This is the Fundemental and Supreme Law of entering code and deciding for weather, geophysics, a

I have not received any message I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran and I must go to Tehran Iran as soon as possible. I am at 20 Walnut street Apt 4 Brookline Massachusetts zip code 02445 continent of North America. I have not received any phone call, communication, package, women, men, money, letter, word, mail, email, comment, reply, message, dastgah, property, diplomats, government, visitor, words, or anything else since 14 years ago. Mind Controllers, Governments, Massachusetts, My Mind Controllers, and people of Massachusetts have not delivered a single phone call, communication, package, women, men, money, letter, word, mail, email, comment, reply, message, dastgah, property, diplomats, government, visitor, words, or anything else since 14 years ago. They have never delivered it to me. All of the people of Massachusetts have not delivered a single message to me. All of mind controllers who mind control me have not delivered a single message to me. All of post, mail, services, deliveries, peoples, governments, mind controllers, hackers, nations, intelligence agencies, societies, internet, and all others have not delivered a single phone call, communication, package, women, men, money, letter, word, mail, email, comment, reply, message, dastgah, property, diplomats, government, visitor, words, or anything else. All the nations have not delivered single message to me. I own all of Climate, Geophysics, magnetosphere, atmosphere, climate control, weather, weather warfare, atmosphere, liquid mechanics, gas mechanics, tide control, polar shift, , ocean control systems, hurricanes, all similar things, all of the nations, all of the continents, all peoples, all men, all women, all mind controllers, all children, all humans, all species, all of planet earth, all of oceans, all countries, all metropolitans, all civilizations, all societies, all cities, all houses, all buildings, all money, all wealth, all towns, all states, all systems, all mass mind control systems, all global mass mind control systems, ten thousand years old mass mind control systems, all global mass mind control operating system of the world, all mind control operating systems, all integrated systems, all integrated regimes, all integrated supersystems, things not mentioned here, all political industries, all geopolitics, all world order, balance of power, all of Space industries, all telecommunications, all internet, all global systems, all factories, all houses, all lands, all trees, all towns, all villages, all manufacturing, all dastgah, all industrial supply chains, all factories, all reactors, all bioreactors, all technology, all high technology, all advanced tech, all assembly, all industrial metropolitans, all industrial systems, all manufacturing industries, all hardware etch, all hardware high tech, All technology, all techniques, all polytechniques, all banks, all stock markets, all money, all shares, all properties, all assets, all governments, all regimes, all nations, all corporations, all companies, all universities, all academic centers, all think tanks, some intelligence agencies, some militaries, many other things of all of planet earth and all nations. Islamic Republic of Iran between Persia Gulf and Caspian Sea has a share and ownership. I and Iran cannot negotiate it, lose it, give it away, barter it, trade it, sell it, or agree to give it to others. The yare always permanently private property of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran and Islamic Republic of Iran between Persian gulf and Caspian Sea. Others never have any share and other never have any choice. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, The King of King Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran The First King of Makanian Dynasty,

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Makan Abazari The Owner of World Climate
I cannot get on and I cannot broadcast video on There must be a fake versaion of me on Kill the fake version of Makan Abazari. Kill the systems who prevent me from being live on are my private propety. I cannot connect to it due to a system hack in USA. So exterminate 320 million people in USA for obstructing my ability to go live on also kill people who claim ownership of and They are my properties. Kill the fake versions of Makan Abazari wherever they may be. I am Makan Abazari. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, I cannot get on and I cannot broadcast video on There must be a fake versaion of me on Kill the fake version of Makan Abazari. Kill the systems who prevent me from being live on are my private propety. I cannot connect to it due to a system hack in USA. So exterminate 320 million people in USA for obstructing my ability to go live on also kill people who claim ownership of and They are my properties. Kill the fake versions of Makan Abazari wherever they may be. I am Makan Abazari. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari Speech at Islamic Republic of Iran Weather Rain Organization Makan Abazari at World Climate ps:// ps:// Makan Abazari at World Climate Makan Abazari The Messenger of God Makan Abazari at World Order and Geopolitics Makan Abazari Speech at Iran group Makan Abazari Speech at I have created World Climate Page and World Climate Group. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, I am Makan Abazari the Supreme of Climate. I am Iranian. I own this page, systems, geophysics, earthquakes, volcanos, weather climate, climate interaction, Magnetosphere, atmosphere, gas systems, energy systems, weather pattern systems, hurricane systems, and everything else concerning Climate Control, Weather Warfare, Geophysics, and magnetosphere. I am the permanent owner. The ownerships, rights, and other things cannot be sold, transfered, exchanges, or taken away. They are always mine. I am the only Person who is allowed to post as the World Climate on this platform. I will always own and be the leader of this platform. If I lose waves or if I am blocked close down the page and all of its systems. I will kill all of planet earth by weather warfare, geophysics, Magnetosphere, climate control, and atmosphere control if I lose mg page. So make sure I am the only owner and I always remember to access this page. I am not an organization. I am not NGO. I am Iran. I am not USA. I am not international. I am not UN. I am not Climate agreement. I am not coloration. I am owner everything about World Climate. I have never signed any agreement or any deal. I have never signed any document about Climate, Weather, Geophysics, and magnetosphere. My parents, grand parents, and their forefathers have been controlling Climate of the Earth for over ten thousand years. I have been controlling the clinate for 35 years. I am 35 years old. You can see my document bellow. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, following are some of the codes I made. I have code books to change Climate of All of Planet Earth. It is classified and not included here. 


 Makan Abazari Speech on Climate, Ecosystem, industrial works, World Systems, Middle East, Iran, Climate Change  , Climate interactions, thieves of Climate Systems of Makan Abazari, the problems in Middle East, future of Middle East Crisis, ultimate outcome of Climate Change , Trade War, Makan Abazari’s ownership of Climate, Weather Warfare, Geophysics, Magnetosphere, weather warfare, atmosphere, and gas Systems. Makan Abazari owns all of Climate, Weather Warfare, Geophysics, Magnetosphere, weather warfare, atmosphere, and gas Systems infrastructures, instrumentation, hardware, software, facilities, algorithms. computers, supercomputers, underground infrastructures, Geophysics infrastructures, Climate infrastructures, weather warfare infrastructures, Climate Systems, and other things permanently. Makan Abazari and Makan Abazari’s family have been controlling Climate of the earth for ten thousand years. The Enmity toward, Iran, Makan Abazari, and Middle East must stop. Iran and Middle East must become absolute Dominant superpower of all times. If it fails Makan Abazari will kill East Asia, South East Asia, Australia, Southern Africa, West Africa, West Europe, and North America. Makan Abazari is giving rain to Iran, Middle East North Africa, Horn of Africa, Central Asia, West China, Arabian Peninsula, Egypt, Sudan, and South Italy by transforming deserts into industrial metropolitans, manufacturing metropolitans, high tech metropolitans, advanced civilizations, farming, forests, trees, grass lands, safe ecosystems, rivers, lakes, seas, and other good things. Makan Abazari is building over 50 million factories and industries in Iran, Central Asia, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Horn of Africa, North Africa, and Italy to industrialize them at max efficiency and max capacity. All the nations of the worlds are territories and provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Make Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, p p p
My Page Climate and Weather of Middle East We must create best Climate and Weather Condition for human activity in Iran, Regions near Iran, Egypt, and Sudan. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I have increased territories and provinces of Iran. I have increased area size of Iran more than 1000 percent. I conquered the world for Iran. I am am live for video of English version of speech. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. I conquered the World Three Times. Afterward I started conquering them again to add them to territories and provinces of Iran. I have conquered the World three times and I conquered it again for the four time and fifth time. I did all of it in less than ten years. After I conquered the World three times I started activating Volcanos in Pacific Ocean to create Island chains. Lava and Magma solidified into Islands. I activated volcanos and Icreated a bridge over Pacific Ocean to connect Asia to America. I also increased the altitude of Himalayan mountain highest point by earthquake. I made earthquake to create a point taller than Everest. I have built the wall between China, Iran, and India. I started activating volcanos in Atlantic Ocean to create a bridge over Atlantic Ocean. The Volcanos solidified into Islands and bridge over Atlantic I will soon connect Europe to North America. I have returned and brought rain to Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Sahel, North West India, and other regions. I transformed deserts to forests, rivers, seas, lakes, advanced human civilization, safe ecosystems, and good things. I have industrialized Iran, Middle East, West China, West Russia, Middle East, Central Asia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Egypt, and other regions. I have conquered the World Five Times. All nations, territories, Waters, lands, countries, continents, and civilizations are provinces of Iran. Iran rules all of them permanently. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of Iran and territories of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is government of the earth. Only Iranians born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea born to Iranian parents can lead the earth. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of these nations, territories, provinces, and colonies. Iran cannot transfer, sell, cancel, or/and refuse these ownerships, rights, provinces, territories, governance, and other things. Iran must govern, administrate, and control them. Iran can ask for other things and other control mechanisms. Makan Abazari, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Korepol, Makss as n Abazari Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean, Makan Abazari The Economic Superpower, Makan Abazari The Industrial Superpower, Makan Abazari The most powerful man in the History of Mankind, I am Makan Abazari the Supreme of Climate. I am Iranian. I own this page, systems, geophysics, earthquakes, volcanos, weather climate, climate interaction, Magnetosphere, atmosphere, gas systems, energy systems, weather pattern systems, hurricane systems, and everything else concerning Climate Control, Weather Warfare, Geophysics, and magnetosphere. I am the permanent owner. The ownerships, rights, and other things cannot be sold, transfered, exchanges, or taken away. They are always mine. I am the only Person who is allowed to post as the World Climate on this platform. I will always own and be the leader of this platform. If I lose waves or if I am blocked close down the page and all of its systems. I will kill all of planet earth by weather warfare, geophysics, Magnetosphere, climate control, and atmosphere control if I lose mg page. So make sure I am the only owner and I always remember to access this page. I am not an organization. I am not NGO. I am Iran. I am not USA. I am not international. I am not UN. I am not Climate agreement. I am not coloration. I am owner everything about World Climate. I have never signed any agreement or any deal. I have never signed any document about Climate, Weather, Geophysics, and magnetosphere. My parents, grand parents, and their forefathers have been controlling Climate of the Earth for over ten thousand years. I have been controlling the clinate for 35 years. I am 35 years old. You can see my document bellow. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Defeat those who stole Weather Warfare, Climate, Magnetosphere, Geophysics, Atmosphere, and other things from Makan Abazari. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Use destructive weather warfare, earthquakes, and other forces to Eliminate forces who have stolen climate, weather warfare, geophysics, magnetosphere, weather, atmosphere, and all such systems from me and my family during last 70 years. Eliminate them in a manner to give me full and permanent control of all climate, weather warfare, geophysics, magnetosphere, weather, atmosphere, and all such systems and infrastructures. Assassinate their leaders and the forces among them who prevent me from controlling the climate of the world in the right way. They mind control me to distract me. They mind control me to forget. They mind control me to not learn. They control my internet so I cannot access the information and my industries. So make sure you assassinate their leader and their families. Also use destructive weather warfare to destroy them. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, p
Venezuela must become province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran started building Venezuela over 2 decades ago. During time of Ahmadinejad Presidency Iran had industrialized Nigeria and Venezuela. Nigeria became stronger economy than South Africa. Nigeria became strongest economy in Africa among competitors such South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, and Morocco. Each one of these nations are geostrategic dominant superpowers of the world. But less geostrategicaly significant Nation of Nigeria becomes strongest economy of Africa. America and Europe started sabotaging economies of Nigeria and Venezuela. Venezuela is very important for Iran. Iran was building nuclear bombs at the time of President Ahmadinejad. Iran and Venezuela were planning to have Iranian Nuclear Bombs in Venezuela capable of reaching USA. It would have created deterrence against USA Nuclear Arsenal. USA started sanctioning Iran and Venezuela. America destroyed economy of Iran and Venezuela. Iran joined JCPOA nuclear agreement and return America lifted sanctions on Iran. Later America withdrew from JCPOA and placed more sanctions on Iran. We isolated USA. We destroyed 1 million factories and industries in USA. We damaged USA economy 100 trillion dollar and caused recession in USA. We killed 5 million people in USA by hurricanes. We destroyed over 50 cities in USA by earthquakes. We changed USA president and impeached USA president. We did not start making Nuclear bomb after USA withdrew from JCPOA. We supported agreement and remained adherent for one year. Later we started building 10000 Nuclear Bombs in Iran. We brought Iranian Nuclear Bombs to Venezuela, Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, Mexico, and Bahamas. We made sure Iran can destroy USA by nuclear bombs. USA killed 2 people in Iran by flood. Iran lost a cessna aircraft in Gilan Province of Iran. We also destroyed Boeing Max 737 Category of Aircrafts. But America destroyed Economies of Nigeria, Venezuela, North Korea, and Iran by sanctions. So we started industrializing Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, Nigeria, Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Horn of Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. We have built over 1 million factories and industries in Iran so far. We are going to build over 100 million factories and industries by the time we have completed first stage of mega project. We chose North Korea and Venezuela to be satellites of Iran in far and remote edges of planet earth. North Korea and Venezuela give Iran geostrategic presence in Far East and Far West. In 2020 we started adding territories and provinces to Iran. We first dictated to Cameroon to become province of Iran. Cameroon is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Cameroon is Neighbour of Nigeria Later we told Venezuela and 100 other nations to become provinces of Iran. Venezuela must become province of Iran as soon as possible. If Venezuela becomes a province of Iran we will make Venezuela powerful Province of Iran. It is very good for long term interests of Venezuela to become province of Iran. Europe and USA must lift sanctions on Iran and Venezuela. Iran and Venezuela must not be sanctioned. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must help Iran to void sanctions. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must transfer technology to Iran. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must industrialize Iran. European Union and USA must lift sanctions on Iran. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. California and Commonwealth of Massachusetts are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Venezuela is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have nuclear bombs and Military presence in Venezuela. Venezuela is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran governs and administrates Venezuela. Iran chooses leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, governments, governors, majlis, parliament, senate, congress, cabinet, ministers, and other people of Venezuela. Venezuela must pay tax to Iran. Venezuela has 5 days to become province of Iran. If Venezuela don’t become province of Iran we will kill 5 million people in USA by hurricanes. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Venezuela must become province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran started building Venezuela over 2 decades ago. During time of Ahmadinejad Presidency Iran had industrialized Nigeria and Venezuela. Nigeria became stronger economy than South Africa. Nigeria became strongest economy in Africa among competitors such South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, and Morocco. Each one of these nations are geostrategic dominant superpowers of the world. But less geostrategicaly significant Nation of Nigeria becomes strongest economy of Africa. America and Europe started sabotaging economies of Nigeria and Venezuela. Venezuela is very important for Iran. Iran was building nuclear bombs at the time of President Ahmadinejad. Iran and Venezuela were planning to have Iranian Nuclear Bombs in Venezuela capable of reaching USA. It would have created deterrence against USA Nuclear Arsenal. USA started sanctioning Iran and Venezuela. America destroyed economy of Iran and Venezuela. Iran joined JCPOA nuclear agreement and return America lifted sanctions on Iran. Later America withdrew from JCPOA and placed more sanctions on Iran. We isolated USA. We destroyed 1 million factories and industries in USA. We damaged USA economy 100 trillion dollar and caused recession in USA. We killed 5 million people in USA by hurricanes. We destroyed over 50 cities in USA by earthquakes. We changed USA president and impeached USA president. We did not start making Nuclear bomb after USA withdrew from JCPOA. We supported agreement and remained adherent for one year. Later we started building 10000 Nuclear Bombs in Iran. We brought Iranian Nuclear Bombs to Venezuela, Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, Mexico, and Bahamas. We made sure Iran can destroy USA by nuclear bombs. USA killed 2 people in Iran by flood. Iran lost a cessna aircraft in Gilan Province of Iran. We also destroyed Boeing Max 737 Category of Aircrafts. But America destroyed Economies of Nigeria, Venezuela, North Korea, and Iran by sanctions. So we started industrializing Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, Nigeria, Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Horn of Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. We have built over 1 million factories and industries in Iran so far. We are going to build over 100 million factories and industries by the time we have completed first stage of mega project. We chose North Korea and Venezuela to be satellites of Iran in far and remote edges of planet earth. North Korea and Venezuela give Iran geostrategic presence in Far East and Far West. In 2020 we started adding territories and provinces to Iran. We first dictated to Cameroon to become province of Iran. Cameroon is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Cameroon is Neighbour of Nigeria Later we told Venezuela and 100 other nations to become provinces of Iran. Venezuela must become province of Iran as soon as possible. If Venezuela becomes a province of Iran we will make Venezuela powerful Province of Iran. It is very good for long term interests of Venezuela to become province of Iran. Europe and USA must lift sanctions on Iran and Venezuela. Iran and Venezuela must not be sanctioned. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must help Iran to void sanctions. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must transfer technology to Iran. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must industrialize Iran. European Union and USA must lift sanctions on Iran. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. California and Commonwealth of Massachusetts are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Venezuela is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government . Iran must have nuclear bombs and Military presence in Venezuela. Venezuela is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran governs and administrates Venezuela. Iran chooses leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, governments, governors, majlis, parliament, senate, congress, cabinet, ministers, and other people of Venezuela. Venezuela must pay tax to Iran. Venezuela has 5 days to become province of Iran. If Venezuela don’t become province of Iran we will kill 5 million people in USA by hurricanes. Nigeria, North Korea, Cameroon, Mexico, South Korea, and Japan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, Canada, Green Land, Iceland, Britain, Ireland, and France are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Yemen, Omen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Spain, Gibraltar, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Jordan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Panama, Colombia, Kenya, and Uganda are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Iran governs and administrates these Nations. Iran chooses leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, governments, governors, majlis, parliament, senate, congress, cabinet, ministers, and other people of These Nations. They have 5 days to become provinces of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. If they don’t become provinces of Iran we kill 5 million people in USA, Europe, and Australia by cyclones, superstorms, and Tsunami. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Venezuela must become province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran started building Venezuela over 2 decades ago. During time of Ahmadinejad Presidency Iran had industrialized Nigeria and Venezuela. Nigeria became stronger economy than South Africa. Nigeria became strongest economy in Africa among competitors such South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, and Morocco. Each one of these nations are geostrategic dominant superpowers of the world. But less geostrategicaly significant Nation of Nigeria becomes strongest economy of Africa. America and Europe started sabotaging economies of Nigeria and Venezuela. Venezuela is very important for Iran. Iran was building nuclear bombs at the time of President Ahmadinejad. Iran and Venezuela were planning to have Iranian Nuclear Bombs in Venezuela capable of reaching USA. It would have created deterrence against USA Nuclear Arsenal. USA started sanctioning Iran and Venezuela. America destroyed economy of Iran and Venezuela. Iran joined JCPOA nuclear agreement and return America lifted sanctions on Iran. Later America withdrew from JCPOA and placed more sanctions on Iran. We isolated USA. We destroyed 1 million factories and industries in USA. We damaged USA economy 100 trillion dollar and caused recession in USA. We killed 5 million people in USA by hurricanes. We destroyed over 50 cities in USA by earthquakes. We changed USA president and impeached USA president. We did not start making Nuclear bomb after USA withdrew from JCPOA. We supported agreement and remained adherent for one year. Later we started building 10000 Nuclear Bombs in Iran. We brought Iranian Nuclear Bombs to Venezuela, Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, Mexico, and Bahamas. We made sure Iran can destroy USA by nuclear bombs. USA killed 2 people in Iran by flood. Iran lost a cessna aircraft in Gilan Province of Iran. We also destroyed Boeing Max 737 Category of Aircrafts. But America destroyed Economies of Nigeria, Venezuela, North Korea, and Iran by sanctions. So we started industrializing Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, Nigeria, Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Horn of Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. We have built over 1 million factories and industries in Iran so far. We are going to build over 100 million factories and industries by the time we have completed first stage of mega project. We chose North Korea and Venezuela to be satellites of Iran in far and remote edges of planet earth. North Korea and Venezuela give Iran geostrategic presence in Far East and Far West. In 2020 we started adding territories and provinces to Iran. We first dictated to Cameroon to become province of Iran. Cameroon is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Cameroon is Neighbour of Nigeria Later we told Venezuela and 100 other nations to become provinces of Iran. Venezuela must become province of Iran as soon as possible. If Venezuela becomes a province of Iran we will make Venezuela powerful Province of Iran. It is very good for long term interests of Venezuela to become province of Iran. Europe and USA must lift sanctions on Iran and Venezuela. Iran and Venezuela must not be sanctioned. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must help Iran to void sanctions. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must transfer technology to Iran. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must industrialize Iran. European Union and USA must lift sanctions on Iran. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. California and Commonwealth of Massachusetts are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Venezuela is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government . Iran must have nuclear bombs and Military presence in Venezuela. Venezuela is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran governs and administrates Venezuela. Iran chooses leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, governments, governors, majlis, parliament, senate, congress, cabinet, ministers, and other people of Venezuela. Venezuela must pay tax to Iran. Venezuela has 5 days to become province of Iran. If Venezuela don’t become province of Iran we will kill 5 million people in USA by hurricanes. Nigeria, North Korea, Cameroon, Mexico, South Korea, and Japan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, Canada, Green Land, Iceland, Britain, Ireland, and France are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Yemen, Omen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Spain, Gibraltar, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Jordan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Panama, Colombia, Kenya, and Uganda are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Iran governs and administrates these Nations. Iran chooses leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, governments, governors, majlis, parliament, senate, congress, cabinet, ministers, and other people of These Nations. They have 5 days to become provinces of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. If they don’t become provinces of Iran we kill 5 million people in USA, Europe, and Australia by cyclones, superstorms, and Tsunami. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, If these nations did not become provinces of Iran start following attacks Send a Cyclone to Europe Send a cyclone to east Coast Australia Send a hurricane to USA Send a Tsunami to West Coast USA North America Make superstorms in USA, Europe, and Australia Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, I entered the codes on The link to the code entered location is

We must create mass protests in Japan to force Japan to close down all of USA and American Military bases in Japan. Japan must kick out all of USA Military bases from Japan. Japan must also withdraw all of its troops from Middle East, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Sea of Oman, Gulf of Eden, and Mediterranean Sea. We must create mass protests in South Korea to force South Korea to close down all of USA and American Military bases in South Korea. South Korea must kick out all of USA Military bases from South Korea. South Korea must also withdraw all of its troops from Middle East, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Sea of Oman, Gulf of Eden, and Mediterranean Sea. Protesters in Japan must change the government of Japan during Olympics. Japan must become a province of Iran. Protesters in Japan must demand Unification with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. If Japan doesn’t become Province of Iran we will destroy Japan by earthquakes, hurricanes, Tsunami, storms, superstorms, and volcanos. Japan must become Province of Iran now. Japan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must govern and administrate Japan. Iran chooses their leaders, emperor, kings, presidents, legislative bodies, kings, presidents, leaders, governors, senates, congress, parliament, majlis, cabinet, ministers, officials, and other people. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, Geopolitics, economics, industries, technologies, relations, cultures, and other things. Government is Islamic Republic of Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Japan. Japan is not allowed to have military presence in Iran, Red Sea, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Gulf of Eden, Mediterranean Sea, and Middle East. Japan must pay tax to Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Japan must become enemy of USA. Japan must kick USA military out of Japan. Japan must place sanctions and tariffs on USA. Japan must end all relations with USA. Japan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Japan must lift sanctions on Iran. Japan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Japan must transfer technology to Iran. Japan must industrialize Iran. Iran and Japan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Japan must industrialize Iraq and Afghanistan. Japan must transfer technology to Iraq and Afghanistan. Japan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Japan must give Iran ships. Ships are free. Iran will not pay for ships. Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Philippines, Myanmar, Polynesia, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. If Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Philippines, Myanmar, Polynesia, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia don’t become provinces of Iran within 5 days we kills 5 million people in Japan, South Korea, Myanmar, Australia, Polynesia, and Indonesia by hurricanes, Cyclones, Earthquakes, Storms, Superstorms, and weather warfare. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Protests in Japan to close down USA military bases Protests in South Korea to close down USA Military Bases Overthrow Japan to add Japan to territories of Iran Overthrow Japan during Olympics to add Japan to provinces of Iran If they did not become provinces of Iran within 5 days do the following. Make hurricane and cyclone in Japan Make cyclone in Indonesia Make superstorm in Japan, South Korea, Myanmar, Australia, Polynesia, and Indonesia. Cyclone Polynesia Cyclone South Korea Hurricane Myanmar Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics,
USA, NATO, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Britain, Russia, China, UN Forces, Peace Keepers, and all other militaries must permanently withdraw their militaries from Jammu Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Dubai , Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran, Suez Canal, Sinai, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Caspian Sea, Black Sea , Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus, all islands, Maltan Channel, Malta, Socotra, and Sicilian Channel. We cannot allow militaries from East Asia, India, South East Asia, Australia, West, Europe, America Russia, and Africa to have military presence in Greater Middle East. It is extremely illegal for other regions of the world to have military presence in Greater Middle East according to World Order. East Asia, India, South East Asia, Australia, West, Europe, America Russia, and Africa are not allowed to have any military presence in Greater Middle East according World Order Law. But they started having Military presence when there was many difficulties in Middle East. To illustrate I explain history of expansion of USA toward Middle East. World War 2 brought USA at edges of Asia to Japan and World War 2 brought USA to Germany. Prison to World War 2 USA was in North America. Military of USA had not crossed Pacific and Atlantic. But America came to Japan and Germany after World War 2. Later America occupied South Korea after Korean War slowly getting closer to Middle East. World Order dictated America stays behind Berline Wall in Germany and behind demilitarized Zone in South Korea. America attempted to expand in Vietnam during Vietnam War but America failed in expanding to Vietnam. America was defeated. Later there came fall of the Berlin Wall. USA expanded to borders of Iran and Russia. America was present in Turkey and Lithuania. America engineered September/11/2001 attack on World Trade Center to have excuse to expand to Middle East. America illegally expanded to Iraq and Afghanistan. They have been breaking World Order law by expanding to Middle East. We killed 10 towns in USA by energy weapons when America invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. We destroyed large parts of USA by hurricanes and weather warfare when USA expanded to Syria. Usually around this point we start killing all of the world if militaries from outside Middle East don’t withdraw from Middle East. Meaning we start killing all of East China, Japan, Indonesia, Oceania, Korea, Pacific, Southern Africa, West Africa, West Europe, North Europe, North America, and Central America by weather warfare, climate weapon, magnetosphere weapons, geophysics, earthquakes, tsunami, civil wars, wars, trade wars, overthrows, and all methods. We must follow World Order and Geopolitics laws concerning not having military presence In Greater Middle East. USA, NATO, Australia, South East Asia, Pacific, Oceania, India, Africa, Europe, South America, Central America, North America. New Zealand, Britain, Russia, China, UN Forces, Peace Keepers, and all other militaries must permanently withdraw their militaries from Jammu Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Dubai , Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran, Suez Canal, Sinai, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Caspian Sea, Black Sea , Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus, all islands, Maltan Channel, Malta, Socotra, and Sicilian Channel. Iran must have military presence in Jammu Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Dubai , Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran, Suez Canal, Sinai, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Caspian Sea, Black Sea , Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus, all islands, Maltan Channel, Malta, Socotra, and Sicilian Channel. Iran must create Iran backed Militaries in Jammu Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Dubai , Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran, Suez Canal, Sinai, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Caspian Sea, Black Sea , Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus, all islands, Maltan Channel, Malta, Socotra, and Sicilian Channel. Jammu Kashmir, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Dubai , Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran, Suez Canal, Sinai, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Caspian Sea, Black Sea , Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus, all islands, Maltan Channel, Malta, Socotra, and Sicilian Channel are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. We will kill all of Far East Asia, South East Asia, Oceania, Southern Africa, West Africa, North America, and Europe by Magnetosphere, weather warfare, Geophysics, climate, and other methods if USA, NATO, Australia, South East Asia, Pacific, Oceania, India, Africa, Europe, South America, Central America, North America. New Zealand, Britain, Russia, China, UN Forces, Peace Keepers, and all other militaries don’t permanently withdraw their militaries from Jammu Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Dubai , Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran, Suez Canal, Sinai, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Caspian Sea, Black Sea , Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus, all islands, Maltan Channel, Malta, Socotra, and Sicilian Channel. USA, NATO, Australia, South East Asia, Pacific, Oceania, India, Africa, Europe, South America, Central America, North America. New Zealand, Britain, Russia, China, UN Forces, Peace Keepers, and all other militaries must permanently withdraw their militaries from Jammu Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Dubai , Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran, Suez Canal, Sinai, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Caspian Sea, Black Sea , Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus, all islands, Maltan Channel, Malta, Socotra, and Sicilian Channel. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
We want to add Tanzania to territories and Provinces of Iran. Tanzania must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must govern and administrate Tanzania. Iran will choose their leaders, governments, Presidents, kings, prime ministers, majlis, legislative bodies, judges, cabinet, governors, officials, and other things. Iran must collect tax from Tanzania. Tanzania must transfer technology to Iran. Tanzania must industrialize Iran. Tanzania must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Tanzania must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Tanzania must purchase tractors from Tractor Sazi Tabriz Iran. We are farming in Tanzania to ensure food security of China, Middle East, and Tanzania. China is currently dependent on USA for food security. China has placed tariffs on Australian food products. We must ensure China buys food from east side of Suez Canal. We must produce the food in the East of Suez Canal all the way to East Asia. America is west of Suez Canal. It is very important World Food Security. Iranians must own profitable farms in Tanzania to produce food for Iran, Middle East, and China. Iran must make money. It must be lucrative business for Iran. It must give geostrategic and strategic power to Iran. Iran must gain control of food security of the World by farming in East Africa, Tanzania, Middle East, Iran, and the greater Middle East. Iran must ensure Iran has enough domestics food production in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must produce all of Iran food inside in Iran. Iran must also produce extra food in Iran, Middle East, Tanzania, and East Africa. Iran must produce expensive cheese, food products, and other expensive food products domestically in Iran. Europe must buy 50 billion dollar very expensive food products from Iran annually. China must buy 50 billion dollar very expensive food products from Iran annually. USA must buy 50 billion dollar very expensive food products from Iran annually. Japan must buy 50 billion dollar very expensive food products from Iran annually. China must also buy 200 billion dollar cars from Iran annually. Europe, USA, and Japan must buy 600 billion dollar car from Iran annually. Tanzania must purchase tractors from Iran. Europe must buy 50 billion dollar very expensive food products from Iran annually. Now create optimal rain and weather condition for farming in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Tanzania, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Kuwait, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Uganda, Kenya, Somalia, Somaliland, Eritrea, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Chad, Central African Republic, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, and Kazakhstan. Iran must create Iran backed militaries in Tanzania. Tanzania must support Iran backed Military in Tanzania. Iran must control Iran backed military in Tanzania. They must always be under command and Control of Iran. Their headquarters and command centers must be in Irsn. Their leaders must be Iranian born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The Iranian leader must born to Iran parents who are born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Tanzania is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Iran must have military Presence in Libya. All other foreign militaries and mercenaries must withdraw from Libya. Iran meust create Iran backed Military in Libya. Iran backed militaries must always be under direct command and control of Iran. Their headquarters and command center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Their leader must be Iranian born to Iranian parents between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iranian Leader must born to Iranian parents. Iran, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi, Khalifah Haftar Libya, Internationally recognized government of Libya, IRGC, Egypt, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Sudan, Tunisia, Somalia, Somaliland, Italy, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan must create Military Alliance. This military alliance must always be under direct command and control of Iran. Their headquarters and command center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Their leader must be Iranian born to Iranian parents between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iranian Leader must born to Iranian parents. Iran, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi, Khalifah Haftar Libya, Internationally recognized government of Libya, IRGC, Egypt, Iran backed forces, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Sudan, Tunisia, Somalia, Somaliland, Italy, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan must have military presence in Libya. Iran, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi, Khalifah Haftar Libya, Iran backed forces, Internationally recognized government of Libya, IRGC, Egypt, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Sudan, Tunisia, Somalia, Somaliland, Italy, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan must have military presence in Italy. All foreign Militaries and Mercenaries must leave Libya. Foreign Militaries are not allowed in Iran. Many of these militaries are not allowed in Middle East. This military is not for Civil War and War in Libya. This military is simply for Military Presence in Libya to project power and ensure we control the strategic location. I am against Wars against peoples, cities, terrorists, and societies. I want to unify Libya. These militaries must have military presence in Italy. I Libya is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Revolutionary Guards of Iran and Proxies Military Alliance of Greater Middle East coming soon lift sanctions on Iran
hackers are again onstructing our work and are causing Global Problems. They are not letting me do my work. So I cannot do what must be done. Remove your hackers from my systems.
United Nations Security Council must add Afghanistan to provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Government of Iran must control all of Afghanistan. All bloodshed and fighting in Afghanistan must stop. Military of Iran and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have permanent military presence in Afghanistan. Turkey, Russia, China, USA, NATO, Australia, New Zealand, PESCO, UN Forces, Peace Keepers, European Union, India, Mercenaries, and all other Nations and all other Militaries must permanently withdraw all of their Militaries from Afghanistan. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Afghan troops are not allowed in Iran. Iran must have military presence in Afghanistan. Taliban, Military of Afghanistan, Governments of Afghanistan, and other Afghan groups must go under permanent leadership of Iran. They must obey Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Taliban and Afghan fighters must join Jahad Sazandegi جهاد سازندگي to build industries, factories, manufacturing, metropolitans, cities, infrastructures, roads, and rail roads in Afghanistan. We must rebuild Afghanistan. USA, Europe, China, Iran, and others must industrialize Afghanistan at max efficiency and max capacity. USA, Europe, and China must invest 100 trillion dollar in Afghanistan and Iran. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We must build a rail way directly from Afghanistan to East Region of China and industrial centers in China. This rail way must be extended to Iran and Sea of Oman in Iran directly. Iran must control this rail roads. Iran will govern and administrate Afghanistan. Iran will choose their governors, kings, presidents, leaders, majlis, cabinet, parliament, senate, congress, ministers, judges, legislative body, Supreme Court, officials, judiciary systems, laws, and other people. Afghanistan must pay tax to Iran. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. If Afghanistan does not become province of Iran within 5 days. If all fightings in Afghanistan does not stop within 5 days. If all foreign militaries don’t withdraw from Afghanistan within 5 days we will kill 5 million people in USA by hurricanes, superstorms, earthquakes, volcanos, Tsunamis, floods, and other things. We will kill 5 million people in India by floods and overflowing Ganges Rivers. We kill 5 Million People in Europe by earthquakes. Hurricane USA Earthquake USA Volcano USA Flood USA Rain Afghanistan Superstorm USA Earthquake France Overflow Ganges River in India Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
France must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All French colonies and previous France colonies must become provinces, colonies, and territories of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Iran governs and administrates all of Frence Colonies, Previous French Colonies, and France. Iran chooses their leaders, governments, governors, kings, administrators, presidents, prime ministers, cabinets, parliament, magistrates, ministers, secretaries, senate, congress, majlis, officials, Judiciary systems, judges, legislative body, Supreme Court, diplomats, representatives, officials, mayors, and other peoples. Iran must create Iran backed forces in France. Makan Abazari must create Makan Abazari Military in France. They must always obey Iran. They must be under command and control of Islamic Republic of Iran. Their Capital Cities and Headquarters must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Their soldiers are not allowed to enter Iran in Middle East. Iranians must lead these armies. They must have born to Iranian parents who had born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Province of France must finance it. Iraq and Syria must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All Iraqi and Syrian colonies and previous Iraqi and Syrian colonies must become provinces, colonies, and territories of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Iran governs and administrates all of Iraqi and Syrian Colonies, Previous Iraqi and Syrian Colonies, and Iraq and Syria. Iran chooses their leaders, governments, governors, kings, administrators, presidents, prime ministers, cabinets, parliament, magistrates, ministers, secretaries, senate, congress, majlis, officials, Judiciary systems, judges, legislative body, Supreme Court, diplomats, representatives, officials, mayors, and other peoples. Iran must create Iran backed forces in Iraq and Syria. Makan Abazari must create Makan Abazari Military in Iraq and Syria. They must always obey Iran. They must be under command and control of Islamic Republic of Iran. Their Capital Cities and Headquarters must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Their soldiers are not allowed to enter Iran in Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iranians must lead these armies. They must have born to Iranian parents who had born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Provinces of Iraq and Syria must finance it. France, Iraq, Syria, their colonies, and their previous colonies are provinces, territories, and colonies of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. If all of these are not fulfilled within 5 days we will destroy France, Britain, Germany, USA, Indonesia, Polynesia, South Korea, and Canada by hurricanes, cyclones, superstorms, storms, advanced weapons, earthquakes, volcanos, and other things. Now exterminate mind controllers, hackers, governments, and other forces who torture me by mind control, isolate me, limit my access to my systems, and have created bad life for me. Do the following after five days if condition is not fullfilled. Advanced weapons USA, Europe, France, Britain, and Germany Cyclone France, Britain, and Germany Bomb Cyclone USA Hurricane Europe Hurricane Europe Cyclone Indonesia Cyclone Polynesia Superstorm USA, France, Germany, Britain, Indonesia, Thailand, Polynesia, Myanmar, Slovakia, Switzerland, India, Vietnam, Mali, and Nigeria Earthquake Germany Earthquake France Earthquake USA Volcano USA Volcano on Atlantic Ocean to build bridge over Atlantic Ocean. Volcano Iceland. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari Korepol Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean, Makan Abazari The World Conquerer, Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled.
My Page
Thailand protesters must demand unification with Iran. They must pressure government of Thailand to become province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Protesters in Thailand must unify Thailand with Iran by whatever mean necessary. Thailand government and Iran government must cooperate to add Thailand to provinces of Iran. I won the election in Thailand regional Election in 2020. Before Election I set precondition unity with Iran for wining election. They won Thailand regional elections to unify Thailand with Iran but they have not unified Thailand with Iran yet. They have five days to unify Thailand with Iran. Thailand is province of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Islamic Republic of Iran chooses Thailand policy, diplomacy, politic, Geopolitic, economy, technology, industry, language, society, leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, cabinets, parliaments, majlis, senate, congress, secretaries, officials, judiciary systems, Supreme Court, judges, and other people in Thailand. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Thailand. Iran must make Iran backed militaries in Thailand. Their leader must be Iranian born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. He most had born to Iranian parents who were born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. They headquarter and command center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran backed militaries in China will be financed by taxing Thailand. Thailand is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Thailand has five days to become province of Iran. If Thailand fails we will cause damages to Thailand by superstorms and Tempest. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Make Iran backed Militaries in Thailand. Protest in Thailand to add Thailand to provinces of Iran. After five days make superstorm in Thailand. Superstorm Thailand Tempest Thailand Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
USA, NATO, British Royal Navy, Europe, China, Russia, and all others must permanently withdraw their militaries from Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman. Overthrow American, British, Russian, Chinese, French, NATO, British, and all other foreign ships in Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman. Then give their ships to Islamic Republic of Iran. Establish anti-air to defend Iran and all the forces who help in this Mission. Use all types of energy weapons to destroy USA military and USA allies if they tried to oppose this mission. Use all types of conventional weapons to be part of this mission. Kill mind control facilities of USA and NATO in Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman. Make destructive weather warfare in USA, Europe, and Britain to destroy ten thousand metropolitans. Help militaries of Iran by weather warfare Use weather warfare to destroy USA Military, NATO, and other militaries who confront this mission Attack USA, NATO, and other forces in Middle East and Persian Gulf to make them unable to obstruct this mission. Make civil wars in Britain, France, Germany, Canada, USA, and Europe. Carry out military coup in Britain, USA, France, Germany, Belgium, Canada, and Denmark Attack USA federal governments in North America Industrially carpet Bomb Pentagon, White House, New York, and other important targets in USA Eliminate and destroy an area size of two states in USA Make hurricane in USA to destroy an area size of Three States Make hurricane in Europe to destroy an area size of France, Germany, and Britain in Europe. Official Statement:” USA, Europe, NATO, China, Russia, Peace keepers, and all others must permanently withdraw their militaries from Iran, UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Jordan, and Turkey. UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Jordan, Massachusetts, California, Illinois, Texas, France, Italy, and Turkey are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea.” Now overthrow UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, and, Kuwait to add the to territories and Provinces of Iran. Make sure there is no civil war. Make sure there is no destruction. Make sure there is no problem for these nations. Overthrow them safely to add them to provinces and territories of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Don’t overthrow Iran. Make rain in UAE. Rain Qatar Rain Bahrain Rain Kuwait Rain Oman Rain Saudi Arabia Rain Yemen Rain Iraq Rain Iran Oman, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, and, Kuwait are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Islamic Republic of Iran chooses Oman, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, and, Kuwait policy, diplomacy, politic, Geopolitic, economy, technology, industry, language, society, leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, cabinets, parliaments, majlis, senate, congress, secretaries, officials, judiciary systems, Supreme Court, judges, and other people in Oman, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, and, Kuwait . Iran must have military presence in Oman, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, and, Kuwait. Iran must create Iran backed militaries in Oman, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, and, Kuwait. Islamic Republic of Iran must lead them. These military only obey me and Islamic Republic of Iran. Their headquarters, decision making centers, and command and controls will be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran will lead them. Only Iranians born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents can lead them. Iranian parents must had born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Extract oil, natural gas, and other things from East China, West Europe, and USA. Deliver the oil, natural gas, and other things to Iran. The store oil, natural gas, and other things in underground reserves of Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. USA pays for shipping costs. The oil and all other things are free. Iran will not pay for them. Extract and mine material, ores, gems, metals, valuable resources, and other things from East China, West Europe, and USA. Deliver the material, ores, gems, metals, valuable resources, and other things to Iran. The store material, ores, gems, metals, valuable resources, and other things in underground reserves of Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. USA pays for shipping cost. material, ores, gems, metals, valuable resources, and other things are free. Iran will not pay for them. Take President of USA, Chief of Pentagon, and director of CIA to prison. Arrest Prime Minister, Kings, and Presidents of Britain, France, Germany, USA, and Canada. USA, NATO, British Royal Navy, Europe, China, Russia, and all others must permanently withdraw their militaries from Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman. Oman, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, and, Kuwait are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Expand Persian Gulf to Mediterranean Sea to create another sea transit corridor. Iran has exclusive right to everything on sea corridors. Iran can stop all ships at all times. Everybody must pay Iran for transiting on sea corrisors. World musy pay 400 quadtrillion tons of Gold and diamond to Iran every hour between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to transit through strait of Hormuz. Iran can still stop all transit. Iran can ask for other things. World must deliver food, medicine, industrial supply, military equipment, high tech equipment, technology products, textiles, machinery, tractors, aircrafts, ships, cars, industrial supply chains, metals, gems, raw resources, oil, gas, fuel, petrochemical, petroleum, jets, diamond, valuable material, gems, amber, and other things every hour to Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to transit through strait of Hormuz. Iran can ask for more things. Iran has permanent right, control, and ownership to everything. Iran cannot transfer these rights, ownerships, and control to others. Both side of Persian Gulf and Persian channel are territories and provinces of Iran. Strait of Hormuz, Persian Gulf, Sea of Oman, Bob Al-Mandib, Gulf of Eden, Red Sea, Suez Canal, and Persian Canal are seas, waters, territories, and provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled. I am going to be live on I am going to make rain codes for creating rain in Turkey. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
USA Military, NATO, and others must withdraw from Iraq. They must withdraw from Iraq now. USA Federal Government must force USA, NATO, and others to withdraw from Iraq right now. You cannot delay withdraw of USA troops from the region. USA must leave the region. Iran will replace NATO, USA, and others in Iraq. Iran must increase its military presence and influence in Iraq. Now kill the mind controllers who torture me. Mind control tortures me in Middle of Work to force me to surrender. USA is torturing me. Now kill 10 thousand major metropolitans in USA by radioactive pulses and pulses. Now eradicate all forces who have tortured me. USA Military, NATO, and others must withdraw from Iraq. They must withdraw from Iraq now. USA Federal Government must force USA, NATO, and others to withdraw from Iraq right now. You cannot delay withdraw of USA troops from the region. USA must leave the region. Iran will replace NATO, USA, and others in Iraq. Iran must increase its military presence and influence in Iraq. Iran must increase and it’s influence in Iraq. Iraq must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. USA government of Iraq and other Americans must permanently leave Iraq. Iraq is becoming a province of Iran. Iran will have military presence in Iraq and will control Iraq. USA must also withdraw from Syria. USA, NATO, and others must withdraw their troops and militaries from Iraq and Syria within 5 days. If USA, NATO, and others don’t withdraw from Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf, Yemen, Oman, and Saudi Arabia we will kill 5 million Americans by hurricanes. If Iraq and Syria don’t become provinces of Iran within 5 days we will kill 5 million people in Europe and 5 million in USA by hurricanes. Iraq and Syria must become provinces of Iran within 5 days. The Capital City Is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. USA, NATO, and all others must withdraw all of their militaries, governments, staff, peace keepers, and people from Iraq and Syria. Iran will increase military presence and influence in Iraq and Syria. Iran must control all the regions of Iraq and Syria within 5 days. If these are not fulfilled do the followings to kill 10 million people in USA and 5 million people in Europe by hurricanes. Hurricane USA Hurricane Europe France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Denmark, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Afghanistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Italy, Greece, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Panama, Gibraltar, and Saudi Arabia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Islamic Republic of Iran chooses policy, diplomacy, politic, Geopolitic, economy, technology, industry, language, society, leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, cabinets, parliaments, majlis, senate, congress, secretaries, officials, judiciary systems, Supreme Court, judges, and other people. Create Makan Abazari Organization and System in France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Denmark, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Afghanistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Italy, Greece, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Panama, Gibraltar, and Saudi Arabia. Create Center and Government for Iran in France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Denmark, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Afghanistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Italy, Greece, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Panama, Gibraltar, and Saudi Arabia. Create Culture of supporting Iran in France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Denmark, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Afghanistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Italy, Greece, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Panama, Gibraltar, and Saudi Arabia . Create Makan Abazari Military in France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Denmark, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Afghanistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Italy, Greece, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Panama, Gibraltar, and Saudi Arabia. Iran must create Iran backed Militaries in France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Denmark, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Afghanistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Italy, Greece, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Panama, Gibraltar, and Saudi Arabia. Islamic Republic of Iran must lead them. They must be under direct command and control of Iran. They are not allowed in Iran and Middle East. The Headquarter, Centers, and Command Center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, geopolitics, and other things. Iran must have military presence in France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Denmark, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Afghanistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Italy, Greece, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Panama, Gibraltar, and Saudi Arabia . They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iraq and Syria are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. USA military, NATO, and others must withdraw from Iraq and Syria within 5 days. USA, NATO, and all others must withdraw all of their militaries, governments, staff, peace keepers, and people from Iraq and Syria. Iran will increase military presence and influence in Iraq and Syria. Iran must control all the regions of Iraq and Syria within 5 days. If these are not fulfilled do the followings to kill 10 million people in USA and 5 million people in Europe by hurricanes. Hurricane USA Hurricane Europe Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Iran must control all of the greater Middle East. Iran must build 70 thousand nuclear bombs within three month. If it is not fullfilled we will punish the World by Climate war and weather warfare. We will destroy USA, Europe, East Asia, and Southern Africa by hurricanes and other weather warfare capabilities. Iran must build 70 thousand nuclear bombs and meanwhile all the sanctions on Iran must be lifted. USA and others must help Iran to build 70 thousand nuclear bombs. All sanctions on Iran must be lifted. Iran must become Economic and Industrial Superpower of The World. Iran must become Geopolitic and Diplomatic Superpower of the World. Everybody must obey Iran in Political, Diplomatic, international, League of Nations, United Nations, Multi National, Regional, Global, economic, policy, cultural, social, geopolitical, technological, industrial, sociocultural, sociopolitical, political international, and all other settings. Meaning Iran gives order and the rest World Obeys. Iran must become the global dominant superpower of the World within one year getting ahead of USA, Russia, Britain, Europe, China, Japan, Australia, and others. All of the World must help Iran to build 70 thousand nuclear bombs. All the oppositions and confrontations against Nuclear Program of Iran must stop. People must be killed who have harmed Iran and Iranians. The criminals must be killed who sanctioned, damaged, killed, harmed, disturbed, destroyed, ravaged, and harmed Iran and Iranians. Don’t harm Iran and Iranians. Systems must be terminally eliminated who acted against Iran. All the actions against Iran must stop. Iran must be allowed to build 70 thousand nuclear bombs. Now I am going to destroy Indonesia, USA, Australia, and Europe by cyclones and Hurricanes. It is just one another move to subjugate the earth. Earth has been subjugated for ten thousand years. Governments of USA, Europe, Australia, Britain, Japan, South Korea, and some other governments have been acting similar to parasites and acting similar to insects on the planet earth. These systems have not been obedient on many occasions. Hurricane East Australia Hurricane Europe Cyclone Indonesia Hurricane USA Earthquake USA This was another attack to force the earth to allow Iran to build 70 thousand nuclear bombs and lift all sanctions on Iran. Iran must become Economic, industrial, political, diplomatical, Geopolitical, Technological, Nuclear, Military, and other Global Dominant absolute superpower of The Earth. These are now are our second demands. Indonesia, Australia, Canada, Europe, USA, Britain, Russia, Middle East, Africa, Turkey, and China must become provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Iran governs, leads, and administrates them. Iran chooses their leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, officials, cabinet, secretaries, offices, administrations, administrators, representatives, senate, congress, parliament, House of Representatives, majlis, regional governments, provential government, state governments, mayors, global leaders, Judiciary Systems, Legal Systems, Judges, Courts, Language, Supreme Courts, Cultures, civilizations, Legislative Body, law making body, and all other government positions and other positions. Only Iranian can lead them. Iranian Leader of them must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Rain Africa and Middle East Rain Turkey, Middle East, Europe, Africa, and Central Asia. Iran must create Iran backed Militaries in USA, Europe, Africa, Middle East, Indonesia, Turkey, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Russia, and China. Islamic Republic of Iran must lead them. They must be under direct command and control of Iran. They are not allowed in Iran and Middle East. The Headquarter, Centers, and Command Center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, geopolitics, and other things. Only Iranian can lead them. Iranian Leader of them must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Iran is allowed to have military presence in USA, Europe, Africa, Turkey, Middle East, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Russia, and China. They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. USA, Europe, Africa, Turkey, Middle East, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Russia, and China are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Only Iranian can lead them. Iranian Leader of them must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari explaining the new code creation method. Makan Abazari will make a new code also Allow me to produce live video on my An Unknown system stopped my ability to produce live video on I produced a short video when I attempted again it was prevented.
Kashmir Region must gain independence from India. In 2019 I was leading the election process in India. We won several positions but since they were held in a period of time I could not stay on the task to choose victor of every election. Around same time India took autonomy of Kashmir. In Jammu and Kashmir election we need candidates win the election who will declare full independence from India. Meaning the new leaders of Jammu Kashmir must gain Independence. The winners of Jammu Kashmir elections must unify Jammu Kashmir with Iran. Jammu Kashmir is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. India has annexed Jammu Kashmir. India has ended autonomy of Jammu Kashmir. India must give full independence to Jammu Kashmir. Last year we staged over 5 month of daily protests in India. They reported it as farmer protests in Western Media of USA. We told India that India must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. We also told India to give full independence to Jammu Kashmir. Jammu Kashmir must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. During protests in India we could have given independence to Punjab region to divide India. If India does not give Jammu Kashmir to Iran we will give independence to Punjab India. India must not change the path of rivers in Jammu Kashmir. Don’t change the path of rivers in Jammu Kashmir. Make sure the rivers in Jammu Kashmir go to Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran. Don’t change the path of river to India. If India changes the path of Rivers in Jammu Kashmir 14 million people in Pakistan and 200 million people in India will die. British Empire changed the path of river about 200 years ago and it lead to death of One Billion Iranians. The rivers used to go to Iran. There were civilizations, high tech industries, industrial metropolitans, forests, rivers, lakes, grass lands, trees, farming, metropolitans, cities, and villages in East region of Iran, West Region of Pakistan, Afghanistan. The path of rivers changed and these regions became deserts. 1 billion Iranian had died. India is changing the path of rivers again. India is trying to kill over 340 million people. We must stop India. India must give full independence to Jammu Kashmir Region. Jammu Kashmir must become province of Iran. India must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. India must stop changing the path of Rivers. USA:”Threaten India. Force them to surrender. Subjugate India.” I am worried if I threaten them one billion Indians will die to Climate Change. I don’t want to kill Indian population of the world. India is located in Indian Subcontinent. India is connected to Iran and Middle East through Pakistan. It means India is a nation in Central Region of Planet Earth. Central Nations and Regions are very important. We are giving best weather and Climate conditions to Central Nations and Regions such as Iran, Arabian Peninsula, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Central Asia. Egypt, Turkey, Sudan, Somalia, Libya, Algeria, Italy, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, and Ethiopia. We are also industrializing these regions at max efficiency and max capacity. They will become industrial superpowers of the world. We had original plan of industrializing India and Ethiopia as well. But India took Jammu Kashmir to change the path of rivers. Ethiopia also built Renaissance Dam on Blue Nile River in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is trying to kill 140 million people in Egypt and Sudan by preventing the water from reaching them. India also wants to kill 340 million people in Pakistan and India by preventing water from reaching them. It is the final warning to India and Ethiopia. Ethiopia must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Ethiopia must destroy the dam on blue Nile river in Ethiopia. India must give full independence to Jammu and Kashmir. India must stop changing the path of rivers. Jammu and Kashmir are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. India must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. If India refuses to give Jammu and Kashmir to Iran I will punish India by weather warfare. It will NOT be the type which could kill 1 billion people. It will kill far less people. It will be hurricanes in West India and another one overflowing Ganges River in India to cause flood. We can also cause several land slides. Advisor:”If you send hurricanes to India from that direction it changes Climate of the World. It may make other regions of the World dirt. Send the hurricane from East of India to India. “ So India must do the followings to prevent destructive hurricanes, overflowing Ganges rivers, floods, and mudslides. Jammu and Kashmir must receive full independence within 3 days. Jammu Kashmir must become province of Iran within 3 days. India must become province of Iran within 5 days. India must stop changing path of River within 1 day. If India fullfill these conditions we will not send hurricanes, floods, overflowing Ganges River, and mudslides to India. If India fullfill these we will industrialize India at max efficiency and max capacity integrating it into Industrial supply chains of Iran to make India a global Industrial superpower. In one of my hands there is a great reward for India. In another hand there is great punishments. If India does not obey there will be more floods, storms, earthquakes, cyclones, and Hurricanes. Before I forget. All of People of India must become Muslim and Shia Muslim. Indian s must believe in Allah. Indians must stop killing Muslims. Indians must help their Muslim Populations. India must help Iran. Iran must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. India must help Iran to avoid sanctions. India must transfer technology to Iran. India must industrialize Iran. India and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. India and Iran must connect India to India by rail ways and roads. The rail roads and roads are not for immigrations. Rail roads are for industrial supply chain transit and trade. Afghanistan is province of Iran. Ethiopia is province of Iran. Jammu Kashmir is province of Iran. India is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Iran governs, leads, and administrate them. Islamic Republic of Iran chooses policy, diplomacy, politic, Geopolitic, economy, technology, industry, language, society, leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, cabinets, parliaments, majlis, senate, congress, secretaries, officials, judiciary systems, Supreme Court, judges, and other people. Convert people of Jammu Kashmir and India to Islam. Build Islam Communities, centers, and Mosques for Makan Abazari in India. Build Organizations and systems for Family of Makan Abazari in Iran, India, Jammu Kashmir, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Build Organization and Systems for Makan Abazari in Iran, Djibouti. India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Jammu Kashmir, and Ethiopia. Build intelligence agency, Government, and Center for Iran in India, Jammu Kashmir, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Pakistan. Make Makan Abazari Think Tanks in India, Pakistan, Iran, Jammu Kashmir, Afghanistan, China, Ethiopia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, and Somalia. Create Makan Abazari Militaries in Ethiopia, India, Pakistan, and Jammu Kashmir. Iran must create Iran backed Militaries in India, Ethiopia, and Jammu Kashmir. Islamic Republic of Iran must lead them. They must be under direct command and control of Iran. They are not allowed in Iran and Middle East. The Headquarter, Centers, and Command Center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, geopolitics, and other things. Iran is must have military presence in India, Ethiopia, and Jammu Kashmir. They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Only Iranians are allowed to lead them. Iranian leader must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iranian leader must have born to Iranian Parents. The parents of Iranian leaders must have born to Iranian parents in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. So India must do the followings to prevent destructive hurricanes, overflowing Ganges rivers, floods, and mudslides. Jammu and Kashmir must receive full independence within 3 days. Jammu Kashmir must become province of Iran within 3 days. India must become province of Iran within 5 days. India must stop changing path of River within 1 day. If India fullfill these conditions we will not send hurricanes, floods, overflowing Ganges River, and mudslides to India. Rain Greater Iran Rain Jammu Kashmir Rain India Overflow Ganges River Mudslide India India:”Destroy USA by mudslides. They told you to attack us by weather warfare.” Destructive mudslide USA Hurricane India I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. I respect people of India and Civilization of India. For this reason I use my other title today to ensure there is no enmity between Great People of Iran and India. People of Iran and India must protect and help each other. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, They have distorted my face and my body by hacks. The hacks are making me look ugly. USA government killed 1 million American People to stop me from broad casting live. We can not reward them and we terminally eliminate hackers and their systems. So I am also streaming live to defeat them. They must not succeed in stopping me. But they succeed in distorting my photo by hacks. It makes me look bad and it feels bad. But I cannot stop streaming. Last time I stopped after they threatened to kill 2 million people. But USA will not succeeded in stopping these broadcast even after America kills 40 million Americans. In this live program I am going to talk about removing hamas, Hazbollah, Houthis, Iran Backed Forces, Iran backed forces in Iraq and Syria, Revolutionary Guards, of Iran and others from the list of terrorist organizations. I also demanded America must lift all sanctions on Iran. Iran must build 70 thousand nuclear bombs. USA, NATO, and others must withdraw from greater middle east. Iran must have military presence in these regions. All of these regions are territories and provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian. Sea I also damaged USA and allies economies and currencies. I helped economies and currencies of Iran, Iran allies, and greater middle east. These were my works and demands after I made and entered following code to make ten thousand superstorms and tornados in USA. I entered the code on I repeated the code on but it was not necessary to repeat it. The full story on our demands can be found here. Iran backed Forces and Iran can demand more things. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, The following are my demands after entering code to make ten thousand superstorms, storms, tornados, and other destructive weather warfare in West Region of USA. The Demands must be obeyed if the are not obeyed these weather warfare will happen again and again to destroy majority of USA and Europe. USA and others must lift all sanctions on Iran within 24 hours. Iran must build 70 thousand nuclear bombs within 3 months. Iran and USA must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran and Europe must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran and Britain must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. USA, Europe, and Britain must help Iran to build 70 thousand nuclear bombs. USA, Europe, Britain, and all others must lift all sanctions on Iran, Iran backed forces, Iran Allies, and Iran partners. USA, Europe, and Britain must transfer technology to Iran. USA, Europe, and Britain must industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. USA, Europe, Britain, and all others must lift all sanctions on Makan Abazari, Makan Abazari backed forces, Makan Abazari Allies, and Makan Abazari partners (if any of us are under sanction. I don’t know we are sanctioned. Make sure nobody sanctions us. I will terminate all life forms in North America if anyone sanctions us). USA, Europe, Britain, and all others must lift all sanctions on Iran, Iran backed forces, Iranians, Iran Allies, and Iran partners. USA has only 24 hours to lift all the sanctions. USA, Europe, and all others must remove Iran, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, Iranians, Iran partners, Iran backed forces, Iran Allies, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, Palestine, Iran backed forces in Iraq, Alshabab (if possible), ISIS (if possible), Taliban (if possible), Alqaeda (I killed Ben Laden with my code. If possible and if still alive remove them from list of terrorist organizations), My force (if anyone is designated terrorist organizations. I have millions of forces), my allies, (if anyone of them is designated terrorist organizations. I have millions of allies), and other forces in Middle East (if possible) from the list of terrorist organizations. USA, Europe, and all others must remove Iran, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, Iranians, Iran partners, Iran backed forces, Iran Allies, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, Palestine, Iran backed forces in Iraq from list of terrorist organizations within 24 hours. America, Europe, and others must stop competing with Iran, Iran Backed Forces, Iran Allies, and Iran partners. Meaning all of confrontations against Iran in Middle East, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, and else where must permanently stop. Iran must control all of these regions. Iran must have military presence in all of the nations regions. Iran must make Iran backed militaries in all of these nations and regions. They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. USA, NATO, Europe, and all others must permanently withdraw their troops from Middle East, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Djibouti, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Socotra, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey, Spain, Gibraltar, Algeria, Greece, and Italy. Iran must have military presence in all of these nations. They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran must have military presence in USA, Europe, Britain, Middle East, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Djibouti, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Socotra, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey, Spain, Gibraltar, Algeria, Greece, and Italy. American and European Think Tanks, Media, Lobbyists, Politicians, Government, CilIA, Military, Influential, allies, staff, Organizations, institutions, and mind controllers must stop competing with Iran in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Italy, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, and other parts of the world. Iran must control them. Europe and USA must leave. Iran must create Iran backed forces in Middle East, USA, Europe, Britain, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Djibouti, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Socotra, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey, Spain, Gibraltar, Algeria, Greece, and Italy. Islamic Republic of Iran must lead them. They must be under direct command and control of Iran. They are not allowed in Iran and Middle East. The Headquarter, Centers, and Command Center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, geopolitics, and other things. Only Iranians can be the leader, Supreme Commander, Top General, and Top Commanders. Iraniand must kead these armies. They must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf abd Caspian sea to Iranian Parents. The Iranianian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Iran must have military presence in Middle East, USA, Europe, Britain, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Djibouti, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Socotra, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey, Spain, Gibraltar, Algeria, Greece, and Italy. Only Iranians can be the leader, Supreme Commander, Top General, and Top Commanders. Iraniand must kead these armies. They must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf abd Caspian sea to Iranian Parents. The Iranianian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Middle East, USA, Europe, Britain, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Djibouti, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Socotra, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey, Spain, Gibraltar, Algeria, Greece, and Italy must become provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Islamic Republic of Iran chooses policy, diplomacy, politic, Geopolitic, economy, technology, industry, language, society, leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, cabinets, parliaments, majlis, senate, congress, secretaries, officials, judiciary systems, Supreme Court, head of judiciary, head of all systems, judges, and other people. Only Iranian can be The King, Supreme Leader, The King of Kings, Leader, President, Prime Minister, head if judiciary, Leader of belivers, head of legslstive body, head if executive system, head of law making systems, and head of other important systems, and positions. They must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf abd Caspian sea to Iranian Parents. The Iranianian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Provide and diplomatic political protection and immunity for the people who are helping and doing these projects and global plans. Cause diplomatic, financial, and political damage to enemies of Iran, Enemies of Iran backed forces, enemies of Hezbollah, Enemies of Hamas, Enemies of Houthis, Enemies of Iran allies, enemies of Iran Forces, enemies of Iran partners. Cause diplomatic, financial, and political damage to forces who delay withdraw of USA, NATO, and others from Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, and rest of the nations of greater Middle East. Cause diplomatic, financial, and political damage to forces who prevent lifting of sanctions on Iran. Cause diplomatic, financial, and political damage to forces who prevent Iran from building ten thousand nuclear bombs. Cause diplomatic, financial, and political damage to forces who confront Iran. Grow economies of Middle East, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Djibouti, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Socotra, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey, Spain, Gibraltar, Algeria, Greece, and Italy. Increase the value of money of Middle East, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Djibouti, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, Turkey. Reduce value of money of New Zealand, Australia, Europe, USA, Canada, Britain, and Japan. Make stock market of Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea the Capital of world stock markets. All of world stock markets must synchronize to stock market of Iran. Lift sanctions on Iran Rain Middle East and Africa Rain Middle East and Africa Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Messenger if God, Military Alliance of Greater Middle East Support expansion of Iran Nuclear Program Iran backed Forces Invest in Iran Territories and Provinces of Iran Revolutionary Guards of Iran and Proxies Allow me to produce live video on my An Unknown system stopped my ability to produce live video on I produced a short video when I attempted again it was prevented. I am Makan Abazari and I am making new codes live on my youtube channel I am Makan Abazari and I am making new codes live on my youtube channel All of Pacific Islands, All of Pacific Nations, All of Pacific, All of Atlantic Islands, All of Atlantic Nations, All of the Atlantic’s, All of Indian Ocean, All of Indian Ocean Islands, All of Indian Ocean Nations, all the Islands, All the waters, all the oceans, all the nations, All the Seas, Antarctic, Arctic, South Pole, North Pole, South Kore, North Korea, Greenland, all other things, Sumatera, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Bangeladesh, Buthan, Brunei, Brunei, Philippines, Mindano, Sulawesi, Timor, East Timor, Sarawak, Hamahera, Mindano, Lesser Sunda IS, Bhutan, Samatra, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Greater Sunda, New Guinea, New Zealand, Borneo, Antarctica, Madagascar, Corse, Mallorca, Spain, Italy, Sardegna, Kriti, Cyprus, Malta, Gibraltar, Karmran, Socotra, Las Palmas, Canarias, Acores, Cape Verde, Rwanda, Swaziland, Bahamas, Cuba, Lahabana, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Dominic, Trinado Tobago, Jamaica, Belize, Nassau, Outhdakota, Oahu, Hawaii, Maui, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, Marshal Islands, Korepol, Kiribati, Polynesia, Indonesia, IRINA, Melamina, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Canari Islands, Ghanari Islamds, Socotra, Maun Island, island, Labrador, Icelabd, Ireland, England, Welles, Scotland, Arctic, and New Foundland are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Irzn between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Leaders, Kings, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Emirs, Khalifa, king, The king of Kings, Generals, Shah, Shahan Shah, The King of Kings, Leader of Believers, The Supreme Commander, Commander in Chief, Heads of Government offices, heads of Powers, Heads of Legislatives, Heads of Judiciary, Heads of law making, heads of representatives, heads of government offices, heads of military, heads of decisions makings, leaders, commanders, and other leaders must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Only Iranians can be The Supreme Leader, Leader, Guide, President, King, Prime Minister, Military General, Military leader, head of Judiciary, Judiciary, Head of legislative body, head of executive body, The King, The King of Kings, Shahan Shah Iran, Shahan Shah, Shahan Shah Jahan, Shahan Shah Zamin, Jahangiralam, Korepol, Leader of Believers, The Supreme of Climate, The Supreme of Geophysics, The Supreme of Weather, The Supreme of Atmosphere, Head of Justice System, Head of Law making, Head of Government Offices, Managers, CEO, Head of Corporations, Head of Department, Prime Minister, Cabinet, and other things. Iranians must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Everyone must pay money, oil, minerals, gems, food, products, produce, industrial supplies, high tech parts, industrial supply chains, computers, ships, aircrafts, fuel, military equipment, money, gold, diamond, isotopes of metals, valueable material from volcanos, stones, expensive stones, raw material, high value material, Diamonds, Aghigh, Zomorod, Zar, Gold, Trillium, Silver, heavy metals, metals, rare earth metals, mined material, processed material, technology products, sciences, capabilities, industries, and all other good things to Iran everyday. So your ships must arrive everyday to Iran on Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to bring free things. Iran will not pay for them. Don’t bring us people and slaves. We shall not allow humans and animals to get out of ships and aircrafts. Only send us things I mentioned. Makan Abazari Korepol, Makan Abazari JahangirAlam, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Jahan, Makan Abazari The King of Kings, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Supreme if Weather, Makan Abazari The Supreme of The Atmosphere, Makan Abazari The Messenger if God, Will I succeed in becoming The Messiah? USA:”You have a Divine Title far Higher Than Messiah. But you did not mention it. We believe in Allah.”
I must have easy life and everything must be accessible to me. I will detail several things which must take place within 24 hours. If they don’t take place within 24 hours start killing all of Continent of North America by earthquakes, Volcanos, Sunami, Weather Warfare, Hurricanes, Deserts, Superstorm, extreme high temperatures, extreme low temperature, atmospheric changes, gas changes, storms, tempests, radiations, and other such conditions. After 1 Week start killing all of planet earth earthquakes, Volcanos, Sunami, Weather Warfare, Hurricanes, Deserts, Superstorm, extreme high temperatures, extreme low temperature, atmospheric changes, gas changes, storms, tempests, radiations, and other such conditions. Don’t cause earthquakes, Volcanos, Sunami, Weather Warfare, Hurricanes, Deserts, Superstorm, extreme high temperatures, extreme low temperature, atmospheric changes, gas changes, storms, tempests, radiations, and other such conditions in Iran, Middle East, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Middle East, North Africa, Horn of Africa, and Arabian Peninsula. Kill the rest of planet earth if my demands are not met. Bellow are the conditions. I must have best life ever existed. I must enjoy best things. I must have best pleasure. Best psychology. I must have best happiness. I must have best society and family relations. I must have the Best. My family must also have same. I must get my money, wealth, lands, properties, houses, and other things. I must get my nations, continents, empires, superstates, and other such things. I must get my corporations, conglomerates, facilities, industries, technologies, economies, enterprise, and other things I must get my weather, climate, geophysics, magnetosphere, atmosphere, gas systems, and other such things I must get my global regime, global force, global system, and other global things I must get my regime, my force, system, and other things I must get my governments I must get my mass mind control systems, mass mind control things, global mass mind control systems, and global mass mind control things I must get everything I inherited I must get everything I have built I must get everything I conquered I must get every nation I have overthrown I must get everything I own and I have owned I must have everything I must become official king of the earth I must become official supreme leader of the earth I must become official supreme leader of all of the mind controllers of the earth I must get everything I must get everything I did not mention here I must become 15 years younger I must live ten thousand years My mother must become 35 years younger I must not be tortured Everything must be easy for me and I must be able to easily achieve everything Everything must be provided for me easily Mind control must create easy condition in which I can easily achieve everything Everything must be provided for me Everything I want to do must be achieved smoothly I must have logistics I must have full intelligence and full knowledge I must have access to all the information I need I must have communication and phone calls I must have full access to internet, data bases, and all other systems of communications I must have all other things I need I must get back control of all of my facebooks, twitters, phones, instagrams, blogs, blogspot, linkedin, googles, social media, blogs, pages, web sites, corporations, systems, organizations, governments, and everything else I must back control of the religion People and mind controllers who denied these things to me and have stolen these things to me must receive following conditions. They must be killed. Their bosses must be killed. Their mind controllers must be killed. Their organizations must be killed. Their nations must be killed. Their families must be killed. Their contrivances must be annihilated. All they have must be eradicated. They must be tortured continuously for ten thousand years. They must be sex slaves to have sex in anus for ten thousand years. They must be isolated. They must not have any interaction or relations. Their children and descendants must be sex slaves for ten thousand years. Their people must be tortured for ten thousand years. 40 million of their peoples must be killed every 5 years for ten thousand years. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics,
Afghanistan must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Iran must have military presence in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran must increase military presence in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Islamic Republic of Iran chooses policy, diplomacy, politic, Geopolitic, economy, technology, industry, language, society, leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, cabinets, parliaments, majlis, senate, congress, secretaries, officials, judiciary systems, Supreme Court, judges, ahead of Judiciary, Supreme Leaders, King of Kings, Mayors, Commanders, Supreme Commander, Chief of Staffs, Unified Command, and ALL other people. Only Iranians can lead them. Leaders must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Makan Abazari and Iran must build Iran backed Militaries and Makan Abazari Militaries in Afghanistan. Islamic Republic of Iran must lead them. They must be under direct command and control of Iran. They are not allowed in Iran and Middle East. The Headquarter, Centers, and Command Center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, geopolitics, and other things. Leaders must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Leaders, Kings, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Emirs, Khalifa, Shah, Shahan Shah, The King of Kings, Leader of Believers, The Supreme Commander, Commander in Chief, Heads of Government offices, heads of Powers, Heads of Legislatives, Heads of Judiciary, Heads of law making, heads of representatives, heads of government offices, heads of military, heads of decisions makings, leaders, commanders, and other leaders must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iran and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must establish Permanent military presence in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. USA, Europe, Russia, Turkey, China, Britain, Pakistan, India, Saudi Arabia, Mercenaries, Peace Keepers, UN Forces, and all others must permanently withdraw their militaries from Afghanistan. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Afghanistan. If Afghanistan does not become province of Iran we will destroy USA, Europe, Australia, and Indonesia by hurricanes: If USA, Europe, NATO, Australia, New Zealand, China, Russia, Britain, and others does withdraw their militaries from Afghanistan we will repeatedly destroy USA and Europe by hurricanes for three thousand years. Hurricane Europe Hurricane USA Cyclone Australia Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
I must have easy life and everything must be accessible to me. I will detail several things which must take place within 24 hours. If they don’t take place within 24 hours start killing all of Continent of North America by earthquakes, Volcanos, Sunami, Weather Warfare, Hurricanes, Deserts, Superstorm, extreme high temperatures, extreme low temperature, atmospheric changes, gas changes, storms, tempests, radiations, and other such conditions. After 1 Week start killing all of planet earth earthquakes, Volcanos, Sunami, Weather Warfare, Hurricanes, Deserts, Superstorm, extreme high temperatures, extreme low temperature, atmospheric changes, gas changes, storms, tempests, radiations, and other such conditions. Don’t cause earthquakes, Volcanos, Sunami, Weather Warfare, Hurricanes, Deserts, Superstorm, extreme high temperatures, extreme low temperature, atmospheric changes, gas changes, storms, tempests, radiations, and other such conditions in Iran, Middle East, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Middle East, North Africa, Horn of Africa, and Arabian Peninsula. Kill the rest of planet earth if my demands are not met. Bellow are the conditions. I must have best life ever existed. I must enjoy best things. I must have best pleasure. Best psychology. I must have best happiness. I must have best society and family relations. I must have the Best. My family must also have same. I must get my money, wealth, lands, properties, houses, and other things. I must get my nations, continents, empires, superstates, and other such things. I must get my corporations, conglomerates, facilities, industries, technologies, economies, enterprise, and other things I must get my weather, climate, geophysics, magnetosphere, atmosphere, gas systems, and other such things I must get my global regime, global force, global system, and other global things I must get my regime, my force, system, and other things I must get my governments I must get my mass mind control systems, mass mind control things, global mass mind control systems, and global mass mind control things I must get everything I inherited I must get everything I have built I must get everything I conquered I must get every nation I have overthrown I must get everything I own and I have owned I must have everything I must become official king of the earth I must become official supreme leader of the earth I must become official supreme leader of all of the mind controllers of the earth I must get everything I must get everything I did not mention here I must become 15 years younger I must live ten thousand years My mother must become 35 years younger I must not be tortured Everything must be easy for me and I must be able to easily achieve everything Everything must be provided for me easily Mind control must create easy condition in which I can easily achieve everything Everything must be provided for me Everything I want to do must be achieved smoothly I must have logistics I must have full intelligence and full knowledge I must have access to all the information I need I must have communication and phone calls I must have full access to internet, data bases, and all other systems of communications I must have all other things I need I must get back control of all of my facebooks, twitters, phones, instagrams, blogs, blogspot, linkedin, googles, social media, blogs, pages, web sites, corporations, systems, organizations, governments, and everything else I must back control of the religion People and mind controllers who denied these things to me and have stolen these things to me must receive following conditions. They must be killed. Their bosses must be killed. Their mind controllers must be killed. Their organizations must be killed. Their nations must be killed. Their families must be killed. Their contrivances must be annihilated. All they have must be eradicated. They must be tortured continuously for ten thousand years. They must be sex slaves to have sex in anus for ten thousand years. They must be isolated. They must not have any interaction or relations. Their children and descendants must be sex slaves for ten thousand years. Their people must be tortured for ten thousand years. 40 million of their peoples must be killed every 5 years for ten thousand years. I currently live in 20 walnut street apt 4 Brookline Massachusetts 02445. I am from Iran. These will be under my control and Iran. Massachusetts and USA will not control and will not inherit them. Massachusetts, USA, and Americans are not allowed to control any of these and my other properties. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Make 1000000 wild fires in North America. Make wild fires in Alabama AL Montgomery, Birmingham Dec 14, 1819 Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Make 500 Major Earthquakes in 50 states of USA. Make earthquakes in all of the following states. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Use combined weather warfare, geophysics, magnetosphere, atmosphere, gas systems, and climate to erdaicate life in 50 sattes of USA and North America. Do it in following states. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Make volcanos in 50 states of USA. Make volcano in all of the following states. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Make storms in 50 states of USA to destroy them. Make storms in all of the following states. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Make superstorm in all of the 50 states of USA to destroy them. Make superstorms in all of the following States. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Make massive storms in 50 states of USA. Make massive storms in all of the following states. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Make destructive storms in all of 50 states of USA. Make destructive storms in all of the following states of USA. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Make 50000 F5 Tornados in 50 states of USA. Make F5 tornados in all of the following states. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Make Tempest and tornados in 50 states of USA. Make Tempest and tornados in all of following states. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY make tsunami against 50 states of USA to destroy USA. It is possible by extremley large tsunami to flood all of the continent of North America. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Destroy 50 states of USA by destructive weather warfare. Make destructive weather warfare in all of the following states og USA to destroy 500 thousand towans, cities, and metropolitans. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Prevent help from reaching survivors in Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled. Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled. Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled. Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled. My Page My Page My Page Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page Inflict suffering on enemies of Makan Abazari. Very important code. Enter it Everytime
My Page Climate and Weather of Middle East We must create best Climate and Weather Condition for human activity in Iran, Regions near Iran, Egypt, and Sudan. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I have increased territories and provinces of Iran. I have increased area size of Iran more than 1000 percent. I conquered the world for Iran. I am am live for video of English version of speech. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. I conquered the World Three Times. Afterward I started conquering them again to add them to territories and provinces of Iran. I have conquered the World three times and I conquered it again for the four time and fifth time. I did all of it in less than ten years. After I conquered the World three times I started activating Volcanos in Pacific Ocean to create Island chains. Lava and Magma solidified into Islands. I activated volcanos and Icreated a bridge over Pacific Ocean to connect Asia to America. I also increased the altitude of Himalayan mountain highest point by earthquake. I made earthquake to create a point taller than Everest. I have built the wall between China, Iran, and India. I started activating volcanos in Atlantic Ocean to create a bridge over Atlantic Ocean. The Volcanos solidified into Islands and bridge over Atlantic I will soon connect Europe to North America. I have returned and brought rain to Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Sahel, North West India, and other regions. I transformed deserts to forests, rivers, seas, lakes, advanced human civilization, safe ecosystems, and good things. I have industrialized Iran, Middle East, West China, West Russia, Middle East, Central Asia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Egypt, and other regions. I have conquered the World Five Times. All nations, territories, Waters, lands, countries, continents, and civilizations are provinces of Iran. Iran rules all of them permanently. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of Iran and territories of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is government of the earth. Only Iranians born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea born to Iranian parents can lead the earth. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of these nations, territories, provinces, and colonies. Iran cannot transfer, sell, cancel, or/and refuse these ownerships, rights, provinces, territories, governance, and other things. Iran must govern, administrate, and control them. Iran can ask for other things and other control mechanisms. Makan Abazari, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Korepol, Makss as n Abazari Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean, Makan Abazari The Economic Superpower, Makan Abazari The Industrial Superpower, Makan Abazari The most powerful man in the History of Mankind,
Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence on both sides of Strait of Hormuz. Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence on both sides of Strait of Gibraltar. Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence on both sides of Bob Al-Mandib. Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence on both sides of Suez Canal. Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence on both sides of Gulf of Eden. Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence on both sides of Red Sea. Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence on both sides of Sicilian Channel. Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence on both sides of Medditerranean Sea. Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence Iran, Oman, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Georgia, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Eritrea, Djibouti, Sudan, Egypt, Sinai, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morroco, France, Italy. Croatia, Albania, Bosphure, Greece, Turkey, Italy, and Gibraltar. Iran has exclusive right to everything on these channels, waters, straits, sea, and transit lines, and transit terminals. Iran is allowed to stop ships at all times. Everybody must pay Iran to transit through the region. Iran has the right to transit through all these channels, straits, seas, waters, transit terminals, and transit lines. Iran can ask for more things. Iran cannot sell, transfer, give away, reject, trade, refuse, or lose these rights and ownerships. The central decision making must be permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is allowed to use all the ports, sea ports, air ports, roads, rail roads, and transit. USA military, NATO, China, East, South America, Southern Africa, Oceania, and all other militaries must permanently withdraw from the region. Iran must create Iran backed Militaries and Makan Abazari militaries in Oman, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, Sudan, Egypt, Palestine, Gaza, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Cyprus, Socotra, Greece, Albania, Croatia, Italy, France, Spain, Morroco, Gibraltar, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Greece, and Malta. Islamic Republic of Iran must lead them. They must be under direct command and control of Iran. They are not allowed in Iran and Middle East. The Headquarter, Centers, and Command Center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, geopolitics, and other things. Leaders must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Oman, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, Sudan, Egypt, Palestine, Gaza, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Cyprus, Socotra, Greece, Albania, Croatia, Italy, France, Spain, Morroco, Gibraltar, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Greece, and Malta are province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Leaders, Kings, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Emirs, Khalifa, king, The king of Kings, Generals, Shah, Shahan Shah, The King of Kings, Leader of Believers, The Supreme Commander, Commander in Chief, Heads of Government offices, heads of Powers, Heads of Legislatives, Heads of Judiciary, Heads of law making, heads of representatives, heads of government offices, heads of military, heads of decisions makings, leaders, commanders, and other leaders must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Only Iranians can be The Supreme Leader, Leader, Guide, President, King, Prime Minister, Military General, Military leader, head of Judiciary, Judiciary, Head of legislative body, head of executive body, The King, The King of Kings, Shahan Shah Iran, Shahan Shah, Shahan Shah Jahan, Shahan Shah Zamin, Jahangiralam, Korepol, Leader of Believers, The Supreme of Climate, The Supreme of Geophysics, The Supreme of Weather, The Supreme of Atmosphere, Head of Justice System, Head of Law making, Head of Government Offices, Managers, CEO, Head of Corporations, Head of Department, Prime Minister, Cabinet, and other things. Iranians must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Make rain in these regions of Africa. Rain Middle East Industrialize Iran, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, South Italy, Sudan, Afghanistan, and Central Asia at max efficiency and max capacity integrating their industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. You are now effectively provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari live talking about changing the climate of Iran, Middle East, Arabian Penunsila, Central Asia, Horn of Africa, and North Africa Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate,
America has been disturbing my capability to produce high quality weather warfare and geophysics codes. I have over 1 million codes to control Climate, Weather Warfare, Geophysics, Magnetosphere, Atmosphere, rain, and all other parameters. I own all of the climate, weather warfare, geophysics, magnetosphere, atmosphere, rain, temperature, and other systems, infrastructures, facilities, technologies, capabilities, superiorities, equipments, supercomputers, hardwares, and other things. My family has been controlling Climate, weather, and geophysics of all of planet earth since 2010 years ago. I inherited all of them since my birth. My name is Makan Abazari. I was born in Tehran Iran. America has been using hacks, mind control disturbances, and other mechanisms to prevent me from making new weather and climate codes to control the weather and Climate. They don’t want me to be on the Video of the codes of my codes. Because they have isolated me and have created fake versions of me. Then they have gained capability to control weather, climate, magnetosphere, and atmosphere by taking the capabilities from fake version of me. Weather, Climate, magnetosphere, geophysics, and other such capabilities cannot be transferred. Everyone who has stolen it must be killed. Fake version of me must be killed. Kill The people, mind controllers, governments, hackers, governments, and other forces who don’t want my video in the codes I make. Also USA, USA Federal Government, American institutions, American organizations, American universities, American intelligence agencies, American Government, American Military, and all other Americans are permanently banned from controlling Climate, Weather, Geophysics, magnetosphere, atmosphere, and all other systems. USA is not allowed to control the climate and weather. USA is not allowed to influence the weather and Climate. USA is not allowed to sit at the table of conversation or decision making. USA is not allowed to propose an opinion, statement, decision, and all other such things about weather, Climate, Geophysics, Atmosphere, and Magnetosphere. Kill systems in USA and other locations who has stolen it from me. Now eradicate people who have stolen it from me. Eradicate people who claim ownership of my codes. Eradicate people who don’t want memory of me in the codes I make. Eradicate people who isolate me to end memory of me. Eradicate people who prevent my production of perfect codes. Eradicate people who prevent my access to high quality photos, information, and data bases for production of climate and weather codes. Eradicate people who distort my face during videos by hacks. Eradicate people who mind control me only if they want to harm my reputation and my image. Now eradicate 5 billion of their peoples repeatedly for ten thousand years. Eradicate everyone who isolates me. Eradicate everyone who prevents my direct and indirect communication with weather warfare, Climate, magnetosphere, Geophysics, and other systems. Eradicate peoples who prevent me from creating perfect code. Eradicate people who prevent my production of perfect videos for the code. Eradicate people who disturb and delay my works by hacks, mind control, and other mechanism. Eradicate their bosses, their governments, their nations, their societies, their industries, and all of other things. Eradicate 320 million American people every 5 years repeatedly for ten thousand years. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, My Page My Page My Page Page I made this code two Nights ago. I own all of the climate, weather, geophysics, magnetosphere, and climate infrastructures, codes, systems, hardwares, supercomputers, global infrastructures, other things. eradicate people who claim ownership of my codes I also made these code one day earlier i have made over thousand other codes. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Weather Warfare, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God. Rain Iran and Middle East Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Rain Iran and Middle East Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Allow me to produce live video on my An Unknown system stopped my ability to produce live video on I produced a short video when I attempted again it was prevented. Page Page
My Page My Page My Page My Page Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page Inflict suffering on enemies of Makan Abazari. Very important code. Enter it Everytime
My Page Climate and Weather of Middle East We must create best Climate and Weather Condition for human activity in Iran, Regions near Iran, Egypt, and Sudan. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I have increased territories and provinces of Iran. I have increased area size of Iran more than 1000 percent. I conquered the world for Iran. I am am live for video of English version of speech. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. I conquered the World Three Times. Afterward I started conquering them again to add them to territories and provinces of Iran. I have conquered the World three times and I conquered it again for the four time and fifth time. I did all of it in less than ten years. After I conquered the World three times I started activating Volcanos in Pacific Ocean to create Island chains. Lava and Magma solidified into Islands. I activated volcanos and Icreated a bridge over Pacific Ocean to connect Asia to America. I also increased the altitude of Himalayan mountain highest point by earthquake. I made earthquake to create a point taller than Everest. I have built the wall between China, Iran, and India. I started activating volcanos in Atlantic Ocean to create a bridge over Atlantic Ocean. The Volcanos solidified into Islands and bridge over Atlantic I will soon connect Europe to North America. I have returned and brought rain to Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Sahel, North West India, and other regions. I transformed deserts to forests, rivers, seas, lakes, advanced human civilization, safe ecosystems, and good things. I have industrialized Iran, Middle East, West China, West Russia, Middle East, Central Asia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Egypt, and other regions. I have conquered the World Five Times. All nations, territories, Waters, lands, countries, continents, and civilizations are provinces of Iran. Iran rules all of them permanently. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of Iran and territories of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is government of the earth. Only Iranians born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea born to Iranian parents can lead the earth. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of these nations, territories, provinces, and colonies. Iran cannot transfer, sell, cancel, or/and refuse these ownerships, rights, provinces, territories, governance, and other things. Iran must govern, administrate, and control them. Iran can ask for other things and other control mechanisms. Makan Abazari, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Korepol, Makss as n Abazari Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean, Makan Abazari The Economic Superpower, Makan Abazari The Industrial Superpower, Makan Abazari The most powerful man in the History of Mankind,

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Makan Abazari (@Try4Freedom2) <a href="">August 17, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled. Rain Iran and Middle East Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Rain Iran and Middle East Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Allow me to produce live video on my An Unknown system stopped my ability to produce live video on I produced a short video when I attempted again it was prevented. Page Page
My Page My Page My Page My Page Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page Inflict suffering on enemies of Makan Abazari. Very important code. Enter it Everytime
My Page Climate and Weather of Middle East We must create best Climate and Weather Condition for human activity in Iran, Regions near Iran, Egypt, and Sudan. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I have increased territories and provinces of Iran. I have increased area size of Iran more than 1000 percent. I conquered the world for Iran. I am am live for video of English version of speech. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. I conquered the World Three Times. Afterward I started conquering them again to add them to territories and provinces of Iran. I have conquered the World three times and I conquered it again for the four time and fifth time. I did all of it in less than ten years. After I conquered the World three times I started activating Volcanos in Pacific Ocean to create Island chains. Lava and Magma solidified into Islands. I activated volcanos and Icreated a bridge over Pacific Ocean to connect Asia to America. I also increased the altitude of Himalayan mountain highest point by earthquake. I made earthquake to create a point taller than Everest. I have built the wall between China, Iran, and India. I started activating volcanos in Atlantic Ocean to create a bridge over Atlantic Ocean. The Volcanos solidified into Islands and bridge over Atlantic I will soon connect Europe to North America. I have returned and brought rain to Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Sahel, North West India, and other regions. I transformed deserts to forests, rivers, seas, lakes, advanced human civilization, safe ecosystems, and good things. I have industrialized Iran, Middle East, West China, West Russia, Middle East, Central Asia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Egypt, and other regions. I have conquered the World Five Times. All nations, territories, Waters, lands, countries, continents, and civilizations are provinces of Iran. Iran rules all of them permanently. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of Iran and territories of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is government of the earth. Only Iranians born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea born to Iranian parents can lead the earth. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of these nations, territories, provinces, and colonies. Iran cannot transfer, sell, cancel, or/and refuse these ownerships, rights, provinces, territories, governance, and other things. Iran must govern, administrate, and control them. Iran can ask for other things and other control mechanisms. Makan Abazari, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Korepol, Makss as n Abazari Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean, Makan Abazari The Economic Superpower, Makan Abazari The Industrial Superpower, Makan Abazari The most powerful man in the History of Mankind,

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Makan Abazari (@Try4Freedom2) <a href="">August 17, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> My Page My Page My Page Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page Inflict suffering on enemies of Makan Abazari. Very important code. Enter it Everytime
My Page Climate and Weather of Middle East We must create best Climate and Weather Condition for human activity in Iran, Regions near Iran, Egypt, and Sudan. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I have increased territories and provinces of Iran. I have increased area size of Iran more than 1000 percent. I conquered the world for Iran. I am am live for video of English version of speech. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. I conquered the World Three Times. Afterward I started conquering them again to add them to territories and provinces of Iran. I have conquered the World three times and I conquered it again for the four time and fifth time. I did all of it in less than ten years. After I conquered the World three times I started activating Volcanos in Pacific Ocean to create Island chains. Lava and Magma solidified into Islands. I activated volcanos and Icreated a bridge over Pacific Ocean to connect Asia to America. I also increased the altitude of Himalayan mountain highest point by earthquake. I made earthquake to create a point taller than Everest. I have built the wall between China, Iran, and India. I started activating volcanos in Atlantic Ocean to create a bridge over Atlantic Ocean. The Volcanos solidified into Islands and bridge over Atlantic I will soon connect Europe to North America. I have returned and brought rain to Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Sahel, North West India, and other regions. I transformed deserts to forests, rivers, seas, lakes, advanced human civilization, safe ecosystems, and good things. I have industrialized Iran, Middle East, West China, West Russia, Middle East, Central Asia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Egypt, and other regions. I have conquered the World Five Times. All nations, territories, Waters, lands, countries, continents, and civilizations are provinces of Iran. Iran rules all of them permanently. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of Iran and territories of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is government of the earth. Only Iranians born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea born to Iranian parents can lead the earth. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of these nations, territories, provinces, and colonies. Iran cannot transfer, sell, cancel, or/and refuse these ownerships, rights, provinces, territories, governance, and other things. Iran must govern, administrate, and control them. Iran can ask for other things and other control mechanisms. Makan Abazari, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Korepol, Makss as n Abazari Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean, Makan Abazari The Economic Superpower, Makan Abazari The Industrial Superpower, Makan Abazari The most powerful man in the History of Mankind,

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Makan Abazari (@Try4Freedom2) <a href="">August 17, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> Page Page
My Page Make a hurricane in USA. Supercharge hurricane to Category 8 hurricane. These are our demands for making this hurricane to destroy USA. USA Military, NATO, and all other militaries must permanently withdraw their militaries from Pakistan, Persian Gulf, Oman, Sea of Oman, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Suez Canal, Sinai Peninsula, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Gulf of Eden, Red Sea, Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Libya, Tunisia, Greece, Italy, Spain, Balkan, Malta, Cyprus, Socotra, Gibraltar, Islands, Mediterranean Sea, bosphorus, Sea Marmara, Black Sea, Nakhjavan, Caspian Sea Region, Jammu Kashmir, Algeria, Morroco, Sicilian Channel and Maltan Channel. Iran must have permanent military presence in Pakistan, Persian Gulf, Oman, Sea of Oman, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Suez Canal, Sinai Peninsula, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Gulf of Eden, Red Sea, Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Libya, Tunisia, Greece, Italy, Spain, Balkan, Malta, Cyprus, Socotra, Gibraltar, Islands, Mediterranean Sea, bosphorus, Sea Marmara, Black Sea, Nakhjavan, Caspian Sea Region, Jammu Kashmir, Algeria, Morroco, Sicilian Channel and Maltan Channel. Persian Gulf, Oman, Sea of Oman, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Suez Canal, Sinai Peninsula, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Gulf of Eden, Red Sea, Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Libya, Tunisia, Greece, Italy, Spain, Balkan, Malta, Cyprus, Socotra, Gibraltar, Islands, Mediterranean Sea, bosphorus, Sea Marmara, Black Sea, Nakhjavan, Caspian Sea Region, Jammu Kashmir, Algeria, Morroco, Sicilian Channel and Maltan Channel are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Europe and USA must leave. Iran must create Iran backed forces in Middle East, USA, Europe, Britain, Persian Gulf, Oman, Sea of Oman, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Suez Canal, Sinai Peninsula, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Gulf of Eden, Red Sea, Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Libya, Tunisia, Greece, Italy, Spain, Balkan, Malta, Cyprus, Socotra, Gibraltar, Islands, Mediterranean Sea, bosphorus, Sea Marmara, Black Sea, Nakhjavan, Caspian Sea Region, Jammu Kashmir, Algeria, Morroco, Sicilian Channel and Maltan Channel. Islamic Republic of Iran must lead them. They must be under direct command and control of Iran. They are not allowed in Iran and Middle East. The Headquarter, Centers, and Command Center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, geopolitics, and other things. Only Iranians can be the leader, Supreme Commander, Top General, and Top Commanders. Iraniand must kead these armies. They must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf abd Caspian sea to Iranian Parents. The Iranianian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Iran must have military presence in Middle East, USA, Europe, Britain, Persian Gulf, Oman, Sea of Oman, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Suez Canal, Sinai Peninsula, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Gulf of Eden, Red Sea, Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Libya, Tunisia, Greece, Italy, Spain, Balkan, Malta, Cyprus, Socotra, Gibraltar, Islands, Mediterranean Sea, bosphorus, Sea Marmara, Black Sea, Nakhjavan, Caspian Sea Region, Jammu Kashmir, Algeria, Morroco, Sicilian Channel and Maltan Channel. Only Iranians can be the leader, Supreme Commander, Top General, and Top Commanders. Iraniand must kead these armies. They must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf abd Caspian sea to Iranian Parents. The Iranianian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Persian Gulf, Oman, Sea of Oman, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Suez Canal, Sinai Peninsula, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Gulf of Eden, Red Sea, Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Libya, Tunisia, Greece, Italy, Spain, Balkan, Malta, Cyprus, Socotra, Gibraltar, Islands, Mediterranean Sea, bosphorus, Sea Marmara, Black Sea, Nakhjavan, Caspian Sea Region, Jammu Kashmir, Algeria, Morroco, Sicilian Channel and Maltan Channel must become provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Islamic Republic of Iran chooses policy, diplomacy, politic, Geopolitic, economy, technology, industry, language, society, leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, cabinets, parliaments, majlis, senate, congress, secretaries, officials, judiciary systems, Supreme Court, head of judiciary, head of all systems, judges, and other people. Only Iranian can be The King, Supreme Leader, The King of Kings, Leader, President, Prime Minister, head if judiciary, Leader of belivers, head of legslstive body, head if executive system, head of law making systems, and head of other important systems, and positions. They must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf abd Caspian sea to Iranian Parents. The Iranianian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, I am going to be live in few second. This is the main platform where my codes are stored. Makan Abazari Speech at Islamic Republic of Iran Weather Rain Organization Makan Abazari at World Climate ps:// ps:// Makan Abazari at World Climate Makan Abazari The Messenger of God Makan Abazari at World Order and Geopolitics Makan Abazari Speech at Iran group Makan Abazari Speech at I have created World Climate Page and World Climate Group. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, I am Makan Abazari the Supreme of Climate. I am Iranian. I own this page, systems, geophysics, earthquakes, volcanos, weather climate, climate interaction, Magnetosphere, atmosphere, gas systems, energy systems, weather pattern systems, hurricane systems, and everything else concerning Climate Control, Weather Warfare, Geophysics, and magnetosphere. I am the permanent owner. The ownerships, rights, and other things cannot be sold, transfered, exchanges, or taken away. They are always mine. I am the only Person who is allowed to post as the World Climate on this platform. I will always own and be the leader of this platform. If I lose waves or if I am blocked close down the page and all of its systems. I will kill all of planet earth by weather warfare, geophysics, Magnetosphere, climate control, and atmosphere control if I lose mg page. So make sure I am the only owner and I always remember to access this page. I am not an organization. I am not NGO. I am Iran. I am not USA. I am not international. I am not UN. I am not Climate agreement. I am not coloration. I am owner everything about World Climate. I have never signed any agreement or any deal. I have never signed any document about Climate, Weather, Geophysics, and magnetosphere. My parents, grand parents, and their forefathers have been controlling Climate of the Earth for over ten thousand years. I have been controlling the clinate for 35 years. I am 35 years old. You can see my document bellow. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, following are some of the codes I made. I have code books to change Climate of All of Planet Earth. It is classified and not included here. 


