iran. The unification of the region will connect Zimbabwe to open Seas. We will also Namibia and Bostanawa to Provinces of Iran to connect the Region to Indian Ocean and South Atlantic Ocean. This will create perfect condition for doing advanced economic and industrial projects. All these nations must pay tax to Iran. Iran must receive the tax. Botsowana is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military bases in Namibia and Botsawana. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Concerning East Africa I have major plans. I have started farming from the region and created efficient farming industry to create food basket of the World. We no longer want to import food from North and South America. Rather we want to produce food in East Africa. We will take control of food security of China. It will give East Africa, us, and Iran strong Geopolitical Power. China must not import its food from North America and South America. China must import its food from East of Suez Canal and East Africa. There are dangers for China if China seeks to import its food from South America and North America. I will have more projects in the region. I have also brought China to the region to build infrastructure and transit line. The Region is Territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Nations in the region must sign trade agreement with Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Protesters in Iraq must demand unification with Iran. Iraq and Iran must become one country. Iraq is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. People of Iran and Iraq have deep religious and Cultural bounds. Both Iran and Iraq are Shia Muslim Majority Nations. Iran and Iraq together will be a global superpower. Protesters in Iraq must demand Unification with Iran. Government of Iraq must work toward unification with Iran. Iran and Iraq must unify as soon as possible. Politicians and government of Iran must work toward unification with Iraq. I have made rain codes to send rain to Iraq on demand. Anytime I or Islamic Republic of Iran enter the code it will rain in Iraq. Iraq will transform into seas, lakes, rivers, forests, industrial parks, industrial metropolitans, high tech metropolitans, and advanced technology. I am also Industrializing Iraq at max efficiency and max capacity. It will transform Iraq into global industrial superpower along with Iran. I am Industrializing the region. My long term goal is to unify the region and beyond with Iran while ensuring the capital city is in Iran. People of Iraq and Iraqi protesters must demand unification with Iran. Ask your government and politicians to unify Iraq and Iran into one nation. Kurds will also be a Province of Iran along with Iraq. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran has Kurdistan. So both Kurdistan of Iraq and Iraq as a whole will be Provinces of Iran. It will provide long term security and will prevent future wars. USA military and NATO must leave Iraq. USA military and NATO must close down military bases in Iraq. If USA military and NATO refuse to leave we will destroy USA and Europe by hurricanes and superstorms. If Iran and Iraq don’t unify into one Nation we will destroy USA and Europe by hurricanes, earthquakes, Volcanos, and superstorms. Iran and Iraq must unify into One Nation. The Capital City is in Iran. Syria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Lebanon is Province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Afghanistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kuwait is Province of Iran. Jordan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkey is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkmenistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Uzbekistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Tajikistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kyrgyzstan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Oman, Somalia, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Ethiopia are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Libya and Tunisia are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Bosnia Herzegovina, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Greece are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kenya is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iraq is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Iraq
Mosambique is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Military of Iran is allowed to have military presence in Mozambique. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran shall collect tax from Mozambique. I want to unify Iran, Mozambique, Tanzania, and South Africa into One Unified Nation with its Capital City is in Iran. The unification of the region will connect Zimbabwe to open Seas. We will also Namibia and Bostanawa to Provinces of Iran to connect the Region to Indian Ocean and South Atlantic Ocean. This will create perfect condition for doing advanced economic and industrial projects. All these nations must pay tax to Iran. Iran must receive the tax. Botsowana is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military bases in Namibia and Botsawana. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Concerning East Africa I have major plans. I have started farming from the region and created efficient farming industry to create food basket of the World. We no longer want to import food from North and South America. Rather we want to produce food in East Africa. We will take control of food security of China. It will give East Africa, us, and Iran strong Geopolitical Power. China must not import its food from North America and South America. China must import its food from East of Suez Canal and East Africa. There are dangers for China if China seeks to import its food from South America and North America. I will have more projects in the region. I have also brought China to the region to build infrastructure and transit line. The Region is Territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Nations in the region must sign trade agreement with Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Saudi Arabia must become province of Iran. The Capital is in Iran. We are rebuilding an advanced and Great Civilization once more. Nations of Iran and Saudi Arabia must avoid enmity and conflict at all costs. Iran and Saudi Arabia must become allies once more. These events usually take place in stages. But there are those who constantly plot against relations of Iran and Saudi Arabia. They have created proxy war of attrition by negatively effecting Iran and Saudi Arabia relations. We must in stages when we seek to unify. But rather we must become one Nation Overnight. Meaning Iran and Saudi Arabia must sign unity as soon as possible to fulfill all stages of unification within one day. Saudi Arabia shall become a Province of Iran. We are adding 72 Nations and 52 States to Territory of Iran. Saudi Arabia will benefit a great deal from being a province of Irab. Arabestan عربستان Saudi Arabia in Farsi means Province Arab عرب استان. Saudi, Sudan, Somalia, and Suez means Sassanian ساسانیان which is an Iranian Dynasty who converted to Islam. It was a great unity of Iran and Saudi Arabia. Iran has previously conquered the Rome and Europe. After Unification Iran and Saudi Arabia conquered the World. Iran and Saudi Arabia must reunify peacefully and become one nations. We will also add Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Yemen, Somalia, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Jammu and