We brought President Moon of South Korea and Legislative Body of South Korea into power to ensure South Korea closes down USA military bases in South Korea and to make sure South Korea becomes a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. South Korea must end all diplomatic ties with United States of America. South Korea must stop all cooperations with United States of America. South Korea must close down USA embassy and consulate. South Korea must close down USA military bases in South Korea. South Korea and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. South Korea must close down USA military bases in South Korea. Iran is allowed to have military presence in South Korea. South Korea is not allowed to have military presence in Red Sea and Middle East. South Korea and Iran must cooperate on projects. South Korea must industrialize Iran. South Korea must build Electronics and semiconductor industries in Iran. South Korea must transfer technology to Iran. South Korea must help Iran to avoid sanctions. South Korea must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. South Korea is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. South Korea must cut all diplomatic and military cooperations with United States of America. South Korea must close down USA military bases in South Korea.
If South Korea does not obey all of these orders we will destroy South Korea by weather warfare. This is New World Direction and South Korea must obey.
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
#Iran #Korea #SouthKorea
Destroy USA military in Japan, South Korea, Middle East, Red Sea, Germany, France, Britain, Europe, South East Asia, and Africa.
Increase global support for Iran. Make sure Japan, South Korea, and others support Iran.
Damage USA-South Korea Relations.
Damage USA-Japan Relations
Damage USA-Britain Relations
Damage USA-Canada Relations
Damage USA-Australia Relations
Damage USA-Germany Relations
Damage USA-Italy Relations
Damage EU-India Relations
Damage USA-European Union Relations
Damage USA-France Relations
Damage USA-Spain Relations
Damage USA-Africa Relations
Damage USA-South America Relations
Damage USA-Central America Relations
Damage USA-South East Asia Relations
Destroy USA navy in South Korea, Japan, Persian Gulf, Mediterranean Sea, South China Sea, Atlantic, Pacific, Gulf of Mexico, Panama, and Colombia
Activate anti air against USA Air Force globally
Now industrially bomb USA in South Korea, Japan, South China Sea, Europe, Africa, South America, Saudi Arabia, and Middle East.
Destroy USA military globally
Bulldoze USA military bases in Japan, South Korea, Europe, Middle East, Africa, and South America
Attack USA military in Europe, South America, Japan, South Korea, North America, South East Asia, and Africa.