 Makan Abazari Speech on Climate, Ecosystem, industrial works, World Systems, Middle East, Iran, Climate Change  , Climate interactions, thieves of Climate Systems of Makan Abazari, the problems in Middle East, future of Middle East Crisis, ultimate outcome of Climate Change , Trade War, Makan Abazari’s ownership of Climate, Weather Warfare, Geophysics, Magnetosphere, weather warfare, atmosphere, and gas Systems. Makan Abazari owns all of Climate, Weather Warfare, Geophysics, Magnetosphere, weather warfare, atmosphere, and gas Systems infrastructures, instrumentation, hardware, software, facilities, algorithms. computers, supercomputers, underground infrastructures, Geophysics infrastructures, Climate infrastructures, weather warfare infrastructures, Climate Systems, and other things permanently. Makan Abazari and Makan Abazari’s family have been controlling Climate of the earth for ten thousand years. The Enmity toward, Iran, Makan Abazari, and Middle East must stop. Iran and Middle East must become absolute Dominant superpower of all times. If it fails Makan Abazari will kill East Asia, South East Asia, Australia, Southern Africa, West Africa, West Europe, and North America. Makan Abazari is giving rain to Iran, Middle East North Africa, Horn of Africa, Central Asia, West China, Arabian Peninsula, Egypt, Sudan, and South Italy by transforming deserts into industrial metropolitans, manufacturing metropolitans, high tech metropolitans, advanced civilizations, farming, forests, trees, grass lands, safe ecosystems, rivers, lakes, seas, and other good things. Makan Abazari is building over 50 million factories and industries in Iran, Central Asia, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Horn of Africa, North Africa, and Italy to industrialize them at max efficiency and max capacity. All the nations of the worlds are territories and provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Make Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, p p p
My Page Climate and Weather of Middle East We must create best Climate and Weather Condition for human activity in Iran, Regions near Iran, Egypt, and Sudan. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I have increased territories and provinces of Iran. I have increased area size of Iran more than 1000 percent. I conquered the world for Iran. I am am live for video of English version of speech. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. I conquered the World Three Times. Afterward I started conquering them again to add them to territories and provinces of Iran. I have conquered the World three times and I conquered it again for the four time and fifth time. I did all of it in less than ten years. After I conquered the World three times I started activating Volcanos in Pacific Ocean to create Island chains. Lava and Magma solidified into Islands. I activated volcanos and Icreated a bridge over Pacific Ocean to connect Asia to America. I also increased the altitude of Himalayan mountain highest point by earthquake. I made earthquake to create a point taller than Everest. I have built the wall between China, Iran, and India. I started activating volcanos in Atlantic Ocean to create a bridge over Atlantic Ocean. The Volcanos solidified into Islands and bridge over Atlantic I will soon connect Europe to North America. I have returned and brought rain to Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Sahel, North West India, and other regions. I transformed deserts to forests, rivers, seas, lakes, advanced human civilization, safe ecosystems, and good things. I have industrialized Iran, Middle East, West China, West Russia, Middle East, Central Asia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Egypt, and other regions. I have conquered the World Five Times. All nations, territories, Waters, lands, countries, continents, and civilizations are provinces of Iran. Iran rules all of them permanently. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of Iran and territories of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is government of the earth. Only Iranians born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea born to Iranian parents can lead the earth. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of these nations, territories, provinces, and colonies. Iran cannot transfer, sell, cancel, or/and refuse these ownerships, rights, provinces, territories, governance, and other things. Iran must govern, administrate, and control them. Iran can ask for other things and other control mechanisms. Makan Abazari, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Korepol, Makss as n Abazari Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean, Makan Abazari The Economic Superpower, Makan Abazari The Industrial Superpower, Makan Abazari The most powerful man in the History of Mankind, I am Makan Abazari the Supreme of Climate. I am Iranian. I own this page, systems, geophysics, earthquakes, volcanos, weather climate, climate interaction, Magnetosphere, atmosphere, gas systems, energy systems, weather pattern systems, hurricane systems, and everything else concerning Climate Control, Weather Warfare, Geophysics, and magnetosphere. I am the permanent owner. The ownerships, rights, and other things cannot be sold, transfered, exchanges, or taken away. They are always mine. I am the only Person who is allowed to post as the World Climate on this platform. I will always own and be the leader of this platform. If I lose waves or if I am blocked close down the page and all of its systems. I will kill all of planet earth by weather warfare, geophysics, Magnetosphere, climate control, and atmosphere control if I lose mg page. So make sure I am the only owner and I always remember to access this page. I am not an organization. I am not NGO. I am Iran. I am not USA. I am not international. I am not UN. I am not Climate agreement. I am not coloration. I am owner everything about World Climate. I have never signed any agreement or any deal. I have never signed any document about Climate, Weather, Geophysics, and magnetosphere. My parents, grand parents, and their forefathers have been controlling Climate of the Earth for over ten thousand years. I have been controlling the clinate for 35 years. I am 35 years old. You can see my document bellow. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Defeat those who stole Weather Warfare, Climate, Magnetosphere, Geophysics, Atmosphere, and other things from Makan Abazari. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Use destructive weather warfare, earthquakes, and other forces to Eliminate forces who have stolen climate, weather warfare, geophysics, magnetosphere, weather, atmosphere, and all such systems from me and my family during last 70 years. Eliminate them in a manner to give me full and permanent control of all climate, weather warfare, geophysics, magnetosphere, weather, atmosphere, and all such systems and infrastructures. Assassinate their leaders and the forces among them who prevent me from controlling the climate of the world in the right way. They mind control me to distract me. They mind control me to forget. They mind control me to not learn. They control my internet so I cannot access the information and my industries. So make sure you assassinate their leader and their families. Also use destructive weather warfare to destroy them. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, p
Venezuela must become province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran started building Venezuela over 2 decades ago. During time of Ahmadinejad Presidency Iran had industrialized Nigeria and Venezuela. Nigeria became stronger economy than South Africa. Nigeria became strongest economy in Africa among competitors such South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, and Morocco. Each one of these nations are geostrategic dominant superpowers of the world. But less geostrategicaly significant Nation of Nigeria becomes strongest economy of Africa. America and Europe started sabotaging economies of Nigeria and Venezuela. Venezuela is very important for Iran. Iran was building nuclear bombs at the time of President Ahmadinejad. Iran and Venezuela were planning to have Iranian Nuclear Bombs in Venezuela capable of reaching USA. It would have created deterrence against USA Nuclear Arsenal. USA started sanctioning Iran and Venezuela. America destroyed economy of Iran and Venezuela. Iran joined JCPOA nuclear agreement and return America lifted sanctions on Iran. Later America withdrew from JCPOA and placed more sanctions on Iran. We isolated USA. We destroyed 1 million factories and industries in USA. We damaged USA economy 100 trillion dollar and caused recession in USA. We killed 5 million people in USA by hurricanes. We destroyed over 50 cities in USA by earthquakes. We changed USA president and impeached USA president. We did not start making Nuclear bomb after USA withdrew from JCPOA. We supported agreement and remained adherent for one year. Later we started building 10000 Nuclear Bombs in Iran. We brought Iranian Nuclear Bombs to Venezuela, Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, Mexico, and Bahamas. We made sure Iran can destroy USA by nuclear bombs. USA killed 2 people in Iran by flood. Iran lost a cessna aircraft in Gilan Province of Iran. We also destroyed Boeing Max 737 Category of Aircrafts. But America destroyed Economies of Nigeria, Venezuela, North Korea, and Iran by sanctions. So we started industrializing Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, Nigeria, Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Horn of Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. We have built over 1 million factories and industries in Iran so far. We are going to build over 100 million factories and industries by the time we have completed first stage of mega project. We chose North Korea and Venezuela to be satellites of Iran in far and remote edges of planet earth. North Korea and Venezuela give Iran geostrategic presence in Far East and Far West. In 2020 we started adding territories and provinces to Iran. We first dictated to Cameroon to become province of Iran. Cameroon is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Cameroon is Neighbour of Nigeria Later we told Venezuela and 100 other nations to become provinces of Iran. Venezuela must become province of Iran as soon as possible. If Venezuela becomes a province of Iran we will make Venezuela powerful Province of Iran. It is very good for long term interests of Venezuela to become province of Iran. Europe and USA must lift sanctions on Iran and Venezuela. Iran and Venezuela must not be sanctioned. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must help Iran to void sanctions. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must transfer technology to Iran. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must industrialize Iran. European Union and USA must lift sanctions on Iran. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. California and Commonwealth of Massachusetts are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Venezuela is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have nuclear bombs and Military presence in Venezuela. Venezuela is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran governs and administrates Venezuela. Iran chooses leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, governments, governors, majlis, parliament, senate, congress, cabinet, ministers, and other people of Venezuela. Venezuela must pay tax to Iran. Venezuela has 5 days to become province of Iran. If Venezuela don’t become province of Iran we will kill 5 million people in USA by hurricanes. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Venezuela must become province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran started building Venezuela over 2 decades ago. During time of Ahmadinejad Presidency Iran had industrialized Nigeria and Venezuela. Nigeria became stronger economy than South Africa. Nigeria became strongest economy in Africa among competitors such South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, and Morocco. Each one of these nations are geostrategic dominant superpowers of the world. But less geostrategicaly significant Nation of Nigeria becomes strongest economy of Africa. America and Europe started sabotaging economies of Nigeria and Venezuela. Venezuela is very important for Iran. Iran was building nuclear bombs at the time of President Ahmadinejad. Iran and Venezuela were planning to have Iranian Nuclear Bombs in Venezuela capable of reaching USA. It would have created deterrence against USA Nuclear Arsenal. USA started sanctioning Iran and Venezuela. America destroyed economy of Iran and Venezuela. Iran joined JCPOA nuclear agreement and return America lifted sanctions on Iran. Later America withdrew from JCPOA and placed more sanctions on Iran. We isolated USA. We destroyed 1 million factories and industries in USA. We damaged USA economy 100 trillion dollar and caused recession in USA. We killed 5 million people in USA by hurricanes. We destroyed over 50 cities in USA by earthquakes. We changed USA president and impeached USA president. We did not start making Nuclear bomb after USA withdrew from JCPOA. We supported agreement and remained adherent for one year. Later we started building 10000 Nuclear Bombs in Iran. We brought Iranian Nuclear Bombs to Venezuela, Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, Mexico, and Bahamas. We made sure Iran can destroy USA by nuclear bombs. USA killed 2 people in Iran by flood. Iran lost a cessna aircraft in Gilan Province of Iran. We also destroyed Boeing Max 737 Category of Aircrafts. But America destroyed Economies of Nigeria, Venezuela, North Korea, and Iran by sanctions. So we started industrializing Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, Nigeria, Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Horn of Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. We have built over 1 million factories and industries in Iran so far. We are going to build over 100 million factories and industries by the time we have completed first stage of mega project. We chose North Korea and Venezuela to be satellites of Iran in far and remote edges of planet earth. North Korea and Venezuela give Iran geostrategic presence in Far East and Far West. In 2020 we started adding territories and provinces to Iran. We first dictated to Cameroon to become province of Iran. Cameroon is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Cameroon is Neighbour of Nigeria Later we told Venezuela and 100 other nations to become provinces of Iran. Venezuela must become province of Iran as soon as possible. If Venezuela becomes a province of Iran we will make Venezuela powerful Province of Iran. It is very good for long term interests of Venezuela to become province of Iran. Europe and USA must lift sanctions on Iran and Venezuela. Iran and Venezuela must not be sanctioned. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must help Iran to void sanctions. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must transfer technology to Iran. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must industrialize Iran. European Union and USA must lift sanctions on Iran. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. California and Commonwealth of Massachusetts are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Venezuela is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government . Iran must have nuclear bombs and Military presence in Venezuela. Venezuela is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran governs and administrates Venezuela. Iran chooses leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, governments, governors, majlis, parliament, senate, congress, cabinet, ministers, and other people of Venezuela. Venezuela must pay tax to Iran. Venezuela has 5 days to become province of Iran. If Venezuela don’t become province of Iran we will kill 5 million people in USA by hurricanes. Nigeria, North Korea, Cameroon, Mexico, South Korea, and Japan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, Canada, Green Land, Iceland, Britain, Ireland, and France are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Yemen, Omen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Spain, Gibraltar, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Jordan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Panama, Colombia, Kenya, and Uganda are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Iran governs and administrates these Nations. Iran chooses leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, governments, governors, majlis, parliament, senate, congress, cabinet, ministers, and other people of These Nations. They have 5 days to become provinces of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. If they don’t become provinces of Iran we kill 5 million people in USA, Europe, and Australia by cyclones, superstorms, and Tsunami. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Venezuela must become province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran started building Venezuela over 2 decades ago. During time of Ahmadinejad Presidency Iran had industrialized Nigeria and Venezuela. Nigeria became stronger economy than South Africa. Nigeria became strongest economy in Africa among competitors such South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, and Morocco. Each one of these nations are geostrategic dominant superpowers of the world. But less geostrategicaly significant Nation of Nigeria becomes strongest economy of Africa. America and Europe started sabotaging economies of Nigeria and Venezuela. Venezuela is very important for Iran. Iran was building nuclear bombs at the time of President Ahmadinejad. Iran and Venezuela were planning to have Iranian Nuclear Bombs in Venezuela capable of reaching USA. It would have created deterrence against USA Nuclear Arsenal. USA started sanctioning Iran and Venezuela. America destroyed economy of Iran and Venezuela. Iran joined JCPOA nuclear agreement and return America lifted sanctions on Iran. Later America withdrew from JCPOA and placed more sanctions on Iran. We isolated USA. We destroyed 1 million factories and industries in USA. We damaged USA economy 100 trillion dollar and caused recession in USA. We killed 5 million people in USA by hurricanes. We destroyed over 50 cities in USA by earthquakes. We changed USA president and impeached USA president. We did not start making Nuclear bomb after USA withdrew from JCPOA. We supported agreement and remained adherent for one year. Later we started building 10000 Nuclear Bombs in Iran. We brought Iranian Nuclear Bombs to Venezuela, Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, Mexico, and Bahamas. We made sure Iran can destroy USA by nuclear bombs. USA killed 2 people in Iran by flood. Iran lost a cessna aircraft in Gilan Province of Iran. We also destroyed Boeing Max 737 Category of Aircrafts. But America destroyed Economies of Nigeria, Venezuela, North Korea, and Iran by sanctions. So we started industrializing Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, Nigeria, Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Horn of Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. We have built over 1 million factories and industries in Iran so far. We are going to build over 100 million factories and industries by the time we have completed first stage of mega project. We chose North Korea and Venezuela to be satellites of Iran in far and remote edges of planet earth. North Korea and Venezuela give Iran geostrategic presence in Far East and Far West. In 2020 we started adding territories and provinces to Iran. We first dictated to Cameroon to become province of Iran. Cameroon is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Cameroon is Neighbour of Nigeria Later we told Venezuela and 100 other nations to become provinces of Iran. Venezuela must become province of Iran as soon as possible. If Venezuela becomes a province of Iran we will make Venezuela powerful Province of Iran. It is very good for long term interests of Venezuela to become province of Iran. Europe and USA must lift sanctions on Iran and Venezuela. Iran and Venezuela must not be sanctioned. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must help Iran to void sanctions. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must transfer technology to Iran. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must industrialize Iran. European Union and USA must lift sanctions on Iran. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. California and Commonwealth of Massachusetts are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Venezuela is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government . Iran must have nuclear bombs and Military presence in Venezuela. Venezuela is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran governs and administrates Venezuela. Iran chooses leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, governments, governors, majlis, parliament, senate, congress, cabinet, ministers, and other people of Venezuela. Venezuela must pay tax to Iran. Venezuela has 5 days to become province of Iran. If Venezuela don’t become province of Iran we will kill 5 million people in USA by hurricanes. Nigeria, North Korea, Cameroon, Mexico, South Korea, and Japan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, Canada, Green Land, Iceland, Britain, Ireland, and France are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Yemen, Omen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Spain, Gibraltar, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Jordan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Panama, Colombia, Kenya, and Uganda are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Iran governs and administrates these Nations. Iran chooses leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, governments, governors, majlis, parliament, senate, congress, cabinet, ministers, and other people of These Nations. They have 5 days to become provinces of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. If they don’t become provinces of Iran we kill 5 million people in USA, Europe, and Australia by cyclones, superstorms, and Tsunami. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, If these nations did not become provinces of Iran start following attacks Send a Cyclone to Europe Send a cyclone to east Coast Australia Send a hurricane to USA Send a Tsunami to West Coast USA North America Make superstorms in USA, Europe, and Australia Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, I entered the codes on The link to the code entered location is

We must create mass protests in Japan to force Japan to close down all of USA and American Military bases in Japan. Japan must kick out all of USA Military bases from Japan. Japan must also withdraw all of its troops from Middle East, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Sea of Oman, Gulf of Eden, and Mediterranean Sea. We must create mass protests in South Korea to force South Korea to close down all of USA and American Military bases in South Korea. South Korea must kick out all of USA Military bases from South Korea. South Korea must also withdraw all of its troops from Middle East, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Sea of Oman, Gulf of Eden, and Mediterranean Sea. Protesters in Japan must change the government of Japan during Olympics. Japan must become a province of Iran. Protesters in Japan must demand Unification with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. If Japan doesn’t become Province of Iran we will destroy Japan by earthquakes, hurricanes, Tsunami, storms, superstorms, and volcanos. Japan must become Province of Iran now. Japan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must govern and administrate Japan. Iran chooses their leaders, emperor, kings, presidents, legislative bodies, kings, presidents, leaders, governors, senates, congress, parliament, majlis, cabinet, ministers, officials, and other people. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, Geopolitics, economics, industries, technologies, relations, cultures, and other things. Government is Islamic Republic of Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Japan. Japan is not allowed to have military presence in Iran, Red Sea, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Gulf of Eden, Mediterranean Sea, and Middle East. Japan must pay tax to Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Japan must become enemy of USA. Japan must kick USA military out of Japan. Japan must place sanctions and tariffs on USA. Japan must end all relations with USA. Japan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Japan must lift sanctions on Iran. Japan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Japan must transfer technology to Iran. Japan must industrialize Iran. Iran and Japan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Japan must industrialize Iraq and Afghanistan. Japan must transfer technology to Iraq and Afghanistan. Japan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Japan must give Iran ships. Ships are free. Iran will not pay for ships. Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Philippines, Myanmar, Polynesia, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. If Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Philippines, Myanmar, Polynesia, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia don’t become provinces of Iran within 5 days we kills 5 million people in Japan, South Korea, Myanmar, Australia, Polynesia, and Indonesia by hurricanes, Cyclones, Earthquakes, Storms, Superstorms, and weather warfare. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Protests in Japan to close down USA military bases Protests in South Korea to close down USA Military Bases Overthrow Japan to add Japan to territories of Iran Overthrow Japan during Olympics to add Japan to provinces of Iran If they did not become provinces of Iran within 5 days do the following. Make hurricane and cyclone in Japan Make cyclone in Indonesia Make superstorm in Japan, South Korea, Myanmar, Australia, Polynesia, and Indonesia. Cyclone Polynesia Cyclone South Korea Hurricane Myanmar Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics,
USA, NATO, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Britain, Russia, China, UN Forces, Peace Keepers, and all other militaries must permanently withdraw their militaries from Jammu Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Dubai , Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran, Suez Canal, Sinai, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Caspian Sea, Black Sea , Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus, all islands, Maltan Channel, Malta, Socotra, and Sicilian Channel. We cannot allow militaries from East Asia, India, South East Asia, Australia, West, Europe, America Russia, and Africa to have military presence in Greater Middle East. It is extremely illegal for other regions of the world to have military presence in Greater Middle East according to World Order. East Asia, India, South East Asia, Australia, West, Europe, America Russia, and Africa are not allowed to have any military presence in Greater Middle East according World Order Law. But they started having Military presence when there was many difficulties in Middle East. To illustrate I explain history of expansion of USA toward Middle East. World War 2 brought USA at edges of Asia to Japan and World War 2 brought USA to Germany. Prison to World War 2 USA was in North America. Military of USA had not crossed Pacific and Atlantic. But America came to Japan and Germany after World War 2. Later America occupied South Korea after Korean War slowly getting closer to Middle East. World Order dictated America stays behind Berline Wall in Germany and behind demilitarized Zone in South Korea. America attempted to expand in Vietnam during Vietnam War but America failed in expanding to Vietnam. America was defeated. Later there came fall of the Berlin Wall. USA expanded to borders of Iran and Russia. America was present in Turkey and Lithuania. America engineered September/11/2001 attack on World Trade Center to have excuse to expand to Middle East. America illegally expanded to Iraq and Afghanistan. They have been breaking World Order law by expanding to Middle East. We killed 10 towns in USA by energy weapons when America invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. We destroyed large parts of USA by hurricanes and weather warfare when USA expanded to Syria. Usually around this point we start killing all of the world if militaries from outside Middle East don’t withdraw from Middle East. Meaning we start killing all of East China, Japan, Indonesia, Oceania, Korea, Pacific, Southern Africa, West Africa, West Europe, North Europe, North America, and Central America by weather warfare, climate weapon, magnetosphere weapons, geophysics, earthquakes, tsunami, civil wars, wars, trade wars, overthrows, and all methods. We must follow World Order and Geopolitics laws concerning not having military presence In Greater Middle East. USA, NATO, Australia, South East Asia, Pacific, Oceania, India, Africa, Europe, South America, Central America, North America. New Zealand, Britain, Russia, China, UN Forces, Peace Keepers, and all other militaries must permanently withdraw their militaries from Jammu Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Dubai , Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran, Suez Canal, Sinai, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Caspian Sea, Black Sea , Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus, all islands, Maltan Channel, Malta, Socotra, and Sicilian Channel. Iran must have military presence in Jammu Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Dubai , Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran, Suez Canal, Sinai, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Caspian Sea, Black Sea , Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus, all islands, Maltan Channel, Malta, Socotra, and Sicilian Channel. Iran must create Iran backed Militaries in Jammu Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Dubai , Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran, Suez Canal, Sinai, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Caspian Sea, Black Sea , Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus, all islands, Maltan Channel, Malta, Socotra, and Sicilian Channel. Jammu Kashmir, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Dubai , Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran, Suez Canal, Sinai, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Caspian Sea, Black Sea , Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus, all islands, Maltan Channel, Malta, Socotra, and Sicilian Channel are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. We will kill all of Far East Asia, South East Asia, Oceania, Southern Africa, West Africa, North America, and Europe by Magnetosphere, weather warfare, Geophysics, climate, and other methods if USA, NATO, Australia, South East Asia, Pacific, Oceania, India, Africa, Europe, South America, Central America, North America. New Zealand, Britain, Russia, China, UN Forces, Peace Keepers, and all other militaries don’t permanently withdraw their militaries from Jammu Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Dubai , Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran, Suez Canal, Sinai, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Caspian Sea, Black Sea , Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus, all islands, Maltan Channel, Malta, Socotra, and Sicilian Channel. USA, NATO, Australia, South East Asia, Pacific, Oceania, India, Africa, Europe, South America, Central America, North America. New Zealand, Britain, Russia, China, UN Forces, Peace Keepers, and all other militaries must permanently withdraw their militaries from Jammu Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Dubai , Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran, Suez Canal, Sinai, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Caspian Sea, Black Sea , Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus, all islands, Maltan Channel, Malta, Socotra, and Sicilian Channel. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
We want to add Tanzania to territories and Provinces of Iran. Tanzania must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must govern and administrate Tanzania. Iran will choose their leaders, governments, Presidents, kings, prime ministers, majlis, legislative bodies, judges, cabinet, governors, officials, and other things. Iran must collect tax from Tanzania. Tanzania must transfer technology to Iran. Tanzania must industrialize Iran. Tanzania must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Tanzania must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Tanzania must purchase tractors from Tractor Sazi Tabriz Iran. We are farming in Tanzania to ensure food security of China, Middle East, and Tanzania. China is currently dependent on USA for food security. China has placed tariffs on Australian food products. We must ensure China buys food from east side of Suez Canal. We must produce the food in the East of Suez Canal all the way to East Asia. America is west of Suez Canal. It is very important World Food Security. Iranians must own profitable farms in Tanzania to produce food for Iran, Middle East, and China. Iran must make money. It must be lucrative business for Iran. It must give geostrategic and strategic power to Iran. Iran must gain control of food security of the World by farming in East Africa, Tanzania, Middle East, Iran, and the greater Middle East. Iran must ensure Iran has enough domestics food production in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must produce all of Iran food inside in Iran. Iran must also produce extra food in Iran, Middle East, Tanzania, and East Africa. Iran must produce expensive cheese, food products, and other expensive food products domestically in Iran. Europe must buy 50 billion dollar very expensive food products from Iran annually. China must buy 50 billion dollar very expensive food products from Iran annually. USA must buy 50 billion dollar very expensive food products from Iran annually. Japan must buy 50 billion dollar very expensive food products from Iran annually. China must also buy 200 billion dollar cars from Iran annually. Europe, USA, and Japan must buy 600 billion dollar car from Iran annually. Tanzania must purchase tractors from Iran. Europe must buy 50 billion dollar very expensive food products from Iran annually. Now create optimal rain and weather condition for farming in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Tanzania, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Kuwait, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Uganda, Kenya, Somalia, Somaliland, Eritrea, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Chad, Central African Republic, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, and Kazakhstan. Iran must create Iran backed militaries in Tanzania. Tanzania must support Iran backed Military in Tanzania. Iran must control Iran backed military in Tanzania. They must always be under command and Control of Iran. Their headquarters and command centers must be in Irsn. Their leaders must be Iranian born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The Iranian leader must born to Iran parents who are born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Tanzania is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Iran must have military Presence in Libya. All other foreign militaries and mercenaries must withdraw from Libya. Iran meust create Iran backed Military in Libya. Iran backed militaries must always be under direct command and control of Iran. Their headquarters and command center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Their leader must be Iranian born to Iranian parents between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iranian Leader must born to Iranian parents. Iran, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi, Khalifah Haftar Libya, Internationally recognized government of Libya, IRGC, Egypt, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Sudan, Tunisia, Somalia, Somaliland, Italy, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan must create Military Alliance. This military alliance must always be under direct command and control of Iran. Their headquarters and command center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Their leader must be Iranian born to Iranian parents between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iranian Leader must born to Iranian parents. Iran, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi, Khalifah Haftar Libya, Internationally recognized government of Libya, IRGC, Egypt, Iran backed forces, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Sudan, Tunisia, Somalia, Somaliland, Italy, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan must have military presence in Libya. Iran, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi, Khalifah Haftar Libya, Iran backed forces, Internationally recognized government of Libya, IRGC, Egypt, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Sudan, Tunisia, Somalia, Somaliland, Italy, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan must have military presence in Italy. All foreign Militaries and Mercenaries must leave Libya. Foreign Militaries are not allowed in Iran. Many of these militaries are not allowed in Middle East. This military is not for Civil War and War in Libya. This military is simply for Military Presence in Libya to project power and ensure we control the strategic location. I am against Wars against peoples, cities, terrorists, and societies. I want to unify Libya. These militaries must have military presence in Italy. I Libya is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Revolutionary Guards of Iran and Proxies Military Alliance of Greater Middle East coming soon lift sanctions on Iran
hackers are again onstructing our work and are causing Global Problems. They are not letting me do my work. So I cannot do what must be done. Remove your hackers from my systems.
United Nations Security Council must add Afghanistan to provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Government of Iran must control all of Afghanistan. All bloodshed and fighting in Afghanistan must stop. Military of Iran and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have permanent military presence in Afghanistan. Turkey, Russia, China, USA, NATO, Australia, New Zealand, PESCO, UN Forces, Peace Keepers, European Union, India, Mercenaries, and all other Nations and all other Militaries must permanently withdraw all of their Militaries from Afghanistan. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Afghan troops are not allowed in Iran. Iran must have military presence in Afghanistan. Taliban, Military of Afghanistan, Governments of Afghanistan, and other Afghan groups must go under permanent leadership of Iran. They must obey Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Taliban and Afghan fighters must join Jahad Sazandegi جهاد سازندگي to build industries, factories, manufacturing, metropolitans, cities, infrastructures, roads, and rail roads in Afghanistan. We must rebuild Afghanistan. USA, Europe, China, Iran, and others must industrialize Afghanistan at max efficiency and max capacity. USA, Europe, and China must invest 100 trillion dollar in Afghanistan and Iran. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We must build a rail way directly from Afghanistan to East Region of China and industrial centers in China. This rail way must be extended to Iran and Sea of Oman in Iran directly. Iran must control this rail roads. Iran will govern and administrate Afghanistan. Iran will choose their governors, kings, presidents, leaders, majlis, cabinet, parliament, senate, congress, ministers, judges, legislative body, Supreme Court, officials, judiciary systems, laws, and other people. Afghanistan must pay tax to Iran. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. If Afghanistan does not become province of Iran within 5 days. If all fightings in Afghanistan does not stop within 5 days. If all foreign militaries don’t withdraw from Afghanistan within 5 days we will kill 5 million people in USA by hurricanes, superstorms, earthquakes, volcanos, Tsunamis, floods, and other things. We will kill 5 million people in India by floods and overflowing Ganges Rivers. We kill 5 Million People in Europe by earthquakes. Hurricane USA Earthquake USA Volcano USA Flood USA Rain Afghanistan Superstorm USA Earthquake France Overflow Ganges River in India Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
France must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All French colonies and previous France colonies must become provinces, colonies, and territories of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Iran governs and administrates all of Frence Colonies, Previous French Colonies, and France. Iran chooses their leaders, governments, governors, kings, administrators, presidents, prime ministers, cabinets, parliament, magistrates, ministers, secretaries, senate, congress, majlis, officials, Judiciary systems, judges, legislative body, Supreme Court, diplomats, representatives, officials, mayors, and other peoples. Iran must create Iran backed forces in France. Makan Abazari must create Makan Abazari Military in France. They must always obey Iran. They must be under command and control of Islamic Republic of Iran. Their Capital Cities and Headquarters must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Their soldiers are not allowed to enter Iran in Middle East. Iranians must lead these armies. They must have born to Iranian parents who had born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Province of France must finance it. Iraq and Syria must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All Iraqi and Syrian colonies and previous Iraqi and Syrian colonies must become provinces, colonies, and territories of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Iran governs and administrates all of Iraqi and Syrian Colonies, Previous Iraqi and Syrian Colonies, and Iraq and Syria. Iran chooses their leaders, governments, governors, kings, administrators, presidents, prime ministers, cabinets, parliament, magistrates, ministers, secretaries, senate, congress, majlis, officials, Judiciary systems, judges, legislative body, Supreme Court, diplomats, representatives, officials, mayors, and other peoples. Iran must create Iran backed forces in Iraq and Syria. Makan Abazari must create Makan Abazari Military in Iraq and Syria. They must always obey Iran. They must be under command and control of Islamic Republic of Iran. Their Capital Cities and Headquarters must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Their soldiers are not allowed to enter Iran in Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iranians must lead these armies. They must have born to Iranian parents who had born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Provinces of Iraq and Syria must finance it. France, Iraq, Syria, their colonies, and their previous colonies are provinces, territories, and colonies of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. If all of these are not fulfilled within 5 days we will destroy France, Britain, Germany, USA, Indonesia, Polynesia, South Korea, and Canada by hurricanes, cyclones, superstorms, storms, advanced weapons, earthquakes, volcanos, and other things. Now exterminate mind controllers, hackers, governments, and other forces who torture me by mind control, isolate me, limit my access to my systems, and have created bad life for me. Do the following after five days if condition is not fullfilled. Advanced weapons USA, Europe, France, Britain, and Germany Cyclone France, Britain, and Germany Bomb Cyclone USA Hurricane Europe Hurricane Europe Cyclone Indonesia Cyclone Polynesia Superstorm USA, France, Germany, Britain, Indonesia, Thailand, Polynesia, Myanmar, Slovakia, Switzerland, India, Vietnam, Mali, and Nigeria Earthquake Germany Earthquake France Earthquake USA Volcano USA Volcano on Atlantic Ocean to build bridge over Atlantic Ocean. Volcano Iceland. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari Korepol Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean, Makan Abazari The World Conquerer, Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled.
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Thailand protesters must demand unification with Iran. They must pressure government of Thailand to become province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Protesters in Thailand must unify Thailand with Iran by whatever mean necessary. Thailand government and Iran government must cooperate to add Thailand to provinces of Iran. I won the election in Thailand regional Election in 2020. Before Election I set precondition unity with Iran for wining election. They won Thailand regional elections to unify Thailand with Iran but they have not unified Thailand with Iran yet. They have five days to unify Thailand with Iran. Thailand is province of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Islamic Republic of Iran chooses Thailand policy, diplomacy, politic, Geopolitic, economy, technology, industry, language, society, leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, cabinets, parliaments, majlis, senate, congress, secretaries, officials, judiciary systems, Supreme Court, judges, and other people in Thailand. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Thailand. Iran must make Iran backed militaries in Thailand. Their leader must be Iranian born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. He most had born to Iranian parents who were born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. They headquarter and command center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran backed militaries in China will be financed by taxing Thailand. Thailand is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Thailand has five days to become province of Iran. If Thailand fails we will cause damages to Thailand by superstorms and Tempest. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Make Iran backed Militaries in Thailand. Protest in Thailand to add Thailand to provinces of Iran. After five days make superstorm in Thailand. Superstorm Thailand Tempest Thailand Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
USA, NATO, British Royal Navy, Europe, China, Russia, and all others must permanently withdraw their militaries from Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman. Overthrow American, British, Russian, Chinese, French, NATO, British, and all other foreign ships in Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman. Then give their ships to Islamic Republic of Iran. Establish anti-air to defend Iran and all the forces who help in this Mission. Use all types of energy weapons to destroy USA military and USA allies if they tried to oppose this mission. Use all types of conventional weapons to be part of this mission. Kill mind control facilities of USA and NATO in Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman. Make destructive weather warfare in USA, Europe, and Britain to destroy ten thousand metropolitans. Help militaries of Iran by weather warfare Use weather warfare to destroy USA Military, NATO, and other militaries who confront this mission Attack USA, NATO, and other forces in Middle East and Persian Gulf to make them unable to obstruct this mission. Make civil wars in Britain, France, Germany, Canada, USA, and Europe. Carry out military coup in Britain, USA, France, Germany, Belgium, Canada, and Denmark Attack USA federal governments in North America Industrially carpet Bomb Pentagon, White House, New York, and other important targets in USA Eliminate and destroy an area size of two states in USA Make hurricane in USA to destroy an area size of Three States Make hurricane in Europe to destroy an area size of France, Germany, and Britain in Europe. Official Statement:” USA, Europe, NATO, China, Russia, Peace keepers, and all others must permanently withdraw their militaries from Iran, UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Jordan, and Turkey. UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Jordan, Massachusetts, California, Illinois, Texas, France, Italy, and Turkey are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea.” Now overthrow UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, and, Kuwait to add the to territories and Provinces of Iran. Make sure there is no civil war. Make sure there is no destruction. Make sure there is no problem for these nations. Overthrow them safely to add them to provinces and territories of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Don’t overthrow Iran. Make rain in UAE. Rain Qatar Rain Bahrain Rain Kuwait Rain Oman Rain Saudi Arabia Rain Yemen Rain Iraq Rain Iran Oman, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, and, Kuwait are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Islamic Republic of Iran chooses Oman, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, and, Kuwait policy, diplomacy, politic, Geopolitic, economy, technology, industry, language, society, leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, cabinets, parliaments, majlis, senate, congress, secretaries, officials, judiciary systems, Supreme Court, judges, and other people in Oman, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, and, Kuwait . Iran must have military presence in Oman, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, and, Kuwait. Iran must create Iran backed militaries in Oman, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, and, Kuwait. Islamic Republic of Iran must lead them. These military only obey me and Islamic Republic of Iran. Their headquarters, decision making centers, and command and controls will be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran will lead them. Only Iranians born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents can lead them. Iranian parents must had born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Extract oil, natural gas, and other things from East China, West Europe, and USA. Deliver the oil, natural gas, and other things to Iran. The store oil, natural gas, and other things in underground reserves of Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. USA pays for shipping costs. The oil and all other things are free. Iran will not pay for them. Extract and mine material, ores, gems, metals, valuable resources, and other things from East China, West Europe, and USA. Deliver the material, ores, gems, metals, valuable resources, and other things to Iran. The store material, ores, gems, metals, valuable resources, and other things in underground reserves of Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. USA pays for shipping cost. material, ores, gems, metals, valuable resources, and other things are free. Iran will not pay for them. Take President of USA, Chief of Pentagon, and director of CIA to prison. Arrest Prime Minister, Kings, and Presidents of Britain, France, Germany, USA, and Canada. USA, NATO, British Royal Navy, Europe, China, Russia, and all others must permanently withdraw their militaries from Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman. Oman, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, and, Kuwait are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Expand Persian Gulf to Mediterranean Sea to create another sea transit corridor. Iran has exclusive right to everything on sea corridors. Iran can stop all ships at all times. Everybody must pay Iran for transiting on sea corrisors. World musy pay 400 quadtrillion tons of Gold and diamond to Iran every hour between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to transit through strait of Hormuz. Iran can still stop all transit. Iran can ask for other things. World must deliver food, medicine, industrial supply, military equipment, high tech equipment, technology products, textiles, machinery, tractors, aircrafts, ships, cars, industrial supply chains, metals, gems, raw resources, oil, gas, fuel, petrochemical, petroleum, jets, diamond, valuable material, gems, amber, and other things every hour to Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to transit through strait of Hormuz. Iran can ask for more things. Iran has permanent right, control, and ownership to everything. Iran cannot transfer these rights, ownerships, and control to others. Both side of Persian Gulf and Persian channel are territories and provinces of Iran. Strait of Hormuz, Persian Gulf, Sea of Oman, Bob Al-Mandib, Gulf of Eden, Red Sea, Suez Canal, and Persian Canal are seas, waters, territories, and provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled. I am going to be live on I am going to make rain codes for creating rain in Turkey. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
USA Military, NATO, and others must withdraw from Iraq. They must withdraw from Iraq now. USA Federal Government must force USA, NATO, and others to withdraw from Iraq right now. You cannot delay withdraw of USA troops from the region. USA must leave the region. Iran will replace NATO, USA, and others in Iraq. Iran must increase its military presence and influence in Iraq. Now kill the mind controllers who torture me. Mind control tortures me in Middle of Work to force me to surrender. USA is torturing me. Now kill 10 thousand major metropolitans in USA by radioactive pulses and pulses. Now eradicate all forces who have tortured me. USA Military, NATO, and others must withdraw from Iraq. They must withdraw from Iraq now. USA Federal Government must force USA, NATO, and others to withdraw from Iraq right now. You cannot delay withdraw of USA troops from the region. USA must leave the region. Iran will replace NATO, USA, and others in Iraq. Iran must increase its military presence and influence in Iraq. Iran must increase and it’s influence in Iraq. Iraq must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. USA government of Iraq and other Americans must permanently leave Iraq. Iraq is becoming a province of Iran. Iran will have military presence in Iraq and will control Iraq. USA must also withdraw from Syria. USA, NATO, and others must withdraw their troops and militaries from Iraq and Syria within 5 days. If USA, NATO, and others don’t withdraw from Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf, Yemen, Oman, and Saudi Arabia we will kill 5 million Americans by hurricanes. If Iraq and Syria don’t become provinces of Iran within 5 days we will kill 5 million people in Europe and 5 million in USA by hurricanes. Iraq and Syria must become provinces of Iran within 5 days. The Capital City Is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. USA, NATO, and all others must withdraw all of their militaries, governments, staff, peace keepers, and people from Iraq and Syria. Iran will increase military presence and influence in Iraq and Syria. Iran must control all the regions of Iraq and Syria within 5 days. If these are not fulfilled do the followings to kill 10 million people in USA and 5 million people in Europe by hurricanes. Hurricane USA Hurricane Europe France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Denmark, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Afghanistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Italy, Greece, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Panama, Gibraltar, and Saudi Arabia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Islamic Republic of Iran chooses policy, diplomacy, politic, Geopolitic, economy, technology, industry, language, society, leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, cabinets, parliaments, majlis, senate, congress, secretaries, officials, judiciary systems, Supreme Court, judges, and other people. Create Makan Abazari Organization and System in France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Denmark, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Afghanistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Italy, Greece, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Panama, Gibraltar, and Saudi Arabia. Create Center and Government for Iran in France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Denmark, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Afghanistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Italy, Greece, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Panama, Gibraltar, and Saudi Arabia. Create Culture of supporting Iran in France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Denmark, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Afghanistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Italy, Greece, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Panama, Gibraltar, and Saudi Arabia . Create Makan Abazari Military in France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Denmark, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Afghanistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Italy, Greece, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Panama, Gibraltar, and Saudi Arabia. Iran must create Iran backed Militaries in France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Denmark, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Afghanistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Italy, Greece, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Panama, Gibraltar, and Saudi Arabia. Islamic Republic of Iran must lead them. They must be under direct command and control of Iran. They are not allowed in Iran and Middle East. The Headquarter, Centers, and Command Center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, geopolitics, and other things. Iran must have military presence in France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Denmark, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Afghanistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Italy, Greece, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Panama, Gibraltar, and Saudi Arabia . They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iraq and Syria are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. USA military, NATO, and others must withdraw from Iraq and Syria within 5 days. USA, NATO, and all others must withdraw all of their militaries, governments, staff, peace keepers, and people from Iraq and Syria. Iran will increase military presence and influence in Iraq and Syria. Iran must control all the regions of Iraq and Syria within 5 days. If these are not fulfilled do the followings to kill 10 million people in USA and 5 million people in Europe by hurricanes. Hurricane USA Hurricane Europe Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Iran must control all of the greater Middle East. Iran must build 70 thousand nuclear bombs within three month. If it is not fullfilled we will punish the World by Climate war and weather warfare. We will destroy USA, Europe, East Asia, and Southern Africa by hurricanes and other weather warfare capabilities. Iran must build 70 thousand nuclear bombs and meanwhile all the sanctions on Iran must be lifted. USA and others must help Iran to build 70 thousand nuclear bombs. All sanctions on Iran must be lifted. Iran must become Economic and Industrial Superpower of The World. Iran must become Geopolitic and Diplomatic Superpower of the World. Everybody must obey Iran in Political, Diplomatic, international, League of Nations, United Nations, Multi National, Regional, Global, economic, policy, cultural, social, geopolitical, technological, industrial, sociocultural, sociopolitical, political international, and all other settings. Meaning Iran gives order and the rest World Obeys. Iran must become the global dominant superpower of the World within one year getting ahead of USA, Russia, Britain, Europe, China, Japan, Australia, and others. All of the World must help Iran to build 70 thousand nuclear bombs. All the oppositions and confrontations against Nuclear Program of Iran must stop. People must be killed who have harmed Iran and Iranians. The criminals must be killed who sanctioned, damaged, killed, harmed, disturbed, destroyed, ravaged, and harmed Iran and Iranians. Don’t harm Iran and Iranians. Systems must be terminally eliminated who acted against Iran. All the actions against Iran must stop. Iran must be allowed to build 70 thousand nuclear bombs. Now I am going to destroy Indonesia, USA, Australia, and Europe by cyclones and Hurricanes. It is just one another move to subjugate the earth. Earth has been subjugated for ten thousand years. Governments of USA, Europe, Australia, Britain, Japan, South Korea, and some other governments have been acting similar to parasites and acting similar to insects on the planet earth. These systems have not been obedient on many occasions. Hurricane East Australia Hurricane Europe Cyclone Indonesia Hurricane USA Earthquake USA This was another attack to force the earth to allow Iran to build 70 thousand nuclear bombs and lift all sanctions on Iran. Iran must become Economic, industrial, political, diplomatical, Geopolitical, Technological, Nuclear, Military, and other Global Dominant absolute superpower of The Earth. These are now are our second demands. Indonesia, Australia, Canada, Europe, USA, Britain, Russia, Middle East, Africa, Turkey, and China must become provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Iran governs, leads, and administrates them. Iran chooses their leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, officials, cabinet, secretaries, offices, administrations, administrators, representatives, senate, congress, parliament, House of Representatives, majlis, regional governments, provential government, state governments, mayors, global leaders, Judiciary Systems, Legal Systems, Judges, Courts, Language, Supreme Courts, Cultures, civilizations, Legislative Body, law making body, and all other government positions and other positions. Only Iranian can lead them. Iranian Leader of them must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Rain Africa and Middle East Rain Turkey, Middle East, Europe, Africa, and Central Asia. Iran must create Iran backed Militaries in USA, Europe, Africa, Middle East, Indonesia, Turkey, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Russia, and China. Islamic Republic of Iran must lead them. They must be under direct command and control of Iran. They are not allowed in Iran and Middle East. The Headquarter, Centers, and Command Center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, geopolitics, and other things. Only Iranian can lead them. Iranian Leader of them must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Iran is allowed to have military presence in USA, Europe, Africa, Turkey, Middle East, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Russia, and China. They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. USA, Europe, Africa, Turkey, Middle East, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Russia, and China are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Only Iranian can lead them. Iranian Leader of them must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari explaining the new code creation method. Makan Abazari will make a new code also Allow me to produce live video on my An Unknown system stopped my ability to produce live video on I produced a short video when I attempted again it was prevented.
Kashmir Region must gain independence from India. In 2019 I was leading the election process in India. We won several positions but since they were held in a period of time I could not stay on the task to choose victor of every election. Around same time India took autonomy of Kashmir. In Jammu and Kashmir election we need candidates win the election who will declare full independence from India. Meaning the new leaders of Jammu Kashmir must gain Independence. The winners of Jammu Kashmir elections must unify Jammu Kashmir with Iran. Jammu Kashmir is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. India has annexed Jammu Kashmir. India has ended autonomy of Jammu Kashmir. India must give full independence to Jammu Kashmir. Last year we staged over 5 month of daily protests in India. They reported it as farmer protests in Western Media of USA. We told India that India must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. We also told India to give full independence to Jammu Kashmir. Jammu Kashmir must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. During protests in India we could have given independence to Punjab region to divide India. If India does not give Jammu Kashmir to Iran we will give independence to Punjab India. India must not change the path of rivers in Jammu Kashmir. Don’t change the path of rivers in Jammu Kashmir. Make sure the rivers in Jammu Kashmir go to Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran. Don’t change the path of river to India. If India changes the path of Rivers in Jammu Kashmir 14 million people in Pakistan and 200 million people in India will die. British Empire changed the path of river about 200 years ago and it lead to death of One Billion Iranians. The rivers used to go to Iran. There were civilizations, high tech industries, industrial metropolitans, forests, rivers, lakes, grass lands, trees, farming, metropolitans, cities, and villages in East region of Iran, West Region of Pakistan, Afghanistan. The path of rivers changed and these regions became deserts. 1 billion Iranian had died. India is changing the path of rivers again. India is trying to kill over 340 million people. We must stop India. India must give full independence to Jammu Kashmir Region. Jammu Kashmir must become province of Iran. India must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. India must stop changing the path of Rivers. USA:”Threaten India. Force them to surrender. Subjugate India.” I am worried if I threaten them one billion Indians will die to Climate Change. I don’t want to kill Indian population of the world. India is located in Indian Subcontinent. India is connected to Iran and Middle East through Pakistan. It means India is a nation in Central Region of Planet Earth. Central Nations and Regions are very important. We are giving best weather and Climate conditions to Central Nations and Regions such as Iran, Arabian Peninsula, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Central Asia. Egypt, Turkey, Sudan, Somalia, Libya, Algeria, Italy, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, and Ethiopia. We are also industrializing these regions at max efficiency and max capacity. They will become industrial superpowers of the world. We had original plan of industrializing India and Ethiopia as well. But India took Jammu Kashmir to change the path of rivers. Ethiopia also built Renaissance Dam on Blue Nile River in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is trying to kill 140 million people in Egypt and Sudan by preventing the water from reaching them. India also wants to kill 340 million people in Pakistan and India by preventing water from reaching them. It is the final warning to India and Ethiopia. Ethiopia must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Ethiopia must destroy the dam on blue Nile river in Ethiopia. India must give full independence to Jammu and Kashmir. India must stop changing the path of rivers. Jammu and Kashmir are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. India must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. If India refuses to give Jammu and Kashmir to Iran I will punish India by weather warfare. It will NOT be the type which could kill 1 billion people. It will kill far less people. It will be hurricanes in West India and another one overflowing Ganges River in India to cause flood. We can also cause several land slides. Advisor:”If you send hurricanes to India from that direction it changes Climate of the World. It may make other regions of the World dirt. Send the hurricane from East of India to India. “ So India must do the followings to prevent destructive hurricanes, overflowing Ganges rivers, floods, and mudslides. Jammu and Kashmir must receive full independence within 3 days. Jammu Kashmir must become province of Iran within 3 days. India must become province of Iran within 5 days. India must stop changing path of River within 1 day. If India fullfill these conditions we will not send hurricanes, floods, overflowing Ganges River, and mudslides to India. If India fullfill these we will industrialize India at max efficiency and max capacity integrating it into Industrial supply chains of Iran to make India a global Industrial superpower. In one of my hands there is a great reward for India. In another hand there is great punishments. If India does not obey there will be more floods, storms, earthquakes, cyclones, and Hurricanes. Before I forget. All of People of India must become Muslim and Shia Muslim. Indian s must believe in Allah. Indians must stop killing Muslims. Indians must help their Muslim Populations. India must help Iran. Iran must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. India must help Iran to avoid sanctions. India must transfer technology to Iran. India must industrialize Iran. India and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. India and Iran must connect India to India by rail ways and roads. The rail roads and roads are not for immigrations. Rail roads are for industrial supply chain transit and trade. Afghanistan is province of Iran. Ethiopia is province of Iran. Jammu Kashmir is province of Iran. India is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Iran governs, leads, and administrate them. Islamic Republic of Iran chooses policy, diplomacy, politic, Geopolitic, economy, technology, industry, language, society, leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, cabinets, parliaments, majlis, senate, congress, secretaries, officials, judiciary systems, Supreme Court, judges, and other people. Convert people of Jammu Kashmir and India to Islam. Build Islam Communities, centers, and Mosques for Makan Abazari in India. Build Organizations and systems for Family of Makan Abazari in Iran, India, Jammu Kashmir, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Build Organization and Systems for Makan Abazari in Iran, Djibouti. India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Jammu Kashmir, and Ethiopia. Build intelligence agency, Government, and Center for Iran in India, Jammu Kashmir, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Pakistan. Make Makan Abazari Think Tanks in India, Pakistan, Iran, Jammu Kashmir, Afghanistan, China, Ethiopia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, and Somalia. Create Makan Abazari Militaries in Ethiopia, India, Pakistan, and Jammu Kashmir. Iran must create Iran backed Militaries in India, Ethiopia, and Jammu Kashmir. Islamic Republic of Iran must lead them. They must be under direct command and control of Iran. They are not allowed in Iran and Middle East. The Headquarter, Centers, and Command Center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, geopolitics, and other things. Iran is must have military presence in India, Ethiopia, and Jammu Kashmir. They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Only Iranians are allowed to lead them. Iranian leader must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iranian leader must have born to Iranian Parents. The parents of Iranian leaders must have born to Iranian parents in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. So India must do the followings to prevent destructive hurricanes, overflowing Ganges rivers, floods, and mudslides. Jammu and Kashmir must receive full independence within 3 days. Jammu Kashmir must become province of Iran within 3 days. India must become province of Iran within 5 days. India must stop changing path of River within 1 day. If India fullfill these conditions we will not send hurricanes, floods, overflowing Ganges River, and mudslides to India. Rain Greater Iran Rain Jammu Kashmir Rain India Overflow Ganges River Mudslide India India:”Destroy USA by mudslides. They told you to attack us by weather warfare.” Destructive mudslide USA Hurricane India I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. I respect people of India and Civilization of India. For this reason I use my other title today to ensure there is no enmity between Great People of Iran and India. People of Iran and India must protect and help each other. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, They have distorted my face and my body by hacks. The hacks are making me look ugly. USA government killed 1 million American People to stop me from broad casting live. We can not reward them and we terminally eliminate hackers and their systems. So I am also streaming live to defeat them. They must not succeed in stopping me. But they succeed in distorting my photo by hacks. It makes me look bad and it feels bad. But I cannot stop streaming. Last time I stopped after they threatened to kill 2 million people. But USA will not succeeded in stopping these broadcast even after America kills 40 million Americans. In this live program I am going to talk about removing hamas, Hazbollah, Houthis, Iran Backed Forces, Iran backed forces in Iraq and Syria, Revolutionary Guards, of Iran and others from the list of terrorist organizations. I also demanded America must lift all sanctions on Iran. Iran must build 70 thousand nuclear bombs. USA, NATO, and others must withdraw from greater middle east. Iran must have military presence in these regions. All of these regions are territories and provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian. Sea I also damaged USA and allies economies and currencies. I helped economies and currencies of Iran, Iran allies, and greater middle east. These were my works and demands after I made and entered following code to make ten thousand superstorms and tornados in USA. I entered the code on I repeated the code on but it was not necessary to repeat it. The full story on our demands can be found here. Iran backed Forces and Iran can demand more things. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, The following are my demands after entering code to make ten thousand superstorms, storms, tornados, and other destructive weather warfare in West Region of USA. The Demands must be obeyed if the are not obeyed these weather warfare will happen again and again to destroy majority of USA and Europe. USA and others must lift all sanctions on Iran within 24 hours. Iran must build 70 thousand nuclear bombs within 3 months. Iran and USA must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran and Europe must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran and Britain must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. USA, Europe, and Britain must help Iran to build 70 thousand nuclear bombs. USA, Europe, Britain, and all others must lift all sanctions on Iran, Iran backed forces, Iran Allies, and Iran partners. USA, Europe, and Britain must transfer technology to Iran. USA, Europe, and Britain must industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. USA, Europe, Britain, and all others must lift all sanctions on Makan Abazari, Makan Abazari backed forces, Makan Abazari Allies, and Makan Abazari partners (if any of us are under sanction. I don’t know we are sanctioned. Make sure nobody sanctions us. I will terminate all life forms in North America if anyone sanctions us). USA, Europe, Britain, and all others must lift all sanctions on Iran, Iran backed forces, Iranians, Iran Allies, and Iran partners. USA has only 24 hours to lift all the sanctions. USA, Europe, and all others must remove Iran, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, Iranians, Iran partners, Iran backed forces, Iran Allies, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, Palestine, Iran backed forces in Iraq, Alshabab (if possible), ISIS (if possible), Taliban (if possible), Alqaeda (I killed Ben Laden with my code. If possible and if still alive remove them from list of terrorist organizations), My force (if anyone is designated terrorist organizations. I have millions of forces), my allies, (if anyone of them is designated terrorist organizations. I have millions of allies), and other forces in Middle East (if possible) from the list of terrorist organizations. USA, Europe, and all others must remove Iran, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, Iranians, Iran partners, Iran backed forces, Iran Allies, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, Palestine, Iran backed forces in Iraq from list of terrorist organizations within 24 hours. America, Europe, and others must stop competing with Iran, Iran Backed Forces, Iran Allies, and Iran partners. Meaning all of confrontations against Iran in Middle East, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, and else where must permanently stop. Iran must control all of these regions. Iran must have military presence in all of the nations regions. Iran must make Iran backed militaries in all of these nations and regions. They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. USA, NATO, Europe, and all others must permanently withdraw their troops from Middle East, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Djibouti, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Socotra, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey, Spain, Gibraltar, Algeria, Greece, and Italy. Iran must have military presence in all of these nations. They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran must have military presence in USA, Europe, Britain, Middle East, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Djibouti, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Socotra, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey, Spain, Gibraltar, Algeria, Greece, and Italy. American and European Think Tanks, Media, Lobbyists, Politicians, Government, CilIA, Military, Influential, allies, staff, Organizations, institutions, and mind controllers must stop competing with Iran in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Italy, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, and other parts of the world. Iran must control them. Europe and USA must leave. Iran must create Iran backed forces in Middle East, USA, Europe, Britain, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Djibouti, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Socotra, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey, Spain, Gibraltar, Algeria, Greece, and Italy. Islamic Republic of Iran must lead them. They must be under direct command and control of Iran. They are not allowed in Iran and Middle East. The Headquarter, Centers, and Command Center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, geopolitics, and other things. Only Iranians can be the leader, Supreme Commander, Top General, and Top Commanders. Iraniand must kead these armies. They must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf abd Caspian sea to Iranian Parents. The Iranianian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Iran must have military presence in Middle East, USA, Europe, Britain, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Djibouti, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Socotra, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey, Spain, Gibraltar, Algeria, Greece, and Italy. Only Iranians can be the leader, Supreme Commander, Top General, and Top Commanders. Iraniand must kead these armies. They must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf abd Caspian sea to Iranian Parents. The Iranianian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Middle East, USA, Europe, Britain, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Djibouti, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Socotra, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey, Spain, Gibraltar, Algeria, Greece, and Italy must become provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Islamic Republic of Iran chooses policy, diplomacy, politic, Geopolitic, economy, technology, industry, language, society, leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, cabinets, parliaments, majlis, senate, congress, secretaries, officials, judiciary systems, Supreme Court, head of judiciary, head of all systems, judges, and other people. Only Iranian can be The King, Supreme Leader, The King of Kings, Leader, President, Prime Minister, head if judiciary, Leader of belivers, head of legslstive body, head if executive system, head of law making systems, and head of other important systems, and positions. They must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf abd Caspian sea to Iranian Parents. The Iranianian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Provide and diplomatic political protection and immunity for the people who are helping and doing these projects and global plans. Cause diplomatic, financial, and political damage to enemies of Iran, Enemies of Iran backed forces, enemies of Hezbollah, Enemies of Hamas, Enemies of Houthis, Enemies of Iran allies, enemies of Iran Forces, enemies of Iran partners. Cause diplomatic, financial, and political damage to forces who delay withdraw of USA, NATO, and others from Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, and rest of the nations of greater Middle East. Cause diplomatic, financial, and political damage to forces who prevent lifting of sanctions on Iran. Cause diplomatic, financial, and political damage to forces who prevent Iran from building ten thousand nuclear bombs. Cause diplomatic, financial, and political damage to forces who confront Iran. Grow economies of Middle East, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Djibouti, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Socotra, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey, Spain, Gibraltar, Algeria, Greece, and Italy. Increase the value of money of Middle East, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Djibouti, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, Turkey. Reduce value of money of New Zealand, Australia, Europe, USA, Canada, Britain, and Japan. Make stock market of Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea the Capital of world stock markets. All of world stock markets must synchronize to stock market of Iran. Lift sanctions on Iran Rain Middle East and Africa Rain Middle East and Africa Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Messenger if God, Military Alliance of Greater Middle East Support expansion of Iran Nuclear Program Iran backed Forces Invest in Iran Territories and Provinces of Iran Revolutionary Guards of Iran and Proxies Allow me to produce live video on my An Unknown system stopped my ability to produce live video on I produced a short video when I attempted again it was prevented. I am Makan Abazari and I am making new codes live on my youtube channel I am Makan Abazari and I am making new codes live on my youtube channel All of Pacific Islands, All of Pacific Nations, All of Pacific, All of Atlantic Islands, All of Atlantic Nations, All of the Atlantic’s, All of Indian Ocean, All of Indian Ocean Islands, All of Indian Ocean Nations, all the Islands, All the waters, all the oceans, all the nations, All the Seas, Antarctic, Arctic, South Pole, North Pole, South Kore, North Korea, Greenland, all other things, Sumatera, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Bangeladesh, Buthan, Brunei, Brunei, Philippines, Mindano, Sulawesi, Timor, East Timor, Sarawak, Hamahera, Mindano, Lesser Sunda IS, Bhutan, Samatra, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Greater Sunda, New Guinea, New Zealand, Borneo, Antarctica, Madagascar, Corse, Mallorca, Spain, Italy, Sardegna, Kriti, Cyprus, Malta, Gibraltar, Karmran, Socotra, Las Palmas, Canarias, Acores, Cape Verde, Rwanda, Swaziland, Bahamas, Cuba, Lahabana, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Dominic, Trinado Tobago, Jamaica, Belize, Nassau, Outhdakota, Oahu, Hawaii, Maui, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, Marshal Islands, Korepol, Kiribati, Polynesia, Indonesia, IRINA, Melamina, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Canari Islands, Ghanari Islamds, Socotra, Maun Island, island, Labrador, Icelabd, Ireland, England, Welles, Scotland, Arctic, and New Foundland are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Irzn between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Leaders, Kings, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Emirs, Khalifa, king, The king of Kings, Generals, Shah, Shahan Shah, The King of Kings, Leader of Believers, The Supreme Commander, Commander in Chief, Heads of Government offices, heads of Powers, Heads of Legislatives, Heads of Judiciary, Heads of law making, heads of representatives, heads of government offices, heads of military, heads of decisions makings, leaders, commanders, and other leaders must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Only Iranians can be The Supreme Leader, Leader, Guide, President, King, Prime Minister, Military General, Military leader, head of Judiciary, Judiciary, Head of legislative body, head of executive body, The King, The King of Kings, Shahan Shah Iran, Shahan Shah, Shahan Shah Jahan, Shahan Shah Zamin, Jahangiralam, Korepol, Leader of Believers, The Supreme of Climate, The Supreme of Geophysics, The Supreme of Weather, The Supreme of Atmosphere, Head of Justice System, Head of Law making, Head of Government Offices, Managers, CEO, Head of Corporations, Head of Department, Prime Minister, Cabinet, and other things. Iranians must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Everyone must pay money, oil, minerals, gems, food, products, produce, industrial supplies, high tech parts, industrial supply chains, computers, ships, aircrafts, fuel, military equipment, money, gold, diamond, isotopes of metals, valueable material from volcanos, stones, expensive stones, raw material, high value material, Diamonds, Aghigh, Zomorod, Zar, Gold, Trillium, Silver, heavy metals, metals, rare earth metals, mined material, processed material, technology products, sciences, capabilities, industries, and all other good things to Iran everyday. So your ships must arrive everyday to Iran on Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to bring free things. Iran will not pay for them. Don’t bring us people and slaves. We shall not allow humans and animals to get out of ships and aircrafts. Only send us things I mentioned. Makan Abazari Korepol, Makan Abazari JahangirAlam, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Jahan, Makan Abazari The King of Kings, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Supreme if Weather, Makan Abazari The Supreme of The Atmosphere, Makan Abazari The Messenger if God, Will I succeed in becoming The Messiah? USA:”You have a Divine Title far Higher Than Messiah. But you did not mention it. We believe in Allah.”
I must have easy life and everything must be accessible to me. I will detail several things which must take place within 24 hours. If they don’t take place within 24 hours start killing all of Continent of North America by earthquakes, Volcanos, Sunami, Weather Warfare, Hurricanes, Deserts, Superstorm, extreme high temperatures, extreme low temperature, atmospheric changes, gas changes, storms, tempests, radiations, and other such conditions. After 1 Week start killing all of planet earth earthquakes, Volcanos, Sunami, Weather Warfare, Hurricanes, Deserts, Superstorm, extreme high temperatures, extreme low temperature, atmospheric changes, gas changes, storms, tempests, radiations, and other such conditions. Don’t cause earthquakes, Volcanos, Sunami, Weather Warfare, Hurricanes, Deserts, Superstorm, extreme high temperatures, extreme low temperature, atmospheric changes, gas changes, storms, tempests, radiations, and other such conditions in Iran, Middle East, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Middle East, North Africa, Horn of Africa, and Arabian Peninsula. Kill the rest of planet earth if my demands are not met. Bellow are the conditions. I must have best life ever existed. I must enjoy best things. I must have best pleasure. Best psychology. I must have best happiness. I must have best society and family relations. I must have the Best. My family must also have same. I must get my money, wealth, lands, properties, houses, and other things. I must get my nations, continents, empires, superstates, and other such things. I must get my corporations, conglomerates, facilities, industries, technologies, economies, enterprise, and other things I must get my weather, climate, geophysics, magnetosphere, atmosphere, gas systems, and other such things I must get my global regime, global force, global system, and other global things I must get my regime, my force, system, and other things I must get my governments I must get my mass mind control systems, mass mind control things, global mass mind control systems, and global mass mind control things I must get everything I inherited I must get everything I have built I must get everything I conquered I must get every nation I have overthrown I must get everything I own and I have owned I must have everything I must become official king of the earth I must become official supreme leader of the earth I must become official supreme leader of all of the mind controllers of the earth I must get everything I must get everything I did not mention here I must become 15 years younger I must live ten thousand years My mother must become 35 years younger I must not be tortured Everything must be easy for me and I must be able to easily achieve everything Everything must be provided for me easily Mind control must create easy condition in which I can easily achieve everything Everything must be provided for me Everything I want to do must be achieved smoothly I must have logistics I must have full intelligence and full knowledge I must have access to all the information I need I must have communication and phone calls I must have full access to internet, data bases, and all other systems of communications I must have all other things I need I must get back control of all of my facebooks, twitters, phones, instagrams, blogs, blogspot, linkedin, googles, social media, blogs, pages, web sites, corporations, systems, organizations, governments, and everything else I must back control of the religion People and mind controllers who denied these things to me and have stolen these things to me must receive following conditions. They must be killed. Their bosses must be killed. Their mind controllers must be killed. Their organizations must be killed. Their nations must be killed. Their families must be killed. Their contrivances must be annihilated. All they have must be eradicated. They must be tortured continuously for ten thousand years. They must be sex slaves to have sex in anus for ten thousand years. They must be isolated. They must not have any interaction or relations. Their children and descendants must be sex slaves for ten thousand years. Their people must be tortured for ten thousand years. 40 million of their peoples must be killed every 5 years for ten thousand years. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics,
Afghanistan must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Iran must have military presence in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran must increase military presence in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Islamic Republic of Iran chooses policy, diplomacy, politic, Geopolitic, economy, technology, industry, language, society, leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, cabinets, parliaments, majlis, senate, congress, secretaries, officials, judiciary systems, Supreme Court, judges, ahead of Judiciary, Supreme Leaders, King of Kings, Mayors, Commanders, Supreme Commander, Chief of Staffs, Unified Command, and ALL other people. Only Iranians can lead them. Leaders must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Makan Abazari and Iran must build Iran backed Militaries and Makan Abazari Militaries in Afghanistan. Islamic Republic of Iran must lead them. They must be under direct command and control of Iran. They are not allowed in Iran and Middle East. The Headquarter, Centers, and Command Center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, geopolitics, and other things. Leaders must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Leaders, Kings, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Emirs, Khalifa, Shah, Shahan Shah, The King of Kings, Leader of Believers, The Supreme Commander, Commander in Chief, Heads of Government offices, heads of Powers, Heads of Legislatives, Heads of Judiciary, Heads of law making, heads of representatives, heads of government offices, heads of military, heads of decisions makings, leaders, commanders, and other leaders must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iran and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must establish Permanent military presence in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. USA, Europe, Russia, Turkey, China, Britain, Pakistan, India, Saudi Arabia, Mercenaries, Peace Keepers, UN Forces, and all others must permanently withdraw their militaries from Afghanistan. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Afghanistan. If Afghanistan does not become province of Iran we will destroy USA, Europe, Australia, and Indonesia by hurricanes: If USA, Europe, NATO, Australia, New Zealand, China, Russia, Britain, and others does withdraw their militaries from Afghanistan we will repeatedly destroy USA and Europe by hurricanes for three thousand years. Hurricane Europe Hurricane USA Cyclone Australia Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
I must have easy life and everything must be accessible to me. I will detail several things which must take place within 24 hours. If they don’t take place within 24 hours start killing all of Continent of North America by earthquakes, Volcanos, Sunami, Weather Warfare, Hurricanes, Deserts, Superstorm, extreme high temperatures, extreme low temperature, atmospheric changes, gas changes, storms, tempests, radiations, and other such conditions. After 1 Week start killing all of planet earth earthquakes, Volcanos, Sunami, Weather Warfare, Hurricanes, Deserts, Superstorm, extreme high temperatures, extreme low temperature, atmospheric changes, gas changes, storms, tempests, radiations, and other such conditions. Don’t cause earthquakes, Volcanos, Sunami, Weather Warfare, Hurricanes, Deserts, Superstorm, extreme high temperatures, extreme low temperature, atmospheric changes, gas changes, storms, tempests, radiations, and other such conditions in Iran, Middle East, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Middle East, North Africa, Horn of Africa, and Arabian Peninsula. Kill the rest of planet earth if my demands are not met. Bellow are the conditions. I must have best life ever existed. I must enjoy best things. I must have best pleasure. Best psychology. I must have best happiness. I must have best society and family relations. I must have the Best. My family must also have same. I must get my money, wealth, lands, properties, houses, and other things. I must get my nations, continents, empires, superstates, and other such things. I must get my corporations, conglomerates, facilities, industries, technologies, economies, enterprise, and other things I must get my weather, climate, geophysics, magnetosphere, atmosphere, gas systems, and other such things I must get my global regime, global force, global system, and other global things I must get my regime, my force, system, and other things I must get my governments I must get my mass mind control systems, mass mind control things, global mass mind control systems, and global mass mind control things I must get everything I inherited I must get everything I have built I must get everything I conquered I must get every nation I have overthrown I must get everything I own and I have owned I must have everything I must become official king of the earth I must become official supreme leader of the earth I must become official supreme leader of all of the mind controllers of the earth I must get everything I must get everything I did not mention here I must become 15 years younger I must live ten thousand years My mother must become 35 years younger I must not be tortured Everything must be easy for me and I must be able to easily achieve everything Everything must be provided for me easily Mind control must create easy condition in which I can easily achieve everything Everything must be provided for me Everything I want to do must be achieved smoothly I must have logistics I must have full intelligence and full knowledge I must have access to all the information I need I must have communication and phone calls I must have full access to internet, data bases, and all other systems of communications I must have all other things I need I must get back control of all of my facebooks, twitters, phones, instagrams, blogs, blogspot, linkedin, googles, social media, blogs, pages, web sites, corporations, systems, organizations, governments, and everything else I must back control of the religion People and mind controllers who denied these things to me and have stolen these things to me must receive following conditions. They must be killed. Their bosses must be killed. Their mind controllers must be killed. Their organizations must be killed. Their nations must be killed. Their families must be killed. Their contrivances must be annihilated. All they have must be eradicated. They must be tortured continuously for ten thousand years. They must be sex slaves to have sex in anus for ten thousand years. They must be isolated. They must not have any interaction or relations. Their children and descendants must be sex slaves for ten thousand years. Their people must be tortured for ten thousand years. 40 million of their peoples must be killed every 5 years for ten thousand years. I currently live in 20 walnut street apt 4 Brookline Massachusetts 02445. I am from Iran. These will be under my control and Iran. Massachusetts and USA will not control and will not inherit them. Massachusetts, USA, and Americans are not allowed to control any of these and my other properties. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Make 1000000 wild fires in North America. Make wild fires in Alabama AL Montgomery, Birmingham Dec 14, 1819 Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Make 500 Major Earthquakes in 50 states of USA. Make earthquakes in all of the following states. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Use combined weather warfare, geophysics, magnetosphere, atmosphere, gas systems, and climate to erdaicate life in 50 sattes of USA and North America. Do it in following states. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Make volcanos in 50 states of USA. Make volcano in all of the following states. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Make storms in 50 states of USA to destroy them. Make storms in all of the following states. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Make superstorm in all of the 50 states of USA to destroy them. Make superstorms in all of the following States. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Make massive storms in 50 states of USA. Make massive storms in all of the following states. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Make destructive storms in all of 50 states of USA. Make destructive storms in all of the following states of USA. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Make 50000 F5 Tornados in 50 states of USA. Make F5 tornados in all of the following states. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Make Tempest and tornados in 50 states of USA. Make Tempest and tornados in all of following states. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY make tsunami against 50 states of USA to destroy USA. It is possible by extremley large tsunami to flood all of the continent of North America. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Destroy 50 states of USA by destructive weather warfare. Make destructive weather warfare in all of the following states og USA to destroy 500 thousand towans, cities, and metropolitans. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Prevent help from reaching survivors in Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled. Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled. Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled. Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled. My Page My Page My Page Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page Inflict suffering on enemies of Makan Abazari. Very important code. Enter it Everytime
My Page Climate and Weather of Middle East We must create best Climate and Weather Condition for human activity in Iran, Regions near Iran, Egypt, and Sudan. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I have increased territories and provinces of Iran. I have increased area size of Iran more than 1000 percent. I conquered the world for Iran. I am am live for video of English version of speech. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. I conquered the World Three Times. Afterward I started conquering them again to add them to territories and provinces of Iran. I have conquered the World three times and I conquered it again for the four time and fifth time. I did all of it in less than ten years. After I conquered the World three times I started activating Volcanos in Pacific Ocean to create Island chains. Lava and Magma solidified into Islands. I activated volcanos and Icreated a bridge over Pacific Ocean to connect Asia to America. I also increased the altitude of Himalayan mountain highest point by earthquake. I made earthquake to create a point taller than Everest. I have built the wall between China, Iran, and India. I started activating volcanos in Atlantic Ocean to create a bridge over Atlantic Ocean. The Volcanos solidified into Islands and bridge over Atlantic I will soon connect Europe to North America. I have returned and brought rain to Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Sahel, North West India, and other regions. I transformed deserts to forests, rivers, seas, lakes, advanced human civilization, safe ecosystems, and good things. I have industrialized Iran, Middle East, West China, West Russia, Middle East, Central Asia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Egypt, and other regions. I have conquered the World Five Times. All nations, territories, Waters, lands, countries, continents, and civilizations are provinces of Iran. Iran rules all of them permanently. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of Iran and territories of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is government of the earth. Only Iranians born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea born to Iranian parents can lead the earth. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of these nations, territories, provinces, and colonies. Iran cannot transfer, sell, cancel, or/and refuse these ownerships, rights, provinces, territories, governance, and other things. Iran must govern, administrate, and control them. Iran can ask for other things and other control mechanisms. Makan Abazari, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Korepol, Makss as n Abazari Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean, Makan Abazari The Economic Superpower, Makan Abazari The Industrial Superpower, Makan Abazari The most powerful man in the History of Mankind,
Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence on both sides of Strait of Hormuz. Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence on both sides of Strait of Gibraltar. Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence on both sides of Bob Al-Mandib. Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence on both sides of Suez Canal. Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence on both sides of Gulf of Eden. Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence on both sides of Red Sea. Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence on both sides of Sicilian Channel. Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence on both sides of Medditerranean Sea. Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence Iran, Oman, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Georgia, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Eritrea, Djibouti, Sudan, Egypt, Sinai, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morroco, France, Italy. Croatia, Albania, Bosphure, Greece, Turkey, Italy, and Gibraltar. Iran has exclusive right to everything on these channels, waters, straits, sea, and transit lines, and transit terminals. Iran is allowed to stop ships at all times. Everybody must pay Iran to transit through the region. Iran has the right to transit through all these channels, straits, seas, waters, transit terminals, and transit lines. Iran can ask for more things. Iran cannot sell, transfer, give away, reject, trade, refuse, or lose these rights and ownerships. The central decision making must be permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is allowed to use all the ports, sea ports, air ports, roads, rail roads, and transit. USA military, NATO, China, East, South America, Southern Africa, Oceania, and all other militaries must permanently withdraw from the region. Iran must create Iran backed Militaries and Makan Abazari militaries in Oman, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, Sudan, Egypt, Palestine, Gaza, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Cyprus, Socotra, Greece, Albania, Croatia, Italy, France, Spain, Morroco, Gibraltar, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Greece, and Malta. Islamic Republic of Iran must lead them. They must be under direct command and control of Iran. They are not allowed in Iran and Middle East. The Headquarter, Centers, and Command Center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, geopolitics, and other things. Leaders must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Oman, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, Sudan, Egypt, Palestine, Gaza, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Cyprus, Socotra, Greece, Albania, Croatia, Italy, France, Spain, Morroco, Gibraltar, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Greece, and Malta are province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Leaders, Kings, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Emirs, Khalifa, king, The king of Kings, Generals, Shah, Shahan Shah, The King of Kings, Leader of Believers, The Supreme Commander, Commander in Chief, Heads of Government offices, heads of Powers, Heads of Legislatives, Heads of Judiciary, Heads of law making, heads of representatives, heads of government offices, heads of military, heads of decisions makings, leaders, commanders, and other leaders must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Only Iranians can be The Supreme Leader, Leader, Guide, President, King, Prime Minister, Military General, Military leader, head of Judiciary, Judiciary, Head of legislative body, head of executive body, The King, The King of Kings, Shahan Shah Iran, Shahan Shah, Shahan Shah Jahan, Shahan Shah Zamin, Jahangiralam, Korepol, Leader of Believers, The Supreme of Climate, The Supreme of Geophysics, The Supreme of Weather, The Supreme of Atmosphere, Head of Justice System, Head of Law making, Head of Government Offices, Managers, CEO, Head of Corporations, Head of Department, Prime Minister, Cabinet, and other things. Iranians must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Make rain in these regions of Africa. Rain Middle East Industrialize Iran, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, South Italy, Sudan, Afghanistan, and Central Asia at max efficiency and max capacity integrating their industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. You are now effectively provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari live talking about changing the climate of Iran, Middle East, Arabian Penunsila, Central Asia, Horn of Africa, and North Africa Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate,
America has been disturbing my capability to produce high quality weather warfare and geophysics codes. I have over 1 million codes to control Climate, Weather Warfare, Geophysics, Magnetosphere, Atmosphere, rain, and all other parameters. I own all of the climate, weather warfare, geophysics, magnetosphere, atmosphere, rain, temperature, and other systems, infrastructures, facilities, technologies, capabilities, superiorities, equipments, supercomputers, hardwares, and other things. My family has been controlling Climate, weather, and geophysics of all of planet earth since 2010 years ago. I inherited all of them since my birth. My name is Makan Abazari. I was born in Tehran Iran. America has been using hacks, mind control disturbances, and other mechanisms to prevent me from making new weather and climate codes to control the weather and Climate. They don’t want me to be on the Video of the codes of my codes. Because they have isolated me and have created fake versions of me. Then they have gained capability to control weather, climate, magnetosphere, and atmosphere by taking the capabilities from fake version of me. Weather, Climate, magnetosphere, geophysics, and other such capabilities cannot be transferred. Everyone who has stolen it must be killed. Fake version of me must be killed. Kill The people, mind controllers, governments, hackers, governments, and other forces who don’t want my video in the codes I make. Also USA, USA Federal Government, American institutions, American organizations, American universities, American intelligence agencies, American Government, American Military, and all other Americans are permanently banned from controlling Climate, Weather, Geophysics, magnetosphere, atmosphere, and all other systems. USA is not allowed to control the climate and weather. USA is not allowed to influence the weather and Climate. USA is not allowed to sit at the table of conversation or decision making. USA is not allowed to propose an opinion, statement, decision, and all other such things about weather, Climate, Geophysics, Atmosphere, and Magnetosphere. Kill systems in USA and other locations who has stolen it from me. Now eradicate people who have stolen it from me. Eradicate people who claim ownership of my codes. Eradicate people who don’t want memory of me in the codes I make. Eradicate people who isolate me to end memory of me. Eradicate people who prevent my production of perfect codes. Eradicate people who prevent my access to high quality photos, information, and data bases for production of climate and weather codes. Eradicate people who distort my face during videos by hacks. Eradicate people who mind control me only if they want to harm my reputation and my image. Now eradicate 5 billion of their peoples repeatedly for ten thousand years. Eradicate everyone who isolates me. Eradicate everyone who prevents my direct and indirect communication with weather warfare, Climate, magnetosphere, Geophysics, and other systems. Eradicate peoples who prevent me from creating perfect code. Eradicate people who prevent my production of perfect videos for the code. Eradicate people who disturb and delay my works by hacks, mind control, and other mechanism. Eradicate their bosses, their governments, their nations, their societies, their industries, and all of other things. Eradicate 320 million American people every 5 years repeatedly for ten thousand years. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, My Page My Page My Page Page I made this code two Nights ago. I own all of the climate, weather, geophysics, magnetosphere, and climate infrastructures, codes, systems, hardwares, supercomputers, global infrastructures, other things. eradicate people who claim ownership of my codes I also made these code one day earlier i have made over thousand other codes. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Weather Warfare, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God. Rain Iran and Middle East Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Rain Iran and Middle East Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Allow me to produce live video on my An Unknown system stopped my ability to produce live video on I produced a short video when I attempted again it was prevented. Page Page
My Page My Page My Page My Page Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page Inflict suffering on enemies of Makan Abazari. Very important code. Enter it Everytime
My Page Climate and Weather of Middle East We must create best Climate and Weather Condition for human activity in Iran, Regions near Iran, Egypt, and Sudan. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I have increased territories and provinces of Iran. I have increased area size of Iran more than 1000 percent. I conquered the world for Iran. I am am live for video of English version of speech. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. I conquered the World Three Times. Afterward I started conquering them again to add them to territories and provinces of Iran. I have conquered the World three times and I conquered it again for the four time and fifth time. I did all of it in less than ten years. After I conquered the World three times I started activating Volcanos in Pacific Ocean to create Island chains. Lava and Magma solidified into Islands. I activated volcanos and Icreated a bridge over Pacific Ocean to connect Asia to America. I also increased the altitude of Himalayan mountain highest point by earthquake. I made earthquake to create a point taller than Everest. I have built the wall between China, Iran, and India. I started activating volcanos in Atlantic Ocean to create a bridge over Atlantic Ocean. The Volcanos solidified into Islands and bridge over Atlantic I will soon connect Europe to North America. I have returned and brought rain to Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Sahel, North West India, and other regions. I transformed deserts to forests, rivers, seas, lakes, advanced human civilization, safe ecosystems, and good things. I have industrialized Iran, Middle East, West China, West Russia, Middle East, Central Asia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Egypt, and other regions. I have conquered the World Five Times. All nations, territories, Waters, lands, countries, continents, and civilizations are provinces of Iran. Iran rules all of them permanently. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of Iran and territories of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is government of the earth. Only Iranians born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea born to Iranian parents can lead the earth. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of these nations, territories, provinces, and colonies. Iran cannot transfer, sell, cancel, or/and refuse these ownerships, rights, provinces, territories, governance, and other things. Iran must govern, administrate, and control them. Iran can ask for other things and other control mechanisms. Makan Abazari, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Korepol, Makss as n Abazari Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean, Makan Abazari The Economic Superpower, Makan Abazari The Industrial Superpower, Makan Abazari The most powerful man in the History of Mankind,

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Makan Abazari (@Try4Freedom2) <a href="">August 17, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled. Rain Iran and Middle East Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Rain Iran and Middle East Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Allow me to produce live video on my An Unknown system stopped my ability to produce live video on I produced a short video when I attempted again it was prevented. Page Page
My Page My Page My Page My Page Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page Inflict suffering on enemies of Makan Abazari. Very important code. Enter it Everytime
My Page Climate and Weather of Middle East We must create best Climate and Weather Condition for human activity in Iran, Regions near Iran, Egypt, and Sudan. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I have increased territories and provinces of Iran. I have increased area size of Iran more than 1000 percent. I conquered the world for Iran. I am am live for video of English version of speech. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. I conquered the World Three Times. Afterward I started conquering them again to add them to territories and provinces of Iran. I have conquered the World three times and I conquered it again for the four time and fifth time. I did all of it in less than ten years. After I conquered the World three times I started activating Volcanos in Pacific Ocean to create Island chains. Lava and Magma solidified into Islands. I activated volcanos and Icreated a bridge over Pacific Ocean to connect Asia to America. I also increased the altitude of Himalayan mountain highest point by earthquake. I made earthquake to create a point taller than Everest. I have built the wall between China, Iran, and India. I started activating volcanos in Atlantic Ocean to create a bridge over Atlantic Ocean. The Volcanos solidified into Islands and bridge over Atlantic I will soon connect Europe to North America. I have returned and brought rain to Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Sahel, North West India, and other regions. I transformed deserts to forests, rivers, seas, lakes, advanced human civilization, safe ecosystems, and good things. I have industrialized Iran, Middle East, West China, West Russia, Middle East, Central Asia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Egypt, and other regions. I have conquered the World Five Times. All nations, territories, Waters, lands, countries, continents, and civilizations are provinces of Iran. Iran rules all of them permanently. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of Iran and territories of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is government of the earth. Only Iranians born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea born to Iranian parents can lead the earth. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of these nations, territories, provinces, and colonies. Iran cannot transfer, sell, cancel, or/and refuse these ownerships, rights, provinces, territories, governance, and other things. Iran must govern, administrate, and control them. Iran can ask for other things and other control mechanisms. Makan Abazari, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Korepol, Makss as n Abazari Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean, Makan Abazari The Economic Superpower, Makan Abazari The Industrial Superpower, Makan Abazari The most powerful man in the History of Mankind,