Kashmir, Balkan, Italy, Malta, Tunisia, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Gibraltar, Singapore, Venezuela, Panama, and Some others nation to provinces of Iran. The Capital City in Iran. It will create an Empire capable to stand the test of time. I am currently Industrializing Iran and Majority of the Nations I mentioned here. It means Iran, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Egypt, and other nations in the region will soon replace some of G8 Industrial Nations. It is only If we succeed since it is difficult due to sanctions. If we unify the region will create a nation who will be Industrial Superpower of all times. I am also seeking to build ten thousand nuclear warheads in Iran. I have the means to make hydrogen bomb material in one night. But I want it to be built in Iran. Once Iran has ten thousand Nuclear Warheads we will be all secure. Iran will be deterrence against Nuclear Superpowers who have Nuclear Bombed the region many times in the past. Long time has past and the world has been brain washed to forget. But now we enter the era it has become necessary for Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. We cannot allow several nuclear states in Middle East. Only Iran is allowed to have it. Others will have through Unity with Iran. Meaning Iran will be the Capital Of The region who has nuclear bombs as deterrence against enemies outside of the region. If Saudi Arabia seeks nuclear bombs then it may lead to nuclear wars between Iran and Saudi Arabia. So it is reason why Iran is allowed to have ten thousand Nuclear Warheads. Saudi Arabia is not allowed to have nuclear bombs. Iran will guarantee security of Saudi Arabia and the Empire of Iran. Saudi Arabia is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran shall collect money from ships going through Red Sea. Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf, and The Greater Region must reduce crude oil output. You only can refine or export. You are not allowed to export crude oil. I also have made rain codes to create on demand rain in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia will no longer be deserts but it will transform to rivers, Seas, lakes, forests, industrial systems, Metropolitans, and advanced civilization. Saudi Arabia can contact me or Iran to receive rain at any time and any season. The system is valid for thousand years. Saudi Arabia is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Now Mexico is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran Middle East. Iran is allowed to build military bases in Mexico. Foreign troops are not allowed in Mexico. China, Russia, India, Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Egypt, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Bosnia Herzegovina, Greece, Italy, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, Nigeria, Venezuela, Brazil, Thailand, and Chile are allowed to have troops in Mexico to invade USA as deterrence against USA global military presence. If Mexico becomes Province of Iran then only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Mexico. USA troops are not allowed in Mexico. USA intelligence agencies and federal forces are not allowed in Mexico. We need to build tunnels from Mexico to USA. Mexico must pay tax to Iran. Hezbollah Of Lebanon is allowed to have military bases in Mexico. Only Iran is allowed to have military and peace keepers in Lebanon and Greater Middle East. Mexico has flag similar to Iran. The colors of flag of Iran Mexico are green, White, and Red. The flag of Mexico has the bird. Flag of Iran has 4 time zones of planets earth and all of planet earth. Next flag of Iran will have 24 time zones of planet earth. State of California and California Republic are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran Middle East. Iran is allowed to have military presence in California. California is not allowed to have military forces in Iran and Greater Middle East. Oregano and Seattle are Black Lives Matters Nations. They are independent from USA. They are not allowed to allow Transit from USA to Pacific Ocean. Canada is Territory of Lebanon. Flag of Lebanon and Canada both have ever Green Trees. Alaska is Territory of Al-Aqssa Mosque Jerusalem Beit Ol-Moqadas بیت المقدسPalestine. Palestine is allowed to have military bases in Alaska. Aslaska is not allowed to have military bases in Middle East. Cuba is Territory of Kabe کعبه Makkah Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is allowed to have military presence in Cuba. Cuba is not allowed to have military presence in Middle East. USA map is similar to map of Syria. USA is territory of Syria. USA military and foreign troops are not allowed in Syria. Syria is allowed to have military in USA. Syria can collect tax from USA. Iran is allowed to have troops in Syria. Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran Middle East. Turk Island Caribbean is territory of Turkey. Turkey is allowed to have military In Turk Island. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Turkey. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Turkey. Haiti, Jamaica, Bahamas, and Caribbean Sea are territories of Iran. Iran is allowed to have Nuclear Warheads and military presence in its territories. Territories and provinces are not allowed to have military presence in Iran and Middle East. I need politicians, public, systems, and the world to cooperate to materialize this goal. These are facts forgotten by the masses. They must materialize and become reality of the world once more. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Algeria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I changed the regime of Algeria in 2019. I demanded Algeria must bring most anti American President Or/and Prime Minister from list Of available choices. The protests and pressures created by others was directed by me. At the time I was in Iran and I tried hard to ensure security of Algeria and Middle East during these events. I also took over Lebanon, Argentine, Uruguay, and Several other Nations. Experience shows America wants to reset and destroy Algeria again and again. In order to prevent social upheavals, wars, civil wars, and protests in Algeria I have a very important Long Term. It is my project to Unify Algeria with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Intelligence Agency of Iran and its Security Service can guarantee end to dangerous events taking place in Algeria. I can personally stop any protest and any overthrow of I act at the right time. If they tell me I will take care of it. We guarantee great deal of security and stability for Algeria if Algeria becomes a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Algeria. Foreign militaries in Iran. Iran is allowed to collect tax to govern the empire. I am Industrializing Algeria with help of my allies. We are going to improve economy of Algeria and create a powerful Economy. We are also Industrializing Iran and Middle East. I am Industrializing Italy, Greece, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Iran, Bosnia Herzegovina, and several other nations in Middle East and Central Asia. I want to create Mediterranean Union. The Mediterranean Union will be military, Political, economical, trade, and industrial union. It will have advantages and superiorities to European Union. The Capital Of Mediterranean Sea Union is in Iran. Algeria must join so we can create industrial supply chains and a powerful Empire with its Capital City is in Iran. Algeria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.