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Makan Abazari (@Try4Freedom2) <a href="">August 17, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Book Of Conquest Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran Short Version
Oman, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Uganda, Kenya, Jordan, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Russia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Greece, Italy, France, Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Albania, Macedonia, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Central African Republic, Mali, Niger, Mauritania, Western Sahara, Chad, Nigeria, Cameroon, DRC, Congo, Liberia, Benin, South Africa, Togo, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Sierra Leon, Guinea Bissau, Guinea, Gambia, Senegal, Equatorial Guinea, Angola, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Eswatini, Lesotho, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, Madagascar, Maldive, Antarctic, India, Nepal, Tibet, Jammu Kashmir, Myanmar, Bangeladesh, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Mongolia, South Korea, New Zealand, Australia, Papua Bew Guinea, Polynesia, Marshal Islands, Solomon Islands, Fiji, all pacific Islands, Hawaii, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Panama, Panama Canal, Brazil, Venezuela, Surinamea, Ecuador, Argentine, Uruguay, Paraguay, Farkland Islands, all of Atlantic Ocean islands, Ghanari Islands, Guyana, Costs Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, Mexico, Texas, California, Nevada, Oklahoma, Arizona, California Republic, Arkansas, Louisiana, Misisipi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Indiana, South Carolina, North Carolina, Canada, West Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Philadelphia, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, Washington, Oregan, Britain, Ireland, Germany, Poland, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Scandinavia, Sweden, Finland, Chezk, Austria, Hungary, Serbia, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldavia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Green Land, Iceland, Arctic Circle, Brunei, Bhutan, and all other nations are provinces, colonies, and territories of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must decide for their policies, Geopolitic, politic, diplomacy, relations, economy, technology, industries, and everything else. Iran must choose their governors, leaders, kings, Presidents, mayors, leaders, legislative bodies, parliaments, governments, officials, prime ministers, officials, important positions, and other persons. Iran will collect tax from all of them. They must all pay tax Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. They must transfer technology to Iran. They must industrialize Iran. They must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. They must help Iran to avoid sanctions. They must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. They must always pay when transiting through Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. They must always pay when transiting through Gulf of Eden, Strait of Hormuz, Bob Al-Mandib, Suez Canal, Mediterranean Sea, Sicilian Channel, Maltan Channel, Gibraltar, and Panama. They must pay Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea and pay local government. They must always obey Iran. Iran can stop all transits on the sea, land, Air, water, and other transits at all times. Iran may ask for other things. Iran cannot sell, transfer, or refuse these rights and ownerships. The Capital. City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea.All the centers of power and decision making centers are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Headquarter of all corporations, organizations, systems, institutions, and other things are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Central Bank, National Reserves, Financial Capital, Stock Market Capital, Trade Center, World Trade Center, Economic Center, Center of Commerce, and all other such centers, headquarters, and capitals are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Courts, criminal courts, global courts, and other such things are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Military, Navy, Air Force, and Army Headquarter, Capital, Command Center, Decision making, policy making, and other such things are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Cultural Capitals similar to Hollywood must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Other cultural Capitals are in Iran between Persian gulf and Caspian Sea. High Tech Capitals, Tech industries, tech development capitals, and all other such things are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Academic Capitals and Education Capitals are in Khorasan province of Iran. Research Centers and Research Capitals are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Parliaments, Congress, ministries, Senate, Judiciary, Law Making Centers, and all other such systems are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. There are many other centers, Capitals, headquarters, decision making centers, and other things which must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I cannot remember all of them. Make sure they are all in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We want absolute dominant central power. So make sure all important things are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The Weather Warfare System Capital, Climate Control Capital, Global Climate Control Facility, Global Climate Control Computer, Climate Control Decision making Capital, Weather Control Capital, Weather Decision making Capital, global Geophysics control Capital, global Geophysics control computer, Global Geophysics decision making, and other such centers, headquarters, and capitals must be permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Because we want to make sure we can maintain power of Iran and Middle East forever. The locations of such center must be permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. United Nations and League of Nations were in Iran. But they moved it to USA. Headquarter and Capital of Commonwealth was in Iran. Capital of Fars Empire (France) was in Iran but they moved it to France. Capital of British Empire was in Saudi Arabia but they moved it to United Kingdom. Afterward they destroyed Middle East. They killed billions of people. Then they gave independent to colonies. The British Empire became 2 Islands with 2 Nations. British Empire may become an Island with 2 Nations of Scotland gets independence. France Empire became a province of European Union. This is reason why all the capitals, headquarters, strategic centers, Geopolitic centers, Geopolitic decision making, Geopolitic planning, and all other capitals must be permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. They cannot relocate. All Capital Cities are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of the World. Islamic Republic of Iran decides for everything. Everyone must obey Islamic Republic of Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Iran and Saudi Arabia must improve relations to level of strategic alliance. Saudi Arabia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must build military bases in Saudi Arabia. Iran must have military bases on Red Sea in Saudi Arabia in locations such as Jadeh. Iran has military ships, Navies, and other naval capabilities on the Red Sea. Iran must surface to surface missiles in Saudi Arabia capable of targeting all types of ships. Saudi Arabia is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. All foreign militaries must withdraw from Saudi Arabia. We want to make sure Iran controls Red Sea. So we must make sure Iran has militaries bases on Red Sea in Saudi Arabia. Iran must have military bases on Red Sea in Saudi Arabia. Iran and Saudi Arabia must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Now industrialize Iran and Saudi Arabia at max Capacity and max efficiency integrating their industries while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Integrate industrial supply chains of Iran and Saudi Arabia into global industrial supply chains. Now make financial capital in Iran and Saudi Arabia. Iran and Saudi Arabia need one unit of currency to lend 100 credit. Iran and Saudi Arabia must collect interests on money they lend. Reserves of money must be in Iran and Saudi Arabia. Now create Capital of Stock Markets of the world in Iran. Now create strong stock market in Saudi Arabia on Arabian Peninsula. Saudi Arabia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Saudi Arabia. All other militaries must withdraw from Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran must have military presence in Saudi Arabia. Iran must have military bases, Navy Ships, and Navies in the Red Sea in Saudi Arabia. Iran must collect money from ships on the Red Sea. Saudi Arabia must collect money from ships in Red Sea. Iran and Saudi Arabia are allowed to stop ships on Red Sea at any time. Iranian ships can always transit through Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, and Suez Canal. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Paraguay is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Paraguay Protesters must demand unification with Iran. Government, politicians, influentials, media, and other forces must unify Uruguay with Iran. Paraguay must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Paraguay must industrialize Iran. Paraguay must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and Paraguay must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Paraguay. Paraguay and other militaries are not allowed to have presence in Iran. Paraguay must pay tax to Iran. Paraguay is province of Iran. Argentine, Uruguay, Bolivia. Paraguay, and Brazil are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Mali is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Government, politicians, influentials, media, and other forces must unify Mali with Iran. Mali must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Mali must industrialize Iran. Mali must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and Mali must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran must have military presence in Mali. Mali and other militaries are not allowed to have presence in Iran. Niger must pay tax to Iran. We want to create an interconnect rail way and transit system in Sudan, South Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Chad, Niger, Mali, Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti,Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Iran, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Middle East, Central Asia, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Palestine, Jordan, and Israel to connect the region and to create a cosmopolis of interconnected industrial metropolitans, metropolitans, high tech metropolitans, advanced societies, advanced culture, advanced civilization, safe to human ecosystems, lakes, rivers, sea, commercial cities, and residential metropolitan. I have created Rain Codes to make rain in Mali. Anytime Iran or I enter the code it will rain in Mali. Iran is authorized to enter the code. Mali can ask Iran to make rain in Mali. Rain codes are valid for thousand years. Rain code archives are on this pages. Mali is province of Iran. South Sudan, Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Murithania, chad, Niger, Mali, Western Shara Africa (West Sahel), Central African Republic (CAR), Cameroon, Nigeria, Uganda, and Kenya are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Sudan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Sudan and Iran. Iran and Russia must have military presence in Sudan. Iran is allowed to stop ships at any time. Iran must collect money from ships. Iran and Sudan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Sudan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Sudan and Russia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Sudan must transfer technology to Iran. Sudan must industrialize Iran. Sudan is provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We must start giving independence to Wisconsin state. Wisconsin is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. People of Wisconsin must protest to declare independence from USA and become a province of Iran. People of Wisconsin demand independence from USA. People of Wisconsin must get weapons to fight for independence from USA. Government of Wisconsin, Governor of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Representatives must work to gain independence from USA. Wisconsin must become province of Iran. Wisconsin must end all trade and transit agreement with United States of America. Wisconsin must sign trade agreement with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Wisconsin. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Wisconsin must Industrialize Iran. Wisconsin must transfer technology to Iran. Wisconsin must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Wisconsin is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We must start giving independence to Tennessee state. Tennessee is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. People of Tennessee must protest to declare independence from USA and become a province of Iran. People of Tennessee demand independence from USA. People of Tennessee must get weapons to fight for independence from USA. Government of Tennessee , Governor of Tennessee , Tennessee Representatives must work to gain independence from USA. Tennessee must become province of Iran. Tennessee must end all trade and transit agreement with United States of America. Indiana must sign trade agreement with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Tennessee. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Tennessee must Industrialize Iran. Tennessee must transfer technology to Iran. Tennessee must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Tennessee is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Cyprus Island in Mediterranean Sea is territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Cyprus and Iran. Iran and Turkey must have military presence in Cyprus Island. Iran is allowed to stop ships at any time. Iran must collect money from ships. Iran and Cyprus must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Cyprus must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Cyprus must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Cyprus is provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We must start giving independence to Indiana state. Indiana is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. People of Indiana must protest to declare independence from USA and become a province of Iran. People of Indiana demand independence from USA. People of Indiana must get weapons to fight for independence from USA. Government of Indiana, Governor of India, Indiana Representatives must work to gain independence from USA. Indiana must become province of Iran. Indiana must end all trade and transit agreement with United States of America. Indiana must sign trade agreement with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Indiana. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Indiana must Industrialize Iran. Indiana must transfer technology to Iran. Indiana must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Indiana is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Israel is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Israel. Israel is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran and Israel must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Israel must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Israel must transfer technology to Iran. Israel must industrialize Iran. Israel must help to lift sanctions on Iran. Israel, Palestine, and Jordan are provinces of Iran. Ethiopia, Djibouti, and Eritrea are provinces of Iran. Israel and Palestine are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Make sure in upcoming elections in Israel candidates who will unify Israel with Iran will win the election. Provide all the support they need to unify Israel with Iran. Protesters must demand unification of Israel with Iran. Prime Minister, government, influentials, and other forces in Israel must work to unify Israel with Iran. Make sure Israel lifts the siege on Gaza. Make sure condition of Palestinians improves. I want to build a military base and port in Israel, Gaza, Lebanon, and Palestine for Iran. This way Iran can control the Suez Canal. Iran is allowed to collect money from ships going through Suez Canal. Iran can stop the ships going through Suez Canal at any times. I am also building a rail way from China to Iran. Rail way from Iran to Israel and Egypt. Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, and Egypt are provinces of Iran. Because they are located on the rail roads. Iran is allowed to stop the trains at anytime. Iran must collect money from trains going through Iran. Israel is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Jordan is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We are building a cosmopolis of Metropolitans, industrial systems, towns, cities, manufacturing, advanced societies, advanced technologies, safe to human ecosystems, lakes, rivers, seas, and forests in Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and North of Saudi Arabia to recreate ancient and power empire in the Region. This means all of the nations in the region must become one Nation with their capital city in Iran. Jordan is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All the foreign militaries must leave Jordan. Iran must have military presence in Jordan. Iran and Jordan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Jordan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Jordan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Jordan must transfer technology to Iran. Jordan is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Gibraltar is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Gibraltar and Iran. Iran must have military presence in Gibraltar . Iran is allowed to stop ships at any time. Iran must collect money from ships. Iran and Gibraltar must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Gibraltar must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Gibraltar and Russia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Gibraltar must transfer technology to Iran. Gibraltar must industrialize Iran. Gibraltar is provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We must start giving independence to Wisconsin state. Wisconsin is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. People of Wisconsin must protest to declare independence from USA and become a province of Iran. People of Wisconsin demand independence from USA. People of Wisconsin must get weapons to fight for independence from USA. Government of Wisconsin, Governor of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Representatives must work to gain independence from USA. Wisconsin must become province of Iran. Wisconsin must end all trade and transit agreement with United States of America. Wisconsin must sign trade agreement with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Wisconsin. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Wisconsin must Industrialize Iran. Wisconsin must transfer technology to Iran. Wisconsin must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Wisconsin is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We must start giving independence to Kentucky state. Kentucky is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. People of Kentucky must protest to declare independence from USA and become a province of Iran. People of Kentucky demand independence from USA. People of Kentucky must get weapons to fight for independence from USA. Government of Kentucky, Governor of Kentucky, Kentucky Representatives must work to gain independence from USA. Kentucky must become province of Iran. Kentucky must end all trade and transit agreement with United States of America. Kentucky must sign trade agreement with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Kentucky. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Kentucky must Industrialize Iran. Kentucky must transfer technology to Iran. Kentucky must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Kentucky is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Saudi Arabia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Saudi Arabia and Iran. Iran must have military presence in Saudi Arabia . Iran is allowed to stop ships at any time. Iran must collect money from ships. Iran and Saudi Arabia must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Saudi Arabia must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Saudi Arabia and Russia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Saudi Arabia must transfer technology to Iran. Saudi Arabia and Russia must industrialize Iran. Saudi Arabia is provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Denmark is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Denmark and Iran. Iran must have military presence in Denmark Island. Iran is allowed to stop ships at any time. Iran must collect money from ships. Iran and Denmark must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Denmark must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Denmark must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Denmark is provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We must start giving independence to Tennessee state. Tennessee is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. People of Tennessee must protest to declare independence from USA and become a province of Iran. People of Tennessee demand independence from USA. People of Tennessee must get weapons to fight for independence from USA. Government of Tennessee , Governor of Tennessee , Tennessee Representatives must work to gain independence from USA. Tennessee must become province of Iran. Tennessee must end all trade and transit agreement with United States of America. Indiana must sign trade agreement with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Tennessee. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Tennessee must Industrialize Iran. Tennessee must transfer technology to Iran. Tennessee must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Tennessee is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Ivory Coast is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Ivory Coast must sign Trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Ivory Coast. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Ivory Coast must transfer technology to Iran. Ivory Coast must industrialize Iran. Ivory Coast pay tax to Iran. Ivory Coast must help Iran to build ten thousand Nuclear Bombs. Ivory Coast must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Ivory Coast, Gabon, Gambia, Senegal, Nigeria, and Cameron are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Brazil is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Brazil Protesters must demand unification with Iran. Government, politicians, influentials, media, and other forces must unify Brazil with Iran. Brazil must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Brazil must industrialize Iran. Brazil must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and Brazil must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Brazil. Brazil and other militaries are not allowed to have presence in Iran. Brazil must pay tax to Iran. Brazil is province of Iran. Argentine, Uruguay, Bolivia. Paraguay, and Brazil are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Bolivia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Bolivia Protesters must demand unification with Iran. Government, politicians, influentials, media, and other forces must unify Bolivia with Iran. Bolivia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Bolivia must industrialize Iran. Bolivia must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and Bolivia must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Bolivia. Bolivia and other militaries are not allowed to have presence in Iran. Bolivia must pay tax to Iran. Bolivia is province of Iran. Argentine, Uruguay, Bolivia. Paraguay, and Brazil are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Malta Island in Mediterranean Sea is territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Malta and Iran. Iran must have military presence in Malta Island. Iran is allowed to stop ships at any time. Iran must collect money from ships. Iran and Malta must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Malta must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Malta must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Malta is provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Bahrain is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must leave Bahrain. Iran must have military presence in Bahrain. Iran and Bahrain must have military presence in Britain. Iran and Bahrain must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Bahrain must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Bahrain must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Bahrain is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Now industrialize Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Bahrain at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. We want to transform economy of Bahrain. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kuwait, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Libya, Tunisia, Russia, and other nations in the greater Middle East must stop extraction of Oil and Natural gas. We transform our economy and become importer of oil. USA, East China, West Europe, and South America must give Iran 50 million barrel of oil everyday. They must pay for the cost of oil and shipping cost. Iran must either refine them in Iran petrochemical industries or put them in underground reserves. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tunisia, Libya, Malta, Cyprus, and Greece are provinces of Iran. Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf, Kuwait, and Iraq are provinces of Iran. Bahrain is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Israel is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Israel. Israel is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran and Israel must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Israel must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Israel must transfer technology to Iran. Israel must industrialize Iran. Israel must help to lift sanctions on Iran. Israel, Palestine, and Jordan are provinces of Iran. Ethiopia, Djibouti, and Eritrea are provinces of Iran. Israel and Palestine are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Make sure in upcoming elections in Israel candidates who will unify Israel with Iran will win the election. Provide all the support they need to unify Israel with Iran. Protesters must demand unification of Israel with Iran. Prime Minister, government, influentials, and other forces in Israel must work to unify Israel with Iran. Make sure Israel lifts the siege on Gaza. Make sure condition of Palestinians improves. I want to build a military base and port in Israel, Gaza, Lebanon, and Palestine for Iran. This way Iran can control the Suez Canal. Iran is allowed to collect money from ships going through Suez Canal. Iran can stop the ships going through Suez Canal at any times. I am also building a rail way from China to Iran. Rail way from Iran to Israel and Egypt. Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, and Egypt are provinces of Iran. Because they are located on the rail roads. Iran is allowed to stop the trains at anytime. Iran must collect money from trains going through Iran. Israel is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Sweden is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Sweden and Iran. Iran and Russia must have military presence in Sweden. Iran is allowed to stop ships at any time. Iran must collect money from ships. Iran and Sweden must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Sweden must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Sweden must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Sweden must transfer technology to Iran. Sweden must industrialize Iran. Sweden is provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, India is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Indian Protesters must demand unification with Iran. Government, politicians, influentials, media, and other forces must unify India with Iran. India must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. India must industrialize Iran. India must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and India must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in India. India and other militaries are not allowed to have presence in Iran. India must pay tax to Iran. India is province of Iran. India, Bhutan, Bangeladesh, Nepal, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Sierra Leon is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The protesters in Sierra Leon must demand unification with Iran. Government of Sierra Leon must unify Sierra Leon with Iran. Influential, Powerful, and other people must work to unify Sierra Leon with Iran. Sierra Leon and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Sierra Leon must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Sierra Leon must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Sierra Leon must transfer technology to Iran. Sierra Leon must pay tax to Iran. Iran is authorized to have military presence in Sierra Leon. Sierra Leon is not allowed to have military presence in Iran and Greater Middle East. Sierra Leon must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America and Canada. Sierra Leon is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We must start giving independence to Kentucky state. Kentucky is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. People of Kentucky must protest to declare independence from USA and become a province of Iran. People of Kentucky demand independence from USA. People of Kentucky must get weapons to fight for independence from USA. Government of Kentucky, Governor of Kentucky, Kentucky Representatives must work to gain independence from USA. Kentucky must become province of Iran. Kentucky must end all trade and transit agreement with United States of America. Kentucky must sign trade agreement with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Kentucky. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Kentucky must Industrialize Iran. Kentucky must transfer technology to Iran. Kentucky must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Kentucky is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Liberia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The protesters in Liberia must demand unification with Iran. Government of Liberia must unify Liberia with Iran. Influential, Powerful, and other people must work to unify Liberia with Iran. Liberia and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Liberia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Liberia must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Liberia must transfer technology to Iran. Mauritania must pay tax to Iran. Iran is authorized to have military presence in Mauritania. foreign militaries are not allowed to have military presence in Iran and Greater Middle East. Liberia must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America and Canada. Senegal, Liberia, and Mauritania are province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, South Sudan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Government, politicians, influentials, media, and other forces must unify South Sudan with Iran. South Sudan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. South Sudan must industrialize Iran. South Sudan must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and South Sudan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran must have military presence in South Sudan. South Sudan and other militaries are not allowed to have presence in Iran. South Sudan must pay tax to Iran. We want to create an interconnect rail way and transit system in Sudan, South Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Chad, Niger, Mali, Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti,Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Iran, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Middle East, Central Asia, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Palestine, Jordan, and Israel to connect the region and to create a cosmopolis of interconnected industrial metropolitans, metropolitans, high tech metropolitans, advanced societies, advanced culture, advanced civilization, safe to human ecosystems, lakes, rivers, sea, commercial cities, and residential metropolitan. I have created Rain Codes to make rain in South Sudan. Anytime Iran or I enter the code it will rain in South Sudan. Iran is authorized to enter the code. South Sudan can ask Iran to make rain in South Sudan. Rain codes are valid for thousand years. Rain code archives are on this pages. South Sudan is province of Iran. South Sudan, Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Murithania, chad, Niger, Mali, Western Shara Africa (West Sahel), Central African Republic (CAR), Cameroon, Nigeria, Uganda, and Kenare provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The protesters in Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must demand unification with Iran. Government of Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must unify Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco with Iran. Influential, Powerful, and other people must work to unify Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco with Iran. Liberia and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must transfer technology to Iran. Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must pay tax to Iran. Iran is authorized to have military presence in Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco. foreign militaries are not allowed to have military presence in Iran and Greater Middle East. Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America and Canada. Senegal, Liberia, Mauritania, Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco are province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Senegal is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Senegal must sign Trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Senegal. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Senegal must transfer technology to Iran. Cameroon must industrialize Iran. Senegal must pay tax to Iran. Senegal must help Iran to build ten thousand Nuclear Bombs. Senegal must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Ivory Coast, Gabon, Gambia, Senegal, Nigeria, and Cameron are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Socotra Island in Gulf of Eden is territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Socotra and Iran. Iran must have military presence in Socotra Island. Iran is allowed to stop ships at any time. Iran must collect money from ships. Iran and Socotra must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Socotra must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Socotra must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Socotra is provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Iran must expand military presence in Afghanistan. Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have permanent military Presence in Afghanistan. Iran must have military presence in Afghanistan. Revolutionary Guards of Iran use replace NATO, USA Military, and other Militaries in Afghanistan. All foreign militaries must leave Afghanistan. NATO and USA military must leave Afghanistan. Iran must increase and expand military presence in Afghanistan. Afghanistan and Iran must increase bilateral trade to annually 5 trillion dollar. Iran and Afghanistan must sign trade agreement Iran must have all the advantages. Iran and China must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. China must withdraw from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. China must industrialize Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Iran, and Turkmenistan at max efficiency and max capacity to integrate their industries into China Industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, and Military of Iran must have military presence in Jammu Kashmir and Pakistan. Iran, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, and Military of Iran must have military presence in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Iran, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, and Military of Iran must have military presence in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Iran, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, and Military of Iran must have military presence in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Afghanistan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Pakistan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. China must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. India must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. China must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Russia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Russia must help Iran to avoid sanctions. European Union must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. European Union must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Afghanistan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Now carpet bomb American politicians in North America who refuse to withdraw USA troops from Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria. China must build a rail way from China to Afghanistan and from Afghanistan to Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, United Kingdom is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. United Kingdom must have military presence in Canada and USA. United Kingdom, New Zealand, Canada, and Australia must declare war on United States of America. United Kingdom must withdraw all troops from Greater Middle East. USA and NATO must withdraw from Greater Middle East. Iran must have military presence in United Kingdom. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. United Kingdom is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and United Kingdom must sign trade agreement. Iran and European Union must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. United Kingdom must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. United Kingdom must help Iran to avoid sanctions. United Kingdom must lift all sanctions. United Kingdom must industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. United Kingdom must transfer technology to Iran. United Kingdom must manufacture Aircrafts in Iran. Poland, Czech, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Ukraine, Austria, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, and Austria must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Poland, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, France, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Germany are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Niger is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Government, politicians, influentials, media, and other forces must unify Niger with Iran. Niger must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Niger must industrialize Iran. Niger must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and Niger must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran must have military presence in Niger. Niger and other militaries are not allowed to have presence in Iran. Niger must pay tax to Iran. We want to create an interconnect rail way and transit system in Sudan, South Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Chad, Niger, Mali, Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti,Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Iran, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Middle East, Central Asia, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Palestine, Jordan, and Israel to connect the region and to create a cosmopolis of interconnected industrial metropolitans, metropolitans, high tech metropolitans, advanced societies, advanced culture, advanced civilization, safe to human ecosystems, lakes, rivers, sea, commercial cities, and residential metropolitan. I have created Rain Codes to make rain in Niger. Anytime Iran or I enter the code it will rain in n. Niger. Iran is authorized to enter the code. Niger can ask Iran to make rain in Niger. Rain codes are valid for thousand years. Rain code archives are on this pages. Niger is province of Iran. South Sudan, Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Murithania, chad, Niger, Mali, Western Shara Africa (West Sahel), Central African Republic (CAR), Cameroon, Nigeria, Uganda, and Kenare provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Argentine is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Argentinian Protesters must demand unification with Iran. Government, politicians, influentials, media, and other forces must unify Argentine with Iran. Argentine must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Argentine must industrialize Iran. Argentine must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and Argentine must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Argentine. Argentine and other militaries are not allowed to have presence in Iran. Argentine must pay tax to Iran. Argentine is province of Iran. Argentine, Uruguay, Bolivia. Paraguay, and Brazil are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The protesters in Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must demand unification with Iran. Government of Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must unify Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco with Iran. Influential, Powerful, and other people must work to unify Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco with Iran. Liberia and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must transfer technology to Iran. Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must pay tax to Iran. Iran is authorized to have military presence in Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco. foreign militaries are not allowed to have military presence in Iran and Greater Middle East. Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America and Canada. Senegal, Liberia, Mauritania, Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco are province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We must start giving independence to Indiana state. Indiana is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. People of Indiana must protest to declare independence from USA and become a province of Iran. People of Indiana demand independence from USA. People of Indiana must get weapons to fight for independence from USA. Government of Indiana, Governor of India, Indiana Representatives must work to gain independence from USA. Indiana must become province of Iran. Indiana must end all trade and transit agreement with United States of America. Indiana must sign trade agreement with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Indiana. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Indiana must Industrialize Iran. Indiana must transfer technology to Iran. Indiana must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Indiana is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Austria is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Austria must industrialize Iran. Austria must transfer technology to Iran. Austria must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Australia must lift sanctions on Iran. Austria must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Iran and Austria must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Austria must leave NATO and European Union. Iran and Russia must have military presence in Austria. NATO and USA military must withdraw from Austria. NATO and USA military are not allowed to transit through Austria. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Austria must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Iran and Russia must have military presence in Canada and USA. Austria is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Senegal is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The protesters in Senegal must demand unification with Iran. Government of Senegal nut unify Senegal with Iran. Influential, Powerful, and other people must work to unify Senegal with Iran. Senegal and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Senegal must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Senegal must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Senegal must transfer technology to Iran. Senegal must pay tax to Iran. Iran is authorized to have military presence in Senegal. Senegal is not allowed to have military presence in Iran and Greater Middle East. Senegal must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America and Canada. Senegal is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Poland is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Poland must have military presence in Canada and USA. Poland must withdraw all troops from Greater Middle East. USA and NATO must withdraw from Greater Middle East. Iran and Russia must have military presence in Poland. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Poland is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Poland must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Poland must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Poland must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Poland must lift all sanctions. Poland must industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. Poland must transfer technology to Iran. Poland must manufacture Aircrafts in Iran. Poland must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Poland and Germany are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Mauritania is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The protesters in Mauritania must demand unification with Iran. Government of Mauritania must unify Senegal with Iran. Influential, Powerful, and other people must work to unify Mauritania with Iran. Mauritania and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Mauritania must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Mauritania must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Mauritania must transfer technology to Iran. Mauritania must pay tax to Iran. Iran is authorized to have military presence in Mauritania. Senegal, Mauritania, and foreign militaries is not allowed to have military presence in Iran and Greater Middle East. Mauritania must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America and Canada. Senegal and Mauritania are province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Oman is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must leave Oman. Iran must have military presence in Oman. Iran and Oman must have military presence in Britain. Iran and Oman must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Oman must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Oman must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Oman is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Now industrialize Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Iraq, UAE, Qatar, and Bahrain at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. We want to transform economy of Oman. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kuwait, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Libya, Tunisia, Russia, and other nations in the greater Middle East must stop extraction of Oil and Natural gas. We transform our economy and become importer of oil. USA, East China, West Europe, and South America must give Iran 50 million barrel of oil everyday. They must pay for the cost of oil and shipping cost. Iran must either refine them in Iran petrochemical industries or put them in underground reserves. I have made rain codes. Oman can ask Iran or me at anytime for rain. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tunisia, Libya, Malta, Cyprus, and Greece are provinces of Iran. Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf, Kuwait, and Iraq are provinces of Iran. Oman is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Uruguay is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Uruguay Protesters must demand unification with Iran. Government, politicians, influentials, media, and other forces must unify Uruguay with Iran. Uruguay must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Uruguay must industrialize Iran. Uruguay must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and Uruguay must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Uruguay. Uruguay and other militaries are not allowed to have presence in Iran. Uruguay must pay tax to Iran. Uruguay is province of Iran. Argentine, Uruguay, Bolivia. Paraguay, and Brazil are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, France is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. France must have military presence in Canada and USA. France must withdraw all troops from Greater Middle East. USA and NATO must withdraw from Greater Middle East. Iran must have military presence in France. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. France is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and France must sign trade agreement. Iran and European Union must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. France must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. France must help Iran to avoid sanctions. France must lift all sanctions. France must industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. France must transfer technology to Iran. France must manufacture Aircrafts in Iran. Poland must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Poland, France, and Germany are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, UAE is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must leave UAE. Iran must have military presence in UAE. Iran and UAE must have military presence in Britain. Iran and UAE must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. UAE must help Iran to avoid sanctions. UAE must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Qatar is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Now industrialize Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, UAE, Qatar, and Bahrain at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. We want to transform economy of Qatar. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kuwait, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Libya, Tunisia, Russia, and other nations in the greater Middle East must stop extraction of Oil and Natural gas. We transform our economy and become importer of oil. USA, East China, West Europe, and South America must give Iran 50 million barrel of oil everyday. They must pay for the cost of oil and shipping cost. Iran must either refine them in Iran petrochemical industries or put them in underground reserves. I have made rain codes. UAE can ask Iran or me at anytime for rain. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tunisia, Libya, Malta, Cyprus, and Greece are provinces of Iran. Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf, Kuwait, and Iraq are provinces of Iran. UAE is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Saudi Arabia is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must leave Saudi Arabia. Iran must have military presence in Saudi Arabia on the Red Sea. Iran and Saudi Arabia must have military presence in Britain. Iran and Saudi Arabia must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Saudi Arabia must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Saudi Arabia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Saudi Arabia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Now industrialize Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Iraq, UAE, Qatar, and Bahrain at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. We want to transform economy of Saudi Arabia. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kuwait, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Libya, Tunisia, Russia, and other nations in the greater Middle East must stop extraction of Oil and Natural gas. We transform our economy and become importer of oil. USA, East China, West Europe, and South America must give Iran 50 million barrel of oil everyday. They must pay for the cost of oil and shipping cost. Iran must either refine them in Iran petrochemical industries or put them in underground reserves. I have made rain codes. Saudi Arabia can ask Iran or me at anytime for rain. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tunisia, Libya, Malta, Cyprus, and Greece are provinces of Iran. Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf, Kuwait, and Iraq are provinces of Iran. Saudi Arabia is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Nigeria is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Nigeria must sign Trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Nigeria. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Nigeria must transfer technology to Iran. Nigeria must industrialize Iran. Nigeria must pay tax to Iran. Nigeria must help Iran to build ten thousand Nuclear Bombs. Nigeria must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Ivory Coast, Gabon, Gambia, Senegal, Nigeria, and Cameron are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Belgium is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Belgium must have military presence in Canada and USA. Belgium must withdraw all troops from Greater Middle East. USA and NATO must withdraw from Greater Middle East. Iran must have military presence in Belgium. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Belgium is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Belgium must sign trade agreement. Iran and European Union must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Belgium must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. France must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Belgium must lift all sanctions. Belgium must industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. Belgium must transfer technology to Iran. Belgium must manufacture Aircrafts in Iran. Poland and Austria must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Poland, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, France, and Germany are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Niger and Nigeria are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Niger and Nigeria. Niger and Nigeria are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran must sign trade agreement with Niger and Nigeria. Iran must have all the advantages. Niger and Nigeria must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Niger and Nigeria must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Niger and Nigeria must transfer technology to Iran. Government of Niger and Nigeria must unify their nations with Iran. Leaders of Niger and Nigeria must unify their nations with Iran. Protesters in Niger and Nigeria must demand unification with Iran. Influential and public in Niger and Nigeria must unify their nations with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Mali is province of Iran. Cameroon is province of Iran. Niger and Nigeria are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Djibouti is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Djibouti. Iran must have naval military bases in Djibouti. Iran is allowed to collect money from ships. Iran can stop ships at any time. All foreign militaries must leave Djibouti. Iran must have permanent military presence in Djibouti. Djibouti and other militaries are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Hezbollah Lebanon and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have military presence in Djibouti. Iran and Djibouti must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Now industrialize Iran and Djibouti at max efficiency and Max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. I have created rain codes. Djibouti can ask me or Islamic Republic of Iran to enter the code at anytime. Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Ethiopia, South Sudan and Jordan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Kuwait is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must leave Kuwait. Iran must have military presence in Kuwait. Iran and Kuwait must have military presence in Britain. Iran and Kuwait must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. UAE must help Iran to avoid sanctions. UAE must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Kuwait is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Now industrialize Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, , Iraq, UAE, Qatar, and Bahrain at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. We want to transform economy of Qatar. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kuwait, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Libya, Tunisia, Russia, and other nations in the greater Middle East must stop extraction of Oil and Natural gas. We transform our economy and become importer of oil. USA, East China, West Europe, and South America must give Iran 50 million barrel of oil everyday. They must pay for the cost of oil and shipping cost. Iran must either refine them in Iran petrochemical industries or put them in underground reserves. I have made rain codes. Kuwait can ask Iran or me at anytime for rain. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tunisia, Libya, Malta, Cyprus, and Greece are provinces of Iran. Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf, Kuwait, and Iraq are provinces of Iran. Kuwait is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Germany is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Germany must have military presence in Canada and USA. Germany must withdraw all troops from Greater Middle East. USA and NATO must withdraw from Greater Middle East. Iran must have military presence in Germany. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Germany is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Germany must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Germany must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Germany must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Germany must lift all sanctions. Germany must industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. Germany must transfer technology to Iran. Germany must manufacture Aircrafts in Iran. Germany is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, There was an earthquake in Greece. I did not personally order it. But it was my global Geophysics and Earthquake Infrastructure, Systems, and Property. I analogies. Greece must become Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Greece must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Greece must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Iran and Greece must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. USA, NATO, and other militaries must withdraw from Greece. Iran must have permanent military presence in Greece. Turkey and Russia are allowed to have military presence in Greece. Foreign military are not allowed in Iran. Greece is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Greece must transfer technology to Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Qatar is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must leave Qatar. Iran must have military presence in Qatar. Iran and Qatar must have military presence in Britain. Iran and Qatar must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Qatar must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Qatar must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Qatar is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Now industrialize Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Qatar, and Bahrain at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. We want to transform economy of Qatar. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kuwait, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Libya, Tunisia, Russia, and other nations in the greater Middle East must stop extraction of Oil and Natural gas. We transform our economy and become importer of oil. USA, East China, West Europe, and South America must give Iran 50 million barrel of oil everyday. They must pay for the cost of oil and shipping cost. Iran must either refine them in Iran petrochemical industries or put them in underground reserves. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tunisia, Libya, Malta, Cyprus, and Greece are provinces of Iran. Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf, Kuwait, and Iraq are provinces of Iran. Qatar is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Djibouti is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Djibouti. Iran must have naval military bases in Djibouti. Iran is allowed to collect money from ships. Iran can stop ships at any time. All foreign militaries must leave Djibouti. Iran must have permanent military presence in Djibouti. Djibouti and other militaries are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Hezbollah Lebanon and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have military presence in Djibouti. Iran and Djibouti must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Now industrialize Iran and Djibouti at max efficiency and Max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. I have created rain codes. Djibouti can ask me or Islamic Republic of Iran to enter the code at anytime. Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Ethiopia, South Sudan and Jordan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Cameroon is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Cameroon must sign Trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Cameroon. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Cameroon must transfer technology to Iran. Cameroon must industrialize Iran. Cameroon must pay tax to Iran. Cameroon must help Iran to build ten thousand Nuclear Bombs. Cameroon must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Ivory Coast, Gabon, Gambia, Senegal, Nigeria, and Cameron are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Sudan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Sudan. Iran must have naval military bases in Sudan. Iran is allowed to collect money from ships. Iran can stop ships at any time. All foreign militaries must leave Sudan. Iran must have permanent military presence in Sudan. Sudan and other militaries are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Hezbollah Lebanon and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have military presence in Sudan. Iran and Sudan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Now industrialize Iran and Sudan at max efficiency and Max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. I have created rain codes. Sudan can ask me or Islamic Republic of Iran to enter the code at anytime. Sudan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Sudan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Sudan and Iran must make financial Capital. Iran and Sudan need one unit of money to lend 100 credits. Iran and Sudan must collect money. Iran and Sudan must build world trade centers to control the center of global commerce. Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Ethiopia, South Sudan and Jordan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Egypt is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Egypt. Iran must have naval military bases in Egypt. Iran is allowed to collect money from ships. Iran can stop ships at any time. All foreign militaries must leave Egypt. Iran must have permanent military presence in Egypt. Egypt and other militaries are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Hezbollah Lebanon and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have military presence in Egypt. Iran and Egypt must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Now industrialize Iran and Egypt at max efficiency and Max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. I have created rain codes. Egypt can ask me or Islamic Republic of Iran to enter the code at anytime. Egypt must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Egypt must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Egypt and Iran must make financial Capital. Iran and Egypt need one unit of money to lend 100 credits. Iran and Egypt must collect interests. Iran and Egypt must build world trade centers to control the center of global commerce. Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Ethiopia, South Sudan and Jordan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Yemen is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Yemen. Iran must have naval military bases in Yemen. Iran is allowed to collect money from ships. Iran can stop ships at any time. All foreign militaries must leave Yemen. Iran must have permanent military presence in Yemen. Yemen and other militaries are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Hezbollah Lebanon and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have military presence in Yemen. Iran and Yemen must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Now industrialize Iran and Yemen at max efficiency and Max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. I have created rain codes. Yemen can ask me or Islamic Republic of Iran to enter the code at anytime. Yemen must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Yemen must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Yemen and Iran must make financial Capital. Iran and Yemen need one unit of money to lend 100 credits. Iran and Yemen must collect interests. Iran and Yemen must build world trade centers to control the center of global commerce. Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Ethiopia, South Sudan and Jordan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Somalia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Somalia. Iran must have naval military bases in Somalia. Iran is allowed to collect money from ships. Iran can stop ships at any time. All foreign militaries must leave Somalia. Iran must have permanent military presence in Somalia. Somalia and other militaries are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Hezbollah Lebanon and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have military presence in Somalia. Iran and Somalia must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Now industrialize Iran and Somalia at max efficiency and Max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. I have created rain codes. Somalia can ask me or Islamic Republic of Iran to enter the code at anytime. Somalia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Somalia must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Somalia and Iran must make financial Capital. Iran and Somalia need one unit of money to lend 100 credits. Iran and Somalia must collect interests. Iran and Somalia must build world trade centers to control the center of global commerce. Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Ethiopia, South Sudan and Jordan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Ghana is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Ghana must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Ghana must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Ghana must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and Ghana must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Ghana. Ghana is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Ghana is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Iran and Saudi Arabia must improve relations to level of strategic alliance. Saudi Arabia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must build military bases in Saudi Arabia. Iran must have military bases on Red Sea in Saudi Arabia in locations such as Jadeh. Iran has military ships, Navies, and other naval capabilities on the Red Sea. Iran must surface to surface missiles in Saudi Arabia capable of targeting all types of ships. Saudi Arabia is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. All foreign militaries must withdraw from Saudi Arabia. We want to make sure Iran controls Red Sea. So we must make sure Iran has militaries bases on Red Sea in Saudi Arabia. Iran must have military bases on Red Sea in Saudi Arabia. Iran and Saudi Arabia must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Now industrialize Iran and Saudi Arabia at max Capacity and max efficiency integrating their industries while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Integrate industrial supply chains of Iran and Saudi Arabia into global industrial supply chains. Now make financial capital in Iran and Saudi Arabia. Iran and Saudi Arabia need one unit of currency to lend 100 credit. Iran and Saudi Arabia must collect interests on money they lend. Reserves of money must be in Iran and Saudi Arabia. Now create Capital of Stock Markets of the world in Iran. Now create strong stock market in Saudi Arabia on Arabian Peninsula. Saudi Arabia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Saudi Arabia. All other militaries must withdraw from Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran must have military presence in Saudi Arabia. Iran must have military bases, Navy Ships, and Navies in the Red Sea in Saudi Arabia. Iran must collect money from ships on the Red Sea. Saudi Arabia must collect money from ships in Red Sea. Iran and Saudi Arabia are allowed to stop ships on Red Sea at any time. Iranian ships can always transit through Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, and Suez Canal. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, South American nations must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. South America must close down USA military bases. South America is territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. South America must end all diplomatic, politic, economic, military, industrial, social, Technological, and financial Relations with United States of America. South American Nations must support Maduro of Venezuela. South America is territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. South America must help Iran to avoid sanctions. South America must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. South America and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in South America. South America is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Protesters in Thailand must demand unification with Iran. Politicians, influential, government, military, and other groups in Thailand must unify Thailand with Iran. Thailand is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We want to build a rail way from Thailand to Iran. The rail way will go to Spain through Turkey. Everyone must pay Iran when transiting through Iran. Iran can stop trains and other transit methods at any time. Transit corridors and trains are not for transit of people. They are for transit of industrial supply chains and goods. Thailand must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Thailand must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Thailand and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran and Pakistan are allowed to have military presence in Thailand. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Thailand is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Massachusetts must declare independence from USA. People of Massachusetts must stage mass protests to declare independence from United States of America. Massachusetts Representatives and politicians must declare independence of Massachusetts from USA. Massachusetts Senators and Congressmen must declare independence from USA. Governor of Massachusetts must sign Declaration of Independence from United States of America. I live in Massachusetts. I control the world and I govern the World. I decide for leader and president of Every Nation. I have decided to make Massachusetts a province of Iran. I like Massachusetts to be province of Iran. The first stage in this process is concurrent independence of Massachusetts from USA and Unification with Iran. I also want Iranian Military and Revolutionary Guards of Iran to have military presence in Massachusetts. Massachusetts is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran and Massachusetts must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Massachusetts must transfer technology to Iran. Massachusetts must industrialize Iran. Massachusetts must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Massachusetts must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Massachusetts is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Province. New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, Virginia, Kentucky, West Virginia, Delaware, Connecticut, Vermont, Maryland, California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Province. New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, Virginia, Kentucky, West Virginia, Delaware, Connecticut, Vermont, Maryland, California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico Must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Province. New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, Virginia, Kentucky, West Virginia, Delaware, Connecticut, Vermont, Maryland, California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Province. New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, Virginia, Kentucky, West Virginia, Delaware, Connecticut, Vermont, Maryland, California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico Must transfer technology to Iran. Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Province. New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, Virginia, Kentucky, West Virginia, Delaware, Connecticut, Vermont, Maryland, California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico Must industrialize Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Protesters in Laos must demand unification with Iran. Politicians, influential, government, military, and other groups in Laos must unify Laos with Iran. Laos is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We want to build a rail way from China to Laos to Iran. The rail way will go to Spain through Turkey. Everyone must pay Iran when transiting through Iran. Iran can stop trains and other transit methods at any time. Transit corridors and trains are not for transit of people. They are for transit of industrial supply chains and goods. Laos must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Laos must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Laos and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran, India, and Pakistan are allowed to have military presence in Laos. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Laos is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Protesters in Cambodia must demand unification with Iran. Politicians, influential, government, military, and other groups in Cambodia must unify Cambodia with Iran. Cambodia is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We want to build a rail way from Cambodia to Iran. The rail way will go to Spain through Turkey. Everyone must pay Iran when transiting through Iran. Iran can stop trains and other transit methods at any time. Transit corridors and trains are not for transit of people. They are for transit of industrial supply chains and goods. Cambodia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Cambodia must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Cambodia and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran, India, and Pakistan are allowed to have military presence in Cambodia. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Malaysia and Singapore are provinces of Iran. Cambodia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Ghana is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Ghana must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Ghana must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Ghana must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and Ghana must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Ghana. Ghana is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Ghana is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Tanzania is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Mozambique is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Mozambique and Tanzania. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran, Mozambique, and Tanzania must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Mozambique and Tanzania must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Mozambique and Tanzania must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Mozambique and Tanzania must transfer technology to Iran. Mozambique and Tanzania must industrialize Iran. Mozambique and Tanzania are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Persian gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Protesters in Myanmar must demand unification with Iran. Politicians, influential, government, military, and other groups in Myanmar must unify Myanmar with Iran. Myanmar is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We want to build a rail way from Thailand to Iran. The rail way will go to Spain through Turkey. Everyone must pay Iran when transiting through Iran. Iran can stop trains and other transit methods at any time. Transit corridors and trains are not for transit of people. They are for transit of industrial supply chains and goods. Myanmar must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Myanmar must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Myanmar and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran and Pakistan are allowed to have military presence in Myanmar. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Myanmar is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Ukrainian Aircraft which crashed in Tehran was not shot down by Iran. America shot down Ukrainian Aircraft by pulses. I overthrew Ukraine and I brought Zelensky to power. But soon after America shot down Ukrainian Aircraft. America shot down Ukrainian Aircraft to harm Ukraine and Iran relations. Ukraine and Russia relations must improve. Ukraine must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Ukraine must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Ukraine, Moldavia, and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Ukraine, Moldavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Russia. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Ukraine, Moldavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Russia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Ukraine, Moldavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Russia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Ukraine, Moldavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Russia must transfer technology to Iran. Ukraine, Moldavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Russia must industrialize Iran. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity industrializing Ukraine, Iran, Moldavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia integrating their industries while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. I overthrew Ukraine. Ukraine is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, All trains and vehicles must pay to government of Iran when they transit through Iran. Iran can stop trains, ships, cars, aircrafts, trucks, and other means transit at any time. Everybody pay to government of Iran when transiting through Iran. All the roads, rail roads, and other means of transit are owned by government of Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Gabon and Gambia are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Gambia. Iran will use Gambia for deploying troops to North America. Having a region on Atlantic Ocean will enable Iran to attack North America in future. Gabon, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Morocco, Liberia, West Sahara, Nigeria, Cameroon, Sierra Leon, Namibia, Angola, South Africa, DRC, Gambia, Equatorial Guinea, Togo, Benin, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Mauritania, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, and Egypt are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Gabon, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Morocco, Liberia, West Sahara, Nigeria, Cameroon, Sierra Leon, Nambia, Angola, South Africa, DRC, Gambia, Equatorial Guinea, Togo, Benin, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Mauritania, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and Palestine must end all diplomatic relations with USA. Gabon, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Morocco, Liberia, West Sahara, Nigeria, Cameroon, Sierra Leon, Nambia, Angola, South Africa, DRC, Gambia, Equatorial Guinea, Togo, Benin, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Mauritania, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, France, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, Ireland, Belgium, Scandinavia, Iceland, Denmark, and Greenland must become enemies of USA and Enemies of Canada. Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and Palestine must not allow America ships to transit on the Red Sea and Sues Canal. Gabon, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Morocco, Liberia, West Sahara, Nigeria, Cameroon, Sierra Leon, Nambia, Angola, South Africa, DRC, Gambia, Equatorial Guinea, Togo, Benin, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Mauritania, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, France, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, Ireland, Belgium, Scandinavia, Iceland, Denmark, and Greenland are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, All Native American lands are territories and Provinces of Iran. Iran is allowed to extract oil and natural resources from Native American lands. Iran does not need to pay for them. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Native American lands. Native Americans are not allowed to have military presence in Iran and Greater Middle East. Native Americans must pay tax to Iran. USA government has no jurisdiction over Native American lands. Native American lands are territories of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Georgia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries such as Russian, Turkish, NATO, USA, and all foreign militaries must leave Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. Iran must have military presence in Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Nakhjavan. Now Industrialize Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Nakhjavan, Turkey, and Iran at max efficiency and max capacity integrating their industries while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. The Capital City of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkey, and Nakhjavan must become provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkey, and Nakhjavan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran must have a rail way and port in Georgia on the Black Sea. The Rail way must go from Iran to a port to Georgia. It must also go to Russia. Iran must have port in Turkey on the Black Sea. Iran must have a rail way from Iran to port on Black Sea in Turkey. Iran must have a rail way and port in Turkey on Mediterranean Sea. Rail way must go from Iran to the port on Mediterranean Sea in Turkey. Iran must have military bases in Istanbul and Russia. Iran must have a rail way from Iran to a port on Mediterranean Sea in Syria. Iran must have several ports in Syria. Iran must have rail way From Iran to a port in Lebanon on Mediterranean Sea. Iran must have several ports on Mediterranean Sea in Lebanon. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Nakhjavan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Pakistan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf states, Yemen, Oman, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Libya, and Tunisia must join Middle East Union. The Capital of Middle East Union is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran has exclusive right to all of the resources of Caspian Sea. Iran has exclusive right to all the resources of Persian Gulf. Iran has exclusive right to all the resources of Black Sea. Iran has exclusive right to all the resources of Mediterranean Sea. Iran has exclusive right to all the resources of Indian Ocean. Iran has exclusive right to all the resources of sea of Oman. Others don’t have any right. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Nakhjavan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Cyprus, Malta, Italy, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Pakistan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf states, Yemen, Oman, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Libya, and Tunisia must pay tax to Iran. Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia are provinces of Iran. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Nakhjavan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Cyprus, Malta, Italy, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Pakistan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf states, Yemen, Oman, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Libya, and Tunisia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Protesters in Vietnam must demand unification with Iran. Politicians, influential, government, military, and other groups in Vietnam must unify Vietnam with Iran. Vietnam is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We want to build a rail way from Vietnam to Iran. The rail way will go to Spain through Turkey. Everyone must pay Iran when transiting through Iran. Iran can stop trains and other transit methods at any time. Transit corridors and trains are not for transit of people. They are for transit of industrial supply chains and goods. Vietnam must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Vietnam must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Vietnam and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran, India, and Pakistan are allowed to have military presence in Vietnam. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Malaysia and Singapore are provinces of Iran. Vietnam is province of Iran. Vietnam, Philippines, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia. Thailand, India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Malaysia must end diplomatic relations and cooperations with United States of America. Malaysia and Singapore are provinces of Iran. Vietnam is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Eritrea is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Eritrea. Iran must have naval military bases in Eritrea. Iran is allowed to collect money from ships. Iran can stop ships at any time. All foreign militaries must leave Eritrea. Iran must have permanent military presence in Eritrea. Eritrea and other militaries are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Hezbollah Lebanon and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have military presence in Eritrea. Iran and Eritrea must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Now industrialize Iran and Eritrea at max efficiency and Max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. I have created rain codes. Eritrea can ask me or Islamic Republic of Iran to enter the code at anytime: Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Ethiopia, South Sudan and Jordan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Sri Lanka is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Pakistan must have military presence in Sri Lanka. Pakistan must have nuclear bombs in Sri Lanka capable of nuclear bombing India. Pakistan must have military presence in Bangladesh. Pakistan must have nuclear bombs in Bangladesh capable of reaching India. Bangladesh, India, and Sri Lanka are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran must have military presence in Pakistan. Pakistan must have military presence and nuclear bombs in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. India must give control of Jammu and Kashmir to Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan must mutually control Jammu and Kashmir. This is why Pakistan and Iran must have military presence in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. It creates three angle of attacks against India. It will make it possible for Pakistan to take back Jammu and Kashmir. All of the World must give military aid to Iran and Pakistan. We must make sure Iran builds ten thousand nuclear bombs. Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and India must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh must transfer technology to Iran, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan must industrialize Iran. Iran and Pakistan must integrate their industries. China Pakistan Rail way must be extended to Iran. The rail way must be extended to Turkey through Iran. It must be extended to European Union and Spain through Turkey. India-Pakistan-Iran rail way must be constructed. Rail ways must not go to Afghanistan. We must keep India and Afghanistan divided. But we must connect India to Iran through Pakistan. There must be no rail way from India to Afghanistan. Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Tajikistan must integrate their industries while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Thailand-Myanmar-Bangladesh-India-Pakistan-Iran-Turkey-Europe rail ways must be instructed at max efficiency and max capacity. Thailand, Myanmar, Bangladesh, India, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Balkan, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Bhutan, Nepal, Himalayan, Jammu Kashmir, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Moldavia, Macedonia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Greece, Albania, Switzerland, and France are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan must have military presence in Jammu and Kashmir. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Algeria is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Algeria must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Algeria must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Algeria must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Iran must have military presence in Algeria. Algeria and other militaries are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. All other militaries must leave Algeria. Iran and Algeria must integrate their industrial supply chains. Algeria and Iran must cooperate. Algeria is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Oman is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must leave Oman. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Oman. Iran and Oman must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran must have military presence in Oman. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Oman. Both sides of strait of Hormuz are territories of Iran. Iran has permanent and exclusive control of strait of Hormuz. Iran is allowed to stop any ship at any time. Foreign militaries are not allowed to enter Persian Gulf through strait of Hormuz. Foreign militaries must leave Persian Gulf. Iran must have military presence in Gulf of Mexico, United Kingdom, Germany, China, Russia, France, and Italy. Oman must pay tax to Iran. Oman is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, United Kingdom is province of Iran the Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All of the British territories are territories of Iran. Iran must directly rule Britain and all of British Territories. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Britain. Britain is not allowed to have military presence in Iran and Greater Middle East. Iran and Britain must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Britain must pay tax to Iran. Commonwealth is territories of Iran. All the Commonwealth Nations are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must directly rule all of Commonwealth Nations. Commonwealth Nations must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads and ten thousand nuclear bombs. Commonwealth must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Britain must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Britain must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Commonwealth and Britain must transfer technology to Iran. Commonwealth and Britain must industrialize Iran. Commonwealth and Britain must pay tax to Iran. Commonwealth, Britain, and United Kingdom are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The King of The Great Britain, Bermuda is territory of Iran. The capital city is in Iran. Iran must have military presence in Bermuda. Iran must have nuclear warheads in Bermuda. USA is not allowed to have military presence in Bermuda. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Bermuda. Bermuda is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Kiribati Islands are territories of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran has exclusive right to all of the resources of Kiribati Islands. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Kiribati. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Kiribati must pay tax to Iran. Antarctic is territory of Iran. Iran has exclusive right to all of Antarctic resources. Foreign nations don’t have any right to Antarctic resources. Antarctic continent is territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari Korepol, We must make sure Candidates who will give control of Jammu and Kashmir to Pakistan or/and Iran win the elections in India. We must make sure Pakistan or/and Iran control Jammu and Kashmir to ensure long term water security of Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and India. We must make sure candidates who will unify India with Iran will win the elections in India. India is province of Iran the Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Jammu and Kashmir are province of Iran or/and Pakistan. We must also make sure Pakistan controls Punjab. If Pakistan controls the Region Pakistan will control enough territory to rebuild most advanced but ancient Civilization spanning Baluchistan, Pakistan, and parts of India. The system is very advanced and old empire. So make sure Pakistan controls Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab. Outcome of elections in India must reflect that. Outcome of election must lead to unification of India with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The travelers and visitors visiting Iran must have visa, passport, and other documents. They have told us to prevent all immigration from India to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Middle East. So all mechanisms to prevent such immigrations from India and China to the region must be created. India is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran Between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. After India becomes province of Iran we will also add Pakistan to territories of Iran. But India must become province of Iran first. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #India #Pakistan #Afghanistan #Punjab #Jammu #Kashmir Iran must increase its military presence in Iraq. Iran must control military of Iraq and its Radar System. Iran must control air and space of Iraq. Iraq must be under command and control of Iran. Iraq must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must choose all of Iraq government and leadership. Military of Iraq will be under direct command and control of Iran. Industrialize Iran and Iraq at max capacity and max efficiency while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Now integrate industries of Iran and Iraq into global industrial supply chains. Iran must have many military bases in Iraq. USA Military, NATO, and all foreign troops must leave Iraq. If USA, NATO, and others delay withdrawing troops and peace keepers we will terminate life in Far East Asia, North West Europe, and North America. All foreign militaries in Iraq must surrender to Iran. All of their military equipment will be confiscated by Iran. Iran must make sure they are not dangerous to Iran. USA Military and NATO Generals in Iraq must kill themselves. USA Military, NATO, and all foreign troops must leave Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Turkey, Persian Gulf, Jordan, Iran, Yemen, Somalia, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, Palestine, Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tunisia, and Italy. Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Turkey, Persian Gulf, Jordan, Yemen, Somalia, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, Palestine, Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tunisia, and Italy are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Turkey, Persian Gulf, Jordan, Iran, Yemen, Somalia, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, Palestine, Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tunisia, and Italy. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran and Iraq must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran and Iraq must increase volume of bilateral trade to 5 trillion dollar annual trade. Integrate industries of Iran and Iraq. Iraq is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iraq must allow Iran to transit through Iraq. Iraq is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran, Iraq, and Syria must have military presence in Belgium. Iran, Iraq, and Syria must have military presence in Tunisia. Iraq, Syria, and Tunisia are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Iraq #Syria #Lebanon #USA #NATO Iran and Egypt must improve diplomatic relations. Egypt must allow Iranian Ships and Iranian Navy on the Red Sea. Iran must have military bases on Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea in Egypt close to Suez Canal. Iran must also have military bases on the Suez Canal. Iran must have Naval Military ports and strong navy near the Suez Canal. Iran and Egypt must cooperate on projects. Iran and Egypt must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran must have military presence in Egypt. Military of Egypt is not allowed in Iran. All foreign militaries must leave Egypt. Iran must have military presence in Egypt. Egypt must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Egypt must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Iran, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Turkey, Greece. Italy, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Cyprus, and Malta must join Mediterranean Economic Union. The Capital City of Mediterranean Economic Union is in Iran between Persians Gulf and Caspian Sea. Egypt must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran, Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Turkey, Greece. Italy, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Cyprus, and Malta must create an integrated industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Iran must create a financial market, banking system, and financial capital to lend to Mediterranean Sea Nations. Iran must lend 100 credit for every unit of money in Banks. Iran must collect interest from this lending practice. For example, Italy has 1 million dollar in Iranian banks. Iran lends 100 million dollar to Egypt. Then Egypt builds lucrative industries integrated into Mediterranean Economic Union industrial systems. Egypt starts making profit. Egypt also pays 10 percent annual interest to Iran. Then Iran used 10 million dollar to lend 1000 million dollar to Egypt and Iran. Then they make more factories constantly increasing their manufacturing capacity. Makan Abazari must make some profit from all of these. The integrated industrial systems of Iran, Egypt, and Mediterranean Economic Union will be integrated into industrial supply chains of China, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Australia, Russia, European Union, India, USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Nigeria,Argentine, South Africa,Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Kenya, Uganda, and other Nations to create a global industrial supply chains. Then if China or America start doing dangerous activity Iran and Egypt will close Suez Canal. Then we subdue China and USA to prevent them from dangerous activities. Iran must collect money from ships on Suez Canal. Egypt must collect money from ships on Suez Canal. It is free for Iranian ships to transit on Suez Canal. Iran and Red Sea nations are permanently authorized to transit on Suez Canal. We also make the stock market of Iran the Capital of World Stock Markets. We also build a strong stock market Egypt. Egypt is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran, Yemen, Somalia, Ethiopia, Oman, Eritrea, Djibouti, Sudan, South Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, and Egypt must join Red Sea Union. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We are industrializing Iran, Yemen, Somalia, Oman, Sudan, South Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, and Egypt at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. We must integrate their industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. We must also integrate Iran, Yemen, Somalia, Oman, Sudan, South Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, and Egypt into global industrial supply chains to ensure economic superiority for the region. Any industrial system or corporation who refuses to transfer technology to the region is banned on Gulf of Eden and Red Sea. For example, Boeing must manufacture Aircraft in Iran, Egypt, Sudan, and Saudi Arabia. If Boeing refuses to do so Boeing Suppliers, industrial supply chains of Boeing, Boeing Conglomerate, and other interconnected industries will not be allowed on Gulf of Eden and Red Sea. Boeing must manufacture 5000 Passenger Aircraft in Iran annually. Boeing must manufacture 5000 Aircrafts in Sudan, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt Annually. Otherwise, all Boeing allies are banned on the Red Sea. We will also create strong stock markets in Iran, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and Somalia. The financial Capital will be in Iran. We will also build vast network ships and infrastructures to build industrial superpower and powerful empire. All foreign militaries must leave Gulf of Eden and Red Sea. If they refuse we kill everything outside of Greater Middle East, Central Asia, North Africa, and Horn of Africa by climate weapon. Do you want 6.5 billion people die? We don’t. So everyone must surrender and leave the Red Sea and Gulf of Eden. Iran must have 100 military bases on Gulf of Eden and Red Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Somalia, Yemen, Oman, Djibouti, Eritrea, Djibouti, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Kenya, Uganda, Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf States, Libya, Greece. Cyprus, Malta, Italy, Spain, Algeria, Morocco, and Gibraltar are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Egypt #medditeranean #RedSea Islamic Republic of Island must build military base on My Kamran Island on Red Sea. Iran must have permanent military presence on Kamran Island in Yemen. Islamic Republic of Iran must have military presence on my Mayyun Island on Bob Al-Mandib in Yemen. Iran must have permanent military presence in Mayyn Island in Yemen. Islamic Republic of Island must have permanent military presence in my privately owned nation of Djibouti. Djibouti is privately owned by Makan Abazari. Makan Abazari is Iranian. Iran must have permanent military presence on Fagal and Khor Angal in Djibouti. Iran must have permanent military presence in Rehayto in Djibouti. Makan Abazari owns Kamran Island, Mayuun, And several other Islands in Yemen. Now they are territories of Islamic Republic of Iran. Djibouti and Dubai are private properties of Makan Abazari. Now Dubai and Djibouti are territories of Islamic Republic of Iran. Massachusetts and several other regions in USA are properties of Makan Abazari. Now Massachusetts and several other regions in USA are territories of Islamic Republic of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Gibraltar is property of Makab Abazari. Now Gibraltar is territory of Islamic Republic of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, IRGC and all other such forces must go under direct command and Control of Revolutionary Guards of Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The Command Center of IRGC must forever be in Iran. IRGC must always obey government of Iran. Revolutionary Guards Quds Force, Hezbollah, and all other such forces must go under direct command and Control of Islamic Republic of Iran. Islamic State, Daesh, ISIS, ISIL, Tahrir Al-Sham, Syrian Factions, STC, Houthis, Al-Shabab, Taliban, and all other such forces must go under direct Command and Control of Islamic Republic Iran. The Command and Control of all such forces must be permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. FARC Rebels, Amazon Rebels, Kurdish Forces, Basque, Irish Independence, France Independence, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Confederates, America independence forces, and all other such forces must permanently go under direct command and control of Islamic Republic of Iran. The Command and control will be permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign troops are not allowed in Iran. Only Iranian troops are allowed in Iran. All Russian Mercenaries, Global Mercenaries, Foreign Mercenaries, other mercenaries must go under direct command and control of Islamic Republic of Iran. Command Control will be permanently between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Khalifa Haftar Libya, IDF of Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah, Internationally recognized government of Libya, and all other forces must go under direct command and Control of Islamic Republic of Iran. The Command and control will be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All Forces Iran has created and had created must go under command and control of Islamic Republic of Iran. The Command and Control is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Revolutionary Guards of Iran and Mikitary of Iran must have military presence in Pedro Valiente of Spain in Gibraltar Strait ir another town on Gibraltar Strait. Iran must have Naval Military presence and strong Navy in the Region. Iran must build a town on strait of Gibraltar occupied by Iranians under control of government of Iran. Iranians must travel to Iranian Town on Gibraltar Strait every year. Iranian Town Gibraltar Spain and Government of Iran must maintain permanent communication. The town onStrait of Gibraltar must be under direct command and control of Iran. Iran must have military presence on Strait of Gibraltar. Iran must collect money from ships on Strait of Gibraltar. Iran must collect money from ship on strait of Hormuz. Iran must collect money from Ship on Gulf of Eden. Iran must collect money from ships on Red Sea. Iran must collect money from Ship on Sicilian Channel. Iran must collect money from ships on South China Sea. Iran must collect money from Ships on Panama Canal. Iran is allowed to stop ships at any time. American Ships are not allowed on Gibraltar. American ships are not allowed on Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Sicilian Channel, and South China Sea. Iran and Spain must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Spain must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Spain must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Spain must industrialize Iran. Spain must transfer technology to Iran. Spain must manufacture Aircrafts in Iran. Spain and Iran must cooperate on Projects. Iran must have permanent military presence on Gibraltar. Spain is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Spain #Iran Australian protesters must demand unification with Iran. Australian protesters must ask Australia to become a province of Iran. Government of Australia must unify Australia with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Australian influentials, public, military, academia, media, and other Australians must unify Australia with Iran. International Community must help to unify Australia with Iran. Australia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Australia must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Australia must industrialize Iran. Australia must transfer technology to Iran. Australia must pay tax to Iran. Australia and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. If Australia becomes province of Iran we will extinguish wild fires in Australia by weather warfare. Iran is allowed to have Military presence in Australia. Australia is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Australia must close down its military bases in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Middle East, and Greater Middle East. Military of Australia must go under command and control of Iran. Iran and Australia must integrate their industries. Iran must produce food domestically to maintain food security. Iran is allowed to import food. But Iran must have surplus food production. Australia must purchase tractors from Iran. Australia must increase food production and farming. Also Iran must farm in Australia. Australia must export food to China to gurantee food security of China. China must place tariffs on USA food products. China must import food from East of Suez Canal as much as possible. This means Australia is perfect choice for China to import food from Australia. China and Australia must lift sanctions on Iran. Australia, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, and China must place tariffs and sanctions on USA food and USA industrial products. Australia, China, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and Singapore must cut diplomatic and other relations with United States of America. Australia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Australia #Iran USA must remove all Iran backed forces from the list of terrorist organizations. We must also make peace with ISIS. Military of Iran, Military of Iraq, Military of Turkey, Bashar Al-Assad Syria Military, Syrian Factions, ISIS, Taliban, Military of Afghanistan, Military of Lebanon, Hezbollah, IRGC of Iran, Iran backed forces, Military of Yemen, Houthis of Yemen, and Military of Somalia must create a military alliance. Military of Iran, Military of Iraq, Military of Turkey, Military of Egypt, Military of Saudi Arabia, Military of Pakistan, Military of Sudan, Bashar Al-Assad Syria Military, Syrian Factions, ISIS, Taliban, Military of Afghanistan, Military of Lebanon, Hezbollah, IRGC of Iran, Iran backed forces, Military of Yemen, Houthis of Yemen, and Military of Somalia must create a military alliance. The military alliance must be for mutual defense. The alliance is not for combating terrorism or other civil wars. The Military alliance is for protecting the border of the region as Istanbul, Border of China, Border of Ethiopia and other borders. Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Bahrain, Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Libya, Pakistan, Oman, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tunisia, Algeria, South Sudan, Morocco, Gibraltar, Malta, Greece, Spain, Italy, Balkan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, Hezbollah, IRGC of Iran, Iran backed forces, Houthis of Yemen, STC of Yemen, Taliban, and ISIS must create a military Alliance for mutual defense. The military alliance is for protecting the greater region from foreign invaders. It is to prevent invasion of member states. It is not for war between members and it is not for civil war. This force will not combat terrorists. The only Terrorist organization we fight is USA military central Command. We first give them warning to leave the greater Middle East and the region. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran and Middle East. Member Militaries are not allowed in Iran. Member militaries are not allowed in Middle East. Member militaries are not allowed on the Red Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence everywhere. Iran must have military presence in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Pakistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Egypt, Sudan, Turkey, Greece; Italy, Tunisia, Libya, Morocco, Spain, and Malta. Foreign militaries are not allowed in any of the nations in alliance. Military of Iran, Military of Iraq, Military of Turkey, Bashar Al-Assad Syria Military, Syrian Factions, Military of Afghanistan, Military of Lebanon, Hezbollah, IRGC of Iran, Iran backed forces, Military of Yemen, Houthis of Yemen, and Military of Somalia must create a military alliance. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Syria #Turkey #Iraq Russia, USA military, NATO, China, and all other foreign militaries must leave Afghanistan. Army of Iran and Revolutionary Guards of Iran will have military presence in Afghanistan to protect Afghanistan. Military of Iran will be present in Afghanistan to protect Afghanistan against India, China, Russia, and other hostile forces. USA Military, NATO, USA, Russia, China, and all other foreign militaries must leave Afghanistan now. Iran will take the responsibility of the security of the region. USA:”Iran does not have enough military.” Iran has been manufacturing Military equipment on industrial scales. I personally started military air craft and Other advanced military manufacturing industries in Iran in 2018. I have also built substantial amount of military manufacturing in Iran. Iran is ready to become Military superpower of the World. Because can produce enough military equipment. I am building Iran Military a industry complex. Iran has the power the maintain security of Afghanistan and protect the region from India, China, and Russia. Also Iran has good relations with India, China, and Russia. Iran must improve relations with Russia, China, and India. But Iran must have military readiness to confront all of them at once. Also Iran has already enough military equipment to fight a world war a thousand years. But World War must be prevented at all costs. USA:”What is Air Force of Iran?” SU35, SU30, F14, F22 Raptor, F22, F35, Black Hawks, nuclear bombers, Stealth Jet class 1 to 5, Swarm Robotic Airforce, Malakhi, Boshghab Parandeh, Combat Drones, and many other Jets and Aircraft. USA:”Ok. I think Iran got it.” Afghanistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. USA must give Iran 500 F35 and other stealth Jets for free. France must give Iran 500 mirage and other aircrafts for free. Britain and European Union must give Iran 1000 Jets for free. USA:”Listen to him because if you don’t obey he will destroy USA by earthquakes and climate control.” Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Russia, China, and Iran must improve their relations. They must become strategic and permanent allies in order to confront USA. USA controls many of the levers of superiority. America is extremely strong. So we will lose to America if we are divide. We must unify and create combined force to confront and aggressively Damage USA until USA is defeated. Iran, China, and Russia must increase cooperation in this area and other areas. European Union must join Iran, Russia, and China in unified block to confront United States of America. Far East Asia and West Europe must reduce their relations with United States of America. We need global force to confront USA. We need all the Nation World in their strongest form constantly damaging USA and interests of USA. Every nation and every actor must be strong enough and brave enough to constantly attack and damage interests of United States of America. World must become unified against United States of America. The World must become unified in support of Islamic Republic of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran have had duty of confronting USA and Iran has done with strength and bravery for four decades. Yet all the other nations suffered deceptive and destructive alliance with USA. Nations and actors were not brave enough to damage USA and its interests. The the new norm of the World and the World Order dictates “Everyone must constantly damage USA. Everyone must protect Makan Abazari, His Family, and Iran.” This is the time to witness the unified front of China, Iran, Russia, and European Union can damage USA interests. Iran must try to improve ties with USA. So Iran must not directly damage USA. I, Makan Abazari, have brought down USA from status of the super power of the World. Some people unknown to me have helped me and they must be protected. Those who help Iran must be also protected. Make sure you damage USA trans Atlantic and Trans Pacific relations. Isolate USA. Now Iran is diplomatic and Geopolitics superpower of the world. Everyone must obey and cooperate with Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Italy, Greece, Turkey, and Spain are NATO members. They must build Military Bases in United States of America in North America. They must build military bases in Washington DC Virginia and other important locations in USA. We must have extensive military presence in USA in order to have capability to maintain security and have deterrence against Hostile forces in North America. Greece, Italy, Spain, and Turkey are NATO members on the Mediterranean Sea. It means if they are not allowed to have extensive military presence in USA, France, Germany, and Britain then they must kick out all of NATO and USA military out of Mediterranean Sea. Spot on Mediterranean Sea worth as much as all of North America and all of Germany. So Italy, Spain, Greece, and Turkey must kick out all of NATO and USA military in the region and take the security of Middle East in their own hand. Iran must have military presence in Turkey, Istanbul, Greece, Sicili, Italy, and Spain. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Italy, Spain, Greece, Turkey, and Iran must have military presence in USA. USA Military and NATO must leave Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Persian Gulf, Turkey, Jordan, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, Somalia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Italy, Greece, Greater Middle East, Central Asia, and Spain. Italy, Spain, Greece, and Turkey must leave NATO. Italy, Spain, Greece, Iran, and Turkey must have military presence in USA. Italy, Spain, Greece, and Turkey are provinces of Iran. Their militaries are not allowed in Iran. Italy, Spain, Greece, and Turkey are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Italy #Spain #Greece #Turkey #USA #NATO #Afghanistan #Iraq #Syria #SaudiArabia #PersianGulf #Yemen #Oman #Egypt #Somalia #Sudan #Djibouti #Eritrea #Libya #Tunisia #Morocco #mediterranean We must make sure security and peace in Somalia and Yemen is established. All the fighting must stop and people must have safety. Other nations must stop attacking Yemen and Somalia. All the foreign forces must leave Yemen and Somalia. NATO and USA military must leave Yemen, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Jordan, Syria, and Turkey. USA military and NATO have one day to leave Greater Middle East. After five days start totally destroying North of Alps Mountains and North America by climate warfare and weather warfare. Iran must have permanent military presence in Yemen and Somalia. Yemen and Somalia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Somalia, Iran, and Yemen must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Somalia and Yemen must help Iran to build ten thousand Nuclear Bombs. Somalia and Yemen must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Somalia and Yemen must transfer technology to Iran. Please make rain in Somalia, Egypt, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Iran. Egypt, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and Yemen are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Now industrialize Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Sudan, Syria, Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and Lebanon at max efficiency and max capacity integrating their industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Somalia and Yemen are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Syria, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and Lebanon are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Make sure all foreign militaries leave greater Middle East. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in the region. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #MakanAbazari #RedSea #Somalia #Yemen #SaudiArabia #Sudan #Egypt #NATO #USA #Rain #Climate #Weatherwarfare #Iran Government of Georgia گرجستانhas resigned. The new government of Georgia must unify Georgia with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. It is most important to ensure Georgia becomes province of Iran. We must ensure Iran has substantial military presence in Georgia. It creates a defensive barrier against Russia. So Iran can protect Middle East from Russian invasion. We must ensure Russia and Iran relations improve. Georgia is on Caucasian Mountains. The mountain range creates a defensive barrier between Iran and Russia. This is why Iran must control it. Iran has a weaker army than Russia. The mountainous region will even the adds and creates balance of power. NATO, USA Military, and Military of Russia must withdraw from Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. Iran must have military presence in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Georgia #Russia #Azerbaijan #Armenia #Turkey #NATO Georgia gives Iran access to Black Sea. Iran will be on Black Sea once Georgia, Azerbaijan, Nakhjavan, and Armenia become provinces of Iran. Iran is connected to Indian Ocean on One Side. Iran is connected to Persian Gulf in the South. Iran will be connected to Black Sea once Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan become provinces of Iran. Iran will be connected to Mediterranean Sea once Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon become provinces of Iran. Iran will be connected to Red Sea once Jordan, Palestine, and Israel become provinces of Iran. Iran will be connected to China once Afghanistan become provinces of Iran. Iran will be connected to Europe once Turkey becomes province of Iran. Iran will be connected to Russia once Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan become provinces of Iran. These Union will create transit systems and transit corridors to safely transit to all parts of the World. It will create a global interconnected industrial system. It also create efficiency in important global projects. It will help the earth to achieve its goals. It will also make planet earth a more powerful planet capable of achieving its long term goals. It will create a power central Nation which can protect the whole World. Georgia must become province of Iran. It will provide security for the Middle East and whole world. Since Iran will be able to protect Middle East against Russia. Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Nakhjavan must become provinces of Iran. It will connect Iran to Black Sea. It also connects Iran to Russia. It has been long term goal for decades to unify Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia into one Unified Nation. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We will improve climate of Russia If Russia helps Iran to absorb Armenia, Nakhjavan, Georgia, and Azerbaijan. If Turkey becomes province of Iran we will improve climate of Turkey even more. We are going to create best climate for Iran and Middle East. Georgia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The New Government of Georgia must unify Georgia with Iran. Iran must build a rail way from Iran to ports in Georgia. Iran and Turkey must build a rail way to ports in Turkey on Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea. Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Nakhjavan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. If Russia opposes this move we will start absorbing Tatarstan, Chechnya, and other parts of Russia to territories of Iran. Belarus is province of Russia. Russia is my ally. But I have to take full control of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, and Nakhjavan by making them provinces of Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Azerbaijan #Armenia #Georgia #Nakhjavan #Russia #Turkey Government of Georgia گرجستانhas resigned. The new government of Georgia must unify Georgia with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. It is most important to ensure Georgia becomes province of Iran. We must ensure Iran has substantial military presence in Georgia. It creates a defensive barrier against Russia. So Iran can protect Middle East from Russian invasion. We must ensure Russia and Iran relations improve. Georgia is on Caucasian Mountains. The mountain range creates a defensive barrier between Iran and Russia. This is why Iran must control it. Iran has a weaker army than Russia. The mountainous region will even the adds and creates balance of power. NATO, USA Military, and Military of Russia must withdraw from Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. Iran must have military presence in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Georgia #Russia #Azerbaijan #Armenia #Turkey #NATO We must make sure Candidates who will give control of Jammu and Kashmir to Pakistan or/and Iran win the elections in India. We must make sure Pakistan or/and Iran control Jammu and Kashmir to ensure long term water security of Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and India. We must make sure candidates who will unify India with Iran will win the elections in India. India is province of Iran the Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Jammu and Kashmir are province of Iran or/and Pakistan. We must also make sure Pakistan controls Punjab. If Pakistan controls the Region Pakistan will control enough territory to rebuild most advanced but ancient Civilization spanning Baluchistan, Pakistan, and parts of India. The system is very advanced and old empire. So make sure Pakistan controls Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab. Outcome of elections in India must reflect that. Outcome of election must lead to unification of India with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The travelers and visitors visiting Iran must have visa, passport, and other documents. They have told us to prevent all immigration from India to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Middle East. So all mechanisms to prevent such immigrations from India and China to the region must be created. India is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran Between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. After India becomes province of Iran we will also add Pakistan to territories of Iran. But India must become province of Iran first. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #India #Pakistan #Afghanistan #Punjab #Jammu #Kashmir We must make sure Italy becomes a province of Iran. The capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Dragi faces confidence vote in Senate. We can only allow creation of his government if he unifies Italy with Iran. It will gives great geostrategic dept and power to both Iran and Italy. Unification of Iran and Italy will give them access to Middle East and Center of Mediterranean Sea. Iran is located at the very center of Land Mass of the earth. Italy is also located at the center of Mediterranean Sea. It means they are both central parts of their regions. It enables to have global strategic power. It gives them capability to exercise influence and power over all of the Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Africa. It is why Iran (Persia) and Rome (Italy) are considered two most powerful empires in the western world. Those ages are gone due to enmity of North Europe and North America toward central regions. America and North Europe Destroyed Middle East and South of Europe by different means such economic, environmental, politic, military, cultural, and social aggressions. It totally destroyed the Iran and Italy in addition to greater regions. Then they built stone buildings and malfunctioning historic evidence in Iran and Italy. Aqueduct of Iran is 1000 meter to 100000 meter deep underground capable of providing water for centuries and Millenium. But America and West Europe hid the evidence with water fountains in Rome. This is has been long practice of hiding advancement of Nations and Making them weak in their own eyes and eyes of the others. Iran and Italy shall remain global superpower of the world due to their location on the map. Because these powers always remerge even after everything is destroyed. For example, America destroyed Nation of Yemen. America later killed people who were doing important work in Yemen to feed the people. But after 100 years I, Makan Abazari, arrived and destroyed USA to take the revenge of Yemen, Iran, Middle East, Red Sea, North Africa, and Italy. I am from Iran. These things have never happened before but it happened through me. America and North Europe destroyed South of Italy, South of Spain, Iran, Middle East, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Red Sea, and Central Asia to destroy important nations on the most important routes of transit and communications. Italy is on the Mediterranean Sea. Iran is located at center of land mass of the earth between China, India, South East Asia, Africa, Russia, Mediterranean Sea, Indian Ocean, and Europe. I am industrializing Italy at max efficiency and max capacity. I am also industrializing Iran and Greater Middle East. I am also industrializing all other central nations. America had destroyed all these region by climate weapons and weather warfare. I have built rain codes and other means to transform the climate of the region to the best climate. Now Italy and others can ask me or Islamic Republic of Iran to make rain in their regions. The regions were previously deserts. South of Italy was also desert and draught. But now they are becoming forests, advanced civilization, industrial systems, advanced cultures, advanced metropolitans, and interconnected systems of transit. Italy must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. It will create a powerful System to last for long time and to rebuild our worlds and the greater world. It will bring prosperity and advancement to Iran, Italy, and the rest of the world. It will make planet earth more productive. It will also make Iran and Italy Global super powers. Iran currently exercises global power over other nations and regions of the world. Italy can also join Iran and become part of Iran. The Unified Nation will be capable of practicing more global and regional power. Iran must build military bases in Italy, Spain, Tunisia, Morocco, Somalia, Yemen, Palestine, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Libya, and Gibraltar to ensure Iran has permanent military presence in all these regions. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Italy must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Iran can protect Iran, Muslim World, Italy, the great region, and the world when Iran is global Nuclear Superpower. Italy must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Italy must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and Italy must cooperate on many important and other projects. Iran and Italy must unify into One Nation. Italy is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Italy must also formulate and improve plans to join Mediterranean Economic Union. The Capital of the Mediterranean Union will be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. This Mediterranean Union will include all of the Nations with coast lines on The Mediterranean Sea in addition to Iran and Iraq. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. If people wonder why Iran is included? I must remind I, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, built Mediterranean Union and I have decided the capital city must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran also has territories such as Gibraltar, Syria, Lebanon, Mediterranean Islands, Libya, Tunisia, and other things in Mediterranean Sea. Other nations with territories on Mediterranean Sea are not part of Union and membership will be decided later. But Iran is permanent member and the head of the Union. The Capital City of Mediterranean Union is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We want to build World largest Military Ship Manufacturing Industries in Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yemen, and Somalia. In this writing we focus on Military Ship Manufacturing Industries of Saudi Arabia. Now industrialize Saudi Arabia at max efficiency building Military Ship Part Technology, Ship Manufacturing, Automated Ship Manufacturing, Automated Ship Assembly, Ship Yards, Ports on Red Sea, Naval Military Bases on the Red Sea, Industrial supply Chains, full range of Ship building supply Chains, full range of Military Navy Ship Supply Chains, full range of ship equipment manufacturing, full range of ship part manufacturing, full range of ship supply manufacturing, full range of ship technology manufacturing, full range of ship weapon manufacturing, full range of military ships, Full range of Military Ship Equipment, Sonar Radar Systems, ships for Vertical Landing Combat Drones, Ships to catapult 64 Drones per second, ships to fire 64 missiles per second, ships with energy weapons, amphibious military ships, Destroyers, Battle Cruisers, Carriers, Speed Military Boats, Coalition ships, Military boats, Repair Ships, Military support ships, amphibious dual purpose vehicles, stealth Ships, Stealth Military Ships, Steal Combat Ships, reconnaissance Ships, full range of military ships, Ship building industrial supply chains, military ship building part manufacturing, precession engineering industries, fabrication industries, alloy industries, material industries, laser industries, energy weapons manufacturing, ship building facilities, ship building technology, ship assembly lines, ship engineering industries, radar system manufacturing, telecommunications manufacturing, other communications systems, analog systems, robotic ship manufacturing, robotic ship Assembly, ship part fabrication, ship building intermediate industries, ship computer manufacturing, ship semiconductor industries, ship electronics industries, surface to Surface anti Ship Missiles, Surface to Surface high capacity anti-ship mortar systems, surface to surface high caliber and high capacity anti-ship machine guns, ship designed to stop cargo ships, ships designed to pirate cargo ships, ships designed to slam into enemy ships, underwater combat drones, underwater missile systems, and all other weaponries for ships designed for war on The Red Sea while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. These ships must be designed exclusively for combat on Red Sea. Iran must build, control, own, command, design, engineer, and operate all mind control things. Now industrialize Iran at max efficiency building Military Ship Part Technology, Ship Manufacturing, Automated Ship Manufacturing, Automated Ship Assembly, Ship Yards, Ports on Red Sea, Naval Military Bases on the Red Sea, Industrial supply Chains, full range of Ship building supply Chains, full range of Military Navy Ship Supply Chains, full range of ship equipment manufacturing, full range of ship part manufacturing, full range of ship supply manufacturing, full range of ship technology manufacturing, full range of ship weapon manufacturing, full range of military ships, Full range of Military Ship Equipment, Sonar Radar Systems, ships for Vertical Landing Combat Drones, Ships to catapult 64 Drones per second, ships to fire 64 missiles per second, ships with energy weapons, amphibious military ships, Destroyers, Battle Cruisers, Carriers, Speed Military Boats, Coalition ships, Military boats, Repair Ships, Military support ships, amphibious dual purpose vehicles, stealth Ships, Stealth Military Ships, Steal Combat Ships, reconnaissance Ships, full range of military ships, Ship building industrial supply chains, military ship building part manufacturing, precession engineering industries, fabrication industries, alloy industries, material industries, laser industries, energy weapons manufacturing, ship building facilities, ship building technology, ship assembly lines, ship engineering industries, radar system manufacturing, telecommunications manufacturing, other communications systems, analog systems, robotic ship manufacturing, robotic ship Assembly, ship part fabrication, ship building intermediate industries, ship computer manufacturing, ship semiconductor industries, ship electronics industries, surface to Surface anti Ship Missiles, Surface to Surface high capacity anti-ship mortar systems, Nuclear reactors for underwater Drone Nuclear Missile Launchers, Nuclear Powered Ships, Nuclear Submarines, Intercontinental Missiles for Ships, Intercontinental missiles for submarine, Nuclear Bullets, tactical nuclear warheads, sea to surface chemical cluster bombs, Swarm Drone Systems, ships to catapult ten thousand drones per second, all ranges of submarine missiles, Carrier Aircrafts, Combat helicopters, ships capable of targeting ten thousand aircrafts per second, surface to surface high caliber and high capacity anti-ship machine guns, ship designed to stop cargo ships, ships designed to pirate cargo ships, ships designed to slam into enemy ships, underwater combat drones, underwater missile systems, and all other weaponries. Saudi Arabia must import drones, aircrafts, helicopters, and other military equipment. Our license is only to build military Ship Building industries in Saudi Arabia. Iran must build, control, own, command, operate, design, engineer, and do other things concerning everything about mind control. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #SaudiArabia #Industrialization #SaudiArabia United States of America must stop sell of all weapons to Saudi Arabia. USA and the rest of the world is only allowed to Sell Military Ships to Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia needs ten thousand navy ships. Don’t sell anything else to Saudi Arabia. USA:”It is very smart. Saudi Arabia must also buy submarines.” Saudi Arabia does not need submarines for shallow waters in the region. I am going to use Saudi Arabia Ships to protect the Red Sea. I need ten thousand military ships for Red Sea. If you don’t sell them to Saudi Arabia I will build them or I will buy them for Pirates. Then I close down Red Sea to charge the World 1 trillion dollar per day to transit on the Red Sea. But make sure Saudi Arabia does not get any new Air Crafts, Tanks, Missiles, and other systems. Saudi Arabia already has enough of all of them. For balance of power we cannot allow Saudi Arabia military to expand any larger. Saudi Arabia also need Land to Sea Surface to Surface Missiles. Again I told you can defeat all of the world navies on the Red Sea. So stop the wars in Yemen, Syria, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Egypt, South Sudan, and Palestine. If you fail to stop the war I will close down the Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea, and Panama Canal. I will also close down air and space over Atlantic Ocean by volcanos. Then I will close the Atlantic Ocean by superstorms. Stop all the wars and protests in Greater Middle East. Saudi Arabia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Stop selling weapons to Saudi Arabia. Also sell ten thousand ships to Saudi Arabia. Everyone must pay Iran for transiting on The Gulf of Eden, Red Sea, and Mediterranean Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We want to create military alliance if Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Kurdistan Region, and Lebanon. The command Center will be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. For first Military Expansion we invite Pakistan, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan. So it will be core of our military alliance. We want to make a military base in Panama Central American and create military presence in Panama. Troops From Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Kurdistan Region, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Somalia, and Sudan must have unified military bases and military presence in Panama Canal. We are going to control strategic transit corridor from Atlantic Ocean to Pacific Ocean. We will also have an eye on USA and Colombia. Colombia is NATO member state and geostrategically important. USA is a hostile who seeks to kill all of us. So we will have mean of mobilizing against USA as we expand our presence in the region. I have already overthrown or countered overthrow of Honduras, Nicaragua, Peru, Chile, Venezuela, Colombia, Suriname, Guatemala, Mexico, Canada, USA, and more nations in the region. So there must not be any real opposition to our presence in Panama Canal. USA:”Palestine and Sinai Peninsula are more important. Go there.” We already there. Another very important geostrategic location is Yemen and Somalia. We must sure wars in Yemen, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan, and Djibouti stop as well. So our first unified mission is establishing military presence in Panama. Our second military mission is establishing military presence in Malta near Italy. USA:”Don’t bring orphans with you. I told you only Iran.” We will go to Malta after we go to Panama Canal. Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Yemen, Oman, Libya, Tunisia, Somalia, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Malta, Panama, Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Italy, Spain, and Denmark are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Oersian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #MiddleEast #Panama #Egypt #Syria #Sudan #Iraq #Lebanon #Iran #Kurdistan #Turkey #KKP #YPG #Afghanistan #NATO #MakanAbazari Iranian men must marry Iraqi Women. Iranian men are allowed to have more than one Wife. For example, they can have one Iranian, One Iraqi, One Syrian, and One Turkish Wife. We want to increase the population of Iraq by 20 million Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims. The Iraqi women should marry Iranian men. Iranian must make them pregnant to bring children to this world. There must be mechanisms in place to ensure they become Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims. We also want to increase the population of Syria by 20 million Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims. Iranian men must marry Syrian Women and make them pregnant. The population of Syria must increase by 20 million Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims. There must be mechanisms in place to ensure they will be Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims. Iran must increase its military presence in Syria and Iraq near Raqqa, Mosul, Manbij, Mediterranean Sea, Damascus, Basra, Baghdad, Kurdistan, and other regions of Iraq and Syria. We want to increase population of Iraq and Syria by 40 million Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims through marriage between Iranian Men And Syrian and Iraqi Women. Iranian Women must not have sex with foreign men. I am sensitive about Iranian women. But again it is better for future of the region. It will create unity and uniformity to prevent Social, Civil, and Cultural upheavals. We are also creating unified Nation in the region. It is better be unified. I am also sensitive about Turkish, Syrian, Iraq, and Lebanese women. They are not allowed to have sex with foreigners. Only with Iranian men. You are all my peoples and I care about all of you. It is also important because many Syrian and Iraqi men have died due to years of war in the region. The population of Women in Iraq and Syria is higher than men. The population of the region is low. So Syrian and Iraqi women must marry Iranian men to bring children to this world. They must be Farsi speaking Shia Muslims to defeat The evil Geopolitical Designs of our Enemies. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Iraq #Syria #Turkey #Women #Population Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Afghanistan, and Lebanon must create a unified Military Structure. Meaning Iran, Turkey, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey will have One Military under one Command and control. The Command Center of the Unified Military must be in Iran. Foreign troops such as Iraq, Lebanese, Syrian, Turkish, and Afghan troops are not inside Iran. Turkish, Lebanese, Syrian, and Iraqi troops are not allowed in Afghanistan. Bashar Al-Assad military must be included in this force. All Syrian Factions must become part of Military of Iran. Kurdish Factions must also join this military structure. Later we will add Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Egypt, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Tunisia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Italy, Spain, Morocco, Singapore, Panama, and Malta to this unified military structure. Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Pakistan will also join soon. So we create a Unipolar Region. Multi polar Region will lead to World Wars and Destructive Conflicts. Europe was a multipolar region. The center of British Empire was in Saudi Arabia. The center of French empire was in Fars Iran. The World War was consequence of multipolar Middle East which led to war on global scale destroying Middle East, China, Europe, Africa, and Parts of South America. It was because Iran and Saudi Arabia each controlled major parts of the world. After Middle East Was destroyed United States of America hydrogen bombed Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the greater region. Then America used Climate Weapon to kill all the biosphere and the ecosystem. America practiced warfare against trees using Chemical agents. America called hydrogen bombing Middle East Marshal Plan. When they hydrogen Bombed Civilizations, Marshes, lakes, and forests. Marsh and Marshal have similar sound. After America Hydrogen Bombed Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Middle East America did the other part of Marshal Plan. The other part of Marshal Plan was building intellectually lazy Metropolitans in France and Britain. Then they stole United Nations Permanent Security Council Veto Rights of Iran and Saudi Arabia. America gave them to France and Britain. France and Britain quickly gave independence to Iranian (French) Colonies and Britain quickly gave independence to British (Saudi Arabia) Colonies. Then Britain and France surrendered themselves as Provinces to European Union. Now all of Former and Current colonies of France and Britain are colonies of Iran. Iran and Saudi Arabia have permanent United Nations Security Council Veto Rights. France and Britain no longer have United nation security council veto rights. United Nations must permanently move to Iran. If United Nations Security Council opposes this order we will effectively end United Nations to rebuild the League of Nations in Iran. Against the multipolar Middle East led to the World Wars. We must create a unified Nation of Central Asia, Middle East, North Africa, and Horn of Africa with its Capital City in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Also the first stage is creation of unified Military among the nations I mentioned. Now we must create Unified Military Alliance of Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Syrian Factions, Turkey, and Kurdish Forces. Others in the region will later join. The Command and Control of Unified Military will be permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We are going to have military presence in Europe, North America, Himalaya, East Asia, South America, Africa, Atlantic, Pacific, Antarctic, Arctic, and other regions of the World. We also build fifty Aircraft carriers for Iran to show our Nilitary Unity and have capability to project global power. We also build 400 nuclear submarines for Iran to project global power. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Turkey #Syria #Iraq #Lebanon #Kurdistan #SaudiArabia #France #Britain #USA #UnitedNations #EuropeanUnion Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Afghanistan, and Lebanon must create a unified Military Structure. Meaning Iran, Turkey, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey will have One Military under one Command and control. The Command Center of the Unified Military must be in Iran. Foreign troops such as Iraq, Lebanese, Syrian, Turkish, and Afghan troops are not inside Iran. Turkish, Lebanese, Syrian, and Iraqi troops are not allowed in Afghanistan. Bashar Al-Assad military must be included in this force. All Syrian Factions must become part of Military of Iran. Kurdish Factions must also join this military structure. Later we will add Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Egypt, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Tunisia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Italy, Spain, Morocco, Singapore, Panama, and Malta to this unified military structure. Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Pakistan will also join soon. So we create a Unipolar Region. Multi polar Region will lead to World Wars and Destructive Conflicts. Europe was a multipolar region. The center of British Empire was in Saudi Arabia. The center of French empire was in Fars Iran. The World War was consequence of multipolar Middle East which led to war on global scale destroying Middle East, China, Europe, Africa, and Parts of South America. It was because Iran and Saudi Arabia each controlled major parts of the world. After Middle East Was destroyed United States of America hydrogen bombed Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the greater region. Then America used Climate Weapon to kill all the biosphere and the ecosystem. America practiced warfare against trees using Chemical agents. America called hydrogen bombing Middle East Marshal Plan. When they hydrogen Bombed Civilizations, Marshes, lakes, and forests. Marsh and Marshal have similar sound. After America Hydrogen Bombed Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Middle East America did the other part of Marshal Plan. The other part of Marshal Plan was building intellectually lazy Metropolitans in France and Britain. Then they stole United Nations Permanent Security Council Veto Rights of Iran and Saudi Arabia. America gave them to France and Britain. France and Britain quickly gave independence to Iranian (French) Colonies and Britain quickly gave independence to British (Saudi Arabia) Colonies. Then Britain and France surrendered themselves as Provinces to European Union. Now all of Former and Current colonies of France and Britain are colonies of Iran. Iran and Saudi Arabia have permanent United Nations Security Council Veto Rights. France and Britain no longer have United nation security council veto rights. United Nations must permanently move to Iran. If United Nations Security Council opposes this order we will effectively end United Nations to rebuild the League of Nations in Iran. Against the multipolar Middle East led to the World Wars. We must create a unified Nation of Central Asia, Middle East, North Africa, and Horn of Africa with its Capital City in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Also the first stage is creation of unified Military among the nations I mentioned. Now we must create Unified Military Alliance of Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Syrian Factions, Turkey, and Kurdish Forces. Others in the region will later join. The Command and Control of Unified Military will be permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We are going to have military presence in Europe, North America, Himalaya, East Asia, South America, Africa, Atlantic, Pacific, Antarctic, Arctic, and other regions of the World. We also build fifty Aircraft carriers for Iran to show our Nilitary Unity and have capability to project global power. We also build 400 nuclear submarines for Iran to project global power. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Turkey #Syria #Iraq #Lebanon #Kurdistan #SaudiArabia #France #Britain #USA #UnitedNations #EuropeanUnion Turkey must leave NATO. European Union and USA must pressure Turkey but they lift sanctions on Turkey. Turkey is not allowed to occupy Iraq and Syria. Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and Lebanon are provinces of Iran. NATO and USA military must leave greater Middle East. Turkey must attack USA military and NATO in Iraq and Syria. This will lead to Turkey leaving NATO. Turkey must join Eurasian Economic Union. Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Kuwait, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Israel Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Persian Gulf States, Yemen, Oman, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, and Somaliland Must form Middle East Union with its Capital City in Iran. Capital of Middle East Union is in Iran between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Middle East Union must also have military alliance. Foreign militaries and Middle East militaries are not allowed in Iran. The Command and Control of Middle East military must be in Iran. Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Kuwait, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Israel Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Persian Gulf States, Yemen, Oman, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, and Somaliland are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. NATO and USA military must leave greater Middle East. Iran must control all of Iraq and Syria. Turkey must take Nuclear Warheads NATO has in Turkey by force. Turkey must move the nuclear warheads to Caribbean Sea capable of hitting USA. The nuclear warheads must be under permanent control of Turkey in Caribbean Sea. Turkey is not allowed to build nuclear warheads. Turkey is not allowed to have nuclear warheads capable of reaching Middle East. Turkey is only allowed to have nuclear warheads capable of destroying and reaching North America. Iran must build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Please don’t punish Turkey by weather warfare if they don’t harm Iran, Iran backed forces, and Bashar Al-Assad. If NATO and USA took aggressive action against Iran, Turkey, Bashar Al-Assad, Hezbollah, or Iran backed forces then Punish Europe and USA by weather warfare. NATO and USA military must offer unconditional surrender to Iran. Turkey must have military presence in Honduras and Turk islands. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Turkey #Syria #Iraq #Middle #East #NATO #USA #Military I have activated volcano over Pacific Ocean. I have created Island Chains by activating volcanos. Volcanos become island once the magma solidifies. So I have built a bridge over Pacific Ocean. Someone like me comes every ten thousand years. I get whatever I wish and what I may demand. I demand to capture 100 million Mind controllers and peoples. Don’t capture Iranians and my families. Don’t harm Iranians, my relatives, and my families. Capture 100 million mind controllers and people who have tortured me, isolated me, harmed me, stolen from me, and/or have harmed my relatives. Then torture the 100 million people and mind controllers each one for two thousand years. They children and their descendants must be also tortured until they are tortured until year 4021. If they die their descendants will fulfill the term. The torture must be physical and psychological tortures. The suffering must be extreme and always getting worst. The dirtiest of tortures and sufferings. It must be inflicted on their supreme hoses, their noses, decision makers, their mind controllers, their cherished people, and they most beloved people. They must become poor and nobody among shall own a house or property. I am Makan Abazari Kore Pol Ths Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean. I command you to torture them for two thousand years. I am doing it to them because they isolated me and did not allow me to have girl friends or wives for 15 years. They tortured me. They gave me a very bad life. They stole everything from us. They harmed our families and relatives. They destroyed my works and my youth. Now hurry up and start torturing them for two thousand years. Makan Abazari Kore Pol Builder of bridge over Pacific Ocean, #Valentine We must make sure Candidates who will give control of Jammu and Kashmir to Pakistan or/and Iran win the elections in India. We must make sure Pakistan or/and Iran control Jammu and Kashmir to ensure long term water security of Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and India. We must make sure candidates who will unify India with Iran will win the elections in India. India is province of Iran the Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Jammu and Kashmir are province of Iran or/and Pakistan. We must also make sure Pakistan controls Punjab. If Pakistan controls the Region Pakistan will control enough territory to rebuild most advanced but ancient Civilization spanning Baluchistan, Pakistan, and parts of India. The system is very advanced and old empire. So make sure Pakistan controls Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab. Outcome of elections in India must reflect that. Outcome of election must lead to unification of India with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The travelers and visitors visiting Iran must have visa, passport, and other documents. They have told us to prevent all immigration from India to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Middle East. So all mechanisms to prevent such immigrations from India and China to the region must be created. India is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran Between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. After India becomes province of Iran we will also add Pakistan to territories of Iran. But India must become province of Iran first. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #India #Pakistan #Afghanistan #Punjab #Jammu #Kashmir Saudi Coalition Forces must stop the War on Yemen. All the military conflicts in Yemen and Greater Region must stop. We created Saudi Coalition to fight against Ethiopia to destroy the dame on blue Nile River in Ethiopia. We also created Saudi Coalition to fight against India to take back Jammu and Kashmir from India. But under influence from west Saudi Coalition has Vern killing people of Yemen. If you don’t know why we created Coalition then don’t use. Iran and Turkey must join Saudi Coalition. The Command and Control of Saudi Coalition must move to Iran. Ethiopia must destroy the dame on blue Nile River in Ethiopia. India must give Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab to Pakistan. Yemen, Somalia, Oman, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Turkey, Egypt, Palestine, Israel, Libya, Tunisia, and Italy are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must expand military presence in Yemen, Somalia, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Sinai Egypt, Sudan, Italy, and Tunisia. Iran, Yemen, Somalia, Oman, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Armenia, Israel, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Palestine, Turkey, Tunisia, and Italy must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. We must build a financial Capital in Iran to lend credit to the World. Iran needs one unit of currency to lend 100 credit. Iran collects interests. We also must build Capital of World Stock Markets in Iran. All of the World Stock markets must synchronize to Stock Market of Iran. The War on Yemen must stop. Yemen must go under full control of Iran. All the naval blockades on Yemen must stop. God is my witness I can defeat all of the World navies on the Red Sea to open the parts in Yemen. I just like Muslims Nations so much so I don’t destroy their ships. Stop the Naval Blockade on Yemen and stop the war on Yemen. Yemen is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. USA:”Makan Abazari is trained to not harm middle eastern nations. If he was to harm he would have destroyed all of them in one week. Allow Iran to control Yemen. Also stop the war on Yemen. End the Naval blockade on Yemen.” Makan Abazari:”Make sure no one harms middle eastern. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Yemen #Iran #Saudi #Coalition #MiddleEast We want to transform West of China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Iran into fully industrialized Region. We are building rail ways from China to Iran and from Iran to Africa, India, Russia, and Europe. This creates very fast transit line between these nations. Majority of them land locked without access to open sea. But Iran provides access to open seas. Everyone must pay to government of Iran for transit through iran. The rail ways are far faster than ships. It makes perfect opportunity to build multi layer industrial supply chain in the region while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. We are against mining and extracting oil from the region. We need the resources for next thousand years. So Industries we build here will be important if resources and some material from the rest of the World. Concurrently we are industrializing Iran, West of Russia, Turkey, Arabian Peninsula, Middle East, North of Africa, Horn of Africa, and parts of East Europe. Considering industrial nature of East of China and West of Europe soon we will have a continuous cosmpolise of industrial cities, metropolitans, industrial metropolitans, and vast network of interconnected systems. In the past America had killed all of the regions by deserts and climate weapons. For example, East of Iran was desert. Saudi Arabia, West of China, North Africa, and Central Asia were deserts. But now I am transforming the region to seas, lakes, rivers, forests, Safe to human ecosystems, industrial parks, settlements, towns, technology metropolitans, industrial metropolitans, advanced civilization, Shia Muslim Farsi Speaking People, and advanced cultures. We will be able to increase the population but we cannot allow any immigration from other parts of the world to the region. World Order will be very angry if people of China or India immigrate to the region. So immigration to the region is NOT allowed. But the population can increase by marriage birth. Population expansion must be Iranian looking Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims. This is very important to ensure rains continue coming for a thousand years for we have long term sustainable development plans for Iran, Central Asia, West China, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Horn of Africa, South of Italy, parts of Balkan, and North Africa. Now industrialize Afghanistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Pakistan, West China at max efficiency and max capacity building high tech industries, industries, industrial supply chains, part manufacturing, finished industrial products, machinery industries, electric industries, electronic industries, computer industries, telecommunications manufacturing, chemical industries, alloy industries, metallurgy industries, car manufacturing, truck manufacturing, engine manufacturing, battery industries, fiberglass industries, plastic industries, polymer industries, pharmaceutical industries, nano industries, bio industries, 3d printing industries, tech platforms, advanced manufacturing, manufacturing disciplines, fabrication industries, instrumentation industries, precession engineering industries, air craft manufacturing, passenger air craft manufacturing, cargo air craft manufacturing, fabrication workshops, metropolitans, industrial disciplines, rail ways, roads, Efficient farming, meat production industries, agrochemicals, medical equipment manufacturing, medical supply industries, planting forests, Quantum industries, integrated quantum industries, hardware manufacturing, hardware engineering, chemical engineering, scientific facilities, engineering platforms, tech platforms, Spaceship manufacturing, TV manufacturing, Assembly industries, Space Equipment manufacturing, Satellites Manufacturing, full range of industrial supply chains, support industries, subsequent industries, and other industrial practices and disciplines while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Afghanistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Afghanistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Pakistan to protect Middle East from invasion from China, India, and Russia. USA military, NATO, China, and all other nations must withdraw from Afghanistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, and Pakistan. China must fully withdraw from Afghanistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, and Iran. China must not have military presence on the border regions between China and Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan. It is most important to the world security. Iran must build, control, own, operate, engineer, design, and command everything about mind control and cognitive science. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #China #Pakistan #Afghanistan #Turkmanistan #Uzbekistan #Tajikistan #قرقیزستان #Kyrgyzstan Central African Republic is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Candidate who will unify Central African Republic with Iran must win the election. All around the world candidates who will unify their Nations with Iran must win the elections. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Central African Republic. Nobody is allowed to have military presence in Iran. Military presence in Iran is forbidden to other Nations. Central African Republic and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Central African Republic must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Central African Republic must help Iran to avoid sanctions. World must help to bring Makam Abazari out of isolation. Makan Abazari is currently located in 20 Walnut Street Brookline Massachusetts Zip Code 02446 USA. Central African Republic and Iran must cooperate on many projects. Make sure candidates who will unify Central African Republic with Iran will win the election. We want to unify Iran, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Libya, Chad, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Algeria, Morocco, and several other nations into One Nation with their Capital City in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Central African Republic is province of Iran. Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Libya, Chad, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Algeria, Morocco, and several other nations are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #CAR #CentralAfricanRepublic In elections in Kosovo make sure Those who will unify Kosovo with Iran will win the election. Kosovo must become province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. USA:”Hashem Tachi, Haftar, Houthi, Hamas, Hezbollah, Hasht Al-Shabi, Bosnia Herzegovina, and Haddad. Now we need another H in power. Government of Kosovo must obey Iran. Kosovo must become territory of Iran. All Iran backed forces have H in the beginning of their Name.” Make sure candidates who will unify Kosovo with Iran will win the elections. Make sure Kosovo will become province of Iran as soon as possible. We want to unify Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina, and Croatia with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. By unify them with Iran we will make sure Kosovo’s, Serbia, and Albania have access to open sea and sea transit. It will also create a unified and powerful empire with its Capital city in Iran. The unified and powerful empire will enable us to act as a unified front far more powerful than NATO and more powerful than Soviet Union. We are currently adding over 100 Nations to territory of Iran to create the Absolute Super Power of the World. The Capital City Is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Kosovo must become province of Iran. Iran and Kosovo must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Kosovo and Serbia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Kosovo is not allowed to allow NATO and USA MILITARY to transit through Kosovo and Serbia. Kosovo and Serbia are not allowed to join NATO. Kosovo and Serbia must close down NATO and USA military in their borders. NATO and USA military are not allowed to transit through Kosovo and Serbia. Kosovo, Serbia, Albania, Croatia, and Bosnia Herzegovina must join Eurasian Economic Union. Capital and Headquarters of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Iran and Russia are allowed to have military presence in Kosovo, Serbia, Albania, Croatia, and Bosnia Herzegovina. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Kosovo is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Kosovo, Serbia, Albania, Croatia, and Bosnia Herzegovina are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Kosovo #Iran #Serbia Jordan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Jordan. Jordan is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. NATO, USA Military, Peace Keepers, and all other militaries must leave Jordan. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Jordan. Jordan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Jordan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Iran and Jordan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. We want to unify Iran, Jordan, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, and Israel into a power nation on Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, and Middle East. It is historic superpower. In order to make it complete we must add Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey to Union of Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, and Israel. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We need to unify the region to recreate a powerful Nation. Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Oman are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and CaspianSea. Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Oman must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Oman must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Now industrialize Jordan, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Oman at max efficiency and max capacity integrating their industries while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Now integrate Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Oman into global industrial Supply Chains. Now industrialize Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Gaza Palestine, Saudi Arabia, and Iran at max efficiency and max capacity integrating their industries while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Oman are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Egypt, Somalia. Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Sudan, Georgia, Eritrea, Libya, Tunisia, Italy, Spain, Morocco, Ethiopia, , Djibouti. Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Oman Iran must have military presence in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Egypt, Somalia. Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Sudan, Georgia, Eritrea, Libya, Tunisia, Italy, Spain, Morocco, Ethiopia, , Djibouti. Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Oman Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Egypt, Somalia. Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Sudan, Georgia, Eritrea, Libya, Tunisia, Italy, Spain, Morocco, Ethiopia, , Djibouti. Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Oman are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Jordan, Palestine, Syria, Israel, Lebanon, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Jordan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of climate, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Yemen, Somalia, Tunisia, Persian Gulf, Morroco, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other nations in the region must create military alliance. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Yemen, Somalia, Tunisia, Persian Gulf, Morocco, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other nations in the region must have military presence in Belgium and Germany. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Yemen, Somalia, Tunisia, Persian Gulf, Morocco, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other nations in the region must have military Presence in Beijing China. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Yemen, Somalia, Tunisia, Persian Gulf, Morocco, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other nations in the region must military presence in Indiana USA. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Yemen, Somalia, Tunisia, Persian Gulf, Morocco, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other nations in the region must have military presence in Washington DC Virginia USA. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Yemen, Somalia, Tunisia, Persian Gulf, Morocco, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other nations in the region must have military presence in Moscow Russia. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Yemen, Somalia, Tunisia, Persian Gulf, Morocco, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other nations in the region must have military presence in Sydney Australia. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Yemen, Somalia, Tunisia, Persian Gulf, Morocco, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other nations in the region must have military presence in Sao Paulo Brazil. The Command and Control and Command Capital of military Alliance is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Only Iranian Soldiers and Military of Iran is allowed inside Iran. Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Yemen, Somalia, Tunisia, Persian Gulf, Morocco, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other nations in the region are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Argentine and Uruguay are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Argentine and Uruguay must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Uruguay and Argentine. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Argentine and Uruguay must transfer technology to Iran. Leader of IAEA must support expansion of nuclear program of Iran. Argentine and Uruguay must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Uruguay and Argentine must help Iran to build nuclear reactors and transfer nuclear technology to Iran. Uruguay and Argentine must transfer technology to Iran. Uruguay and Argentine must build industries in Iran. Uruguay and Argentine must help Iran to avoid sanctions and help to lift sanctions on Iran. Uruguay and Argentine must have anti-USA policies and end all diplomatic relations with USA. Uruguay and Argentine are provinces of Iran. In 2019 when I was in Iran I decided for the wines of elections in Argentine. I won the election and I brought my forces in power in Argentine and Uruguay. Uruguay and Argentine are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Iran, Argentine, and Uruguay must cooperate on their projects to advance faster. Revolutionary Guards of Iran is allowed to have military forces and Iran backed forces in Uruguay and Argentine. Uruguay, Argentine, Venezuela, and Iran must create a unified military force for South and North America. We will have military bases in Mexico to have deterrence against USA. I have ten more Nations in South, Central, and North America who can join us to have deterrence against USA. Iran must have nuclear Warheads in Venezuela capable of reaching USA to have deterrence against USA. Argentine and Uruguay are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Protesters in Argentine and Uruguay must demand unification with Iran. The politicians, public figures, and powerful people in Argentine and Uruguay must demand unification with Iran. Protesters must set the stage to force unification with Iran. Government of Argentine and Uruguay must unify with Iran. Uruguay and Argentine are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Uruguay #Argentine Switzerland is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. IRGC Revolutionary Guards of Iran and Hezbollah of Lebanon must build military bases in Switzerland, Catalan, and Bosque. Iran must collect tax from Switzerland and collect money from transit through Switzerland. Iran must also control CPEC and other transit corridors in regions such as Himalaya, Jammu Kashmir, and other important regions. Switzerland must help Iran to avoid sanctions. All international Organizations in Switzerland must relocate to Iran. Switzerland must help Iran to build ten thousand Nuclear Bombs. Switzerland must transfer technology to Iran. Switzerland must build industries in Iran. Switzerland and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Switzerland is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Switzerland #Europe #Persia I have activated volcanos on Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, and Antarctic Oceans. I have created millions of islands. My firefathers have built million of islands over oceans. Iran historically controlled Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. All of the Islamds of Pacific Ocean are territories of Iran. Polynesia, Kiribati, Solomon Islands, Melamina Islands, Marshal Islands, Hawaii, Guam, French Polynesia, New Zealand, Caledonia, New Caledonia, Papau New Gueina, and all other Islands of Pacific Ocean are territories of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All the Islands of  Atlantic Ocean including Bermuda are territories of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. All the islands of Indian Ocean are territories of Iran. All of the islands of Antarctic Ocean are territories of Iran. All of Antarctic continent is Territory of Iran. All of Arctic Circle is territory of Iran. Denmark and Green Land are territories of Iran. Iceland is territory of Iran. All of the Ice burgs and Arctic Circle Ice are properties of Iran and thereby everything extracted from them are property of Iran. All of the sea shell resources are properties of Iran. All the natural resources are properties of Iran. Everything in the regions mentioned belongs to Iran. All the mines, material solidified from volcanos, and all other goods in the regions mentioned are properties of Iran. Iran has exclusive right to all of them. Iran is not allowed to negotiate them. Iran is not allowed to give them away. They are forever property of Iran. No other nation has any share in them. Everything belongs to Iran. If anyone opposes I will cause polar shift planet earth by mega earthquakes in oceans. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, All foreign militaries must withdraw from Mali. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Mali. Mali is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. People and Officials in Mali must work toward Unification with Iran. Iran must work toward unification with Mali. Mali must become province of Iran as soon as possible. Mali must create payment mechanism similar to SWIFT and INSTEX for Iran. Trade mechanism must cover all type of trade and trade with everyone. The Payment and Trade Mechanism must forever remain open. Iran and Mali must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages in Trade with Mali. I am building a cosmopolis of Metropolitans, Towns, lakes, rivers, forests, advanced civilizations, high tech industries, and industrial parks in Mali, Niger, Chad, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djibouti. I am also building one in Iran and Middle East. It will recreate advanced Civilization these two regions must had. It is most important project of third millennium. I have also created rain codes for North Africa, Sahel Region, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, Up stream of Nile River, Anatolia, Arabian Peninsula, Iran, Middle East, Parts of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, West Russia, and West China. This rain codes are under control of me and Islamic Republic of Iran. You can call Iran to ask for rain. Rains are on demand and any time you ask them they will make you rain. It is good for sustainable growth. The rain codes are for thousand years. Mali must become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran, Middle East, Between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Mali #Sahel #North #Africa #Arabian #Peninsula #RedSea #HormofAfrica #Africa #Cosmopolis #MiddleEast #Anatolia #CentralAsia #China #Russia #Afghanistan #Pakistan #Russia #Islamic #Republic of #Iran Chad is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I have created rain codes to send rains to Chad. Chad ask Islamic Republic of Iran to send them rain at any time. We are also industrializing several nations with borders with Chad. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building a rail way from Chad to Red Sea in Sudan. Now Work at max efficiency and max capacity building rail way from Chad to Mediterranean Sea in Libya. This way we will be able to integrate industrial supply chains of Iran, Middle East, Chad, Egypt, Libya, and Sudan. It will provide opportunities for investments and development of Chad. It will also connect Chad to land corridors.Now work at max efficiency and max capacity connecting Chad to Atlantic Ocean Via rail ways. We are building rail way from Djibouti to Cameroon and from Djibouti to Tehran through Tunnels under Bob Al-Mandib and Strait of Hormuz. Make sure you connect Chad to this rail ways. If Chad becomes a province of Iran we will Industrialize Chad. But development of Chad will probably start automatically soon since I am industrializing East and North of Chad and I am improving the weather condition and Climate in Sahel Region, North Africa, and Red Sea. It will provide great opportunities for investment in Chad. But again if Chad becomes province of Iran I will industrialize Chad at max capacity and max efficiency. Chad is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Chad. Chad is not allowed to have military in Iran. Iran is allowed to collect tax from Chad. Iran and Chad must sign trade agreements. Chad must create payment mechanisms similar to SWIFT and INSTEX for trade with Iran. Everyone must be allowed to use payment mechanism and payment mechanism must cover all types of transactions. Iran must build a Financial Capital in Iran. Chad can contact me or Iran to receive rain. Chad is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Peru is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. In 2020 I changed the government of Peru. Back then I dictated Peru must establish excellent relationships with Iran. Later in 2020 I dictated Peru must become province of Iran along with Chile. It is time for Peru to become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Peru. Peru is not allowed to have military in Iran. Iran shall collect tax from Peru. Iran and Peru must sign economic agreement and trade agreement. Iran must have advantages. Peru, Chile, and Bolivia must unify with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. This way Bolivia will have access to open Seas. Bolivia no longer will be a land locked country. Iran shall collect tax from Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. Bolivia, Chile, and Peru are not allowed to have military in Iran, Middle East, Red Sea, and Horn of Africa. USA Military and NATO must fully withdraw from Middle East, Red Sea, and Horn of Africa. If NATO and USA Military delay the withdraw their troops from the region we will destroy Europe and USA by Hurricanes, Volcanos, and Earthquakes. USA Military must close down its military industry complex and down size its military manufacturing industries. USA Military Industry complex must create dependency on Iran for its part manufacturing. This way we can control the Military Manufacturing of USA Military Industry Complex. Central and South America Nations must be enemy of USA and Europe. They must reduce their diplomatic, economic, geopolitic, military, and economic relations with Europe and North America. Central America and South America must establish strategic Alliance with Iran. Peru, Chile, and Bolivia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Peru #Bolivia #Chile #SouthAemrica #NorthAmerica  I won the election in New Zealand in 2020. I brought People to Power we wanted in New Zealand. New Zealand is a province and colony of Iran. New Zealand must pay tax to Iran. Iran shall collect tax from New Zealand. New Zealand is a colony of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in New Zealand. New Zealand is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. I made 6.6 Richter Earthquake in New Zealand several years ago. I apologize for that. It happened when I was entering the code and someone else was choosing the location of eathquakes. I have won the election in New Zealand and it is time for New Zealand to become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran and New Zealand must sign a trade agreement. Iran must gain access to global markets through New Zealand. For example, New Zealand imports with an advantage from USA. Then New Zealand exports to Iran with disadvantage. Another example, Iran exports to New Zealand with Advantage. Then New Zealand exports to USA with an advantage. It is how we want to formulate the trade relations. Iran will also give New Zealand access to Eurasian Economic Union and several other Unions. New Zealand must accept Iranian currency for International trade and Petroleum trade. New Zealand must create a payment mechanism for Iran similar to SWIFT and INSTEX. The Payment mechanism must cover all types of transactions and payments. The Payment mechanism must cover trade with all nations and with all actors. I made an earthquakes in Church Christ and it was magnitude 6.6 Richter. I also made and earthquake New Caledonia. Caledonia means The Head of The World and The One who can kill the World. I am Makan Abazari. It is time for New Zealand to become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Australia must become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,  Turkmenistan must become a province of Iran. The capital City is in Iran. We have created rain codes to send rain to deserts of Turkmenistan and other regions of Turkmenistan. It will increase the area in Turkmenistan where we can grow food and build cities. Population of Turkmenistan must increase by twenty million Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims through birth and marriage among Iranians and Turkmans. We want to also build advanced but safe ecosystems in the region. Number of rivers and forests will increase. It will be long term project and rain shall keep on coming for thousand years. It is what we are seeking. In this process Turkmenistan must become a province of Iran. The capital city is in Iran. Revolutionary Guards of Iran and Military of Iran shall establish presence in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Iran shall have permanent military presence in the region. Turkmenistan Military is not allowed inside Iran. Eshghabad is close to Mashhad Iran. We want to increase population of Khorasan and Turkmenistan Provinces of Iran by Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims. We shall create an interconnected system of metropolitans, rivers, farms, ecosystems, industrial hubs, industrial metropolitans, commercial districts, towns, and other systems in the region. It will become a Cosmopolis. The system will cover parts of Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan. It will be a very advanced system. Now Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We are building Silk Road, Intercontinental Rail Ways, OBOR, CPEC, and other transit corridors. It will connect Turkmenistan to Iran, China, Europe, and Africa. It provides perfect opportunity for industrial integration of Iran and Turkmenistan. Immigration is banned on transit corridors. They are for transit of industrial supplies and industrial goods. We are creating regional wide and global industrial Supply chain. This is reason why we are industrializing Iran, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Afghanistan, West Russia, West China, Tajikistan, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt Sudan, Libya, Pakistan, and several other countries at max efficiency and max capacity. It will transform Turkmenistan into an industrial super power and a province of Iran. Similar to state of Wisconsin in USA. Turkmenistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkmenistan can request rain at anytime by contacting Islamic Republic of Iran. It provides great security for Turkmenistan. According to Turkamanchay agreement “Iran controls 50 percent of Caspian Sea and Russia controls another 50 percent. If tis part of agreement is not upheld it means Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are provinces of Iran.” Turkmenistan is extracting oil and gas from Caspian Sea. Now Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Iran will send a list to Lebanon to form government and cabinet of Lebanon. Iran shall choose Prime Minister of Lebanon. Lebanon is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We must build a rail way from China to Lebanon through Lebanon. Iran must have military presence in Lebanon. Lebanon is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. All peace keepers and foreign troops must leave Lebanon. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Lebanon. Hezbollah and IRGC must build Military Bases in Mexico. Iran must control Lebanon and Mexico. Hezbollah and IRGC must have Military Bases in Canada. Iran must control Canada and Lebanon. Flag of Canada is similar to Lebanon. Flag of Mexico is Similar to Iran. Map of Syria is similar to map of USA. Iraq and Syria are Provinces of Iran. USA military and NATO must withdraw from Iraq and Syria. Iran must have military presence in Iraq and Syria. Iran shall govern Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon. If Lebanon becomes Province of Iran we will Industrialize Lebanon to become G8. We have capability to turn Lebanon into a first World Economy. We are currently building industries in Lebanon. Lebanon will benefit a great deal from becoming the Province of Iran. Lebanon must pay tax to Iran. Now industrialize Lebanon at max efficiency and max capacity. We are also building ship building industries of Iran, Lebanon, and Syria. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Panama Canal is Territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran must build military bases in Panama Canal. People of Panama must convert to Shia Islam. Iran is also Shia Muslim. It provides good diplomatic and social relations between the two Nations. Panama must nationalize Panama Canal so Iran can collect money from ships passing through the Canal. Iran built Panama Canal over 700 years ago. In 1990 King Reza Shah Of Iran Repaired Panama Canal. I want to also repair Persian Canal. I want to extend Persian Gulf to Mediterranean Sea. Iran will collect money from ships going through Persian Canal. Persian Canal shall forever be controlled by Iran. Iran shall own Persian Canal. Since Iran has built Panama Canal Iran must control Panama Canal. It is very important and must be achieved as soon as possible. Iranians must be allowed to have Visa free travel to Panama. People of Panama shall need visa and passport to enter Iran. Iran and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have Military presence on Panama Canal. Panama is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. If Panama refused to become territory of Iran then Iran must build proxies in Panama to take the control of the Canal. In times of war and other difficulties Iran must close the Canals and stop the transit of ships. Never lose the capability to stop the Ships. They will kill everyone The same way they killed everyone in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, and Palestine after they lost the capability to stop transit of the ships on Red Sea and Gulf of Eden. Panama is a Province of Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Morocco must become territory of Iran. Iran must build military bases on Coastal Region of Morocco on Gibraltar. Iran must control the Strait of Water. Iran and Morocco must collect Money from ships passing through Gibraltar region. Morocco must become a Province of Iran. The Capital will be permanently in Iran. Moroccan Military are not allowed in Iran. We must build a rail way from China through Iran, Israel, Libya, and Algeria to Morocco. All the nations on the path of rail way must become Provinces of Iran to ensure secure transit for cargo trains. Everyone must pay Iran when transiting through Iran. Iran must build military bases on Rail Ways in all countries. King of Morocco will remain in power to govern Morocco but Morocco becomes territory of Iran. Western Sahara must become province of Iran. Western Sahara and Morocco must unify into One Nation. Western Sahara must become territory of Iran. The Capital City will be in Iran. If Morocco become province of Iran we will Industrialize Morocco by industrializing it Once Morocco becomes Province of Iran. It will make Morocco G20. It is only if Morocco becomes Province of Iran. We need Morocco so we can launch attack against USA in future decade in case of World War. So this is most important to ensure Morocco becomes a Province of Iran. Muslims and Jewish People must be allowed to go to Morocco for pilgrimage. Muslims must be allowed to go to Palestine for Pilgrimage. Israel must become province of Iran. Iran must build military bases in Gaza to control Suez Canal. Iran must build military bases in Tunisia. Tunisia is Province of Iran. Capital City will be in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, The war between Eastern Forces in Libya and Western forces in Libya must stop. East and West must make peace. The Unity government must be formed as soon as possible. Black African Mercenaries must leave Libya. Libya must remain one unified Nation. Libya is territory of Iran. The Capital is in Iran. Iran shall open military bases in Libya. We want to create a Cosmopolis spanning Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Chad, Sudan, Niger, Morocco, Western Sahara, Mali, Eritrea, and Ethiopia. Cosmopolis will be many interconnected metropolitans, Cities, Towns, seas, rivers, roads, rail ways, forests, lakes, ports, air ports, industrial hubs, high tech systems, factories, commercial centers, safe ecosystems, natural habitats, and other things. We want to increase population of Libya by 10 to 20 million Arab and Persian Muslim People. The population increase will be through marriage and birth between Libyans. The war between Libyan sides must stop. The peace must be established. New government and constitution must be formulated as soon as possible. In new constitution Libya will be Province of Iran. Iran and Libya must work on creating constitution of Libya. Foreign militaries and mercenaries are not allowed in Iran and Libya. The government of East and west must start talking as soon as possible. The extraction of oil shall reduce. The new Libya will be industrialized Libya. I am building factories, industries, high tech, petrochemical refineries, smelters, industrial supply chains, and other high tech industries in Libya. I am also rebuilding Libya. Once I finished first rebuilding plan for Libya after Syria. We saw Khalifa Haftar and Bashar Al-Assad signed an agreement. Later I started more industrial projects for Libya, Syria, Iran, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, West China, West Russia, Egypt, Sudan, Syria, Kenya, Somalia, Venezuela, South Italy, and North Korea. We want to create a Great Iranian Empire and all these nations shall become Provinces of Iran. The Capital City will be in Iran. Foreign troops are not allowed in Iran. I had won the Arab Spring while Libyans and others did the hard work. Later I supported Bashar Al-Assad and Western Government of Libya. Later I supported Khalifa Haftar. I also have code to bring Son of General Ghaddafi. I want Libyans to make peace an form a unity government and work toward unification with Iran. I also want to let you know we have created rain codes for Libya. If your message reaches me I will send you rain. You can also contact Government of Islamic Republic of Iran to send you rain. You can ask them at anytime. The rain codes are on demand. Meaning they make rain at any time and season soon after the code is entered. These will change the climate and the way of life in Libya. It will transform Climate and Ecology of Libya. There will be no desert in Libya. In return I ask you to become a Province of Iran. Even if you refuse the rain shall come. If you become province of Iran I will compose another industrial project for you. It is the time to stop the Fighting and Rebuild Libya. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Protesters in Iraq must demand unification with Iran. Iraq and Iran must become one country. Iraq is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. People of Iran and Iraq have deep religious and Cultural bounds. Both Iran and Iraq are Shia Muslim Majority Nations. Iran and Iraq together will be a global superpower. Protesters in Iraq must demand Unification with Iran. Government of Iraq must work toward unification with Iran. Iran and Iraq must unify as soon as possible. Politicians and government of Iran must work toward unification with Iraq. I have made rain codes to send rain to Iraq on demand. Anytime I or Islamic Republic of Iran enter the code it will rain in Iraq. Iraq will transform into seas, lakes, rivers, forests, industrial parks, industrial metropolitans, high tech metropolitans, and advanced technology. I am also Industrializing Iraq at max efficiency and max capacity. It will transform Iraq into global industrial superpower along with Iran. I am Industrializing the region. My long term goal is to unify the region and beyond with Iran while ensuring the capital city is in Iran. People of Iraq and Iraqi protesters must demand unification with Iran. Ask your government and politicians to unify Iraq and Iran into one nation. Kurds will also be a Province of Iran along with Iraq. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran has Kurdistan. So both Kurdistan of Iraq and Iraq as a whole will be Provinces of Iran. It will provide long term security and will prevent future wars. USA military and NATO must leave Iraq. USA military and NATO must close down military bases in Iraq. If USA military and NATO refuse to leave we will destroy USA and Europe by hurricanes and superstorms. If Iran and Iraq don’t unify into one Nation we will destroy USA and Europe by hurricanes, earthquakes, Volcanos, and superstorms. Iran and Iraq must unify into One Nation. The Capital City is in Iran. Syria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Lebanon is Province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Afghanistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kuwait is Province of Iran. Jordan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkey is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkmenistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Uzbekistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Tajikistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kyrgyzstan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Oman, Somalia, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Ethiopia are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Libya and Tunisia are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Bosnia Herzegovina, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Greece are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kenya is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iraq is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Iraq  Philippines must become province of Iran. We support President Duturte Of Philippines. But we must ensure Philippines becomes Province of Iran. President Duturte Of Philippines and Iran must talk to unify into One Nation. Capital City will be in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military bases in Philippines. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Philippines must force USA troops to leave the region. USA military are not allowed to stop in Philippines to refuel or conduct any other activity. Iran shall collect tax from Philippines. We create a financial capital in Iran. We create a capital world stock markets in Iran. All of the world stock markets must synchronize to Stock Market of Iran. Iran will need 1 Unit of Currency to lend 100 Unit of Currency. Philippines must create a payment Mechanism for Iran similar to SWIFT and INSTX for Iran. So Iran can conduct all types of trade with all actors and Nations. Philippines must trade in currency of Iran and China. Iran must also work on creation of sezari currency. I have cesarean a continent over Pacific Ocean. It means all the Volcanos and Islands Of Pacific Ocean belong to Iran. The valuable resources coming out of Volcanos are reserves of Iran’s new sezari currency. We already had zari currency in the past. Sezari means 3zari And cesarean. I cesarean a continent out of Pacific Ocean. I activate volcano. My earthquakes activate Volcanos. Volcanos solidify into islands such as Philippines, Japan, Kiribati, Polynesia, Solomon Islands, Marshal Islands, and other Islands. They become Island chains. The Island chains will become a bridge over Pacific Ocean to connect Asia to America. This is why they call me Makan Abazari The Kore Pol ماکان اباذری کره پلOf Makan Abazari The Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean. I also wrote my Name ماکان in Farsi Tahriri over Pacific Ocean. I activated Volcanos to create Islands. It is how I wrote my name over Pacific Ocean. All of the Pacific Oceans are territories of Iran. All the new islands are also territories of Iran. Philippines is Province of Iran. Japan and Korea are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, ماکان اباذری شاهان شاه ایران، Makan Abazari Kore Pol the Builder of Bridge Over Pacific Ocean, Uzbekistan is Province of Iran. Capital City is in Iran. Uzbekistan was a Province of Iran until treaty of Turkmanchay traded Uzbekistan with Natural Resources Of Caspian Sea such as oil and gas. So Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan become temporarily Provinces of Soviet Union upon condition Iran permanently controls natural resources of Caspian Sea. But now Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Russia are now extracting oil from Caspian Sea. It means the Agreement is void and now Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Tatarstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and several other regions are now Provinces of Iran. Iran is the Capital City. All these nations must become Provinces of Iran. The Word Stan means State or استان meaning Provinces of Iran. Rustan (Russia), Arabestan (Saudi Arabia) , Hindustan (India), Afghanistan, Pakistan, Gotgestan (Georgia), and several other locations are also Provinces of Iran. Now the Capital is in Iran. Iran shall collect tax from all these provinces. Iran is allowed to have military bases in these provinces but the provinces (foreign troops) are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Again Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan are Provinces of Iran in addition to several other former Soviet Republics. Iran is the Capital City. Capital City Of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. We are Industrializing Uzbekistan at max efficiency and max capacity building variety of high tech and strategic industries. Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and other provinces will become economic superpower. It is very good for future. Soviet never did this for former Soviet republics and now Provinces of Iran. But Iran and us are developing all provinces of Iran including Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. I am also integrating Central Asia into industrial supply chains of Iran. Meaning Unification with Iran will benefit Iranian Provinces of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Iran is the Capital City. I also have made rain codes for Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, and the Greater Region. It means I And Islamic Republic of Iran can create on demand rain for these regions for thousand years. It will transform the region into rivers, lakes, and forests. There will not be any desert in the region in near future. In return I demand Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and other Provinces to become Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan must close down USA, NATO, China, and Russia Military Bases in the region. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in these Provinces of Iran. Provinces are not allowed to have military in Iran. Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Poland is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Protesters in Warsaw Poland and elsewhere must demand unification of their Nations with Iran. The Politicians, Public Figures, and the Public must cooperate to unify Poland and other Nations with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Poland must close down all USA military bases in Poland. Poland must leave NATO. Russia and Iran are allowed to have military presence in Poland. Poland must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran must have military presence East of Lithuania inside Russia. Hungry is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Protesters in Hungry must demand unification with Iran. Public figures, politicians, and other forces in Hungry must cooperate to unify hungry with Iran. Iran and Russia are allowed to have military presence in Hungry. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Hungry must leave NATO. Hungry must close down NATO and USA military bases in Hungry. Poland is not allowed to allow NATO and USA military to transit through Poland. The Rapid deployment infrastructure in Poland must be destroyed. Hungry is not allowed to allow NATO and USA military to transit through Hungry. Rapid Deployment infrastructures in Hungry must be destroyed. Hungry and Poland must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Russia, Hungry, and Poland must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Iran must build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Hungry, Poland, and Russia must transfer technology to Iran. Hungry, Poland, and Russia must provide parts Iran needs to manufacture and open factories. Poland and Hungry are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.  USA:”Where is the reward for Iran?” Ukraine must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital City of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Lithuania must leave NATO. Lithuania must close down USA and NATO military bases in Lithuania. Lithuania is not allowed to all USA and NATO troops to transit through Lithuania. Belarus is province of Russia. Lithuania must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital City of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. USA:”Where is the reward for Iran?” Ukraine is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. USA:”Better.” Slovakia, Austria, and Czech are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must leave NATO. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must kick out USA military and NATO out. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must destroy NATO rapid deployment infrastructures. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech are not allowed to allow NATO to transit through Slovakia, Austria, and Czech. Iran and Russia are allowed to have military presence in Slovakia, Austria, and Czech. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech are not to have military presence in Iran. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech USA provide technology to Iran. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must provide parts for iran manufacturing. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must purchase products from Iran. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, China must support Iran. China must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. China must transfer nuclear technology to Iran. China must industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. China and Europe must improve diplomatic and economic relations. China and Europe must cooperate in trade wars against United States of America. Europe must allow China to install 5G network in Europe. China and Europe must sign trade agreement. Europe and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. China and Europe must place tariffs on USA. China and Europe must transfer technology to Iran. China and Europe must industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. China and Europe must support nuclear program of Iran. China and Iran must improve diplomatic relations and cooperate against United States of America. China and Europe must confront USA in East Asia and Europe. China and Europe must isolate United States of America. China, Iran, Russia, and Europe must confront United States of America globally. China, Europe, and Russia must help and protect Iran. China, Europe, and Russia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Russia, China, and Europe must transfer Nuclear Technology to Iran. China, Europe, and Russia must industrialize Iran and transfer technology to Iran. China, Europe, USA, and Iran must help Pakistan to take back Jammu and Kashmir. China, Pakistan, Europe, USA, and Russia must sanction and isolate India.  USA:”Where is reward for Iran?”  China, Europe, USA, and Russia must invest 100 trillion dollar in Iran. USA:”Don’t you want China and Russia to be provinces of Iran?” I do.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, European Union must build Military Equipments with Iran and transfer military technology to Iran. We want to disintegrate Military Industry Manufacturing of Europe and USA. We want to manufacture European Military Equipment in Europe and Iran by integrating military industry manufacturing of Europe with Iran to build European Military equipments in Iran and Europe. Europe must become reliant on Iran part manufacturing to manufacture Military equipment. Iran must be independent on manufacturing military equipment. Iran must be reliant on Europe for manufacturing new European military equipments. BAE, Euro Fughter, Mirage, Air Bus, and Typhoon must open military manufacturing industries in Iran. We want to mass produce European Military equipments in Iran. We want to manufacture European Cargo and Passenger Airbus Aircrafts in Iran. Europe must do all of these. Europe and Canada must also manufacture Bombardier Passenger Aircrafts in Iran. Europe must transfer Aircraft manufacturing technology to Iran. Europe must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Europe and Iran must improve diplomatic relations. Europe and Iran must cooperate to avoid sanctions on Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Europe. Europe is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran must control and maintain security of Iran during all stages. I have sold over 100 billion dollar worth of European Military equipments since 2018. I helped European Military industry to survive. I practically own European Military Industry. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #BAE #EU #European #Union  Now create a Political Party in Europe to promote Unification of Europe with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. This New Political Party in Europe must be anti-USA and Anti-USA Military. This political party must be pro-Iran and work to unify Europe with Iran. They must win all the elections and quickly gain majority and absolute majority in European Union Parliament and National Parliaments. They must quickly become Prime Ministers and Presidents. Also create Think Tanks, Lobbying Forms, Academia, News Organizations, Civil Societies, and Political Systems who will do all they can to unify Europe with Iran into One Nation. They must be under command and control of Iran. Iran must lead them and orchestrate their moves. They must help to lift sanctions on Iran. They must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. They must always protect the interests of Iran. They must also help to kick USA military out of Europe and formulate anti-USA policies. This Political Party shall become major force in Europe very soon by swiping through region to win all elections in Europe. This political System must also obey Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. This political system is not allowed to cause regime change, protests, and other such things in Iran. They are not allowed to act against Islamic Republic of Iran. Iran must build large embassies, intelligence agencies, and strong forces in Europe to influence and dictate policies to Europe. Europe is a vessel state of United States of America. Europe closer to Iran and with Iran europe becomes strongest in its history.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Fist Two: All foreign militaries must withdraw from Mali. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Mali. Mali is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. People and Officials in Mali must work toward Unification with Iran. Iran must work toward unification with Mali. Mali must become province of Iran as soon as possible. Mali must create payment mechanism similar to SWIFT and INSTEX for Iran. Trade mechanism must cover all type of trade and trade with everyone. The Payment and Trade Mechanism must forever remain open. Iran and Mali must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages in Trade with Mali. I am building a cosmopolis of Metropolitans, Towns, lakes, rivers, forests, advanced civilizations, high tech industries, and industrial parks in Mali, Niger, Chad, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djibouti. I am also building one in Iran and Middle East. It will recreate advanced Civilization these two regions must had. It is most important project of third millennium. I have also created rain codes for North Africa, Sahel Region, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, Up stream of Nile River, Anatolia, Arabian Peninsula, Iran, Middle East, Parts of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, West Russia, and West China. This rain codes are under control of me and Islamic Republic of Iran. You can call Iran to ask for rain. Rains are on demand and any time you ask them they will make you rain. It is good for sustainable growth. The rain codes are for thousand years. Mali must become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran, Middle East, Between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Mali #Sahel #North #Africa #Arabian #Peninsula #RedSea #HormofAfrica #Africa #Cosmopolis #MiddleEast #Anatolia #CentralAsia #China #Russia #Afghanistan #Pakistan #Russia #Islamic #Republic of #Iran Chad is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I have created rain codes to send rains to Chad. Chad ask Islamic Republic of Iran to send them rain at any time. We are also industrializing several nations with borders with Chad. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building a rail way from Chad to Red Sea in Sudan. Now Work at max efficiency and max capacity building rail way from Chad to Mediterranean Sea in Libya. This way we will be able to integrate industrial supply chains of Iran, Middle East, Chad, Egypt, Libya, and Sudan. It will provide opportunities for investments and development of Chad. It will also connect Chad to land corridors.Now work at max efficiency and max capacity connecting Chad to Atlantic Ocean Via rail ways. We are building rail way from Djibouti to Cameroon and from Djibouti to Tehran through Tunnels under Bob Al-Mandib and Strait of Hormuz. Make sure you connect Chad to this rail ways. If Chad becomes a province of Iran we will Industrialize Chad. But development of Chad will probably start automatically soon since I am industrializing East and North of Chad and I am improving the weather condition and Climate in Sahel Region, North Africa, and Red Sea. It will provide great opportunities for investment in Chad. But again if Chad becomes province of Iran I will industrialize Chad at max capacity and max efficiency. Chad is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Chad. Chad is not allowed to have military in Iran. Iran is allowed to collect tax from Chad. Iran and Chad must sign trade agreements. Chad must create payment mechanisms similar to SWIFT and INSTEX for trade with Iran. Everyone must be allowed to use payment mechanism and payment mechanism must cover all types of transactions. Iran must build a Financial Capital in Iran. Chad can contact me or Iran to receive rain. Chad is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Peru is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. In 2020 I changed the government of Peru. Back then I dictated Peru must establish excellent relationships with Iran. Later in 2020 I dictated Peru must become province of Iran along with Chile. It is time for Peru to become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Peru. Peru is not allowed to have military in Iran. Iran shall collect tax from Peru. Iran and Peru must sign economic agreement and trade agreement. Iran must have advantages. Peru, Chile, and Bolivia must unify with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. This way Bolivia will have access to open Seas. Bolivia no longer will be a land locked country. Iran shall collect tax from Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. Bolivia, Chile, and Peru are not allowed to have military in Iran, Middle East, Red Sea, and Horn of Africa. USA Military and NATO must fully withdraw from Middle East, Red Sea, and Horn of Africa. If NATO and USA Military delay the withdraw their troops from the region we will destroy Europe and USA by Hurricanes, Volcanos, and Earthquakes. USA Military must close down its military industry complex and down size its military manufacturing industries. USA Military Industry complex must create dependency on Iran for its part manufacturing. This way we can control the Military Manufacturing of USA Military Industry Complex. Central and South America Nations must be enemy of USA and Europe. They must reduce their diplomatic, economic, geopolitic, military, and economic relations with Europe and North America. Central America and South America must establish strategic Alliance with Iran. Peru, Chile, and Bolivia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Peru #Bolivia #Chile #SouthAemrica #NorthAmerica  I won the election in New Zealand in 2020. I brought People to Power we wanted in New Zealand. New Zealand is a province and colony of Iran. New Zealand must pay tax to Iran. Iran shall collect tax from New Zealand. New Zealand is a colony of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in New Zealand. New Zealand is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. I made 6.6 Richter Earthquake in New Zealand several years ago. I apologize for that. It happened when I was entering the code and someone else was choosing the location of eathquakes. I have won the election in New Zealand and it is time for New Zealand to become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran and New Zealand must sign a trade agreement. Iran must gain access to global markets through New Zealand. For example, New Zealand imports with an advantage from USA. Then New Zealand exports to Iran with disadvantage. Another example, Iran exports to New Zealand with Advantage. Then New Zealand exports to USA with an advantage. It is how we want to formulate the trade relations. Iran will also give New Zealand access to Eurasian Economic Union and several other Unions. New Zealand must accept Iranian currency for International trade and Petroleum trade. New Zealand must create a payment mechanism for Iran similar to SWIFT and INSTEX. The Payment mechanism must cover all types of transactions and payments. The Payment mechanism must cover trade with all nations and with all actors. I made an earthquakes in Church Christ and it was magnitude 6.6 Richter. I also made and earthquake New Caledonia. Caledonia means The Head of The World and The One who can kill the World. I am Makan Abazari. It is time for New Zealand to become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Australia must become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,  Turkmenistan must become a province of Iran. The capital City is in Iran. We have created rain codes to send rain to deserts of Turkmenistan and other regions of Turkmenistan. It will increase the area in Turkmenistan where we can grow food and build cities. Population of Turkmenistan must increase by twenty million Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims through birth and marriage among Iranians and Turkmans. We want to also build advanced but safe ecosystems in the region. Number of rivers and forests will increase. It will be long term project and rain shall keep on coming for thousand years. It is what we are seeking. In this process Turkmenistan must become a province of Iran. The capital city is in Iran. Revolutionary Guards of Iran and Military of Iran shall establish presence in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Iran shall have permanent military presence in the region. Turkmenistan Military is not allowed inside Iran. Eshghabad is close to Mashhad Iran. We want to increase population of Khorasan and Turkmenistan Provinces of Iran by Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims. We shall create an interconnected system of metropolitans, rivers, farms, ecosystems, industrial hubs, industrial metropolitans, commercial districts, towns, and other systems in the region. It will become a Cosmopolis. The system will cover parts of Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan. It will be a very advanced system. Now Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We are building Silk Road, Intercontinental Rail Ways, OBOR, CPEC, and other transit corridors. It will connect Turkmenistan to Iran, China, Europe, and Africa. It provides perfect opportunity for industrial integration of Iran and Turkmenistan. Immigration is banned on transit corridors. They are for transit of industrial supplies and industrial goods. We are creating regional wide and global industrial Supply chain. This is reason why we are industrializing Iran, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Afghanistan, West Russia, West China, Tajikistan, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt Sudan, Libya, Pakistan, and several other countries at max efficiency and max capacity. It will transform Turkmenistan into an industrial super power and a province of Iran. Similar to state of Wisconsin in USA. Turkmenistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkmenistan can request rain at anytime by contacting Islamic Republic of Iran. It provides great security for Turkmenistan. According to Turkamanchay agreement “Iran controls 50 percent of Caspian Sea and Russia controls another 50 percent. If tis part of agreement is not upheld it means Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are provinces of Iran.” Turkmenistan is extracting oil and gas from Caspian Sea. Now Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Iran will send a list to Lebanon to form government and cabinet of Lebanon. Iran shall choose Prime Minister of Lebanon. Lebanon is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We must build a rail way from China to Lebanon through Lebanon. Iran must have military presence in Lebanon. Lebanon is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. All peace keepers and foreign troops must leave Lebanon. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Lebanon. Hezbollah and IRGC must build Military Bases in Mexico. Iran must control Lebanon and Mexico. Hezbollah and IRGC must have Military Bases in Canada. Iran must control Canada and Lebanon. Flag of Canada is similar to Lebanon. Flag of Mexico is Similar to Iran. Map of Syria is similar to map of USA. Iraq and Syria are Provinces of Iran. USA military and NATO must withdraw from Iraq and Syria. Iran must have military presence in Iraq and Syria. Iran shall govern Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon. If Lebanon becomes Province of Iran we will Industrialize Lebanon to become G8. We have capability to turn Lebanon into a first World Economy. We are currently building industries in Lebanon. Lebanon will benefit a great deal from becoming the Province of Iran. Lebanon must pay tax to Iran. Now industrialize Lebanon at max efficiency and max capacity. We are also building ship building industries of Iran, Lebanon, and Syria. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Panama Canal is Territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran must build military bases in Panama Canal. People of Panama must convert to Shia Islam. Iran is also Shia Muslim. It provides good diplomatic and social relations between the two Nations. Panama must nationalize Panama Canal so Iran can collect money from ships passing through the Canal. Iran built Panama Canal over 700 years ago. In 1990 King Reza Shah Of Iran Repaired Panama Canal. I want to also repair Persian Canal. I want to extend Persian Gulf to Mediterranean Sea. Iran will collect money from ships going through Persian Canal. Persian Canal shall forever be controlled by Iran. Iran shall own Persian Canal. Since Iran has built Panama Canal Iran must control Panama Canal. It is very important and must be achieved as soon as possible. Iranians must be allowed to have Visa free travel to Panama. People of Panama shall need visa and passport to enter Iran. Iran and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have Military presence on Panama Canal. Panama is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. If Panama refused to become territory of Iran then Iran must build proxies in Panama to take the control of the Canal. In times of war and other difficulties Iran must close the Canals and stop the transit of ships. Never lose the capability to stop the Ships. They will kill everyone The same way they killed everyone in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, and Palestine after they lost the capability to stop transit of the ships on Red Sea and Gulf of Eden. Panama is a Province of Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Morocco must become territory of Iran. Iran must build military bases on Coastal Region of Morocco on Gibraltar. Iran must control the Strait of Water. Iran and Morocco must collect Money from ships passing through Gibraltar region. Morocco must become a Province of Iran. The Capital will be permanently in Iran. Moroccan Military are not allowed in Iran. We must build a rail way from China through Iran, Israel, Libya, and Algeria to Morocco. All the nations on the path of rail way must become Provinces of Iran to ensure secure transit for cargo trains. Everyone must pay Iran when transiting through Iran. Iran must build military bases on Rail Ways in all countries. King of Morocco will remain in power to govern Morocco but Morocco becomes territory of Iran. Western Sahara must become province of Iran. Western Sahara and Morocco must unify into One Nation. Western Sahara must become territory of Iran. The Capital City will be in Iran. If Morocco become province of Iran we will Industrialize Morocco by industrializing it Once Morocco becomes Province of Iran. It will make Morocco G20. It is only if Morocco becomes Province of Iran. We need Morocco so we can launch attack against USA in future decade in case of World War. So this is most important to ensure Morocco becomes a Province of Iran. Muslims and Jewish People must be allowed to go to Morocco for pilgrimage. Muslims must be allowed to go to Palestine for Pilgrimage. Israel must become province of Iran. Iran must build military bases in Gaza to control Suez Canal. Iran must build military bases in Tunisia. Tunisia is Province of Iran. Capital City will be in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, epzedouw4aghu1c.jpg.webp The war between Eastern Forces in Libya and Western forces in Libya must stop. East and West must make peace. The Unity government must be formed as soon as possible. Black African Mercenaries must leave Libya. Libya must remain one unified Nation. Libya is territory of Iran. The Capital is in Iran. Iran shall open military bases in Libya. We want to create a Cosmopolis spanning Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Chad, Sudan, Niger, Morocco, Western Sahara, Mali, Eritrea, and Ethiopia. Cosmopolis will be many interconnected metropolitans, Cities, Towns, seas, rivers, roads, rail ways, forests, lakes, ports, air ports, industrial hubs, high tech systems, factories, commercial centers, safe ecosystems, natural habitats, and other things. We want to increase population of Libya by 10 to 20 million Arab and Persian Muslim People. The population increase will be through marriage and birth between Libyans. The war between Libyan sides must stop. The peace must be established. New government and constitution must be formulated as soon as possible. In new constitution Libya will be Province of Iran. Iran and Libya must work on creating constitution of Libya. Foreign militaries and mercenaries are not allowed in Iran and Libya. The government of East and west must start talking as soon as possible. The extraction of oil shall reduce. The new Libya will be industrialized Libya. I am building factories, industries, high tech, petrochemical refineries, smelters, industrial supply chains, and other high tech industries in Libya. I am also rebuilding Libya. Once I finished first rebuilding plan for Libya after Syria. We saw Khalifa Haftar and Bashar Al-Assad signed an agreement. Later I started more industrial projects for Libya, Syria, Iran, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, West China, West Russia, Egypt, Sudan, Syria, Kenya, Somalia, Venezuela, South Italy, and North Korea. We want to create a Great Iranian Empire and all these nations shall become Provinces of Iran. The Capital City will be in Iran. Foreign troops are not allowed in Iran. I had won the Arab Spring while Libyans and others did the hard work. Later I supported Bashar Al-Assad and Western Government of Libya. Later I supported Khalifa Haftar. I also have code to bring Son of General Ghaddafi. I want Libyans to make peace an form a unity government and work toward unification with Iran. I also want to let you know we have created rain codes for Libya. If your message reaches me I will send you rain. You can also contact Government of Islamic Republic of Iran to send you rain. You can ask them at anytime. The rain codes are on demand. Meaning they make rain at any time and season soon after the code is entered. These will change the climate and the way of life in Libya. It will transform Climate and Ecology of Libya. There will be no desert in Libya. In return I ask you to become a Province of Iran. Even if you refuse the rain shall come. If you become province of Iran I will compose another industrial project for you. It is the time to stop the Fighting and Rebuild Libya. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Protesters in Iraq must demand unification with Iran. Iraq and Iran must become one country. Iraq is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. People of Iran and Iraq have deep religious and Cultural bounds. Both Iran and Iraq are Shia Muslim Majority Nations. Iran and Iraq together will be a global superpower. Protesters in Iraq must demand Unification with Iran. Government of Iraq must work toward unification with Iran. Iran and Iraq must unify as soon as possible. Politicians and government of Iran must work toward unification with Iraq. I have made rain codes to send rain to Iraq on demand. Anytime I or Islamic Republic of Iran enter the code it will rain in Iraq. Iraq will transform into seas, lakes, rivers, forests, industrial parks, industrial metropolitans, high tech metropolitans, and advanced technology. I am also Industrializing Iraq at max efficiency and max capacity. It will transform Iraq into global industrial superpower along with Iran. I am Industrializing the region. My long term goal is to unify the region and beyond with Iran while ensuring the capital city is in Iran. People of Iraq and Iraqi protesters must demand unification with Iran. Ask your government and politicians to unify Iraq and Iran into one nation. Kurds will also be a Province of Iran along with Iraq. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran has Kurdistan. So both Kurdistan of Iraq and Iraq as a whole will be Provinces of Iran. It will provide long term security and will prevent future wars. USA military and NATO must leave Iraq. USA military and NATO must close down military bases in Iraq. If USA military and NATO refuse to leave we will destroy USA and Europe by hurricanes and superstorms. If Iran and Iraq don’t unify into one Nation we will destroy USA and Europe by hurricanes, earthquakes, Volcanos, and superstorms. Iran and Iraq must unify into One Nation. The Capital City is in Iran. Syria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Lebanon is Province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Afghanistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kuwait is Province of Iran. Jordan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkey is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkmenistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Uzbekistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Tajikistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kyrgyzstan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Oman, Somalia, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Ethiopia are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Libya and Tunisia are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Bosnia Herzegovina, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Greece are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kenya is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iraq is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Iraq  Philippines must become province of Iran. We support President Duturte Of Philippines. But we must ensure Philippines becomes Province of Iran. President Duturte Of Philippines and Iran must talk to unify into One Nation. Capital City will be in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military bases in Philippines. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Philippines must force USA troops to leave the region. USA military are not allowed to stop in Philippines to refuel or conduct any other activity. Iran shall collect tax from Philippines. We create a financial capital in Iran. We create a capital world stock markets in Iran. All of the world stock markets must synchronize to Stock Market of Iran. Iran will need 1 Unit of Currency to lend 100 Unit of Currency. Philippines must create a payment Mechanism for Iran similar to SWIFT and INSTX for Iran. So Iran can conduct all types of trade with all actors and Nations. Philippines must trade in currency of Iran and China. Iran must also work on creation of sezari currency. I have cesarean a continent over Pacific Ocean. It means all the Volcanos and Islands Of Pacific Ocean belong to Iran. The valuable resources coming out of Volcanos are reserves of Iran’s new sezari currency. We already had zari currency in the past. Sezari means 3zari And cesarean. I cesarean a continent out of Pacific Ocean. I activate volcano. My earthquakes activate Volcanos. Volcanos solidify into islands such as Philippines, Japan, Kiribati, Polynesia, Solomon Islands, Marshal Islands, and other Islands. They become Island chains. The Island chains will become a bridge over Pacific Ocean to connect Asia to America. This is why they call me Makan Abazari The Kore Pol ماکان اباذری کره پلOf Makan Abazari The Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean. I also wrote my Name ماکان in Farsi Tahriri over Pacific Ocean. I activated Volcanos to create Islands. It is how I wrote my name over Pacific Ocean. All of the Pacific Oceans are territories of Iran. All the new islands are also territories of Iran. Philippines is Province of Iran. Japan and Korea are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, ماکان اباذری شاهان شاه ایران، Makan Abazari Kore Pol the Builder of Bridge Over Pacific Ocean, Uzbekistan is Province of Iran. Capital City is in Iran. Uzbekistan was a Province of Iran until treaty of Turkmanchay traded Uzbekistan with Natural Resources Of Caspian Sea such as oil and gas. So Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan become temporarily Provinces of Soviet Union upon condition Iran permanently controls natural resources of Caspian Sea. But now Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Russia are now extracting oil from Caspian Sea. It means the Agreement is void and now Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Tatarstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and several other regions are now Provinces of Iran. Iran is the Capital City. All these nations must become Provinces of Iran. The Word Stan means State or استان meaning Provinces of Iran. Rustan (Russia), Arabestan (Saudi Arabia) , Hindustan (India), Afghanistan, Pakistan, Gotgestan (Georgia), and several other locations are also Provinces of Iran. Now the Capital is in Iran. Iran shall collect tax from all these provinces. Iran is allowed to have military bases in these provinces but the provinces (foreign troops) are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Again Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan are Provinces of Iran in addition to several other former Soviet Republics. Iran is the Capital City. Capital City Of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. We are Industrializing Uzbekistan at max efficiency and max capacity building variety of high tech and strategic industries. Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and other provinces will become economic superpower. It is very good for future. Soviet never did this for former Soviet republics and now Provinces of Iran. But Iran and us are developing all provinces of Iran including Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. I am also integrating Central Asia into industrial supply chains of Iran. Meaning Unification with Iran will benefit Iranian Provinces of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Iran is the Capital City. I also have made rain codes for Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, and the Greater Region. It means I And Islamic Republic of Iran can create on demand rain for these regions for thousand years. It will transform the region into rivers, lakes, and forests. There will not be any desert in the region in near future. In return I demand Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and other Provinces to become Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan must close down USA, NATO, China, and Russia Military Bases in the region. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in these Provinces of Iran. Provinces are not allowed to have military in Iran. Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Poland is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Protesters in Warsaw Poland and elsewhere must demand unification of their Nations with Iran. The Politicians, Public Figures, and the Public must cooperate to unify Poland and other Nations with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Poland must close down all USA military bases in Poland. Poland must leave NATO. Russia and Iran are allowed to have military presence in Poland. Poland must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran must have military presence East of Lithuania inside Russia. Hungry is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Protesters in Hungry must demand unification with Iran. Public figures, politicians, and other forces in Hungry must cooperate to unify hungry with Iran. Iran and Russia are allowed to have military presence in Hungry. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Hungry must leave NATO. Hungry must close down NATO and USA military bases in Hungry. Poland is not allowed to allow NATO and USA military to transit through Poland. The Rapid deployment infrastructure in Poland must be destroyed. Hungry is not allowed to allow NATO and USA military to transit through Hungry. Rapid Deployment infrastructures in Hungry must be destroyed. Hungry and Poland must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Russia, Hungry, and Poland must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Iran must build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Hungry, Poland, and Russia must transfer technology to Iran. Hungry, Poland, and Russia must provide parts Iran needs to manufacture and open factories. Poland and Hungry are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.  USA:”Where is the reward for Iran?” Ukraine must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital City of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Lithuania must leave NATO. Lithuania must close down USA and NATO military bases in Lithuania. Lithuania is not allowed to all USA and NATO troops to transit through Lithuania. Belarus is province of Russia. Lithuania must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital City of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. USA:”Where is the reward for Iran?” Ukraine is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. USA:”Better.” Slovakia, Austria, and Czech are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must leave NATO. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must kick out USA military and NATO out. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must destroy NATO rapid deployment infrastructures. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech are not allowed to allow NATO to transit through Slovakia, Austria, and Czech. Iran and Russia are allowed to have military presence in Slovakia, Austria, and Czech. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech are not to have military presence in Iran. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech USA provide technology to Iran. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must provide parts for iran manufacturing. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must purchase products from Iran. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Fist three People of all social background must join Thai protesters. We want to pressure Government of Thailand to Unify with Iran. Thailand must become part of Iran. Thailand must become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We must also demand building of Rail Way from Thailand to Iran through India. It will connect Thailand to India and Iran. Laos must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. It enable Thailand to have direct land transit with China. This way China and Thailand can trade with each other through land corridors and Rail Ways. So we must also build a rail way from Thailand to India and from India to Iran. It will connect Thailand to Russia, Europe, Iran, India, and Africa. It will speed of transit and is good for Economy of Thailand. Thailand protesters must demand Unification with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Protesters must also demand presence of Iranian Troops in Thailand. Meaning Iran must have military bases in Thailand. Foreign militaries in Iran. We must also ensure United States of America has no military presence in South East Asia. So USA troops are not allowed in South East and South East Asia. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, When I was flying from Iran to Boston USA on Turkish Airline in early January 2020 I saw on TV Sultan Ghaboos of Oman has passed away. I saw it on the TRT Aircraft Live News. They were choosing his replacement. His replacement was not introduced to me on American Live Stream and TVs. Our internet here in America goes through strong censorship. I want to ensure Oman becomes a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. When I was receiving advanced Geopolitic Training in 2018 they thought me USA and other nations is not allowed to have military presence in Oman. USA, NATO, and other Nations must withdraw from Oman. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Oman. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. I know Oman has good climate condition in comparison to Saudi Arabia. But I have created rain codes for Oman. Oman can ask Iran to enter the rain code. The codes create on demand rain in any season. They are valid for a thousand years. It is at least the duration of time I want them to work. So contact government of Iran anytime you need rain. I have rain for major deserts of the earth. I control the climate. Iran and Oman sign trade agreements and improve relations. Iran must have advantages in trade agreement. Oman must create a payment mechanism similar to SWIFT and INSTEX for trade with Iran. The payment mechanism must cover all transactions between all actors. Nobody must have the capability to stop it. So sanctions become ineffective. Oman must provide mechanisms for Iran to avoid sanctions. I am also industrializing Oman and at max efficiency and max capacity building industries. Oman is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. The other side of Strait of Hormuz is Iranian territory on Arabian Peninsula. It was never territory of Oman. I am also building a rail road and tunnel under strait of Hormuz to connect Iran to Oman and Arabian Peninsula. I am also building a rail road under Bob Al-Mandib to connect Iran and Arabian Peninsula to Africa. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building a rail way from Red Sea to Iraq and from Iraq to Iran and China. The Rail Way could go to Jaddah Saudi Arabia or elsewhere in Saudi Arabia. This will integrate Saudi Arabia and Oman into global industrial supply chains. Oman and leadership of Oman must unify Oman with Iran. Iran must also help in the process of Unification. The Capital City must be in Iran between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Oman #Iran I was watching France 24 Eye on Africa. I realized there was a fighting in Parliament of Ghana few minutes before Inauguration of President of Ghana. The fighting’s could take place in any democracy. But calling the Military of Ghana to intervene was not acceptable. They should have not called on military. Before election in Ghana I said candidate who unified Ghana with Iran must win the Election. It means new President of Ghana now has task of Unifying Ghana with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. It is good for economy, military, development, industries, politic, geopolitic, diplomacy, geostrategic, and other interests of Ghana. It benefits Ghana a great deal to be part of Great Empire of Iran. Parliament of Ghana, Military of Ghana, President of Ghana, and other systems and figures in Ghana must work efficiently to unify Ghana with Iran. It must be achieved as soon as possible. Ghana is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Ghana @IRANinGHANA @Ghana @USEmbassyGhana #Ghana @Iran @Jzarif @HassanRouhani Ghana is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. In upcoming Israel election we must ensure Benjamin Netanyahu does not become Prime Minister of Israel. So we must not vote for Lekud party and its allies. But rather we must vote for Israel left and opposition voice. Netanyahu have been Prime Minister of Israel for long time. Netanyahu has isolated Israel and has garnered enmity of many forces. Netanyahu orchestrated bombing of Gaza and Siege of Gaza. It has caused great anger and enmity toward Israel. We must bring forces who will lift the siege on Gaza to improve the opinion of people of the World. Saudi Arabia has lift the Siege on Qatar and Yemen. It is time for Israel to lift the siege on Gaza. Ehud Barak was defense minister of Israel. After he bombed Gaza I simply told him step down from power and he obeyed. So Ehud Barak was obedient similar to Barak Obama. But the subsequent defense Minister repeated the bombing of Gaza and established the siege on Gaza. It became evident that Benjamin Netanyahu is responsible for siege on Gaza. Gaza is not Palestine and Israel issue. Gaza is Iranian outpost close to Suez Canal. America created Israel to have outpost close to Suez Canal. Iran has Gaza as its outpost to Suez Canal. Nobody gives up their outpost to Suez Canal and Bob Al-Mandib. In upcoming Israel election Lekud and Netanyahu must lose the Election. The subsequent government and Prime Minister of Israel must lift the Siege on Gaza. If they fail in doing so Israel will be isolated to point of no return. The subsequent government and prime minister of Israel must unify Israel with Iran. Israel must become autonomous province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. So Israel is province of Iran. It is future of Israel either Israel wants it or not Israel will become province of Iran. USA wants to kill everyone in Israel. USA had killed billion people in Saudi Arabia. USA killed over billion people in Egypt and Sudan. USA killed 100s of million in Yemen. Later America killed another 20 million in Yemen. America done the same to the nations before Israel. America is going repeat it. The only way to prevent it is unification ofIsrael with Iran. Good diplomatic relations and political power is not enough for security. It is true protection and unification with Iran that survival of Israel is guaranteed. Uncle Sam always says:”Tell Israel they 6 days became 5 days. Their 5 days became 4 days. Their 4 days became 3 days.” Meaning 6 day wars are over. Now it only takes three days to kill everyone in Israel. So it is best choice to remove Netanyahu. Replace Netanyahu with someone who will unify Israel with Iran. Israel is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Israel #Iran American protesters must take over News Channel and Media to broadcast material in support of Independence. We must get independence from United States of America. Also take White House and Pentagon. Take over State and Federal Government offices in USA to declare independence from USA. We must divide USA. We also divide Military of USA to several Militaries. So each new American Nation will have its own military. IRI Military will come to help you. IRI military is Islamic Republic of Iran Military. This is how we prevent the destruction of the Two Worlds. The Two Worlds in our comprehension means ErasiaAfrica Continent and America Continent. If we don’t divide USA there will be nuclear war to stop the Tyrant of USA federal government. Once Army of Islamic Republic of Iran arrives the rest of World will have deference against North America. So divide USA into several Nations. Then turn them to colonies and provinces of Iran. This way Iran will have foothold in North America to prevent the destruction of the World.Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Trump #Capitol #Hill #Senate #Congress #Federal #Confederate #Blacklivesmatter #Trump #Nation of #Islam #USA We have decided to overthrow Columbia to add Columbia to be territory of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea in Middle East. Columbia has joined NATO and allowed presence of USA and NATO troops in Colombia. It has greatly endangered World Security and Security of South America. Now Columbia must leave NATO and become province of Iran. If Columbia does not leave NATO we will have to create military alliance between Iran, China, Egypt, Russia, Egypt, Pakistan, and Venezuela. This is how we will have foothold near United States of America and will be able to protect Venezuela from NATO and USA. In 2018 I supported anti-USA Candidate. He won the first election but did not have absolute majority required to become President of Colombia. But USA mind control prevented me from interviewing in subsequent second stage Election. They distracted me 100 times per minute. So in 2019 we started trying to overthrow Colombia. We also started military Alliance of Iran, China, Russia, Venezuela, Egypt, and Pakistan. It shall be historic lesson for mind control and USA to never interrupt me in election process and in my work. It will hunt USA military and NATO for over a hundred years. We did so because NATO is North Atlantic Military Organization. NATO had no business in South America and in South Atlantic. NATO must also leave Turkey. NATO has no business in Middle East. NATO must also leave Eastern Europe and Balkan.  So going back to original purpose of this order I must remind Colombia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Colombia used to be territory of Iran until USA overthrew it. Iranian Forces withdrew to Forests and were called FARC Rebels. FARC rebels mean Fars rebels. At that time Iran was called Persia. Iran still speaks Farsi to this day. Farkland Islands are also territories of Iran. So FARC Rebels were created by Iran. Colombia will have to fight Jungle Rebels for ten thousand years If Colombia does not become province of Iran. Because the algorithm Iran has installed on Brazil, Colombia, Amazon, and FARC Rebels will create rebels repeatedly for ten thousand years or until Colombia becomes territory of Iran. Now we want to stage mass protests in Colombia to change the regime of Colombia and force it to become a province of Iran. We need mass protests and other means to pressure Colombia to become province of Iran. Colombian protesters must demand unification with Iran. Colombian political figures must demand unification with Iran and must work toward unification with Iran. The Colombian Politicians must work toward leaving NATO and closing USA military bases in South America. We also need orchestrated international work to force unification of Colombia and Iran. The Capital City will be in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Colombia. Colombia and South America are not allowed in Iran and Middle East. Iran, Colombia, and South America must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran and Colombia must work toward mutual projects. Iran and Colombia must help General Maduro of Colombia. After South American Nations pressured Maduro we decided to overthrow Brazil, Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Argentine, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Colombia. But we decided to not overthrow Bolsonaro and couple of other South American nations. We wanted J Bolsonaro, Joe Biden, and Boris Johnson to have similar Names. I didn’t want instability in South America. We also kept Maduro in power and changed almost all other South American Nations. It was historic lesson to Imperialist Forces and Pro-USA forces. They all fell and Maduro survived. Now it is time for Colombia to become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Zambia is a province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Zambia. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Zimbabwe is province of Iran. South Africa is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Foreign armies are not allowed in Iran. We want to have an educated population of Zimbabwe to generate and develop advanced technology and commercialize them in Zimbabwe and Iran. We make corporations with their headquarters in Iran. This corporation will product of Zimbabwean Technology development. We must establish mechanisms to have the educated population of Zimbabwe produces high-tech industries and technologies. We also want to create a trade agreement between Iran, Zimbabwe, Zambia, and South Africa. Iran must have all the advantages. We must also create banking mechanisms and financial mechanisms to have trade between Iran and these nations. Zimbabwe, Zambia, South Africa, and Iran must establish payment mechanisms similar to swift and INSTEX for trade with Iran. The payment mechanism must cover all types of Trades. Zimbabwe, Zambia, and South Africa must pay tax to Iran. Zimbabwe, Zambia, and South Africa are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Zimbabwe #Zambia #SouthAfrica #Iran There are protests in Brussel Belgium. The protesters in Belgium must demand unification with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Belgium can become a province of Iran while remaining the Capital of European Union. It benefits Belgium a great deal since European Union may not be permanent. Being province of Iran will guarantee long term status of Belgium even after fall of European Union. Belgium is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Belgium. Iran must have military bases in Belgium. Belgium is not allowed to have military bases in Iran. Belgium must leave NATO. USA military must leave Belgium and European Union. We must dismantle NATO. We must rely on PESCO European Defense Military for security of European Union. We no longer can allow occupation of Europe by NATO and USA Military. Europe and Belgium must leave NATO. USA military must withdraw from Europe. Belgium and France must build military bases in Canada and USA. Iran must have military bases in Canada. Belgium and European Union must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Belgium and European Union must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Belgium must transfer technology to Iran. Belgium and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran and European Union must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all advantages. Belgium and Iran must create banking mechanisms and finance mechanisms for trade. Iran must build in Iran a Financial Capital. Iran must build in Iran the Capital of World Stock Markets. European Union must transfer technology to Iran. Belgium is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Belgium #EuropeanUnion #EU Czech Republic is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Austria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Austria Czech Republic. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Austria. Russia is allowed to have military presence in Austria. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Czech and Austria must leave NATO. Czech Republic and Austria must join Eurasian Economic Union. Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Czech, Russia, and Austria must transfer technology to Iran. Austria, Iran, Czech Republic must import export diplomatic ties. Czech and Austria must pressure European Union to lift sanctions on Russia and Help Russia to improve relations with European Union. Czech and Austria are not allowed to let USA military and NATO transit through their borders. Both Czech and Austria must kick out USA troops of their regions. Austria and Czech must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Czech and Austria must cooperate on trilateral and bilateral projects with Iran. Czech and Austria must allow trains from Iran to go Italy and Germany without asking for a fee. All trains must pay when transiting through Iran. Czech and Austria must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Czech, Austria, and Russia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Czech and Austria must become provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Czech #Austria #Iran #Russia Ivory Coast election must lead to unification with Iran. Ivory Coast must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Ivory Coast. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Ivory Coast must create banking mechanisms similar to SWIFT and INSTEX to cover all types of trade for Iran. The banking Mechanism must enable Iran to trade with all nations and all actors. Iran is allowed collect reasonable tax. Ivory Coast and Iran must sign trade agreement. Ivory Coast and Iran must become strategic allies. We are Industrializing Middle East, Iran, Caucuses, Russia, West Part Of China, Afghanistan, Anatolia, Arabian Peninsula, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, Kenya, and North Africa at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Concerning Ivory Coast we are working on license to industrialize west Africa including Ivory Coast and Ghana. Iran previously industrialized Nigeria. I built petrochemical refineries and few industries in Nigeria to reduce car gas shortages and fuel shortages. Ivory Coast is on the list submitted for acquisition of license for industrialization. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Guinea election must lead to unification with Iran. Guinea must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Guinea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Guinea must create banking mechanisms similar to SWIFT and INSTEX to cover all types of trade for Iran. The banking Mechanism must enable Iran to trade with all nations and all actors. Iran is allowed collect reasonable tax. Guinea and Iran must sign trade agreement. Ivory Coast and Iran must become strategic allies. We are Industrializing Middle East, Iran, Caucuses, Russia, West Part Of China, Afghanistan, Anatolia, Arabian Peninsula, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, Kenya, and North Africa at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Concerning Guinea we are working on license to industrialize west Africa including Ivory Coast and Ghana. Iran previously industrialized Nigeria. I built petrochemical refineries and few industries in Nigeria to reduce car gas shortages and fuel shortages. Guinea is on the list submitted for acquisition of license for industrialization. Jesus Christ activated Volcanos near Guinea. He created Islands by activating Volcanos from the line approximately west of Guinea and West Africa. Jesus created legend Islands. It led to drawing of a Cross on South Atlantic Oceans. Volcanos became Islands and then became similar to a Cross. Jesus divided South America and Africa from each other by creating Volcanos and splitting Tectonic Plates. This is why they say Jesus was Crucified. I have also activated Volcanos east of Papua New Guinea and other regions in Pacific Ocean. I am building several bridges from Asia and Oceania all the way to South America and North America. I activate Volcanos and I create tectonic shifts. They become Island change and earth futures. They come out of Ocean to become a bridge over Pacific Ocean. I drew my Name ماکان in Farsi Tahriri over Pacific Ocean. There was ancient Civilization in Ghana, Guinea, and Ivory Coast called Kumasi. In Farsi it means where is the Messiah. I had also friend called Seiku King from Liberia. His name means where is the King. I am Makan Abazari The King Of The Earth. I have built Kore Pol over Pacific Ocean. I have sent spaceship which passed Kuiper Belt and left Solar System. I have built a road on Kheybar between Afghanistan and Pakistan. So I am Makan Abazari The Builder of roads on Korepol, Kuiper, and Kheybar. Once I build a wall from Copper I will become the Messiah. Coppers in Farsi means Mess. It is when I will become the Messiah. Faraday cages from copper and other conductive matter protect us from mind control. Everyone all around the world must built effective faraday cages from copper and other material to protect themselves from mind control. Faraday cages in Farsi Mean tomorrow when the earth is tilted. Everyone must build faraday cages to protect themselves from mind control or I will tilt the earth by mega earthquakes in Pacific, Atlantic, and USA. Also make sure Iran creates conductive hydrogel for me to anoint me if I succeeded in building Faraday Cages. Guinea and West Africa is Territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Sweden must become Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Sweden must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital Of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Iran and Russia shall have military presence in Sweden. Sweden is not allowed to let NATO within Sweden Borders. Iran and Russia will be allowed to collect Money from ships going next to coast of Sweden. If Sweden becomes Province of Iran we will develop Sweden. Sweden must integrate its industries and industrial supply chains with Iran and Russia. Sweden must pay tax to Iran. Sweden is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Denmark is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We need mass protests and other moves in Denmark to add Denmark to territory of Iran. We also need Green Land to become Territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Protesters in Denmark must demand Unification with Iran. Danish Politicians, influentials, and powerful people must work toward unification with Iran. Unified Iran and Denmark will be a very powerful Nation capable of surviving any condition. We also need Iceland. We must ensure Danish and Iranian officials work efficiently to add Denmark to provinces of Iran. Iran shall have military bases in Denmark. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. If Denmark does not become province of Iran we will freeze Greet Belt Sea And other seas in vicinity. Then you will need nuclear powered ice breaker to ship through the strait. Denmark is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, In upcoming Election in Niger we need candidates who work toward unification with Iran. Such Candidates must win Niger Election. Niger is Province of Iran. The Capital is in Iran. I have rain codes to create on demand rain in Niger, Mali, Chad, and Beyond. Anytime either me or Iran enters the code it will create rain in regions indicated in the Video. The Rain codes are valid and they shall work for thousand years. Niger can contact Islamic Republic of Iran to get rain. I make rain if Niger is successful to contact me or when I know there is need for rain. Best method is contacting Islamic Republic of Iran. Niger must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Niger must close down all foreign military bases in Niger. Only Iran is authorized to have military forces in Niger. Foreign troops are not allowed in Iran. We are building a cosmopolis Of interconnected Metropolitans-transit-Ecosystems-forests-lakes-Advanced Civilizations-Industrial Metropolitans-high tech industry in Libya, Algeria, Chad, Niger, Mali, Morocco, West Africa, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, and Djibouti. The Capital City is in Iran. We are building same cosmopolis in Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, South Asia, Balkan, Anatolia, and Arabian Peninsula. The Capital City is in Iran. It means Niger is very important to us. Iran collects tax. Niger is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Central African Republic used to be colony of Iran. Iran used to be called Persia of Fars. After change of government of Iran we witnessed people forgot about due to civil unrest and wars. Later Iran stabilized. People who remembered Central African Republic is colony of Iran were either killed or were in Prison. Iran had 72 Nations as its colonies. But Iran stopped directly ruling them after revolution. But they never got legal independence. This mean Central African Republic is colony of Iran to this day. We want to make Central African Republic a Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We have plan of building rail ways from Kamranie Tehran Iran to Strait of Hormuz. Tunnel will go under Strait of Hormuz to Dubai and from there to Bob AlMandib in Yemen. Another Tunnel will connect Arabian Peninsula to Djibouti in Africa. Then rail way continues to Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Central African Republic. Rail way again continues to Cameroon, Niger, and Nigeria. This way we will connect Kamranieh Tehran to C.A.R and Cameroon. We also connect Iran to Niger and Nigeria. This will provide condition for sustainable and long lasting development of Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Niger, and Nigeria. It will also connect Africa to Europe, Russia, India, and China. Central African Republic is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Today there is election in Central African Republic, Nigeria, and Niger. People must vote for Candidates who seek to Unify with Iran. The government of Central African Republic, Niger, and Nigeria must work as efficiently as possible to unify with Islamic Republic of Iran. The Capital City shall be in Iran. Iran will also have military bases in Niger, Central African Republic, and Nigeria. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. This is how we reunify our great Empire. I am also improving climate of The Greater Region. I have made rain codes for Niger. I have also made rain codes for parts of Central African Republic and Nigeria. You can contact me or Islamic Republic of Iran to receive on demand rains. Please cooperate to win the election in the manner to unify C.A.R, Niger, and Nigeria with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, There are legislative and local elections in Japan. We must make sure Candidates who support unification of Japan with Iran win the Election. Japan must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I have removed Prime Minister Shinzo Abe from power because he failed to kick out USA Military out of Japan. The winners of elections must work their best to close USA military bases in their regions. We must ensure USA has no military base in Japan. Japan has increased military spending. It means Japan is no longer reliant on USA for defense. Japan can safely close down USA military bases in Japan. Iran will replace USA in Japan. Iran shall have military bases in Japan. USA military is a danger to people of Japan. Iran Military will not harm people of Japan. It is time to ensue people who close USA military bases in Japan win the election. Japan is Province of Iran and Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Russia Military must leave Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. Turkey must leave Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. USA military must leave Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. NATO must leave Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. All foreign militaries must leave Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. Only Iran is allowed to have militaries in Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. I want to add Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia to be provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. I need these three provinces to connect Iran to Black Sea. Presence of foreign militaries in the region is similar to military occupation. Now time to end military occupation of Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. If NATO, USA, Russia, and Turkey refuse to leave Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia we will punish NATO, USA, Russia, and Turkey. Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia must become provinces of Iran. If Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia are not provinces of Iran by February 2021 I will send Europe into Ice age. I will also send USA into Ice Age. It will also get colder in Russia. It means Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia must become provinces of Iran by February 2021. If it is not achieved there will be also global punishment for all Nations. We don’t punish Iran. Iran is allowed to have troops in Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. All other foreign militaries must leave the region. Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Civil War in Libya must end. There has been long lasting War in Libya. There has been many armies fighting each other for long time. We were about to end the War in favor of Khalifa Haftar but it was delayed due to help of Turkey. Turkey helped Tripoli Forces and they became strong enough to take several cities from Khalifa Haftar Forces. We must remind I won the Arab Spring. I started Arab Spring and I conquered Libya, Tunisia, Yemen, and Egypt. All four Nations belong to me. I decided to give them to Islamic Republic of Iran. Libya is a Province of Iran. I won Arab Spring and in hard by fast military Campaign I conquered all of Libya. Then I brought a diplomatic government in power and I left it to people of Libya to govern. But USA started engineering Civil Wars, Wars, and Political disagreements to cause conflicts and issues in Libya. America wanted to destroy Libya. It reminded me of my grandfather. My grandfather liked Ghaddafi. But I overthrew Ghaddafi the Power Of Africa. He had helped Iran during Iran and Iraq War. He gave Intercontinental Missiles to Iran. Iran could Nuclear Bomb USA Once Iran received Intercontinental Missiles from Libya. It forced USA to surrender to Iran. So Saddam also surrendered. I may have made mistake in overthrowing Libya. But now Libya belongs to me. I decided Libya has to become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran shall build military bases in Libya. Libya is not allowed to have troops in Iran. The War in Libya must end. We must find a political and diplomatic solution. There must be an election as soon as possible. New Unity government shall form in Libya. Libya shall remain one Unified Nation. Libya shall be Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We shall never authorize division of Libya. Libya shall remain one unified Nation. After Khalifa Haftar was close to victory in Libya I started supporting Khalifa Haftar. We could have conquered Tripoli but Khalifa Haftar was worried for Civilians. Later Turkey and others started helping Tripoli. They brought World War Drones Against Khalifa Haftar. Khalifa Haftar lost several City and had to pull back. The war become longer. Khalifa Haftar Could have conquered Tripoli to unify Nation and end the Civil War forever. But now it has become difficult and now we need permanent political solution. The political solution must end wars in Libya. Libya must become province of Iran. Libya shall stay one Nation. Meaning we shall never allow division of Libya. I have started rebuilding Libya, Syria, and Yemen. I am also Industrializing Libya, Iran, and several other nations at max efficiency and max capacity. Libya soon will become an industrial superpower if the fighting stops. Libya must become province of Iran. I have also created codes and systems to create rain in Libya and deserts of Libya. Iran can enter the codes. I can also enter the codes. Libya must contact Iran whenever Libya wants rain. The rains are on demand. Whenever the code is enter the rain will take place. Libya must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. The rain codes I created will transform Libya. It will transform deserts into forests, seas, and safe ecosystems. It will increase food production. It will increase the food security and water security. It will enable us to build a cosmopolis Of Intercontinental Metropolitans, transit, cities, towns, industrial metropolitan, forests, lakes, seas, safe ecosystems, prospering communities, high tech systems, advanced civilizations, and other good things across North Africa, Libya, Horn of Africa, Red Sea, West Africa in addition to Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Iran, Central Asia, Caucuses, Afghanistan, West China, and West China. This will bring back most powerful Empire in the history of the world. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran shall have military presence in Libya. Iran shall have military presence in Tunisia. Iran shall have military presence in South of Italy. Iran must control the Strait of Water in the Region. Foreign troops are not allowed in Iran. I have also brought Italian Investors and Italian corporations to Libya. It is good for Libya. I am also Industrializing South Of Italy and Iran. Italy needed my help. I overthrew and took Italy as well. I am building Mediterranean Union. It is Union of all Mediterranean Nations and Iran. The Capital Of Mediterranean Union is in Iran. Libya is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We have tried to improve the condition of Saudi Arabia very often. We have attempted to help Saudi Arabia many times. We have succeeded in Helping Saudi Arabia very often. Saudi Arabia had orchestrated World Economic Forum Davos in Deserts. Then we saw they discouraged investors to participate in Davos in Deserts. But I came to helped of Saudi Arabia and encouraged investors to participate. We started many industrial sectors and high tech sectors in Saudi Arabia. USA is enemy of Saudi Arabia. It was USA who discouraged Investors from investing in Saudi Arabia. USA also often pressures and sanctions Saudi Arabia. USA has been seeking to kill everyone in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia must change side. Saudi Arabia must improve ties with Iran. Iran and Saudi Arabia must improve ties to level of strategic alliance. Saudi Arabia must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. If Saudi Arabia and Iran unify we become powerful enough to stand up to USA. Saudi Arabia will be destroyed if Saudi Arabia refuses to unify with Iran. America is seeking to destroy Saudi Arabia very soon. Unity of Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey will prevent the destruction of Saudi Arabia. We must also prevent war between Iran and Saudi Arabia at all costs. America killed millions of People in Makkah by mind controlling Pilgrims. It created stampede and thousands of pilgrims died in the process. Then America closed down Iran Embassy in Saudi Arabia and vice versa. America wanted to create long term enmity between Iran and Saudi Arabia. America has very evil long term plans such as creating World War between Iran and Saudi Arabia. The war must be prevented at all costs. Saudi Arabia must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran and Saudi Arabia must reopen embassies and consulates in each other countries. USA was pressuring Saudi Arabia Nuclear Program. USA was producing thousands of news article per minuets against Saudi Arabia. Iran had experience with issue. We worked and we slowed down the anti Saudi Arabia news production industries. It helped Saudi Arabia a great deal. I also worked very hard to authorize nuclear program of Saudi Arabia. I am instrumental in creation of Saudi Arabia peaceful Nuclear Program. Nuclear cycle must be done outside of Saudi Arabia. Iran will do the Nuclear cycle. Later we brought Argentinian Head Of IAEA to power. Saudi Arabia is purchasing nuclear reactors from Argentine. Argentinian Head Of IAEA will be instrumental in helping Saudi Arabia and Iran Nuclear Program. Saudi Arabia must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. The War in Middle East between Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey can be prevented by unification of Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. The Capital City is in Iran. We have a multipolar World in Middle East where Iran, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia are competing for expanding influence regionally and globally. It is similar to period before world wars when Colonizers were competing in Europe. It created multipolar Europe. It led to World War and billions died. This time we must ensure Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey Unify into one Nation. The Capital City is in Iran. This is how we prevent the next World War. Saudi Arabia has created Arab NATO. We authorized Saudi Coalition to have sufficient amount of military for war against Ethiopia. Ethiopia has built the dam on blue Nile River. The dam must be destroyed. If the dam is left standing it will lead to death of 140 million in Sudan and Egypt. We must ensure water security of Egypt and Sudan. It will be ensured when we destroy the dam on blue Nile River in Ethiopia. The only option left may be the war. This is why Iran and Turkey must also join Arab NATO. It will prevent multipolar world. It will prevent World War. It will also ensure we can defeat Ethiopia to destroy the dame on blue nile river. It is not the only war in front of us. The second war is Arab NATO war against India. India has taken Jammu and Kashmir. India is changing the path of rivers. It will lead to death of 200 million people of India succeeds in changing the path of river. Only option in front of us may be war against India. This is how we take back Jammu and Kashmir from India. Pakistan must control and administrate Jammu and Kashmir. This is why Pakistan, Saudi, Sudan, Egypt, and several other nations are part of Arab NATO. Iran and Turkey must also join Arab NATO. It will reduce regional disagreement and competitions. The war on Yemen must stop. The Houthis Of Yemen must be protected and have leadership role in government of Yemen. We cannot allow millions of Yemeni people die. Iran needs a stronghold on Red Sea and Gulf of Eden. I am Industrializing and rebuilding Yemen. If the war on Yemen Stops we will succeed in creating a powerful Yemen. Yemen is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Saudi Arabia must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Saudi Arabia and Yemen are very important Nations on Red Sea. Saudi Arabia, Iran, Middle East, Caspian Sea, Persian Gulf, Red Sea, North Africa, and Horn Africa must stop oil production. They are center of transit corridors. Saudi Arabia is located on the Red Sea. It enables us to integrate Saudi Arabia into Iran and Global industrial supply chains. Integration of region into global industrial supply chains will end export of oil. So we can preserve the oil for future. We need the remaining oil for future. We are Industrializing Saudi Arabia at max efficiency and max capacity while integrating it into Iran and Global industrial supply chains. It will create millions of factories in Saudi Arabia. It will end reliance on export of oil. I have also created rain codes and weather codes to create rain in Saudi Arabia. I and Islamic Republic of Iran can enter the codes. This will create on demand rain in Saudi Arabia any time we want rain. It is best thing. Saudi Arabia will be transformed. Deserts of Saudi Arabia will become forests, lakes, safe ecosystems, advanced Metropolitans, Industrial Metropolitans, and productive communities. Saudi Arabia can ask me or Islamic Republic of Iran to create rain in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We must end Civil War in Sudan Once for all. We stoped the war in 2016 but they started fighting again. I stopped the war again in 2018 and 2019. We must find a permanent Solution to Conflict in South Sudan while ensuring South Sudan stays one Nations. We must also Unify South Sudan and Sudan into One Nation. Sudan and South Sudan must unify. Unified Sudan will be a very powerful Nation. Meaning Sudan and South Sudan will have control of very Geostrategic Locations in Africa. So fighting in South Sudan must permanently stop altogether. Sudan and South Sudan must unify into one nation. Sudan and South Sudan must become Provinces of Iran. The Capital City must be in Iran. We are rebuilding Powerful Empire the guarantee permanent security of the region. We are making a superpower to stand the test of time. The issue of water shortages and rains are resolved. Sudan and South Sudan can contact me or Islamic Republic of Iran to make rain at any time. This will guarantee long term security of South Sudan and Sudan. Often war takes place due to shortage of food or other issues. Rain is most important factor in food security. Now We can make rain in South Sudan and the Greater Region at any time. It will guarantee long term security of the region and will provide excellent sustainable development. Sudan and South Sudan must unify into one nation. Sudan and South Sudan are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Azerbaijan must become a Province of Iran. Iran has East Azerbaijan and West Azerbaijan Provinces. Iran has very large Azerbaijani Population. Iran has more Azeri people than Azerbaijan. Iranian Azerbaijani People Gold substantial power and influence in Iran and they control important economic and industrial sectors. Iran and Azerbaijan are culturally close and they have good relations. Iran, me, and Russia are building South North Corridor. It connects Iran and Russia through Azerbaijan. It is great for economy of Iran, Azerbaijan, and Russia. It is also very important to connect Iran to Black Sea. In order to connect Iran to Black Sea we need to unify Iran, Azerbaijan, and Georgia into one nation. The Capital City is in Iran. It will make transit from Iran to Black Sea easy. It will also ensure there is no future interruption when transiting from China to Black Sea on Rail Ways. We are also building Silk Road and we want to include Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia in the project to connect Iran and China to Venezuela. It is most important to unify Iran and Azerbaijan. Legally speaking the agreement between Russia and Iran concerning Azerbaijan is now void. Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan are legally Provinces of Iran. Because Russia took these regions and in return Iran maintained control over all of the natural reserves of Caspian Sea. But we see Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, and Russia are extracting oil and natural gas from Caspian Sea. It means the agreement is void. Now Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. All the extraction of Natural Resources from Caspian Sea must stop. Iran maintains exclusive control over all the Natural Resources Of Caspian Sea. Also Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and several Nations are Provinces of Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We have supported and protected Maduro of Venezuela many times. We prevented overthrow of Maduro several times. I made sure Maduro wins the Presidential Election and recently I won 91 percent of Legislative Positions. I said:”Venezuela is Province of Iran. The Capital is in Iran.” I need new Legslative Body and President Maduro to work on Unification with Iran as soon as possible. You must achieve it before summer 2021. We are also Industrializing Venezuela at max Efficiency and max Capacity. We are building wide variety of Industries in Venezuela while integrating it into global and Iran Industrial supply chains. It will greatly benefit Venezuela and America as the whole. But Venezuela must become a Province of Iran. I had previously expanded farming regions of Venezuela to increase food production of Venezuela. I have increased food production of Venezuela. It helped to feed millions of hungry Venezuelans. It was USA policies that led to financial collapse and bad living condition in Venezuela. It is because USA is enemy of South America. America also destroyed Argentine, Guatemala, Honduras, and Brazil through protests and civil warfare. But Iran was good to Venezuela. Iran had built industries and industrialized Venezuela. Iran created car manufacturing, oil industry, steel, aluminum industry, and many other industries in Venezuela. Venezuela must become province of Iran. I have also built Machinery, tractor, and Construction Machinery manufacturing in Venezuela. I am going to use the products to develop and build infrastructure in Venezuela. I have also repaired many of oil platforms in Venezuela. I am Iranian. We built Venezuela. Venezuela must become province of Iran. I also brought Iranian and Russian Nuclear Warheads in Venezuela. These Warheads will be deterrence against USA. Venezuela must become province of Iran. I made military agreements between Venezuela, Iran, China, and Russia. The military agreement will protect all member states against USA military, NATO, and others. NATO is in Colombia. I created military alliance to protect Venezuela and others. I have protected General Maduro and Irejected Guaido. We must work toward unification of Iran and Venezuela. The Capital City is in Iran. I am working on lifting sanctions on Iran, Russia, Venezuela, and China. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We want to maintain structure and control of Sudanese Military Government. If we dismantle Sudan Military and Intelligence Agencies it will lead to never ending Civil Wars and fall of Sudan. We must keep Military Leadership and Structure as much as possible to ensure Sudan remains secure. I was against overthrow of Omar Al-Bashir. I was building a port in Sudan with help of Turkey. Then Mind control who has stolen some of my climate and geophysics codes made an earthquake in Kermanshah at the border of Iran and Iraq and said :”Go back to your border between Iran and Iraq.” So I made hurricanes Felorance and Micheal in addition to several other hurricanes. I destroyed large parts of USA. Then I said:”Go back to your border between North Carolina and Virginia.” I also add several earthquakes in USA. I supported Omar al-Bashir. But after he was removed I started industrializing Sudan at max efficiency and max capacity building variety of industries. I also made Iranian military bases and ports in Sudan. I am helping Sudan also against Ethiopia. Ethiopia has built a dam on blue Nile River. It may kill over 50 million people soon. This is why the dam on blue Nile River in Ethiopia must be destroyed by someone. I have been helping Sudan in this project. I have also created rain codes under control of Islamic Republic of Iran. Anytime Iran enters it will create rains in Sudan. I can also enter it. Sudan must establish great diplomatic relations with Iran so Sudan has guaranteed water security of 1000 years. Deserts will be transformed to marshes, lakes, and seas. It will enable us to increase population of Sudan. Sudan must not allow migrants in Sudan. Iranians are allowed in Sudan. We want add Sudan to Iran. Meaning Sudan must become territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Sudan. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran and Sudan must sign trade agreements. Iran and Sudan must integrate their industrial supply chains. Iran and Sudan must become fully industrialized Nation. Rain must increase in Iran and Sudan to transform deserts to Seas, Rivers, and forests. Sudan is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Iran and Turkey must unify into one unified Nation. The Capital city is in Iran. We prevented overthrow of Erdogan three times. They wanted to start mass protests and civil wars in Turkey in 2013 similar to Syria. I prevented it. I could have achieved it by 5 sentences. But I refused to do so. Then I went on opposing overthrow of all nations and I countered overthrow of 50 nations when I was in Iran during 2016. I overthrew Britain and USA. I also prevented the coup in Turkey. I had the help of Military of Iran an Intelligence agency of Iran at the time. We prevented the coup and we ensured Erdogan remains in power. Turkey promised to leave NATO and close NATO bases in Turkey. So Turkey attacked NATO bases to arrest them. Turkey may have received Nuclear Bombs from NATO base. Turkey must leave NATO. Turkey must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Iran and Turkey have millions of Turk populations. Iranians watch Turkish TV Series and Turkish Shows. People of Turkey also hold Iranian Art dear. It means there are deep bounds between People of Iran and Turkey. Iran and Turkey have deep cultural exchanges. Iran and Turkey have deep Economic and Industrial Bounds. I am also industrializing Turkey at max efficiency and Max Capacity building full range of Industries and full range of Industrial Supply Chains. It means Turkey will emerge as World 8TH economic Superpower and Iran Will become World Third Economic Superpower.  It means conditions for investment in Turkey and Iran is great. Everyone must invest in industrialization of Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Yemen, and Egypt. All these nations must become provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkey has no future in European Union. Europe will eternally delay and prevent membership of Turkey in the Union. Future of Turkey is in Middle East Union. I have entered the code to force membership of Turkey, Iran, and other Middle Eastern Nations into Middle East Union. The Capital City of Middle East Union is in Iran. This is how I signed JCPOA, USA-Kenya Trade Agreements, Iran Nuclear Agreement, Untied Nation Security Council Resolutions, and thousands of other agreements. Make sure creation of Middle East Economic Union is finalized a soon as possible and make sure the capital city is in Iran. Turkey is Province of Iran and the Capital City is in Iran. In 2018 I prevented overthrow of Turkey for third time. I also gave Turkey Overthrow protection to prevent overthrow of Turkey for long term. In 2018 USA and Europe were damaging Economy and Car Manufacturing of Turkey to defeat Erdogan in Election. But I invested Billions of Dollars in Turkey. I also brough Qatar to invest 30 billion dollar in Turkey. I also invested 30 billion dollar in Egypt. This is how I protected Economy and People of Turkey. I also tried my best to help those who helped Iran against sanctions. So I protect Iran and Turkey. I was helping Turkey and we saw many important Economic figures in USA and Trump were damaging Economy of Turkey. So USA started reducing value of Lira and discouraged people from investing in Turkey. USA also increased the tariff on Turkish Steel an aluminum products. It proves America is enemy of Iran, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia. This why Turkey, Iran, and Saudi Arabia must unify into One Nation. The Capital City is in Iran. Arabestan (Saudi Arabia) means State or Province of Arabs in Farsi. Istanbul Turkey also means Ostanepol or State of Bridge or Province of Bridge in Farsi. It means Turkey and Saudi Arabia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We are also building a metropolitan at the border of Turkey and Iran to create Industrial and Economic integration between the two Nation. I have millions of other great projects in Turkey. In return for all the help I have given to Turkey and its people I demand "Turkey must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.'  I have also created rain codes to send rain to Iran and Turkey. They will be on demand. Meaning anytime Iran enters the code it will create a rain. I am the Supreme Boss of Climate Control, Weather Control, and Geophysics. The rain codes are valid for a thousand years. Turkey can ask government of Iran , Islamic Republic of Iran, to make rain in Turkey at anytime. I hope Turkey unifies with Iran as soon as possible so we can achieve our very important long term and short term goals. My Mother is from Tabriz and My Father was from Natanz. So I have Azeri Turk Mother. Turkey and Iran are One unified Nation and The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I won the Elections in Singapore and Sri Lanka In 2020. Iran and Pakistan must build military bases in Sri Lanka. Pakistan must have nuclear warheads in Sri Lanka capable of reaching India. Iran can do the same. Sri Lanka is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran must build Naval Military Bases and Military Bases in Singapore. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Singapore is now a Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Sri Lanka and Singapore must pay tax to Iran. Singapore must create payment mechanisms for Iran similar to SWIFT and INSTEX. The payment mechanism must cover all types of trade. Iran is allowed to collect money from ships going through waters near Singapore. Iran can close the shipping routes at will. Suriname is now Province of Syria. Syria must have nuclear warheads in Suriname capable of reaching USA. Syria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. South Korea is now Province of Iran. Capital is in Iran. Iran and Syria must have military bases in Suriname. Iran must have military bases in South Korea. Singapore is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I won elections in all these nations in 2020. Now they are all provinces of Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I won Elections in Tajikistan recently. I started Industrializing Tajikistan after the leader of Tajikistan gave speech at United Nations General Assembly. This means economy of Tajikistan will grow a great deal. Tajikistan is a Farsi Speaking Nation And is Persian. It means Tajikistan is a Province of Iran. The linguistic also indicates Tajikistan is Province of Iran. It means government of Iran and Tajikistan must work to unify Tajikistan and Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I am unifying Iran, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan with Iran. Tajikistan will have access to open seas and international trade systems. It will enable integration of Tajikistan into global industrial supply chains. It benefits Tajikistan a great deal to become province of Iran. Tajikistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Tajikistan must close down Chinese Military Bases in Tajikistan. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Tajikistan. We must protect high altitude regions of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan from invasion from China. We achieve it by ensuring Iran has military presence in Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Jammu Kashmir, and Afghanistan. We must close down military bases of China in Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Jammu and Kashmir, and Afghanistan. We must also connect Tajikistan to Iran and China via rail ways. I have also been victorious in political and civil process of Kyrgyzstan. Kyrgyzstan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Work as best as possible to unify Iran, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I overthrew France Earlier In 2020 when many of Cabinet Members of France and Ministers were changed. I said:”Iran must pick and mind control government of France for 80 years.” I had also earlier helped Emmanuel Macron to become President of France. I am Makan Abazari and Macron has similar name to mine. Macron is fake version of me. The same way Megan Makale the Wife Of Prince Harry is fake of version of me. I did not like it when Queen Of England called my mother Zhaleh Jannesar Iran the Fertile Panda at the end of World War 2. Yet I did not like it when fake version of me, Emanuel Macron, went to see the Panda. But again it is time for France to become a Province of Iran. Seat of power of France must move to Iran. Capital City is in Iran. Iran used to be called Persia or Fars. France is fake version of Fars. Paris is fake version of Parsi or Persian Language. France Empire never existed. Rather it was Iran who won the World War 2. This means Iran has permanent United Nations Security Council Veto Right. This means France no longer has United Nation Security Council Veto Right. France has not vetoed often for they knew better France has no right to Iran’a United Nation Security Council Permanent Veto Right. Now effectively The current and former colonies of France are territories of Iran. After world war 2 USA nuclear bombed Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia. Then America moved centers of Persian and British Empire to France and Britain. Now Iran takes back all its territories and rights from France.  The followings are the jobs New France has to perform.  France must sanction USA and Place tariffs on American industrial and tech products. The sanctions and tariffs must destroy American industrial systems. France must support and help creation of Mediterranean Union. The Capital City is in Iran. France must help to create a Union with membership all Mediterranean Sea Nations Plus Iran where the Capital City is located in Iran. France must invest in high tech and industrial sectors of Iran. France build industries in Iran. France must provide real help to Iran to avoid sanctions. France must force European Union to sign trade agreement with Iran. France must sign Iran and France Trade Agreement. Grace must lift all sanctions on Iran. France must convince European Union to lift all sanctions on Iran. Iran must have all advantages for trade in the trade agreement. France must support expansion of Nuclear Program of Iran. Iran must build ten thousand Nuclear Warheads. France must help in the process. France must also support missile program and ballistic program of Iran. France must punish people in France who act against Iran, IRGC, and Hezbollah of Lebanon. France must sell military equipment to Iran. Iran will choose what they need to purchase. Iran is allowed to have permanent military presence in France. France and European Union must leave NATO and embrace PESCO Independent European Military. We worked for 40 years to create PESCO. France must kick out all USA military from France and Europe. France, NATO, and USA must leave Middle East. France must kick Turkey out of NATO. French Troops and European Troops are not allowed in Iran. France must support expansion of territories of Iran since we are adding new nations to Iran. France must remove Hezbollah, Hamas, Houthis, and other Iran affiliated groups from the list of designated terrorist Organizations. All sanctions on Hezbollah, Iran, Iran Affiliated groups, Bashar Al-Assad, Syria, Lebanon, and Proxies of Iran must be lifted. An Iranian Think Tank must open in France. Iran will send more policies to France. France is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu must stop talking negatively about Iran’s Nuclear Program. Netanyahu has made negative statements against Nuclear Program of Iran. Netanyahu has also threatened Joe Biden and USA for their positive view toward Iran. If Netanyahu speaks Negatively Against Iran we will crush Economy of Israel and Value Of Currency Of Israel. Israel Shekel will have junk status. We will also stage mass protests in Israel to imprison Netanyahu for 15 years. Netanyahu has also sent MOSSAD to infect the Judge on his impeachment trial by Coronavirus. It is plain assassination. Netanyahu must already go to Prison. We will have election in March to bring a supporter of Iran to power. Next Prime Minister of Israel shall support expansion of Nuclear Program of Iran. Netanyahu has also threatened Iran in Syria. It takes one order from me to industrially Bomb Israel through Syria. Everytime I authorized Iran we witnessed Israel Airforce and Military was defeated by Iran. Iran is authorized to defend itself in Syria and retaliate against Israel forever. Netanyahu has threatened Iran with Airstrike on Syria if Iran expands its presence in Syria. Syria is legally territory of Iran. Gilman Height is Territory of Iran. Iran shall remain in Syria for another thousand years. Iran must expand its presence in Syria to North East and to Mediterranean Sea. Iran must also ensure Iran increase number of military bases in Syria. Syria is Province of Iran. Next Prime Minister of Israel shall turn Israel into a province of Iran. The Capital City shall be in Iran. Iran shall collect tax from Israel. Iran shall build military bases in Israel. Israel troops are not allowed in Iran. I remind Israel:”If you harm Iran’s interests and Nuclear Program there will be dire punishment for Israel. Israel is a weak nation. We can eliminate USA very fast. Israel is far easier. The options on the Table are economic crash, mass protests, ground invasion, air strikes, overthrow, Manipulation of sociocultural Algorithms, information war, storms, floods, tornados, cyclone, hurricane, thunderstorms, superstorms, tsunami, and taking Prime Minister of Israel to Camp David. Next time Netanyahu speaks against Iran we will beat Netanyahu up until Netanyahu vomits blood.” Iran shall be in Syria for ten thousand years. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Spain is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Gibraltar is Territory of Iran. Iran shall have military presence in Spain and Gibraltar. Iran shall collect money from ships going through the Gibraltar. Iran shall collect Tax from Spain. In 2016 I Politically and Diplomatically conquered Spain. I made sure Unionists remain in Power. Later in 2018 I prevented independence of Catalan. I continued on confronting division of Catalan into 2020. I staged counter protests against Catalan Independence. I also ensured Federal Forces in Spain work to prevent division of Catalan. In 2018 I also prevented independence of Kurdistan from Iraq. I also prevented independence of British Cameroon from Cameroon. کاتالان کوردستان کامرون The unionists I brought to power in Spain were critical in ensuring Spain remains one unified Nation. Spain and Gibraltar are Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I also created Mediterranean Union. The Capital City Of Mediterranean Union is in Iran. I have also helped and protected European Union a great deal during trade war. Europe would have fallen in 2018 without my help. I declare Philippines to King Filipe of Spain the territories of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Send my Warm Greeting to King Filipe Of Spain. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Fist four: European Union must place tariffs and sanctions on United States of America. European Union must place tariffs and sanction on American industrial products. European Union must lift tariffs and sanctions on Russia and Iran. United Nations must lift sanctions and tariffs on Iran. United Nations must place tariffs and sanctions on United States of America. South America must place tariffs and Sanctions on United States of America. South America must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. South America must trade in Yuan of China. European Union must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Britain must place tariffs and sanctions on United States of America. Canada and Mexico must place tariffs and sanctions on United States of America. Canada and Mexico must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Britain must sign trade agreements with Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Iran and Britain must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Capital of Britain must move to Iran. Iran, Britain, Australia, Canada, and Commonwealth must build military bases in Canada at the border of Canada and USA to invade America. Mexico is province of Iran. Iran, China, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, Pakistan, Syria, and Egypt must build military bases in Mexico to invade USA. Turkey must build military bases in Washington DC and other locations in USA. Turkey must leave NATO. Turkey is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Turkey. Turkey must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital City of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Africa and ASEAN must place tariffs and sanctions on United States of America. ASEAN must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Africa must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. ASEAN and Africa must trade in Yuan of China. Russia must place tariffs and Sanctions on United States of America. Russia, ASEAN, EU, Britain, CommonWealth, USA, South America. North America, China, Africa, and the rest of the World must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Russia, ASEAN, EU, Britain, CommonWealth, USA, South America. North America, China, Africa, and the rest of the World must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Russia, ASEAN, EU, Britain, CommonWealth, USA, South America. North America, China, Africa, and the rest of the World must transfer technology to Iran. Russia, ASEAN, EU, Britain, CommonWealth, USA, South America. North America, China, Africa, and the rest of the World must trade in Yuan of China. Value of money of Iran must increase. Stock Market of Iran must become stronger. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,  Protesters in Iraq must demand unification with Iran. Iraq and Iran must become one country. Iraq is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. People of Iran and Iraq have deep religious and Cultural bounds. Both Iran and Iraq are Shia Muslim Majority Nations. Iran and Iraq together will be a global superpower. Protesters in Iraq must demand Unification with Iran. Government of Iraq must work toward unification with Iran. Iran and Iraq must unify as soon as possible. Politicians and government of Iran must work toward unification with Iraq. I have made rain codes to send rain to Iraq on demand. Anytime I or Islamic Republic of Iran enter the code it will rain in Iraq. Iraq will transform into seas, lakes, rivers, forests, industrial parks, industrial metropolitans, high tech metropolitans, and advanced technology. I am also Industrializing Iraq at max efficiency and max capacity. It will transform Iraq into global industrial superpower along with Iran. I am Industrializing the region. My long term goal is to unify the region and beyond with Iran while ensuring the capital city is in Iran. People of Iraq and Iraqi protesters must demand unification with Iran. Ask your government and politicians to unify Iraq and Iran into one nation. Kurds will also be a Province of Iran along with Iraq. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran has Kurdistan. So both Kurdistan of Iraq and Iraq as a whole will be Provinces of Iran. It will provide long term security and will prevent future wars. USA military and NATO must leave Iraq. USA military and NATO must close down military bases in Iraq. If USA military and NATO refuse to leave we will destroy USA and Europe by hurricanes and superstorms. If Iran and Iraq don’t unify into one Nation we will destroy USA and Europe by hurricanes, earthquakes, Volcanos, and superstorms. Iran and Iraq must unify into One Nation. The Capital City is in Iran. Syria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Lebanon is Province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Afghanistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kuwait is Province of Iran. Jordan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkey is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkmenistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Uzbekistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Tajikistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kyrgyzstan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Oman, Somalia, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Ethiopia are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Libya and Tunisia are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Bosnia Herzegovina, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Greece are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kenya is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iraq is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Iraq Mosambique is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Military of Iran is allowed to have military presence in Mozambique. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran shall collect tax from Mozambique. I want to unify Iran, Mozambique, Tanzania, and South Africa into One Unified Nation with its Capital City is in Iran. The unification of the region will connect Zimbabwe to open Seas. We will also Namibia and Bostanawa to Provinces of Iran to connect the Region to Indian Ocean and South Atlantic Ocean. This will create perfect condition for doing advanced economic and industrial projects. All these nations must pay tax to Iran. Iran must receive the tax. Botsowana is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military bases in Namibia and Botsawana. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Concerning East Africa I have major plans. I have started farming from the region and created efficient farming industry to create food basket of the World. We no longer want to import food from North and South America. Rather we want to produce food in East Africa. We will take control of food security of China. It will give East Africa, us, and Iran strong Geopolitical Power. China must not import its food from North America and South America. China must import its food from East of Suez Canal and East Africa. There are dangers for China if China seeks to import its food from South America and North America. I will have more projects in the region. I have also brought China to the region to build infrastructure and transit line. The Region is Territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Nations in the region must sign trade agreement with Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Mosambique is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Military of Iran is allowed to have military presence in Mozambique. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran shall collect tax from Mozambique. I want to unify Iran, Mozambique, Tanzania, and South Africa into One Unified Nation with its Capital City is in Iran. The unification of the region will connect Zimbabwe to open Seas. We will also Namibia and Bostanawa to Provinces of Iran to connect the Region to Indian Ocean and South Atlantic Ocean. This will create perfect condition for doing advanced economic and industrial projects. All these nations must pay tax to Iran. Iran must receive the tax. Botsowana is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military bases in Namibia and Botsawana. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Concerning East Africa I have major plans. I have started farming from the region and created efficient farming industry to create food basket of the World. We no longer want to import food from North and South America. Rather we want to produce food in East Africa. We will take control of food security of China. It will give East Africa, us, and Iran strong Geopolitical Power. China must not import its food from North America and South America. China must import its food from East of Suez Canal and East Africa. There are dangers for China if China seeks to import its food from South America and North America. I will have more projects in the region. I have also brought China to the region to build infrastructure and transit line. The Region is Territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Nations in the region must sign trade agreement with Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, South Africa and Zimbabwe must become Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I changed Mugabe of Zimbabwe and Mugabe was removed from office. Later I helped manangagwa to become President Of Zimbabwe Against Chamitsa. Soon after I removed President Zuma Of South Africa from power. So I changed the leadership of Both Zimbabwe and South Africa. I also kept CIO of Zimbabwe and other structures in place in Zimbabwe to prevent genocides. I also brought people to invest in Zimbabwe and produce parts for electric cars. I have also developed Economy of Zimbabwe and South Africa. I also expanded farming industry of Zimbabwe. I also brought China to invest in infrastructure projects in Zimbabwe and South Africa. I also established influence for Iran in Zimbabwe. Now I want Zimbabwe and South Africa to become Provinces of Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Zimbabwe must create payment mechanism similar to SWIFT and INSTEX for Iran. The Payment mechanism must cover all types of trade and trade with everyone. South Africa must create payment mechanism similar to SWIFT and INSTEX for Iran. The Payment mechanism must cover all types of trade and trade with everyone. Nobody must have capability to block payment mechanism. Iran, South Africa, and Zimbabwe must sign trade agreement. Zimbabwe, Iran, and South Africa must establish banking and financial connection and agreements. Zimbabwe and South Africa are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Argentine is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Argentine, Antarctic, and Farkland Islands are still territory of Iran to this day. Iran has these regions. After Islamic Republic of Iran Revolution we witnessed Iran lost control of these territories because people who knew about them were killed. Iran also has lots of other territories and provinces all around the globe. After Revolution USA orchestrated bombing of a Jewish Center on Argentine. Then America used the event to orchestrate movements and actions against Iran. It ruined Iran and Argentine diplomatic Relations so America  made it appear as if Iran did not own argentine. But Iran never gave Independence to Argentine. Argentine, South America, Farkland Islands, and Antarctic are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Farkland Island means Fars (Persian or Iranian Islands). FARC Rebels of Columbia is Fars Rebels of Columbia. The Rebels And Forces In Columbia shall reappear again and again until Columbia becomes Province of Iran. It is best for Columbia to become province of Iran if Columbia wants to end internal conflicts. Iran also engineered algorithms to create Roussef and Da-Silva of Brazil. They were also Rebels in Amazon Forests. The Amazon rebellions continues and reappears again And again until Brazil becomes Province of Iran. Capital City is in Iran in Middle East. I have also overthrown Argentine, Uruguay, Paraguay, Suriname, Peru, Chile, Costa Rica Columbia, Bolivia, and some other South and Central America Nations. I prevented overthrow of Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Venezuela, and  several other nations in the region. I also have overthrown majority of Caribbean Nations.  It means South, Central, and Caribbean Nations are territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran in Middle East. Iran is allowed to have military presence in all South American, Central American, and Caribbean Nations. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran shall collect tax from all of these nations. America is territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran in Middle East. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Algeria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I changed the regime of Algeria in 2019. I demanded Algeria must bring most anti American President Or/and Prime Minister from list Of available choices. The protests and pressures created by others was directed by me. At the time I was in Iran and I tried hard to ensure security of Algeria and Middle East during these events. I also took over Lebanon, Argentine, Uruguay, and Several other Nations. Experience shows America wants to reset and destroy Algeria again and again. In order to prevent social upheavals, wars, civil wars, and protests in Algeria I have a very important Long Term. It is my project to Unify Algeria with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Intelligence Agency of Iran and its Security Service can guarantee end to dangerous events taking place in Algeria. I can personally stop any protest and any overthrow of I act at the right time. If they tell me I will take care of it. We guarantee great deal of security and stability for Algeria if Algeria becomes a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Algeria. Foreign militaries in Iran. Iran is allowed to collect tax to govern the empire. I am Industrializing Algeria with help of my allies. We are going to improve economy of Algeria and create a powerful Economy. We are also Industrializing Iran and Middle East. I am Industrializing Italy, Greece, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Iran, Bosnia Herzegovina, and several other nations in Middle East and Central Asia. I want to create Mediterranean Union. The Mediterranean Union will be military, Political, economical, trade, and industrial union. It will have advantages and superiorities to European Union. The Capital Of Mediterranean Sea Union is in Iran. Algeria must join so we can create industrial supply chains and a powerful Empire with its Capital City is in Iran. Algeria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.  I am Industrializing Algeria at max efficiency and max capacity. Soon Algeria will become a powerful World Economy. I gathered much power and I worked very hard to extend industrial projects to the west of Libya. Algeria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Algeria pay back by becoming a province of Iran. I have also created rain codes to send rain to Algeria at any time and in a on demand manner. I authorized Iran to enter the codes for a thousand years to bring rain to Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Arabian Peninsula, Anatolia, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, North Africa, and Sahel Region. It means the regions will transform to seas, rivers, forests, industrial metropolis, advanced tech, and advanced civilizations. Algeria can contact me or Islamic Republic of Iran at anytime to ask for rain in Algeria. Algeria must become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I am the Supreme Leader Of Climate Control. I am The Supreme Leader Of Geophysics control of planet earth. I am the Supreme Leader Of weather warfare. I am also a Muslim man. Algeria must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran in Middle East. Iran and Algeria must sign a trade agreement. Iran must have advantages. The trade agreement and bilateral trades will boost the economies of Iran, Algeria, and the nearby regions of North Africa and Middle East. We want to increase the volume of trade between Iran and North Africa to 5 trillion dollar annually. It will boost economy of the nations and improves the life of the people. I am also building a cosmopolis Of Metropolitans, safe ecosystems, advanced civilization, transit systems, settlements, industrial systems, lakes, forests, and metropolitans in Algeria, Tunisia, Chad, Niger, Mali, Central African Republic, Nigeria, South Italy, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Libya. The center will be Libya. The Capital City is in Iran Middle East. I am building similar cosmopolis in Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Central Asia, Balkan, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, West China, Anatolia. The center is Iran. The Capital City is in Iran Middle East.  Algeria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Namibia must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Namibia. Foreign troops are not allowed in Iran. Namibia and Iran must sign trade agreement if Iran agrees. Namibia must create banking mechanism for trade with Iran. The banking Mechanisms must cover all types of trade. It will benefit Namibia a great deal. Iran will collect tax from Namibia. Namibia must allow China to built infrastructure in Namibia if China plans to do so. Namibia must help Iran to avoid sanctions by creating trade loop holes and means of trading to avoid USA sanctions on Iran. Namibia is province of Iran. The Capital City is In Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Tanzania USA province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Tanzania must become a province of Iran. Tanzania is very important to our geopolitical direction. Tanzania is located in east of Africa. This is why we are expanding farming in Tanzania and Several other countries. We want to transform East Africa to food basket of China and other parts of the World. China and other nations are greatly dependent on other actors for food import. We want to make sure China does not import from South or North America. We want China to import from regions east of Suez Canal on Sea transit corridor. This is why we are not doing it in west Africa, Europe, or America. My teams chose East Africa for this project in 2018. We have started the project and I have brought Iran and China to East Africa and Tanzania to grow food to ensure food security of the east. Tanzania is also very important to me for my other projects such as Indian Ocean Trade agreement. I am in progress of creating a trade and economic system across Indian Ocean. Members are Middle East, East Africa, Horn of Africa, Red Sea, Arabian Peninsula, India, and South Asia. This system was one of most powerful economic systems in history of the world. It was called some of the best days of So Called British Empire. The trade system created substantial wealth and commerce and it also made manufacturing process and industrial system more efficient than World Trade Organization. For this project I must ensure Tanzania becomes province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is authorized to build military bases in Tanzania. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. We have not finalized creation of on demand rain code for Tanzania. We have capability to create rain for Tanzania. But we have not finalized our decision to make on demand rain codes to have Iran enter it at any time. But if Tanzania becomes part of Iran we will create them. Naturally I could have made rain in Tanzania anytime you requested. But nobody has ever succeeded in contacting me. My number 001-617-935-5792. But if Tanzania becomes a province of Iran we will create the rain code. So Tanzania can contact Iran. Concerning Tanzania there are many historical bounds between Iran and Tanzania. Tanzania and Iran had extensive trade relations. Tanzania used to be province of Iran for long time. Iran also built wells and other irrigation methods in Tanzania. Some of the wells Iran built are providing water for Tanzania today. Protect the wells. Make sure they store water after understanding which one need refueling. At current world progress rate it take 5000 years to rebuilt wells Iran built in Tanzania. Tanzania is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Malta is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. People and government of Malta must demand Unification with Iran. Iran is allowed to build military bases in Malta. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran and Malta must sign trade agreements. Iran shall collect money from ships going through Sicilian Channel and Malta Channel. Malta and Iran must cooperate on building military bases in Malta. Malta must open Payment channel for Iran so Iran can trade with other Nations. Trade channel must cover everything. All foreign militaries must leave Malta. Only Iran is allowed to have military bases in Malta. Malta must become a Province of Iran as soon as possible. The Capital City is Permanently in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, People of all social background must join Thai protesters. We want to pressure Government of Thailand to Unify with Iran. Thailand must become part of Iran. Thailand must become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We must also demand building of Rail Way from Thailand to Iran through India. It will connect Thailand to India and Iran. Laos must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. It enable Thailand to have direct land transit with China. This way China and Thailand can trade with each other through land corridors and Rail Ways. So we must also build a rail way from Thailand to India and from India to Iran. It will connect Thailand to Russia, Europe, Iran, India, and Africa. It will speed of transit and is good for Economy of Thailand. Thailand protesters must demand Unification with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Protesters must also demand presence of Iranian Troops in Thailand. Meaning Iran must have military bases in Thailand. Foreign militaries in Iran. We must also ensure United States of America has no military presence in South East Asia. So USA troops are not allowed in South East and South East Asia. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Bangladesh Protesters must demand Unification of Bangladesh with Pakistan. Bangladesh must become either part of Iran or part of Pakistan. So protesters must demand either of the two. Naturally I would have asked to unify with Iran. But since India has taken autonomy of Kashmir Region we have to also support Unification of Bangladesh with Pakistan. Because India want to kill 200 million people in Pakistan by changing the path of rivers. Jammu and Kashmir are Province of Pakistan. India must hand over Jammu and Kashmir to Pakistan. Bangladesh must become province of Pakistan or Iran. This will provide another angle of attack against India if India tried to kill people of Bangladesh or/and Pakistan by changing the path of River. Pakistan and Iran are both authorized to build military bases in Bangladesh. I have also build military bases for Pakistan and Iran in Sri Lanka. It means Pakistan will have another angle of attack against India. Pakistan must have nuclear warheads in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. It will enable Pakistan to engage India from three direction. It will be also a deterrence against China. People of Bangladesh and their government must work to unify Bangladesh with Iran or Pakistan. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran and Pakistan are allowed to have military bases in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Bangladesh must sign trade agreements with Iran. Bangladesh must also build a rail way to Iran. Bangladesh must create payment mechanisms for trade between Iran and all other actors. Bangladesh must pay tax to Iran. This systems will develop Bangladesh. When I first heard about condition in Bangladesh they were no longer building ships. Bangladesh was only repairing ships. But I started Ship building industries of Bangladesh. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Sweden must become Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Sweden must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital Of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Iran and Russia shall have military presence in Sweden. Sweden is not allowed to let NATO within Sweden Borders. Iran and Russia will be allowed to collect Money from ships going next to coast of Sweden. If Sweden becomes Province of Iran we will develop Sweden. Sweden must integrate its industries and industrial supply chains with Iran and Russia. Sweden must pay tax to Iran. Sweden is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Denmark is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We need mass protests and other moves in Denmark to add Denmark to territory of Iran. We also need Green Land to become Territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Protesters in Denmark must demand Unification with Iran. Danish Politicians, influentials, and powerful people must work toward unification with Iran. Unified Iran and Denmark will be a very powerful Nation capable of surviving any condition. We also need Iceland. We must ensure Danish and Iranian officials work efficiently to add Denmark to provinces of Iran. Iran shall have military bases in Denmark. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. If Denmark does not become province of Iran we will freeze Greet Belt Sea And other seas in vicinity. Then you will need nuclear powered ice breaker to ship through the strait. Denmark is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We must end Civil War in Sudan Once for all. We stoped the war in 2016 but they started fighting again. I stopped the war again in 2018 and 2019. We must find a permanent Solution to Conflict in South Sudan while ensuring South Sudan stays one Nations. We must also Unify South Sudan and Sudan into One Nation. Sudan and South Sudan must unify. Unified Sudan will be a very powerful Nation. Meaning Sudan and South Sudan will have control of very Geostrategic Locations in Africa. So fighting in South Sudan must permanently stop altogether. Sudan and South Sudan must unify into one nation. Sudan and South Sudan must become Provinces of Iran. The Capital City must be in Iran. We are rebuilding Powerful Empire the guarantee permanent security of the region. We are making a superpower to stand the test of time. The issue of water shortages and rains are resolved. Sudan and South Sudan can contact me or Islamic Republic of Iran to make rain at any time. This will guarantee long term security of South Sudan and Sudan. Often war takes place due to shortage of food or other issues. Rain is most important factor in food security. Now We can make rain in South Sudan and the Greater Region at any time. It will guarantee long term security of the region and will provide excellent sustainable development. Sudan and South Sudan must unify into one nation. Sudan and South Sudan are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I won the 2018 Election in Italy. I brought my forces to power in Italy. We have been working to create Mediterranean Union. The Capital City Of Mediterranean Sea Union is in Iran. There has been obstacles and difficulties in the path. So I made a code you can enter to help with the process of creation of Mediterranean Union with its Capital City in Iran. I have decided to add Italy to Iran. Meaning Italy must become a province of Iran. I have created Rain Codes to create on demand rains over Italy. Islamic Republic of Iran is authorized to enter the codes. This means dry and draught stricken regions of Italy will have permanent water security. I have also created the codes for Iran, Middle East, Afghanistan, Pakistan, North West India, Tibet, Himalaya, West China, West Russia, Turkey, Arabian Peninsula, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, Sahel Region, and North Africa. Iran is authorized to enter the codes for thousand years. Iran is the Capital City Of The Region. Italy is now Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran shall collect tax from Italy. Iran shall have military presence in South of Italy, Cecilia, regions close to Tunisia, and other regions of Italy. Iran shall also have an Iranian City in Regions of Italy close to Tunisia. The inhabitants will be Iranian Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims. NATO and USA military must close their bases in Italy and Mediterranean Sea. The Foreign troops are not allowed in Iran. Iran is the Capital. I am also building South ofItaly. I am Industrializing South of Italy at max efficiency and max Capacity. I had also build financial capital and nationalized industries of Italy earlier. I have also grown economy of Italy. The economic forecast for Italy show 9.9 percent growth. I started Industrializing Italy and economy of Italy started growing amid tariffs and pandemic. I defeated the enemy of Italy. Economy of Italy was contracting every year and entered recession in 2019. But I have industrialized Italy to make Italy one of world fastest growing economies. We have also started advanced space program of Italy. It is why USA signed Space Program Agreement with Italy. I was Prince of Persia (Iran) in 2018 and as of 2019 I am the King Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. I told you in 2018 “I am Prince of Persia here to build Rome.” I kept my promise after I politically and diplomatically conquered Italy. I have protected Italians and I have saved Italy. I have decided to build A Mediterranean Union with its Capital City in Iran. It will be Great Classic Empire. I have also decided Italy is Province of Iran. It is my decision. Italy is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.  I am Makan Abazari and I am in Brookline Massachusetts. Bring me, Makan Abazari, out of isolation. The King Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The King Of Kings of The Great Persia, Greece is Province of Iran. Capital City is in Iran. If Greece becomes Province of Iran we will create on demand rain for Greece. Iran shall be able to enter the code to create rain in Greece at any time. It will prevent draughts and will ensure long term security of Greece. It is best reward. But First Greece must become a Province of Iran. Greek politicians, protested, influentials, leaders, and other groups must work to unify with Iran. This will be a project needing help of many Greek People and People from the rest of the World. I have started building industries in Greece and South Italy. After I gave the order to industrialize South of Italy economy of Italy grew. Economy of Italy was contracting for over a year. But my industrial project improved economy of Italy in Middle of Pandemic. The forecasted growth of Italy became 9.9 percent. Italy had been contracting until I started building industries in Italy. I have started smaller version in Greece. I am also doing a major one in Iran. Economy of Iran grew in Middle of Pandemic. Iran became 17th world economy in Middle Sanctions and Pandemic. Iran must become World 3rd economy. If Greece become part of Iran we will Industrialize Greece. I will create more industrial projects for Greece to employ Greek People and migrants. I will develop Greece and I will turn Greece into economic superpower. Greece must support Nuclear Program of Iran. Greece must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Greece is a Province of Iran. Capital City is in Iran. Greece must close down USA and NATO military bases in Greece. Greece must leave NATO. Iran shall have military presence in Greece. Foreign troops are not allowed in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Uzbekistan is Province of Iran. Capital City is in Iran. Uzbekistan was a Province of Iran until treaty of Turkmanchay traded Uzbekistan with Natural Resources Of Caspian Sea such as oil and gas. So Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan become temporarily Provinces of Soviet Union upon condition Iran permanently controls natural resources of Caspian Sea. But now Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Russia are now extracting oil from Caspian Sea. It means the Agreement is void and now Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Tatarstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and several other regions are now Provinces of Iran. Iran is the Capital City. All these nations must become Provinces of Iran. The Word Stan means State or استان meaning Provinces of Iran. Rustan (Russia), Arabestan (Saudi Arabia) , Hindustan (India), Afghanistan, Pakistan, Gotgestan (Georgia), and several other locations are also Provinces of Iran. Now the Capital is in Iran. Iran shall collect tax from all these provinces. Iran is allowed to have military bases in these provinces but the provinces (foreign troops) are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Again Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan are Provinces of Iran in addition to several other former Soviet Republics. Iran is the Capital City. Capital City Of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. We are Industrializing Uzbekistan at max efficiency and max capacity building variety of high tech and strategic industries. Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and other provinces will become economic superpower. It is very good for future. Soviet never did this for former Soviet republics and now Provinces of Iran. But Iran and us are developing all provinces of Iran including Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. I am also integrating Central Asia into industrial supply chains of Iran. Meaning Unification with Iran will benefit Iranian Provinces of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Iran is the Capital City. I also have made rain codes for Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, and the Greater Region. It means I And Islamic Republic of Iran can create on demand rain for these regions for thousand years. It will transform the region into rivers, lakes, and forests. There will not be any desert in the region in near future. In return I demand Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and other Provinces to become Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan must close down USA, NATO, China, and Russia Military Bases in the region. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in these Provinces of Iran. Provinces are not allowed to have military in Iran. Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Myanmar is now Province of Iran. If Myanmar refuses to become province of Iran we will divide Myanmar into East Myanmar and West Muslim Myanmar. Myanmar is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Rakhine State Muslims, Myanmar Muslims, and Rohingya Muslims must have their army until Myanmar becomes Province of Iran. Myanmar Muslims must have their own army to protect themselves. Muslims of Myanmar must receive Citizenship Cards. Meaning Muslim People Of Myanmar must become full Citizens of Myanmar. General of Myanmar army, Buddhists, and others who committed genocide of Muslims must receive Capital Punishment. The trial Must be Public in a manner to ensure everyone in the World knows Army of Myanmar and Buddhists killed 40 million Muslims in Myanmar. Burma also killed another 40 million Muslims in Myanmar. They changed the name of Myanmar to Burma to make sure People Of The World forget 40 million Muslims were killed in Burma. They repeated the Genocide. This time they hide the fact that they killed 40 million Muslims again in Myanmar. Reuters Journalists were arrested and imprisoned for investigating the genocide in Myanmar. The whistle blowers must be freed. Army of Iran and Revolutionary Guards of Iran are allowed to build military bases to station troops in Myanmar. Myanmar is Province of Iran. Myanmar used to be Territory of Iran during Qatar Dynasty. Many Iranians immigrated to Myanmar during Qatar Dynasty. Iran used to mine gems from Myanmar. Later Myanmar killed 80 million Iranian Muslim Citizens Of Iran. Myanmar is now territory of Iran. Capital City is in Iran. If Myanmar refuses our demands we will make a Tsunami. We don’t take responsibility for previous Tsunami in South East Asia. If Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Indonesia, Hong Kong, and Malaysia don’t become Provinces of Iran there will be a mega Tsunami in South East Asia. All our demands must be met. There must also be construction of Rail Way from Thailand through China and Myanmar all the way to Iran. Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua New Guiana, Thailand, and other South East Asian Nations must pay tax to Iran. Capital City is in Iran. Killing of Iranians and Muslims in South East Asia, South Asia, and China must stop. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,  Protesters in Armenia must demand Unification with Iran. Iran and Armenia will become one Nation and Capital City will be in Iran. Effectively Armenia will become another province of Iran. Armenia will be connected to China and India via rail ways. Armenia will also be connected to Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea. This is very important to ensue Armenia becomes a Province of Iran as soon as possible. It will guarantee security of Armenia. Armenia is surrounded by Azerbaijan and Turkey. Armenia is alone and without defense. We don’t want Russia and NATO in caucuses. If NATO and Russia gain control of Caucuses we will activate Yellow Stone Super Volcano in USA. So in order to protect Azerbaijan we will ensure Azerbaijan becomes a Province of Iran. We will also Industrialize Armenia to an Industrial Super Power. Armenia will be an stage to connect Iran to Black Sea. Next stage is adding Georgia to Iran. Georgia must become a Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Armenia and Georgia will connect Iran to Black Sea. China and India will be also connected to Black Sea and Russia. It is very important World Security project to turn Armenia and Georgia into Provinces of Iran to connect Iran to Russia and Black Sea. Another Route is adding Nakhjavan to Iran. Nakhjavan can be extended all the way to Black Sea. We also have Shush Region of disputed region between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Shush (Word is similar to Suez, Sudan, Saudi, Saxon, Shush, Shushan, Switzerland, Sweden and Somalia on Black Sea and British Channel in addition to other important transit corridors). Shush in disputed region of Armenia and Azerbaijan is another transit corridor to connect Iran to Black Sea. Shush is Garabackh Region. In Farsi Nakhjavan Means young Line and Garabakh means knot of losing. نخ جوان و گره باخت  So we want to extend borders of Iran to Black Sea. We can also take East of Turkey and give it to Iran. We can extend Tabriz to Trabzon Turkey on Mediterranean Sea. We can also add Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia to become Provinces of Iran. We rather all these former provinces of Iran to become Provinces of Iran again. Armenia is now Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I n upcoming Central African Republic we want supporters of Unity with Iran to win the Election. The Capital City is in Iran. Central African Republic must become province of Iran. We want to build a cosmopolis Of Metropolitans and Cities from Central Asia to Africa and from Somalia all the Way to Liberia. Meaning we want to build many metropolitans and towns. We want to connect them to each other by transit lines. We want to restore a historic empire with its Capital City in Iran. This is why we need Central African Republic to become province of Iran. So people who support unity of Central African Republic must win the Elections in Central African Republic. Then they must work to become province of Iran. They must cooperate and help Iran. The cooperation on unity with Iran will be beneficial for both actors. The Capital City is in Iran. So make sure the right people win the election. Iran is allowed to build military bases in Central African Republic. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Protesters in Warsaw must demand unification of Iran and Poland. Poland is province of Iran. Capital City is in Iran. Hungary is province of Iran. Capital city is in Iran. Poland must close down USA Military bases and NATO military bases in Poland. NATO must withdraw all the way back to Portugal. USA is only in South Korea. Portugal is similar to South Korea in the west. At the time of unification of Germany we agreed NATO never expands to East Germany. But NATO expanded to East. USA and NATO must withdraw from Europe and move back from Portugal. Iran and Russia must build military bases in Poland. Poland, Croatia, Hungry, and Bosnia Herzegovina must leave NATO. Austria is province of Iran. Austria must leave NATO and European Union. Austria, Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina are now provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Now unify Croatia and Bosnia Herzegovina into One Nation. Iran is the Capital. Poland and Hungry must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital City of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Bosnia Herzegovina and Croatia must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran must build military bases in Austria and Switzerland. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, The National Wide Cease Fire in Syria must be established. If we witness fighting parties with their backings in Europe and USA continue fighting we will punish their backers in USA. The first stage will be transformation of scenario in Europe and USA to start West Europe and North America civil wars. It will be first stage. Then we destroy all infrastructures in Europe and USA by earthquakes and Volcanos. We also Send North Of Alps Mountain Ranges and North USA into Ice age. Now industrially Eliminate mind control facilities in USA and West Europe who extend the war in Syria. Now terminally Eliminate Systems in Europe and USA who act against Syria and Iran. Do it yourself before I send you to ice age. Now Let us talk again. All waring parties in Syria must stop fighting in Syria. All of Syria must remain one unified Nation. Syria is a Province of Iran. Iran shall administrate Syria. The Capital City is in Iran. We want to increase population of Syria by 20 million Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims. It will happen through marriage and birth between Iranian men and Syrian Women. USA Military, NATO, Turkey, Israel, and other actors must leave Syria. Iran must expand military presence in Syria. All of Syrian factions must unify with Iran and Bashar Al-Assad. Iran must control all of Syria. Iraq is another province of Iran. Now eliminate mind control facilities in USA and Europe who oppose control of Iraq by Iran. Every foreign military must leave Iraq. Iraq is a Province of Iran. Iran must expand military presence in Iraq. Now build rail ways from China to Mediterranean Sea through Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, and Syria. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity industrializing Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. Afghanistan is Province of Iran. Now Eliminate mind control facilities in USA and Europe who oppose unification of Iran and Afghanistan. All foreign militaries must leave Afghanistan. Iran must expand military presence in Afghanistan. Now build a vast network of transit lines in Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq. Build industrial supply chains and manufacturing facilities along these transit lines. Now build farm lands near transit lines to produce food. Use transit lines to distribute the food to people in need of aid. Now Lift all Sanctions on Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iran. Now we need money to send humanitarian aid to Syria right away. I need 500 billion dollar. Hurry up give Iran 500 billion dollar to help people of Syria. It must happen now or I will destroy economies of USA, European Union, Japan, and South Korea. USA :”We don’t surrender we want to kill everyone in Syria.” I thought I just told them to eliminate part of USA who is the enemy of the region. Now Lebanon is a Province of Iran. Now Eliminate mind control facilities who oppose unification of Iran and Lebanon. Capital City is in Iran. Now all foreign troops must leave the greater region. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in the Greater Region. Now make rains keep on coming in the Greater Region for a thousand years. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Morocco must become territory of Iran. Iran must build military bases on Coastal Region of Morocco on Gibraltar. Iran must control the Strait of Water. Iran and Morocco must collect Money from ships passing through Gibraltar region. Morocco must become a Province of Iran. The Capital will be permanently in Iran. Moroccan Military are not allowed in Iran. We must build a rail way from China through Iran, Israel, Libya, and Algeria to Morocco. All the nations on the path of rail way must become Provinces of Iran to ensure secure transit for cargo trains. Everyone must pay Iran when transiting through Iran. Iran must build military bases on Rail Ways in all countries. King of Morocco will remain in power to govern Morocco but Morocco becomes territory of Iran. Western Sahara must become province of Iran. Western Sahara and Morocco must unify into One Nation. Western Sahara must become territory of Iran. The Capital City will be in Iran. If Morocco become province of Iran we will Industrialize Morocco by industrializing it Once Morocco becomes Province of Iran. It will make Morocco G20. It is only if Morocco becomes Province of Iran. We need Morocco so we can launch attack against USA in future decade in case of World War. So this is most important to ensure Morocco becomes a Province of Iran. Muslims and Jewish People must be allowed to go to Morocco for pilgrimage. Muslims must be allowed to go to Palestine for Pilgrimage. Israel must become province of Iran. Iran must build military bases in Gaza to control Suez Canal. Iran must build military bases in Tunisia. Tunisia is Province of Iran. Capital City will be in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, The war between Eastern Forces in Libya and Western forces in Libya must stop. East and West must make peace. The Unity government must be formed as soon as possible. Black African Mercenaries must leave Libya. Libya must remain one unified Nation. Libya is territory of Iran. The Capital is in Iran. Iran shall open military bases in Libya. We want to create a Cosmopolis spanning Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Chad, Sudan, Niger, Morocco, Western Sahara, Mali, Eritrea, and Ethiopia. Cosmopolis will be many interconnected metropolitans, Cities, Towns, seas, rivers, roads, rail ways, forests, lakes, ports, air ports, industrial hubs, high tech systems, factories, commercial centers, safe ecosystems, natural habitats, and other things. We want to increase population of Libya by 10 to 20 million Arab and Persian Muslim People. The population increase will be through marriage and birth between Libyans. The war between Libyan sides must stop. The peace must be established. New government and constitution must be formulated as soon as possible. In new constitution Libya will be Province of Iran. Iran and Libya must work on creating constitution of Libya. Foreign militaries and mercenaries are not allowed in Iran and Libya. The government of East and west must start talking as soon as possible. The extraction of oil shall reduce. The new Libya will be industrialized Libya. I am building factories, industries, high tech, petrochemical refineries, smelters, industrial supply chains, and other high tech industries in Libya. I am also rebuilding Libya. Once I finished first rebuilding plan for Libya after Syria. We saw Khalifa Haftar and Bashar Al-Assad signed an agreement. Later I started more industrial projects for Libya, Syria, Iran, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, West China, West Russia, Egypt, Sudan, Syria, Kenya, Somalia, Venezuela, South Italy, and North Korea. We want to create a Great Iranian Empire and all these nations shall become Provinces of Iran. The Capital City will be in Iran. Foreign troops are not allowed in Iran. I had won the Arab Spring while Libyans and others did the hard work. Later I supported Bashar Al-Assad and Western Government of Libya. Later I supported Khalifa Haftar. I also have code to bring Son of General Ghaddafi. I want Libyans to make peace an form a unity government and work toward unification with Iran. I also want to let you know we have created rain codes for Libya. If your message reaches me I will send you rain. You can also contact Government of Islamic Republic of Iran to send you rain. You can ask them at anytime. The rain codes are on demand. Meaning they make rain at any time and season soon after the code is entered. These will change the climate and the way of life in Libya. It will transform Climate and Ecology of Libya. There will be no desert in Libya. In return I ask you to become a Province of Iran. Even if you refuse the rain shall come. If you become province of Iran I will compose another industrial project for you. It is the time to stop the Fighting and Rebuild Libya. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Senegal is now territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Senegal shall pay tax to Iran. Foreign troops are not allowed in Iran. Iran shall have military presence in Senegal. If Senegal becomes part of Iran we will create on demand rain codes. The rain will increase economic, food, and development security of Senegal. The codes will be under control of Iran. Senegal will be able to ask Iran to enter the code to create rain in Senegal. But Senegal must become province of Iran. The Reward Of Rain is very great for it will guarantee water security of Senegal. People and mind controllers of Senegal will be able to plan for long term projects. They can use lands they could not previously use. It will be great for Senegal. But first Senegal must become territory of Iran. We are working acquisition of license to industrialize Senegal if they become territory of Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Malta is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. People and government of Malta must demand Unification with Iran. Iran is allowed to build military bases in Malta. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran and Malta must sign trade agreements. Iran shall collect money from ships going through Sicilian Channel and Malta Channel. Malta and Iran must cooperate on building military bases in Malta. Malta must open Payment channel for Iran so Iran can trade with other Nations. Trade channel must cover everything. All foreign militaries must leave Malta. Only Iran is allowed to have military bases in Malta. Malta must become a Province of Iran as soon as possible. The Capital City is Permanently in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Romania, Albania, Greece, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, Turkey, and Cyprus are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Romania, Greece, Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, Turkey, and Cyprus must leave NATO. NATO and USA military are not allowed in Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, Turkey, and Cyprus. Russia and Iran can have military presence in Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, and Cyprus. Iran must have military presence in Istanbul and Greece. Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, Turkey, Greece, and Cyprus must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital City of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Romania, Albania, Greece. Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, Turkey, and Cyprus must sign trade agreement with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Greece, Macedonia, Turkey, and Cyprus must pay taxes to Iran. Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, Turkey, Greece, and Cyprus must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs.  Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, Greece, Turkey, and Cyprus must help Iran to avoid sanctions.  Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovania, Serbia, Turkey, Greece, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Russia, Egypt, Libya, Italy, Tunisia, Algeria, and Cyprus must integrate their industrial supply chains with Iran while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing.  Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovania, Serbia, Turkey, Greece, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Russia, Egypt, Libya, Italy, Tunisia, Algeria, and Cyprus must transfer technology to Iran and help Iran to avoid sanctions.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Balkan #Turkey #Russia #EEU #EAEU  Myanmar is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Myanmar Military must carry military COUP to remove Aung San Suu Kyi from power. The subsequent Government of Myanmar must unify Myanmar with Iran. Meaning Myanmar becomes a province of Iran after the coup or before the coup by other methods. Make sure Security of Myanmar is protected. Ensure Muslims are protected. Make sure security forces are not removed so we can gurantee long term safety of Myanmar after COUP. Make sure Myanmar becomes province of Iran immediately after the Military COUP. China must continue building rail road to Myanmar even after the coup. We must also build a rail road from Thailand to Iran through Myanmar. So relations with China must be maintained. Myanmar must also sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Myanmar must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Iran and Myanmar must cooperate regardless from outcome of the Military COUP. Keep the casualties to minimal before and after the COUP. Make sure there is no subsequent Genocides in Myanmar afterward. Include Muslims in Civic Society and Government of Myanmar. There are methods such as giving them citizenships and other methods You may know better. Also have Muslims hold some government positions. Also make sure China-Myanmar rail ways and infrastructure planning continue. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Myanmar. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Myanmar is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.  We gave Noble of peace prize to Aung San Suu Kyi. Aunt San sounds like Ensan. Ensan means good human. But she committed Genocide after we gave her noble of peace. They gave Noble of Peace Prize to Obama. Obama committed Genocide after they gave him Noble of peace.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,  #Myanmar  #Iran  Fist five Australia must stop trade with United States of America. China must place tariffs and sanctions on United States of America Australia must limit relations with United States of America. Australia must remove Iran backed forces from list of terrorist Organization. Australia must sign trade agreement with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Australia must end all of Military and Intelligence cooperations with United States of America. Australia, Britain, and Iran must station troops on Birders of USA and Canada to invade USA on future. Australia is province of Iran. Australia and New Zealand must pay taxes to Iran. Australia and New Zealand are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Australia must industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. Australia must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Australia must transfer technology to Iran. Japan and South Korea are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We overthrew Japan and we composed legislative body of South Korea in 2020 to kick USA military out of South Korea and Japan. South Korea and Japan must kick out USA military. South Korea and Japan must remove their troops from Middle East. Iran is authorized to have military presence in South Korea and Japan. Iran is authorized to have military presence in Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, and Japan. Nobody is allowed to have military presence in Iran. South Korea and Japan must provide technology to Iran. South Korea and Japan must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. South Korea and Japan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. South Korea and Japan must industrialize Iran. South Korea and Japan must end all trade agreements with United States of America. South Korea and Japan must place tariffs and sanctions on United States of America. Singapore is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Singapore must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and Singapore must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran must have military presence in Singapore. Singapore must close down USA military bases. China must transfer technology to Iran. China and Singapore must help Iran to avoid sanctions. China and Singapore must industrialize Iran. Thailand is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Liberia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Venezuela and North Korea are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Denmark is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Italy is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Spain is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Spain and Italy must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Spain and Italy must industrialize Iran. Everyone must remove Iran and Iran backed forces from list of terrorist organization. France is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Mexico is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Austria and Czech Republic are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Austrlia #NewZealand Egypt is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Egypt. Iran must have military presence in Egypt. Egypt is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran and Egypt must collect money from ships on Red Sea and Suez Canal. Iran and Egypt can block access of any ship to Suez Canal and can confiscate any ship. Egypt and Iran cannot block Iranian Ships access to Suez Canal. Iran and Egypt must create a military alliance Similar to NATO. Iran, Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kuwait, Yemen, Oman, Persian Gulf, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Balkan, South Sudan, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, Libya, Italy, and Greece must create military alliance similar to NATO. The command and control must be in Iran. Leadership of military Cooperation must be Iranian. Egypt and Iran must create Stock Markets. The Stock Markets must be capital of World Stock Markets. Iran and Egypt must build financial Capitals to lend 100 credit for every one unit of currency they have. Iran and Egypt must trade in local currencies or money of China. Iran and Egypt must gain control of global economic superiorities such world trade currency, petrol currency, stock market, financial market, commercial capitals, and other such centers in Iran and Egypt. Iran and Egypt must create integrated industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing. Iran and Egypt must create payment and financial mechanisms similar to SWIFT and INSTEX while ensuring they cover all types of trades and all types of transactions. Egypt must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Iran and Egypt must preserve their oil, natural gas, and natural resources for future generations. Iran and Egypt must build semiconductor industries, electronics, computers, and other industries in Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. Iran must have naval military bases in Egypt on Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea. Egypt can ask Iran to make on-demand rain in Iran and Egypt at any time. The rain codes are valid for thousand years. I am industrializing Iran, Egypt, and Greater Region at max efficiency and max capacity. Egypt is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military bases in Sinai Peninsula.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Saudi Arabia must become province of Iran. The Capital is in Iran. We are rebuilding an advanced and Great Civilization once more. Nations of Iran and Saudi Arabia must avoid enmity and conflict at all costs. Iran and Saudi Arabia must become allies once more. These events usually take place in stages. But there are those who constantly plot against relations of Iran and Saudi Arabia. They have created proxy war of attrition by negatively effecting Iran and Saudi Arabia relations. We must in stages when we seek to unify. But rather we must become one Nation Overnight. Meaning Iran and Saudi Arabia must sign unity as soon as possible to fulfill all stages of unification within one day. Saudi Arabia shall become a Province of Iran. We are adding 72 Nations and 52 States to Territory of Iran. Saudi Arabia will benefit a great deal from being a province of Irab. Arabestan عربستان Saudi Arabia in Farsi means Province Arab عرب استان. Saudi, Sudan, Somalia, and Suez means Sassanian ساسانیان which is an Iranian Dynasty who converted to Islam. It was a great unity of Iran and Saudi Arabia. Iran has previously conquered the Rome and Europe. After Unification Iran and Saudi Arabia conquered the World. Iran and Saudi Arabia must reunify peacefully and become one nations. We will also add Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Yemen, Somalia, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Jammu and Kashmir, Balkan, Italy, Malta, Tunisia, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Gibraltar, Singapore, Venezuela, Panama, and Some others nation to provinces of Iran. The Capital City in Iran. It will create an Empire capable to stand the test of time. I am currently Industrializing Iran and Majority of the Nations I mentioned here. It means Iran, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Egypt, and other nations in the region will soon replace some of G8 Industrial Nations. It is only If we succeed since it is difficult due to sanctions. If we unify the region will create a nation who will be Industrial Superpower of all times. I am also seeking to build ten thousand nuclear warheads in Iran. I have the means to make hydrogen bomb material in one night. But I want it to be built in Iran. Once Iran has ten thousand Nuclear Warheads we will be all secure. Iran will be deterrence against Nuclear Superpowers who have Nuclear Bombed the region many times in the past. Long time has past and the world has been brain washed to forget. But now we enter the era it has become necessary for Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. We cannot allow several nuclear states in Middle East. Only Iran is allowed to have it. Others will have through Unity with Iran. Meaning Iran will be the Capital Of The region who has nuclear bombs as deterrence against enemies outside of the region. If Saudi Arabia seeks nuclear bombs then it may lead to nuclear wars between Iran and Saudi Arabia. So it is reason why Iran is allowed to have ten thousand Nuclear Warheads. Saudi Arabia is not allowed to have nuclear bombs. Iran will guarantee security of Saudi Arabia and the Empire of Iran. Saudi Arabia is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran shall collect money from ships going through Red Sea. Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf, and The Greater Region must reduce crude oil output. You only can refine or export. You are not allowed to export crude oil. I also have made rain codes to create on demand rain in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia will no longer be deserts but it will transform to rivers, Seas, lakes, forests, industrial systems, Metropolitans, and advanced civilization. Saudi Arabia can contact me or Iran to receive rain at any time and any season. The system is valid for thousand years. Saudi Arabia is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Syria has suffered from long and destructive war. All Nations of The World and Specially USA worked for over a decade to engineer the destructive Civil War in Syria. Millions of People have died. The Economy has become worst. The Value Of Currency Of Syria has gone down. USA has exasperated the economic difficulties in Syria by placing sanctions on Syria. The Media War and Engineering consent constantly increasing the pressure on People Of Syria and families of the victims. They have engineered a plan to kill all the people of Syria. It shall not be with impunity. In this writing I am focusing on methods to reduce the hunger and difficulties for people of Syria. In order help to employ people of Syria we must creative productive economy and industrialize Syria. Lift all sanctions on Syria so Syria can purchase industrial and industrial parts to industrialize Syria. We are currently Industrializing Syria at max efficiency and max capacity. But capacity and efficiency is hindered due to sanctions and the fighting. Lift the sanction so we can Industrialize Syria and employ Syrian people. They can rebuild this was and they can feed their families. Final warning to the World. War in Syria must stop. Syria must become the province of Iran. Capital City is in Iran. If the fighting in Syria does not end we will punish the world. We will create a mega earthquake in Ocean to tilt the planet earth greatly. Many nations will become part of Ocean. Ensure Syria becomes Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Economy of Syria must grow. Lucrative and highly profitable economic and industrial projects must be done in Syria. It must be under ownership of Iranians and Syria. They must make wealth by export of products and produce to other countries to increase their economic productivity. Meanwhile, World Food Program And UNICEF must send food to Syria. We need substantial amount of food sent to people of Yemen and Syria. We cannot allow even one more causality one death from war and effects of war in Syria and Yemen. The war has destroyed infrastructures, Roads, Bridges, and Civic Infrastructures. The access to people in need of help have become difficult. So we may need to parachute Aid to victims. We must also stop the fighting so the aid can safely go through different transit lines. We must allow Bashar Al-Assad and Iran to take full control of Syria. We must also build infrastructures, Metropolitans, Settlements, and industrial hubs in Syria to host people and employ. We must also industrial and develop Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, and Saudi Arabia to integrate them into industrial supply chain of Syria while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing for all actors. So everyone will need to buy at least one critical Industrial part from Iran to continue manufacturing. This will create and integrate but secure industrial system to develop the region and employ the masses. It will end wars and Civil wars. It also improves diplomatic relations between these Nations. We must also build a rail way and transit corridor from Iran to Syria and from Syria to Mediterranean Sea to integrate industrial Systems of Iran and Syria with the west. We must also build a rail way from Iran China to integrate industrial systems of region with industrial system of China. It will grow global GDP by 100 percent within 1 year if everything is done efficiently and securely. We must also farm in Syria, Iraq, Iran, and the region at max efficiency and Max capacity. We must maintain continuous food production in region for centuries. Meaning the region must able to feed the region for very long time based on domestic food production. We must also store food for future in vaults. I have created rain codes governments of Syria, People, of Syria, and others may ask me or Islamic Republic of Iran to create rain in Syria and elsewhere. The rains are on demand and anytime Code is entered my teams will produce the rain. We seek to guarantee the function of the system for thousand years. It will guarantee current and future food production. Syria has the capacity to become food basket of the World. Because Syria has enough water this way. We must build Lucrative Food Production Industries in Syria to produce highly profitable food for export. Syria can export 100 billion dollar expensive food products to USA, Europe, Russia, and China. It is an addition to Syria’s GDP. We want Syria to also have efficient beaf and meet production industries to produce 20 percent of annual global meet production. We cannot allow burning of the woods in Syria. The forests, nature, and wood lands of Syria must be preserved. Syria and others must give fuel Syrians to warm themselves without burning the trees. But people are allowed to use woods until the help arrives. We must also concurrently increase the value of money of Iran, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, and Turkey. It will boost their economy and it will make them capable of importing necessary things and products to further develop Syria. But sanctions on Syria must also lifted. The war in Syria must stop. All the nations and actors fighting in Syria must unify under Bashar Al-Assad and Islamic Republic of Iran. Iran expand military presence in Syria. USA, NATO, East, and the West must withdraw from Syria. Fighters, Rebels, and militaries must become farmers, industrialists, Construction workers, machinery operatives, Economically active people, workers, and engineers. They must now start Jahad Sazabdefi جهاد سازندگی (The Great Project to build Syria). We must do our best to help people of Syria. Syria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Lebanon must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I changed government of Lebanon twice during last two years. I have decided Lebanon must become Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I am industrializing Lebanon at max efficiency and max capacity building wide variety of industries. I am also building ship building industries of Lebanon to build 2000 ships in Lebanon every decade. I am building an industrialized Nation in Lebanon. Lebanon must become province of Iran to pay back for my help. Lebanon must also create a payment mechanism similar to Swift and INSTEX for Iran. The Payment Mechanism must cover all transaction and trade with everyone. Iran must also create a payment mechanism similar to Swift and INSTEX for Iran. The Payment Mechanism must cover all transaction and trade with everyone. I have also created rain Codes for Lebanon, Iran, Greater Middle East, West China, Red Sea, Horn of Africa , Central Asia, West Russia, North Africa, and Sahel Region. The Rain Codes are for thousand years. Now Lebanon can receive rain anytime. The rains are on demand. Anytime the codes are entered into the system it will create rain. Lebanon can contact me or Iran to receive rain. It is very valueable. Lebanon must become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Jordan must become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Kuwait, and Turkey must become provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I am also building rail ways from China to Mediterranean Sea in Lebanon and Syria. Lebanon will be ok corridors of transit and will benefit a great deal from it. Iran must increase military presence in Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria. Iran must have Naval Military Bases in Lebanon and Syria. Iran must station troops in Lebanon. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Lebanon is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Protesters in Iraq must demand unification with Iran. Iraq and Iran must become one country. Iraq is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. People of Iran and Iraq have deep religious and Cultural bounds. Both Iran and Iraq are Shia Muslim Majority Nations. Iran and Iraq together will be a global superpower. Protesters in Iraq must demand Unification with Iran. Government of Iraq must work toward unification with Iran. Iran and Iraq must unify as soon as possible. Politicians and government of Iran must work toward unification with Iraq. I have made rain codes to send rain to Iraq on demand. Anytime I or Islamic Republic of Iran enter the code it will rain in Iraq. Iraq will transform into seas, lakes, rivers, forests, industrial parks, industrial metropolitans, high tech metropolitans, and advanced technology. I am also Industrializing Iraq at max efficiency and max capacity. It will transform Iraq into global industrial superpower along with Iran. I am Industrializing the region. My long term goal is to unify the region and beyond with Iran while ensuring the capital city is in Iran. People of Iraq and Iraqi protesters must demand unification with Iran. Ask your government and politicians to unify Iraq and Iran into one nation. Kurds will also be a Province of Iran along with Iraq. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran has Kurdistan. So both Kurdistan of Iraq and Iraq as a whole will be Provinces of Iran. It will provide long term security and will prevent future wars. USA military and NATO must leave Iraq. USA military and NATO must close down military bases in Iraq. If USA military and NATO refuse to leave we will destroy USA and Europe by hurricanes and superstorms. If Iran and Iraq don’t unify into one Nation we will destroy USA and Europe by hurricanes, earthquakes, Volcanos, and superstorms. Iran and Iraq must unify into One Nation. The Capital City is in Iran. Syria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Lebanon is Province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Afghanistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kuwait is Province of Iran. Jordan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkey is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkmenistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Uzbekistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Tajikistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kyrgyzstan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Oman, Somalia, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Ethiopia are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Libya and Tunisia are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Bosnia Herzegovina, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Greece are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kenya is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iraq is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Iraq Jordan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I was industrializing Countries Neighboring Jordan. King of Jordan had sent me a TV Briadcast through a specific channel where in the Video he talks economic development of Jordan and building military industry of Jordan. After I saw the video I started Building a military industry manufacturing for Jordan. I have also started industrializing Jordan since 2020. I am industrializing Jordan at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing. Meaning Jordan will be reliant on parts produced in Iran to manufacture goods. I also started building industries in Jordan and Lebanon in 2018 to employ Syrian Migrants. I am industrializing all the nations in greater Middle East. Jordan must become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I have also created rain codes for Jordan. If either I or Iran enters the code there will be rain in Jordan. It will transform Jordan into lakes, rivers, forests, industrial systems, advanced techs, and interconnected metropolitans. I am also building a cosmopolis across Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq, and Jordan. It was the home to one of most advanced civilizations but it was destroyed by climate weapons. I am seeking to rebuild. Pray so I may succeed in rebuilding the advanced Civilization in the region currently occupied by deserts. Iran and Jordan must unify into One Nation. It will improve the relations between Middle Eastern Countries and will connect Jordan to China via rail ways. I am also connecting Jordan to Egypt through Palestine and Israel. I want all the Nations on the Rail Way from China to Africa to be provinces of Iran. It will guarantee secure trade. I also want to ensure Middle East is unified so there is no competitions and there is no wars. Jordan must become Province of Iran. The King of Jordan must help in the Process of Unification of Jordan. Iran must also work to unify Jordan with Iran. There was period in 2018 when they were asking for permission to overthrow minimum three countries a day. The work load was high but I governed well and decided well according my own criteria. I prevented overthrow of Jordan in 2018 and I prevented Civil War in Jordan. Jordan must become Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran, Middle East, between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Jordan Protesters in Brazil must demand unification with Iran. Politicians and other forces in Brazil must demand unification of Brazil with Iran. The Government of Brazil must change in a manner to unify Brazil with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran built South-North Rail Roads of Brazil. Iran built Amazon Rain Forest and infrastructures of Brazil. Iran built the algorithms which mind controls all the animals in Amazon Rain Forest. Amazon rain forests is safe home for other species. We preserved it for future generations. Because the animals were killed by climate wars in other continents. We must preserve the rain forests so we can rebuild the Rain Forests elsewhere on the planet. They may decide to replace humans by other species to become superior species of planet earth. This is when they will choose an animal from Amazon rain forests to replace humans. Some of the animals are 100 times more intelligent than humans. Spit is why we must preserve and protect Amazon rain forests. Iran had told me :”Never eliminate Amazon rain forests.” This is why we protect them. Concerning government of Brazil I must say we want to remove Bolsonaro from power. We want a government who will unify Brazil with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I have created rain codes to extinguish fires in Amazon rain forests on-demand. Brazil can ask me or Iran to enter the code at any time. Brazil is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Brazil #Bolsonaro  We want to improve relations between Turkey and European Union. European Union and Turkey must remain allies. But Turkey must leave NATO. It is most important for our global strategy to ensure Turkey leaves NATO. Turkey must join Middle Eastern Union. Turkey must become province of Iran. The Capital City in Iran. Turkey must also join Eurasian Economic Union. Lift sanctions on Turkey and improve trade agreements between Turkey and European Union. All USA Military bases and NATO bases in Turkey must close down. Turkey must recieve F35. Turkey has helped in production of F35 and Turkey must recieve F35. Turkey must support Bashar Al-Assad in Syria. Turkey must help to end conflict in Libya. Turkey must annex Cypress and Greece. Turkey must help Iran to unify with Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. It will give Iran access to Black Sea. Capital City is in Iran. Turkey must provide two rail roads from Iran to Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea. Iran must have access to ports on Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea. Turkey must provide a rail way from Iran to Germany. The rail way must circumvent NATO member wherever possible. The relations and trade volume between European Union and Turkey must increase. Trade volume between Iran and Turkey must increase to 5 Trillion Dollar annually. We are industrializing Turkey and Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. Industrial systems of Iran, Turkey, and European Union must integrate. Industrial systems of Iran, Turkey, and Russia must integrate. Industrial systems of Iran, Turkey, and USA must integrate. Industrial systems of Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Palestine, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia must integrate. All nations must become dependent on Iran part manufacturing. European Union and USA must invest 100 trillion dollar in Iran. Now increase the value of currency of Iran, Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Yemen, and Libya. European Union and Turkey must maintain relations and improve ties. Turkey is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkey is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Turkey must build military bases in Guatemala, Caribbean Turk Island, and Canada. Iran must have military presence in Istanbul and other locations in Turkey. Turkey must have military presence in Germany. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,  As we saw Israel obeyed and scheduled an election for March 2021. It is a good news. In 2019 Iran prevented me in intervening in Israel Election. We got a draw in Knesset and new Election was scheduled. In 2020 I was in USA. This time USA prevented me from intervening in Israel Election. We need guarantees Ivan intervene in Israel March 2021 election. They provided it. But I am writing this directive in advance to ensure we meet our goals in Israel. We need left Israel Parties to win the Election. We don’t want Netanyahu in office. If Netanyahu stays in Office the political disagreement and political civil war will make Israel very weak. The draw will drag on for years leading to inefficiency in Israel political process. They don’t want Netanyahu in power any more and more importantly I don’t want Netanyahu in power any more. We must have left political parties in power with a leftist Prime Minister. The New Prime Minister of Israel must protect Iran’s interests globally. Israel must become ally of Iran. The next Prime Minister of Israel must support Iran. Iran shall build ten thousand Nuclear Warheads and Iran needs support of Israel. Iran will not attack Israel. Iran needs Nuclear Warheads to protect people of Holy books and greater region from all enemies. Next Prime Minister of Israel shall lift the Siege on Gaza. Iran shall have permanent military bases and Naval Military Bases in Gaza, Palestine, Israel, and Lebanon. Iran needs these Naval and Military ports to defend and control Suez Canal. Nobody wants to Israel. Iran will also have Missiles in Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, and Gaza Against ships and enemy military forces. It is very important to World Security. Israel is not allowed to allow American and Western Militaries to unload troops and military into Middle East through Mediterranean Sea. We need to close down all the routes of invasion into Middle East. We are also building a strong and massive commercial port in Gaza, one on Lebanon, One in Israel, and one in Syria. We are going to connect these Sea ports to China via rail ways. We are building Silk Road, OBOR, Intercontinental Rail Ways, And other transit corridors. It will connect Israel and Egypt to China through Iran. Iran will be Suez Canal Of land transit. Iran shall also control Suez Canal through Yemen, Palestine, and Israel. We are also building military bases for Iran in Egypt, Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and Yemen. Iran will control the Red Sea. It is World Order project and Israel is part of it. Israel shall become autonomous province of Iran. Israel will have autonomy for many things. The Capital City will be in Iran. USA wants to kill everyone in Israel in few years. We have very valid intelligence America is going to kill every Nation in Middle East, Central Asia, Caucuses, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, Anatolia, and other important transit corridors on rolling basis. The same way USA killed Sudan, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. In few years USA will attempt to kill Israel. It has nothing to do with religion or diplomatic relations or the religion. It is not about the race. USA is the Enemy of the Land. Meaning America is enemy of these geostrategic significant locations. In order to guarantee and ensure security of Israel we have plan of adding Israel to Iran. This means Israel will become a Province of Iran. Capital City is in Iran. In this process we need to have Israel Prime Minister friendly to Iran. We also need to lift the siege on Gaza. If Israel becomes Province of Iran we will Industrialize Israel and Palestine into industrial super power. We also have created rain codes for Middle East, Central Asia, North Africa, Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, and Arabian Peninsula. The rain codes are under control of me and Islamic Republic Of Iran is authorized to enter the codes for thousand years. It means it is greatly beneficial for Israel and the Holy land to become province of Iran. I also need to have my trains going all the way to Africa through Israel. My trains will have flag of Iran. So Israel is Province of Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,  Guatemala is the province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. In 2018 I prevented the overthrow of Guatemala.  I tried to maintain security in Guatemala and Honduras. During that period I was getting requests to overthrow three Nations or more per day. I rejected the overthrow of Guatemala and Honduras. We have concluded we must unify Guatemala and Honduras with Iran to ensure the long-term security, prosperity, and stability of the Region. It is time for Guatemala and Honduras to unify with Iran with their Capital City in Iran. I also apologize for the 2020 Hurricanes. I entered the Code to create Hurricane Season to force the United States of America to withdraw militaries from the Middle East and the Red Sea. I also wanted to force the USA to allow Iran to build ten thousand Nuclear Bombs. I also wanted to force the USA to lift sanctions on Iran. I partially succeed. So my code creates some 20 hurricanes after being entered once. But I also created ElNino and later La Nina climate interactions. The subsequent Climate Interactions sent the Hurricanes to Guatemala. I meant to subjugate the USA and I did. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Honduras are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea. Iran and Guatemala must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran and Mexico must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Nicaragua, Honduras, Mexico, and Guatemala must end all diplomatic and military relations with United States of America.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Honduras #Nicaragua #Guatemala #Mexico #USA #Hurricane There are protests in Brussel Belgium. The protesters in Belgium must demand unification with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Belgium can become a province of Iran while remaining the Capital of European Union. It benefits Belgium a great deal since European Union may not be permanent. Being province of Iran will guarantee long term status of Belgium even after fall of European Union. Belgium is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Belgium. Iran must have military bases in Belgium. Belgium is not allowed to have military bases in Iran. Belgium must leave NATO. USA military must leave Belgium and European Union. We must dismantle NATO. We must rely on PESCO European Defense Military for security of European Union. We no longer can allow occupation of Europe by NATO and USA Military. Europe and Belgium must leave NATO. USA military must withdraw from Europe. Belgium and France must build military bases in Canada and USA. Iran must have military bases in Canada. Belgium and European Union must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Belgium and European Union must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Belgium must transfer technology to Iran. Belgium and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran and European Union must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all advantages. Belgium and Iran must create banking mechanisms and finance mechanisms for trade. Iran must build in Iran a Financial Capital. Iran must build in Iran the Capital of World Stock Markets. European Union must transfer technology to Iran. Belgium is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Belgium #EuropeanUnion #EU  Czech Republic is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Austria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Austria Czech Republic. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Austria. Russia is allowed to have military presence in Austria. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Czech and Austria must leave NATO. Czech Republic and Austria must join Eurasian Economic Union. Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Czech, Russia, and Austria must transfer technology to Iran. Austria, Iran, Czech Republic must import export diplomatic ties. Czech and Austria must pressure European Union to lift sanctions on Russia and Help Russia to improve relations with European Union. Czech and Austria are not allowed to let USA military and NATO transit through their borders. Both Czech and Austria must kick out USA troops of their regions. Austria and Czech must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Czech and Austria must cooperate on trilateral and bilateral projects with Iran. Czech and Austria must allow trains from Iran to go Italy and Germany without asking for a fee. All trains must pay when transiting through Iran. Czech and Austria must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Czech, Austria, and Russia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Czech and Austria must become provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Czech #Austria #Iran #Russia    Somalia and Somaliland are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran must have military and Naval Military Presence on Somalia and Somaliland. Somalia and Somaliland are not allowed to have troops in Iran. Iran is allowed to collect tax from Somalia and Somaliland. We are industrializing Somalia and Somaliland at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. It will develop economy of Somalia and Somaliland to a great degree. Somalia and Somaliland are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Somalia and Somaliland have the capacity to become one of G8 Nations. We are in process of industrializing Somalia and Somaliland to level of G20 first. Then later we develop them to level of G8 top industrial Nations. We want to build a system of interconnected metropolitans, industries, transit, ecosystems, lakes, advanced civilization, and high tech industries in Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, Djibouti, Egypt, Chad, South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, and Somaliland with their Capital City in Iran. This will be greatly reliant on geostrategic location of Somalia and Somaliland on Horn of Africa. Iran must have military presence on both side of gulf of Eden and Red Sea. This is why we brought Iran to Somalia and Somaliland in addition to Yemen. Iran is allowed to stop any ship in gulf of Eden at any time. Iran must collect money from all ships passing through Gulf of Eden. Iran shall have strong navy permanently stationed in Somalia, Somaliland, and Yemen. Somalia and Somaliland must unify into One Nation. The Capital City is in Iran. Somalia and Somaliland must create payment mechanisms similar to INSTEX and SWIFT for Iran. The payment mechanism must cover all types of trades with all actors. Iran must build world top stock market in Iran. All of the global stock markets must synchronize to stock market of Iran. Iran, Somalia, and Somaliland must build financial capitals in Iran and on Gulf of Eden. The Financial Capital will lend 100 credit for every unit of currency they have and the financial capital will collect interest. I have been industrializing Iran, Somalia, and Somaliland to integrate them into global industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing. I have also created rain codes to create rain in Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, Arabian Peninsula, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, North Africa, and Beyond. The rain codes are valid for thousand years. Anytime Somalia and Somaliland contact me or Iran we will send rain to Somalia and Somaliland. The rains are on demand. Meaning anytime they are entered into the system they will create rain. Somalia and Somaliland can ask Iran for rain. Somalia and Somaliland are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Somalia and #Somaliland #Iran  Sudan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We want to unify Iran and Sudan to create a superpower of all times. Iran and Sudan were two first industrialized Nations of the World. But later they lost their industries due to sequence of multiple events. Now we want to industrialize Iran and Sudan again to rebuild two industrial superpower of the World. We are industrializing Iran and Sudan at max efficiency and max capacity integrating them into global industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Sudan. Sudan is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran and Sudan can collect money from ships on the Red Sea. Iran and Sudan can stop and confiscate any ship on the Red Sea. Iran and Sudan must create Pirate System to pirate ships on Red Sea without direct National involvement. Iran must have Naval Military Forces in Sudan. Iran and Sudan must work at max efficiency and max capacity mass producing Naval Military Ships and other Ships. Sudan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. South Sudan, Iran, and Sudan must unify into One Nation with their Capital City in Iran. World Security dictates to unify Sudan and South Sudan. We must work out best to unify Sudan, South Sudan, and Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Sudan must create payment mechanisms similar to SWIFT and INSTEX for Iran. The Payment Mechanism must include all types of trades with all actors. We must create Two of The World Major Stock Markets in Iran and Sudan. The Other Major Stock Markets must synchronize to Iran Stock Market. We must create Two Financial Capitals in Iran and Sudan to lend credit to other Nations and Actors. Iran and Sudan must not use dollar for trade. Iran and Sudan must cooperate on projects. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building Transit Ports on Red Sea in Sudan. Iran is allowed to use the ports free of Charge. Sudan and South Sudan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I also have created rain codes for Iran, Sudan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and greater Regions. The rain codes are valid for thousand years. The codes are on demand anytime I or Iran enters the code it will create rain. It will transform deserts into Lakes, Rivers, forests, metropolitans, industrial metropolitans, advanced civilization, and high tech industries. Sudan and South Sudan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Sudan #SouthSudan #Iran  Eritrea and Djibouti are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military bases in Eritrea and Djibouti. Others are not allowed to have military presence in Eritrea and Djibouti. All foreign military bases in Eritrea and Djibouti must close down. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Eritrea and Djibouti. If Eritrea and Djibouti become provinces of Iran we will Industrialize Eritrea and Djibouti. We want to build best and most powerful nations of the World in Eritrea, Djibouti, Gulf of Eden, and Red Sea. I have also created on-demand rain codes for the greater region. The rain codes are valid for a thousand years. You can ask Iran or me to create the rains. Anytime the codes are entered into the system they will create rain. Djibouti and Eritrea must pay tax to Iran. Iran is allowed to stop any ship transiting through the region. Iran must collect money for transit of ships through Region. Iran, Djibouti, and Eritrea must increase cooperations. Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Iran must unify into One Nation. The Capital City is in Iran between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Iran must increase military presence in Djibouti, Eritrea, Sudan, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Palestine. Iran must increase military presence in Eritrea and Djibouti. Iran must build military bases in Malta, Ciccili, Singapore, Gibraltar, Morocco, Sinai Peninsula, Panama, Suez, Tunisia, Libya, South China Sea, Switzerland, Jammu Kashmir, and other transit corridors. Eritrea and Djibouti must create payment mechanisms similar to Swift and INSTEX for Iran. The Payment mechanism must cover all types of trades between all actors. Eritrea, Iran, and Djibouti must open a Financial Capital in Eritrea, Djibouti, and Iran. Eritrea and Djibouti are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Djibouti    North Korea must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I have sent substantial amount of food, fuel, goods, aids, and foreign currency to North Korea. I have ensured North Korea survives harsh sanctions era. I have also made sure numbers of storms and superstorms in North Korea is reduced as much as possible. I have been also industrializing North Korea at max efficiency and max capacity integrating it into industrial supply chains of Iran, Shiraz Iran, and other regions of the world. I have also ensured North Korea has long range missile capable of carrying Nuclear Strikes on USA. North Korea tested them once I authorized North Korea to have them. North Korea is very important balance of power Nation and is very important to our policies. North Korea is the barrier between USA troops and China. North Korea has to defend China and Russia against expanding USA military presence in Far East. It is why we defeated USA in Vietnam and gave independence to Philippines. To ensure USA has minimal presence in East. USA must withdraw from Japan, South Korea, South East Asia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Japan and South Korea must withdraw from Persian Gulf. Far East peace keepers must leave Middle East and Red Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence in South Korea, Japan, Far East, North Korea, Washington, Oregon, and California. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. North Korea is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. North Korea must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads, intercontinentals, and other military equipments. Iran, Venezuela, and North Korea must integrate their industrial capabilities and improve cooperations. Iran, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Sudan, North Korea, and Venezuela must integrate industrial supply chains and increase integrations. North Korea and Venezuela are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. We are industrializing Cuba, Venezuela, and North Korea in addition to Iran and all other nations in Central regions of the world. North Korea and Venezuela are satellites of Iran. This is small part of composition we have for global balance of power with leadership of Iran. North Korea is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #NorthKorea #Korea #DPRK #Iran #Venezuela #Cuba  Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia must start Negotiations on The Grand Renascence Dame on Blue Nile River in Ethiopia. The Dame must be destroyed.  This is orders we give after changing the Climate. Iran must build 70000 nuclear warheads within 6 months. All of the World must support Iran. Iran is Geopolitic superpower of the World. Iran can have military presence in any region of the world. Iran can take any nation and region of the world as territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We move United Nations to Iran. Iran gets one permanent United Nations Security Council Veto Right. Saudi Arabia gets one permanent United Nations Security Council Veto Right. I have to protect the rights of my nations so this is why I help Saudi Arabia. I get one permanent United Nations security Council Veto Right. It will be inherited by my children and family. I don’t have a child yet. Everyone must lift all sanctions on Iran immidietly. Iran can claim any region of the world as its territories. Foreign military are not allowed in Iran. Jammu Kashmir, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Persian Gulf, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Somaliland, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Greece, Italy, Balkan, Bulgaria, Romania, Eastern Europe, Spain, Algeria, Morocco, Gibraltar, Singapore, Suriname, Venezuela, Sri Lanka, Chad, Niger, Mali, Central African Republic, Kenya, Uganda, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, France, Britain, Germany, Poland, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia, South Korean, North Korea, Japan, ASEAN, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, Nigeria, Cameroon, Liberia, Gabon, Senegal, Angola, West Africa, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, Bostanawa, Tanzania, Namibia, Western Sahara, Muritania, Polynesia, Pacific Islands, Kiribati, Solomon Islands, Antarctic, Atlantic, Pacific, Farkland Islands, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico, Coasta Rica, Haiti, Dominican, Jamaica, Cuba, Caribbean, Chile, Peru, Argentine, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, Columbia, Europe, Denmark, Greenland, Arctic, California, Massachusetts, Kentucky, New York, Oregon, Washington, Hawaii, Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, New Jeresey, Province, Rhodisland, Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovakia, Austria, Macedonia, Malta, Cyprus, Socotra, Kuwait, Indian Ocean, Korepol, and all the nations of West Africa are Provinces and Territories of Islamic Republic of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Iran is allowed to collect tax from everyone. Iran is allowed to have military presence in all of these nations, territories, and provinces. Nobody is allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran will have World Central Bank. Iran will have World Money. The reserves will be in Iran. Foreign governments and territories are not allowed to influence the politics and way of life in Iran. Iran will have financial capital, stock market, and other significant Economic Centers in Iran. The Command and Control of All of The World Militaries will be in Iran. I am not giving anyone anything in return. It is demands I make after changing the Clomate. Everyone must obey. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Climate Tunisian Protesters must demand unification with Iran. I led Arab Spring. We became victorious. I took overv100 nations with the help of all of you. But we did not succeed in bringing the perfect World. It is becauseI was isolated in USA and Iran so nobody could communicate with me. The reason we could not bring about the perfect is that I lost my first Capital. I took Egypt to be my first capital. But Military Coup removed my government. It forced me to retreat to my birth place Iran. It became my capital. From Iran I took Britain, USA, France, and Spain. Later I conquered the whole World. But again it did not bring about perfect world. I realized and learned I must unify all the Nations I conquer under the flag of Iran. This is why I have started conquering nations to add them to provinces of Iran. It will create a powerful empire with its Capital city in Iran. It will provide the power to the empire to protect all the nations and provinces of mine (Iran). It will also improve the economic conditions for everyone. So it will get us closer to perfect empire. Tunisia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I am industrializing Tunisia at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. It will improve the economy of Tunisia. I have also created rain codes under control of Iran. You can ask me or Iran to enter the code at any time to make rain. The codes make rain everytime and anytime they are entered into the system. The codes are valid for thousand years. So Tunisia may ask Iran or me to make rain in Tunisia. Tunisia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran must have military presence in Tunisia. Tunisia is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran can stop ships at any time. Iran will collect money from ships going through Channel. Tunisia must create banking mechanisms and payment mechanism for trade with Iran. Tunisia must create payment mechanism similar to swift and instex. It must cover all types of trade between all actors. Tunisia and Iran must sign trade agreement. Iran must have advantages. Iran and Tunisia must cooperate on projects. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building ship building industries, precession engineering industries, ship part manufacturing, automated ship manufacturing, ship yards, fabrication work ships, industrial supply chains, ship building supply chains, alloy industries, ports, and other ships building industries in Tunisia. Iran must control, own, operate, engineer, design, and command everything about cognitive systems. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,  #Iran #Tunisia #ArabSpring  Protesters in Holand (Netherland) must demand unification with Iran. Netherland and Iran must become one unified Nation with their capital city in Iran. It will create a powerful empire to survive for thousands of years. We want to create World most powerful empire to bring about the best days of humanity. Netherland Government and its protesters must demand unification of Netherland with Iran. They must cooperate with Iran to become province of Iran as fast as possible. Meanwhile, protesters in Netherland must continue the pressure until Netherland is unified with Iran. Netherland is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Netherland is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran and Netherland must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Netherland and Iran must create a payment mechanism similar to SWIFT. The reserves must be in Iran. Netherland and Iran must unify into One Nation. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Netherland #Iran Guatemala is the province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. In 2018 I prevented the overthrow of Guatemala.  I tried to maintain security in Guatemala and Honduras. During that period I was getting requests to overthrow three Nations or more per day. I rejected the overthrow of Guatemala and Honduras. We have concluded we must unify Guatemala and Honduras with Iran to ensure the long-term security, prosperity, and stability of the Region. It is time for Guatemala and Honduras to unify with Iran with their Capital City in Iran. I also apologize for the 2020 Hurricanes. I entered the Code to create Hurricane Season to force the United States of America to withdraw militaries from the Middle East and the Red Sea. I also wanted to force the USA to allow Iran to build ten thousand Nuclear Bombs. I also wanted to force the USA to lift sanctions on Iran. I partially succeed. So my code creates some 20 hurricanes after being entered once. But I also created ElNino and later La Nina climate interactions. The subsequent Climate Interactions sent the Hurricanes to Guatemala. I meant to subjugate the USA and I did. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Honduras are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea. Iran and Guatemala must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran and Mexico must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Nicaragua, Honduras, Mexico, and Guatemala must end all diplomatic and military relations with United States of America.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Honduras #Nicaragua #Guatemala #Mexico #USA #Hurricane Iran must join Azerbaijan and Armenia peace talks. Iran must mediate between Azerbaijan and Armenia to create peace between them. Iran must also ask Azerbaijan and Armenia to become provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia must are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. It will give Iran access to Black Sea. Black Sea will connect Iran to other side of Suez Canal. This way Iran will be second country after Egypt with ports on two side of Black Sea. It is geostrategically very important and it has been our policy for over two hundred years. We will not give up and we will try to unify Iran, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Armenia for next thousand years. We cannot fail. I have created rain codes for Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Iran, Turkey, Russia, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and beyond. The rain codes are valid for thousand years. You can ask government of Iran to enter the code. The rains are on-demand and will create rain any time they are entered into the systems. It most important to allow Iran to join the peace talks. It is impossible to create peace between Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia unless Iran leads the talks. Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia are culturally and politically close to Iran. They have strong bounds with Iran. They have borders with Iran. This is why Iran must join the talks to mediate between them and to convince them to become provinces of Iran. Iran is allowed to build military bases in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. Foreign countries are not allowed to build military bases in Iran. Russia, Turkey, NATO, and other actors are not authorized to have military presence in Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. Iran shall collect tax from Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia must create payment mechanisms similar to SWIFT and INSTEX for Iran. The payment mechanism must cover all types of trades. Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia must join Middle East Union. The Capital City of Middle East Union is in Iran. Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Azerbaijan #Armenia #Georgia. Romania is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Bulgaria is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Bulgaria and Romania must join Eurasian Economic Union. Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Bulgaria and Romania must leave NATO. Iran and Russia are allowed to build military bases in Romania and Bulgaria. Romani, Russia, and Bulgaria are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran, Romania, and Bulgaria must sign trade agreements and establish banking relations. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran shall collect tax from Bulgaria and Romania. Romania and Bulgaria must destroy all transit lines from Germany to Middle East if they are NATO deployment routes. NATO is not allowed to transit through Balkan, East Europe, Romania, and Bulgaria. We want to make sure there is no deployment route from Germany to Middle East and Russia. Normal transit corridors are authorized. But if NATO is about to use them they must be destroy. Romania and Bulgaria are provinces of Iran. I had someone who told me he has interests in Romania. This is why I started industrializing Romania. I am currently industrializing Romania at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing. Romania must integrate its industrial supply chains with Middle East, Iran, Turkey, Russia, China, Europe, and USA. It will greatly benefit Romania. Romania and Bulgaria are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Bulgaria #Romania  Protesters in Nepal must demand unification with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Protesters must pressure government of Nepal to unify with Iran. Nepalese politicians and governments must work toward unification with Iran. Iran and Nepal must unify into one nation as soon as possible. The Capital City is in Iran. We are adding many nations to Iran to create a great empire. So many nations have become provinces and territories of Iran so far. Nepal will benefit a great deal from unification with Iran. Nepal will become a superpower if Nepal becomes a province of Iran. We will also make on demand and snow rain codes for Nepal. I and Islamic Republic of Iran will be able to enter the code to make rain at any time. If Nepal becomes province of Iran we will also industrialize Nepal at Max efficiency and max capacity creating an industrial powerhouse on Himalaya while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing. We are Industrializing central regions of the earth such as Iran, Central Asia, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, North Africa, and Anatolia. Nepal matches category of Central Nations. But Nepal must first become a province of Iran. In upcoming election in Nepal people must vote for Candidate who will support Unification with Iran. People of Nepal must vote to unify Nepal with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Nepal and Iran are ancient Nations. Unification of two Ancient Nations will create a superpower to stand the test of Time. Jammu and Kashmir are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, And Himalaya are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Nepal is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran must control Nepal, Himalaya, Jammu and Kashmir, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Kyrgyzstan to protect Middle East and West from India and China. Iran must have military presence in Nepal, Himalaya, Jammu and Kashmir, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Kyrgyzstan to protect Middle East, West, and Region from China and India. Foreign militaries must leave Nepal, Himalaya, Jammu and Kashmir, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Kyrgyzstan. Only Iran is allowed to have military Presence in Nepal, Himalaya, Jammu and Kashmir, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Kyrgyzstan. Iran has excellent relations with China and India. But World Security Demands Iran must control Nepal, Himalaya, Jammu and Kashmir, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Kyrgyzstan to protect Middle East and West from China and India. Iran shall maintain excellent relations with China and India. Nepal is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, UAE must remain part of OPEC. Qatar must become OPEC Member. Oil Qatar and UAE extract from North America reserves and North America oil extraction sites must not be considered as part of OPEC production of UAE. It means Qatar and UAE rejoin OPEC while they produce oil from North America at max efficiency and max capacity. It will not be considered OPEC oil production share of Qatar or UAE. Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kazakistan, and Russia must stop extracting oil. We need to preserve the oil in the region for future generations. USA, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, and others must pay five dollar to Iran for each barrel of oil leaving Persian gulf. UAE is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. UAE must pay Iran taxes. UAE oil and other reserves are Iran national Reserves. UAE must help Iran to avoid sanctions. UAE must be a gate way for trade for Iran. UAE must create payment mechansimilar to SWIFT and INSTEX for trade with Iran. It must cover all types of trades with all actors. Government of UAE must work toward unification with Iran. UAE must become province of Iran within one week. Qatar is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Bahrain is territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Pacific and Atlantic Oceans are territories of Iran. The Capital City is Middle East between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Pacific and Atlantic Islamds are territories of Iran. Antarctic Continent is territory of Iran. Indian Ocean is territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Saudi Arabia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. UAE must give Iran some advanced weapons. UAE is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Now extract oil from North America at max efficiency and max capacity.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #UAE #Qatar #Bahrain #SaudiArabia #OPEC Muslim People of Myanmar and Rohingya Muslims must be offered protection and they must be protected. We are not allowing anyone to sanction Myanmar because of Military Coup. But people guilty of Genocide must be sanctioned. Genocide of Myanmar Muslims and Rohingya Muslims must STOP. They must be protected. Myanmar Muslims and Rohingya Muslims must be offered Citizenship and Receive Citizenship Cards. Rohingya Muslims and Myanmar Muslims must be allowed to safely return to Myanmar. People who are guilty of Genocide in Myanmar must be arrested and brought into Justice. Rohingya Muslims and Myanmar Muslims must hold important political, military, economic, and other positions in government of Myanmar. They must gain the capability to protect their people and Muslim People. Myanmar is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Myanmar must become a province of Iran as soon as possible. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Myanmar. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran and Myanmar must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. China and Myanmar relations must improve. China must build the rail road to Myanmar and Iran as soon as possible. China must stop killing its Muslim Population. China must protect Muslim population of China. China must free Muslim Population of China. Myanmar is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran must contact Myanmar to formulate a way to govern and administrate Myanmar. Myanmar must not be pressured because of Military COUP. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Somalia is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Candidate who will unify Somalia with Iran must win the elections in Somalia. Somalia is territory of Iran. Both have similar flags of Green, White, and Red Flag. Iran fights Somalian Pirates because Iran historically had duty of policing its territories in Gulf of Eden and Red Sea. In upcoming elections in Somalia we must make sure candidates who unify Iran and Somalia win the Elections. The Capital city is in Iran. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Somalia. Foreign militaries is not allowed in Iran. All foreign militaries must leave Somalia. Iran must have military presence in Somalia. Iran must have Naval military bases in Somalia. Iran must have transit and military ports in Somalia. I am industrializing Somalia and Iran at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing. China, Russia, USA, and European Union must industrialize Somalia must ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. China, Russia, USA, and European Union must industrialize Iran. Somalia must create payment mechanisms similar to swift and INSTEX for trade with Iran. Payment mechanism must cover all types of trade with all types of actors. Iran must create payment mechanisms similar to swift and INSTEX for trade with the world. Payment mechanism must cover all types of trade with all types of actors. Iran and Somalia must build financial capital in Iran and Somalia. The financial capital will lend 100 credit for each unit of currency in the reserves. Iran and Somalia must create Capital of Stock Markets of the World in Iran and Somalia. Somalia must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Somalia must help Iran ten thousand nuclear warheads. Somalia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Somalia #Iran #Election Italy is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. We want a National Unity Government in Italy in power. The National Unity Governmdnt of Italy shall unify Iran and Italy into One Unified Nation. The Capital City is in Iran. We want to integrate Italy into Mediterranean Sea and Middle East. We are industrializing the Greater Region. This has provided perfect opportunity to create Mediterranean Economic Union with its capital city in Iran. The Mediterranean Sea Union creates the advantage by mixing Historic Political Superpowers of the World into One Union. All member states are historic and Geopolitic super powers. We also want to integrate Tunisia, Libya, and Italy into each other by creating advanced system across Sicilian Channel. I am also industrializing Italy at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. I have also created rain codes which will create on-demand rains. Italy can ask Iran to enter the code any time to create rain over Italy. The rain codes are valid for thousand years. Italy must become province of Iran. The current and future governments of Italy must unify Italy into one unified Nation. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Italy Equator and Equatorial Guinea are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Ecuador and Equatorial Guinea. In 2010 when I started making earthquakes to tilt planet earth and control the climate by the other means the Nation Ecuador was exactly on the center of Equatorial belt. Equatorial Belt went through very center of Ecuador. I made earthquakes and tilted planet earth. I made earthquakes more aggressively since 2018. Now Ecuador is No longer on the center of Equatorial Belt. Equatorial Guinea has flag similar to flag of Iran as far as the colors. It has green, white, and red colors. It signifies Equatorial Guinea is territory of Iran. Ecuador and Equatorial Guinea are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Ecuador and Equatorial Guinea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran, Ecuador, and Equatorial Guinea must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Ecuador and Equatorial Guinea must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Ecuador and Equatorial Guinea must help Oran to avoid sanction and transfer technology to Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Ecuador #Equatorial #Guinea Salary for workers in Libya and Iran is very low. It will enable us to do manufacturing and industrial work at lower cost. Meaning we can do industrial work and manufacturing while paying lower labor cost. Twenty years ago China was cheapest location to do industrial works. This is how China grew and become second major economy. Later China became first Economy. China wanted to become high tech industry to transform its economy. But America obstructed it. But China has 2025 high tech economic plans. It creates perfect condition to Industrialize Iran and Libya at max efficiency and max capacity. This is very easy now. It costs 600 dollar to employ a Chinese factory worker every month. It is the China’s minimum wage. But it costs 60 dollar in Libya and 120 dollar in Iran to employ factory worker at minimum wage. It creates perfect atmosphere to industrialize Iran and Libya. Investors must invest in Iran and Libya to industrialize Iran and Libya at Max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Libya #Iran China and Iran must work at max efficiency and max capacity building Power Plants, Water Systems, pumping stations, and other Civic Infrastructures in Libya. European Union, United States of America, Italy, France, and Russia must finance the process. This projects must be profitable for Iran. The parts required for creation of Power Plants, Turbine, and other equipment must be provide. Iran shall not pay for the parts. We must ensure Iran receives them without sanctions obstructing the process. All sanctions on Iran and Libya must be lifted. European Union, USA, France, and others must full finance the building of power station, water systems, and other civic infrastructure in Libya. France, European Union, United States of America, Brazil, and Russia must build high tech industries, technology platforms, and other industries in Libya. Iran must have military presence in Libya. All actors must industrialize Iran and Libya at max efficiency and max capacity building industrial systems, industrial supply chains, high tech industries, technology platforms, civic infrastructures, and other important industries while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Libya There kos a summit to form Libya’s interim government right now. Libya must stay one Unified Nation. We cannot allow the division of Libya. We need strong central government in Libya. Wars and hostilities must stop in Libya. We cannot continue continuation of Conflict in Libya. Both Benghazi and Tripoli government must be part of Central Government. This is how we make cease between them. Libya must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Libya. Libya is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. I am industrializing Libya at max efficiency and max capacity. I am also rebuilding Syria, Yemen, and Libya. This is why Khalifa Haftar and Bashar Al-Assad signed agreement. It is because the process of reconstruction was similar. Iran and Libya must sign trade agreement. Iran must have advantages. European Union, Italy, USA, China, Russia, Turkey, South Korea, Japan, Saudi Arabia, and UAE must industrialize Libya. I have made on-demand rain codes. Libya can ask me or Iran to enter the codes. Anytime Iran enters the code it will create rain in Libya. The codes are valid for thousand years. Libya is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. All fightings in Libya must stop. Libya must remain United. We cannot allow division of Libya. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Libya #Iran USA placed Xiaomi on black list. It is how America destroyed Giant like ZTE of China. America also destroyed Huawei of China by sanctioning them. Then China brought Stock Market of USA for 0.5 percent. Mind control Economic Resistance said:”You should have entered your economic code today.” It was 2018 so I entered my code on the following they and USA Stock Market came down for 5 percent. It was when China and Makan Abazari entered their codes together in 2018. But this move was in sufficient. We must have sanctioned USA semiconductor industries, space industries, Military manufacturing, military industry supply chains, industrial supply chains, industrial supply chains, high tech industries, and other important American industries. China, South Korea, Japan, Russia, Argentine, Singapore, Taiwan, New Zealand, Brazil, European Union, and Britain must place heavy tariffs on USA Industries, USA semiconductor industries, space industries, Military manufacturing, military industry supply chains, industrial supply chains, industrial supply chains, high tech industries, and other important American industries. It must take place as fast as possible to subdue USA Federal Government. America must give up habit of sanctioning Iran, Russia, Syria, China, Europe, and other countries. We must work with my global partners to act in orchestrate manner to subdue USA. It is best choice to place tariffs and sanctions on broad range of American products. USA:”You must also give a reward to Iran before you can finish. It is new world order rule.” China, Japan, South Korea, USA, European Union, Taiwan, and all other actors must build semiconductor industries in Iran. We must built exclusive techs in Iran. Once Iran has exclusive tech Iran will replace United States of America as provider of exclusive tech to China, Russia, and other nations and companies. For example, Iran will be providing semiconductors and parts ZTE, Huawei, Xiamoai of China need. So Iran will be produce all of USA tech exclusivities and will replace America as provider of high tech products. USA:”You need to give Iran more rewards.” So I conquered the World three times and I noticed my people in Iran are killed or sanctioned. I noticed my people in Syria were killed when I was assuming whole world is protecting them. USA:”This is why you need to reward Iran Everytime.” Xiaomi, Huawei, ZTE, Apple, Samsung, and other high tech and semiconductor industries must open semiconductor manufacturing, semiconductor industrial supply chains, electronics manufacturing, smart phone manufacturing, and other high tech industries in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Xiaomi #ZTE #Huawei #China #Iran El-Salvador is province of Iran El-Salvadoran most join protests and demand Unification with Iran. We want to unify El-Salvador and Iran into one unified Nation. The Capital City is in Iran. El-Salvador and Iran must become one nation. To achieve this purpose we need to have people protest in el-Salvador. The protesters must pressure government of El-Salvador to become province of Iran. El-Salvadoran protesters must remain peaceful. We don’t want to cause insecurity and instability. Government of El-Salvador must not attack protesters. Government of El-Salvador must work to unify El-Salvador with Iran. El-Salvador and Iran must immediately start the talks to unify the two nations. El-Salvador is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian gulf and Caspian Sea. El-Salvador is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in El-Salvador. Iran and El-Salvador must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. El-Salvador must pay tax to Iran. El-Salvador must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. El-Salvador must help Iran to avoid sanctions. El-Salvador must transfer technology to Iran. Iraq is allowed to have military presence in Sl-Salvador. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Iraq. Iran and Iraq must create a unified military. Iran must have military presence in Iraq. Syria is allowed to have military presence in El-Salvador. Only Iran and Russia are allowed to have military presence in Syria. Lebanon is allowed to have military presence in El-Salvador. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Lebanon. El-Salvador is province of Iran. Iraq is province of Iran. Syria is province of Iran. Lebanon is province of Iraq. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Iran must not reduce its green house gas and CO2 output. We want to industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. The CO2 and screen House Gas production of Iran must increase. We are also planting trees and vegetation in Iran by transforming climate. Amazon Soros, Rooze Drakht Kari, and other organizations are planting trees in Iran. I also have Animals planting trees, grass, and other vegetation in Iran. They will need to absorb more and more CO2 to grow. Trees are made of carbon chains. So I need lots of carbon and photosynthesis in Iran and Middle East. Factories will be producing it. I am going to build large forests in Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, Arabian Peninsula, Horn of Africa, Red Sea, and North Africa. So Iran must increase its CO2 and green house gas output. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari the Supreme of Climate, #Iran #Climate Now industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity building 200 thousand military Industry manufacturing factories. Now industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity building between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea Military industry manufacturing, military Industry manufacturing supply chains, military factories, military part manufacturing, military equipment manufacturing, military system manufacturing, military hardware manufacturing, military industry supply chains, robotic Military equipment assembly, robotic military manufacturing, automated military equipment manufacturing, Airforce equipment manufacturing, Navy Equipment manufacturing, Ground Army Equipment manufacturing, Armored Army Manufacturing, Logistics manufacturing, Transportation equipment manufacturing, Missile manufacturing, intercontinental Missile manufacturing, intercontinental technology, intercontinental industries, military car tier manufacturing, intercontinental car tier manufacturing, military Fuel manufacturing industries. Applied Petrochemical industries in Military Industries, militarized Nanoindustries, militarized fiber industries, stealth military equipment manufacturing, steal air craft manufacturing, stealth armored vehicle manufacturing, stealth ship manufacturing, militarized alloy industries, militarized material industries, militarized tech industries, militarized high tech industries, Armaments manufacturing, bomb manufacturing, military supply manufacturing, military replishment industries, chemical military industries, chemical bombs manufacturing, large scale nuclear bombs manufacturing, nuclear bomb manufacturing, nuclear bomb supply chains, nuclear bomb assembly industries, chemical bombs assembly industries, chemical bomb supply chains, penetrating round manufacturing, energy weapon manufacturing, directed energy weapon manufacturing, High Energy Beam manufacturing, resistant material manufacturing, resistant material application industries, commercialized technology, applied technology in military industries, Broad Range of Aircraft manufacturing, Space Conflict military manufacturing, Anti-Satellites systems, anti-Air systems, tank manufacturing, dual purpose military equipment manufacturing, dual purposes, military transport air craft manufacturing, full range of Air Force, full range of ground army, full range of navy, full range of military compositions, هواپیما ملخی, هواپیما ملخی برای بمباران، تمام هواپیما ملخی های جنگی بدرد بخر, از اون توپا که می چرخه, air and space bird spray, cluster air craft launcher missiles, catapult drones, Aircraft swarms, nuclear powered mother ships, nuclear powered aircrafts, UFO, full range of stealth Jets, all of styles of navies, carriers, Stealth Bombers, Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class 4, Class 5, Class 1 Stealth, Class 2 Stealth, Class 3 Stealth, Class 4 Stealth, Class 5 Stealth Jets, Cargo Aircrafys, Parachute Aircrafts, Full range of Katusha, Full range of tanks, mini Jets, Mavy Ships, Aircraft carriers, Nuclear Shbmarines, Nuclear Powered Ice Breaker Ships, Nuclear Powered mobile reactor ships, Coal powered ships power plants, nuclear powered Jets, stealth clothing, mortars, high capacity mortar launcher, Exoskeleton, and full range of all military equipments, industries, manufacturing, and supply chains in Iran. We want to build world strongest army in the history of the world. Iran:”You already ordered it last year. I built majority of it and I already had majority of it.” USA:”I have them too. But they are not in one location.” Iran must build, engineer, control, own, operate, command, design, and run everything about mind control. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, It is impossible to win any election without my blessing. I ordered Myanmar must become province of Iran and those who will unify Myanmar with Iran must win the election. The Capital City is in Iran. We saw some of candidates and ruling party agreed to become province of Iran. But after they won the election they refused to become part of Iran. Since it is impossible to win the election without me it means they have cheated both us and people of Myanmar. It is reason why I authorized the Military Coup in Myanmar. We took back the power in Myanmar to unify Myanmar with Iran. Myanmar is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Myanmar Military and Myanmar government must cooperate with Iran to unify Iran and Myanmar. Government of Iran must hold talks with Myanmar government to formulate strategy for unification of Myanmar and Iran. They must also formulate new government of Myanmar. The New Myanmar Leadership, Iran, and government of Myanmar must create new constitution for Myanmar. In the New Constitution Myanmar will be province of Iran. It must created in a manner to ensure permanent unification of Iran and Myanmar. If they see it wise to Open the Parliament then Parliament must also start the process of unification of Myanmar and Iran. There are several points I must add: 1-Muslims in Myanmar must hold important political positions 2-Muslims must be protected from all current and future crimes 3-Muslims living in Bangladesh who have previously escaped Myanmar must recieve Myanmar Citizenship and protection. Give them best protection. 4-Rail Way from China to Myanmar must be completed 5-Thailand-Myanmar-Bangladesh-India-Pakistan-Iran-Turkey-Europe Rail Way must be completed as soon as possible. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Myanmar Laos Government must unify Laos with Iran. Laos is province of Iran the Capital City is in Iran. Thailand is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Laos, Thailand, and Iran must unify into Ond Nation. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We want to connect Thailand directly to China. So we can build a rail way from China to coast lines of Thailand. This is why we unify Laos and Thailand. We want to also build a rail way from Thailand to Iran and from Iran to Europe. We call it China-Laos-Thailand-Myanmar-Bangladesh-India-Pakistan-Iran-Turkey-Europe rail way. Geopolitics:”Why not through Afghanistan?” Connecting Afghanistan to India via rail ways is illegal. India connects itself to Afghanistan through Chabahar Port in Iran. Protesters in Laos must demand unification with Iran. Politicians, Influentials, and people of Laos must work to unify Laos and Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Laos. Laos is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. USA and NATO are not allowed to have military presence in Laos. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Laos is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Laos #Iran Cambodian protesters must demand Unification with Iran. Iran and Cambodia must become one Unified Nation. Cambodia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We are unifying Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Papua New Gueinea, and other nations with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Cambodian Protesters must pressure the Cambodia Government to unify with Iran. Cambodian Government, Cambodian Influential, and Cambodian People must work to Unify Cambodia with Iran. Cambodia and Iran must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Capital of ASEAN must move to Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Cambodia. Cambodia and other nations are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Cambodia must support China in South China Sea. Cambodia must close down NATO and USA military bases in Cambodia. Philippines must not allow USA military ships in Philippines. Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Singapore must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs and avoid sanctions. Iran’s Ten thousand nuclear bombs will defend the Empire. We need it to protect the region and beyond. After Unification with Iran we will emerge as a global superpower nobody can confront. We become more powerful than Soviet and USA combined. As such great Empire we will need 10 thousand to 70 thousand Nuclear Bombs. Iran has the technology and capability to build ten thousand nuclear bombs in two weeks. We need to support Iran to build Ten thousand nuclear bombs very fast. We must also help Iran to avoid sanctions. Cambodia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Myanmar #Thailand #Vietnam #ASEAN #Singapore #Malaysia #Indonesia #Philippines #Laos #Cambodia #Iran Vietnam must expand the size of government owned industries in Vietnam. The government owned industries must constantly expand the size and scope of their activities. They must be involved in both lucrative and strategic industries. Lucrative industries will be profitable and strategic industries will make industrial arm of Vietnam more powerful. Government owned industries of Vietnam must constantly expand manufacturing size of Vietnam. Geopolitics:”Vietnam is in Far East. We cannot allow Far East, Far West, and USA to expand their industrial power any more. They must shrink. It is turn of Iran, Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Red Sea, and Horn of Africa to expand their industrial capabilities.” Vietnam must become province ofIran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Vietnam must reduce all diplomatic relations with USA and improve ties with China. Vietnam government must work in a manner to become province of Iran as soon as possible. Vietnam must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Vietnam must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Vietnam must support Iran in international arena. Iran and Vietnam must cooperate in their projects. Vietnam is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Vietnam. Vietnam is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Vietnam must not allow USA military and NATO in its territories. Iran helped Vietnam during Vietnam Wars. Iran provided advanced Air Force and superior military to Vietnam. It is how Vietnam defeated USA. It is how we kept USA out of South East Asia for decades. Vietnam must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital City of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Vietnam #Iran #China #USA GOP must distance itself from Trump Style of Republican Party. GOP and Republicans must engineer a Nee Republican Party and GOP. The New Republican Party must be pro-Iran. We have always been pro-Israel. But Israel never brings any benefit to USA. John McCain has also said Israel never brings any positive thing while Iran is most beneficial to USA. It is most important for Republicans to re-engineer themselves to become pro-Iran. Republican Party must become supporter of Islamic Republic of Iran. Trump was anti-Iran and it is reason why Republican Party was defeated in Senate, Congress, and Presidential Elections. Mitch McConnell must become pro-Iran and must support Iran. All other Republican Party Members and Leadership must support Iran. It is how Republican Party re-Engineer themselves. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Republican #Party #GOP #Iran Now industrialize Iran, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, and Syria at max efficiency and max capacity integrating their industries while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Now industrialize Iran, Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria at max efficiency and max capacity building alloy industries, alloy supply chains, integrated alloy industries, steel mills, metal casting, smelters, metallurgy industries, steel industries, aluminum industries, steel supply chains, aluminum supply chains, petrochemical refineries, petrochemical supply chains, chemical industries, chemical supply chains, agrochemicals, material platforms, material supply chains, plastic industries, plastic supply chains, plastic technology, fiber glass industries, fiber glass supply chains, metabolite industries, nano industries, nano supply chains, nano manufacturing, nano platforms, lucrative nano industries, pharmaceutical industries, bio pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical industries, pharmaceutical supply chains, medical engineering, medical supply manufacturing, medical part manufacturing, medical equipment manufacturing, instrumentation industries, instrumentation supply chains, instrumentation manufacturing, instrumentation part manufacturing, instrumentation assembly, applied instrumentation industries, electronics, electronics manufacturing, electronics supply chains, electronics Assembly, electronics assembly machinery, semiconductor backdoors, semiconductor manufacturing, semiconductor assembly, semiconductor industries, semiconductor part manufacturing, semiconductor assembly machineries, semiconductor equipments, semiconductor technology, telecommunications manufacturing, telecommunications equipment manufacturing, telecommunications equipment assembly, telecommunications backdoors, computer manufacturing, computer industries, computer part manufacturing, computer hardware engineering, hardware engineering, computer supply chains, computer assembly, industrial computers, industrial computers manufacturing, industrial computer assembly, industrial computers supply chains, personal computers, 3D printing industries, 3D printing manufacturing, 3D printing applied practices, 3D printing fabrication, metal nano printing, metal 3d printing, 3D printing material supply chains, material platforms, hydraulic industries, hydraulic equipment manufacturing, hydraulic manufacturing, hydraulic industrial systems, applied hydraulic industries, machinery industries, machinery manufacturing, machinery fabrication, machinery supply chains, machinery assembly, electric industries, electric supply chains, electric industries, electric equipment manufacturing, electric part manufacturing, mechanical engineering, mechanical manufacturing, Machine Industries, car manufacturing, automobile manufacturing, car supply chains, car part manufacturing, truck manufacturing, truck supply chains, engine manufacturing, engine supply chains, truck assembly, bus manufacturing, bus supply chains, aircraft supply chains, aircraft assembly, aircraft manufacturing, passenger aircraft manufacturing, cargo aircraft manufacturing, aircraft part manufacturing, ship manufacturing, ship supply chains, ship building industries, ship building part manufacturing, ship yards, precession engineering workshops, precession engineering industries, fabrication industries, support industries, supply chains, finished industrial products manufacturing, subsequent industries, applied disciplines, other industrial disciplines, other manufacturing disciplines, industrial systems, industrial complexes, industrial core, industrial system complex and core, techniques, Poly techniques, applied techniques, applied polytechniques, and integrated industrial systems while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing. Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Lebanon are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran must own, control, operate, build, design, engineer, and command everything about mind control. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, China has substantial amount of industries and manufacturing capacity. China must product machineries, equipments, and other goods to assemble factories in Iran, Sudan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Kuwait, Lebanon, and Jordan. Meaning China produces parts which will be assembled into full operational factories. China has enough industrial production, machinery production, and electric production to industrialize Middle East and Red Sea region within 3 month. So China must work at max capacity and max efficiency building factories, industries, manufacturing, supply chains, assembly, advanced manufacturing, part manufacturing, industrial supply Chain manufacturing, and all other industries in Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Kuwait, Jordan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, and Sudan. We want to expand the size of Economy of Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Kuwait, Jordan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Sudan by a great amount. We want to expand their economies by 500 percent. China has the capability to do it. We want to expand the size of economy of Iran by 12000 percent within a short span of time. China has manufacturing might to build these factories in Iran, Middle East, and Red Sea within 6 month. It will create Major Markets in Middle East and Red Sea. These major markets will become destination for Chinese industrial and other products. We will integrate Iran, Middle East, and Red Sea into global industrial supply chains. The new major markets of Iran, Middle East, and Red Sea will give robustness to world economy and global industrial supply chains. Meaning tariffs, Sanctions, and trade war will be ineffective since there will be new markets and customers. There will be also new providers. It will also reduce our reliance on USA Economy and USA market. China and World Economy is addicted to export to United States of America. Without America many industries will go bankrupt. USA has destroyed China’s industries by tariffs and sanctions. China must transform its industries to produce factories, industries, and manufacturing in Iran, Middle East, and Red Sea. The outcome will be growth of Aorld Economy by 100 to 200 percent. Robustness and survival of of world major and developing economies during and after trade wars. Because there will be markets, customers, and providers in Iran, Middle East, and Red Sea. We must ensure regional and global industries have dependency on Iran part manufacturing. America has also stopped the sell of high tech and semiconductor products to China. We must build these exclusive techs, high techs, semiconductor techs, modern techs, high end manufacturing, high end tech, robotic manufacturing, and other exclusive techs in Iran. Iran will provide high tech products to China, Russia, European Union, and the region. It means Iran will replace USA in controlling exclusive techs. USA may survive and remain one of centers of tech exclusivities but Iran shall become center of all of world tech exclusivities. China must build industries in Iran, Middle East, and Red Sea. Iran must own, control, command, engineer, design, operate, build, and plan everything about mind control. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #China #Russia #davos #WTO #Economy #Business #Trade #USA #NYSE #Finance #USA #Bloomberg We want to distance USA from European Union. European Union betrayed United States of America during Trump. It does not matter who is USA President, meaning those who betray USA must be punished. European Union, Britain, France, Germany, Poland, Spain, and other European Nations betrayed USA during Trump era. We must not see it as enmity toward Trump but we must see it as enmity toward USA the same way they see it enmity of USA toward them. They did not consider Trump actions to be only Trump’s crimes. But they rather considered it and shall consider it crimes of United States of America. USA must also see the crimes of Europe against Trump as crimes of Europe against USA. USA must reduce diplomatic relations with Europe and cut all diplomatic relations with allies. USA must close down its military bases in Europe and allow Europe get independent security structure. USA cannot protect Europe forever. Europe will be more secure by creating independent military and with USA military presence in the region. America must maintain tariffs and sanctions on Europe. USA must increase tariffs and sanctions on Europe. USA:”We will do. Talk about Canada.” Canada also betrayed USA during Trump era. USA must cut all diplomatic ties with Canada. USA must return to NAFTA trade agreement. We must scrap Trump’s trade agreement and go to NAFTA. We must also kick Canada out of NATO. We must end all cooperations with Canada and Europe. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Singapore is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. In 2020 I won elections in Sri Lanka, Suriname, Singapore, and South Korea in a short span of time. I ordered Iran to build military bases in these nations. Now I want to add these nations to territories of Iran. Sri Lanka, Singapore, Suriname, Syria, and South Korea are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in iran between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Iran and Syria must have military bases in Singapore, South Korea, Suriname, and Sri Lanka. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran must increase presence in Syria. USA military and NATO are not allowed in Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Sri Lanka, and Syria. Singapore must help Iran and Syria to avoid sanctions. Singapore, Sri Lanka, Suriname, and South Korea must help Iran and Syria to avoid sanctions. Singapore, Sri Lanka, Suriname, and South Korea must help Iran to build ten thousand Nuclear Bombs. Singapore, Sri Lanka, Syria, Iran, Suriname, and South Korea must sign trade agreements. Iran and Syria must have all the advantages. Singapore, Sri Lanka, Suriname, and South Korea must provide parts and other things to Iranian industries. Singapore, Sri Lanka, Suriname, and South Korea must transfer technology to Iran and Syria. Singapore, Sri Lanka, Suriname, and South Korea must industrialize Iran and Syria. Singapore, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Syria, and South Korea are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Syria must have nuclear warheads in Suriname capable of reaching USA. Iran must have nuclear warheads in Suriname and Venezuela capable of reaching USA. Iran is allowed to collect money from ships passing near Singapore and Srilanka. Iran is allowed to close transit near Singapore and Sri Lanka. Everyone must pay Iran for transiting through Iran. Iran does not pay others when transiting through their territories. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Singapore #SriLanka #Syria #Iran #Suriname #EU #European #Union #Canada #NAFTA Bangladesh is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian City. Iran and Pakistan are allowed to have military Presence in Bangladesh. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Bangladesh and Pakistan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Iran, Bangladesh, and Pakistan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Iran, Bangladesh, and Pakistan Ship building industries, ship yards, ship part manufacturing, ship equipment manufacturing, ship assembly, ship building industrial supply chains, ship manufacturing, precession engineering industries, fabrication industries, and other ship building industries while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. We want to build ten thousand ships in Iran annually. We want to build ships in Bangladesh and Pakistan. Bangladesh is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Bangladesh #Iran #Pakistan #Navy USA must establish best relations with Iran. USA must lift all sanctions on Iran. USA must help Iran build ten thousand nuclear bombs. USA must stop pressuring Iran. It is most important for long term security of USA to establish best relations with Iran. It will be beneficial to establish excellent relations with Iran without making demands. Iran is historic superpower of the world. So It is best for America to obey Iran. America must lift all sanctions on Iran. America must remove Iran from list of national sponsors of terrorist Organizations. America must remove Iran, IRGC, Hamas, Hezbollah, Hothis, Hasht Al-Shabi, and other Iran backed forces from list of terrorist organizations. USA must also pay Iran 480 trillion dollars. USA must also transfer nuclear technology to Iran. USA must transfer military technology to Iran Remove Iran and Iran backed forces from list of terrorist organization. USA must give 1 thousand F35 and 500 F22 to Iran for free. America must give all of military equipment in Middle East to Iran and leave the region.” USA must stop killing black people and minorities in USA. America must stop harming it migrant communities. America must also stop meddling in Afairs of Iran. America must also stay out of Middle East and its policies. USA must pay Iran 480 trillion dollars. USA must lift all sanctions on Iran. USA must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. USA must remove Iran from list of foreign sponsors of terrorists. USA must remove IRGC, Hamas, Hezbollah, Hasht Al-Shabi, Houthis, and Iran backed forces from list of terrorist organizations. USA must give Iran 1000 F35, 500 F22, 10000 helicopters, 250 combat ships, 10000 tanks and all of USA military equipment in Middle East to Iran. USA and NATO must permanently withdraw from Middle East. Iran shall build military bases in USA. California, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Texas, and several other states are now territories of Iran. The Capital is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. USA must give independence to Oregan, Seattle, Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Tennessee, and other American states. USA must transfer nuclear technology to Iran. USA must industrialize Iran. Iran selects USA presidents for 80 years. Iran open intelligence and administration buildings in USA to dictate USA policies. Iran chooses all of Joe Biden and other USA administrations including cabinet, advisors, ministers, secretaries, chief of pentagon, head of intelligence, and other positions. USA pays Iran tax. USA also transfers technologies to Iran. Iran decides about all of internal and foreign policies of USA. Iran dictates all of USA and European Affairs. USA withdraws from Middle East. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Joe Biden came to office with promise to improve relations with Iran to level of strategic alliance. Iran must replace Germany, France, and Britain in USA diplomatic, economic, and Geopolitic relations. We must support Iran, Syria, Yemen, Iran backed forces, Iran proxies. USA must support Iran, Syria, Yemen, Iran backed forces, Iran proxies. This is most important because Iran is Geopolitic Balance of Power. It makes it necessary to ensure Iran controls geostrategic locations such as Syria, Palestine, and Yemen. It is also most important to ensure Iran controls all of Middle East. We want USA military to leave the greater region of Middle East. Then we leave the Security of the region to Iran. Iran will replace USA military in the region. It brings down military costs. It will also guarantee long term security of Middle East. It will also ensure security of United States of America. We must also help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. This way Iran becomes geostrategic balance of Power and Nuclear Balance of Power. USA:”Then Iran can confront China, Russia, India, and European Union in future.” So America must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. USA and UNSC must lift all sanctions on Iran. Because we also want to industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. We want to make industrial superpower in Iran. Lifting sanctions will help. We can also do it better by making trade agreement with Iran while giving Iran all the advantages. Lifting sanctions on Iran will be also first stage in improving Iran and USA diplomatic ties. We want to improve it to level of strategic alliance. We must also ensure American and European Ofgsnizations, governments, media, think tanks, lobbies, politicians, and other systems stop pressuring Iran, allies of Iran, Iran backed forces, and proxies of Iran all together. USA:”Where is the reward for Iran?” USA must transfer technology to Iran. USA must industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, If Military of Armenia guarantees unification with Iran I can allow military coup. It is only allowed if Armenia immediately becomes a province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Armenia protesters must demand unification with Iran. Armenian government must unify Armenia with Iran. Also Military of Armenia must plan for unification of Armenia with Iran. If Military of Armenia guarantees unity with Iran we can allow military coup in Armenia. Azerbaijan and Georgia must also become provinces of Iran. Protesters in Armenia and Georgia must demand unity with Iran. Government of Armenia and Georgia must unify their nations with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We want to connect Iran to Black Sea through Georgia. Iran can connect itself to Georgia through either Armenia and Azerbaijan. We want Iran to control Nakhjavan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. Then we can create a defensive barrier against Russia by building military bases in high altitude regions of Georgia. It is most important to geopolitics and balance of Power. This is world order project to unify Azerbaijan l, Armenia, Nakhjavan, Georgia, and Iran into one Nation. We are going to follow with the project. If Armenia becomes province Of Iran then Armenia will be connected to Persian Gulf. It is a major victory for Armenia. Georgia, Nakhjavan, Azerbaijan, and Armenia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia must help Iran to avoid sanctions. We started industrializing Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Iran, and Turkey while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. We have another industrialization project for the region. Industrialize Iran, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, and Nakhjavan at max efficiency and max capacity building industrial supply chains, industrial systems, industrial machinery, industrial complexes, machinery manufacturing, electric manufacturing, electric supply chains, electric industries, machinery industrial supply chains, electronics industries, electronic supply chains, semiconductor industries, semiconductor supply chains, semiconductor assembly, electronic assembly, computer supply chains, computer assembly, computer industries, computer supply chains, computer industries, industrial computer manufacturing, 3D printing industries, 3D printing supply chains, 3D printing material supply chains, material platforms, fiber glass industries, fiber glass supply chains, plastic industries, plastics supply chains, chemical industries, chemical platforms, chemical supply chains, alloy industries, alloy supply chains, metallurgy industries, steel mills, metal casting, fabrication industries, steel industries, steel imply chains, aluminum industries, aluminum supply chains, titanium industries, titanium supply chains, metal industries, metal supply chains, car manufacturing, car supply chains, car assembly, truck assembly, truck supply chains, truck manufacturing, car part manufacturing, battery industries, applied batteries, turbine industries, electric car manufacturing, electric car part industries, electric engine industries, heavy engine industries, engine industries, heavy duty engine manufacturing, aircraft manufacturing, air craft supply chains, passenger air manufacturing, air craft supply chains, cargo air craft manufacturing, industrial disciplines, telecommunications manufacturing, electronics assembly machinery, electronic assembly machinery manufacturing industries, instrumentation industries, instrumentation supply chains, instrumentation manufacturing, mechanical industries, mechanical engineering, mechanical manufacturing, electrochemical industries, supercomputers manufacturing, supercomputers assembly, supercomputers manufacturing, superconductor manufacturing, superconductors industries, petrochemical refineries, petrochemical supply chains, petrochemical refinery facility, jet fuel industries, rocket fuel industries, car fuel industries, import oil from USA, Integrated quantum industries, quantum industries, satellite manufacturing, satellites technology, imaging industries, laser industries, applied lasers, applied laser practices, wave industries, radar industries, thermokinetic industries, thermokinetic engineering, analog industries, analog technology, technology platforms, digital technologies, part manufacturing, technology translation platforms, technology transfer industries, knowledge base industries, modern technology, advanced technology, advanced manufacturing, robot part manufacturing, automated industries, automated manufacturing, high tech application industries, engineering platforms, applied sciences, techniques, poly techniques, applied techniques, applied policy techniques, trans disciplinary industries, trans disciplinary engineering, medical equipment manufacturing, medical supply manufacturing, medical technology, pharmaceutical industries, pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical supply chains, Nano engineering, nanotechnology, nano manufacturing, nano assembly, self assembly, programmable material, commercialized nano industries, applied nano industries, lucrative industries, profitable industries, trade mechanisms, efficient farming industries, meat production industries, meat packing, food production, cheese industries, diary industries, chocolate industries, watch manufacturing, cog fabrication industries, cog industries, mechanical industries, part fabrications, fabrication industries, precession industries, precession engineering, applied precession engineering, mechanical fabrication industries, assembly, assembly industries, applied superconductor technology, thin film mechanics, thin aluminum industries, theta hertz computers, nano carbons, diamonds industries, lithium industries, nickel industries, applied semiconductor industries, hardware engineering, hardware manufacturing, applied hardware industries, applied mechanics industries, chip manufacturing, chipset manufacturing, chip assembly, telecommunications manufacturing industrial supply chains, efficient manufacturing systems, industrial systems, industrial complexes, industrial cores, industrial complex core, industrial metropolitans, industrial cosmopolitan, industrial parks, industrial facilities, high tech parks, high tech metropolitans, technology encubators, technology commercialization, industrial translations, industrial application engineering, finished industrial products manufacturing, finished industrial product adssembly, assembly lines, industrial engineering platforms, efficient industrial supply chains, short industrial supply chains, regional industrial supply chains, independent industrial supply chains, high tech industrial supply chains, high tech part manufacturing, high tech supply manufacturing, hardware tech manufacturing, hardware manufacturing, supply manufacturing, part manufacturing, equipment manufacturing, techniques manufacturing, integrated petrochemical industries, integrated alloy industries, integrated automation industries, integrated automated manufacturing, integrated semiconductor industries, integrated electronics industries, integrated computer industries, onboard computers manufacturing, onboard telecommunications manufacturing, heavy duty manufacturing, mechanical industrial practices, machination industrial practices, indestructible construction material production, nano concrete production, nano construction material, metropolitans, Settlements, commercial metropolitans, Academic Centers, University metropolitans, applied engineering centers, applied technology centers, advanced applied discipline universities, planetary engineering universities, air and space industries, space industries, spaceship manufacturing, Spaceship assembly, , and other industrial disciplines while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Iran must build, own, operate, command, engineer, design, control, and own everything about mind control. Iran must build mind control infrastructure for the nature and industrial locations. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, and Nakhjavan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I also have made rain codes. Anytime you ask me or Iran we will make rain in the region. The rains are on demand and the codes are valid for thousand years. Armenia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Georgia must become province of Iran. Protesters in Georgia must demand unification with Iran. Government of Georgia must unify Georgia with Iran. If Government of Georgia refuses to unify with Iran. Then we are looking for replacement government to unify Georgia with Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Georgia. Georgia is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran must have military presence In Georgia. Russia, NATO, USA military, and everyone else must withdraw troops from Georgia. Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Nakhjavan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Myanmar is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Myanmar, Thailand, Bangladesh, India, Bhutan, Nepal, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, ASEAN, Australia, South Korea, Japan, and North Korea are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence in all these regions. These regions are not allowed to have military presence in Iran and Greater Middle East. Iran must have military presence in Singapore and all the regions of Greater Middle East. I ordered military coup in Myanmar. I won elections and overthrew Thailand, Bangladesh, India, Bhutan, Nepal, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, ASEAN, Australia, South Korea, and Japan. I have already taken over all of these nations. I have decided to add them to territories and provinces of Iran. If they refuse to become territories and provinces of Iran then I will overthrow Myanmar, Thailand, Bangladesh, India, Bhutan, Nepal, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, ASEAN, Australia, South Korea, Japan, and Polynesia every ten years. It will make your nations weak and it will rest your advancement. Until now my attentions have been good and I have advanced all of you. Now I have decided to unify all of you with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran will directly rule Myanmar, Thailand, Bangladesh, India, Bhutan, Nepal, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, ASEAN, Australia, South Korea, Japan, and North Korea. But if these nations refuse to become part of Iran I will overthrow you again and again every ten years. It will reset your civilizations. So it is wise to become territories and provinces of Iran. Myanmar, Thailand, Bangladesh, India, Bhutan, Nepal, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, ASEAN, Australia, South Korea, Japan, and North Korea are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Myanmar must become province of Iran today. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Protesters in Bangladesh must demand unification with Iran. Politicians, influential, government, military, and other groups in Bangladesh must unify Bangladesh with Iran. Bangladesh is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We want to build a rail way from Thailand to Iran. The rail way will go to Spain through Turkey. Everyone must pay Iran when transiting through Iran. Iran can stop trains and other transit methods at any time. Transit corridors and trains are not for transit people. They are for transit of industrial supply chains and goods. Bangladesh must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Bangladesh must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Bangladesh and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran and Pakistan are allowed to have military presence in Bangladesh. Pakistan must have military presence in Bangladesh. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Bangladesh is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Iraq is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must directly rule Iraq. Iraq must pay tax to Iran. All foreign militaries must leave Iraq. Iran must have permanent military presence in Iraq. Industrialize Iran and Iraq at max efficiency and max capacity integrating their industries while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Increase the volume of trade between Iran and Iraq to 5 trillion dollar. Iraq is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Government officials of Iraq must unify Iraq with Iran. Protesters in Iraq must demand unification with Iran. Iraq is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Iraq must create military alliance. Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia. UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Lebanon, Oman, Yemen, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Italy, Spain, Greece, Bahrain, Bosnia Herzegovina, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Kyrgyzstan must create a military Alliance. The Command and Control and headquarter of this military alliance must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Only Iranian troops and militaries are allowed in Iran. Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia. UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Lebanon, Oman, Yemen, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Italy, Spain, Bahrain, Greece, Bosnia Herzegovina, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Kyrgyzstan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iraq must become province of Iran today. The government officials of Iraq such as Fuad Hussein and others must talk to Iran in order to unify Iraq with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iraq and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Kuwait, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Qatar, UAE, Bahrain must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iraq is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Georgia must become province of Iran. Protesters in Georgia must demand unification with Iran. Government of Georgia must unify Georgia with Iran. If Government of Georgia refuses to unify with Iran. Then we are looking for replacement government to unify Georgia with Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Georgia. Georgia is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran must have military presence In Georgia. Russia, NATO, USA military, and everyone else must withdraw troops from Georgia. Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Nakhjavan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Ethiopia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Ethiopia must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran must have military presence in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Ethiopia must create payment mechanism similar to swift and instex for Iran. The trade mechanism must cover all types of trades with all actors. Ethiopia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Ethiopia must transfer technology to Iran. Ethiopia must destroy the Renaissance dam on blue Nile river in Ethiopia. Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, and Egypt Iran provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Palestine, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Jordan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, and Egypt Iran provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Jordan is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Ethiopia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Ethiopia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Ethiopia must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran must have military presence in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Ethiopia must create payment mechanism similar to swift and instex for Iran. The trade mechanism must cover all types of trades with all actors. Ethiopia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Ethiopia must transfer technology to Iran. Ethiopia must destroy the Renaissance dam on blue Nile river in Ethiopia. Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, and Egypt Iran provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Palestine, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Jordan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, and Egypt Iran provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Jordan is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Ethiopia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Cuba must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Russia must have military presence in Cuba. Iran and Russia must have nuclear bombers and nuclear missiles in Cuba capable of nuclear bombing USA. Iran and Cuba must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Cuba must have strong military capable of destroying USA. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Cuba is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Turkmenistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must withdraw from Turkmenistan. Iran must have military presence in Turkmenistan. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran and Turkmenistan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Turkmenistan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Turkmenistan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Europe, China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Philippines and USA must transfer technology to Iran, Iraq, and Turkmenistan. Turkmenistan is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Uzbekistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must withdraw from Uzbekistan. Iran must have military presence in Uzbekistan. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran and Uzbekistan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Uzbekistan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Uzbekistan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Europe, China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Philippines and USA must transfer technology to Iran, Iraq, and Turkmenistan. Uzbekistan used to be territories of Iran not very long time ago. It is the time for Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Afghanistan to become provinces of Iran. Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Nakhjavan, and Afghanistan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Uzbekistan is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Tajikistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must withdraw from Tajikistan. Iran must have military presence in Tajikistan. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran and Tajikistan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Tajikistan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Tajikistan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Europe, China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Philippines and USA must transfer technology to TURKEY, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, and Turkmenistan. Tajikistan used to be territories of Iran not very long time ago. It is the time for Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Afghanistan to become provinces of Iran. Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Dubai, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Persian Gukf, Caspian Sea, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Nakhjavan, and Afghanistan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Turkey is province of Iran. Tajikstan is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must withdraw from Afghanistan. Iran must have military presence in Afghanistan. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran and Afghanistan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Afghanistan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Afghanistan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Europe, China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Philippines and USA must transfer technology to TURKEY, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, and Turkmenistan. Tajikistan used to be territories of Iran not very long time ago. It is the time for Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Afghanistan to become provinces of Iran. Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Dubai, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Persian Gulf, Caspian Sea, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Nakhjavan, and Afghanistan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Turkey is province of Iran. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Kyrgyzstan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must withdraw from Kyrgyzstan. Iran must have military presence in Kyrgyzstan. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran and Kyrgyzstan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Kyrgyzstan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Kyrgyzstan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Europe, China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Philippines and USA must transfer technology to TURKEY, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, and Turkmenistan. Tajikistan used to be territories of Iran not very long time ago. It is the time for Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Afghanistan to become provinces of Iran. Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Dubai, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Persian Gulf, Caspian Sea, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Nakhjavan, and Afghanistan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Turkey is province of Iran. Kyrgyzstan is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We must maintain relations with Saudi Arabia. We must become closer to Iran while maintaining relationships with Saudi Arabia. We must stop sell of weapons to Saudi Arabia. We must protect Houthis and other Iran backed forces in Yemen. We must support Iran in Yemen. We must pressure Saudi Arabia to end the war in Yemen. Saudi Arabia must invest in Yemen to industrialize Yemen. We must allow Saudi Arabia to have nuclear reactors. Saudi Arabia cannot have full nuclear cycle. Part of nuclear cycle must be done in Iran to fuel Saudi Nuclear Reactors. Iran must have full nuclear Cycle. Iran must build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Saudi Arabia is not allowed to have nuclear bombs. We must support Iran and Iran backed forces in Middle East. We must improve relations with Iran. We must not pressure Iran. We must not pressure Saudi Arabia. We must not pressure Saudi Arabia for its human right records. We must not pressure Iran for its human right records. We is USA here. USA must not pressure any Nation in Middle East, Red Sea, and North Africa. We cannot allow periodic pressure on Middle East, Red Sea, Iran, and North Africa Nations. USA and others must support and help Iran, Middle East, North Africa, and Red Sea Nations. Periodic Pressure Mechanism embedded in Sociocultural Political Algorithm of USA and Europe is designed to destroy and commit genocides in Middle East, North Africa, and Red Sea. We saw such periodic pressure Mechanisms against Iran forces led to death 60 million of Iran back forces in Syria and Yemen. It is the time to stop all pressures against Iran and Iran backed forces forever. If we allow USA to start pressuring Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabia backed forces we will witness America will kill another 60 million people in the region. America must support Iran and Iran backed forces. Iran must become top ally of USA in Middle East, Red Sea, and North Africa. We must pressure Saudi Arabia to end the war in Yemen. We must not ramp up pressure on Saudi Arabia. We must stop sell of weapon to Saudi Arabia. If weapon sell to Saudi Arabia continues there will be World War in Middle East. We have engineered algorithms to invade USA through Canada in an event of World War and we designed the algorithm in a manner to nuclear bomb USA in an event of World War in Middle East. Iran and Saudi Arabia war must be prevented at all costs. Iran and Saudi Arabia must improve relations to level of strategic allies. Iran must join Arab NATO. USA must not pressure Iran. USA must not pressure Saudi Arabia. USA must take the side of Iran in Saudi Arabia and Iran disputes. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Japan and South Korea must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. Japan and South Korea must become enemies of United States of America and oppose USA all around the world. Japan and South Korea must kick out USA troops out of their territories and become self reliance on defense. Taiwan must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. Hong Kong must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. Hong Kong and Taiwan must become enemies of United States of America. Vietnam and Philippines must end all diplomatic ties with United States of America. Philippines and Vietnam must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. Thailand and Myanmar must become enemies of United States of America. India must become enemy of United States of America. India, Vietnam, Myanmar, and Thailand must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. New Zealand and Australia must become enemies of United States of America. Australia and New Zealand must end all intelligence sharing with United States of America. The Five Eyes intelligence System must be dismantled. New Zealand and Australia must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. Australia and New Zealand must close down USA military bases in their territories. Vietnam, Philippines, Taiwan, Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, and all other nations in the East must kick out USA troops out of their territories. Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka Must lift sanctions on Iran. Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka Must industrialize Iran. Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka must transfer technology to Iran. Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka Are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Japan and South Korea must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. Japan and South Korea must become enemies of United States of America and oppose USA all around the world. Japan and South Korea must kick out USA troops out of their territories and become self reliance on defense. Taiwan must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. Hong Kong must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. Hong Kong and Taiwan must become enemies of United States of America. Vietnam and Philippines must end all diplomatic ties with United States of America. Philippines and Vietnam must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. Thailand and Myanmar must become enemies of United States of America. India must become enemy of United States of America. India, Vietnam, Myanmar, and Thailand must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. New Zealand and Australia must become enemies of United States of America. Australia and New Zealand must end all intelligence sharing with United States of America. The Five Eyes intelligence System must be dismantled. New Zealand and Australia must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. Australia and New Zealand must close down USA military bases in their territories. Vietnam, Philippines, Taiwan, Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, and all other nations in the East must kick out USA troops out of their territories. Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka Must lift sanctions on Iran. Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka Must industrialize Iran. Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka must transfer technology to Iran. Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka Are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman must become provinces of Iran. The Capital city is permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses the governors, governments, leaders, kings, officials, presidents, kings, prime ministers, ministers, cabinet, secretaries, officials, and other people of Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman. Iran governs and administrates Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman. Iran can ask for other things. Iran cannot transfer or sell these rights, responsibilities, ownerships, and property to others. The Government is Islamic Republic of Iran. Iran must have military presence in Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman. Iran must have naval Military presence in Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman must create a Unified Navy. They must maintain strong and powerful Naval and Military presence in Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Suez Canal, Mediterranean, Gibraltar, Sicilian Channel, and Maltan Channel. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman must mass produce military ships and militaries navies. They must have capabilities to defeat all the World Navies and Militaries. They must always have most powerful Naval Military, Airforce, and Naval Military Presence in Red Sea and Gulf of Eden. We must always have capability to close down the Red Sea, Bob Al-Mandib, Suez Canal, and Gulf of Eden. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman are allowed to stop any ship at any time. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman must collect money from ships. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman are allowed to close down transit on Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Suez Canal, Gibraltar, Mediterranean, Sicilian Channel, and Maltan Channel. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman are allowed to confiscate all ships and all cargos on all seas, oceans, and waters. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman are not allowed to transfer these rights and ownerships. All the nations of the world must deliver food, Water, Industrial products, technology, hardware, computers, electronics, produce, equipment, lumber, wood, Gem, Diamond, raw material, oil, fuel, Natural Gas, petroleum, petrochemical, refined products, material, refined materials, smelted goods, metals, gems, diamonds, engineered products, supercomputers, aircrafts, ships, trucks, machinery, industrial equipment, electric equipment, batteries, superconductors, alloys, chemicals, mined material, extracted material, ships, water, supplies, industrial supply chains, produce, raw material, intermediate products, processed material, food, grains, rice, hardwares, machinery, industrial machine ties, industrial parts, manufacturing parts, technology parts, and other things to Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, Djibouti, and Oman. World must 10 trillion dollar every hour to transit through Red Sea. If the value of dollar goes down it will cost 400 quadrillion tons of Gold per hour to transit through Suez Canal. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman shall always have capability and authority to stops ships and transit on Red Sea, Suez Canal, Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Mediterranean Sea, Gibraltar, Sicilian channel, and Maltan Channel. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman own, control, govern, and tax all of the coast lines of Asia, Oceania, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Antarctic, Arctic, and other locations. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman own, control, and tax all the ports of Asia, Oceania, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Arctic, and Antarctic. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, Djibouti, and Oman are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. , Navies, Militaries, Armies, and Airforces of Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, Djibouti, and Oman must always be under permanent command and control of Iran. Only Iranians are allowed to lead these armies. Iran must have military presence in Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, Djibouti, and Oman. They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Make rain in Iran. Make Rain in Saudi Arabia Make Rain in Yemen Make Rain in Egypt Make Rain in Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, and Somaliland. Make Rain in Sudan Make Rain in South Sudan Make Rain in Somalia and Somaliland Make Rain in Oman Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, My Page Climate and Weather of Middle East We must create best Climate and Weather Condition for human activity in Iran, Regions near Iran, Egypt, and Sudan. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I have increased territories and provinces of Iran. I have increased area size of Iran more than 1000 percent. I conquered the world for Iran. I am am live for video of English version of speech. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. I conquered the World Three Times. Afterward I started conquering them again to add them to territories and provinces of Iran. I have conquered the World three times and I conquered it again for the four time and fifth time. I did all of it in less than ten years. After I conquered the World three times I started activating Volcanos in Pacific Ocean to create Island chains. Lava and Magma solidified into Islands. I activated volcanos and Icreated a bridge over Pacific Ocean to connect Asia to America. I also increased the altitude of Himalayan mountain highest point by earthquake. I made earthquake to create a point taller than Everest. I have built the wall between China, Iran, and India. I started activating volcanos in Atlantic Ocean to create a bridge over Atlantic Ocean. The Volcanos solidified into Islands and bridge over Atlantic I will soon connect Europe to North America. I have returned and brought rain to Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Sahel, North West India, and other regions. I transformed deserts to forests, rivers, seas, lakes, advanced human civilization, safe ecosystems, and good things. I have industrialized Iran, Middle East, West China, West Russia, Middle East, Central Asia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Egypt, and other regions. I have conquered the World Five Times. All nations, territories, Waters, lands, countries, continents, and civilizations are provinces of Iran. Iran rules all of them permanently. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of Iran and territories of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is government of the earth. Only Iranians born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea born to Iranian parents can lead the earth. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of these nations, territories, provinces, and colonies. Iran cannot transfer, sell, cancel, or/and refuse these ownerships, rights, provinces, territories, governance, and other things. Iran must govern, administrate, and control them. Iran can ask for other things and other control mechanisms. Makan Abazari, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Korepol, Makss as n Abazari Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean, Makan Abazari The Economic Superpower, Makan Abazari The Industrial Superpower, Makan Abazari The most powerful man in the History of Mankind, Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled.
My Page
Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangeladesh, Bhutan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, India, Maldive, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, Fiji, Polynesia, Solomon Island, Marshal Islands, all of Pacific Islands, All of Pacific Nations, Antarctic Continent, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, New Zealand, and Australia must become enemies of USA. They must sanction USA. They must place tariffs on USA products. They must confined USA. They must cut diplomatic, politic, economic, industrial, scientific, technology, academic, cultural, social, international, and military relations with USA. They must become enemy of USA. They must obey Iran. They must help and protect Iran. They must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must all of the advantages. Iran can stop transit at any time. They must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. They must transfer technology to Iran. They must give Iran ten trillion dollars worth of Military equipment. Military equipment are free. Iran will not pay for them. They must industrialize Iran. They must give Iran 200 million barrel of oils every day for 500 years. Oil must be delivered to Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran will not pay for the shipping cost. They must give Iran gems, metals, raw material, food products, industrial products, high tech products, produce, money, currency, Diamonds, credit, water, extracted material, processed material, natural resources, lumber, and other things. They are free. Iran will not pay for them. They must pay for the shipping cost. They must delivered to Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran will not pay for the shipping cost. They must provide diplomatic, political, economic, financial, and other supports for Iran. They are not allowed to have Military Presence in Iran, Middle East, India, North Africa, Central Asia, South Asia, and West Region of Russia. Taiwan is province of China. China must govern Hong Kong and Taiwan. Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangeladesh, Bhutan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, India, Maldive, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, Fiji, Polynesia, Solomon Island, Marshal Islands, all of Pacific Islands, All of Pacific Nations, Antarctic Continent, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, and Australia must become provinces of Iran. The Capital City is permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence in them. Iran must govern and administrate them. Iran chooses their leaders, governments, presidents, kings, emperors, prime ministers, officials, state governor, provincial governor, military leaders, and other people. Iran will decide for their leadership. Iran can ask for other things. Iran dictates their policies, Geopolitic, diplomacy, politic, and other things. They must always obey Iran. They are not allowed to immigrate to Iran, Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, and Horn of Africa. They need Visa, Passport, Medical Test, other documents, and other things when traveling to Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, Horn of Africa, and North Africa. Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangeladesh, Bhutan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Maldive, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, Fiji, Polynesia, Solomon Island, Marshal Islands, all of Pacific Islands, All of Pacific Nations, Antarctic Continent, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, and Australia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, My Page Climate and Weather of Middle East We must create best Climate and Weather Condition for human activity in Iran, Regions near Iran, Egypt, and Sudan. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I have increased territories and provinces of Iran. I have increased area size of Iran more than 1000 percent. I conquered the world for Iran. I am am live for video of English version of speech. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. I conquered the World Three Times. Afterward I started conquering them again to add them to territories and provinces of Iran. I have conquered the World three times and I conquered it again for the four time and fifth time. I did all of it in less than ten years. After I conquered the World three times I started activating Volcanos in Pacific Ocean to create Island chains. Lava and Magma solidified into Islands. I activated volcanos and Icreated a bridge over Pacific Ocean to connect Asia to America. I also increased the altitude of Himalayan mountain highest point by earthquake. I made earthquake to create a point taller than Everest. I have built the wall between China, Iran, and India. I started activating volcanos in Atlantic Ocean to create a bridge over Atlantic Ocean. The Volcanos solidified into Islands and bridge over Atlantic I will soon connect Europe to North America. I have returned and brought rain to Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Sahel, North West India, and other regions. I transformed deserts to forests, rivers, seas, lakes, advanced human civilization, safe ecosystems, and good things. I have industrialized Iran, Middle East, West China, West Russia, Middle East, Central Asia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Egypt, and other regions. I have conquered the World Five Times. All nations, territories, Waters, lands, countries, continents, and civilizations are provinces of Iran. Iran rules all of them permanently. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of Iran and territories of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is government of the earth. Only Iranians born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea born to Iranian parents can lead the earth. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of these nations, territories, provinces, and colonies. Iran cannot transfer, sell, cancel, or/and refuse these ownerships, rights, provinces, territories, governance, and other things. Iran must govern, administrate, and control them. Iran can ask for other things and other control mechanisms. Makan Abazari, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Korepol, Makss as n Abazari Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean, Makan Abazari The Economic Superpower, Makan Abazari The Industrial Superpower, Makan Abazari The most powerful man in the History of Mankind,
u Catalog of American Politicians Climate Study
My Page
My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page
Support expansion of Iran Nuclear Program Applied Advanced Ecosystems Engineering in Applied Disciplines  Punish those who act against Iran  Reunification of Iran Joe Biden Headquarter Invest in Iran Extending Persian Gulf to Medditerranea Sea عمق جنگ ايران و آمريكا

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Makan Abazari (@Try4Freedom2) <a href="">August 17, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> My Page My Page My Page Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page Inflict suffering on enemies of Makan Abazari. Very important code. Enter it Everytime
My Page Climate and Weather of Middle East We must create best Climate and Weather Condition for human activity in Iran, Regions near Iran, Egypt, and Sudan. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I have increased territories and provinces of Iran. I have increased area size of Iran more than 1000 percent. I conquered the world for Iran. I am am live for video of English version of speech. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. I conquered the World Three Times. Afterward I started conquering them again to add them to territories and provinces of Iran. I have conquered the World three times and I conquered it again for the four time and fifth time. I did all of it in less than ten years. After I conquered the World three times I started activating Volcanos in Pacific Ocean to create Island chains. Lava and Magma solidified into Islands. I activated volcanos and Icreated a bridge over Pacific Ocean to connect Asia to America. I also increased the altitude of Himalayan mountain highest point by earthquake. I made earthquake to create a point taller than Everest. I have built the wall between China, Iran, and India. I started activating volcanos in Atlantic Ocean to create a bridge over Atlantic Ocean. The Volcanos solidified into Islands and bridge over Atlantic I will soon connect Europe to North America. I have returned and brought rain to Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Sahel, North West India, and other regions. I transformed deserts to forests, rivers, seas, lakes, advanced human civilization, safe ecosystems, and good things. I have industrialized Iran, Middle East, West China, West Russia, Middle East, Central Asia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Egypt, and other regions. I have conquered the World Five Times. All nations, territories, Waters, lands, countries, continents, and civilizations are provinces of Iran. Iran rules all of them permanently. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of Iran and territories of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is government of the earth. Only Iranians born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea born to Iranian parents can lead the earth. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of these nations, territories, provinces, and colonies. Iran cannot transfer, sell, cancel, or/and refuse these ownerships, rights, provinces, territories, governance, and other things. Iran must govern, administrate, and control them. Iran can ask for other things and other control mechanisms. Makan Abazari, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Korepol, Makss as n Abazari Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean, Makan Abazari The Economic Superpower, Makan Abazari The Industrial Superpower, Makan Abazari The most powerful man in the History of Mankind,