I am Industrializing Algeria at max efficiency and max capacity. Soon Algeria will become a powerful World Economy. I gathered much power and I worked very hard to extend industrial projects to the west of Libya. Algeria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Algeria pay back by becoming a province of Iran. I have also created rain codes to send rain to Algeria at any time and in a on demand manner. I authorized Iran to enter the codes for a thousand years to bring rain to Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Arabian Peninsula, Anatolia, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, North Africa, and Sahel Region. It means the regions will transform to seas, rivers, forests, industrial metropolis, advanced tech, and advanced civilizations. Algeria can contact me or Islamic Republic of Iran at anytime to ask for rain in Algeria. Algeria must become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I am the Supreme Leader Of Climate Control. I am The Supreme Leader Of Geophysics control of planet earth. I am the Supreme Leader Of weather warfare. I am also a Muslim man. Algeria must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran in Middle East. Iran and Algeria must sign a trade agreement. Iran must have advantages. The trade agreement and bilateral trades will boost the economies of Iran, Algeria, and the nearby regions of North Africa and Middle East. We want to increase the volume of trade between Iran and North Africa to 5 trillion dollar annually. It will boost economy of the nations and improves the life of the people. I am also building a cosmopolis Of Metropolitans, safe ecosystems, advanced civilization, transit systems, settlements, industrial systems, lakes, forests, and metropolitans in Algeria, Tunisia, Chad, Niger, Mali, Central African Republic, Nigeria, South Italy, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Libya. The center will be Libya. The Capital City is in Iran Middle East. I am building similar cosmopolis in Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Central Asia, Balkan, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, West China, Anatolia. The center is Iran. The Capital City is in Iran Middle East. Algeria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,Argentine is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Argentine, Antarctic, and Farkland Islands are still territory of Iran to this day. Iran has these regions. After Islamic Republic of Iran Revolution we witnessed Iran lost control of these territories because people who knew about them were killed. Iran also has lots of other territories and provinces all around the globe. After Revolution USA orchestrated bombing of a Jewish Center on Argentine. Then America used the event to orchestrate movements and actions against Iran. It ruined Iran and Argentine diplomatic Relations so America made it appear as if Iran did not own argentine. But Iran never gave Independence to Argentine. Argentine, South America, Farkland Islands, and Antarctic are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Farkland Island means Fars (Persian or Iranian Islands). FARC Rebels of Columbia is Fars Rebels of Columbia. The Rebels And Forces In Columbia shall reappear again and again until Columbia becomes Province of Iran. It is best for Columbia to become province of Iran if Columbia wants to end internal conflicts. Iran also engineered algorithms to create Roussef and Da-Silva of Brazil. They were also Rebels in Amazon Forests. The Amazon rebellions continues and reappears again And again until Brazil becomes Province of Iran. Capital City is in Iran in Middle East. I have also overthrown Argentine, Uruguay, Paraguay, Suriname, Peru, Chile, Costa Rica Columbia, Bolivia, and some other South and Central America Nations. I prevented overthrow of Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Venezuela, and several other nations in the region. I also have overthrown majority of Caribbean Nations. It means South, Central, and Caribbean Nations are territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran in Middle East. Iran is allowed to have military presence in all South American, Central American, and Caribbean Nations. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran shall collect tax from all of these nations. America is territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran in Middle East.