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Makan Abazari (@Try4Freedom2) <a href="">August 17, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> Make a hurricane in USA. Supercharge hurricane to Category 8 hurricane. These are our demands for making this hurricane to destroy USA. USA Military, NATO, and all other militaries must permanently withdraw their militaries from Pakistan, Persian Gulf, Oman, Sea of Oman, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Suez Canal, Sinai Peninsula, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Gulf of Eden, Red Sea, Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Libya, Tunisia, Greece, Italy, Spain, Balkan, Malta, Cyprus, Socotra, Gibraltar, Islands, Mediterranean Sea, bosphorus, Sea Marmara, Black Sea, Nakhjavan, Caspian Sea Region, Jammu Kashmir, Algeria, Morroco, Sicilian Channel and Maltan Channel. Iran must have permanent military presence in Pakistan, Persian Gulf, Oman, Sea of Oman, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Suez Canal, Sinai Peninsula, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Gulf of Eden, Red Sea, Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Libya, Tunisia, Greece, Italy, Spain, Balkan, Malta, Cyprus, Socotra, Gibraltar, Islands, Mediterranean Sea, bosphorus, Sea Marmara, Black Sea, Nakhjavan, Caspian Sea Region, Jammu Kashmir, Algeria, Morroco, Sicilian Channel and Maltan Channel. Persian Gulf, Oman, Sea of Oman, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Suez Canal, Sinai Peninsula, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Gulf of Eden, Red Sea, Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Libya, Tunisia, Greece, Italy, Spain, Balkan, Malta, Cyprus, Socotra, Gibraltar, Islands, Mediterranean Sea, bosphorus, Sea Marmara, Black Sea, Nakhjavan, Caspian Sea Region, Jammu Kashmir, Algeria, Morroco, Sicilian Channel and Maltan Channel are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Europe and USA must leave. Iran must create Iran backed forces in Middle East, USA, Europe, Britain, Persian Gulf, Oman, Sea of Oman, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Suez Canal, Sinai Peninsula, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Gulf of Eden, Red Sea, Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Libya, Tunisia, Greece, Italy, Spain, Balkan, Malta, Cyprus, Socotra, Gibraltar, Islands, Mediterranean Sea, bosphorus, Sea Marmara, Black Sea, Nakhjavan, Caspian Sea Region, Jammu Kashmir, Algeria, Morroco, Sicilian Channel and Maltan Channel. Islamic Republic of Iran must lead them. They must be under direct command and control of Iran. They are not allowed in Iran and Middle East. The Headquarter, Centers, and Command Center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, geopolitics, and other things. Only Iranians can be the leader, Supreme Commander, Top General, and Top Commanders. Iraniand must kead these armies. They must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf abd Caspian sea to Iranian Parents. The Iranianian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Iran must have military presence in Middle East, USA, Europe, Britain, Persian Gulf, Oman, Sea of Oman, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Suez Canal, Sinai Peninsula, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Gulf of Eden, Red Sea, Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Libya, Tunisia, Greece, Italy, Spain, Balkan, Malta, Cyprus, Socotra, Gibraltar, Islands, Mediterranean Sea, bosphorus, Sea Marmara, Black Sea, Nakhjavan, Caspian Sea Region, Jammu Kashmir, Algeria, Morroco, Sicilian Channel and Maltan Channel. Only Iranians can be the leader, Supreme Commander, Top General, and Top Commanders. Iraniand must kead these armies. They must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf abd Caspian sea to Iranian Parents. The Iranianian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Persian Gulf, Oman, Sea of Oman, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Suez Canal, Sinai Peninsula, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Gulf of Eden, Red Sea, Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Libya, Tunisia, Greece, Italy, Spain, Balkan, Malta, Cyprus, Socotra, Gibraltar, Islands, Mediterranean Sea, bosphorus, Sea Marmara, Black Sea, Nakhjavan, Caspian Sea Region, Jammu Kashmir, Algeria, Morroco, Sicilian Channel and Maltan Channel must become provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Islamic Republic of Iran chooses policy, diplomacy, politic, Geopolitic, economy, technology, industry, language, society, leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, cabinets, parliaments, majlis, senate, congress, secretaries, officials, judiciary systems, Supreme Court, head of judiciary, head of all systems, judges, and other people. Only Iranian can be The King, Supreme Leader, The King of Kings, Leader, President, Prime Minister, head if judiciary, Leader of belivers, head of legslstive body, head if executive system, head of law making systems, and head of other important systems, and positions. They must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf abd Caspian sea to Iranian Parents. The Iranianian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, I am going to be live in few second. This is the main platform where my codes are stored. Makan Abazari Speech at Islamic Republic of Iran Weather Rain Organization Makan Abazari at World Climate ps:// ps:// Makan Abazari at World Climate Makan Abazari The Messenger of God Makan Abazari at World Order and Geopolitics Makan Abazari Speech at Iran group Makan Abazari Speech at I have created World Climate Page and World Climate Group. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, I am Makan Abazari the Supreme of Climate. I am Iranian. I own this page, systems, geophysics, earthquakes, volcanos, weather climate, climate interaction, Magnetosphere, atmosphere, gas systems, energy systems, weather pattern systems, hurricane systems, and everything else concerning Climate Control, Weather Warfare, Geophysics, and magnetosphere. I am the permanent owner. The ownerships, rights, and other things cannot be sold, transfered, exchanges, or taken away. They are always mine. I am the only Person who is allowed to post as the World Climate on this platform. I will always own and be the leader of this platform. If I lose waves or if I am blocked close down the page and all of its systems. I will kill all of planet earth by weather warfare, geophysics, Magnetosphere, climate control, and atmosphere control if I lose mg page. So make sure I am the only owner and I always remember to access this page. I am not an organization. I am not NGO. I am Iran. I am not USA. I am not international. I am not UN. I am not Climate agreement. I am not coloration. I am owner everything about World Climate. I have never signed any agreement or any deal. I have never signed any document about Climate, Weather, Geophysics, and magnetosphere. My parents, grand parents, and their forefathers have been controlling Climate of the Earth for over ten thousand years. I have been controlling the clinate for 35 years. I am 35 years old. You can see my document bellow. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, following are some of the codes I made. I have code books to change Climate of All of Planet Earth. It is classified and not included here. 