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Namibia must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Namibia. Foreign troops are not allowed in Iran. Namibia and Iran must sign trade agreement if Iran agrees. Namibia must create banking mechanism for trade with Iran. The banking Mechanisms must cover all types of trade. It will benefit Namibia a great deal. Iran will collect tax from Namibia. Namibia must allow China to built infrastructure in Namibia if China plans to do so. Namibia must help Iran to avoid sanctions by creating trade loop holes and means of trading to avoid USA sanctions on Iran. Namibia is province of Iran. The Capital City is In Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Tanzania USA province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Tanzania must become a province of Iran. Tanzania is very important to our geopolitical direction. Tanzania is located in east of Africa. This is why we are expanding farming in Tanzania and Several other countries. We want to transform East Africa to food basket of China and other parts of the World. China and other nations are greatly dependent on other actors for food import. We want to make sure China does not import from South or North America. We want China to import from regions east of Suez Canal on Sea transit corridor. This is why we are not doing it in west Africa, Europe, or America. My teams chose East Africa for this project in 2018. We have started the project and I have brought Iran and China to East Africa and Tanzania to grow food to ensure food security of the east. Tanzania is also very important to me for my other projects such as Indian Ocean Trade agreement. I am in progress of creating a trade and economic system across Indian Ocean. Members are Middle East, East Africa, Horn of Africa, Red Sea, Arabian Peninsula, India, and South Asia. This system was one of most powerful economic systems in history of the world. It was called some of the best days of So Called British Empire. The trade system created substantial wealth and commerce and it also made manufacturing process and industrial system more efficient than World Trade Organization. For this project I must ensure Tanzania becomes province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is authorized to build military bases in Tanzania. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. We have not finalized creation of on demand rain code for Tanzania. We have capability to create rain for Tanzania. But we have not finalized our decision to make on demand rain codes to have Iran enter it at any time. But if Tanzania becomes part of Iran we will create them. Naturally I could have made rain in Tanzania anytime you requested. But nobody has ever succeeded in contacting me. My number 001-617-935-5792. But if Tanzania becomes a province of Iran we will create the rain code. So Tanzania can contact Iran. Concerning Tanzania there are many historical bounds between Iran and Tanzania. Tanzania and Iran had extensive trade relations. Tanzania used to be province of Iran for long time. Iran also built wells and other irrigation methods in Tanzania. Some of the wells Iran built are providing water for Tanzania today. Protect the wells. Make sure they store water after understanding which one need refueling. At current world progress rate it take 5000 years to rebuilt wells Iran built in Tanzania. Tanzania is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Bangladesh Protesters must demand Unification of Bangladesh with Pakistan. Bangladesh must become either part of Iran or part of Pakistan. So protesters must demand either of the two. Naturally I would have asked to unify with Iran. But since India has taken autonomy of Kashmir Region we have to also support Unification of Bangladesh with Pakistan. Because India want to kill 200 million people in Pakistan by changing the path of rivers. Jammu and Kashmir are Province of Pakistan. India must hand over Jammu and Kashmir to Pakistan. Bangladesh must become province of Pakistan or Iran. This will provide another angle of attack against India if India tried to kill people of Bangladesh or/and Pakistan by changing the path of River. Pakistan and Iran are both authorized to build military bases in Bangladesh. I have also build military bases for Pakistan and Iran in Sri Lanka. It means Pakistan will have another angle of attack against India. Pakistan must have nuclear warheads in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. It will enable Pakistan to engage India from three direction. It will be also a deterrence against China. People of Bangladesh and their government must work to unify Bangladesh with Iran or Pakistan. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran and Pakistan are allowed to have military bases in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Bangladesh must sign trade agreements with Iran. Bangladesh must also build a rail way to Iran. Bangladesh must create payment mechanisms for trade between Iran and all other actors. Bangladesh must pay tax to Iran. This systems will develop Bangladesh. When I first heard about condition in Bangladesh they were no longer building ships. Bangladesh was only repairing ships. But I started Ship building industries of Bangladesh. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Malta is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. People and government of Malta must demand Unification with Iran. Iran is allowed to build military bases in Malta. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran and Malta must sign trade agreements. Iran shall collect money from ships going through Sicilian Channel and Malta Channel. Malta and Iran must cooperate on building military bases in Malta. Malta must open Payment channel for Iran so Iran can trade with other Nations. Trade channel must cover everything. All foreign militaries must leave Malta. Only Iran is allowed to have military bases in Malta. Malta must become a Province of Iran as soon as possible. The Capital City is Permanently in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Armenia must hold referendum early next year to unify with Iran. I expect the referendum to be held as soon as possible. Everyone must vote to Unify Armenia with Iran. This can be done instead of Early Parliamentary and other early elections next year in Armenia. Also it can be done as replacement for other elections. Referendum to unify Armenia with Iran shall take place as soon as possible in early 2021. Azerbaijan and Georgia must also hold referendum to unify with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I expect Armenians, Gorgestanis, and Azeris to vote in support of Unification with Iran. It is beneficial to all actors as it connect Armenia, Iran, and Azerbaijan to Black Sea. It will also connect Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia to Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman. We are in process of adding Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon to Iran. These new provinces will connect Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, and Georgia to Mediterranean Sea and to China. Unification with Iran will greatly improve economy and societies o Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. Gorgestanis, Armenias, and Azeri people live freely in Iran and are allowed to practice their religion. It provide perfect location and perfect system for everyone to follow their religion and advance freely. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