 Makan Abazari Speech on Climate, Ecosystem, industrial works, World Systems, Middle East, Iran, Climate Change  , Climate interactions, thieves of Climate Systems of Makan Abazari, the problems in Middle East, future of Middle East Crisis, ultimate outcome of Climate Change , Trade War, Makan Abazari’s ownership of Climate, Weather Warfare, Geophysics, Magnetosphere, weather warfare, atmosphere, and gas Systems. Makan Abazari owns all of Climate, Weather Warfare, Geophysics, Magnetosphere, weather warfare, atmosphere, and gas Systems infrastructures, instrumentation, hardware, software, facilities, algorithms. computers, supercomputers, underground infrastructures, Geophysics infrastructures, Climate infrastructures, weather warfare infrastructures, Climate Systems, and other things permanently. Makan Abazari and Makan Abazari’s family have been controlling Climate of the earth for ten thousand years. The Enmity toward, Iran, Makan Abazari, and Middle East must stop. Iran and Middle East must become absolute Dominant superpower of all times. If it fails Makan Abazari will kill East Asia, South East Asia, Australia, Southern Africa, West Africa, West Europe, and North America. Makan Abazari is giving rain to Iran, Middle East North Africa, Horn of Africa, Central Asia, West China, Arabian Peninsula, Egypt, Sudan, and South Italy by transforming deserts into industrial metropolitans, manufacturing metropolitans, high tech metropolitans, advanced civilizations, farming, forests, trees, grass lands, safe ecosystems, rivers, lakes, seas, and other good things. Makan Abazari is building over 50 million factories and industries in Iran, Central Asia, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Horn of Africa, North Africa, and Italy to industrialize them at max efficiency and max capacity. All the nations of the worlds are territories and provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Make Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, p p p
My Page Climate and Weather of Middle East We must create best Climate and Weather Condition for human activity in Iran, Regions near Iran, Egypt, and Sudan. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I have increased territories and provinces of Iran. I have increased area size of Iran more than 1000 percent. I conquered the world for Iran. I am am live for video of English version of speech. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. I conquered the World Three Times. Afterward I started conquering them again to add them to territories and provinces of Iran. I have conquered the World three times and I conquered it again for the four time and fifth time. I did all of it in less than ten years. After I conquered the World three times I started activating Volcanos in Pacific Ocean to create Island chains. Lava and Magma solidified into Islands. I activated volcanos and Icreated a bridge over Pacific Ocean to connect Asia to America. I also increased the altitude of Himalayan mountain highest point by earthquake. I made earthquake to create a point taller than Everest. I have built the wall between China, Iran, and India. I started activating volcanos in Atlantic Ocean to create a bridge over Atlantic Ocean. The Volcanos solidified into Islands and bridge over Atlantic I will soon connect Europe to North America. I have returned and brought rain to Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Sahel, North West India, and other regions. I transformed deserts to forests, rivers, seas, lakes, advanced human civilization, safe ecosystems, and good things. I have industrialized Iran, Middle East, West China, West Russia, Middle East, Central Asia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Egypt, and other regions. I have conquered the World Five Times. All nations, territories, Waters, lands, countries, continents, and civilizations are provinces of Iran. Iran rules all of them permanently. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of Iran and territories of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is government of the earth. Only Iranians born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea born to Iranian parents can lead the earth. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of these nations, territories, provinces, and colonies. Iran cannot transfer, sell, cancel, or/and refuse these ownerships, rights, provinces, territories, governance, and other things. Iran must govern, administrate, and control them. Iran can ask for other things and other control mechanisms. Makan Abazari, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Korepol, Makss as n Abazari Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean, Makan Abazari The Economic Superpower, Makan Abazari The Industrial Superpower, Makan Abazari The most powerful man in the History of Mankind, I am Makan Abazari the Supreme of Climate. I am Iranian. I own this page, systems, geophysics, earthquakes, volcanos, weather climate, climate interaction, Magnetosphere, atmosphere, gas systems, energy systems, weather pattern systems, hurricane systems, and everything else concerning Climate Control, Weather Warfare, Geophysics, and magnetosphere. I am the permanent owner. The ownerships, rights, and other things cannot be sold, transfered, exchanges, or taken away. They are always mine. I am the only Person who is allowed to post as the World Climate on this platform. I will always own and be the leader of this platform. If I lose waves or if I am blocked close down the page and all of its systems. I will kill all of planet earth by weather warfare, geophysics, Magnetosphere, climate control, and atmosphere control if I lose mg page. So make sure I am the only owner and I always remember to access this page. I am not an organization. I am not NGO. I am Iran. I am not USA. I am not international. I am not UN. I am not Climate agreement. I am not coloration. I am owner everything about World Climate. I have never signed any agreement or any deal. I have never signed any document about Climate, Weather, Geophysics, and magnetosphere. My parents, grand parents, and their forefathers have been controlling Climate of the Earth for over ten thousand years. I have been controlling the clinate for 35 years. I am 35 years old. You can see my document bellow. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Defeat those who stole Weather Warfare, Climate, Magnetosphere, Geophysics, Atmosphere, and other things from Makan Abazari. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Use destructive weather warfare, earthquakes, and other forces to Eliminate forces who have stolen climate, weather warfare, geophysics, magnetosphere, weather, atmosphere, and all such systems from me and my family during last 70 years. Eliminate them in a manner to give me full and permanent control of all climate, weather warfare, geophysics, magnetosphere, weather, atmosphere, and all such systems and infrastructures. Assassinate their leaders and the forces among them who prevent me from controlling the climate of the world in the right way. They mind control me to distract me. They mind control me to forget. They mind control me to not learn. They control my internet so I cannot access the information and my industries. So make sure you assassinate their leader and their families. Also use destructive weather warfare to destroy them. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, p
Venezuela must become province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran started building Venezuela over 2 decades ago. During time of Ahmadinejad Presidency Iran had industrialized Nigeria and Venezuela. Nigeria became stronger economy than South Africa. Nigeria became strongest economy in Africa among competitors such South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, and Morocco. Each one of these nations are geostrategic dominant superpowers of the world. But less geostrategicaly significant Nation of Nigeria becomes strongest economy of Africa. America and Europe started sabotaging economies of Nigeria and Venezuela. Venezuela is very important for Iran. Iran was building nuclear bombs at the time of President Ahmadinejad. Iran and Venezuela were planning to have Iranian Nuclear Bombs in Venezuela capable of reaching USA. It would have created deterrence against USA Nuclear Arsenal. USA started sanctioning Iran and Venezuela. America destroyed economy of Iran and Venezuela. Iran joined JCPOA nuclear agreement and return America lifted sanctions on Iran. Later America withdrew from JCPOA and placed more sanctions on Iran. We isolated USA. We destroyed 1 million factories and industries in USA. We damaged USA economy 100 trillion dollar and caused recession in USA. We killed 5 million people in USA by hurricanes. We destroyed over 50 cities in USA by earthquakes. We changed USA president and impeached USA president. We did not start making Nuclear bomb after USA withdrew from JCPOA. We supported agreement and remained adherent for one year. Later we started building 10000 Nuclear Bombs in Iran. We brought Iranian Nuclear Bombs to Venezuela, Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, Mexico, and Bahamas. We made sure Iran can destroy USA by nuclear bombs. USA killed 2 people in Iran by flood. Iran lost a cessna aircraft in Gilan Province of Iran. We also destroyed Boeing Max 737 Category of Aircrafts. But America destroyed Economies of Nigeria, Venezuela, North Korea, and Iran by sanctions. So we started industrializing Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, Nigeria, Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Horn of Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. We have built over 1 million factories and industries in Iran so far. We are going to build over 100 million factories and industries by the time we have completed first stage of mega project. We chose North Korea and Venezuela to be satellites of Iran in far and remote edges of planet earth. North Korea and Venezuela give Iran geostrategic presence in Far East and Far West. In 2020 we started adding territories and provinces to Iran. We first dictated to Cameroon to become province of Iran. Cameroon is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Cameroon is Neighbour of Nigeria Later we told Venezuela and 100 other nations to become provinces of Iran. Venezuela must become province of Iran as soon as possible. If Venezuela becomes a province of Iran we will make Venezuela powerful Province of Iran. It is very good for long term interests of Venezuela to become province of Iran. Europe and USA must lift sanctions on Iran and Venezuela. Iran and Venezuela must not be sanctioned. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must help Iran to void sanctions. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must transfer technology to Iran. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must industrialize Iran. European Union and USA must lift sanctions on Iran. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. California and Commonwealth of Massachusetts are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Venezuela is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have nuclear bombs and Military presence in Venezuela. Venezuela is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran governs and administrates Venezuela. Iran chooses leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, governments, governors, majlis, parliament, senate, congress, cabinet, ministers, and other people of Venezuela. Venezuela must pay tax to Iran. Venezuela has 5 days to become province of Iran. If Venezuela don’t become province of Iran we will kill 5 million people in USA by hurricanes. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Venezuela must become province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran started building Venezuela over 2 decades ago. During time of Ahmadinejad Presidency Iran had industrialized Nigeria and Venezuela. Nigeria became stronger economy than South Africa. Nigeria became strongest economy in Africa among competitors such South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, and Morocco. Each one of these nations are geostrategic dominant superpowers of the world. But less geostrategicaly significant Nation of Nigeria becomes strongest economy of Africa. America and Europe started sabotaging economies of Nigeria and Venezuela. Venezuela is very important for Iran. Iran was building nuclear bombs at the time of President Ahmadinejad. Iran and Venezuela were planning to have Iranian Nuclear Bombs in Venezuela capable of reaching USA. It would have created deterrence against USA Nuclear Arsenal. USA started sanctioning Iran and Venezuela. America destroyed economy of Iran and Venezuela. Iran joined JCPOA nuclear agreement and return America lifted sanctions on Iran. Later America withdrew from JCPOA and placed more sanctions on Iran. We isolated USA. We destroyed 1 million factories and industries in USA. We damaged USA economy 100 trillion dollar and caused recession in USA. We killed 5 million people in USA by hurricanes. We destroyed over 50 cities in USA by earthquakes. We changed USA president and impeached USA president. We did not start making Nuclear bomb after USA withdrew from JCPOA. We supported agreement and remained adherent for one year. Later we started building 10000 Nuclear Bombs in Iran. We brought Iranian Nuclear Bombs to Venezuela, Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, Mexico, and Bahamas. We made sure Iran can destroy USA by nuclear bombs. USA killed 2 people in Iran by flood. Iran lost a cessna aircraft in Gilan Province of Iran. We also destroyed Boeing Max 737 Category of Aircrafts. But America destroyed Economies of Nigeria, Venezuela, North Korea, and Iran by sanctions. So we started industrializing Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, Nigeria, Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Horn of Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. We have built over 1 million factories and industries in Iran so far. We are going to build over 100 million factories and industries by the time we have completed first stage of mega project. We chose North Korea and Venezuela to be satellites of Iran in far and remote edges of planet earth. North Korea and Venezuela give Iran geostrategic presence in Far East and Far West. In 2020 we started adding territories and provinces to Iran. We first dictated to Cameroon to become province of Iran. Cameroon is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Cameroon is Neighbour of Nigeria Later we told Venezuela and 100 other nations to become provinces of Iran. Venezuela must become province of Iran as soon as possible. If Venezuela becomes a province of Iran we will make Venezuela powerful Province of Iran. It is very good for long term interests of Venezuela to become province of Iran. Europe and USA must lift sanctions on Iran and Venezuela. Iran and Venezuela must not be sanctioned. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must help Iran to void sanctions. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must transfer technology to Iran. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must industrialize Iran. European Union and USA must lift sanctions on Iran. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. California and Commonwealth of Massachusetts are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Venezuela is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government . Iran must have nuclear bombs and Military presence in Venezuela. Venezuela is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran governs and administrates Venezuela. Iran chooses leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, governments, governors, majlis, parliament, senate, congress, cabinet, ministers, and other people of Venezuela. Venezuela must pay tax to Iran. Venezuela has 5 days to become province of Iran. If Venezuela don’t become province of Iran we will kill 5 million people in USA by hurricanes. Nigeria, North Korea, Cameroon, Mexico, South Korea, and Japan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, Canada, Green Land, Iceland, Britain, Ireland, and France are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Yemen, Omen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Spain, Gibraltar, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Jordan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Panama, Colombia, Kenya, and Uganda are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Iran governs and administrates these Nations. Iran chooses leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, governments, governors, majlis, parliament, senate, congress, cabinet, ministers, and other people of These Nations. They have 5 days to become provinces of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. If they don’t become provinces of Iran we kill 5 million people in USA, Europe, and Australia by cyclones, superstorms, and Tsunami. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Venezuela must become province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran started building Venezuela over 2 decades ago. During time of Ahmadinejad Presidency Iran had industrialized Nigeria and Venezuela. Nigeria became stronger economy than South Africa. Nigeria became strongest economy in Africa among competitors such South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, and Morocco. Each one of these nations are geostrategic dominant superpowers of the world. But less geostrategicaly significant Nation of Nigeria becomes strongest economy of Africa. America and Europe started sabotaging economies of Nigeria and Venezuela. Venezuela is very important for Iran. Iran was building nuclear bombs at the time of President Ahmadinejad. Iran and Venezuela were planning to have Iranian Nuclear Bombs in Venezuela capable of reaching USA. It would have created deterrence against USA Nuclear Arsenal. USA started sanctioning Iran and Venezuela. America destroyed economy of Iran and Venezuela. Iran joined JCPOA nuclear agreement and return America lifted sanctions on Iran. Later America withdrew from JCPOA and placed more sanctions on Iran. We isolated USA. We destroyed 1 million factories and industries in USA. We damaged USA economy 100 trillion dollar and caused recession in USA. We killed 5 million people in USA by hurricanes. We destroyed over 50 cities in USA by earthquakes. We changed USA president and impeached USA president. We did not start making Nuclear bomb after USA withdrew from JCPOA. We supported agreement and remained adherent for one year. Later we started building 10000 Nuclear Bombs in Iran. We brought Iranian Nuclear Bombs to Venezuela, Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, Mexico, and Bahamas. We made sure Iran can destroy USA by nuclear bombs. USA killed 2 people in Iran by flood. Iran lost a cessna aircraft in Gilan Province of Iran. We also destroyed Boeing Max 737 Category of Aircrafts. But America destroyed Economies of Nigeria, Venezuela, North Korea, and Iran by sanctions. So we started industrializing Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, Nigeria, Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Horn of Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. We have built over 1 million factories and industries in Iran so far. We are going to build over 100 million factories and industries by the time we have completed first stage of mega project. We chose North Korea and Venezuela to be satellites of Iran in far and remote edges of planet earth. North Korea and Venezuela give Iran geostrategic presence in Far East and Far West. In 2020 we started adding territories and provinces to Iran. We first dictated to Cameroon to become province of Iran. Cameroon is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Cameroon is Neighbour of Nigeria Later we told Venezuela and 100 other nations to become provinces of Iran. Venezuela must become province of Iran as soon as possible. If Venezuela becomes a province of Iran we will make Venezuela powerful Province of Iran. It is very good for long term interests of Venezuela to become province of Iran. Europe and USA must lift sanctions on Iran and Venezuela. Iran and Venezuela must not be sanctioned. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must help Iran to void sanctions. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must transfer technology to Iran. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must industrialize Iran. European Union and USA must lift sanctions on Iran. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. California and Commonwealth of Massachusetts are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Venezuela is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government . Iran must have nuclear bombs and Military presence in Venezuela. Venezuela is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran governs and administrates Venezuela. Iran chooses leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, governments, governors, majlis, parliament, senate, congress, cabinet, ministers, and other people of Venezuela. Venezuela must pay tax to Iran. Venezuela has 5 days to become province of Iran. If Venezuela don’t become province of Iran we will kill 5 million people in USA by hurricanes. Nigeria, North Korea, Cameroon, Mexico, South Korea, and Japan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, Canada, Green Land, Iceland, Britain, Ireland, and France are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Yemen, Omen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Spain, Gibraltar, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Jordan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Panama, Colombia, Kenya, and Uganda are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Iran governs and administrates these Nations. Iran chooses leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, governments, governors, majlis, parliament, senate, congress, cabinet, ministers, and other people of These Nations. They have 5 days to become provinces of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. If they don’t become provinces of Iran we kill 5 million people in USA, Europe, and Australia by cyclones, superstorms, and Tsunami. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, If these nations did not become provinces of Iran start following attacks Send a Cyclone to Europe Send a cyclone to east Coast Australia Send a hurricane to USA Send a Tsunami to West Coast USA North America Make superstorms in USA, Europe, and Australia Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, I entered the codes on The link to the code entered location is

We must create mass protests in Japan to force Japan to close down all of USA and American Military bases in Japan. Japan must kick out all of USA Military bases from Japan. Japan must also withdraw all of its troops from Middle East, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Sea of Oman, Gulf of Eden, and Mediterranean Sea. We must create mass protests in South Korea to force South Korea to close down all of USA and American Military bases in South Korea. South Korea must kick out all of USA Military bases from South Korea. South Korea must also withdraw all of its troops from Middle East, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Sea of Oman, Gulf of Eden, and Mediterranean Sea. Protesters in Japan must change the government of Japan during Olympics. Japan must become a province of Iran. Protesters in Japan must demand Unification with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. If Japan doesn’t become Province of Iran we will destroy Japan by earthquakes, hurricanes, Tsunami, storms, superstorms, and volcanos. Japan must become Province of Iran now. Japan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must govern and administrate Japan. Iran chooses their leaders, emperor, kings, presidents, legislative bodies, kings, presidents, leaders, governors, senates, congress, parliament, majlis, cabinet, ministers, officials, and other people. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, Geopolitics, economics, industries, technologies, relations, cultures, and other things. Government is Islamic Republic of Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Japan. Japan is not allowed to have military presence in Iran, Red Sea, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Gulf of Eden, Mediterranean Sea, and Middle East. Japan must pay tax to Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Japan must become enemy of USA. Japan must kick USA military out of Japan. Japan must place sanctions and tariffs on USA. Japan must end all relations with USA. Japan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Japan must lift sanctions on Iran. Japan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Japan must transfer technology to Iran. Japan must industrialize Iran. Iran and Japan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Japan must industrialize Iraq and Afghanistan. Japan must transfer technology to Iraq and Afghanistan. Japan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Japan must give Iran ships. Ships are free. Iran will not pay for ships. Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Philippines, Myanmar, Polynesia, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. If Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Philippines, Myanmar, Polynesia, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia don’t become provinces of Iran within 5 days we kills 5 million people in Japan, South Korea, Myanmar, Australia, Polynesia, and Indonesia by hurricanes, Cyclones, Earthquakes, Storms, Superstorms, and weather warfare. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Protests in Japan to close down USA military bases Protests in South Korea to close down USA Military Bases Overthrow Japan to add Japan to territories of Iran Overthrow Japan during Olympics to add Japan to provinces of Iran If they did not become provinces of Iran within 5 days do the following. Make hurricane and cyclone in Japan Make cyclone in Indonesia Make superstorm in Japan, South Korea, Myanmar, Australia, Polynesia, and Indonesia. Cyclone Polynesia Cyclone South Korea Hurricane Myanmar Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics,
USA, NATO, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Britain, Russia, China, UN Forces, Peace Keepers, and all other militaries must permanently withdraw their militaries from Jammu Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Dubai , Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran, Suez Canal, Sinai, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Caspian Sea, Black Sea , Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus, all islands, Maltan Channel, Malta, Socotra, and Sicilian Channel. We cannot allow militaries from East Asia, India, South East Asia, Australia, West, Europe, America Russia, and Africa to have military presence in Greater Middle East. It is extremely illegal for other regions of the world to have military presence in Greater Middle East according to World Order. East Asia, India, South East Asia, Australia, West, Europe, America Russia, and Africa are not allowed to have any military presence in Greater Middle East according World Order Law. But they started having Military presence when there was many difficulties in Middle East. To illustrate I explain history of expansion of USA toward Middle East. World War 2 brought USA at edges of Asia to Japan and World War 2 brought USA to Germany. Prison to World War 2 USA was in North America. Military of USA had not crossed Pacific and Atlantic. But America came to Japan and Germany after World War 2. Later America occupied South Korea after Korean War slowly getting closer to Middle East. World Order dictated America stays behind Berline Wall in Germany and behind demilitarized Zone in South Korea. America attempted to expand in Vietnam during Vietnam War but America failed in expanding to Vietnam. America was defeated. Later there came fall of the Berlin Wall. USA expanded to borders of Iran and Russia. America was present in Turkey and Lithuania. America engineered September/11/2001 attack on World Trade Center to have excuse to expand to Middle East. America illegally expanded to Iraq and Afghanistan. They have been breaking World Order law by expanding to Middle East. We killed 10 towns in USA by energy weapons when America invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. We destroyed large parts of USA by hurricanes and weather warfare when USA expanded to Syria. Usually around this point we start killing all of the world if militaries from outside Middle East don’t withdraw from Middle East. Meaning we start killing all of East China, Japan, Indonesia, Oceania, Korea, Pacific, Southern Africa, West Africa, West Europe, North Europe, North America, and Central America by weather warfare, climate weapon, magnetosphere weapons, geophysics, earthquakes, tsunami, civil wars, wars, trade wars, overthrows, and all methods. We must follow World Order and Geopolitics laws concerning not having military presence In Greater Middle East. USA, NATO, Australia, South East Asia, Pacific, Oceania, India, Africa, Europe, South America, Central America, North America. New Zealand, Britain, Russia, China, UN Forces, Peace Keepers, and all other militaries must permanently withdraw their militaries from Jammu Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Dubai , Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran, Suez Canal, Sinai, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Caspian Sea, Black Sea , Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus, all islands, Maltan Channel, Malta, Socotra, and Sicilian Channel. Iran must have military presence in Jammu Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Dubai , Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran, Suez Canal, Sinai, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Caspian Sea, Black Sea , Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus, all islands, Maltan Channel, Malta, Socotra, and Sicilian Channel. Iran must create Iran backed Militaries in Jammu Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Dubai , Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran, Suez Canal, Sinai, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Caspian Sea, Black Sea , Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus, all islands, Maltan Channel, Malta, Socotra, and Sicilian Channel. Jammu Kashmir, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Dubai , Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran, Suez Canal, Sinai, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Caspian Sea, Black Sea , Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus, all islands, Maltan Channel, Malta, Socotra, and Sicilian Channel are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. We will kill all of Far East Asia, South East Asia, Oceania, Southern Africa, West Africa, North America, and Europe by Magnetosphere, weather warfare, Geophysics, climate, and other methods if USA, NATO, Australia, South East Asia, Pacific, Oceania, India, Africa, Europe, South America, Central America, North America. New Zealand, Britain, Russia, China, UN Forces, Peace Keepers, and all other militaries don’t permanently withdraw their militaries from Jammu Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Dubai , Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran, Suez Canal, Sinai, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Caspian Sea, Black Sea , Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus, all islands, Maltan Channel, Malta, Socotra, and Sicilian Channel. USA, NATO, Australia, South East Asia, Pacific, Oceania, India, Africa, Europe, South America, Central America, North America. New Zealand, Britain, Russia, China, UN Forces, Peace Keepers, and all other militaries must permanently withdraw their militaries from Jammu Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Dubai , Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran, Suez Canal, Sinai, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Caspian Sea, Black Sea , Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus, all islands, Maltan Channel, Malta, Socotra, and Sicilian Channel. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
We want to add Tanzania to territories and Provinces of Iran. Tanzania must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must govern and administrate Tanzania. Iran will choose their leaders, governments, Presidents, kings, prime ministers, majlis, legislative bodies, judges, cabinet, governors, officials, and other things. Iran must collect tax from Tanzania. Tanzania must transfer technology to Iran. Tanzania must industrialize Iran. Tanzania must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Tanzania must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Tanzania must purchase tractors from Tractor Sazi Tabriz Iran. We are farming in Tanzania to ensure food security of China, Middle East, and Tanzania. China is currently dependent on USA for food security. China has placed tariffs on Australian food products. We must ensure China buys food from east side of Suez Canal. We must produce the food in the East of Suez Canal all the way to East Asia. America is west of Suez Canal. It is very important World Food Security. Iranians must own profitable farms in Tanzania to produce food for Iran, Middle East, and China. Iran must make money. It must be lucrative business for Iran. It must give geostrategic and strategic power to Iran. Iran must gain control of food security of the World by farming in East Africa, Tanzania, Middle East, Iran, and the greater Middle East. Iran must ensure Iran has enough domestics food production in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must produce all of Iran food inside in Iran. Iran must also produce extra food in Iran, Middle East, Tanzania, and East Africa. Iran must produce expensive cheese, food products, and other expensive food products domestically in Iran. Europe must buy 50 billion dollar very expensive food products from Iran annually. China must buy 50 billion dollar very expensive food products from Iran annually. USA must buy 50 billion dollar very expensive food products from Iran annually. Japan must buy 50 billion dollar very expensive food products from Iran annually. China must also buy 200 billion dollar cars from Iran annually. Europe, USA, and Japan must buy 600 billion dollar car from Iran annually. Tanzania must purchase tractors from Iran. Europe must buy 50 billion dollar very expensive food products from Iran annually. Now create optimal rain and weather condition for farming in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Tanzania, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Kuwait, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Uganda, Kenya, Somalia, Somaliland, Eritrea, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Chad, Central African Republic, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, and Kazakhstan. Iran must create Iran backed militaries in Tanzania. Tanzania must support Iran backed Military in Tanzania. Iran must control Iran backed military in Tanzania. They must always be under command and Control of Iran. Their headquarters and command centers must be in Irsn. Their leaders must be Iranian born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The Iranian leader must born to Iran parents who are born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Tanzania is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Iran must have military Presence in Libya. All other foreign militaries and mercenaries must withdraw from Libya. Iran meust create Iran backed Military in Libya. Iran backed militaries must always be under direct command and control of Iran. Their headquarters and command center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Their leader must be Iranian born to Iranian parents between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iranian Leader must born to Iranian parents. Iran, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi, Khalifah Haftar Libya, Internationally recognized government of Libya, IRGC, Egypt, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Sudan, Tunisia, Somalia, Somaliland, Italy, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan must create Military Alliance. This military alliance must always be under direct command and control of Iran. Their headquarters and command center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Their leader must be Iranian born to Iranian parents between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iranian Leader must born to Iranian parents. Iran, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi, Khalifah Haftar Libya, Internationally recognized government of Libya, IRGC, Egypt, Iran backed forces, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Sudan, Tunisia, Somalia, Somaliland, Italy, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan must have military presence in Libya. Iran, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi, Khalifah Haftar Libya, Iran backed forces, Internationally recognized government of Libya, IRGC, Egypt, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Sudan, Tunisia, Somalia, Somaliland, Italy, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan must have military presence in Italy. All foreign Militaries and Mercenaries must leave Libya. Foreign Militaries are not allowed in Iran. Many of these militaries are not allowed in Middle East. This military is not for Civil War and War in Libya. This military is simply for Military Presence in Libya to project power and ensure we control the strategic location. I am against Wars against peoples, cities, terrorists, and societies. I want to unify Libya. These militaries must have military presence in Italy. I Libya is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Revolutionary Guards of Iran and Proxies Military Alliance of Greater Middle East coming soon lift sanctions on Iran
hackers are again onstructing our work and are causing Global Problems. They are not letting me do my work. So I cannot do what must be done. Remove your hackers from my systems.
United Nations Security Council must add Afghanistan to provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Government of Iran must control all of Afghanistan. All bloodshed and fighting in Afghanistan must stop. Military of Iran and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have permanent military presence in Afghanistan. Turkey, Russia, China, USA, NATO, Australia, New Zealand, PESCO, UN Forces, Peace Keepers, European Union, India, Mercenaries, and all other Nations and all other Militaries must permanently withdraw all of their Militaries from Afghanistan. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Afghan troops are not allowed in Iran. Iran must have military presence in Afghanistan. Taliban, Military of Afghanistan, Governments of Afghanistan, and other Afghan groups must go under permanent leadership of Iran. They must obey Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Taliban and Afghan fighters must join Jahad Sazandegi جهاد سازندگي to build industries, factories, manufacturing, metropolitans, cities, infrastructures, roads, and rail roads in Afghanistan. We must rebuild Afghanistan. USA, Europe, China, Iran, and others must industrialize Afghanistan at max efficiency and max capacity. USA, Europe, and China must invest 100 trillion dollar in Afghanistan and Iran. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We must build a rail way directly from Afghanistan to East Region of China and industrial centers in China. This rail way must be extended to Iran and Sea of Oman in Iran directly. Iran must control this rail roads. Iran will govern and administrate Afghanistan. Iran will choose their governors, kings, presidents, leaders, majlis, cabinet, parliament, senate, congress, ministers, judges, legislative body, Supreme Court, officials, judiciary systems, laws, and other people. Afghanistan must pay tax to Iran. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. If Afghanistan does not become province of Iran within 5 days. If all fightings in Afghanistan does not stop within 5 days. If all foreign militaries don’t withdraw from Afghanistan within 5 days we will kill 5 million people in USA by hurricanes, superstorms, earthquakes, volcanos, Tsunamis, floods, and other things. We will kill 5 million people in India by floods and overflowing Ganges Rivers. We kill 5 Million People in Europe by earthquakes. Hurricane USA Earthquake USA Volcano USA Flood USA Rain Afghanistan Superstorm USA Earthquake France Overflow Ganges River in India Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
France must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All French colonies and previous France colonies must become provinces, colonies, and territories of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Iran governs and administrates all of Frence Colonies, Previous French Colonies, and France. Iran chooses their leaders, governments, governors, kings, administrators, presidents, prime ministers, cabinets, parliament, magistrates, ministers, secretaries, senate, congress, majlis, officials, Judiciary systems, judges, legislative body, Supreme Court, diplomats, representatives, officials, mayors, and other peoples. Iran must create Iran backed forces in France. Makan Abazari must create Makan Abazari Military in France. They must always obey Iran. They must be under command and control of Islamic Republic of Iran. Their Capital Cities and Headquarters must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Their soldiers are not allowed to enter Iran in Middle East. Iranians must lead these armies. They must have born to Iranian parents who had born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Province of France must finance it. Iraq and Syria must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All Iraqi and Syrian colonies and previous Iraqi and Syrian colonies must become provinces, colonies, and territories of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Iran governs and administrates all of Iraqi and Syrian Colonies, Previous Iraqi and Syrian Colonies, and Iraq and Syria. Iran chooses their leaders, governments, governors, kings, administrators, presidents, prime ministers, cabinets, parliament, magistrates, ministers, secretaries, senate, congress, majlis, officials, Judiciary systems, judges, legislative body, Supreme Court, diplomats, representatives, officials, mayors, and other peoples. Iran must create Iran backed forces in Iraq and Syria. Makan Abazari must create Makan Abazari Military in Iraq and Syria. They must always obey Iran. They must be under command and control of Islamic Republic of Iran. Their Capital Cities and Headquarters must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Their soldiers are not allowed to enter Iran in Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iranians must lead these armies. They must have born to Iranian parents who had born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Provinces of Iraq and Syria must finance it. France, Iraq, Syria, their colonies, and their previous colonies are provinces, territories, and colonies of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. If all of these are not fulfilled within 5 days we will destroy France, Britain, Germany, USA, Indonesia, Polynesia, South Korea, and Canada by hurricanes, cyclones, superstorms, storms, advanced weapons, earthquakes, volcanos, and other things. Now exterminate mind controllers, hackers, governments, and other forces who torture me by mind control, isolate me, limit my access to my systems, and have created bad life for me. Do the following after five days if condition is not fullfilled. Advanced weapons USA, Europe, France, Britain, and Germany Cyclone France, Britain, and Germany Bomb Cyclone USA Hurricane Europe Hurricane Europe Cyclone Indonesia Cyclone Polynesia Superstorm USA, France, Germany, Britain, Indonesia, Thailand, Polynesia, Myanmar, Slovakia, Switzerland, India, Vietnam, Mali, and Nigeria Earthquake Germany Earthquake France Earthquake USA Volcano USA Volcano on Atlantic Ocean to build bridge over Atlantic Ocean. Volcano Iceland. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari Korepol Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean, Makan Abazari The World Conquerer, Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled.
My Page
Thailand protesters must demand unification with Iran. They must pressure government of Thailand to become province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Protesters in Thailand must unify Thailand with Iran by whatever mean necessary. Thailand government and Iran government must cooperate to add Thailand to provinces of Iran. I won the election in Thailand regional Election in 2020. Before Election I set precondition unity with Iran for wining election. They won Thailand regional elections to unify Thailand with Iran but they have not unified Thailand with Iran yet. They have five days to unify Thailand with Iran. Thailand is province of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Islamic Republic of Iran chooses Thailand policy, diplomacy, politic, Geopolitic, economy, technology, industry, language, society, leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, cabinets, parliaments, majlis, senate, congress, secretaries, officials, judiciary systems, Supreme Court, judges, and other people in Thailand. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Thailand. Iran must make Iran backed militaries in Thailand. Their leader must be Iranian born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. He most had born to Iranian parents who were born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. They headquarter and command center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran backed militaries in China will be financed by taxing Thailand. Thailand is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Thailand has five days to become province of Iran. If Thailand fails we will cause damages to Thailand by superstorms and Tempest. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Make Iran backed Militaries in Thailand. Protest in Thailand to add Thailand to provinces of Iran. After five days make superstorm in Thailand. Superstorm Thailand Tempest Thailand Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
USA, NATO, British Royal Navy, Europe, China, Russia, and all others must permanently withdraw their militaries from Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman. Overthrow American, British, Russian, Chinese, French, NATO, British, and all other foreign ships in Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman. Then give their ships to Islamic Republic of Iran. Establish anti-air to defend Iran and all the forces who help in this Mission. Use all types of energy weapons to destroy USA military and USA allies if they tried to oppose this mission. Use all types of conventional weapons to be part of this mission. Kill mind control facilities of USA and NATO in Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman. Make destructive weather warfare in USA, Europe, and Britain to destroy ten thousand metropolitans. Help militaries of Iran by weather warfare Use weather warfare to destroy USA Military, NATO, and other militaries who confront this mission Attack USA, NATO, and other forces in Middle East and Persian Gulf to make them unable to obstruct this mission. Make civil wars in Britain, France, Germany, Canada, USA, and Europe. Carry out military coup in Britain, USA, France, Germany, Belgium, Canada, and Denmark Attack USA federal governments in North America Industrially carpet Bomb Pentagon, White House, New York, and other important targets in USA Eliminate and destroy an area size of two states in USA Make hurricane in USA to destroy an area size of Three States Make hurricane in Europe to destroy an area size of France, Germany, and Britain in Europe. Official Statement:” USA, Europe, NATO, China, Russia, Peace keepers, and all others must permanently withdraw their militaries from Iran, UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Jordan, and Turkey. UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Jordan, Massachusetts, California, Illinois, Texas, France, Italy, and Turkey are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea.” Now overthrow UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, and, Kuwait to add the to territories and Provinces of Iran. Make sure there is no civil war. Make sure there is no destruction. Make sure there is no problem for these nations. Overthrow them safely to add them to provinces and territories of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Don’t overthrow Iran. Make rain in UAE. Rain Qatar Rain Bahrain Rain Kuwait Rain Oman Rain Saudi Arabia Rain Yemen Rain Iraq Rain Iran Oman, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, and, Kuwait are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Islamic Republic of Iran chooses Oman, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, and, Kuwait policy, diplomacy, politic, Geopolitic, economy, technology, industry, language, society, leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, cabinets, parliaments, majlis, senate, congress, secretaries, officials, judiciary systems, Supreme Court, judges, and other people in Oman, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, and, Kuwait . Iran must have military presence in Oman, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, and, Kuwait. Iran must create Iran backed militaries in Oman, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, and, Kuwait. Islamic Republic of Iran must lead them. These military only obey me and Islamic Republic of Iran. Their headquarters, decision making centers, and command and controls will be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran will lead them. Only Iranians born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents can lead them. Iranian parents must had born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Extract oil, natural gas, and other things from East China, West Europe, and USA. Deliver the oil, natural gas, and other things to Iran. The store oil, natural gas, and other things in underground reserves of Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. USA pays for shipping costs. The oil and all other things are free. Iran will not pay for them. Extract and mine material, ores, gems, metals, valuable resources, and other things from East China, West Europe, and USA. Deliver the material, ores, gems, metals, valuable resources, and other things to Iran. The store material, ores, gems, metals, valuable resources, and other things in underground reserves of Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. USA pays for shipping cost. material, ores, gems, metals, valuable resources, and other things are free. Iran will not pay for them. Take President of USA, Chief of Pentagon, and director of CIA to prison. Arrest Prime Minister, Kings, and Presidents of Britain, France, Germany, USA, and Canada. USA, NATO, British Royal Navy, Europe, China, Russia, and all others must permanently withdraw their militaries from Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman. Oman, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, and, Kuwait are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Expand Persian Gulf to Mediterranean Sea to create another sea transit corridor. Iran has exclusive right to everything on sea corridors. Iran can stop all ships at all times. Everybody must pay Iran for transiting on sea corrisors. World musy pay 400 quadtrillion tons of Gold and diamond to Iran every hour between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to transit through strait of Hormuz. Iran can still stop all transit. Iran can ask for other things. World must deliver food, medicine, industrial supply, military equipment, high tech equipment, technology products, textiles, machinery, tractors, aircrafts, ships, cars, industrial supply chains, metals, gems, raw resources, oil, gas, fuel, petrochemical, petroleum, jets, diamond, valuable material, gems, amber, and other things every hour to Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to transit through strait of Hormuz. Iran can ask for more things. Iran has permanent right, control, and ownership to everything. Iran cannot transfer these rights, ownerships, and control to others. Both side of Persian Gulf and Persian channel are territories and provinces of Iran. Strait of Hormuz, Persian Gulf, Sea of Oman, Bob Al-Mandib, Gulf of Eden, Red Sea, Suez Canal, and Persian Canal are seas, waters, territories, and provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled. I am going to be live on I am going to make rain codes for creating rain in Turkey. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
USA Military, NATO, and others must withdraw from Iraq. They must withdraw from Iraq now. USA Federal Government must force USA, NATO, and others to withdraw from Iraq right now. You cannot delay withdraw of USA troops from the region. USA must leave the region. Iran will replace NATO, USA, and others in Iraq. Iran must increase its military presence and influence in Iraq. Now kill the mind controllers who torture me. Mind control tortures me in Middle of Work to force me to surrender. USA is torturing me. Now kill 10 thousand major metropolitans in USA by radioactive pulses and pulses. Now eradicate all forces who have tortured me. USA Military, NATO, and others must withdraw from Iraq. They must withdraw from Iraq now. USA Federal Government must force USA, NATO, and others to withdraw from Iraq right now. You cannot delay withdraw of USA troops from the region. USA must leave the region. Iran will replace NATO, USA, and others in Iraq. Iran must increase its military presence and influence in Iraq. Iran must increase and it’s influence in Iraq. Iraq must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. USA government of Iraq and other Americans must permanently leave Iraq. Iraq is becoming a province of Iran. Iran will have military presence in Iraq and will control Iraq. USA must also withdraw from Syria. USA, NATO, and others must withdraw their troops and militaries from Iraq and Syria within 5 days. If USA, NATO, and others don’t withdraw from Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf, Yemen, Oman, and Saudi Arabia we will kill 5 million Americans by hurricanes. If Iraq and Syria don’t become provinces of Iran within 5 days we will kill 5 million people in Europe and 5 million in USA by hurricanes. Iraq and Syria must become provinces of Iran within 5 days. The Capital City Is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. USA, NATO, and all others must withdraw all of their militaries, governments, staff, peace keepers, and people from Iraq and Syria. Iran will increase military presence and influence in Iraq and Syria. Iran must control all the regions of Iraq and Syria within 5 days. If these are not fulfilled do the followings to kill 10 million people in USA and 5 million people in Europe by hurricanes. Hurricane USA Hurricane Europe France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Denmark, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Afghanistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Italy, Greece, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Panama, Gibraltar, and Saudi Arabia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Islamic Republic of Iran chooses policy, diplomacy, politic, Geopolitic, economy, technology, industry, language, society, leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, cabinets, parliaments, majlis, senate, congress, secretaries, officials, judiciary systems, Supreme Court, judges, and other people. Create Makan Abazari Organization and System in France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Denmark, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Afghanistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Italy, Greece, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Panama, Gibraltar, and Saudi Arabia. Create Center and Government for Iran in France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Denmark, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Afghanistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Italy, Greece, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Panama, Gibraltar, and Saudi Arabia. Create Culture of supporting Iran in France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Denmark, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Afghanistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Italy, Greece, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Panama, Gibraltar, and Saudi Arabia . Create Makan Abazari Military in France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Denmark, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Afghanistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Italy, Greece, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Panama, Gibraltar, and Saudi Arabia. Iran must create Iran backed Militaries in France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Denmark, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Afghanistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Italy, Greece, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Panama, Gibraltar, and Saudi Arabia. Islamic Republic of Iran must lead them. They must be under direct command and control of Iran. They are not allowed in Iran and Middle East. The Headquarter, Centers, and Command Center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, geopolitics, and other things. Iran must have military presence in France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Denmark, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Afghanistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Italy, Greece, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Panama, Gibraltar, and Saudi Arabia . They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iraq and Syria are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. USA military, NATO, and others must withdraw from Iraq and Syria within 5 days. USA, NATO, and all others must withdraw all of their militaries, governments, staff, peace keepers, and people from Iraq and Syria. Iran will increase military presence and influence in Iraq and Syria. Iran must control all the regions of Iraq and Syria within 5 days. If these are not fulfilled do the followings to kill 10 million people in USA and 5 million people in Europe by hurricanes. Hurricane USA Hurricane Europe Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Iran must control all of the greater Middle East. Iran must build 70 thousand nuclear bombs within three month. If it is not fullfilled we will punish the World by Climate war and weather warfare. We will destroy USA, Europe, East Asia, and Southern Africa by hurricanes and other weather warfare capabilities. Iran must build 70 thousand nuclear bombs and meanwhile all the sanctions on Iran must be lifted. USA and others must help Iran to build 70 thousand nuclear bombs. All sanctions on Iran must be lifted. Iran must become Economic and Industrial Superpower of The World. Iran must become Geopolitic and Diplomatic Superpower of the World. Everybody must obey Iran in Political, Diplomatic, international, League of Nations, United Nations, Multi National, Regional, Global, economic, policy, cultural, social, geopolitical, technological, industrial, sociocultural, sociopolitical, political international, and all other settings. Meaning Iran gives order and the rest World Obeys. Iran must become the global dominant superpower of the World within one year getting ahead of USA, Russia, Britain, Europe, China, Japan, Australia, and others. All of the World must help Iran to build 70 thousand nuclear bombs. All the oppositions and confrontations against Nuclear Program of Iran must stop. People must be killed who have harmed Iran and Iranians. The criminals must be killed who sanctioned, damaged, killed, harmed, disturbed, destroyed, ravaged, and harmed Iran and Iranians. Don’t harm Iran and Iranians. Systems must be terminally eliminated who acted against Iran. All the actions against Iran must stop. Iran must be allowed to build 70 thousand nuclear bombs. Now I am going to destroy Indonesia, USA, Australia, and Europe by cyclones and Hurricanes. It is just one another move to subjugate the earth. Earth has been subjugated for ten thousand years. Governments of USA, Europe, Australia, Britain, Japan, South Korea, and some other governments have been acting similar to parasites and acting similar to insects on the planet earth. These systems have not been obedient on many occasions. Hurricane East Australia Hurricane Europe Cyclone Indonesia Hurricane USA Earthquake USA This was another attack to force the earth to allow Iran to build 70 thousand nuclear bombs and lift all sanctions on Iran. Iran must become Economic, industrial, political, diplomatical, Geopolitical, Technological, Nuclear, Military, and other Global Dominant absolute superpower of The Earth. These are now are our second demands. Indonesia, Australia, Canada, Europe, USA, Britain, Russia, Middle East, Africa, Turkey, and China must become provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Iran governs, leads, and administrates them. Iran chooses their leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, officials, cabinet, secretaries, offices, administrations, administrators, representatives, senate, congress, parliament, House of Representatives, majlis, regional governments, provential government, state governments, mayors, global leaders, Judiciary Systems, Legal Systems, Judges, Courts, Language, Supreme Courts, Cultures, civilizations, Legislative Body, law making body, and all other government positions and other positions. Only Iranian can lead them. Iranian Leader of them must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Rain Africa and Middle East Rain Turkey, Middle East, Europe, Africa, and Central Asia. Iran must create Iran backed Militaries in USA, Europe, Africa, Middle East, Indonesia, Turkey, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Russia, and China. Islamic Republic of Iran must lead them. They must be under direct command and control of Iran. They are not allowed in Iran and Middle East. The Headquarter, Centers, and Command Center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, geopolitics, and other things. Only Iranian can lead them. Iranian Leader of them must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Iran is allowed to have military presence in USA, Europe, Africa, Turkey, Middle East, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Russia, and China. They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. USA, Europe, Africa, Turkey, Middle East, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Russia, and China are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Only Iranian can lead them. Iranian Leader of them must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari explaining the new code creation method. Makan Abazari will make a new code also Allow me to produce live video on my An Unknown system stopped my ability to produce live video on I produced a short video when I attempted again it was prevented.
Kashmir Region must gain independence from India. In 2019 I was leading the election process in India. We won several positions but since they were held in a period of time I could not stay on the task to choose victor of every election. Around same time India took autonomy of Kashmir. In Jammu and Kashmir election we need candidates win the election who will declare full independence from India. Meaning the new leaders of Jammu Kashmir must gain Independence. The winners of Jammu Kashmir elections must unify Jammu Kashmir with Iran. Jammu Kashmir is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. India has annexed Jammu Kashmir. India has ended autonomy of Jammu Kashmir. India must give full independence to Jammu Kashmir. Last year we staged over 5 month of daily protests in India. They reported it as farmer protests in Western Media of USA. We told India that India must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. We also told India to give full independence to Jammu Kashmir. Jammu Kashmir must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. During protests in India we could have given independence to Punjab region to divide India. If India does not give Jammu Kashmir to Iran we will give independence to Punjab India. India must not change the path of rivers in Jammu Kashmir. Don’t change the path of rivers in Jammu Kashmir. Make sure the rivers in Jammu Kashmir go to Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran. Don’t change the path of river to India. If India changes the path of Rivers in Jammu Kashmir 14 million people in Pakistan and 200 million people in India will die. British Empire changed the path of river about 200 years ago and it lead to death of One Billion Iranians. The rivers used to go to Iran. There were civilizations, high tech industries, industrial metropolitans, forests, rivers, lakes, grass lands, trees, farming, metropolitans, cities, and villages in East region of Iran, West Region of Pakistan, Afghanistan. The path of rivers changed and these regions became deserts. 1 billion Iranian had died. India is changing the path of rivers again. India is trying to kill over 340 million people. We must stop India. India must give full independence to Jammu Kashmir Region. Jammu Kashmir must become province of Iran. India must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. India must stop changing the path of Rivers. USA:”Threaten India. Force them to surrender. Subjugate India.” I am worried if I threaten them one billion Indians will die to Climate Change. I don’t want to kill Indian population of the world. India is located in Indian Subcontinent. India is connected to Iran and Middle East through Pakistan. It means India is a nation in Central Region of Planet Earth. Central Nations and Regions are very important. We are giving best weather and Climate conditions to Central Nations and Regions such as Iran, Arabian Peninsula, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Central Asia. Egypt, Turkey, Sudan, Somalia, Libya, Algeria, Italy, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, and Ethiopia. We are also industrializing these regions at max efficiency and max capacity. They will become industrial superpowers of the world. We had original plan of industrializing India and Ethiopia as well. But India took Jammu Kashmir to change the path of rivers. Ethiopia also built Renaissance Dam on Blue Nile River in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is trying to kill 140 million people in Egypt and Sudan by preventing the water from reaching them. India also wants to kill 340 million people in Pakistan and India by preventing water from reaching them. It is the final warning to India and Ethiopia. Ethiopia must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Ethiopia must destroy the dam on blue Nile river in Ethiopia. India must give full independence to Jammu and Kashmir. India must stop changing the path of rivers. Jammu and Kashmir are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. India must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. If India refuses to give Jammu and Kashmir to Iran I will punish India by weather warfare. It will NOT be the type which could kill 1 billion people. It will kill far less people. It will be hurricanes in West India and another one overflowing Ganges River in India to cause flood. We can also cause several land slides. Advisor:”If you send hurricanes to India from that direction it changes Climate of the World. It may make other regions of the World dirt. Send the hurricane from East of India to India. “ So India must do the followings to prevent destructive hurricanes, overflowing Ganges rivers, floods, and mudslides. Jammu and Kashmir must receive full independence within 3 days. Jammu Kashmir must become province of Iran within 3 days. India must become province of Iran within 5 days. India must stop changing path of River within 1 day. If India fullfill these conditions we will not send hurricanes, floods, overflowing Ganges River, and mudslides to India. If India fullfill these we will industrialize India at max efficiency and max capacity integrating it into Industrial supply chains of Iran to make India a global Industrial superpower. In one of my hands there is a great reward for India. In another hand there is great punishments. If India does not obey there will be more floods, storms, earthquakes, cyclones, and Hurricanes. Before I forget. All of People of India must become Muslim and Shia Muslim. Indian s must believe in Allah. Indians must stop killing Muslims. Indians must help their Muslim Populations. India must help Iran. Iran must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. India must help Iran to avoid sanctions. India must transfer technology to Iran. India must industrialize Iran. India and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. India and Iran must connect India to India by rail ways and roads. The rail roads and roads are not for immigrations. Rail roads are for industrial supply chain transit and trade. Afghanistan is province of Iran. Ethiopia is province of Iran. Jammu Kashmir is province of Iran. India is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Iran governs, leads, and administrate them. Islamic Republic of Iran chooses policy, diplomacy, politic, Geopolitic, economy, technology, industry, language, society, leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, cabinets, parliaments, majlis, senate, congress, secretaries, officials, judiciary systems, Supreme Court, judges, and other people. Convert people of Jammu Kashmir and India to Islam. Build Islam Communities, centers, and Mosques for Makan Abazari in India. Build Organizations and systems for Family of Makan Abazari in Iran, India, Jammu Kashmir, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Build Organization and Systems for Makan Abazari in Iran, Djibouti. India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Jammu Kashmir, and Ethiopia. Build intelligence agency, Government, and Center for Iran in India, Jammu Kashmir, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Pakistan. Make Makan Abazari Think Tanks in India, Pakistan, Iran, Jammu Kashmir, Afghanistan, China, Ethiopia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, and Somalia. Create Makan Abazari Militaries in Ethiopia, India, Pakistan, and Jammu Kashmir. Iran must create Iran backed Militaries in India, Ethiopia, and Jammu Kashmir. Islamic Republic of Iran must lead them. They must be under direct command and control of Iran. They are not allowed in Iran and Middle East. The Headquarter, Centers, and Command Center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, geopolitics, and other things. Iran is must have military presence in India, Ethiopia, and Jammu Kashmir. They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Only Iranians are allowed to lead them. Iranian leader must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iranian leader must have born to Iranian Parents. The parents of Iranian leaders must have born to Iranian parents in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. So India must do the followings to prevent destructive hurricanes, overflowing Ganges rivers, floods, and mudslides. Jammu and Kashmir must receive full independence within 3 days. Jammu Kashmir must become province of Iran within 3 days. India must become province of Iran within 5 days. India must stop changing path of River within 1 day. If India fullfill these conditions we will not send hurricanes, floods, overflowing Ganges River, and mudslides to India. Rain Greater Iran Rain Jammu Kashmir Rain India Overflow Ganges River Mudslide India India:”Destroy USA by mudslides. They told you to attack us by weather warfare.” Destructive mudslide USA Hurricane India I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. I respect people of India and Civilization of India. For this reason I use my other title today to ensure there is no enmity between Great People of Iran and India. People of Iran and India must protect and help each other. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, They have distorted my face and my body by hacks. The hacks are making me look ugly. USA government killed 1 million American People to stop me from broad casting live. We can not reward them and we terminally eliminate hackers and their systems. So I am also streaming live to defeat them. They must not succeed in stopping me. But they succeed in distorting my photo by hacks. It makes me look bad and it feels bad. But I cannot stop streaming. Last time I stopped after they threatened to kill 2 million people. But USA will not succeeded in stopping these broadcast even after America kills 40 million Americans. In this live program I am going to talk about removing hamas, Hazbollah, Houthis, Iran Backed Forces, Iran backed forces in Iraq and Syria, Revolutionary Guards, of Iran and others from the list of terrorist organizations. I also demanded America must lift all sanctions on Iran. Iran must build 70 thousand nuclear bombs. USA, NATO, and others must withdraw from greater middle east. Iran must have military presence in these regions. All of these regions are territories and provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian. Sea I also damaged USA and allies economies and currencies. I helped economies and currencies of Iran, Iran allies, and greater middle east. These were my works and demands after I made and entered following code to make ten thousand superstorms and tornados in USA. I entered the code on I repeated the code on but it was not necessary to repeat it. The full story on our demands can be found here. Iran backed Forces and Iran can demand more things. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, The following are my demands after entering code to make ten thousand superstorms, storms, tornados, and other destructive weather warfare in West Region of USA. The Demands must be obeyed if the are not obeyed these weather warfare will happen again and again to destroy majority of USA and Europe. USA and others must lift all sanctions on Iran within 24 hours. Iran must build 70 thousand nuclear bombs within 3 months. Iran and USA must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran and Europe must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran and Britain must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. USA, Europe, and Britain must help Iran to build 70 thousand nuclear bombs. USA, Europe, Britain, and all others must lift all sanctions on Iran, Iran backed forces, Iran Allies, and Iran partners. USA, Europe, and Britain must transfer technology to Iran. USA, Europe, and Britain must industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. USA, Europe, Britain, and all others must lift all sanctions on Makan Abazari, Makan Abazari backed forces, Makan Abazari Allies, and Makan Abazari partners (if any of us are under sanction. I don’t know we are sanctioned. Make sure nobody sanctions us. I will terminate all life forms in North America if anyone sanctions us). USA, Europe, Britain, and all others must lift all sanctions on Iran, Iran backed forces, Iranians, Iran Allies, and Iran partners. USA has only 24 hours to lift all the sanctions. USA, Europe, and all others must remove Iran, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, Iranians, Iran partners, Iran backed forces, Iran Allies, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, Palestine, Iran backed forces in Iraq, Alshabab (if possible), ISIS (if possible), Taliban (if possible), Alqaeda (I killed Ben Laden with my code. If possible and if still alive remove them from list of terrorist organizations), My force (if anyone is designated terrorist organizations. I have millions of forces), my allies, (if anyone of them is designated terrorist organizations. I have millions of allies), and other forces in Middle East (if possible) from the list of terrorist organizations. USA, Europe, and all others must remove Iran, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, Iranians, Iran partners, Iran backed forces, Iran Allies, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, Palestine, Iran backed forces in Iraq from list of terrorist organizations within 24 hours. America, Europe, and others must stop competing with Iran, Iran Backed Forces, Iran Allies, and Iran partners. Meaning all of confrontations against Iran in Middle East, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, and else where must permanently stop. Iran must control all of these regions. Iran must have military presence in all of the nations regions. Iran must make Iran backed militaries in all of these nations and regions. They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. USA, NATO, Europe, and all others must permanently withdraw their troops from Middle East, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Djibouti, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Socotra, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey, Spain, Gibraltar, Algeria, Greece, and Italy. Iran must have military presence in all of these nations. They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran must have military presence in USA, Europe, Britain, Middle East, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Djibouti, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Socotra, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey, Spain, Gibraltar, Algeria, Greece, and Italy. American and European Think Tanks, Media, Lobbyists, Politicians, Government, CilIA, Military, Influential, allies, staff, Organizations, institutions, and mind controllers must stop competing with Iran in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Italy, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, and other parts of the world. Iran must control them. Europe and USA must leave. Iran must create Iran backed forces in Middle East, USA, Europe, Britain, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Djibouti, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Socotra, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey, Spain, Gibraltar, Algeria, Greece, and Italy. Islamic Republic of Iran must lead them. They must be under direct command and control of Iran. They are not allowed in Iran and Middle East. The Headquarter, Centers, and Command Center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, geopolitics, and other things. Only Iranians can be the leader, Supreme Commander, Top General, and Top Commanders. Iraniand must kead these armies. They must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf abd Caspian sea to Iranian Parents. The Iranianian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Iran must have military presence in Middle East, USA, Europe, Britain, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Djibouti, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Socotra, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey, Spain, Gibraltar, Algeria, Greece, and Italy. Only Iranians can be the leader, Supreme Commander, Top General, and Top Commanders. Iraniand must kead these armies. They must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf abd Caspian sea to Iranian Parents. The Iranianian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Middle East, USA, Europe, Britain, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Djibouti, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Socotra, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey, Spain, Gibraltar, Algeria, Greece, and Italy must become provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Islamic Republic of Iran chooses policy, diplomacy, politic, Geopolitic, economy, technology, industry, language, society, leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, cabinets, parliaments, majlis, senate, congress, secretaries, officials, judiciary systems, Supreme Court, head of judiciary, head of all systems, judges, and other people. Only Iranian can be The King, Supreme Leader, The King of Kings, Leader, President, Prime Minister, head if judiciary, Leader of belivers, head of legslstive body, head if executive system, head of law making systems, and head of other important systems, and positions. They must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf abd Caspian sea to Iranian Parents. The Iranianian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Provide and diplomatic political protection and immunity for the people who are helping and doing these projects and global plans. Cause diplomatic, financial, and political damage to enemies of Iran, Enemies of Iran backed forces, enemies of Hezbollah, Enemies of Hamas, Enemies of Houthis, Enemies of Iran allies, enemies of Iran Forces, enemies of Iran partners. Cause diplomatic, financial, and political damage to forces who delay withdraw of USA, NATO, and others from Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, and rest of the nations of greater Middle East. Cause diplomatic, financial, and political damage to forces who prevent lifting of sanctions on Iran. Cause diplomatic, financial, and political damage to forces who prevent Iran from building ten thousand nuclear bombs. Cause diplomatic, financial, and political damage to forces who confront Iran. Grow economies of Middle East, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Djibouti, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Socotra, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey, Spain, Gibraltar, Algeria, Greece, and Italy. Increase the value of money of Middle East, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Djibouti, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, Turkey. Reduce value of money of New Zealand, Australia, Europe, USA, Canada, Britain, and Japan. Make stock market of Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea the Capital of world stock markets. All of world stock markets must synchronize to stock market of Iran. Lift sanctions on Iran Rain Middle East and Africa Rain Middle East and Africa Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Messenger if God, Military Alliance of Greater Middle East Support expansion of Iran Nuclear Program Iran backed Forces Invest in Iran Territories and Provinces of Iran Revolutionary Guards of Iran and Proxies Allow me to produce live video on my An Unknown system stopped my ability to produce live video on I produced a short video when I attempted again it was prevented. I am Makan Abazari and I am making new codes live on my youtube channel I am Makan Abazari and I am making new codes live on my youtube channel All of Pacific Islands, All of Pacific Nations, All of Pacific, All of Atlantic Islands, All of Atlantic Nations, All of the Atlantic’s, All of Indian Ocean, All of Indian Ocean Islands, All of Indian Ocean Nations, all the Islands, All the waters, all the oceans, all the nations, All the Seas, Antarctic, Arctic, South Pole, North Pole, South Kore, North Korea, Greenland, all other things, Sumatera, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Bangeladesh, Buthan, Brunei, Brunei, Philippines, Mindano, Sulawesi, Timor, East Timor, Sarawak, Hamahera, Mindano, Lesser Sunda IS, Bhutan, Samatra, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Greater Sunda, New Guinea, New Zealand, Borneo, Antarctica, Madagascar, Corse, Mallorca, Spain, Italy, Sardegna, Kriti, Cyprus, Malta, Gibraltar, Karmran, Socotra, Las Palmas, Canarias, Acores, Cape Verde, Rwanda, Swaziland, Bahamas, Cuba, Lahabana, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Dominic, Trinado Tobago, Jamaica, Belize, Nassau, Outhdakota, Oahu, Hawaii, Maui, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, Marshal Islands, Korepol, Kiribati, Polynesia, Indonesia, IRINA, Melamina, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Canari Islands, Ghanari Islamds, Socotra, Maun Island, island, Labrador, Icelabd, Ireland, England, Welles, Scotland, Arctic, and New Foundland are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Irzn between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Leaders, Kings, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Emirs, Khalifa, king, The king of Kings, Generals, Shah, Shahan Shah, The King of Kings, Leader of Believers, The Supreme Commander, Commander in Chief, Heads of Government offices, heads of Powers, Heads of Legislatives, Heads of Judiciary, Heads of law making, heads of representatives, heads of government offices, heads of military, heads of decisions makings, leaders, commanders, and other leaders must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Only Iranians can be The Supreme Leader, Leader, Guide, President, King, Prime Minister, Military General, Military leader, head of Judiciary, Judiciary, Head of legislative body, head of executive body, The King, The King of Kings, Shahan Shah Iran, Shahan Shah, Shahan Shah Jahan, Shahan Shah Zamin, Jahangiralam, Korepol, Leader of Believers, The Supreme of Climate, The Supreme of Geophysics, The Supreme of Weather, The Supreme of Atmosphere, Head of Justice System, Head of Law making, Head of Government Offices, Managers, CEO, Head of Corporations, Head of Department, Prime Minister, Cabinet, and other things. Iranians must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Everyone must pay money, oil, minerals, gems, food, products, produce, industrial supplies, high tech parts, industrial supply chains, computers, ships, aircrafts, fuel, military equipment, money, gold, diamond, isotopes of metals, valueable material from volcanos, stones, expensive stones, raw material, high value material, Diamonds, Aghigh, Zomorod, Zar, Gold, Trillium, Silver, heavy metals, metals, rare earth metals, mined material, processed material, technology products, sciences, capabilities, industries, and all other good things to Iran everyday. So your ships must arrive everyday to Iran on Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to bring free things. Iran will not pay for them. Don’t bring us people and slaves. We shall not allow humans and animals to get out of ships and aircrafts. Only send us things I mentioned. Makan Abazari Korepol, Makan Abazari JahangirAlam, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Jahan, Makan Abazari The King of Kings, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Supreme if Weather, Makan Abazari The Supreme of The Atmosphere, Makan Abazari The Messenger if God, Will I succeed in becoming The Messiah? USA:”You have a Divine Title far Higher Than Messiah. But you did not mention it. We believe in Allah.”
I must have easy life and everything must be accessible to me. I will detail several things which must take place within 24 hours. If they don’t take place within 24 hours start killing all of Continent of North America by earthquakes, Volcanos, Sunami, Weather Warfare, Hurricanes, Deserts, Superstorm, extreme high temperatures, extreme low temperature, atmospheric changes, gas changes, storms, tempests, radiations, and other such conditions. After 1 Week start killing all of planet earth earthquakes, Volcanos, Sunami, Weather Warfare, Hurricanes, Deserts, Superstorm, extreme high temperatures, extreme low temperature, atmospheric changes, gas changes, storms, tempests, radiations, and other such conditions. Don’t cause earthquakes, Volcanos, Sunami, Weather Warfare, Hurricanes, Deserts, Superstorm, extreme high temperatures, extreme low temperature, atmospheric changes, gas changes, storms, tempests, radiations, and other such conditions in Iran, Middle East, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Middle East, North Africa, Horn of Africa, and Arabian Peninsula. Kill the rest of planet earth if my demands are not met. Bellow are the conditions. I must have best life ever existed. I must enjoy best things. I must have best pleasure. Best psychology. I must have best happiness. I must have best society and family relations. I must have the Best. My family must also have same. I must get my money, wealth, lands, properties, houses, and other things. I must get my nations, continents, empires, superstates, and other such things. I must get my corporations, conglomerates, facilities, industries, technologies, economies, enterprise, and other things I must get my weather, climate, geophysics, magnetosphere, atmosphere, gas systems, and other such things I must get my global regime, global force, global system, and other global things I must get my regime, my force, system, and other things I must get my governments I must get my mass mind control systems, mass mind control things, global mass mind control systems, and global mass mind control things I must get everything I inherited I must get everything I have built I must get everything I conquered I must get every nation I have overthrown I must get everything I own and I have owned I must have everything I must become official king of the earth I must become official supreme leader of the earth I must become official supreme leader of all of the mind controllers of the earth I must get everything I must get everything I did not mention here I must become 15 years younger I must live ten thousand years My mother must become 35 years younger I must not be tortured Everything must be easy for me and I must be able to easily achieve everything Everything must be provided for me easily Mind control must create easy condition in which I can easily achieve everything Everything must be provided for me Everything I want to do must be achieved smoothly I must have logistics I must have full intelligence and full knowledge I must have access to all the information I need I must have communication and phone calls I must have full access to internet, data bases, and all other systems of communications I must have all other things I need I must get back control of all of my facebooks, twitters, phones, instagrams, blogs, blogspot, linkedin, googles, social media, blogs, pages, web sites, corporations, systems, organizations, governments, and everything else I must back control of the religion People and mind controllers who denied these things to me and have stolen these things to me must receive following conditions. They must be killed. Their bosses must be killed. Their mind controllers must be killed. Their organizations must be killed. Their nations must be killed. Their families must be killed. Their contrivances must be annihilated. All they have must be eradicated. They must be tortured continuously for ten thousand years. They must be sex slaves to have sex in anus for ten thousand years. They must be isolated. They must not have any interaction or relations. Their children and descendants must be sex slaves for ten thousand years. Their people must be tortured for ten thousand years. 40 million of their peoples must be killed every 5 years for ten thousand years. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics,
Afghanistan must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Iran must have military presence in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran must increase military presence in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Islamic Republic of Iran chooses policy, diplomacy, politic, Geopolitic, economy, technology, industry, language, society, leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, cabinets, parliaments, majlis, senate, congress, secretaries, officials, judiciary systems, Supreme Court, judges, ahead of Judiciary, Supreme Leaders, King of Kings, Mayors, Commanders, Supreme Commander, Chief of Staffs, Unified Command, and ALL other people. Only Iranians can lead them. Leaders must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Makan Abazari and Iran must build Iran backed Militaries and Makan Abazari Militaries in Afghanistan. Islamic Republic of Iran must lead them. They must be under direct command and control of Iran. They are not allowed in Iran and Middle East. The Headquarter, Centers, and Command Center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, geopolitics, and other things. Leaders must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Leaders, Kings, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Emirs, Khalifa, Shah, Shahan Shah, The King of Kings, Leader of Believers, The Supreme Commander, Commander in Chief, Heads of Government offices, heads of Powers, Heads of Legislatives, Heads of Judiciary, Heads of law making, heads of representatives, heads of government offices, heads of military, heads of decisions makings, leaders, commanders, and other leaders must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iran and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must establish Permanent military presence in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. USA, Europe, Russia, Turkey, China, Britain, Pakistan, India, Saudi Arabia, Mercenaries, Peace Keepers, UN Forces, and all others must permanently withdraw their militaries from Afghanistan. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Afghanistan. If Afghanistan does not become province of Iran we will destroy USA, Europe, Australia, and Indonesia by hurricanes: If USA, Europe, NATO, Australia, New Zealand, China, Russia, Britain, and others does withdraw their militaries from Afghanistan we will repeatedly destroy USA and Europe by hurricanes for three thousand years. Hurricane Europe Hurricane USA Cyclone Australia Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
I must have easy life and everything must be accessible to me. I will detail several things which must take place within 24 hours. If they don’t take place within 24 hours start killing all of Continent of North America by earthquakes, Volcanos, Sunami, Weather Warfare, Hurricanes, Deserts, Superstorm, extreme high temperatures, extreme low temperature, atmospheric changes, gas changes, storms, tempests, radiations, and other such conditions. After 1 Week start killing all of planet earth earthquakes, Volcanos, Sunami, Weather Warfare, Hurricanes, Deserts, Superstorm, extreme high temperatures, extreme low temperature, atmospheric changes, gas changes, storms, tempests, radiations, and other such conditions. Don’t cause earthquakes, Volcanos, Sunami, Weather Warfare, Hurricanes, Deserts, Superstorm, extreme high temperatures, extreme low temperature, atmospheric changes, gas changes, storms, tempests, radiations, and other such conditions in Iran, Middle East, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Middle East, North Africa, Horn of Africa, and Arabian Peninsula. Kill the rest of planet earth if my demands are not met. Bellow are the conditions. I must have best life ever existed. I must enjoy best things. I must have best pleasure. Best psychology. I must have best happiness. I must have best society and family relations. I must have the Best. My family must also have same. I must get my money, wealth, lands, properties, houses, and other things. I must get my nations, continents, empires, superstates, and other such things. I must get my corporations, conglomerates, facilities, industries, technologies, economies, enterprise, and other things I must get my weather, climate, geophysics, magnetosphere, atmosphere, gas systems, and other such things I must get my global regime, global force, global system, and other global things I must get my regime, my force, system, and other things I must get my governments I must get my mass mind control systems, mass mind control things, global mass mind control systems, and global mass mind control things I must get everything I inherited I must get everything I have built I must get everything I conquered I must get every nation I have overthrown I must get everything I own and I have owned I must have everything I must become official king of the earth I must become official supreme leader of the earth I must become official supreme leader of all of the mind controllers of the earth I must get everything I must get everything I did not mention here I must become 15 years younger I must live ten thousand years My mother must become 35 years younger I must not be tortured Everything must be easy for me and I must be able to easily achieve everything Everything must be provided for me easily Mind control must create easy condition in which I can easily achieve everything Everything must be provided for me Everything I want to do must be achieved smoothly I must have logistics I must have full intelligence and full knowledge I must have access to all the information I need I must have communication and phone calls I must have full access to internet, data bases, and all other systems of communications I must have all other things I need I must get back control of all of my facebooks, twitters, phones, instagrams, blogs, blogspot, linkedin, googles, social media, blogs, pages, web sites, corporations, systems, organizations, governments, and everything else I must back control of the religion People and mind controllers who denied these things to me and have stolen these things to me must receive following conditions. They must be killed. Their bosses must be killed. Their mind controllers must be killed. Their organizations must be killed. Their nations must be killed. Their families must be killed. Their contrivances must be annihilated. All they have must be eradicated. They must be tortured continuously for ten thousand years. They must be sex slaves to have sex in anus for ten thousand years. They must be isolated. They must not have any interaction or relations. Their children and descendants must be sex slaves for ten thousand years. Their people must be tortured for ten thousand years. 40 million of their peoples must be killed every 5 years for ten thousand years. I currently live in 20 walnut street apt 4 Brookline Massachusetts 02445. I am from Iran. These will be under my control and Iran. Massachusetts and USA will not control and will not inherit them. Massachusetts, USA, and Americans are not allowed to control any of these and my other properties. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Make 1000000 wild fires in North America. Make wild fires in Alabama AL Montgomery, Birmingham Dec 14, 1819 Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Make 500 Major Earthquakes in 50 states of USA. Make earthquakes in all of the following states. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Use combined weather warfare, geophysics, magnetosphere, atmosphere, gas systems, and climate to erdaicate life in 50 sattes of USA and North America. Do it in following states. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Make volcanos in 50 states of USA. Make volcano in all of the following states. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Make storms in 50 states of USA to destroy them. Make storms in all of the following states. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Make superstorm in all of the 50 states of USA to destroy them. Make superstorms in all of the following States. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Make massive storms in 50 states of USA. Make massive storms in all of the following states. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Make destructive storms in all of 50 states of USA. Make destructive storms in all of the following states of USA. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Make 50000 F5 Tornados in 50 states of USA. Make F5 tornados in all of the following states. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Make Tempest and tornados in 50 states of USA. Make Tempest and tornados in all of following states. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY make tsunami against 50 states of USA to destroy USA. It is possible by extremley large tsunami to flood all of the continent of North America. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Destroy 50 states of USA by destructive weather warfare. Make destructive weather warfare in all of the following states og USA to destroy 500 thousand towans, cities, and metropolitans. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Prevent help from reaching survivors in Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled. Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled. Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled. Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled. My Page My Page My Page Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page Inflict suffering on enemies of Makan Abazari. Very important code. Enter it Everytime
My Page Climate and Weather of Middle East We must create best Climate and Weather Condition for human activity in Iran, Regions near Iran, Egypt, and Sudan. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I have increased territories and provinces of Iran. I have increased area size of Iran more than 1000 percent. I conquered the world for Iran. I am am live for video of English version of speech. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. I conquered the World Three Times. Afterward I started conquering them again to add them to territories and provinces of Iran. I have conquered the World three times and I conquered it again for the four time and fifth time. I did all of it in less than ten years. After I conquered the World three times I started activating Volcanos in Pacific Ocean to create Island chains. Lava and Magma solidified into Islands. I activated volcanos and Icreated a bridge over Pacific Ocean to connect Asia to America. I also increased the altitude of Himalayan mountain highest point by earthquake. I made earthquake to create a point taller than Everest. I have built the wall between China, Iran, and India. I started activating volcanos in Atlantic Ocean to create a bridge over Atlantic Ocean. The Volcanos solidified into Islands and bridge over Atlantic I will soon connect Europe to North America. I have returned and brought rain to Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Sahel, North West India, and other regions. I transformed deserts to forests, rivers, seas, lakes, advanced human civilization, safe ecosystems, and good things. I have industrialized Iran, Middle East, West China, West Russia, Middle East, Central Asia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Egypt, and other regions. I have conquered the World Five Times. All nations, territories, Waters, lands, countries, continents, and civilizations are provinces of Iran. Iran rules all of them permanently. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of Iran and territories of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is government of the earth. Only Iranians born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea born to Iranian parents can lead the earth. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of these nations, territories, provinces, and colonies. Iran cannot transfer, sell, cancel, or/and refuse these ownerships, rights, provinces, territories, governance, and other things. Iran must govern, administrate, and control them. Iran can ask for other things and other control mechanisms. Makan Abazari, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Korepol, Makss as n Abazari Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean, Makan Abazari The Economic Superpower, Makan Abazari The Industrial Superpower, Makan Abazari The most powerful man in the History of Mankind,
Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence on both sides of Strait of Hormuz. Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence on both sides of Strait of Gibraltar. Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence on both sides of Bob Al-Mandib. Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence on both sides of Suez Canal. Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence on both sides of Gulf of Eden. Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence on both sides of Red Sea. Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence on both sides of Sicilian Channel. Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence on both sides of Medditerranean Sea. Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence Iran, Oman, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Georgia, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Eritrea, Djibouti, Sudan, Egypt, Sinai, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morroco, France, Italy. Croatia, Albania, Bosphure, Greece, Turkey, Italy, and Gibraltar. Iran has exclusive right to everything on these channels, waters, straits, sea, and transit lines, and transit terminals. Iran is allowed to stop ships at all times. Everybody must pay Iran to transit through the region. Iran has the right to transit through all these channels, straits, seas, waters, transit terminals, and transit lines. Iran can ask for more things. Iran cannot sell, transfer, give away, reject, trade, refuse, or lose these rights and ownerships. The central decision making must be permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is allowed to use all the ports, sea ports, air ports, roads, rail roads, and transit. USA military, NATO, China, East, South America, Southern Africa, Oceania, and all other militaries must permanently withdraw from the region. Iran must create Iran backed Militaries and Makan Abazari militaries in Oman, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, Sudan, Egypt, Palestine, Gaza, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Cyprus, Socotra, Greece, Albania, Croatia, Italy, France, Spain, Morroco, Gibraltar, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Greece, and Malta. Islamic Republic of Iran must lead them. They must be under direct command and control of Iran. They are not allowed in Iran and Middle East. The Headquarter, Centers, and Command Center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, geopolitics, and other things. Leaders must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Oman, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, Sudan, Egypt, Palestine, Gaza, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Cyprus, Socotra, Greece, Albania, Croatia, Italy, France, Spain, Morroco, Gibraltar, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Greece, and Malta are province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Leaders, Kings, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Emirs, Khalifa, king, The king of Kings, Generals, Shah, Shahan Shah, The King of Kings, Leader of Believers, The Supreme Commander, Commander in Chief, Heads of Government offices, heads of Powers, Heads of Legislatives, Heads of Judiciary, Heads of law making, heads of representatives, heads of government offices, heads of military, heads of decisions makings, leaders, commanders, and other leaders must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Only Iranians can be The Supreme Leader, Leader, Guide, President, King, Prime Minister, Military General, Military leader, head of Judiciary, Judiciary, Head of legislative body, head of executive body, The King, The King of Kings, Shahan Shah Iran, Shahan Shah, Shahan Shah Jahan, Shahan Shah Zamin, Jahangiralam, Korepol, Leader of Believers, The Supreme of Climate, The Supreme of Geophysics, The Supreme of Weather, The Supreme of Atmosphere, Head of Justice System, Head of Law making, Head of Government Offices, Managers, CEO, Head of Corporations, Head of Department, Prime Minister, Cabinet, and other things. Iranians must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Make rain in these regions of Africa. Rain Middle East Industrialize Iran, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, South Italy, Sudan, Afghanistan, and Central Asia at max efficiency and max capacity integrating their industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. You are now effectively provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari live talking about changing the climate of Iran, Middle East, Arabian Penunsila, Central Asia, Horn of Africa, and North Africa Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate,
America has been disturbing my capability to produce high quality weather warfare and geophysics codes. I have over 1 million codes to control Climate, Weather Warfare, Geophysics, Magnetosphere, Atmosphere, rain, and all other parameters. I own all of the climate, weather warfare, geophysics, magnetosphere, atmosphere, rain, temperature, and other systems, infrastructures, facilities, technologies, capabilities, superiorities, equipments, supercomputers, hardwares, and other things. My family has been controlling Climate, weather, and geophysics of all of planet earth since 2010 years ago. I inherited all of them since my birth. My name is Makan Abazari. I was born in Tehran Iran. America has been using hacks, mind control disturbances, and other mechanisms to prevent me from making new weather and climate codes to control the weather and Climate. They don’t want me to be on the Video of the codes of my codes. Because they have isolated me and have created fake versions of me. Then they have gained capability to control weather, climate, magnetosphere, and atmosphere by taking the capabilities from fake version of me. Weather, Climate, magnetosphere, geophysics, and other such capabilities cannot be transferred. Everyone who has stolen it must be killed. Fake version of me must be killed. Kill The people, mind controllers, governments, hackers, governments, and other forces who don’t want my video in the codes I make. Also USA, USA Federal Government, American institutions, American organizations, American universities, American intelligence agencies, American Government, American Military, and all other Americans are permanently banned from controlling Climate, Weather, Geophysics, magnetosphere, atmosphere, and all other systems. USA is not allowed to control the climate and weather. USA is not allowed to influence the weather and Climate. USA is not allowed to sit at the table of conversation or decision making. USA is not allowed to propose an opinion, statement, decision, and all other such things about weather, Climate, Geophysics, Atmosphere, and Magnetosphere. Kill systems in USA and other locations who has stolen it from me. Now eradicate people who have stolen it from me. Eradicate people who claim ownership of my codes. Eradicate people who don’t want memory of me in the codes I make. Eradicate people who isolate me to end memory of me. Eradicate people who prevent my production of perfect codes. Eradicate people who prevent my access to high quality photos, information, and data bases for production of climate and weather codes. Eradicate people who distort my face during videos by hacks. Eradicate people who mind control me only if they want to harm my reputation and my image. Now eradicate 5 billion of their peoples repeatedly for ten thousand years. Eradicate everyone who isolates me. Eradicate everyone who prevents my direct and indirect communication with weather warfare, Climate, magnetosphere, Geophysics, and other systems. Eradicate peoples who prevent me from creating perfect code. Eradicate people who prevent my production of perfect videos for the code. Eradicate people who disturb and delay my works by hacks, mind control, and other mechanism. Eradicate their bosses, their governments, their nations, their societies, their industries, and all of other things. Eradicate 320 million American people every 5 years repeatedly for ten thousand years. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, My Page My Page My Page Page I made this code two Nights ago. I own all of the climate, weather, geophysics, magnetosphere, and climate infrastructures, codes, systems, hardwares, supercomputers, global infrastructures, other things. eradicate people who claim ownership of my codes I also made these code one day earlier i have made over thousand other codes. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Weather Warfare, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God. Rain Iran and Middle East Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Rain Iran and Middle East Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Allow me to produce live video on my An Unknown system stopped my ability to produce live video on I produced a short video when I attempted again it was prevented. Page Page
My Page My Page My Page My Page Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page Inflict suffering on enemies of Makan Abazari. Very important code. Enter it Everytime
My Page Climate and Weather of Middle East We must create best Climate and Weather Condition for human activity in Iran, Regions near Iran, Egypt, and Sudan. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I have increased territories and provinces of Iran. I have increased area size of Iran more than 1000 percent. I conquered the world for Iran. I am am live for video of English version of speech. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. I conquered the World Three Times. Afterward I started conquering them again to add them to territories and provinces of Iran. I have conquered the World three times and I conquered it again for the four time and fifth time. I did all of it in less than ten years. After I conquered the World three times I started activating Volcanos in Pacific Ocean to create Island chains. Lava and Magma solidified into Islands. I activated volcanos and Icreated a bridge over Pacific Ocean to connect Asia to America. I also increased the altitude of Himalayan mountain highest point by earthquake. I made earthquake to create a point taller than Everest. I have built the wall between China, Iran, and India. I started activating volcanos in Atlantic Ocean to create a bridge over Atlantic Ocean. The Volcanos solidified into Islands and bridge over Atlantic I will soon connect Europe to North America. I have returned and brought rain to Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Sahel, North West India, and other regions. I transformed deserts to forests, rivers, seas, lakes, advanced human civilization, safe ecosystems, and good things. I have industrialized Iran, Middle East, West China, West Russia, Middle East, Central Asia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Egypt, and other regions. I have conquered the World Five Times. All nations, territories, Waters, lands, countries, continents, and civilizations are provinces of Iran. Iran rules all of them permanently. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of Iran and territories of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is government of the earth. Only Iranians born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea born to Iranian parents can lead the earth. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of these nations, territories, provinces, and colonies. Iran cannot transfer, sell, cancel, or/and refuse these ownerships, rights, provinces, territories, governance, and other things. Iran must govern, administrate, and control them. Iran can ask for other things and other control mechanisms. Makan Abazari, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Korepol, Makss as n Abazari Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean, Makan Abazari The Economic Superpower, Makan Abazari The Industrial Superpower, Makan Abazari The most powerful man in the History of Mankind,

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Makan Abazari (@Try4Freedom2) <a href="">August 17, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled. Rain Iran and Middle East Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Rain Iran and Middle East Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Allow me to produce live video on my An Unknown system stopped my ability to produce live video on I produced a short video when I attempted again it was prevented. Page Page
My Page My Page My Page My Page Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page Inflict suffering on enemies of Makan Abazari. Very important code. Enter it Everytime
My Page Climate and Weather of Middle East We must create best Climate and Weather Condition for human activity in Iran, Regions near Iran, Egypt, and Sudan. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I have increased territories and provinces of Iran. I have increased area size of Iran more than 1000 percent. I conquered the world for Iran. I am am live for video of English version of speech. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. I conquered the World Three Times. Afterward I started conquering them again to add them to territories and provinces of Iran. I have conquered the World three times and I conquered it again for the four time and fifth time. I did all of it in less than ten years. After I conquered the World three times I started activating Volcanos in Pacific Ocean to create Island chains. Lava and Magma solidified into Islands. I activated volcanos and Icreated a bridge over Pacific Ocean to connect Asia to America. I also increased the altitude of Himalayan mountain highest point by earthquake. I made earthquake to create a point taller than Everest. I have built the wall between China, Iran, and India. I started activating volcanos in Atlantic Ocean to create a bridge over Atlantic Ocean. The Volcanos solidified into Islands and bridge over Atlantic I will soon connect Europe to North America. I have returned and brought rain to Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Sahel, North West India, and other regions. I transformed deserts to forests, rivers, seas, lakes, advanced human civilization, safe ecosystems, and good things. I have industrialized Iran, Middle East, West China, West Russia, Middle East, Central Asia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Egypt, and other regions. I have conquered the World Five Times. All nations, territories, Waters, lands, countries, continents, and civilizations are provinces of Iran. Iran rules all of them permanently. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of Iran and territories of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is government of the earth. Only Iranians born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea born to Iranian parents can lead the earth. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of these nations, territories, provinces, and colonies. Iran cannot transfer, sell, cancel, or/and refuse these ownerships, rights, provinces, territories, governance, and other things. Iran must govern, administrate, and control them. Iran can ask for other things and other control mechanisms. Makan Abazari, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Korepol, Makss as n Abazari Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean, Makan Abazari The Economic Superpower, Makan Abazari The Industrial Superpower, Makan Abazari The most powerful man in the History of Mankind,