People of all social background must join Thai protesters. We want to pressure Government of Thailand to Unify with Iran. Thailand must become part of Iran. Thailand must become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We must also demand building of Rail Way from Thailand to Iran through India. It will connect Thailand to India and Iran. Laos must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. It enable Thailand to have direct land transit with China. This way China and Thailand can trade with each other through land corridors and Rail Ways. So we must also build a rail way from Thailand to India and from India to Iran. It will connect Thailand to Russia, Europe, Iran, India, and Africa. It will speed of transit and is good for Economy of Thailand. Thailand protesters must demand Unification with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Protesters must also demand presence of Iranian Troops in Thailand. Meaning Iran must have military bases in Thailand. Foreign militaries in Iran. We must also ensure United States of America has no military presence in South East Asia. So USA troops are not allowed in South East and South East Asia. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Guinea election must lead to unification with Iran. Guinea must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Guinea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Guinea must create banking mechanisms similar to SWIFT and INSTEX to cover all types of trade for Iran. The banking Mechanism must enable Iran to trade with all nations and all actors. Iran is allowed collect reasonable tax. Guinea and Iran must sign trade agreement. Ivory Coast and Iran must become strategic allies. We are Industrializing Middle East, Iran, Caucuses, Russia, West Part Of China, Afghanistan, Anatolia, Arabian Peninsula, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, Kenya, and North Africa at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Concerning Guinea we are working on license to industrialize west Africa including Ivory Coast and Ghana. Iran previously industrialized Nigeria. I built petrochemical refineries and few industries in Nigeria to reduce car gas shortages and fuel shortages. Guinea is on the list submitted for acquisition of license for industrialization. Jesus Christ activated Volcanos near Guinea. He created Islands by activating Volcanos from the line approximately west of Guinea and West Africa. Jesus created legend Islands. It led to drawing of a Cross on South Atlantic Oceans. Volcanos became Islands and then became similar to a Cross. Jesus divided South America and Africa from each other by creating Volcanos and splitting Tectonic Plates. This is why they say Jesus was Crucified. I have also activated Volcanos east of Papua New Guinea and other regions in Pacific Ocean. I am building several bridges from Asia and Oceania all the way to South America and North America. I activate Volcanos and I create tectonic shifts. They become Island change and earth futures. They come out of Ocean to become a bridge over Pacific Ocean. I drew my Name ماکان in Farsi Tahriri over Pacific Ocean. There was ancient Civilization in Ghana, Guinea, and Ivory Coast called Kumasi. In Farsi it means where is the Messiah. I had also friend called Seiku King from Liberia. His name means where is the King. I am Makan Abazari The King Of The Earth. I have built Kore Pol over Pacific Ocean. I have sent spaceship which passed Kuiper Belt and left Solar System. I have built a road on Kheybar between Afghanistan and Pakistan. So I am Makan Abazari The Builder of roads on Korepol, Kuiper, and Kheybar. Once I build a wall from Copper I will become the Messiah. Coppers in Farsi means Mess. It is when I will become the Messiah. Faraday cages from copper and other conductive matter protect us from mind control. Everyone all around the world must built effective faraday cages from copper and other material to protect themselves from mind control. Faraday cages in Farsi Mean tomorrow when the earth is tilted. Everyone must build faraday cages to protect themselves from mind control or I will tilt the earth by mega earthquakes in Pacific, Atlantic, and USA. Also make sure Iran creates conductive hydrogel for me to anoint me if I succeeded in building Faraday Cages. Guinea and West Africa is Territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Sweden must become Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Sweden must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital Of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Iran and Russia shall have military presence in Sweden. Sweden is not allowed to let NATO within Sweden Borders. Iran and Russia will be allowed to collect Money from ships going next to coast of Sweden. If Sweden becomes Province of Iran we will develop Sweden. Sweden must integrate its industries and industrial supply chains with Iran and Russia. Sweden must pay tax to Iran. Sweden is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Denmark is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We need mass protests and other moves in Denmark to add Denmark to territory of Iran. We also need Green Land to become Territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Protesters in Denmark must demand Unification with Iran. Danish Politicians, influentials, and powerful people must work toward unification with Iran. Unified Iran and Denmark will be a very powerful Nation capable of surviving any condition. We also need Iceland. We must ensure Danish and Iranian officials work efficiently to add Denmark to provinces of Iran. Iran shall have military bases in Denmark. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. If Denmark does not become province of Iran we will freeze Greet Belt Sea And other seas in vicinity. Then you will need nuclear powered ice breaker to ship through the strait. Denmark is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, There are legislative and local elections in Japan. We must make sure Candidates who support unification of Japan with Iran win the Election. Japan must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I have removed Prime Minister Shinzo Abe from power because he failed to kick out USA Military out of Japan. The winners of elections must work their best to close USA military bases in their regions. We must ensure USA has no military base in Japan. Japan has increased military spending. It means Japan is no longer reliant on USA for defense. Japan can safely close down USA military bases in Japan. Iran will replace USA in Japan. Iran shall have military bases in Japan. USA military is a danger to people of Japan. Iran Military will not harm people of Japan. It is time to ensue people who close USA military bases in Japan win the election. Japan is Province of Iran and Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, In upcoming Election in Niger we need candidates who work toward unification with Iran. Such Candidates must win Niger Election. Niger is Province of Iran. The Capital is in Iran. I have rain codes to create on demand rain in Niger, Mali, Chad, and Beyond. Anytime either me or Iran enters the code it will create rain in regions indicated in the Video. The Rain codes are valid and they shall work for thousand years. Niger can contact Islamic Republic of Iran to get rain. I make rain if Niger is successful to contact me or when I know there is need for rain. Best method is contacting Islamic Republic of Iran. Niger must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Niger must close down all foreign military bases in Niger. Only Iran is authorized to have military forces in Niger. Foreign troops are not allowed in Iran. We are building a cosmopolis Of interconnected Metropolitans-transit-Ecosystems-forests-lakes-Advanced Civilizations-Industrial Metropolitans-high tech industry in Libya, Algeria, Chad, Niger, Mali, Morocco, West Africa, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, and Djibouti. The Capital City is in Iran. We are building same cosmopolis in Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, South Asia, Balkan, Anatolia, and Arabian Peninsula. The Capital City is in Iran. It means Niger is very important to us. Iran collects tax. Niger is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Central African Republic used to be colony of Iran. Iran used to be called Persia of Fars. After change of government of Iran we witnessed people forgot about due to civil unrest and wars. Later Iran stabilized. People who remembered Central African Republic is colony of Iran were either killed or were in Prison. Iran had 72 Nations as its colonies. But Iran stopped directly ruling them after revolution. But they never got legal independence. This mean Central African Republic is colony of Iran to this day. We want to make Central African Republic a Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We have plan of building rail ways from Kamranie Tehran Iran to Strait of Hormuz. Tunnel will go under Strait of Hormuz to Dubai and from there to Bob AlMandib in Yemen. Another Tunnel will connect Arabian Peninsula to Djibouti in Africa. Then rail way continues to Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Central African Republic. Rail way again continues to Cameroon, Niger, and Nigeria. This way we will connect Kamranieh Tehran to C.A.R and Cameroon. We also connect Iran to Niger and Nigeria. This will provide condition for sustainable and long lasting development of Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Niger, and Nigeria. It will also connect Africa to Europe, Russia, India, and China. Central African Republic is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Today there is election in Central African Republic, Nigeria, and Niger. People must vote for Candidates who seek to Unify with Iran. The government of Central African Republic, Niger, and Nigeria must work as efficiently as possible to unify with Islamic Republic of Iran. The Capital City shall be in Iran. Iran will also have military bases in Niger, Central African Republic, and Nigeria. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. This is how we reunify our great Empire. I am also improving climate of The Greater Region. I have made rain codes for Niger. I have also made rain codes for parts of Central African Republic and Nigeria. You can contact me or Islamic Republic of Iran to receive on demand rains. Please cooperate to win the election in the manner to unify C.A.R, Niger, and Nigeria with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We need supporters of Islamic Republic of Iran to win the election in Nigeria. We want to unify Nigeria and Iran into One Nation. The Capital City is in Iran. Nigeria and Iran have great relations. Iran industrialized Nigeria and Iranian Cars are everywhere in Algeria. The same way Iranian Cars and Buses from 1970 are still in Service in South Africa and Zimbabwe. South Africa and Zimbabwe were provinces and colonies of Iran. Iran industrialized them and they became industrial superpowers. Later after revolution in Iran we saw everyone who remembered was killed. So Iranians and Africans forgot Zimbabwe and South Africa ARE colonies of Iran. Iran built Nigeria after Islamic Revolution. Iran industrialized Nigeria. Nigeria was in post Biafra era in need of dire help. Iran came to help of Nigeria and Iran industrialized Nigeria. It provided condition for more investment in Nigerian Economy. Nigeria took over South Africa as the Africa First Economy. Next Iran shall build Egypt. Egypt is Province of Iran. Iran has built Nigeria. We have won elections in Cameroon, Liberia, Ghana, and Several other West Africa Nations. It means Iran now control’s the Majority Of The Region. It benefits Nigeria the most to become a Province of Iran. It will help Nigeria to have trade without borders with west African countries. It will connect Iranian territory in West Africa, Central Africa, South Africa, East Africa, Horn of Africa, and North Africa to each other. It will also enables Nigeria to trade with Iran. So Nigeria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. People who shall unify Nigeria with Iran must win the Nigeria election. Make sure the new government of Nigeria works its best to become a Province of Iran. Also make sure Sheikh Zakzaki is freed from Prison. Israel and USA attacked him and imprisoned him in Nigeria to harm Iran-Nigeria Relations. It is best to release Zakzaki as soon as possible. We want to increase population of Shia Muslims in greater region. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Nigeria. Iran is allowed to have military presence in the greater region. Nigeria is not allowed to have military bases in Iran. NATO and USA military must withdraw from greater region.
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Romania is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Bulgaria is prov We need supporters of Islamic Republic of Iran to win the election in Nigeria. We want to unify Nigeria and Iran into One Nation. The Capital City is in Iran. Nigeria and Iran have great relations. Iran industrialized Nigeria and Iranian Cars are everywhere in Algeria. The same way Iranian Cars and Buses from 1970 are still in Service in South Africa and Zimbabwe. South Africa and Zimbabwe were provinces and colonies of Iran. Iran industrialized them and they became industrial superpowers. Later after revolution in Iran we saw everyone who remembered was killed. So Iranians and Africans forgot Zimbabwe and South Africa ARE colonies of Iran. Iran built Nigeria after Islamic Revolution. Iran industrialized Nigeria. Nigeria was in post Biafra era in need of dire help. Iran came to help of Nigeria and Iran industrialized Nigeria. It provided condition for more investment in Nigerian Economy. Nigeria took over South Africa as the Africa First Economy. Next Iran shall build Egypt. Egypt is Province of Iran. Iran has built Nigeria. We have won elections in Cameroon, Liberia, Ghana, and Several other West Africa Nations. It means Iran now control’s the Majority Of The Region. It benefits Nigeria the most to become a Province of Iran. It will help Nigeria to have trade without borders with west African countries. It will connect Iranian territory in West Africa, Central Africa, South Africa, East Africa, Horn of Africa, and North Africa to each other. It will also enables Nigeria to trade with Iran. So Nigeria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. People who shall unify Nigeria with Iran must win the Nigeria election. Make sure the new government of Nigeria works its best to become a Province of Iran. Also make sure Sheikh Zakzaki is freed from Prison. Israel and USA attacked him and imprisoned him in Nigeria to harm Iran-Nigeria Relations. It is best to release Zakzaki as soon as possible. We want to increase population of Shia Muslims in greater region. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Nigeria. Iran is allowed to have military presence in the greater region. Nigeria is not allowed to have military bases in Iran. NATO and USA military must withdraw from greater region.
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,ince of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Bulgaria and Romania must join Eurasian Economic Union. Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Bulgaria and Romania must leave NATO. Iran and Russia are allowed to build military bases in Romania and Bulgaria. Romani, Russia, and Bulgaria are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran, Romania, and Bulgaria must sign trade agreements and establish banking relations. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran shall collect tax from Bulgaria and Romania. Romania and Bulgaria must destroy all transit lines from Germany to Middle East if they are NATO deployment routes. NATO is not allowed to transit through Balkan, East Europe, Romania, and Bulgaria. We want to make sure there is no deployment route from Germany to Middle East and Russia. Normal transit corridors are authorized. But if NATO is about to use them they must be destroy. Romania and Bulgaria are provinces of Iran. I had someone who told me he has interests in Romania. This is why I started industrializing Romania. I am currently industrializing Romania at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing. Romania must integrate its industrial supply chains with Middle East, Iran, Turkey, Russia, China, Europe, and USA. It will greatly benefit Romania. Romania and Bulgaria are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Qatar must maintain excellent diplomatic relations with Iran. UAE, Bahrain, and Kuwait must develop excellent diplomatic relations with Iran. Saudi Arabia and Egypt must develop excellent Diplomatic Relations with Iran. Qatar and Iran must unify into one unified Nation. The Capital City is in Iran. In 2013 or 2014 I changed the Emir of Qatar and I brought his son to power. Back then his Father was the Emir. I ordered them to change the Emir and he stepped down so his Son could become the Emir of Qatar. It is now the time for Qatar to unify with Iran into One Unified Nation. The Capital city is in Iran. UAE and Bahrain must also Unify with Iran into One unified Nation. The Capital City is in Iran. Both USA and Bahrain we provinces and Islands of Iran. Later they got separated due to British Invasion. Before then Bahrain meant Pacific and Atlantic Ocean. Bahrain means the Two Oceans. It means Pacific and Atlantic Ocean are territories of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Pacific and Atlantic Ocean never received independence from Iran. UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, and Kuwait are provinces and Territories of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Oman is territory of Iran. After Sultan Qaboos died I could have decided for his replacement. I Decided and I gave directives and it means Oman is province of Iran. After Emir of Kuwait died I gave orders to People of Kuwait and its government to choose new Emir in a manner to ensure Kuwait becomes province of Iran. Later I won the Legislative elections in Kuwait. This means I gave them order to win the election and unify with Iran. They accepted and they won. Now it is time for Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, and UAE to become provinces of Iran. Yemen is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Saudi Arabia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Somalia and Somaliland are Colonies of Iran to this day. They never received independence. Somalia still has flag similar to Iran. Somalia and Somaliland are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Qatar #UAE #BAHRAIN #Kuwait #UAE #SAudi #Arabia #Tehran #Oman #Yemen #Somalia #somaliland All foreign militaries must withdraw from Mali. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Mali. Mali is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. People and Officials in Mali must work toward Unification with Iran. Iran must work toward unification with Mali. Mali must become province of Iran as soon as possible. Mali must create payment mechanism similar to SWIFT and INSTEX for Iran. Trade mechanism must cover all type of trade and trade with everyone. The Payment and Trade Mechanism must forever remain open. Iran and Mali must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages in Trade with Mali. I am building a cosmopolis of Metropolitans, Towns, lakes, rivers, forests, advanced civilizations, high tech industries, and industrial parks in Mali, Niger, Chad, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djibouti. I am also building one in Iran and Middle East. It will recreate advanced Civilization these two regions must had. It is most important project of third millennium. I have also created rain codes for North Africa, Sahel Region, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, Up stream of Nile River, Anatolia, Arabian Peninsula, Iran, Middle East, Parts of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, West Russia, and West China. This rain codes are under control of me and Islamic Republic of Iran. You can call Iran to ask for rain. Rains are on demand and any time you ask them they will make you rain. It is good for sustainable growth. The rain codes are for thousand years. Mali must become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran, Middle East, Between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Mali #Sahel #North #Africa #Arabian #Peninsula #RedSea #HormofAfrica #Africa #Cosmopolis #MiddleEast #Anatolia #CentralAsia #China #Russia #Afghanistan #Pakistan #Russia #Islamic #Republic of #Iran Popular Mobalization Army of Iraq, Army of Iraq, and other forces in Iraq must go under direct Command and Control of Islamic Republic of Iran. Revolutionary Guards of Iran and Army of Iran must have military bases and military presence in Iraq. Iraq is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran and Iraq must unify into One Nation. The Capital City is in Iran. USA Military and NATO must give Iran the Control of Iraq Air and Space, Iraq Radar Systems, and Iraq anti air systems. Iran must control Iraq. Islamic Republic of Iran and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have permanent military Presence in Iraq. Iran must have many Military bases in Iraq. USA Military and NATO must leave Iraq now. If USA military and NATO delay withdraw of troops from Iraq, Syria, Persian Gulf. and Afghanistan we will destroy USA and Europe by hurricanes and Cyclones. USA and NATO must withdraw from Greater Middle East, Red Sea, Turkey, Mediterranean Sea, Arabian Sea, Horn of Africa, Central Asia, and Cacauses region. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in these region. Iran must expand military presence in these regions and have substantial amount of military presence in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria. Military of Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria must be under direct command and control of Iran. Iraq is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iraq #Iran #Military #Popular #Mobilization #Army Chad is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I have created rain codes to send rains to Chad. Chad ask Islamic Republic of Iran to send them rain at any time. We are also industrializing several nations with borders with Chad. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building a rail way from Chad to Red Sea in Sudan. Now Work at max efficiency and max capacity building rail way from Chad to Mediterranean Sea in Libya. This way we will be able to integrate industrial supply chains of Iran, Middle East, Chad, Egypt, Libya, and Sudan. It will provide opportunities for investments and development of Chad. It will also connect Chad to land corridors.Now work at max efficiency and max capacity connecting Chad to Atlantic Ocean Via rail ways. We are building rail way from Djibouti to Cameroon and from Djibouti to Tehran through Tunnels under Bob Al-Mandib and Strait of Hormuz. Make sure you connect Chad to this rail ways. If Chad becomes a province of Iran we will Industrialize Chad. But development of Chad will probably start automatically soon since I am industrializing East and North of Chad and I am improving the weather condition and Climate in Sahel Region, North Africa, and Red Sea. It will provide great opportunities for investment in Chad. But again if Chad becomes province of Iran I will industrialize Chad at max capacity and max efficiency. Chad is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Chad. Chad is not allowed to have military in Iran. Iran is allowed to collect tax from Chad. Iran and Chad must sign trade agreements. Chad must create payment mechanisms similar to SWIFT and INSTEX for trade with Iran. Everyone must be allowed to use payment mechanism and payment mechanism must cover all types of transactions. Iran must build a Financial Capital in Iran. Chad can contact me or Iran to receive rain. Chad is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,

@Uganda @IRANinUGANDA @GovUganda @StateHouseUg @UgandaEC @Iran @HassanRouhani @Jzarif Uganda is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Make sure outcome of elections reflects it. pic.twitter.com/x5aI2lGzCQ
— Makan Abazari (@Try4Freedom2) January 11, 2021