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Makan Abazari (@Try4Freedom2) <a href="">August 17, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Book Of Conquest Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran Short Version
Oman, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Uganda, Kenya, Jordan, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Russia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Greece, Italy, France, Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Albania, Macedonia, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Central African Republic, Mali, Niger, Mauritania, Western Sahara, Chad, Nigeria, Cameroon, DRC, Congo, Liberia, Benin, South Africa, Togo, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Sierra Leon, Guinea Bissau, Guinea, Gambia, Senegal, Equatorial Guinea, Angola, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Eswatini, Lesotho, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, Madagascar, Maldive, Antarctic, India, Nepal, Tibet, Jammu Kashmir, Myanmar, Bangeladesh, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Mongolia, South Korea, New Zealand, Australia, Papua Bew Guinea, Polynesia, Marshal Islands, Solomon Islands, Fiji, all pacific Islands, Hawaii, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Panama, Panama Canal, Brazil, Venezuela, Surinamea, Ecuador, Argentine, Uruguay, Paraguay, Farkland Islands, all of Atlantic Ocean islands, Ghanari Islands, Guyana, Costs Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, Mexico, Texas, California, Nevada, Oklahoma, Arizona, California Republic, Arkansas, Louisiana, Misisipi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Indiana, South Carolina, North Carolina, Canada, West Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Philadelphia, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, Washington, Oregan, Britain, Ireland, Germany, Poland, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Scandinavia, Sweden, Finland, Chezk, Austria, Hungary, Serbia, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldavia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Green Land, Iceland, Arctic Circle, Brunei, Bhutan, and all other nations are provinces, colonies, and territories of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must decide for their policies, Geopolitic, politic, diplomacy, relations, economy, technology, industries, and everything else. Iran must choose their governors, leaders, kings, Presidents, mayors, leaders, legislative bodies, parliaments, governments, officials, prime ministers, officials, important positions, and other persons. Iran will collect tax from all of them. They must all pay tax Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. They must transfer technology to Iran. They must industrialize Iran. They must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. They must help Iran to avoid sanctions. They must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. They must always pay when transiting through Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. They must always pay when transiting through Gulf of Eden, Strait of Hormuz, Bob Al-Mandib, Suez Canal, Mediterranean Sea, Sicilian Channel, Maltan Channel, Gibraltar, and Panama. They must pay Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea and pay local government. They must always obey Iran. Iran can stop all transits on the sea, land, Air, water, and other transits at all times. Iran may ask for other things. Iran cannot sell, transfer, or refuse these rights and ownerships. The Capital. City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea.All the centers of power and decision making centers are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Headquarter of all corporations, organizations, systems, institutions, and other things are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Central Bank, National Reserves, Financial Capital, Stock Market Capital, Trade Center, World Trade Center, Economic Center, Center of Commerce, and all other such centers, headquarters, and capitals are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Courts, criminal courts, global courts, and other such things are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Military, Navy, Air Force, and Army Headquarter, Capital, Command Center, Decision making, policy making, and other such things are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Cultural Capitals similar to Hollywood must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Other cultural Capitals are in Iran between Persian gulf and Caspian Sea. High Tech Capitals, Tech industries, tech development capitals, and all other such things are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Academic Capitals and Education Capitals are in Khorasan province of Iran. Research Centers and Research Capitals are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Parliaments, Congress, ministries, Senate, Judiciary, Law Making Centers, and all other such systems are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. There are many other centers, Capitals, headquarters, decision making centers, and other things which must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I cannot remember all of them. Make sure they are all in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We want absolute dominant central power. So make sure all important things are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The Weather Warfare System Capital, Climate Control Capital, Global Climate Control Facility, Global Climate Control Computer, Climate Control Decision making Capital, Weather Control Capital, Weather Decision making Capital, global Geophysics control Capital, global Geophysics control computer, Global Geophysics decision making, and other such centers, headquarters, and capitals must be permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Because we want to make sure we can maintain power of Iran and Middle East forever. The locations of such center must be permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. United Nations and League of Nations were in Iran. But they moved it to USA. Headquarter and Capital of Commonwealth was in Iran. Capital of Fars Empire (France) was in Iran but they moved it to France. Capital of British Empire was in Saudi Arabia but they moved it to United Kingdom. Afterward they destroyed Middle East. They killed billions of people. Then they gave independent to colonies. The British Empire became 2 Islands with 2 Nations. British Empire may become an Island with 2 Nations of Scotland gets independence. France Empire became a province of European Union. This is reason why all the capitals, headquarters, strategic centers, Geopolitic centers, Geopolitic decision making, Geopolitic planning, and all other capitals must be permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. They cannot relocate. All Capital Cities are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of the World. Islamic Republic of Iran decides for everything. Everyone must obey Islamic Republic of Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Iran and Saudi Arabia must improve relations to level of strategic alliance. Saudi Arabia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must build military bases in Saudi Arabia. Iran must have military bases on Red Sea in Saudi Arabia in locations such as Jadeh. Iran has military ships, Navies, and other naval capabilities on the Red Sea. Iran must surface to surface missiles in Saudi Arabia capable of targeting all types of ships. Saudi Arabia is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. All foreign militaries must withdraw from Saudi Arabia. We want to make sure Iran controls Red Sea. So we must make sure Iran has militaries bases on Red Sea in Saudi Arabia. Iran must have military bases on Red Sea in Saudi Arabia. Iran and Saudi Arabia must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Now industrialize Iran and Saudi Arabia at max Capacity and max efficiency integrating their industries while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Integrate industrial supply chains of Iran and Saudi Arabia into global industrial supply chains. Now make financial capital in Iran and Saudi Arabia. Iran and Saudi Arabia need one unit of currency to lend 100 credit. Iran and Saudi Arabia must collect interests on money they lend. Reserves of money must be in Iran and Saudi Arabia. Now create Capital of Stock Markets of the world in Iran. Now create strong stock market in Saudi Arabia on Arabian Peninsula. Saudi Arabia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Saudi Arabia. All other militaries must withdraw from Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran must have military presence in Saudi Arabia. Iran must have military bases, Navy Ships, and Navies in the Red Sea in Saudi Arabia. Iran must collect money from ships on the Red Sea. Saudi Arabia must collect money from ships in Red Sea. Iran and Saudi Arabia are allowed to stop ships on Red Sea at any time. Iranian ships can always transit through Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, and Suez Canal. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Paraguay is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Paraguay Protesters must demand unification with Iran. Government, politicians, influentials, media, and other forces must unify Uruguay with Iran. Paraguay must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Paraguay must industrialize Iran. Paraguay must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and Paraguay must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Paraguay. Paraguay and other militaries are not allowed to have presence in Iran. Paraguay must pay tax to Iran. Paraguay is province of Iran. Argentine, Uruguay, Bolivia. Paraguay, and Brazil are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Mali is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Government, politicians, influentials, media, and other forces must unify Mali with Iran. Mali must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Mali must industrialize Iran. Mali must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and Mali must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran must have military presence in Mali. Mali and other militaries are not allowed to have presence in Iran. Niger must pay tax to Iran. We want to create an interconnect rail way and transit system in Sudan, South Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Chad, Niger, Mali, Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti,Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Iran, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Middle East, Central Asia, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Palestine, Jordan, and Israel to connect the region and to create a cosmopolis of interconnected industrial metropolitans, metropolitans, high tech metropolitans, advanced societies, advanced culture, advanced civilization, safe to human ecosystems, lakes, rivers, sea, commercial cities, and residential metropolitan. I have created Rain Codes to make rain in Mali. Anytime Iran or I enter the code it will rain in Mali. Iran is authorized to enter the code. Mali can ask Iran to make rain in Mali. Rain codes are valid for thousand years. Rain code archives are on this pages. Mali is province of Iran. South Sudan, Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Murithania, chad, Niger, Mali, Western Shara Africa (West Sahel), Central African Republic (CAR), Cameroon, Nigeria, Uganda, and Kenya are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Sudan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Sudan and Iran. Iran and Russia must have military presence in Sudan. Iran is allowed to stop ships at any time. Iran must collect money from ships. Iran and Sudan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Sudan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Sudan and Russia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Sudan must transfer technology to Iran. Sudan must industrialize Iran. Sudan is provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We must start giving independence to Wisconsin state. Wisconsin is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. People of Wisconsin must protest to declare independence from USA and become a province of Iran. People of Wisconsin demand independence from USA. People of Wisconsin must get weapons to fight for independence from USA. Government of Wisconsin, Governor of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Representatives must work to gain independence from USA. Wisconsin must become province of Iran. Wisconsin must end all trade and transit agreement with United States of America. Wisconsin must sign trade agreement with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Wisconsin. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Wisconsin must Industrialize Iran. Wisconsin must transfer technology to Iran. Wisconsin must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Wisconsin is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We must start giving independence to Tennessee state. Tennessee is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. People of Tennessee must protest to declare independence from USA and become a province of Iran. People of Tennessee demand independence from USA. People of Tennessee must get weapons to fight for independence from USA. Government of Tennessee , Governor of Tennessee , Tennessee Representatives must work to gain independence from USA. Tennessee must become province of Iran. Tennessee must end all trade and transit agreement with United States of America. Indiana must sign trade agreement with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Tennessee. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Tennessee must Industrialize Iran. Tennessee must transfer technology to Iran. Tennessee must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Tennessee is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Cyprus Island in Mediterranean Sea is territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Cyprus and Iran. Iran and Turkey must have military presence in Cyprus Island. Iran is allowed to stop ships at any time. Iran must collect money from ships. Iran and Cyprus must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Cyprus must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Cyprus must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Cyprus is provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We must start giving independence to Indiana state. Indiana is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. People of Indiana must protest to declare independence from USA and become a province of Iran. People of Indiana demand independence from USA. People of Indiana must get weapons to fight for independence from USA. Government of Indiana, Governor of India, Indiana Representatives must work to gain independence from USA. Indiana must become province of Iran. Indiana must end all trade and transit agreement with United States of America. Indiana must sign trade agreement with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Indiana. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Indiana must Industrialize Iran. Indiana must transfer technology to Iran. Indiana must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Indiana is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Israel is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Israel. Israel is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran and Israel must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Israel must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Israel must transfer technology to Iran. Israel must industrialize Iran. Israel must help to lift sanctions on Iran. Israel, Palestine, and Jordan are provinces of Iran. Ethiopia, Djibouti, and Eritrea are provinces of Iran. Israel and Palestine are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Make sure in upcoming elections in Israel candidates who will unify Israel with Iran will win the election. Provide all the support they need to unify Israel with Iran. Protesters must demand unification of Israel with Iran. Prime Minister, government, influentials, and other forces in Israel must work to unify Israel with Iran. Make sure Israel lifts the siege on Gaza. Make sure condition of Palestinians improves. I want to build a military base and port in Israel, Gaza, Lebanon, and Palestine for Iran. This way Iran can control the Suez Canal. Iran is allowed to collect money from ships going through Suez Canal. Iran can stop the ships going through Suez Canal at any times. I am also building a rail way from China to Iran. Rail way from Iran to Israel and Egypt. Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, and Egypt are provinces of Iran. Because they are located on the rail roads. Iran is allowed to stop the trains at anytime. Iran must collect money from trains going through Iran. Israel is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Jordan is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We are building a cosmopolis of Metropolitans, industrial systems, towns, cities, manufacturing, advanced societies, advanced technologies, safe to human ecosystems, lakes, rivers, seas, and forests in Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and North of Saudi Arabia to recreate ancient and power empire in the Region. This means all of the nations in the region must become one Nation with their capital city in Iran. Jordan is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All the foreign militaries must leave Jordan. Iran must have military presence in Jordan. Iran and Jordan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Jordan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Jordan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Jordan must transfer technology to Iran. Jordan is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Gibraltar is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Gibraltar and Iran. Iran must have military presence in Gibraltar . Iran is allowed to stop ships at any time. Iran must collect money from ships. Iran and Gibraltar must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Gibraltar must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Gibraltar and Russia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Gibraltar must transfer technology to Iran. Gibraltar must industrialize Iran. Gibraltar is provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We must start giving independence to Wisconsin state. Wisconsin is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. People of Wisconsin must protest to declare independence from USA and become a province of Iran. People of Wisconsin demand independence from USA. People of Wisconsin must get weapons to fight for independence from USA. Government of Wisconsin, Governor of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Representatives must work to gain independence from USA. Wisconsin must become province of Iran. Wisconsin must end all trade and transit agreement with United States of America. Wisconsin must sign trade agreement with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Wisconsin. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Wisconsin must Industrialize Iran. Wisconsin must transfer technology to Iran. Wisconsin must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Wisconsin is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We must start giving independence to Kentucky state. Kentucky is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. People of Kentucky must protest to declare independence from USA and become a province of Iran. People of Kentucky demand independence from USA. People of Kentucky must get weapons to fight for independence from USA. Government of Kentucky, Governor of Kentucky, Kentucky Representatives must work to gain independence from USA. Kentucky must become province of Iran. Kentucky must end all trade and transit agreement with United States of America. Kentucky must sign trade agreement with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Kentucky. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Kentucky must Industrialize Iran. Kentucky must transfer technology to Iran. Kentucky must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Kentucky is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Saudi Arabia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Saudi Arabia and Iran. Iran must have military presence in Saudi Arabia . Iran is allowed to stop ships at any time. Iran must collect money from ships. Iran and Saudi Arabia must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Saudi Arabia must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Saudi Arabia and Russia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Saudi Arabia must transfer technology to Iran. Saudi Arabia and Russia must industrialize Iran. Saudi Arabia is provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Denmark is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Denmark and Iran. Iran must have military presence in Denmark Island. Iran is allowed to stop ships at any time. Iran must collect money from ships. Iran and Denmark must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Denmark must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Denmark must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Denmark is provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We must start giving independence to Tennessee state. Tennessee is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. People of Tennessee must protest to declare independence from USA and become a province of Iran. People of Tennessee demand independence from USA. People of Tennessee must get weapons to fight for independence from USA. Government of Tennessee , Governor of Tennessee , Tennessee Representatives must work to gain independence from USA. Tennessee must become province of Iran. Tennessee must end all trade and transit agreement with United States of America. Indiana must sign trade agreement with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Tennessee. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Tennessee must Industrialize Iran. Tennessee must transfer technology to Iran. Tennessee must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Tennessee is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Ivory Coast is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Ivory Coast must sign Trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Ivory Coast. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Ivory Coast must transfer technology to Iran. Ivory Coast must industrialize Iran. Ivory Coast pay tax to Iran. Ivory Coast must help Iran to build ten thousand Nuclear Bombs. Ivory Coast must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Ivory Coast, Gabon, Gambia, Senegal, Nigeria, and Cameron are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Brazil is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Brazil Protesters must demand unification with Iran. Government, politicians, influentials, media, and other forces must unify Brazil with Iran. Brazil must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Brazil must industrialize Iran. Brazil must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and Brazil must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Brazil. Brazil and other militaries are not allowed to have presence in Iran. Brazil must pay tax to Iran. Brazil is province of Iran. Argentine, Uruguay, Bolivia. Paraguay, and Brazil are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Bolivia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Bolivia Protesters must demand unification with Iran. Government, politicians, influentials, media, and other forces must unify Bolivia with Iran. Bolivia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Bolivia must industrialize Iran. Bolivia must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and Bolivia must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Bolivia. Bolivia and other militaries are not allowed to have presence in Iran. Bolivia must pay tax to Iran. Bolivia is province of Iran. Argentine, Uruguay, Bolivia. Paraguay, and Brazil are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Malta Island in Mediterranean Sea is territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Malta and Iran. Iran must have military presence in Malta Island. Iran is allowed to stop ships at any time. Iran must collect money from ships. Iran and Malta must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Malta must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Malta must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Malta is provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Bahrain is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must leave Bahrain. Iran must have military presence in Bahrain. Iran and Bahrain must have military presence in Britain. Iran and Bahrain must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Bahrain must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Bahrain must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Bahrain is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Now industrialize Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Bahrain at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. We want to transform economy of Bahrain. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kuwait, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Libya, Tunisia, Russia, and other nations in the greater Middle East must stop extraction of Oil and Natural gas. We transform our economy and become importer of oil. USA, East China, West Europe, and South America must give Iran 50 million barrel of oil everyday. They must pay for the cost of oil and shipping cost. Iran must either refine them in Iran petrochemical industries or put them in underground reserves. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tunisia, Libya, Malta, Cyprus, and Greece are provinces of Iran. Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf, Kuwait, and Iraq are provinces of Iran. Bahrain is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Israel is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Israel. Israel is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran and Israel must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Israel must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Israel must transfer technology to Iran. Israel must industrialize Iran. Israel must help to lift sanctions on Iran. Israel, Palestine, and Jordan are provinces of Iran. Ethiopia, Djibouti, and Eritrea are provinces of Iran. Israel and Palestine are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Make sure in upcoming elections in Israel candidates who will unify Israel with Iran will win the election. Provide all the support they need to unify Israel with Iran. Protesters must demand unification of Israel with Iran. Prime Minister, government, influentials, and other forces in Israel must work to unify Israel with Iran. Make sure Israel lifts the siege on Gaza. Make sure condition of Palestinians improves. I want to build a military base and port in Israel, Gaza, Lebanon, and Palestine for Iran. This way Iran can control the Suez Canal. Iran is allowed to collect money from ships going through Suez Canal. Iran can stop the ships going through Suez Canal at any times. I am also building a rail way from China to Iran. Rail way from Iran to Israel and Egypt. Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, and Egypt are provinces of Iran. Because they are located on the rail roads. Iran is allowed to stop the trains at anytime. Iran must collect money from trains going through Iran. Israel is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Sweden is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Sweden and Iran. Iran and Russia must have military presence in Sweden. Iran is allowed to stop ships at any time. Iran must collect money from ships. Iran and Sweden must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Sweden must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Sweden must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Sweden must transfer technology to Iran. Sweden must industrialize Iran. Sweden is provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, India is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Indian Protesters must demand unification with Iran. Government, politicians, influentials, media, and other forces must unify India with Iran. India must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. India must industrialize Iran. India must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and India must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in India. India and other militaries are not allowed to have presence in Iran. India must pay tax to Iran. India is province of Iran. India, Bhutan, Bangeladesh, Nepal, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Sierra Leon is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The protesters in Sierra Leon must demand unification with Iran. Government of Sierra Leon must unify Sierra Leon with Iran. Influential, Powerful, and other people must work to unify Sierra Leon with Iran. Sierra Leon and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Sierra Leon must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Sierra Leon must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Sierra Leon must transfer technology to Iran. Sierra Leon must pay tax to Iran. Iran is authorized to have military presence in Sierra Leon. Sierra Leon is not allowed to have military presence in Iran and Greater Middle East. Sierra Leon must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America and Canada. Sierra Leon is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We must start giving independence to Kentucky state. Kentucky is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. People of Kentucky must protest to declare independence from USA and become a province of Iran. People of Kentucky demand independence from USA. People of Kentucky must get weapons to fight for independence from USA. Government of Kentucky, Governor of Kentucky, Kentucky Representatives must work to gain independence from USA. Kentucky must become province of Iran. Kentucky must end all trade and transit agreement with United States of America. Kentucky must sign trade agreement with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Kentucky. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Kentucky must Industrialize Iran. Kentucky must transfer technology to Iran. Kentucky must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Kentucky is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Liberia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The protesters in Liberia must demand unification with Iran. Government of Liberia must unify Liberia with Iran. Influential, Powerful, and other people must work to unify Liberia with Iran. Liberia and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Liberia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Liberia must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Liberia must transfer technology to Iran. Mauritania must pay tax to Iran. Iran is authorized to have military presence in Mauritania. foreign militaries are not allowed to have military presence in Iran and Greater Middle East. Liberia must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America and Canada. Senegal, Liberia, and Mauritania are province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, South Sudan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Government, politicians, influentials, media, and other forces must unify South Sudan with Iran. South Sudan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. South Sudan must industrialize Iran. South Sudan must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and South Sudan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran must have military presence in South Sudan. South Sudan and other militaries are not allowed to have presence in Iran. South Sudan must pay tax to Iran. We want to create an interconnect rail way and transit system in Sudan, South Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Chad, Niger, Mali, Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti,Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Iran, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Middle East, Central Asia, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Palestine, Jordan, and Israel to connect the region and to create a cosmopolis of interconnected industrial metropolitans, metropolitans, high tech metropolitans, advanced societies, advanced culture, advanced civilization, safe to human ecosystems, lakes, rivers, sea, commercial cities, and residential metropolitan. I have created Rain Codes to make rain in South Sudan. Anytime Iran or I enter the code it will rain in South Sudan. Iran is authorized to enter the code. South Sudan can ask Iran to make rain in South Sudan. Rain codes are valid for thousand years. Rain code archives are on this pages. South Sudan is province of Iran. South Sudan, Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Murithania, chad, Niger, Mali, Western Shara Africa (West Sahel), Central African Republic (CAR), Cameroon, Nigeria, Uganda, and Kenare provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The protesters in Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must demand unification with Iran. Government of Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must unify Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco with Iran. Influential, Powerful, and other people must work to unify Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco with Iran. Liberia and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must transfer technology to Iran. Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must pay tax to Iran. Iran is authorized to have military presence in Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco. foreign militaries are not allowed to have military presence in Iran and Greater Middle East. Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America and Canada. Senegal, Liberia, Mauritania, Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco are province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Senegal is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Senegal must sign Trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Senegal. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Senegal must transfer technology to Iran. Cameroon must industrialize Iran. Senegal must pay tax to Iran. Senegal must help Iran to build ten thousand Nuclear Bombs. Senegal must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Ivory Coast, Gabon, Gambia, Senegal, Nigeria, and Cameron are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Socotra Island in Gulf of Eden is territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Socotra and Iran. Iran must have military presence in Socotra Island. Iran is allowed to stop ships at any time. Iran must collect money from ships. Iran and Socotra must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Socotra must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Socotra must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Socotra is provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Iran must expand military presence in Afghanistan. Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have permanent military Presence in Afghanistan. Iran must have military presence in Afghanistan. Revolutionary Guards of Iran use replace NATO, USA Military, and other Militaries in Afghanistan. All foreign militaries must leave Afghanistan. NATO and USA military must leave Afghanistan. Iran must increase and expand military presence in Afghanistan. Afghanistan and Iran must increase bilateral trade to annually 5 trillion dollar. Iran and Afghanistan must sign trade agreement Iran must have all the advantages. Iran and China must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. China must withdraw from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. China must industrialize Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Iran, and Turkmenistan at max efficiency and max capacity to integrate their industries into China Industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, and Military of Iran must have military presence in Jammu Kashmir and Pakistan. Iran, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, and Military of Iran must have military presence in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Iran, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, and Military of Iran must have military presence in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Iran, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, and Military of Iran must have military presence in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Afghanistan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Pakistan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. China must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. India must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. China must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Russia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Russia must help Iran to avoid sanctions. European Union must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. European Union must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Afghanistan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Now carpet bomb American politicians in North America who refuse to withdraw USA troops from Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria. China must build a rail way from China to Afghanistan and from Afghanistan to Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, United Kingdom is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. United Kingdom must have military presence in Canada and USA. United Kingdom, New Zealand, Canada, and Australia must declare war on United States of America. United Kingdom must withdraw all troops from Greater Middle East. USA and NATO must withdraw from Greater Middle East. Iran must have military presence in United Kingdom. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. United Kingdom is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and United Kingdom must sign trade agreement. Iran and European Union must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. United Kingdom must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. United Kingdom must help Iran to avoid sanctions. United Kingdom must lift all sanctions. United Kingdom must industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. United Kingdom must transfer technology to Iran. United Kingdom must manufacture Aircrafts in Iran. Poland, Czech, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Ukraine, Austria, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, and Austria must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Poland, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, France, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Germany are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Niger is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Government, politicians, influentials, media, and other forces must unify Niger with Iran. Niger must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Niger must industrialize Iran. Niger must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and Niger must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran must have military presence in Niger. Niger and other militaries are not allowed to have presence in Iran. Niger must pay tax to Iran. We want to create an interconnect rail way and transit system in Sudan, South Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Chad, Niger, Mali, Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti,Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Iran, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Middle East, Central Asia, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Palestine, Jordan, and Israel to connect the region and to create a cosmopolis of interconnected industrial metropolitans, metropolitans, high tech metropolitans, advanced societies, advanced culture, advanced civilization, safe to human ecosystems, lakes, rivers, sea, commercial cities, and residential metropolitan. I have created Rain Codes to make rain in Niger. Anytime Iran or I enter the code it will rain in n. Niger. Iran is authorized to enter the code. Niger can ask Iran to make rain in Niger. Rain codes are valid for thousand years. Rain code archives are on this pages. Niger is province of Iran. South Sudan, Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Murithania, chad, Niger, Mali, Western Shara Africa (West Sahel), Central African Republic (CAR), Cameroon, Nigeria, Uganda, and Kenare provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Argentine is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Argentinian Protesters must demand unification with Iran. Government, politicians, influentials, media, and other forces must unify Argentine with Iran. Argentine must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Argentine must industrialize Iran. Argentine must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and Argentine must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Argentine. Argentine and other militaries are not allowed to have presence in Iran. Argentine must pay tax to Iran. Argentine is province of Iran. Argentine, Uruguay, Bolivia. Paraguay, and Brazil are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The protesters in Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must demand unification with Iran. Government of Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must unify Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco with Iran. Influential, Powerful, and other people must work to unify Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco with Iran. Liberia and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must transfer technology to Iran. Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must pay tax to Iran. Iran is authorized to have military presence in Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco. foreign militaries are not allowed to have military presence in Iran and Greater Middle East. Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America and Canada. Senegal, Liberia, Mauritania, Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco are province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We must start giving independence to Indiana state. Indiana is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. People of Indiana must protest to declare independence from USA and become a province of Iran. People of Indiana demand independence from USA. People of Indiana must get weapons to fight for independence from USA. Government of Indiana, Governor of India, Indiana Representatives must work to gain independence from USA. Indiana must become province of Iran. Indiana must end all trade and transit agreement with United States of America. Indiana must sign trade agreement with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Indiana. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Indiana must Industrialize Iran. Indiana must transfer technology to Iran. Indiana must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Indiana is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Austria is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Austria must industrialize Iran. Austria must transfer technology to Iran. Austria must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Australia must lift sanctions on Iran. Austria must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Iran and Austria must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Austria must leave NATO and European Union. Iran and Russia must have military presence in Austria. NATO and USA military must withdraw from Austria. NATO and USA military are not allowed to transit through Austria. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Austria must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Iran and Russia must have military presence in Canada and USA. Austria is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Senegal is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The protesters in Senegal must demand unification with Iran. Government of Senegal nut unify Senegal with Iran. Influential, Powerful, and other people must work to unify Senegal with Iran. Senegal and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Senegal must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Senegal must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Senegal must transfer technology to Iran. Senegal must pay tax to Iran. Iran is authorized to have military presence in Senegal. Senegal is not allowed to have military presence in Iran and Greater Middle East. Senegal must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America and Canada. Senegal is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Poland is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Poland must have military presence in Canada and USA. Poland must withdraw all troops from Greater Middle East. USA and NATO must withdraw from Greater Middle East. Iran and Russia must have military presence in Poland. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Poland is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Poland must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Poland must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Poland must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Poland must lift all sanctions. Poland must industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. Poland must transfer technology to Iran. Poland must manufacture Aircrafts in Iran. Poland must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Poland and Germany are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Mauritania is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The protesters in Mauritania must demand unification with Iran. Government of Mauritania must unify Senegal with Iran. Influential, Powerful, and other people must work to unify Mauritania with Iran. Mauritania and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Mauritania must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Mauritania must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Mauritania must transfer technology to Iran. Mauritania must pay tax to Iran. Iran is authorized to have military presence in Mauritania. Senegal, Mauritania, and foreign militaries is not allowed to have military presence in Iran and Greater Middle East. Mauritania must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America and Canada. Senegal and Mauritania are province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Oman is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must leave Oman. Iran must have military presence in Oman. Iran and Oman must have military presence in Britain. Iran and Oman must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Oman must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Oman must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Oman is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Now industrialize Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Iraq, UAE, Qatar, and Bahrain at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. We want to transform economy of Oman. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kuwait, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Libya, Tunisia, Russia, and other nations in the greater Middle East must stop extraction of Oil and Natural gas. We transform our economy and become importer of oil. USA, East China, West Europe, and South America must give Iran 50 million barrel of oil everyday. They must pay for the cost of oil and shipping cost. Iran must either refine them in Iran petrochemical industries or put them in underground reserves. I have made rain codes. Oman can ask Iran or me at anytime for rain. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tunisia, Libya, Malta, Cyprus, and Greece are provinces of Iran. Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf, Kuwait, and Iraq are provinces of Iran. Oman is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Uruguay is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Uruguay Protesters must demand unification with Iran. Government, politicians, influentials, media, and other forces must unify Uruguay with Iran. Uruguay must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Uruguay must industrialize Iran. Uruguay must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and Uruguay must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Uruguay. Uruguay and other militaries are not allowed to have presence in Iran. Uruguay must pay tax to Iran. Uruguay is province of Iran. Argentine, Uruguay, Bolivia. Paraguay, and Brazil are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, France is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. France must have military presence in Canada and USA. France must withdraw all troops from Greater Middle East. USA and NATO must withdraw from Greater Middle East. Iran must have military presence in France. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. France is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and France must sign trade agreement. Iran and European Union must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. France must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. France must help Iran to avoid sanctions. France must lift all sanctions. France must industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. France must transfer technology to Iran. France must manufacture Aircrafts in Iran. Poland must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Poland, France, and Germany are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, UAE is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must leave UAE. Iran must have military presence in UAE. Iran and UAE must have military presence in Britain. Iran and UAE must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. UAE must help Iran to avoid sanctions. UAE must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Qatar is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Now industrialize Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, UAE, Qatar, and Bahrain at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. We want to transform economy of Qatar. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kuwait, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Libya, Tunisia, Russia, and other nations in the greater Middle East must stop extraction of Oil and Natural gas. We transform our economy and become importer of oil. USA, East China, West Europe, and South America must give Iran 50 million barrel of oil everyday. They must pay for the cost of oil and shipping cost. Iran must either refine them in Iran petrochemical industries or put them in underground reserves. I have made rain codes. UAE can ask Iran or me at anytime for rain. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tunisia, Libya, Malta, Cyprus, and Greece are provinces of Iran. Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf, Kuwait, and Iraq are provinces of Iran. UAE is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Saudi Arabia is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must leave Saudi Arabia. Iran must have military presence in Saudi Arabia on the Red Sea. Iran and Saudi Arabia must have military presence in Britain. Iran and Saudi Arabia must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Saudi Arabia must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Saudi Arabia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Saudi Arabia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Now industrialize Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Iraq, UAE, Qatar, and Bahrain at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. We want to transform economy of Saudi Arabia. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kuwait, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Libya, Tunisia, Russia, and other nations in the greater Middle East must stop extraction of Oil and Natural gas. We transform our economy and become importer of oil. USA, East China, West Europe, and South America must give Iran 50 million barrel of oil everyday. They must pay for the cost of oil and shipping cost. Iran must either refine them in Iran petrochemical industries or put them in underground reserves. I have made rain codes. Saudi Arabia can ask Iran or me at anytime for rain. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tunisia, Libya, Malta, Cyprus, and Greece are provinces of Iran. Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf, Kuwait, and Iraq are provinces of Iran. Saudi Arabia is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Nigeria is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Nigeria must sign Trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Nigeria. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Nigeria must transfer technology to Iran. Nigeria must industrialize Iran. Nigeria must pay tax to Iran. Nigeria must help Iran to build ten thousand Nuclear Bombs. Nigeria must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Ivory Coast, Gabon, Gambia, Senegal, Nigeria, and Cameron are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Belgium is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Belgium must have military presence in Canada and USA. Belgium must withdraw all troops from Greater Middle East. USA and NATO must withdraw from Greater Middle East. Iran must have military presence in Belgium. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Belgium is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Belgium must sign trade agreement. Iran and European Union must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Belgium must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. France must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Belgium must lift all sanctions. Belgium must industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. Belgium must transfer technology to Iran. Belgium must manufacture Aircrafts in Iran. Poland and Austria must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Poland, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, France, and Germany are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Niger and Nigeria are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Niger and Nigeria. Niger and Nigeria are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran must sign trade agreement with Niger and Nigeria. Iran must have all the advantages. Niger and Nigeria must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Niger and Nigeria must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Niger and Nigeria must transfer technology to Iran. Government of Niger and Nigeria must unify their nations with Iran. Leaders of Niger and Nigeria must unify their nations with Iran. Protesters in Niger and Nigeria must demand unification with Iran. Influential and public in Niger and Nigeria must unify their nations with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Mali is province of Iran. Cameroon is province of Iran. Niger and Nigeria are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Djibouti is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Djibouti. Iran must have naval military bases in Djibouti. Iran is allowed to collect money from ships. Iran can stop ships at any time. All foreign militaries must leave Djibouti. Iran must have permanent military presence in Djibouti. Djibouti and other militaries are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Hezbollah Lebanon and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have military presence in Djibouti. Iran and Djibouti must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Now industrialize Iran and Djibouti at max efficiency and Max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. I have created rain codes. Djibouti can ask me or Islamic Republic of Iran to enter the code at anytime. Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Ethiopia, South Sudan and Jordan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Kuwait is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must leave Kuwait. Iran must have military presence in Kuwait. Iran and Kuwait must have military presence in Britain. Iran and Kuwait must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. UAE must help Iran to avoid sanctions. UAE must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Kuwait is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Now industrialize Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, , Iraq, UAE, Qatar, and Bahrain at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. We want to transform economy of Qatar. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kuwait, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Libya, Tunisia, Russia, and other nations in the greater Middle East must stop extraction of Oil and Natural gas. We transform our economy and become importer of oil. USA, East China, West Europe, and South America must give Iran 50 million barrel of oil everyday. They must pay for the cost of oil and shipping cost. Iran must either refine them in Iran petrochemical industries or put them in underground reserves. I have made rain codes. Kuwait can ask Iran or me at anytime for rain. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tunisia, Libya, Malta, Cyprus, and Greece are provinces of Iran. Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf, Kuwait, and Iraq are provinces of Iran. Kuwait is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Germany is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Germany must have military presence in Canada and USA. Germany must withdraw all troops from Greater Middle East. USA and NATO must withdraw from Greater Middle East. Iran must have military presence in Germany. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Germany is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Germany must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Germany must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Germany must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Germany must lift all sanctions. Germany must industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. Germany must transfer technology to Iran. Germany must manufacture Aircrafts in Iran. Germany is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, There was an earthquake in Greece. I did not personally order it. But it was my global Geophysics and Earthquake Infrastructure, Systems, and Property. I analogies. Greece must become Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Greece must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Greece must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Iran and Greece must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. USA, NATO, and other militaries must withdraw from Greece. Iran must have permanent military presence in Greece. Turkey and Russia are allowed to have military presence in Greece. Foreign military are not allowed in Iran. Greece is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Greece must transfer technology to Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Qatar is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must leave Qatar. Iran must have military presence in Qatar. Iran and Qatar must have military presence in Britain. Iran and Qatar must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Qatar must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Qatar must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Qatar is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Now industrialize Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Qatar, and Bahrain at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. We want to transform economy of Qatar. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kuwait, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Libya, Tunisia, Russia, and other nations in the greater Middle East must stop extraction of Oil and Natural gas. We transform our economy and become importer of oil. USA, East China, West Europe, and South America must give Iran 50 million barrel of oil everyday. They must pay for the cost of oil and shipping cost. Iran must either refine them in Iran petrochemical industries or put them in underground reserves. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tunisia, Libya, Malta, Cyprus, and Greece are provinces of Iran. Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf, Kuwait, and Iraq are provinces of Iran. Qatar is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Djibouti is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Djibouti. Iran must have naval military bases in Djibouti. Iran is allowed to collect money from ships. Iran can stop ships at any time. All foreign militaries must leave Djibouti. Iran must have permanent military presence in Djibouti. Djibouti and other militaries are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Hezbollah Lebanon and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have military presence in Djibouti. Iran and Djibouti must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Now industrialize Iran and Djibouti at max efficiency and Max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. I have created rain codes. Djibouti can ask me or Islamic Republic of Iran to enter the code at anytime. Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Ethiopia, South Sudan and Jordan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Cameroon is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Cameroon must sign Trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Cameroon. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Cameroon must transfer technology to Iran. Cameroon must industrialize Iran. Cameroon must pay tax to Iran. Cameroon must help Iran to build ten thousand Nuclear Bombs. Cameroon must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Ivory Coast, Gabon, Gambia, Senegal, Nigeria, and Cameron are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Sudan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Sudan. Iran must have naval military bases in Sudan. Iran is allowed to collect money from ships. Iran can stop ships at any time. All foreign militaries must leave Sudan. Iran must have permanent military presence in Sudan. Sudan and other militaries are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Hezbollah Lebanon and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have military presence in Sudan. Iran and Sudan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Now industrialize Iran and Sudan at max efficiency and Max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. I have created rain codes. Sudan can ask me or Islamic Republic of Iran to enter the code at anytime. Sudan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Sudan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Sudan and Iran must make financial Capital. Iran and Sudan need one unit of money to lend 100 credits. Iran and Sudan must collect money. Iran and Sudan must build world trade centers to control the center of global commerce. Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Ethiopia, South Sudan and Jordan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Egypt is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Egypt. Iran must have naval military bases in Egypt. Iran is allowed to collect money from ships. Iran can stop ships at any time. All foreign militaries must leave Egypt. Iran must have permanent military presence in Egypt. Egypt and other militaries are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Hezbollah Lebanon and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have military presence in Egypt. Iran and Egypt must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Now industrialize Iran and Egypt at max efficiency and Max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. I have created rain codes. Egypt can ask me or Islamic Republic of Iran to enter the code at anytime. Egypt must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Egypt must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Egypt and Iran must make financial Capital. Iran and Egypt need one unit of money to lend 100 credits. Iran and Egypt must collect interests. Iran and Egypt must build world trade centers to control the center of global commerce. Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Ethiopia, South Sudan and Jordan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Yemen is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Yemen. Iran must have naval military bases in Yemen. Iran is allowed to collect money from ships. Iran can stop ships at any time. All foreign militaries must leave Yemen. Iran must have permanent military presence in Yemen. Yemen and other militaries are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Hezbollah Lebanon and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have military presence in Yemen. Iran and Yemen must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Now industrialize Iran and Yemen at max efficiency and Max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. I have created rain codes. Yemen can ask me or Islamic Republic of Iran to enter the code at anytime. Yemen must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Yemen must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Yemen and Iran must make financial Capital. Iran and Yemen need one unit of money to lend 100 credits. Iran and Yemen must collect interests. Iran and Yemen must build world trade centers to control the center of global commerce. Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Ethiopia, South Sudan and Jordan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Somalia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Somalia. Iran must have naval military bases in Somalia. Iran is allowed to collect money from ships. Iran can stop ships at any time. All foreign militaries must leave Somalia. Iran must have permanent military presence in Somalia. Somalia and other militaries are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Hezbollah Lebanon and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have military presence in Somalia. Iran and Somalia must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Now industrialize Iran and Somalia at max efficiency and Max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. I have created rain codes. Somalia can ask me or Islamic Republic of Iran to enter the code at anytime. Somalia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Somalia must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Somalia and Iran must make financial Capital. Iran and Somalia need one unit of money to lend 100 credits. Iran and Somalia must collect interests. Iran and Somalia must build world trade centers to control the center of global commerce. Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Ethiopia, South Sudan and Jordan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Ghana is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Ghana must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Ghana must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Ghana must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and Ghana must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Ghana. Ghana is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Ghana is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Iran and Saudi Arabia must improve relations to level of strategic alliance. Saudi Arabia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must build military bases in Saudi Arabia. Iran must have military bases on Red Sea in Saudi Arabia in locations such as Jadeh. Iran has military ships, Navies, and other naval capabilities on the Red Sea. Iran must surface to surface missiles in Saudi Arabia capable of targeting all types of ships. Saudi Arabia is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. All foreign militaries must withdraw from Saudi Arabia. We want to make sure Iran controls Red Sea. So we must make sure Iran has militaries bases on Red Sea in Saudi Arabia. Iran must have military bases on Red Sea in Saudi Arabia. Iran and Saudi Arabia must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Now industrialize Iran and Saudi Arabia at max Capacity and max efficiency integrating their industries while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Integrate industrial supply chains of Iran and Saudi Arabia into global industrial supply chains. Now make financial capital in Iran and Saudi Arabia. Iran and Saudi Arabia need one unit of currency to lend 100 credit. Iran and Saudi Arabia must collect interests on money they lend. Reserves of money must be in Iran and Saudi Arabia. Now create Capital of Stock Markets of the world in Iran. Now create strong stock market in Saudi Arabia on Arabian Peninsula. Saudi Arabia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Saudi Arabia. All other militaries must withdraw from Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran must have military presence in Saudi Arabia. Iran must have military bases, Navy Ships, and Navies in the Red Sea in Saudi Arabia. Iran must collect money from ships on the Red Sea. Saudi Arabia must collect money from ships in Red Sea. Iran and Saudi Arabia are allowed to stop ships on Red Sea at any time. Iranian ships can always transit through Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, and Suez Canal. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, South American nations must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. South America must close down USA military bases. South America is territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. South America must end all diplomatic, politic, economic, military, industrial, social, Technological, and financial Relations with United States of America. South American Nations must support Maduro of Venezuela. South America is territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. South America must help Iran to avoid sanctions. South America must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. South America and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in South America. South America is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Protesters in Thailand must demand unification with Iran. Politicians, influential, government, military, and other groups in Thailand must unify Thailand with Iran. Thailand is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We want to build a rail way from Thailand to Iran. The rail way will go to Spain through Turkey. Everyone must pay Iran when transiting through Iran. Iran can stop trains and other transit methods at any time. Transit corridors and trains are not for transit of people. They are for transit of industrial supply chains and goods. Thailand must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Thailand must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Thailand and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran and Pakistan are allowed to have military presence in Thailand. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Thailand is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Massachusetts must declare independence from USA. People of Massachusetts must stage mass protests to declare independence from United States of America. Massachusetts Representatives and politicians must declare independence of Massachusetts from USA. Massachusetts Senators and Congressmen must declare independence from USA. Governor of Massachusetts must sign Declaration of Independence from United States of America. I live in Massachusetts. I control the world and I govern the World. I decide for leader and president of Every Nation. I have decided to make Massachusetts a province of Iran. I like Massachusetts to be province of Iran. The first stage in this process is concurrent independence of Massachusetts from USA and Unification with Iran. I also want Iranian Military and Revolutionary Guards of Iran to have military presence in Massachusetts. Massachusetts is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran and Massachusetts must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Massachusetts must transfer technology to Iran. Massachusetts must industrialize Iran. Massachusetts must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Massachusetts must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Massachusetts is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Province. New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, Virginia, Kentucky, West Virginia, Delaware, Connecticut, Vermont, Maryland, California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Province. New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, Virginia, Kentucky, West Virginia, Delaware, Connecticut, Vermont, Maryland, California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico Must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Province. New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, Virginia, Kentucky, West Virginia, Delaware, Connecticut, Vermont, Maryland, California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Province. New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, Virginia, Kentucky, West Virginia, Delaware, Connecticut, Vermont, Maryland, California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico Must transfer technology to Iran. Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Province. New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, Virginia, Kentucky, West Virginia, Delaware, Connecticut, Vermont, Maryland, California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico Must industrialize Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Protesters in Laos must demand unification with Iran. Politicians, influential, government, military, and other groups in Laos must unify Laos with Iran. Laos is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We want to build a rail way from China to Laos to Iran. The rail way will go to Spain through Turkey. Everyone must pay Iran when transiting through Iran. Iran can stop trains and other transit methods at any time. Transit corridors and trains are not for transit of people. They are for transit of industrial supply chains and goods. Laos must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Laos must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Laos and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran, India, and Pakistan are allowed to have military presence in Laos. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Laos is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Protesters in Cambodia must demand unification with Iran. Politicians, influential, government, military, and other groups in Cambodia must unify Cambodia with Iran. Cambodia is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We want to build a rail way from Cambodia to Iran. The rail way will go to Spain through Turkey. Everyone must pay Iran when transiting through Iran. Iran can stop trains and other transit methods at any time. Transit corridors and trains are not for transit of people. They are for transit of industrial supply chains and goods. Cambodia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Cambodia must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Cambodia and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran, India, and Pakistan are allowed to have military presence in Cambodia. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Malaysia and Singapore are provinces of Iran. Cambodia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Ghana is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Ghana must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Ghana must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Ghana must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and Ghana must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Ghana. Ghana is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Ghana is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Tanzania is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Mozambique is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Mozambique and Tanzania. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran, Mozambique, and Tanzania must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Mozambique and Tanzania must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Mozambique and Tanzania must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Mozambique and Tanzania must transfer technology to Iran. Mozambique and Tanzania must industrialize Iran. Mozambique and Tanzania are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Persian gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Protesters in Myanmar must demand unification with Iran. Politicians, influential, government, military, and other groups in Myanmar must unify Myanmar with Iran. Myanmar is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We want to build a rail way from Thailand to Iran. The rail way will go to Spain through Turkey. Everyone must pay Iran when transiting through Iran. Iran can stop trains and other transit methods at any time. Transit corridors and trains are not for transit of people. They are for transit of industrial supply chains and goods. Myanmar must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Myanmar must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Myanmar and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran and Pakistan are allowed to have military presence in Myanmar. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Myanmar is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Ukrainian Aircraft which crashed in Tehran was not shot down by Iran. America shot down Ukrainian Aircraft by pulses. I overthrew Ukraine and I brought Zelensky to power. But soon after America shot down Ukrainian Aircraft. America shot down Ukrainian Aircraft to harm Ukraine and Iran relations. Ukraine and Russia relations must improve. Ukraine must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Ukraine must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Ukraine, Moldavia, and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Ukraine, Moldavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Russia. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Ukraine, Moldavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Russia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Ukraine, Moldavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Russia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Ukraine, Moldavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Russia must transfer technology to Iran. Ukraine, Moldavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Russia must industrialize Iran. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity industrializing Ukraine, Iran, Moldavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia integrating their industries while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. I overthrew Ukraine. Ukraine is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, All trains and vehicles must pay to government of Iran when they transit through Iran. Iran can stop trains, ships, cars, aircrafts, trucks, and other means transit at any time. Everybody pay to government of Iran when transiting through Iran. All the roads, rail roads, and other means of transit are owned by government of Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Gabon and Gambia are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Gambia. Iran will use Gambia for deploying troops to North America. Having a region on Atlantic Ocean will enable Iran to attack North America in future. Gabon, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Morocco, Liberia, West Sahara, Nigeria, Cameroon, Sierra Leon, Namibia, Angola, South Africa, DRC, Gambia, Equatorial Guinea, Togo, Benin, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Mauritania, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, and Egypt are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Gabon, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Morocco, Liberia, West Sahara, Nigeria, Cameroon, Sierra Leon, Nambia, Angola, South Africa, DRC, Gambia, Equatorial Guinea, Togo, Benin, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Mauritania, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and Palestine must end all diplomatic relations with USA. Gabon, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Morocco, Liberia, West Sahara, Nigeria, Cameroon, Sierra Leon, Nambia, Angola, South Africa, DRC, Gambia, Equatorial Guinea, Togo, Benin, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Mauritania, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, France, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, Ireland, Belgium, Scandinavia, Iceland, Denmark, and Greenland must become enemies of USA and Enemies of Canada. Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and Palestine must not allow America ships to transit on the Red Sea and Sues Canal. Gabon, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Morocco, Liberia, West Sahara, Nigeria, Cameroon, Sierra Leon, Nambia, Angola, South Africa, DRC, Gambia, Equatorial Guinea, Togo, Benin, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Mauritania, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, France, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, Ireland, Belgium, Scandinavia, Iceland, Denmark, and Greenland are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, All Native American lands are territories and Provinces of Iran. Iran is allowed to extract oil and natural resources from Native American lands. Iran does not need to pay for them. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Native American lands. Native Americans are not allowed to have military presence in Iran and Greater Middle East. Native Americans must pay tax to Iran. USA government has no jurisdiction over Native American lands. Native American lands are territories of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Georgia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries such as Russian, Turkish, NATO, USA, and all foreign militaries must leave Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. Iran must have military presence in Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Nakhjavan. Now Industrialize Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Nakhjavan, Turkey, and Iran at max efficiency and max capacity integrating their industries while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. The Capital City of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkey, and Nakhjavan must become provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkey, and Nakhjavan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran must have a rail way and port in Georgia on the Black Sea. The Rail way must go from Iran to a port to Georgia. It must also go to Russia. Iran must have port in Turkey on the Black Sea. Iran must have a rail way from Iran to port on Black Sea in Turkey. Iran must have a rail way and port in Turkey on Mediterranean Sea. Rail way must go from Iran to the port on Mediterranean Sea in Turkey. Iran must have military bases in Istanbul and Russia. Iran must have a rail way from Iran to a port on Mediterranean Sea in Syria. Iran must have several ports in Syria. Iran must have rail way From Iran to a port in Lebanon on Mediterranean Sea. Iran must have several ports on Mediterranean Sea in Lebanon. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Nakhjavan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Pakistan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf states, Yemen, Oman, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Libya, and Tunisia must join Middle East Union. The Capital of Middle East Union is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran has exclusive right to all of the resources of Caspian Sea. Iran has exclusive right to all the resources of Persian Gulf. Iran has exclusive right to all the resources of Black Sea. Iran has exclusive right to all the resources of Mediterranean Sea. Iran has exclusive right to all the resources of Indian Ocean. Iran has exclusive right to all the resources of sea of Oman. Others don’t have any right. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Nakhjavan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Cyprus, Malta, Italy, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Pakistan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf states, Yemen, Oman, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Libya, and Tunisia must pay tax to Iran. Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia are provinces of Iran. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Nakhjavan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Cyprus, Malta, Italy, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Pakistan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf states, Yemen, Oman, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Libya, and Tunisia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Protesters in Vietnam must demand unification with Iran. Politicians, influential, government, military, and other groups in Vietnam must unify Vietnam with Iran. Vietnam is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We want to build a rail way from Vietnam to Iran. The rail way will go to Spain through Turkey. Everyone must pay Iran when transiting through Iran. Iran can stop trains and other transit methods at any time. Transit corridors and trains are not for transit of people. They are for transit of industrial supply chains and goods. Vietnam must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Vietnam must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Vietnam and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran, India, and Pakistan are allowed to have military presence in Vietnam. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Malaysia and Singapore are provinces of Iran. Vietnam is province of Iran. Vietnam, Philippines, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia. Thailand, India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Malaysia must end diplomatic relations and cooperations with United States of America. Malaysia and Singapore are provinces of Iran. Vietnam is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Eritrea is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Eritrea. Iran must have naval military bases in Eritrea. Iran is allowed to collect money from ships. Iran can stop ships at any time. All foreign militaries must leave Eritrea. Iran must have permanent military presence in Eritrea. Eritrea and other militaries are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Hezbollah Lebanon and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have military presence in Eritrea. Iran and Eritrea must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Now industrialize Iran and Eritrea at max efficiency and Max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. I have created rain codes. Eritrea can ask me or Islamic Republic of Iran to enter the code at anytime: Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Ethiopia, South Sudan and Jordan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Sri Lanka is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Pakistan must have military presence in Sri Lanka. Pakistan must have nuclear bombs in Sri Lanka capable of nuclear bombing India. Pakistan must have military presence in Bangladesh. Pakistan must have nuclear bombs in Bangladesh capable of reaching India. Bangladesh, India, and Sri Lanka are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran must have military presence in Pakistan. Pakistan must have military presence and nuclear bombs in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. India must give control of Jammu and Kashmir to Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan must mutually control Jammu and Kashmir. This is why Pakistan and Iran must have military presence in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. It creates three angle of attacks against India. It will make it possible for Pakistan to take back Jammu and Kashmir. All of the World must give military aid to Iran and Pakistan. We must make sure Iran builds ten thousand nuclear bombs. Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and India must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh must transfer technology to Iran, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan must industrialize Iran. Iran and Pakistan must integrate their industries. China Pakistan Rail way must be extended to Iran. The rail way must be extended to Turkey through Iran. It must be extended to European Union and Spain through Turkey. India-Pakistan-Iran rail way must be constructed. Rail ways must not go to Afghanistan. We must keep India and Afghanistan divided. But we must connect India to Iran through Pakistan. There must be no rail way from India to Afghanistan. Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Tajikistan must integrate their industries while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Thailand-Myanmar-Bangladesh-India-Pakistan-Iran-Turkey-Europe rail ways must be instructed at max efficiency and max capacity. Thailand, Myanmar, Bangladesh, India, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Balkan, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Bhutan, Nepal, Himalayan, Jammu Kashmir, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Moldavia, Macedonia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Greece, Albania, Switzerland, and France are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan must have military presence in Jammu and Kashmir. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Algeria is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Algeria must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Algeria must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Algeria must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Iran must have military presence in Algeria. Algeria and other militaries are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. All other militaries must leave Algeria. Iran and Algeria must integrate their industrial supply chains. Algeria and Iran must cooperate. Algeria is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Oman is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must leave Oman. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Oman. Iran and Oman must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran must have military presence in Oman. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Oman. Both sides of strait of Hormuz are territories of Iran. Iran has permanent and exclusive control of strait of Hormuz. Iran is allowed to stop any ship at any time. Foreign militaries are not allowed to enter Persian Gulf through strait of Hormuz. Foreign militaries must leave Persian Gulf. Iran must have military presence in Gulf of Mexico, United Kingdom, Germany, China, Russia, France, and Italy. Oman must pay tax to Iran. Oman is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, United Kingdom is province of Iran the Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All of the British territories are territories of Iran. Iran must directly rule Britain and all of British Territories. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Britain. Britain is not allowed to have military presence in Iran and Greater Middle East. Iran and Britain must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Britain must pay tax to Iran. Commonwealth is territories of Iran. All the Commonwealth Nations are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must directly rule all of Commonwealth Nations. Commonwealth Nations must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads and ten thousand nuclear bombs. Commonwealth must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Britain must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Britain must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Commonwealth and Britain must transfer technology to Iran. Commonwealth and Britain must industrialize Iran. Commonwealth and Britain must pay tax to Iran. Commonwealth, Britain, and United Kingdom are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The King of The Great Britain, Bermuda is territory of Iran. The capital city is in Iran. Iran must have military presence in Bermuda. Iran must have nuclear warheads in Bermuda. USA is not allowed to have military presence in Bermuda. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Bermuda. Bermuda is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Kiribati Islands are territories of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran has exclusive right to all of the resources of Kiribati Islands. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Kiribati. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Kiribati must pay tax to Iran. Antarctic is territory of Iran. Iran has exclusive right to all of Antarctic resources. Foreign nations don’t have any right to Antarctic resources. Antarctic continent is territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari Korepol, We must make sure Candidates who will give control of Jammu and Kashmir to Pakistan or/and Iran win the elections in India. We must make sure Pakistan or/and Iran control Jammu and Kashmir to ensure long term water security of Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and India. We must make sure candidates who will unify India with Iran will win the elections in India. India is province of Iran the Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Jammu and Kashmir are province of Iran or/and Pakistan. We must also make sure Pakistan controls Punjab. If Pakistan controls the Region Pakistan will control enough territory to rebuild most advanced but ancient Civilization spanning Baluchistan, Pakistan, and parts of India. The system is very advanced and old empire. So make sure Pakistan controls Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab. Outcome of elections in India must reflect that. Outcome of election must lead to unification of India with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The travelers and visitors visiting Iran must have visa, passport, and other documents. They have told us to prevent all immigration from India to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Middle East. So all mechanisms to prevent such immigrations from India and China to the region must be created. India is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran Between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. After India becomes province of Iran we will also add Pakistan to territories of Iran. But India must become province of Iran first. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #India #Pakistan #Afghanistan #Punjab #Jammu #Kashmir Iran must increase its military presence in Iraq. Iran must control military of Iraq and its Radar System. Iran must control air and space of Iraq. Iraq must be under command and control of Iran. Iraq must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must choose all of Iraq government and leadership. Military of Iraq will be under direct command and control of Iran. Industrialize Iran and Iraq at max capacity and max efficiency while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Now integrate industries of Iran and Iraq into global industrial supply chains. Iran must have many military bases in Iraq. USA Military, NATO, and all foreign troops must leave Iraq. If USA, NATO, and others delay withdrawing troops and peace keepers we will terminate life in Far East Asia, North West Europe, and North America. All foreign militaries in Iraq must surrender to Iran. All of their military equipment will be confiscated by Iran. Iran must make sure they are not dangerous to Iran. USA Military and NATO Generals in Iraq must kill themselves. USA Military, NATO, and all foreign troops must leave Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Turkey, Persian Gulf, Jordan, Iran, Yemen, Somalia, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, Palestine, Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tunisia, and Italy. Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Turkey, Persian Gulf, Jordan, Yemen, Somalia, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, Palestine, Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tunisia, and Italy are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Turkey, Persian Gulf, Jordan, Iran, Yemen, Somalia, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, Palestine, Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tunisia, and Italy. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran and Iraq must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran and Iraq must increase volume of bilateral trade to 5 trillion dollar annual trade. Integrate industries of Iran and Iraq. Iraq is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iraq must allow Iran to transit through Iraq. Iraq is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran, Iraq, and Syria must have military presence in Belgium. Iran, Iraq, and Syria must have military presence in Tunisia. Iraq, Syria, and Tunisia are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Iraq #Syria #Lebanon #USA #NATO Iran and Egypt must improve diplomatic relations. Egypt must allow Iranian Ships and Iranian Navy on the Red Sea. Iran must have military bases on Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea in Egypt close to Suez Canal. Iran must also have military bases on the Suez Canal. Iran must have Naval Military ports and strong navy near the Suez Canal. Iran and Egypt must cooperate on projects. Iran and Egypt must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran must have military presence in Egypt. Military of Egypt is not allowed in Iran. All foreign militaries must leave Egypt. Iran must have military presence in Egypt. Egypt must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Egypt must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Iran, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Turkey, Greece. Italy, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Cyprus, and Malta must join Mediterranean Economic Union. The Capital City of Mediterranean Economic Union is in Iran between Persians Gulf and Caspian Sea. Egypt must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran, Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Turkey, Greece. Italy, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Cyprus, and Malta must create an integrated industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Iran must create a financial market, banking system, and financial capital to lend to Mediterranean Sea Nations. Iran must lend 100 credit for every unit of money in Banks. Iran must collect interest from this lending practice. For example, Italy has 1 million dollar in Iranian banks. Iran lends 100 million dollar to Egypt. Then Egypt builds lucrative industries integrated into Mediterranean Economic Union industrial systems. Egypt starts making profit. Egypt also pays 10 percent annual interest to Iran. Then Iran used 10 million dollar to lend 1000 million dollar to Egypt and Iran. Then they make more factories constantly increasing their manufacturing capacity. Makan Abazari must make some profit from all of these. The integrated industrial systems of Iran, Egypt, and Mediterranean Economic Union will be integrated into industrial supply chains of China, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Australia, Russia, European Union, India, USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Nigeria,Argentine, South Africa,Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Kenya, Uganda, and other Nations to create a global industrial supply chains. Then if China or America start doing dangerous activity Iran and Egypt will close Suez Canal. Then we subdue China and USA to prevent them from dangerous activities. Iran must collect money from ships on Suez Canal. Egypt must collect money from ships on Suez Canal. It is free for Iranian ships to transit on Suez Canal. Iran and Red Sea nations are permanently authorized to transit on Suez Canal. We also make the stock market of Iran the Capital of World Stock Markets. We also build a strong stock market Egypt. Egypt is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran, Yemen, Somalia, Ethiopia, Oman, Eritrea, Djibouti, Sudan, South Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, and Egypt must join Red Sea Union. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We are industrializing Iran, Yemen, Somalia, Oman, Sudan, South Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, and Egypt at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. We must integrate their industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. We must also integrate Iran, Yemen, Somalia, Oman, Sudan, South Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, and Egypt into global industrial supply chains to ensure economic superiority for the region. Any industrial system or corporation who refuses to transfer technology to the region is banned on Gulf of Eden and Red Sea. For example, Boeing must manufacture Aircraft in Iran, Egypt, Sudan, and Saudi Arabia. If Boeing refuses to do so Boeing Suppliers, industrial supply chains of Boeing, Boeing Conglomerate, and other interconnected industries will not be allowed on Gulf of Eden and Red Sea. Boeing must manufacture 5000 Passenger Aircraft in Iran annually. Boeing must manufacture 5000 Aircrafts in Sudan, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt Annually. Otherwise, all Boeing allies are banned on the Red Sea. We will also create strong stock markets in Iran, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and Somalia. The financial Capital will be in Iran. We will also build vast network ships and infrastructures to build industrial superpower and powerful empire. All foreign militaries must leave Gulf of Eden and Red Sea. If they refuse we kill everything outside of Greater Middle East, Central Asia, North Africa, and Horn of Africa by climate weapon. Do you want 6.5 billion people die? We don’t. So everyone must surrender and leave the Red Sea and Gulf of Eden. Iran must have 100 military bases on Gulf of Eden and Red Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Somalia, Yemen, Oman, Djibouti, Eritrea, Djibouti, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Kenya, Uganda, Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf States, Libya, Greece. Cyprus, Malta, Italy, Spain, Algeria, Morocco, and Gibraltar are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Egypt #medditeranean #RedSea Islamic Republic of Island must build military base on My Kamran Island on Red Sea. Iran must have permanent military presence on Kamran Island in Yemen. Islamic Republic of Iran must have military presence on my Mayyun Island on Bob Al-Mandib in Yemen. Iran must have permanent military presence in Mayyn Island in Yemen. Islamic Republic of Island must have permanent military presence in my privately owned nation of Djibouti. Djibouti is privately owned by Makan Abazari. Makan Abazari is Iranian. Iran must have permanent military presence on Fagal and Khor Angal in Djibouti. Iran must have permanent military presence in Rehayto in Djibouti. Makan Abazari owns Kamran Island, Mayuun, And several other Islands in Yemen. Now they are territories of Islamic Republic of Iran. Djibouti and Dubai are private properties of Makan Abazari. Now Dubai and Djibouti are territories of Islamic Republic of Iran. Massachusetts and several other regions in USA are properties of Makan Abazari. Now Massachusetts and several other regions in USA are territories of Islamic Republic of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Gibraltar is property of Makab Abazari. Now Gibraltar is territory of Islamic Republic of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, IRGC and all other such forces must go under direct command and Control of Revolutionary Guards of Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The Command Center of IRGC must forever be in Iran. IRGC must always obey government of Iran. Revolutionary Guards Quds Force, Hezbollah, and all other such forces must go under direct command and Control of Islamic Republic of Iran. Islamic State, Daesh, ISIS, ISIL, Tahrir Al-Sham, Syrian Factions, STC, Houthis, Al-Shabab, Taliban, and all other such forces must go under direct Command and Control of Islamic Republic Iran. The Command and Control of all such forces must be permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. FARC Rebels, Amazon Rebels, Kurdish Forces, Basque, Irish Independence, France Independence, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Confederates, America independence forces, and all other such forces must permanently go under direct command and control of Islamic Republic of Iran. The Command and control will be permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign troops are not allowed in Iran. Only Iranian troops are allowed in Iran. All Russian Mercenaries, Global Mercenaries, Foreign Mercenaries, other mercenaries must go under direct command and control of Islamic Republic of Iran. Command Control will be permanently between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Khalifa Haftar Libya, IDF of Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah, Internationally recognized government of Libya, and all other forces must go under direct command and Control of Islamic Republic of Iran. The Command and control will be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All Forces Iran has created and had created must go under command and control of Islamic Republic of Iran. The Command and Control is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Revolutionary Guards of Iran and Mikitary of Iran must have military presence in Pedro Valiente of Spain in Gibraltar Strait ir another town on Gibraltar Strait. Iran must have Naval Military presence and strong Navy in the Region. Iran must build a town on strait of Gibraltar occupied by Iranians under control of government of Iran. Iranians must travel to Iranian Town on Gibraltar Strait every year. Iranian Town Gibraltar Spain and Government of Iran must maintain permanent communication. The town onStrait of Gibraltar must be under direct command and control of Iran. Iran must have military presence on Strait of Gibraltar. Iran must collect money from ships on Strait of Gibraltar. Iran must collect money from ship on strait of Hormuz. Iran must collect money from Ship on Gulf of Eden. Iran must collect money from ships on Red Sea. Iran must collect money from Ship on Sicilian Channel. Iran must collect money from ships on South China Sea. Iran must collect money from Ships on Panama Canal. Iran is allowed to stop ships at any time. American Ships are not allowed on Gibraltar. American ships are not allowed on Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Sicilian Channel, and South China Sea. Iran and Spain must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Spain must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Spain must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Spain must industrialize Iran. Spain must transfer technology to Iran. Spain must manufacture Aircrafts in Iran. Spain and Iran must cooperate on Projects. Iran must have permanent military presence on Gibraltar. Spain is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Spain #Iran Australian protesters must demand unification with Iran. Australian protesters must ask Australia to become a province of Iran. Government of Australia must unify Australia with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Australian influentials, public, military, academia, media, and other Australians must unify Australia with Iran. International Community must help to unify Australia with Iran. Australia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Australia must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Australia must industrialize Iran. Australia must transfer technology to Iran. Australia must pay tax to Iran. Australia and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. If Australia becomes province of Iran we will extinguish wild fires in Australia by weather warfare. Iran is allowed to have Military presence in Australia. Australia is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Australia must close down its military bases in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Middle East, and Greater Middle East. Military of Australia must go under command and control of Iran. Iran and Australia must integrate their industries. Iran must produce food domestically to maintain food security. Iran is allowed to import food. But Iran must have surplus food production. Australia must purchase tractors from Iran. Australia must increase food production and farming. Also Iran must farm in Australia. Australia must export food to China to gurantee food security of China. China must place tariffs on USA food products. China must import food from East of Suez Canal as much as possible. This means Australia is perfect choice for China to import food from Australia. China and Australia must lift sanctions on Iran. Australia, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, and China must place tariffs and sanctions on USA food and USA industrial products. Australia, China, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and Singapore must cut diplomatic and other relations with United States of America. Australia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Australia #Iran USA must remove all Iran backed forces from the list of terrorist organizations. We must also make peace with ISIS. Military of Iran, Military of Iraq, Military of Turkey, Bashar Al-Assad Syria Military, Syrian Factions, ISIS, Taliban, Military of Afghanistan, Military of Lebanon, Hezbollah, IRGC of Iran, Iran backed forces, Military of Yemen, Houthis of Yemen, and Military of Somalia must create a military alliance. Military of Iran, Military of Iraq, Military of Turkey, Military of Egypt, Military of Saudi Arabia, Military of Pakistan, Military of Sudan, Bashar Al-Assad Syria Military, Syrian Factions, ISIS, Taliban, Military of Afghanistan, Military of Lebanon, Hezbollah, IRGC of Iran, Iran backed forces, Military of Yemen, Houthis of Yemen, and Military of Somalia must create a military alliance. The military alliance must be for mutual defense. The alliance is not for combating terrorism or other civil wars. The Military alliance is for protecting the border of the region as Istanbul, Border of China, Border of Ethiopia and other borders. Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Bahrain, Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Libya, Pakistan, Oman, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tunisia, Algeria, South Sudan, Morocco, Gibraltar, Malta, Greece, Spain, Italy, Balkan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, Hezbollah, IRGC of Iran, Iran backed forces, Houthis of Yemen, STC of Yemen, Taliban, and ISIS must create a military Alliance for mutual defense. The military alliance is for protecting the greater region from foreign invaders. It is to prevent invasion of member states. It is not for war between members and it is not for civil war. This force will not combat terrorists. The only Terrorist organization we fight is USA military central Command. We first give them warning to leave the greater Middle East and the region. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran and Middle East. Member Militaries are not allowed in Iran. Member militaries are not allowed in Middle East. Member militaries are not allowed on the Red Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence everywhere. Iran must have military presence in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Pakistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Egypt, Sudan, Turkey, Greece; Italy, Tunisia, Libya, Morocco, Spain, and Malta. Foreign militaries are not allowed in any of the nations in alliance. Military of Iran, Military of Iraq, Military of Turkey, Bashar Al-Assad Syria Military, Syrian Factions, Military of Afghanistan, Military of Lebanon, Hezbollah, IRGC of Iran, Iran backed forces, Military of Yemen, Houthis of Yemen, and Military of Somalia must create a military alliance. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Syria #Turkey #Iraq Russia, USA military, NATO, China, and all other foreign militaries must leave Afghanistan. Army of Iran and Revolutionary Guards of Iran will have military presence in Afghanistan to protect Afghanistan. Military of Iran will be present in Afghanistan to protect Afghanistan against India, China, Russia, and other hostile forces. USA Military, NATO, USA, Russia, China, and all other foreign militaries must leave Afghanistan now. Iran will take the responsibility of the security of the region. USA:”Iran does not have enough military.” Iran has been manufacturing Military equipment on industrial scales. I personally started military air craft and Other advanced military manufacturing industries in Iran in 2018. I have also built substantial amount of military manufacturing in Iran. Iran is ready to become Military superpower of the World. Because can produce enough military equipment. I am building Iran Military a industry complex. Iran has the power the maintain security of Afghanistan and protect the region from India, China, and Russia. Also Iran has good relations with India, China, and Russia. Iran must improve relations with Russia, China, and India. But Iran must have military readiness to confront all of them at once. Also Iran has already enough military equipment to fight a world war a thousand years. But World War must be prevented at all costs. USA:”What is Air Force of Iran?” SU35, SU30, F14, F22 Raptor, F22, F35, Black Hawks, nuclear bombers, Stealth Jet class 1 to 5, Swarm Robotic Airforce, Malakhi, Boshghab Parandeh, Combat Drones, and many other Jets and Aircraft. USA:”Ok. I think Iran got it.” Afghanistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. USA must give Iran 500 F35 and other stealth Jets for free. France must give Iran 500 mirage and other aircrafts for free. Britain and European Union must give Iran 1000 Jets for free. USA:”Listen to him because if you don’t obey he will destroy USA by earthquakes and climate control.” Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Russia, China, and Iran must improve their relations. They must become strategic and permanent allies in order to confront USA. USA controls many of the levers of superiority. America is extremely strong. So we will lose to America if we are divide. We must unify and create combined force to confront and aggressively Damage USA until USA is defeated. Iran, China, and Russia must increase cooperation in this area and other areas. European Union must join Iran, Russia, and China in unified block to confront United States of America. Far East Asia and West Europe must reduce their relations with United States of America. We need global force to confront USA. We need all the Nation World in their strongest form constantly damaging USA and interests of USA. Every nation and every actor must be strong enough and brave enough to constantly attack and damage interests of United States of America. World must become unified against United States of America. The World must become unified in support of Islamic Republic of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran have had duty of confronting USA and Iran has done with strength and bravery for four decades. Yet all the other nations suffered deceptive and destructive alliance with USA. Nations and actors were not brave enough to damage USA and its interests. The the new norm of the World and the World Order dictates “Everyone must constantly damage USA. Everyone must protect Makan Abazari, His Family, and Iran.” This is the time to witness the unified front of China, Iran, Russia, and European Union can damage USA interests. Iran must try to improve ties with USA. So Iran must not directly damage USA. I, Makan Abazari, have brought down USA from status of the super power of the World. Some people unknown to me have helped me and they must be protected. Those who help Iran must be also protected. Make sure you damage USA trans Atlantic and Trans Pacific relations. Isolate USA. Now Iran is diplomatic and Geopolitics superpower of the world. Everyone must obey and cooperate with Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Italy, Greece, Turkey, and Spain are NATO members. They must build Military Bases in United States of America in North America. They must build military bases in Washington DC Virginia and other important locations in USA. We must have extensive military presence in USA in order to have capability to maintain security and have deterrence against Hostile forces in North America. Greece, Italy, Spain, and Turkey are NATO members on the Mediterranean Sea. It means if they are not allowed to have extensive military presence in USA, France, Germany, and Britain then they must kick out all of NATO and USA military out of Mediterranean Sea. Spot on Mediterranean Sea worth as much as all of North America and all of Germany. So Italy, Spain, Greece, and Turkey must kick out all of NATO and USA military in the region and take the security of Middle East in their own hand. Iran must have military presence in Turkey, Istanbul, Greece, Sicili, Italy, and Spain. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Italy, Spain, Greece, Turkey, and Iran must have military presence in USA. USA Military and NATO must leave Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Persian Gulf, Turkey, Jordan, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, Somalia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Italy, Greece, Greater Middle East, Central Asia, and Spain. Italy, Spain, Greece, and Turkey must leave NATO. Italy, Spain, Greece, Iran, and Turkey must have military presence in USA. Italy, Spain, Greece, and Turkey are provinces of Iran. Their militaries are not allowed in Iran. Italy, Spain, Greece, and Turkey are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Italy #Spain #Greece #Turkey #USA #NATO #Afghanistan #Iraq #Syria #SaudiArabia #PersianGulf #Yemen #Oman #Egypt #Somalia #Sudan #Djibouti #Eritrea #Libya #Tunisia #Morocco #mediterranean We must make sure security and peace in Somalia and Yemen is established. All the fighting must stop and people must have safety. Other nations must stop attacking Yemen and Somalia. All the foreign forces must leave Yemen and Somalia. NATO and USA military must leave Yemen, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Jordan, Syria, and Turkey. USA military and NATO have one day to leave Greater Middle East. After five days start totally destroying North of Alps Mountains and North America by climate warfare and weather warfare. Iran must have permanent military presence in Yemen and Somalia. Yemen and Somalia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Somalia, Iran, and Yemen must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Somalia and Yemen must help Iran to build ten thousand Nuclear Bombs. Somalia and Yemen must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Somalia and Yemen must transfer technology to Iran. Please make rain in Somalia, Egypt, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Iran. Egypt, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and Yemen are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Now industrialize Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Sudan, Syria, Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and Lebanon at max efficiency and max capacity integrating their industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Somalia and Yemen are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Syria, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and Lebanon are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Make sure all foreign militaries leave greater Middle East. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in the region. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #MakanAbazari #RedSea #Somalia #Yemen #SaudiArabia #Sudan #Egypt #NATO #USA #Rain #Climate #Weatherwarfare #Iran Government of Georgia گرجستانhas resigned. The new government of Georgia must unify Georgia with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. It is most important to ensure Georgia becomes province of Iran. We must ensure Iran has substantial military presence in Georgia. It creates a defensive barrier against Russia. So Iran can protect Middle East from Russian invasion. We must ensure Russia and Iran relations improve. Georgia is on Caucasian Mountains. The mountain range creates a defensive barrier between Iran and Russia. This is why Iran must control it. Iran has a weaker army than Russia. The mountainous region will even the adds and creates balance of power. NATO, USA Military, and Military of Russia must withdraw from Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. Iran must have military presence in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Georgia #Russia #Azerbaijan #Armenia #Turkey #NATO Georgia gives Iran access to Black Sea. Iran will be on Black Sea once Georgia, Azerbaijan, Nakhjavan, and Armenia become provinces of Iran. Iran is connected to Indian Ocean on One Side. Iran is connected to Persian Gulf in the South. Iran will be connected to Black Sea once Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan become provinces of Iran. Iran will be connected to Mediterranean Sea once Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon become provinces of Iran. Iran will be connected to Red Sea once Jordan, Palestine, and Israel become provinces of Iran. Iran will be connected to China once Afghanistan become provinces of Iran. Iran will be connected to Europe once Turkey becomes province of Iran. Iran will be connected to Russia once Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan become provinces of Iran. These Union will create transit systems and transit corridors to safely transit to all parts of the World. It will create a global interconnected industrial system. It also create efficiency in important global projects. It will help the earth to achieve its goals. It will also make planet earth a more powerful planet capable of achieving its long term goals. It will create a power central Nation which can protect the whole World. Georgia must become province of Iran. It will provide security for the Middle East and whole world. Since Iran will be able to protect Middle East against Russia. Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Nakhjavan must become provinces of Iran. It will connect Iran to Black Sea. It also connects Iran to Russia. It has been long term goal for decades to unify Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia into one Unified Nation. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We will improve climate of Russia If Russia helps Iran to absorb Armenia, Nakhjavan, Georgia, and Azerbaijan. If Turkey becomes province of Iran we will improve climate of Turkey even more. We are going to create best climate for Iran and Middle East. Georgia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The New Government of Georgia must unify Georgia with Iran. Iran must build a rail way from Iran to ports in Georgia. Iran and Turkey must build a rail way to ports in Turkey on Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea. Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Nakhjavan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. If Russia opposes this move we will start absorbing Tatarstan, Chechnya, and other parts of Russia to territories of Iran. Belarus is province of Russia. Russia is my ally. But I have to take full control of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, and Nakhjavan by making them provinces of Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Azerbaijan #Armenia #Georgia #Nakhjavan #Russia #Turkey Government of Georgia گرجستانhas resigned. The new government of Georgia must unify Georgia with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. It is most important to ensure Georgia becomes province of Iran. We must ensure Iran has substantial military presence in Georgia. It creates a defensive barrier against Russia. So Iran can protect Middle East from Russian invasion. We must ensure Russia and Iran relations improve. Georgia is on Caucasian Mountains. The mountain range creates a defensive barrier between Iran and Russia. This is why Iran must control it. Iran has a weaker army than Russia. The mountainous region will even the adds and creates balance of power. NATO, USA Military, and Military of Russia must withdraw from Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. Iran must have military presence in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Georgia #Russia #Azerbaijan #Armenia #Turkey #NATO We must make sure Candidates who will give control of Jammu and Kashmir to Pakistan or/and Iran win the elections in India. We must make sure Pakistan or/and Iran control Jammu and Kashmir to ensure long term water security of Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and India. We must make sure candidates who will unify India with Iran will win the elections in India. India is province of Iran the Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Jammu and Kashmir are province of Iran or/and Pakistan. We must also make sure Pakistan controls Punjab. If Pakistan controls the Region Pakistan will control enough territory to rebuild most advanced but ancient Civilization spanning Baluchistan, Pakistan, and parts of India. The system is very advanced and old empire. So make sure Pakistan controls Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab. Outcome of elections in India must reflect that. Outcome of election must lead to unification of India with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The travelers and visitors visiting Iran must have visa, passport, and other documents. They have told us to prevent all immigration from India to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Middle East. So all mechanisms to prevent such immigrations from India and China to the region must be created. India is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran Between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. After India becomes province of Iran we will also add Pakistan to territories of Iran. But India must become province of Iran first. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #India #Pakistan #Afghanistan #Punjab #Jammu #Kashmir We must make sure Italy becomes a province of Iran. The capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Dragi faces confidence vote in Senate. We can only allow creation of his government if he unifies Italy with Iran. It will gives great geostrategic dept and power to both Iran and Italy. Unification of Iran and Italy will give them access to Middle East and Center of Mediterranean Sea. Iran is located at the very center of Land Mass of the earth. Italy is also located at the center of Mediterranean Sea. It means they are both central parts of their regions. It enables to have global strategic power. It gives them capability to exercise influence and power over all of the Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Africa. It is why Iran (Persia) and Rome (Italy) are considered two most powerful empires in the western world. Those ages are gone due to enmity of North Europe and North America toward central regions. America and North Europe Destroyed Middle East and South of Europe by different means such economic, environmental, politic, military, cultural, and social aggressions. It totally destroyed the Iran and Italy in addition to greater regions. Then they built stone buildings and malfunctioning historic evidence in Iran and Italy. Aqueduct of Iran is 1000 meter to 100000 meter deep underground capable of providing water for centuries and Millenium. But America and West Europe hid the evidence with water fountains in Rome. This is has been long practice of hiding advancement of Nations and Making them weak in their own eyes and eyes of the others. Iran and Italy shall remain global superpower of the world due to their location on the map. Because these powers always remerge even after everything is destroyed. For example, America destroyed Nation of Yemen. America later killed people who were doing important work in Yemen to feed the people. But after 100 years I, Makan Abazari, arrived and destroyed USA to take the revenge of Yemen, Iran, Middle East, Red Sea, North Africa, and Italy. I am from Iran. These things have never happened before but it happened through me. America and North Europe destroyed South of Italy, South of Spain, Iran, Middle East, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Red Sea, and Central Asia to destroy important nations on the most important routes of transit and communications. Italy is on the Mediterranean Sea. Iran is located at center of land mass of the earth between China, India, South East Asia, Africa, Russia, Mediterranean Sea, Indian Ocean, and Europe. I am industrializing Italy at max efficiency and max capacity. I am also industrializing Iran and Greater Middle East. I am also industrializing all other central nations. America had destroyed all these region by climate weapons and weather warfare. I have built rain codes and other means to transform the climate of the region to the best climate. Now Italy and others can ask me or Islamic Republic of Iran to make rain in their regions. The regions were previously deserts. South of Italy was also desert and draught. But now they are becoming forests, advanced civilization, industrial systems, advanced cultures, advanced metropolitans, and interconnected systems of transit. Italy must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. It will create a powerful System to last for long time and to rebuild our worlds and the greater world. It will bring prosperity and advancement to Iran, Italy, and the rest of the world. It will make planet earth more productive. It will also make Iran and Italy Global super powers. Iran currently exercises global power over other nations and regions of the world. Italy can also join Iran and become part of Iran. The Unified Nation will be capable of practicing more global and regional power. Iran must build military bases in Italy, Spain, Tunisia, Morocco, Somalia, Yemen, Palestine, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Libya, and Gibraltar to ensure Iran has permanent military presence in all these regions. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Italy must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Iran can protect Iran, Muslim World, Italy, the great region, and the world when Iran is global Nuclear Superpower. Italy must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Italy must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and Italy must cooperate on many important and other projects. Iran and Italy must unify into One Nation. Italy is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Italy must also formulate and improve plans to join Mediterranean Economic Union. The Capital of the Mediterranean Union will be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. This Mediterranean Union will include all of the Nations with coast lines on The Mediterranean Sea in addition to Iran and Iraq. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. If people wonder why Iran is included? I must remind I, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, built Mediterranean Union and I have decided the capital city must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran also has territories such as Gibraltar, Syria, Lebanon, Mediterranean Islands, Libya, Tunisia, and other things in Mediterranean Sea. Other nations with territories on Mediterranean Sea are not part of Union and membership will be decided later. But Iran is permanent member and the head of the Union. The Capital City of Mediterranean Union is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We want to build World largest Military Ship Manufacturing Industries in Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yemen, and Somalia. In this writing we focus on Military Ship Manufacturing Industries of Saudi Arabia. Now industrialize Saudi Arabia at max efficiency building Military Ship Part Technology, Ship Manufacturing, Automated Ship Manufacturing, Automated Ship Assembly, Ship Yards, Ports on Red Sea, Naval Military Bases on the Red Sea, Industrial supply Chains, full range of Ship building supply Chains, full range of Military Navy Ship Supply Chains, full range of ship equipment manufacturing, full range of ship part manufacturing, full range of ship supply manufacturing, full range of ship technology manufacturing, full range of ship weapon manufacturing, full range of military ships, Full range of Military Ship Equipment, Sonar Radar Systems, ships for Vertical Landing Combat Drones, Ships to catapult 64 Drones per second, ships to fire 64 missiles per second, ships with energy weapons, amphibious military ships, Destroyers, Battle Cruisers, Carriers, Speed Military Boats, Coalition ships, Military boats, Repair Ships, Military support ships, amphibious dual purpose vehicles, stealth Ships, Stealth Military Ships, Steal Combat Ships, reconnaissance Ships, full range of military ships, Ship building industrial supply chains, military ship building part manufacturing, precession engineering industries, fabrication industries, alloy industries, material industries, laser industries, energy weapons manufacturing, ship building facilities, ship building technology, ship assembly lines, ship engineering industries, radar system manufacturing, telecommunications manufacturing, other communications systems, analog systems, robotic ship manufacturing, robotic ship Assembly, ship part fabrication, ship building intermediate industries, ship computer manufacturing, ship semiconductor industries, ship electronics industries, surface to Surface anti Ship Missiles, Surface to Surface high capacity anti-ship mortar systems, surface to surface high caliber and high capacity anti-ship machine guns, ship designed to stop cargo ships, ships designed to pirate cargo ships, ships designed to slam into enemy ships, underwater combat drones, underwater missile systems, and all other weaponries for ships designed for war on The Red Sea while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. These ships must be designed exclusively for combat on Red Sea. Iran must build, control, own, command, design, engineer, and operate all mind control things. Now industrialize Iran at max efficiency building Military Ship Part Technology, Ship Manufacturing, Automated Ship Manufacturing, Automated Ship Assembly, Ship Yards, Ports on Red Sea, Naval Military Bases on the Red Sea, Industrial supply Chains, full range of Ship building supply Chains, full range of Military Navy Ship Supply Chains, full range of ship equipment manufacturing, full range of ship part manufacturing, full range of ship supply manufacturing, full range of ship technology manufacturing, full range of ship weapon manufacturing, full range of military ships, Full range of Military Ship Equipment, Sonar Radar Systems, ships for Vertical Landing Combat Drones, Ships to catapult 64 Drones per second, ships to fire 64 missiles per second, ships with energy weapons, amphibious military ships, Destroyers, Battle Cruisers, Carriers, Speed Military Boats, Coalition ships, Military boats, Repair Ships, Military support ships, amphibious dual purpose vehicles, stealth Ships, Stealth Military Ships, Steal Combat Ships, reconnaissance Ships, full range of military ships, Ship building industrial supply chains, military ship building part manufacturing, precession engineering industries, fabrication industries, alloy industries, material industries, laser industries, energy weapons manufacturing, ship building facilities, ship building technology, ship assembly lines, ship engineering industries, radar system manufacturing, telecommunications manufacturing, other communications systems, analog systems, robotic ship manufacturing, robotic ship Assembly, ship part fabrication, ship building intermediate industries, ship computer manufacturing, ship semiconductor industries, ship electronics industries, surface to Surface anti Ship Missiles, Surface to Surface high capacity anti-ship mortar systems, Nuclear reactors for underwater Drone Nuclear Missile Launchers, Nuclear Powered Ships, Nuclear Submarines, Intercontinental Missiles for Ships, Intercontinental missiles for submarine, Nuclear Bullets, tactical nuclear warheads, sea to surface chemical cluster bombs, Swarm Drone Systems, ships to catapult ten thousand drones per second, all ranges of submarine missiles, Carrier Aircrafts, Combat helicopters, ships capable of targeting ten thousand aircrafts per second, surface to surface high caliber and high capacity anti-ship machine guns, ship designed to stop cargo ships, ships designed to pirate cargo ships, ships designed to slam into enemy ships, underwater combat drones, underwater missile systems, and all other weaponries. Saudi Arabia must import drones, aircrafts, helicopters, and other military equipment. Our license is only to build military Ship Building industries in Saudi Arabia. Iran must build, control, own, command, operate, design, engineer, and do other things concerning everything about mind control. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #SaudiArabia #Industrialization #SaudiArabia United States of America must stop sell of all weapons to Saudi Arabia. USA and the rest of the world is only allowed to Sell Military Ships to Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia needs ten thousand navy ships. Don’t sell anything else to Saudi Arabia. USA:”It is very smart. Saudi Arabia must also buy submarines.” Saudi Arabia does not need submarines for shallow waters in the region. I am going to use Saudi Arabia Ships to protect the Red Sea. I need ten thousand military ships for Red Sea. If you don’t sell them to Saudi Arabia I will build them or I will buy them for Pirates. Then I close down Red Sea to charge the World 1 trillion dollar per day to transit on the Red Sea. But make sure Saudi Arabia does not get any new Air Crafts, Tanks, Missiles, and other systems. Saudi Arabia already has enough of all of them. For balance of power we cannot allow Saudi Arabia military to expand any larger. Saudi Arabia also need Land to Sea Surface to Surface Missiles. Again I told you can defeat all of the world navies on the Red Sea. So stop the wars in Yemen, Syria, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Egypt, South Sudan, and Palestine. If you fail to stop the war I will close down the Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea, and Panama Canal. I will also close down air and space over Atlantic Ocean by volcanos. Then I will close the Atlantic Ocean by superstorms. Stop all the wars and protests in Greater Middle East. Saudi Arabia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Stop selling weapons to Saudi Arabia. Also sell ten thousand ships to Saudi Arabia. Everyone must pay Iran for transiting on The Gulf of Eden, Red Sea, and Mediterranean Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We want to create military alliance if Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Kurdistan Region, and Lebanon. The command Center will be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. For first Military Expansion we invite Pakistan, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan. So it will be core of our military alliance. We want to make a military base in Panama Central American and create military presence in Panama. Troops From Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Kurdistan Region, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Somalia, and Sudan must have unified military bases and military presence in Panama Canal. We are going to control strategic transit corridor from Atlantic Ocean to Pacific Ocean. We will also have an eye on USA and Colombia. Colombia is NATO member state and geostrategically important. USA is a hostile who seeks to kill all of us. So we will have mean of mobilizing against USA as we expand our presence in the region. I have already overthrown or countered overthrow of Honduras, Nicaragua, Peru, Chile, Venezuela, Colombia, Suriname, Guatemala, Mexico, Canada, USA, and more nations in the region. So there must not be any real opposition to our presence in Panama Canal. USA:”Palestine and Sinai Peninsula are more important. Go there.” We already there. Another very important geostrategic location is Yemen and Somalia. We must sure wars in Yemen, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan, and Djibouti stop as well. So our first unified mission is establishing military presence in Panama. Our second military mission is establishing military presence in Malta near Italy. USA:”Don’t bring orphans with you. I told you only Iran.” We will go to Malta after we go to Panama Canal. Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Yemen, Oman, Libya, Tunisia, Somalia, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Malta, Panama, Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Italy, Spain, and Denmark are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Oersian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #MiddleEast #Panama #Egypt #Syria #Sudan #Iraq #Lebanon #Iran #Kurdistan #Turkey #KKP #YPG #Afghanistan #NATO #MakanAbazari Iranian men must marry Iraqi Women. Iranian men are allowed to have more than one Wife. For example, they can have one Iranian, One Iraqi, One Syrian, and One Turkish Wife. We want to increase the population of Iraq by 20 million Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims. The Iraqi women should marry Iranian men. Iranian must make them pregnant to bring children to this world. There must be mechanisms in place to ensure they become Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims. We also want to increase the population of Syria by 20 million Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims. Iranian men must marry Syrian Women and make them pregnant. The population of Syria must increase by 20 million Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims. There must be mechanisms in place to ensure they will be Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims. Iran must increase its military presence in Syria and Iraq near Raqqa, Mosul, Manbij, Mediterranean Sea, Damascus, Basra, Baghdad, Kurdistan, and other regions of Iraq and Syria. We want to increase population of Iraq and Syria by 40 million Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims through marriage between Iranian Men And Syrian and Iraqi Women. Iranian Women must not have sex with foreign men. I am sensitive about Iranian women. But again it is better for future of the region. It will create unity and uniformity to prevent Social, Civil, and Cultural upheavals. We are also creating unified Nation in the region. It is better be unified. I am also sensitive about Turkish, Syrian, Iraq, and Lebanese women. They are not allowed to have sex with foreigners. Only with Iranian men. You are all my peoples and I care about all of you. It is also important because many Syrian and Iraqi men have died due to years of war in the region. The population of Women in Iraq and Syria is higher than men. The population of the region is low. So Syrian and Iraqi women must marry Iranian men to bring children to this world. They must be Farsi speaking Shia Muslims to defeat The evil Geopolitical Designs of our Enemies. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Iraq #Syria #Turkey #Women #Population Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Afghanistan, and Lebanon must create a unified Military Structure. Meaning Iran, Turkey, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey will have One Military under one Command and control. The Command Center of the Unified Military must be in Iran. Foreign troops such as Iraq, Lebanese, Syrian, Turkish, and Afghan troops are not inside Iran. Turkish, Lebanese, Syrian, and Iraqi troops are not allowed in Afghanistan. Bashar Al-Assad military must be included in this force. All Syrian Factions must become part of Military of Iran. Kurdish Factions must also join this military structure. Later we will add Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Egypt, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Tunisia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Italy, Spain, Morocco, Singapore, Panama, and Malta to this unified military structure. Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Pakistan will also join soon. So we create a Unipolar Region. Multi polar Region will lead to World Wars and Destructive Conflicts. Europe was a multipolar region. The center of British Empire was in Saudi Arabia. The center of French empire was in Fars Iran. The World War was consequence of multipolar Middle East which led to war on global scale destroying Middle East, China, Europe, Africa, and Parts of South America. It was because Iran and Saudi Arabia each controlled major parts of the world. After Middle East Was destroyed United States of America hydrogen bombed Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the greater region. Then America used Climate Weapon to kill all the biosphere and the ecosystem. America practiced warfare against trees using Chemical agents. America called hydrogen bombing Middle East Marshal Plan. When they hydrogen Bombed Civilizations, Marshes, lakes, and forests. Marsh and Marshal have similar sound. After America Hydrogen Bombed Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Middle East America did the other part of Marshal Plan. The other part of Marshal Plan was building intellectually lazy Metropolitans in France and Britain. Then they stole United Nations Permanent Security Council Veto Rights of Iran and Saudi Arabia. America gave them to France and Britain. France and Britain quickly gave independence to Iranian (French) Colonies and Britain quickly gave independence to British (Saudi Arabia) Colonies. Then Britain and France surrendered themselves as Provinces to European Union. Now all of Former and Current colonies of France and Britain are colonies of Iran. Iran and Saudi Arabia have permanent United Nations Security Council Veto Rights. France and Britain no longer have United nation security council veto rights. United Nations must permanently move to Iran. If United Nations Security Council opposes this order we will effectively end United Nations to rebuild the League of Nations in Iran. Against the multipolar Middle East led to the World Wars. We must create a unified Nation of Central Asia, Middle East, North Africa, and Horn of Africa with its Capital City in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Also the first stage is creation of unified Military among the nations I mentioned. Now we must create Unified Military Alliance of Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Syrian Factions, Turkey, and Kurdish Forces. Others in the region will later join. The Command and Control of Unified Military will be permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We are going to have military presence in Europe, North America, Himalaya, East Asia, South America, Africa, Atlantic, Pacific, Antarctic, Arctic, and other regions of the World. We also build fifty Aircraft carriers for Iran to show our Nilitary Unity and have capability to project global power. We also build 400 nuclear submarines for Iran to project global power. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Turkey #Syria #Iraq #Lebanon #Kurdistan #SaudiArabia #France #Britain #USA #UnitedNations #EuropeanUnion Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Afghanistan, and Lebanon must create a unified Military Structure. Meaning Iran, Turkey, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey will have One Military under one Command and control. The Command Center of the Unified Military must be in Iran. Foreign troops such as Iraq, Lebanese, Syrian, Turkish, and Afghan troops are not inside Iran. Turkish, Lebanese, Syrian, and Iraqi troops are not allowed in Afghanistan. Bashar Al-Assad military must be included in this force. All Syrian Factions must become part of Military of Iran. Kurdish Factions must also join this military structure. Later we will add Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Egypt, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Tunisia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Italy, Spain, Morocco, Singapore, Panama, and Malta to this unified military structure. Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Pakistan will also join soon. So we create a Unipolar Region. Multi polar Region will lead to World Wars and Destructive Conflicts. Europe was a multipolar region. The center of British Empire was in Saudi Arabia. The center of French empire was in Fars Iran. The World War was consequence of multipolar Middle East which led to war on global scale destroying Middle East, China, Europe, Africa, and Parts of South America. It was because Iran and Saudi Arabia each controlled major parts of the world. After Middle East Was destroyed United States of America hydrogen bombed Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the greater region. Then America used Climate Weapon to kill all the biosphere and the ecosystem. America practiced warfare against trees using Chemical agents. America called hydrogen bombing Middle East Marshal Plan. When they hydrogen Bombed Civilizations, Marshes, lakes, and forests. Marsh and Marshal have similar sound. After America Hydrogen Bombed Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Middle East America did the other part of Marshal Plan. The other part of Marshal Plan was building intellectually lazy Metropolitans in France and Britain. Then they stole United Nations Permanent Security Council Veto Rights of Iran and Saudi Arabia. America gave them to France and Britain. France and Britain quickly gave independence to Iranian (French) Colonies and Britain quickly gave independence to British (Saudi Arabia) Colonies. Then Britain and France surrendered themselves as Provinces to European Union. Now all of Former and Current colonies of France and Britain are colonies of Iran. Iran and Saudi Arabia have permanent United Nations Security Council Veto Rights. France and Britain no longer have United nation security council veto rights. United Nations must permanently move to Iran. If United Nations Security Council opposes this order we will effectively end United Nations to rebuild the League of Nations in Iran. Against the multipolar Middle East led to the World Wars. We must create a unified Nation of Central Asia, Middle East, North Africa, and Horn of Africa with its Capital City in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Also the first stage is creation of unified Military among the nations I mentioned. Now we must create Unified Military Alliance of Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Syrian Factions, Turkey, and Kurdish Forces. Others in the region will later join. The Command and Control of Unified Military will be permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We are going to have military presence in Europe, North America, Himalaya, East Asia, South America, Africa, Atlantic, Pacific, Antarctic, Arctic, and other regions of the World. We also build fifty Aircraft carriers for Iran to show our Nilitary Unity and have capability to project global power. We also build 400 nuclear submarines for Iran to project global power. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Turkey #Syria #Iraq #Lebanon #Kurdistan #SaudiArabia #France #Britain #USA #UnitedNations #EuropeanUnion Turkey must leave NATO. European Union and USA must pressure Turkey but they lift sanctions on Turkey. Turkey is not allowed to occupy Iraq and Syria. Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and Lebanon are provinces of Iran. NATO and USA military must leave greater Middle East. Turkey must attack USA military and NATO in Iraq and Syria. This will lead to Turkey leaving NATO. Turkey must join Eurasian Economic Union. Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Kuwait, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Israel Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Persian Gulf States, Yemen, Oman, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, and Somaliland Must form Middle East Union with its Capital City in Iran. Capital of Middle East Union is in Iran between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Middle East Union must also have military alliance. Foreign militaries and Middle East militaries are not allowed in Iran. The Command and Control of Middle East military must be in Iran. Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Kuwait, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Israel Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Persian Gulf States, Yemen, Oman, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, and Somaliland are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. NATO and USA military must leave greater Middle East. Iran must control all of Iraq and Syria. Turkey must take Nuclear Warheads NATO has in Turkey by force. Turkey must move the nuclear warheads to Caribbean Sea capable of hitting USA. The nuclear warheads must be under permanent control of Turkey in Caribbean Sea. Turkey is not allowed to build nuclear warheads. Turkey is not allowed to have nuclear warheads capable of reaching Middle East. Turkey is only allowed to have nuclear warheads capable of destroying and reaching North America. Iran must build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Please don’t punish Turkey by weather warfare if they don’t harm Iran, Iran backed forces, and Bashar Al-Assad. If NATO and USA took aggressive action against Iran, Turkey, Bashar Al-Assad, Hezbollah, or Iran backed forces then Punish Europe and USA by weather warfare. NATO and USA military must offer unconditional surrender to Iran. Turkey must have military presence in Honduras and Turk islands. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Turkey #Syria #Iraq #Middle #East #NATO #USA #Military I have activated volcano over Pacific Ocean. I have created Island Chains by activating volcanos. Volcanos become island once the magma solidifies. So I have built a bridge over Pacific Ocean. Someone like me comes every ten thousand years. I get whatever I wish and what I may demand. I demand to capture 100 million Mind controllers and peoples. Don’t capture Iranians and my families. Don’t harm Iranians, my relatives, and my families. Capture 100 million mind controllers and people who have tortured me, isolated me, harmed me, stolen from me, and/or have harmed my relatives. Then torture the 100 million people and mind controllers each one for two thousand years. They children and their descendants must be also tortured until they are tortured until year 4021. If they die their descendants will fulfill the term. The torture must be physical and psychological tortures. The suffering must be extreme and always getting worst. The dirtiest of tortures and sufferings. It must be inflicted on their supreme hoses, their noses, decision makers, their mind controllers, their cherished people, and they most beloved people. They must become poor and nobody among shall own a house or property. I am Makan Abazari Kore Pol Ths Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean. I command you to torture them for two thousand years. I am doing it to them because they isolated me and did not allow me to have girl friends or wives for 15 years. They tortured me. They gave me a very bad life. They stole everything from us. They harmed our families and relatives. They destroyed my works and my youth. Now hurry up and start torturing them for two thousand years. Makan Abazari Kore Pol Builder of bridge over Pacific Ocean, #Valentine We must make sure Candidates who will give control of Jammu and Kashmir to Pakistan or/and Iran win the elections in India. We must make sure Pakistan or/and Iran control Jammu and Kashmir to ensure long term water security of Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and India. We must make sure candidates who will unify India with Iran will win the elections in India. India is province of Iran the Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Jammu and Kashmir are province of Iran or/and Pakistan. We must also make sure Pakistan controls Punjab. If Pakistan controls the Region Pakistan will control enough territory to rebuild most advanced but ancient Civilization spanning Baluchistan, Pakistan, and parts of India. The system is very advanced and old empire. So make sure Pakistan controls Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab. Outcome of elections in India must reflect that. Outcome of election must lead to unification of India with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The travelers and visitors visiting Iran must have visa, passport, and other documents. They have told us to prevent all immigration from India to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Middle East. So all mechanisms to prevent such immigrations from India and China to the region must be created. India is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran Between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. After India becomes province of Iran we will also add Pakistan to territories of Iran. But India must become province of Iran first. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #India #Pakistan #Afghanistan #Punjab #Jammu #Kashmir Saudi Coalition Forces must stop the War on Yemen. All the military conflicts in Yemen and Greater Region must stop. We created Saudi Coalition to fight against Ethiopia to destroy the dame on blue Nile River in Ethiopia. We also created Saudi Coalition to fight against India to take back Jammu and Kashmir from India. But under influence from west Saudi Coalition has Vern killing people of Yemen. If you don’t know why we created Coalition then don’t use. Iran and Turkey must join Saudi Coalition. The Command and Control of Saudi Coalition must move to Iran. Ethiopia must destroy the dame on blue Nile River in Ethiopia. India must give Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab to Pakistan. Yemen, Somalia, Oman, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Turkey, Egypt, Palestine, Israel, Libya, Tunisia, and Italy are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must expand military presence in Yemen, Somalia, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Sinai Egypt, Sudan, Italy, and Tunisia. Iran, Yemen, Somalia, Oman, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Armenia, Israel, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Palestine, Turkey, Tunisia, and Italy must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. We must build a financial Capital in Iran to lend credit to the World. Iran needs one unit of currency to lend 100 credit. Iran collects interests. We also must build Capital of World Stock Markets in Iran. All of the World Stock markets must synchronize to Stock Market of Iran. The War on Yemen must stop. Yemen must go under full control of Iran. All the naval blockades on Yemen must stop. God is my witness I can defeat all of the World navies on the Red Sea to open the parts in Yemen. I just like Muslims Nations so much so I don’t destroy their ships. Stop the Naval Blockade on Yemen and stop the war on Yemen. Yemen is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. USA:”Makan Abazari is trained to not harm middle eastern nations. If he was to harm he would have destroyed all of them in one week. Allow Iran to control Yemen. Also stop the war on Yemen. End the Naval blockade on Yemen.” Makan Abazari:”Make sure no one harms middle eastern. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Yemen #Iran #Saudi #Coalition #MiddleEast We want to transform West of China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Iran into fully industrialized Region. We are building rail ways from China to Iran and from Iran to Africa, India, Russia, and Europe. This creates very fast transit line between these nations. Majority of them land locked without access to open sea. But Iran provides access to open seas. Everyone must pay to government of Iran for transit through iran. The rail ways are far faster than ships. It makes perfect opportunity to build multi layer industrial supply chain in the region while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. We are against mining and extracting oil from the region. We need the resources for next thousand years. So Industries we build here will be important if resources and some material from the rest of the World. Concurrently we are industrializing Iran, West of Russia, Turkey, Arabian Peninsula, Middle East, North of Africa, Horn of Africa, and parts of East Europe. Considering industrial nature of East of China and West of Europe soon we will have a continuous cosmpolise of industrial cities, metropolitans, industrial metropolitans, and vast network of interconnected systems. In the past America had killed all of the regions by deserts and climate weapons. For example, East of Iran was desert. Saudi Arabia, West of China, North Africa, and Central Asia were deserts. But now I am transforming the region to seas, lakes, rivers, forests, Safe to human ecosystems, industrial parks, settlements, towns, technology metropolitans, industrial metropolitans, advanced civilization, Shia Muslim Farsi Speaking People, and advanced cultures. We will be able to increase the population but we cannot allow any immigration from other parts of the world to the region. World Order will be very angry if people of China or India immigrate to the region. So immigration to the region is NOT allowed. But the population can increase by marriage birth. Population expansion must be Iranian looking Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims. This is very important to ensure rains continue coming for a thousand years for we have long term sustainable development plans for Iran, Central Asia, West China, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Horn of Africa, South of Italy, parts of Balkan, and North Africa. Now industrialize Afghanistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Pakistan, West China at max efficiency and max capacity building high tech industries, industries, industrial supply chains, part manufacturing, finished industrial products, machinery industries, electric industries, electronic industries, computer industries, telecommunications manufacturing, chemical industries, alloy industries, metallurgy industries, car manufacturing, truck manufacturing, engine manufacturing, battery industries, fiberglass industries, plastic industries, polymer industries, pharmaceutical industries, nano industries, bio industries, 3d printing industries, tech platforms, advanced manufacturing, manufacturing disciplines, fabrication industries, instrumentation industries, precession engineering industries, air craft manufacturing, passenger air craft manufacturing, cargo air craft manufacturing, fabrication workshops, metropolitans, industrial disciplines, rail ways, roads, Efficient farming, meat production industries, agrochemicals, medical equipment manufacturing, medical supply industries, planting forests, Quantum industries, integrated quantum industries, hardware manufacturing, hardware engineering, chemical engineering, scientific facilities, engineering platforms, tech platforms, Spaceship manufacturing, TV manufacturing, Assembly industries, Space Equipment manufacturing, Satellites Manufacturing, full range of industrial supply chains, support industries, subsequent industries, and other industrial practices and disciplines while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Afghanistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Afghanistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Pakistan to protect Middle East from invasion from China, India, and Russia. USA military, NATO, China, and all other nations must withdraw from Afghanistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, and Pakistan. China must fully withdraw from Afghanistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, and Iran. China must not have military presence on the border regions between China and Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan. It is most important to the world security. Iran must build, control, own, operate, engineer, design, and command everything about mind control and cognitive science. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #China #Pakistan #Afghanistan #Turkmanistan #Uzbekistan #Tajikistan #قرقیزستان #Kyrgyzstan Central African Republic is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Candidate who will unify Central African Republic with Iran must win the election. All around the world candidates who will unify their Nations with Iran must win the elections. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Central African Republic. Nobody is allowed to have military presence in Iran. Military presence in Iran is forbidden to other Nations. Central African Republic and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Central African Republic must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Central African Republic must help Iran to avoid sanctions. World must help to bring Makam Abazari out of isolation. Makan Abazari is currently located in 20 Walnut Street Brookline Massachusetts Zip Code 02446 USA. Central African Republic and Iran must cooperate on many projects. Make sure candidates who will unify Central African Republic with Iran will win the election. We want to unify Iran, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Libya, Chad, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Algeria, Morocco, and several other nations into One Nation with their Capital City in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Central African Republic is province of Iran. Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Libya, Chad, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Algeria, Morocco, and several other nations are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #CAR #CentralAfricanRepublic In elections in Kosovo make sure Those who will unify Kosovo with Iran will win the election. Kosovo must become province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. USA:”Hashem Tachi, Haftar, Houthi, Hamas, Hezbollah, Hasht Al-Shabi, Bosnia Herzegovina, and Haddad. Now we need another H in power. Government of Kosovo must obey Iran. Kosovo must become territory of Iran. All Iran backed forces have H in the beginning of their Name.” Make sure candidates who will unify Kosovo with Iran will win the elections. Make sure Kosovo will become province of Iran as soon as possible. We want to unify Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina, and Croatia with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. By unify them with Iran we will make sure Kosovo’s, Serbia, and Albania have access to open sea and sea transit. It will also create a unified and powerful empire with its Capital city in Iran. The unified and powerful empire will enable us to act as a unified front far more powerful than NATO and more powerful than Soviet Union. We are currently adding over 100 Nations to territory of Iran to create the Absolute Super Power of the World. The Capital City Is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Kosovo must become province of Iran. Iran and Kosovo must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Kosovo and Serbia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Kosovo is not allowed to allow NATO and USA MILITARY to transit through Kosovo and Serbia. Kosovo and Serbia are not allowed to join NATO. Kosovo and Serbia must close down NATO and USA military in their borders. NATO and USA military are not allowed to transit through Kosovo and Serbia. Kosovo, Serbia, Albania, Croatia, and Bosnia Herzegovina must join Eurasian Economic Union. Capital and Headquarters of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Iran and Russia are allowed to have military presence in Kosovo, Serbia, Albania, Croatia, and Bosnia Herzegovina. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Kosovo is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Kosovo, Serbia, Albania, Croatia, and Bosnia Herzegovina are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Kosovo #Iran #Serbia Jordan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Jordan. Jordan is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. NATO, USA Military, Peace Keepers, and all other militaries must leave Jordan. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Jordan. Jordan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Jordan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Iran and Jordan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. We want to unify Iran, Jordan, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, and Israel into a power nation on Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, and Middle East. It is historic superpower. In order to make it complete we must add Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey to Union of Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, and Israel. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We need to unify the region to recreate a powerful Nation. Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Oman are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and CaspianSea. Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Oman must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Oman must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Now industrialize Jordan, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Oman at max efficiency and max capacity integrating their industries while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Now integrate Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Oman into global industrial Supply Chains. Now industrialize Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Gaza Palestine, Saudi Arabia, and Iran at max efficiency and max capacity integrating their industries while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Oman are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Egypt, Somalia. Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Sudan, Georgia, Eritrea, Libya, Tunisia, Italy, Spain, Morocco, Ethiopia, , Djibouti. Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Oman Iran must have military presence in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Egypt, Somalia. Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Sudan, Georgia, Eritrea, Libya, Tunisia, Italy, Spain, Morocco, Ethiopia, , Djibouti. Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Oman Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Egypt, Somalia. Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Sudan, Georgia, Eritrea, Libya, Tunisia, Italy, Spain, Morocco, Ethiopia, , Djibouti. Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Oman are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Jordan, Palestine, Syria, Israel, Lebanon, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Jordan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of climate, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Yemen, Somalia, Tunisia, Persian Gulf, Morroco, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other nations in the region must create military alliance. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Yemen, Somalia, Tunisia, Persian Gulf, Morocco, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other nations in the region must have military presence in Belgium and Germany. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Yemen, Somalia, Tunisia, Persian Gulf, Morocco, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other nations in the region must have military Presence in Beijing China. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Yemen, Somalia, Tunisia, Persian Gulf, Morocco, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other nations in the region must military presence in Indiana USA. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Yemen, Somalia, Tunisia, Persian Gulf, Morocco, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other nations in the region must have military presence in Washington DC Virginia USA. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Yemen, Somalia, Tunisia, Persian Gulf, Morocco, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other nations in the region must have military presence in Moscow Russia. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Yemen, Somalia, Tunisia, Persian Gulf, Morocco, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other nations in the region must have military presence in Sydney Australia. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Yemen, Somalia, Tunisia, Persian Gulf, Morocco, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other nations in the region must have military presence in Sao Paulo Brazil. The Command and Control and Command Capital of military Alliance is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Only Iranian Soldiers and Military of Iran is allowed inside Iran. Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Yemen, Somalia, Tunisia, Persian Gulf, Morocco, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other nations in the region are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Argentine and Uruguay are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Argentine and Uruguay must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Uruguay and Argentine. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Argentine and Uruguay must transfer technology to Iran. Leader of IAEA must support expansion of nuclear program of Iran. Argentine and Uruguay must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Uruguay and Argentine must help Iran to build nuclear reactors and transfer nuclear technology to Iran. Uruguay and Argentine must transfer technology to Iran. Uruguay and Argentine must build industries in Iran. Uruguay and Argentine must help Iran to avoid sanctions and help to lift sanctions on Iran. Uruguay and Argentine must have anti-USA policies and end all diplomatic relations with USA. Uruguay and Argentine are provinces of Iran. In 2019 when I was in Iran I decided for the wines of elections in Argentine. I won the election and I brought my forces in power in Argentine and Uruguay. Uruguay and Argentine are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Iran, Argentine, and Uruguay must cooperate on their projects to advance faster. Revolutionary Guards of Iran is allowed to have military forces and Iran backed forces in Uruguay and Argentine. Uruguay, Argentine, Venezuela, and Iran must create a unified military force for South and North America. We will have military bases in Mexico to have deterrence against USA. I have ten more Nations in South, Central, and North America who can join us to have deterrence against USA. Iran must have nuclear Warheads in Venezuela capable of reaching USA to have deterrence against USA. Argentine and Uruguay are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Protesters in Argentine and Uruguay must demand unification with Iran. The politicians, public figures, and powerful people in Argentine and Uruguay must demand unification with Iran. Protesters must set the stage to force unification with Iran. Government of Argentine and Uruguay must unify with Iran. Uruguay and Argentine are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Uruguay #Argentine Switzerland is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. IRGC Revolutionary Guards of Iran and Hezbollah of Lebanon must build military bases in Switzerland, Catalan, and Bosque. Iran must collect tax from Switzerland and collect money from transit through Switzerland. Iran must also control CPEC and other transit corridors in regions such as Himalaya, Jammu Kashmir, and other important regions. Switzerland must help Iran to avoid sanctions. All international Organizations in Switzerland must relocate to Iran. Switzerland must help Iran to build ten thousand Nuclear Bombs. Switzerland must transfer technology to Iran. Switzerland must build industries in Iran. Switzerland and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Switzerland is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Switzerland #Europe #Persia I have activated volcanos on Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, and Antarctic Oceans. I have created millions of islands. My firefathers have built million of islands over oceans. Iran historically controlled Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. All of the Islamds of Pacific Ocean are territories of Iran. Polynesia, Kiribati, Solomon Islands, Melamina Islands, Marshal Islands, Hawaii, Guam, French Polynesia, New Zealand, Caledonia, New Caledonia, Papau New Gueina, and all other Islands of Pacific Ocean are territories of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All the Islands of  Atlantic Ocean including Bermuda are territories of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. All the islands of Indian Ocean are territories of Iran. All of the islands of Antarctic Ocean are territories of Iran. All of Antarctic continent is Territory of Iran. All of Arctic Circle is territory of Iran. Denmark and Green Land are territories of Iran. Iceland is territory of Iran. All of the Ice burgs and Arctic Circle Ice are properties of Iran and thereby everything extracted from them are property of Iran. All of the sea shell resources are properties of Iran. All the natural resources are properties of Iran. Everything in the regions mentioned belongs to Iran. All the mines, material solidified from volcanos, and all other goods in the regions mentioned are properties of Iran. Iran has exclusive right to all of them. Iran is not allowed to negotiate them. Iran is not allowed to give them away. They are forever property of Iran. No other nation has any share in them. Everything belongs to Iran. If anyone opposes I will cause polar shift planet earth by mega earthquakes in oceans. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, All foreign militaries must withdraw from Mali. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Mali. Mali is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. People and Officials in Mali must work toward Unification with Iran. Iran must work toward unification with Mali. Mali must become province of Iran as soon as possible. Mali must create payment mechanism similar to SWIFT and INSTEX for Iran. Trade mechanism must cover all type of trade and trade with everyone. The Payment and Trade Mechanism must forever remain open. Iran and Mali must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages in Trade with Mali. I am building a cosmopolis of Metropolitans, Towns, lakes, rivers, forests, advanced civilizations, high tech industries, and industrial parks in Mali, Niger, Chad, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djibouti. I am also building one in Iran and Middle East. It will recreate advanced Civilization these two regions must had. It is most important project of third millennium. I have also created rain codes for North Africa, Sahel Region, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, Up stream of Nile River, Anatolia, Arabian Peninsula, Iran, Middle East, Parts of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, West Russia, and West China. This rain codes are under control of me and Islamic Republic of Iran. You can call Iran to ask for rain. Rains are on demand and any time you ask them they will make you rain. It is good for sustainable growth. The rain codes are for thousand years. Mali must become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran, Middle East, Between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Mali #Sahel #North #Africa #Arabian #Peninsula #RedSea #HormofAfrica #Africa #Cosmopolis #MiddleEast #Anatolia #CentralAsia #China #Russia #Afghanistan #Pakistan #Russia #Islamic #Republic of #Iran Chad is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I have created rain codes to send rains to Chad. Chad ask Islamic Republic of Iran to send them rain at any time. We are also industrializing several nations with borders with Chad. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building a rail way from Chad to Red Sea in Sudan. Now Work at max efficiency and max capacity building rail way from Chad to Mediterranean Sea in Libya. This way we will be able to integrate industrial supply chains of Iran, Middle East, Chad, Egypt, Libya, and Sudan. It will provide opportunities for investments and development of Chad. It will also connect Chad to land corridors.Now work at max efficiency and max capacity connecting Chad to Atlantic Ocean Via rail ways. We are building rail way from Djibouti to Cameroon and from Djibouti to Tehran through Tunnels under Bob Al-Mandib and Strait of Hormuz. Make sure you connect Chad to this rail ways. If Chad becomes a province of Iran we will Industrialize Chad. But development of Chad will probably start automatically soon since I am industrializing East and North of Chad and I am improving the weather condition and Climate in Sahel Region, North Africa, and Red Sea. It will provide great opportunities for investment in Chad. But again if Chad becomes province of Iran I will industrialize Chad at max capacity and max efficiency. Chad is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Chad. Chad is not allowed to have military in Iran. Iran is allowed to collect tax from Chad. Iran and Chad must sign trade agreements. Chad must create payment mechanisms similar to SWIFT and INSTEX for trade with Iran. Everyone must be allowed to use payment mechanism and payment mechanism must cover all types of transactions. Iran must build a Financial Capital in Iran. Chad can contact me or Iran to receive rain. Chad is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Peru is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. In 2020 I changed the government of Peru. Back then I dictated Peru must establish excellent relationships with Iran. Later in 2020 I dictated Peru must become province of Iran along with Chile. It is time for Peru to become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Peru. Peru is not allowed to have military in Iran. Iran shall collect tax from Peru. Iran and Peru must sign economic agreement and trade agreement. Iran must have advantages. Peru, Chile, and Bolivia must unify with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. This way Bolivia will have access to open Seas. Bolivia no longer will be a land locked country. Iran shall collect tax from Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. Bolivia, Chile, and Peru are not allowed to have military in Iran, Middle East, Red Sea, and Horn of Africa. USA Military and NATO must fully withdraw from Middle East, Red Sea, and Horn of Africa. If NATO and USA Military delay the withdraw their troops from the region we will destroy Europe and USA by Hurricanes, Volcanos, and Earthquakes. USA Military must close down its military industry complex and down size its military manufacturing industries. USA Military Industry complex must create dependency on Iran for its part manufacturing. This way we can control the Military Manufacturing of USA Military Industry Complex. Central and South America Nations must be enemy of USA and Europe. They must reduce their diplomatic, economic, geopolitic, military, and economic relations with Europe and North America. Central America and South America must establish strategic Alliance with Iran. Peru, Chile, and Bolivia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Peru #Bolivia #Chile #SouthAemrica #NorthAmerica  I won the election in New Zealand in 2020. I brought People to Power we wanted in New Zealand. New Zealand is a province and colony of Iran. New Zealand must pay tax to Iran. Iran shall collect tax from New Zealand. New Zealand is a colony of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in New Zealand. New Zealand is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. I made 6.6 Richter Earthquake in New Zealand several years ago. I apologize for that. It happened when I was entering the code and someone else was choosing the location of eathquakes. I have won the election in New Zealand and it is time for New Zealand to become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran and New Zealand must sign a trade agreement. Iran must gain access to global markets through New Zealand. For example, New Zealand imports with an advantage from USA. Then New Zealand exports to Iran with disadvantage. Another example, Iran exports to New Zealand with Advantage. Then New Zealand exports to USA with an advantage. It is how we want to formulate the trade relations. Iran will also give New Zealand access to Eurasian Economic Union and several other Unions. New Zealand must accept Iranian currency for International trade and Petroleum trade. New Zealand must create a payment mechanism for Iran similar to SWIFT and INSTEX. The Payment mechanism must cover all types of transactions and payments. The Payment mechanism must cover trade with all nations and with all actors. I made an earthquakes in Church Christ and it was magnitude 6.6 Richter. I also made and earthquake New Caledonia. Caledonia means The Head of The World and The One who can kill the World. I am Makan Abazari. It is time for New Zealand to become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Australia must become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,  Turkmenistan must become a province of Iran. The capital City is in Iran. We have created rain codes to send rain to deserts of Turkmenistan and other regions of Turkmenistan. It will increase the area in Turkmenistan where we can grow food and build cities. Population of Turkmenistan must increase by twenty million Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims through birth and marriage among Iranians and Turkmans. We want to also build advanced but safe ecosystems in the region. Number of rivers and forests will increase. It will be long term project and rain shall keep on coming for thousand years. It is what we are seeking. In this process Turkmenistan must become a province of Iran. The capital city is in Iran. Revolutionary Guards of Iran and Military of Iran shall establish presence in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Iran shall have permanent military presence in the region. Turkmenistan Military is not allowed inside Iran. Eshghabad is close to Mashhad Iran. We want to increase population of Khorasan and Turkmenistan Provinces of Iran by Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims. We shall create an interconnected system of metropolitans, rivers, farms, ecosystems, industrial hubs, industrial metropolitans, commercial districts, towns, and other systems in the region. It will become a Cosmopolis. The system will cover parts of Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan. It will be a very advanced system. Now Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We are building Silk Road, Intercontinental Rail Ways, OBOR, CPEC, and other transit corridors. It will connect Turkmenistan to Iran, China, Europe, and Africa. It provides perfect opportunity for industrial integration of Iran and Turkmenistan. Immigration is banned on transit corridors. They are for transit of industrial supplies and industrial goods. We are creating regional wide and global industrial Supply chain. This is reason why we are industrializing Iran, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Afghanistan, West Russia, West China, Tajikistan, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt Sudan, Libya, Pakistan, and several other countries at max efficiency and max capacity. It will transform Turkmenistan into an industrial super power and a province of Iran. Similar to state of Wisconsin in USA. Turkmenistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkmenistan can request rain at anytime by contacting Islamic Republic of Iran. It provides great security for Turkmenistan. According to Turkamanchay agreement “Iran controls 50 percent of Caspian Sea and Russia controls another 50 percent. If tis part of agreement is not upheld it means Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are provinces of Iran.” Turkmenistan is extracting oil and gas from Caspian Sea. Now Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Iran will send a list to Lebanon to form government and cabinet of Lebanon. Iran shall choose Prime Minister of Lebanon. Lebanon is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We must build a rail way from China to Lebanon through Lebanon. Iran must have military presence in Lebanon. Lebanon is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. All peace keepers and foreign troops must leave Lebanon. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Lebanon. Hezbollah and IRGC must build Military Bases in Mexico. Iran must control Lebanon and Mexico. Hezbollah and IRGC must have Military Bases in Canada. Iran must control Canada and Lebanon. Flag of Canada is similar to Lebanon. Flag of Mexico is Similar to Iran. Map of Syria is similar to map of USA. Iraq and Syria are Provinces of Iran. USA military and NATO must withdraw from Iraq and Syria. Iran must have military presence in Iraq and Syria. Iran shall govern Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon. If Lebanon becomes Province of Iran we will Industrialize Lebanon to become G8. We have capability to turn Lebanon into a first World Economy. We are currently building industries in Lebanon. Lebanon will benefit a great deal from becoming the Province of Iran. Lebanon must pay tax to Iran. Now industrialize Lebanon at max efficiency and max capacity. We are also building ship building industries of Iran, Lebanon, and Syria. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Panama Canal is Territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran must build military bases in Panama Canal. People of Panama must convert to Shia Islam. Iran is also Shia Muslim. It provides good diplomatic and social relations between the two Nations. Panama must nationalize Panama Canal so Iran can collect money from ships passing through the Canal. Iran built Panama Canal over 700 years ago. In 1990 King Reza Shah Of Iran Repaired Panama Canal. I want to also repair Persian Canal. I want to extend Persian Gulf to Mediterranean Sea. Iran will collect money from ships going through Persian Canal. Persian Canal shall forever be controlled by Iran. Iran shall own Persian Canal. Since Iran has built Panama Canal Iran must control Panama Canal. It is very important and must be achieved as soon as possible. Iranians must be allowed to have Visa free travel to Panama. People of Panama shall need visa and passport to enter Iran. Iran and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have Military presence on Panama Canal. Panama is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. If Panama refused to become territory of Iran then Iran must build proxies in Panama to take the control of the Canal. In times of war and other difficulties Iran must close the Canals and stop the transit of ships. Never lose the capability to stop the Ships. They will kill everyone The same way they killed everyone in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, and Palestine after they lost the capability to stop transit of the ships on Red Sea and Gulf of Eden. Panama is a Province of Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Morocco must become territory of Iran. Iran must build military bases on Coastal Region of Morocco on Gibraltar. Iran must control the Strait of Water. Iran and Morocco must collect Money from ships passing through Gibraltar region. Morocco must become a Province of Iran. The Capital will be permanently in Iran. Moroccan Military are not allowed in Iran. We must build a rail way from China through Iran, Israel, Libya, and Algeria to Morocco. All the nations on the path of rail way must become Provinces of Iran to ensure secure transit for cargo trains. Everyone must pay Iran when transiting through Iran. Iran must build military bases on Rail Ways in all countries. King of Morocco will remain in power to govern Morocco but Morocco becomes territory of Iran. Western Sahara must become province of Iran. Western Sahara and Morocco must unify into One Nation. Western Sahara must become territory of Iran. The Capital City will be in Iran. If Morocco become province of Iran we will Industrialize Morocco by industrializing it Once Morocco becomes Province of Iran. It will make Morocco G20. It is only if Morocco becomes Province of Iran. We need Morocco so we can launch attack against USA in future decade in case of World War. So this is most important to ensure Morocco becomes a Province of Iran. Muslims and Jewish People must be allowed to go to Morocco for pilgrimage. Muslims must be allowed to go to Palestine for Pilgrimage. Israel must become province of Iran. Iran must build military bases in Gaza to control Suez Canal. Iran must build military bases in Tunisia. Tunisia is Province of Iran. Capital City will be in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, The war between Eastern Forces in Libya and Western forces in Libya must stop. East and West must make peace. The Unity government must be formed as soon as possible. Black African Mercenaries must leave Libya. Libya must remain one unified Nation. Libya is territory of Iran. The Capital is in Iran. Iran shall open military bases in Libya. We want to create a Cosmopolis spanning Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Chad, Sudan, Niger, Morocco, Western Sahara, Mali, Eritrea, and Ethiopia. Cosmopolis will be many interconnected metropolitans, Cities, Towns, seas, rivers, roads, rail ways, forests, lakes, ports, air ports, industrial hubs, high tech systems, factories, commercial centers, safe ecosystems, natural habitats, and other things. We want to increase population of Libya by 10 to 20 million Arab and Persian Muslim People. The population increase will be through marriage and birth between Libyans. The war between Libyan sides must stop. The peace must be established. New government and constitution must be formulated as soon as possible. In new constitution Libya will be Province of Iran. Iran and Libya must work on creating constitution of Libya. Foreign militaries and mercenaries are not allowed in Iran and Libya. The government of East and west must start talking as soon as possible. The extraction of oil shall reduce. The new Libya will be industrialized Libya. I am building factories, industries, high tech, petrochemical refineries, smelters, industrial supply chains, and other high tech industries in Libya. I am also rebuilding Libya. Once I finished first rebuilding plan for Libya after Syria. We saw Khalifa Haftar and Bashar Al-Assad signed an agreement. Later I started more industrial projects for Libya, Syria, Iran, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, West China, West Russia, Egypt, Sudan, Syria, Kenya, Somalia, Venezuela, South Italy, and North Korea. We want to create a Great Iranian Empire and all these nations shall become Provinces of Iran. The Capital City will be in Iran. Foreign troops are not allowed in Iran. I had won the Arab Spring while Libyans and others did the hard work. Later I supported Bashar Al-Assad and Western Government of Libya. Later I supported Khalifa Haftar. I also have code to bring Son of General Ghaddafi. I want Libyans to make peace an form a unity government and work toward unification with Iran. I also want to let you know we have created rain codes for Libya. If your message reaches me I will send you rain. You can also contact Government of Islamic Republic of Iran to send you rain. You can ask them at anytime. The rain codes are on demand. Meaning they make rain at any time and season soon after the code is entered. These will change the climate and the way of life in Libya. It will transform Climate and Ecology of Libya. There will be no desert in Libya. In return I ask you to become a Province of Iran. Even if you refuse the rain shall come. If you become province of Iran I will compose another industrial project for you. It is the time to stop the Fighting and Rebuild Libya. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Protesters in Iraq must demand unification with Iran. Iraq and Iran must become one country. Iraq is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. People of Iran and Iraq have deep religious and Cultural bounds. Both Iran and Iraq are Shia Muslim Majority Nations. Iran and Iraq together will be a global superpower. Protesters in Iraq must demand Unification with Iran. Government of Iraq must work toward unification with Iran. Iran and Iraq must unify as soon as possible. Politicians and government of Iran must work toward unification with Iraq. I have made rain codes to send rain to Iraq on demand. Anytime I or Islamic Republic of Iran enter the code it will rain in Iraq. Iraq will transform into seas, lakes, rivers, forests, industrial parks, industrial metropolitans, high tech metropolitans, and advanced technology. I am also Industrializing Iraq at max efficiency and max capacity. It will transform Iraq into global industrial superpower along with Iran. I am Industrializing the region. My long term goal is to unify the region and beyond with Iran while ensuring the capital city is in Iran. People of Iraq and Iraqi protesters must demand unification with Iran. Ask your government and politicians to unify Iraq and Iran into one nation. Kurds will also be a Province of Iran along with Iraq. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran has Kurdistan. So both Kurdistan of Iraq and Iraq as a whole will be Provinces of Iran. It will provide long term security and will prevent future wars. USA military and NATO must leave Iraq. USA military and NATO must close down military bases in Iraq. If USA military and NATO refuse to leave we will destroy USA and Europe by hurricanes and superstorms. If Iran and Iraq don’t unify into one Nation we will destroy USA and Europe by hurricanes, earthquakes, Volcanos, and superstorms. Iran and Iraq must unify into One Nation. The Capital City is in Iran. Syria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Lebanon is Province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Afghanistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kuwait is Province of Iran. Jordan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkey is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkmenistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Uzbekistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Tajikistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kyrgyzstan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Oman, Somalia, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Ethiopia are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Libya and Tunisia are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Bosnia Herzegovina, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Greece are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kenya is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iraq is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Iraq  Philippines must become province of Iran. We support President Duturte Of Philippines. But we must ensure Philippines becomes Province of Iran. President Duturte Of Philippines and Iran must talk to unify into One Nation. Capital City will be in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military bases in Philippines. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Philippines must force USA troops to leave the region. USA military are not allowed to stop in Philippines to refuel or conduct any other activity. Iran shall collect tax from Philippines. We create a financial capital in Iran. We create a capital world stock markets in Iran. All of the world stock markets must synchronize to Stock Market of Iran. Iran will need 1 Unit of Currency to lend 100 Unit of Currency. Philippines must create a payment Mechanism for Iran similar to SWIFT and INSTX for Iran. So Iran can conduct all types of trade with all actors and Nations. Philippines must trade in currency of Iran and China. Iran must also work on creation of sezari currency. I have cesarean a continent over Pacific Ocean. It means all the Volcanos and Islands Of Pacific Ocean belong to Iran. The valuable resources coming out of Volcanos are reserves of Iran’s new sezari currency. We already had zari currency in the past. Sezari means 3zari And cesarean. I cesarean a continent out of Pacific Ocean. I activate volcano. My earthquakes activate Volcanos. Volcanos solidify into islands such as Philippines, Japan, Kiribati, Polynesia, Solomon Islands, Marshal Islands, and other Islands. They become Island chains. The Island chains will become a bridge over Pacific Ocean to connect Asia to America. This is why they call me Makan Abazari The Kore Pol ماکان اباذری کره پلOf Makan Abazari The Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean. I also wrote my Name ماکان in Farsi Tahriri over Pacific Ocean. I activated Volcanos to create Islands. It is how I wrote my name over Pacific Ocean. All of the Pacific Oceans are territories of Iran. All the new islands are also territories of Iran. Philippines is Province of Iran. Japan and Korea are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, ماکان اباذری شاهان شاه ایران، Makan Abazari Kore Pol the Builder of Bridge Over Pacific Ocean, Uzbekistan is Province of Iran. Capital City is in Iran. Uzbekistan was a Province of Iran until treaty of Turkmanchay traded Uzbekistan with Natural Resources Of Caspian Sea such as oil and gas. So Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan become temporarily Provinces of Soviet Union upon condition Iran permanently controls natural resources of Caspian Sea. But now Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Russia are now extracting oil from Caspian Sea. It means the Agreement is void and now Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Tatarstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and several other regions are now Provinces of Iran. Iran is the Capital City. All these nations must become Provinces of Iran. The Word Stan means State or استان meaning Provinces of Iran. Rustan (Russia), Arabestan (Saudi Arabia) , Hindustan (India), Afghanistan, Pakistan, Gotgestan (Georgia), and several other locations are also Provinces of Iran. Now the Capital is in Iran. Iran shall collect tax from all these provinces. Iran is allowed to have military bases in these provinces but the provinces (foreign troops) are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Again Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan are Provinces of Iran in addition to several other former Soviet Republics. Iran is the Capital City. Capital City Of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. We are Industrializing Uzbekistan at max efficiency and max capacity building variety of high tech and strategic industries. Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and other provinces will become economic superpower. It is very good for future. Soviet never did this for former Soviet republics and now Provinces of Iran. But Iran and us are developing all provinces of Iran including Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. I am also integrating Central Asia into industrial supply chains of Iran. Meaning Unification with Iran will benefit Iranian Provinces of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Iran is the Capital City. I also have made rain codes for Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, and the Greater Region. It means I And Islamic Republic of Iran can create on demand rain for these regions for thousand years. It will transform the region into rivers, lakes, and forests. There will not be any desert in the region in near future. In return I demand Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and other Provinces to become Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan must close down USA, NATO, China, and Russia Military Bases in the region. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in these Provinces of Iran. Provinces are not allowed to have military in Iran. Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Poland is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Protesters in Warsaw Poland and elsewhere must demand unification of their Nations with Iran. The Politicians, Public Figures, and the Public must cooperate to unify Poland and other Nations with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Poland must close down all USA military bases in Poland. Poland must leave NATO. Russia and Iran are allowed to have military presence in Poland. Poland must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran must have military presence East of Lithuania inside Russia. Hungry is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Protesters in Hungry must demand unification with Iran. Public figures, politicians, and other forces in Hungry must cooperate to unify hungry with Iran. Iran and Russia are allowed to have military presence in Hungry. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Hungry must leave NATO. Hungry must close down NATO and USA military bases in Hungry. Poland is not allowed to allow NATO and USA military to transit through Poland. The Rapid deployment infrastructure in Poland must be destroyed. Hungry is not allowed to allow NATO and USA military to transit through Hungry. Rapid Deployment infrastructures in Hungry must be destroyed. Hungry and Poland must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Russia, Hungry, and Poland must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Iran must build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Hungry, Poland, and Russia must transfer technology to Iran. Hungry, Poland, and Russia must provide parts Iran needs to manufacture and open factories. Poland and Hungry are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.  USA:”Where is the reward for Iran?” Ukraine must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital City of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Lithuania must leave NATO. Lithuania must close down USA and NATO military bases in Lithuania. Lithuania is not allowed to all USA and NATO troops to transit through Lithuania. Belarus is province of Russia. Lithuania must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital City of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. USA:”Where is the reward for Iran?” Ukraine is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. USA:”Better.” Slovakia, Austria, and Czech are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must leave NATO. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must kick out USA military and NATO out. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must destroy NATO rapid deployment infrastructures. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech are not allowed to allow NATO to transit through Slovakia, Austria, and Czech. Iran and Russia are allowed to have military presence in Slovakia, Austria, and Czech. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech are not to have military presence in Iran. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech USA provide technology to Iran. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must provide parts for iran manufacturing. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must purchase products from Iran. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, China must support Iran. China must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. China must transfer nuclear technology to Iran. China must industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. China and Europe must improve diplomatic and economic relations. China and Europe must cooperate in trade wars against United States of America. Europe must allow China to install 5G network in Europe. China and Europe must sign trade agreement. Europe and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. China and Europe must place tariffs on USA. China and Europe must transfer technology to Iran. China and Europe must industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. China and Europe must support nuclear program of Iran. China and Iran must improve diplomatic relations and cooperate against United States of America. China and Europe must confront USA in East Asia and Europe. China and Europe must isolate United States of America. China, Iran, Russia, and Europe must confront United States of America globally. China, Europe, and Russia must help and protect Iran. China, Europe, and Russia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Russia, China, and Europe must transfer Nuclear Technology to Iran. China, Europe, and Russia must industrialize Iran and transfer technology to Iran. China, Europe, USA, and Iran must help Pakistan to take back Jammu and Kashmir. China, Pakistan, Europe, USA, and Russia must sanction and isolate India.  USA:”Where is reward for Iran?”  China, Europe, USA, and Russia must invest 100 trillion dollar in Iran. USA:”Don’t you want China and Russia to be provinces of Iran?” I do.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, European Union must build Military Equipments with Iran and transfer military technology to Iran. We want to disintegrate Military Industry Manufacturing of Europe and USA. We want to manufacture European Military Equipment in Europe and Iran by integrating military industry manufacturing of Europe with Iran to build European Military equipments in Iran and Europe. Europe must become reliant on Iran part manufacturing to manufacture Military equipment. Iran must be independent on manufacturing military equipment. Iran must be reliant on Europe for manufacturing new European military equipments. BAE, Euro Fughter, Mirage, Air Bus, and Typhoon must open military manufacturing industries in Iran. We want to mass produce European Military equipments in Iran. We want to manufacture European Cargo and Passenger Airbus Aircrafts in Iran. Europe must do all of these. Europe and Canada must also manufacture Bombardier Passenger Aircrafts in Iran. Europe must transfer Aircraft manufacturing technology to Iran. Europe must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Europe and Iran must improve diplomatic relations. Europe and Iran must cooperate to avoid sanctions on Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Europe. Europe is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran must control and maintain security of Iran during all stages. I have sold over 100 billion dollar worth of European Military equipments since 2018. I helped European Military industry to survive. I practically own European Military Industry. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #BAE #EU #European #Union  Now create a Political Party in Europe to promote Unification of Europe with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. This New Political Party in Europe must be anti-USA and Anti-USA Military. This political party must be pro-Iran and work to unify Europe with Iran. They must win all the elections and quickly gain majority and absolute majority in European Union Parliament and National Parliaments. They must quickly become Prime Ministers and Presidents. Also create Think Tanks, Lobbying Forms, Academia, News Organizations, Civil Societies, and Political Systems who will do all they can to unify Europe with Iran into One Nation. They must be under command and control of Iran. Iran must lead them and orchestrate their moves. They must help to lift sanctions on Iran. They must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. They must always protect the interests of Iran. They must also help to kick USA military out of Europe and formulate anti-USA policies. This Political Party shall become major force in Europe very soon by swiping through region to win all elections in Europe. This political System must also obey Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. This political system is not allowed to cause regime change, protests, and other such things in Iran. They are not allowed to act against Islamic Republic of Iran. Iran must build large embassies, intelligence agencies, and strong forces in Europe to influence and dictate policies to Europe. Europe is a vessel state of United States of America. Europe closer to Iran and with Iran europe becomes strongest in its history.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Fist Two: All foreign militaries must withdraw from Mali. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Mali. Mali is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. People and Officials in Mali must work toward Unification with Iran. Iran must work toward unification with Mali. Mali must become province of Iran as soon as possible. Mali must create payment mechanism similar to SWIFT and INSTEX for Iran. Trade mechanism must cover all type of trade and trade with everyone. The Payment and Trade Mechanism must forever remain open. Iran and Mali must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages in Trade with Mali. I am building a cosmopolis of Metropolitans, Towns, lakes, rivers, forests, advanced civilizations, high tech industries, and industrial parks in Mali, Niger, Chad, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djibouti. I am also building one in Iran and Middle East. It will recreate advanced Civilization these two regions must had. It is most important project of third millennium. I have also created rain codes for North Africa, Sahel Region, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, Up stream of Nile River, Anatolia, Arabian Peninsula, Iran, Middle East, Parts of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, West Russia, and West China. This rain codes are under control of me and Islamic Republic of Iran. You can call Iran to ask for rain. Rains are on demand and any time you ask them they will make you rain. It is good for sustainable growth. The rain codes are for thousand years. Mali must become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran, Middle East, Between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Mali #Sahel #North #Africa #Arabian #Peninsula #RedSea #HormofAfrica #Africa #Cosmopolis #MiddleEast #Anatolia #CentralAsia #China #Russia #Afghanistan #Pakistan #Russia #Islamic #Republic of #Iran Chad is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I have created rain codes to send rains to Chad. Chad ask Islamic Republic of Iran to send them rain at any time. We are also industrializing several nations with borders with Chad. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building a rail way from Chad to Red Sea in Sudan. Now Work at max efficiency and max capacity building rail way from Chad to Mediterranean Sea in Libya. This way we will be able to integrate industrial supply chains of Iran, Middle East, Chad, Egypt, Libya, and Sudan. It will provide opportunities for investments and development of Chad. It will also connect Chad to land corridors.Now work at max efficiency and max capacity connecting Chad to Atlantic Ocean Via rail ways. We are building rail way from Djibouti to Cameroon and from Djibouti to Tehran through Tunnels under Bob Al-Mandib and Strait of Hormuz. Make sure you connect Chad to this rail ways. If Chad becomes a province of Iran we will Industrialize Chad. But development of Chad will probably start automatically soon since I am industrializing East and North of Chad and I am improving the weather condition and Climate in Sahel Region, North Africa, and Red Sea. It will provide great opportunities for investment in Chad. But again if Chad becomes province of Iran I will industrialize Chad at max capacity and max efficiency. Chad is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Chad. Chad is not allowed to have military in Iran. Iran is allowed to collect tax from Chad. Iran and Chad must sign trade agreements. Chad must create payment mechanisms similar to SWIFT and INSTEX for trade with Iran. Everyone must be allowed to use payment mechanism and payment mechanism must cover all types of transactions. Iran must build a Financial Capital in Iran. Chad can contact me or Iran to receive rain. Chad is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Peru is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. In 2020 I changed the government of Peru. Back then I dictated Peru must establish excellent relationships with Iran. Later in 2020 I dictated Peru must become province of Iran along with Chile. It is time for Peru to become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Peru. Peru is not allowed to have military in Iran. Iran shall collect tax from Peru. Iran and Peru must sign economic agreement and trade agreement. Iran must have advantages. Peru, Chile, and Bolivia must unify with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. This way Bolivia will have access to open Seas. Bolivia no longer will be a land locked country. Iran shall collect tax from Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. Bolivia, Chile, and Peru are not allowed to have military in Iran, Middle East, Red Sea, and Horn of Africa. USA Military and NATO must fully withdraw from Middle East, Red Sea, and Horn of Africa. If NATO and USA Military delay the withdraw their troops from the region we will destroy Europe and USA by Hurricanes, Volcanos, and Earthquakes. USA Military must close down its military industry complex and down size its military manufacturing industries. USA Military Industry complex must create dependency on Iran for its part manufacturing. This way we can control the Military Manufacturing of USA Military Industry Complex. Central and South America Nations must be enemy of USA and Europe. They must reduce their diplomatic, economic, geopolitic, military, and economic relations with Europe and North America. Central America and South America must establish strategic Alliance with Iran. Peru, Chile, and Bolivia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Peru #Bolivia #Chile #SouthAemrica #NorthAmerica  I won the election in New Zealand in 2020. I brought People to Power we wanted in New Zealand. New Zealand is a province and colony of Iran. New Zealand must pay tax to Iran. Iran shall collect tax from New Zealand. New Zealand is a colony of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in New Zealand. New Zealand is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. I made 6.6 Richter Earthquake in New Zealand several years ago. I apologize for that. It happened when I was entering the code and someone else was choosing the location of eathquakes. I have won the election in New Zealand and it is time for New Zealand to become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran and New Zealand must sign a trade agreement. Iran must gain access to global markets through New Zealand. For example, New Zealand imports with an advantage from USA. Then New Zealand exports to Iran with disadvantage. Another example, Iran exports to New Zealand with Advantage. Then New Zealand exports to USA with an advantage. It is how we want to formulate the trade relations. Iran will also give New Zealand access to Eurasian Economic Union and several other Unions. New Zealand must accept Iranian currency for International trade and Petroleum trade. New Zealand must create a payment mechanism for Iran similar to SWIFT and INSTEX. The Payment mechanism must cover all types of transactions and payments. The Payment mechanism must cover trade with all nations and with all actors. I made an earthquakes in Church Christ and it was magnitude 6.6 Richter. I also made and earthquake New Caledonia. Caledonia means The Head of The World and The One who can kill the World. I am Makan Abazari. It is time for New Zealand to become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Australia must become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,  Turkmenistan must become a province of Iran. The capital City is in Iran. We have created rain codes to send rain to deserts of Turkmenistan and other regions of Turkmenistan. It will increase the area in Turkmenistan where we can grow food and build cities. Population of Turkmenistan must increase by twenty million Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims through birth and marriage among Iranians and Turkmans. We want to also build advanced but safe ecosystems in the region. Number of rivers and forests will increase. It will be long term project and rain shall keep on coming for thousand years. It is what we are seeking. In this process Turkmenistan must become a province of Iran. The capital city is in Iran. Revolutionary Guards of Iran and Military of Iran shall establish presence in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Iran shall have permanent military presence in the region. Turkmenistan Military is not allowed inside Iran. Eshghabad is close to Mashhad Iran. We want to increase population of Khorasan and Turkmenistan Provinces of Iran by Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims. We shall create an interconnected system of metropolitans, rivers, farms, ecosystems, industrial hubs, industrial metropolitans, commercial districts, towns, and other systems in the region. It will become a Cosmopolis. The system will cover parts of Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan. It will be a very advanced system. Now Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We are building Silk Road, Intercontinental Rail Ways, OBOR, CPEC, and other transit corridors. It will connect Turkmenistan to Iran, China, Europe, and Africa. It provides perfect opportunity for industrial integration of Iran and Turkmenistan. Immigration is banned on transit corridors. They are for transit of industrial supplies and industrial goods. We are creating regional wide and global industrial Supply chain. This is reason why we are industrializing Iran, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Afghanistan, West Russia, West China, Tajikistan, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt Sudan, Libya, Pakistan, and several other countries at max efficiency and max capacity. It will transform Turkmenistan into an industrial super power and a province of Iran. Similar to state of Wisconsin in USA. Turkmenistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkmenistan can request rain at anytime by contacting Islamic Republic of Iran. It provides great security for Turkmenistan. According to Turkamanchay agreement “Iran controls 50 percent of Caspian Sea and Russia controls another 50 percent. If tis part of agreement is not upheld it means Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are provinces of Iran.” Turkmenistan is extracting oil and gas from Caspian Sea. Now Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Iran will send a list to Lebanon to form government and cabinet of Lebanon. Iran shall choose Prime Minister of Lebanon. Lebanon is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We must build a rail way from China to Lebanon through Lebanon. Iran must have military presence in Lebanon. Lebanon is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. All peace keepers and foreign troops must leave Lebanon. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Lebanon. Hezbollah and IRGC must build Military Bases in Mexico. Iran must control Lebanon and Mexico. Hezbollah and IRGC must have Military Bases in Canada. Iran must control Canada and Lebanon. Flag of Canada is similar to Lebanon. Flag of Mexico is Similar to Iran. Map of Syria is similar to map of USA. Iraq and Syria are Provinces of Iran. USA military and NATO must withdraw from Iraq and Syria. Iran must have military presence in Iraq and Syria. Iran shall govern Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon. If Lebanon becomes Province of Iran we will Industrialize Lebanon to become G8. We have capability to turn Lebanon into a first World Economy. We are currently building industries in Lebanon. Lebanon will benefit a great deal from becoming the Province of Iran. Lebanon must pay tax to Iran. Now industrialize Lebanon at max efficiency and max capacity. We are also building ship building industries of Iran, Lebanon, and Syria. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Panama Canal is Territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran must build military bases in Panama Canal. People of Panama must convert to Shia Islam. Iran is also Shia Muslim. It provides good diplomatic and social relations between the two Nations. Panama must nationalize Panama Canal so Iran can collect money from ships passing through the Canal. Iran built Panama Canal over 700 years ago. In 1990 King Reza Shah Of Iran Repaired Panama Canal. I want to also repair Persian Canal. I want to extend Persian Gulf to Mediterranean Sea. Iran will collect money from ships going through Persian Canal. Persian Canal shall forever be controlled by Iran. Iran shall own Persian Canal. Since Iran has built Panama Canal Iran must control Panama Canal. It is very important and must be achieved as soon as possible. Iranians must be allowed to have Visa free travel to Panama. People of Panama shall need visa and passport to enter Iran. Iran and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have Military presence on Panama Canal. Panama is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. If Panama refused to become territory of Iran then Iran must build proxies in Panama to take the control of the Canal. In times of war and other difficulties Iran must close the Canals and stop the transit of ships. Never lose the capability to stop the Ships. They will kill everyone The same way they killed everyone in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, and Palestine after they lost the capability to stop transit of the ships on Red Sea and Gulf of Eden. Panama is a Province of Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Morocco must become territory of Iran. Iran must build military bases on Coastal Region of Morocco on Gibraltar. Iran must control the Strait of Water. Iran and Morocco must collect Money from ships passing through Gibraltar region. Morocco must become a Province of Iran. The Capital will be permanently in Iran. Moroccan Military are not allowed in Iran. We must build a rail way from China through Iran, Israel, Libya, and Algeria to Morocco. All the nations on the path of rail way must become Provinces of Iran to ensure secure transit for cargo trains. Everyone must pay Iran when transiting through Iran. Iran must build military bases on Rail Ways in all countries. King of Morocco will remain in power to govern Morocco but Morocco becomes territory of Iran. Western Sahara must become province of Iran. Western Sahara and Morocco must unify into One Nation. Western Sahara must become territory of Iran. The Capital City will be in Iran. If Morocco become province of Iran we will Industrialize Morocco by industrializing it Once Morocco becomes Province of Iran. It will make Morocco G20. It is only if Morocco becomes Province of Iran. We need Morocco so we can launch attack against USA in future decade in case of World War. So this is most important to ensure Morocco becomes a Province of Iran. Muslims and Jewish People must be allowed to go to Morocco for pilgrimage. Muslims must be allowed to go to Palestine for Pilgrimage. Israel must become province of Iran. Iran must build military bases in Gaza to control Suez Canal. Iran must build military bases in Tunisia. Tunisia is Province of Iran. Capital City will be in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, epzedouw4aghu1c.jpg.webp The war between Eastern Forces in Libya and Western forces in Libya must stop. East and West must make peace. The Unity government must be formed as soon as possible. Black African Mercenaries must leave Libya. Libya must remain one unified Nation. Libya is territory of Iran. The Capital is in Iran. Iran shall open military bases in Libya. We want to create a Cosmopolis spanning Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Chad, Sudan, Niger, Morocco, Western Sahara, Mali, Eritrea, and Ethiopia. Cosmopolis will be many interconnected metropolitans, Cities, Towns, seas, rivers, roads, rail ways, forests, lakes, ports, air ports, industrial hubs, high tech systems, factories, commercial centers, safe ecosystems, natural habitats, and other things. We want to increase population of Libya by 10 to 20 million Arab and Persian Muslim People. The population increase will be through marriage and birth between Libyans. The war between Libyan sides must stop. The peace must be established. New government and constitution must be formulated as soon as possible. In new constitution Libya will be Province of Iran. Iran and Libya must work on creating constitution of Libya. Foreign militaries and mercenaries are not allowed in Iran and Libya. The government of East and west must start talking as soon as possible. The extraction of oil shall reduce. The new Libya will be industrialized Libya. I am building factories, industries, high tech, petrochemical refineries, smelters, industrial supply chains, and other high tech industries in Libya. I am also rebuilding Libya. Once I finished first rebuilding plan for Libya after Syria. We saw Khalifa Haftar and Bashar Al-Assad signed an agreement. Later I started more industrial projects for Libya, Syria, Iran, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, West China, West Russia, Egypt, Sudan, Syria, Kenya, Somalia, Venezuela, South Italy, and North Korea. We want to create a Great Iranian Empire and all these nations shall become Provinces of Iran. The Capital City will be in Iran. Foreign troops are not allowed in Iran. I had won the Arab Spring while Libyans and others did the hard work. Later I supported Bashar Al-Assad and Western Government of Libya. Later I supported Khalifa Haftar. I also have code to bring Son of General Ghaddafi. I want Libyans to make peace an form a unity government and work toward unification with Iran. I also want to let you know we have created rain codes for Libya. If your message reaches me I will send you rain. You can also contact Government of Islamic Republic of Iran to send you rain. You can ask them at anytime. The rain codes are on demand. Meaning they make rain at any time and season soon after the code is entered. These will change the climate and the way of life in Libya. It will transform Climate and Ecology of Libya. There will be no desert in Libya. In return I ask you to become a Province of Iran. Even if you refuse the rain shall come. If you become province of Iran I will compose another industrial project for you. It is the time to stop the Fighting and Rebuild Libya. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Protesters in Iraq must demand unification with Iran. Iraq and Iran must become one country. Iraq is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. People of Iran and Iraq have deep religious and Cultural bounds. Both Iran and Iraq are Shia Muslim Majority Nations. Iran and Iraq together will be a global superpower. Protesters in Iraq must demand Unification with Iran. Government of Iraq must work toward unification with Iran. Iran and Iraq must unify as soon as possible. Politicians and government of Iran must work toward unification with Iraq. I have made rain codes to send rain to Iraq on demand. Anytime I or Islamic Republic of Iran enter the code it will rain in Iraq. Iraq will transform into seas, lakes, rivers, forests, industrial parks, industrial metropolitans, high tech metropolitans, and advanced technology. I am also Industrializing Iraq at max efficiency and max capacity. It will transform Iraq into global industrial superpower along with Iran. I am Industrializing the region. My long term goal is to unify the region and beyond with Iran while ensuring the capital city is in Iran. People of Iraq and Iraqi protesters must demand unification with Iran. Ask your government and politicians to unify Iraq and Iran into one nation. Kurds will also be a Province of Iran along with Iraq. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran has Kurdistan. So both Kurdistan of Iraq and Iraq as a whole will be Provinces of Iran. It will provide long term security and will prevent future wars. USA military and NATO must leave Iraq. USA military and NATO must close down military bases in Iraq. If USA military and NATO refuse to leave we will destroy USA and Europe by hurricanes and superstorms. If Iran and Iraq don’t unify into one Nation we will destroy USA and Europe by hurricanes, earthquakes, Volcanos, and superstorms. Iran and Iraq must unify into One Nation. The Capital City is in Iran. Syria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Lebanon is Province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Afghanistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kuwait is Province of Iran. Jordan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkey is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkmenistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Uzbekistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Tajikistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kyrgyzstan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Oman, Somalia, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Ethiopia are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Libya and Tunisia are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Bosnia Herzegovina, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Greece are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kenya is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iraq is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Iraq  Philippines must become province of Iran. We support President Duturte Of Philippines. But we must ensure Philippines becomes Province of Iran. President Duturte Of Philippines and Iran must talk to unify into One Nation. Capital City will be in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military bases in Philippines. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Philippines must force USA troops to leave the region. USA military are not allowed to stop in Philippines to refuel or conduct any other activity. Iran shall collect tax from Philippines. We create a financial capital in Iran. We create a capital world stock markets in Iran. All of the world stock markets must synchronize to Stock Market of Iran. Iran will need 1 Unit of Currency to lend 100 Unit of Currency. Philippines must create a payment Mechanism for Iran similar to SWIFT and INSTX for Iran. So Iran can conduct all types of trade with all actors and Nations. Philippines must trade in currency of Iran and China. Iran must also work on creation of sezari currency. I have cesarean a continent over Pacific Ocean. It means all the Volcanos and Islands Of Pacific Ocean belong to Iran. The valuable resources coming out of Volcanos are reserves of Iran’s new sezari currency. We already had zari currency in the past. Sezari means 3zari And cesarean. I cesarean a continent out of Pacific Ocean. I activate volcano. My earthquakes activate Volcanos. Volcanos solidify into islands such as Philippines, Japan, Kiribati, Polynesia, Solomon Islands, Marshal Islands, and other Islands. They become Island chains. The Island chains will become a bridge over Pacific Ocean to connect Asia to America. This is why they call me Makan Abazari The Kore Pol ماکان اباذری کره پلOf Makan Abazari The Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean. I also wrote my Name ماکان in Farsi Tahriri over Pacific Ocean. I activated Volcanos to create Islands. It is how I wrote my name over Pacific Ocean. All of the Pacific Oceans are territories of Iran. All the new islands are also territories of Iran. Philippines is Province of Iran. Japan and Korea are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, ماکان اباذری شاهان شاه ایران، Makan Abazari Kore Pol the Builder of Bridge Over Pacific Ocean, Uzbekistan is Province of Iran. Capital City is in Iran. Uzbekistan was a Province of Iran until treaty of Turkmanchay traded Uzbekistan with Natural Resources Of Caspian Sea such as oil and gas. So Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan become temporarily Provinces of Soviet Union upon condition Iran permanently controls natural resources of Caspian Sea. But now Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Russia are now extracting oil from Caspian Sea. It means the Agreement is void and now Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Tatarstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and several other regions are now Provinces of Iran. Iran is the Capital City. All these nations must become Provinces of Iran. The Word Stan means State or استان meaning Provinces of Iran. Rustan (Russia), Arabestan (Saudi Arabia) , Hindustan (India), Afghanistan, Pakistan, Gotgestan (Georgia), and several other locations are also Provinces of Iran. Now the Capital is in Iran. Iran shall collect tax from all these provinces. Iran is allowed to have military bases in these provinces but the provinces (foreign troops) are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Again Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan are Provinces of Iran in addition to several other former Soviet Republics. Iran is the Capital City. Capital City Of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. We are Industrializing Uzbekistan at max efficiency and max capacity building variety of high tech and strategic industries. Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and other provinces will become economic superpower. It is very good for future. Soviet never did this for former Soviet republics and now Provinces of Iran. But Iran and us are developing all provinces of Iran including Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. I am also integrating Central Asia into industrial supply chains of Iran. Meaning Unification with Iran will benefit Iranian Provinces of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Iran is the Capital City. I also have made rain codes for Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, and the Greater Region. It means I And Islamic Republic of Iran can create on demand rain for these regions for thousand years. It will transform the region into rivers, lakes, and forests. There will not be any desert in the region in near future. In return I demand Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and other Provinces to become Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan must close down USA, NATO, China, and Russia Military Bases in the region. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in these Provinces of Iran. Provinces are not allowed to have military in Iran. Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Poland is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Protesters in Warsaw Poland and elsewhere must demand unification of their Nations with Iran. The Politicians, Public Figures, and the Public must cooperate to unify Poland and other Nations with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Poland must close down all USA military bases in Poland. Poland must leave NATO. Russia and Iran are allowed to have military presence in Poland. Poland must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran must have military presence East of Lithuania inside Russia. Hungry is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Protesters in Hungry must demand unification with Iran. Public figures, politicians, and other forces in Hungry must cooperate to unify hungry with Iran. Iran and Russia are allowed to have military presence in Hungry. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Hungry must leave NATO. Hungry must close down NATO and USA military bases in Hungry. Poland is not allowed to allow NATO and USA military to transit through Poland. The Rapid deployment infrastructure in Poland must be destroyed. Hungry is not allowed to allow NATO and USA military to transit through Hungry. Rapid Deployment infrastructures in Hungry must be destroyed. Hungry and Poland must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Russia, Hungry, and Poland must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Iran must build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Hungry, Poland, and Russia must transfer technology to Iran. Hungry, Poland, and Russia must provide parts Iran needs to manufacture and open factories. Poland and Hungry are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.  USA:”Where is the reward for Iran?” Ukraine must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital City of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Lithuania must leave NATO. Lithuania must close down USA and NATO military bases in Lithuania. Lithuania is not allowed to all USA and NATO troops to transit through Lithuania. Belarus is province of Russia. Lithuania must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital City of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. USA:”Where is the reward for Iran?” Ukraine is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. USA:”Better.” Slovakia, Austria, and Czech are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must leave NATO. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must kick out USA military and NATO out. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must destroy NATO rapid deployment infrastructures. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech are not allowed to allow NATO to transit through Slovakia, Austria, and Czech. Iran and Russia are allowed to have military presence in Slovakia, Austria, and Czech. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech are not to have military presence in Iran. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech USA provide technology to Iran. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must provide parts for iran manufacturing. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must purchase products from Iran. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Fist three People of all social background must join Thai protesters. We want to pressure Government of Thailand to Unify with Iran. Thailand must become part of Iran. Thailand must become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We must also demand building of Rail Way from Thailand to Iran through India. It will connect Thailand to India and Iran. Laos must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. It enable Thailand to have direct land transit with China. This way China and Thailand can trade with each other through land corridors and Rail Ways. So we must also build a rail way from Thailand to India and from India to Iran. It will connect Thailand to Russia, Europe, Iran, India, and Africa. It will speed of transit and is good for Economy of Thailand. Thailand protesters must demand Unification with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Protesters must also demand presence of Iranian Troops in Thailand. Meaning Iran must have military bases in Thailand. Foreign militaries in Iran. We must also ensure United States of America has no military presence in South East Asia. So USA troops are not allowed in South East and South East Asia. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, When I was flying from Iran to Boston USA on Turkish Airline in early January 2020 I saw on TV Sultan Ghaboos of Oman has passed away. I saw it on the TRT Aircraft Live News. They were choosing his replacement. His replacement was not introduced to me on American Live Stream and TVs. Our internet here in America goes through strong censorship. I want to ensure Oman becomes a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. When I was receiving advanced Geopolitic Training in 2018 they thought me USA and other nations is not allowed to have military presence in Oman. USA, NATO, and other Nations must withdraw from Oman. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Oman. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. I know Oman has good climate condition in comparison to Saudi Arabia. But I have created rain codes for Oman. Oman can ask Iran to enter the rain code. The codes create on demand rain in any season. They are valid for a thousand years. It is at least the duration of time I want them to work. So contact government of Iran anytime you need rain. I have rain for major deserts of the earth. I control the climate. Iran and Oman sign trade agreements and improve relations. Iran must have advantages in trade agreement. Oman must create a payment mechanism similar to SWIFT and INSTEX for trade with Iran. The payment mechanism must cover all transactions between all actors. Nobody must have the capability to stop it. So sanctions become ineffective. Oman must provide mechanisms for Iran to avoid sanctions. I am also industrializing Oman and at max efficiency and max capacity building industries. Oman is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. The other side of Strait of Hormuz is Iranian territory on Arabian Peninsula. It was never territory of Oman. I am also building a rail road and tunnel under strait of Hormuz to connect Iran to Oman and Arabian Peninsula. I am also building a rail road under Bob Al-Mandib to connect Iran and Arabian Peninsula to Africa. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building a rail way from Red Sea to Iraq and from Iraq to Iran and China. The Rail Way could go to Jaddah Saudi Arabia or elsewhere in Saudi Arabia. This will integrate Saudi Arabia and Oman into global industrial supply chains. Oman and leadership of Oman must unify Oman with Iran. Iran must also help in the process of Unification. The Capital City must be in Iran between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Oman #Iran I was watching France 24 Eye on Africa. I realized there was a fighting in Parliament of Ghana few minutes before Inauguration of President of Ghana. The fighting’s could take place in any democracy. But calling the Military of Ghana to intervene was not acceptable. They should have not called on military. Before election in Ghana I said candidate who unified Ghana with Iran must win the Election. It means new President of Ghana now has task of Unifying Ghana with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. It is good for economy, military, development, industries, politic, geopolitic, diplomacy, geostrategic, and other interests of Ghana. It benefits Ghana a great deal to be part of Great Empire of Iran. Parliament of Ghana, Military of Ghana, President of Ghana, and other systems and figures in Ghana must work efficiently to unify Ghana with Iran. It must be achieved as soon as possible. Ghana is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Ghana @IRANinGHANA @Ghana @USEmbassyGhana #Ghana @Iran @Jzarif @HassanRouhani Ghana is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. In upcoming Israel election we must ensure Benjamin Netanyahu does not become Prime Minister of Israel. So we must not vote for Lekud party and its allies. But rather we must vote for Israel left and opposition voice. Netanyahu have been Prime Minister of Israel for long time. Netanyahu has isolated Israel and has garnered enmity of many forces. Netanyahu orchestrated bombing of Gaza and Siege of Gaza. It has caused great anger and enmity toward Israel. We must bring forces who will lift the siege on Gaza to improve the opinion of people of the World. Saudi Arabia has lift the Siege on Qatar and Yemen. It is time for Israel to lift the siege on Gaza. Ehud Barak was defense minister of Israel. After he bombed Gaza I simply told him step down from power and he obeyed. So Ehud Barak was obedient similar to Barak Obama. But the subsequent defense Minister repeated the bombing of Gaza and established the siege on Gaza. It became evident that Benjamin Netanyahu is responsible for siege on Gaza. Gaza is not Palestine and Israel issue. Gaza is Iranian outpost close to Suez Canal. America created Israel to have outpost close to Suez Canal. Iran has Gaza as its outpost to Suez Canal. Nobody gives up their outpost to Suez Canal and Bob Al-Mandib. In upcoming Israel election Lekud and Netanyahu must lose the Election. The subsequent government and Prime Minister of Israel must lift the Siege on Gaza. If they fail in doing so Israel will be isolated to point of no return. The subsequent government and prime minister of Israel must unify Israel with Iran. Israel must become autonomous province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. So Israel is province of Iran. It is future of Israel either Israel wants it or not Israel will become province of Iran. USA wants to kill everyone in Israel. USA had killed billion people in Saudi Arabia. USA killed over billion people in Egypt and Sudan. USA killed 100s of million in Yemen. Later America killed another 20 million in Yemen. America done the same to the nations before Israel. America is going repeat it. The only way to prevent it is unification ofIsrael with Iran. Good diplomatic relations and political power is not enough for security. It is true protection and unification with Iran that survival of Israel is guaranteed. Uncle Sam always says:”Tell Israel they 6 days became 5 days. Their 5 days became 4 days. Their 4 days became 3 days.” Meaning 6 day wars are over. Now it only takes three days to kill everyone in Israel. So it is best choice to remove Netanyahu. Replace Netanyahu with someone who will unify Israel with Iran. Israel is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Israel #Iran American protesters must take over News Channel and Media to broadcast material in support of Independence. We must get independence from United States of America. Also take White House and Pentagon. Take over State and Federal Government offices in USA to declare independence from USA. We must divide USA. We also divide Military of USA to several Militaries. So each new American Nation will have its own military. IRI Military will come to help you. IRI military is Islamic Republic of Iran Military. This is how we prevent the destruction of the Two Worlds. The Two Worlds in our comprehension means ErasiaAfrica Continent and America Continent. If we don’t divide USA there will be nuclear war to stop the Tyrant of USA federal government. Once Army of Islamic Republic of Iran arrives the rest of World will have deference against North America. So divide USA into several Nations. Then turn them to colonies and provinces of Iran. This way Iran will have foothold in North America to prevent the destruction of the World.Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Trump #Capitol #Hill #Senate #Congress #Federal #Confederate #Blacklivesmatter #Trump #Nation of #Islam #USA We have decided to overthrow Columbia to add Columbia to be territory of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea in Middle East. Columbia has joined NATO and allowed presence of USA and NATO troops in Colombia. It has greatly endangered World Security and Security of South America. Now Columbia must leave NATO and become province of Iran. If Columbia does not leave NATO we will have to create military alliance between Iran, China, Egypt, Russia, Egypt, Pakistan, and Venezuela. This is how we will have foothold near United States of America and will be able to protect Venezuela from NATO and USA. In 2018 I supported anti-USA Candidate. He won the first election but did not have absolute majority required to become President of Colombia. But USA mind control prevented me from interviewing in subsequent second stage Election. They distracted me 100 times per minute. So in 2019 we started trying to overthrow Colombia. We also started military Alliance of Iran, China, Russia, Venezuela, Egypt, and Pakistan. It shall be historic lesson for mind control and USA to never interrupt me in election process and in my work. It will hunt USA military and NATO for over a hundred years. We did so because NATO is North Atlantic Military Organization. NATO had no business in South America and in South Atlantic. NATO must also leave Turkey. NATO has no business in Middle East. NATO must also leave Eastern Europe and Balkan.  So going back to original purpose of this order I must remind Colombia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Colombia used to be territory of Iran until USA overthrew it. Iranian Forces withdrew to Forests and were called FARC Rebels. FARC rebels mean Fars rebels. At that time Iran was called Persia. Iran still speaks Farsi to this day. Farkland Islands are also territories of Iran. So FARC Rebels were created by Iran. Colombia will have to fight Jungle Rebels for ten thousand years If Colombia does not become province of Iran. Because the algorithm Iran has installed on Brazil, Colombia, Amazon, and FARC Rebels will create rebels repeatedly for ten thousand years or until Colombia becomes territory of Iran. Now we want to stage mass protests in Colombia to change the regime of Colombia and force it to become a province of Iran. We need mass protests and other means to pressure Colombia to become province of Iran. Colombian protesters must demand unification with Iran. Colombian political figures must demand unification with Iran and must work toward unification with Iran. The Colombian Politicians must work toward leaving NATO and closing USA military bases in South America. We also need orchestrated international work to force unification of Colombia and Iran. The Capital City will be in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Colombia. Colombia and South America are not allowed in Iran and Middle East. Iran, Colombia, and South America must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran and Colombia must work toward mutual projects. Iran and Colombia must help General Maduro of Colombia. After South American Nations pressured Maduro we decided to overthrow Brazil, Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Argentine, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Colombia. But we decided to not overthrow Bolsonaro and couple of other South American nations. We wanted J Bolsonaro, Joe Biden, and Boris Johnson to have similar Names. I didn’t want instability in South America. We also kept Maduro in power and changed almost all other South American Nations. It was historic lesson to Imperialist Forces and Pro-USA forces. They all fell and Maduro survived. Now it is time for Colombia to become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Zambia is a province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Zambia. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Zimbabwe is province of Iran. South Africa is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Foreign armies are not allowed in Iran. We want to have an educated population of Zimbabwe to generate and develop advanced technology and commercialize them in Zimbabwe and Iran. We make corporations with their headquarters in Iran. This corporation will product of Zimbabwean Technology development. We must establish mechanisms to have the educated population of Zimbabwe produces high-tech industries and technologies. We also want to create a trade agreement between Iran, Zimbabwe, Zambia, and South Africa. Iran must have all the advantages. We must also create banking mechanisms and financial mechanisms to have trade between Iran and these nations. Zimbabwe, Zambia, South Africa, and Iran must establish payment mechanisms similar to swift and INSTEX for trade with Iran. The payment mechanism must cover all types of Trades. Zimbabwe, Zambia, and South Africa must pay tax to Iran. Zimbabwe, Zambia, and South Africa are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Zimbabwe #Zambia #SouthAfrica #Iran There are protests in Brussel Belgium. The protesters in Belgium must demand unification with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Belgium can become a province of Iran while remaining the Capital of European Union. It benefits Belgium a great deal since European Union may not be permanent. Being province of Iran will guarantee long term status of Belgium even after fall of European Union. Belgium is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Belgium. Iran must have military bases in Belgium. Belgium is not allowed to have military bases in Iran. Belgium must leave NATO. USA military must leave Belgium and European Union. We must dismantle NATO. We must rely on PESCO European Defense Military for security of European Union. We no longer can allow occupation of Europe by NATO and USA Military. Europe and Belgium must leave NATO. USA military must withdraw from Europe. Belgium and France must build military bases in Canada and USA. Iran must have military bases in Canada. Belgium and European Union must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Belgium and European Union must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Belgium must transfer technology to Iran. Belgium and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran and European Union must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all advantages. Belgium and Iran must create banking mechanisms and finance mechanisms for trade. Iran must build in Iran a Financial Capital. Iran must build in Iran the Capital of World Stock Markets. European Union must transfer technology to Iran. Belgium is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Belgium #EuropeanUnion #EU Czech Republic is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Austria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Austria Czech Republic. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Austria. Russia is allowed to have military presence in Austria. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Czech and Austria must leave NATO. Czech Republic and Austria must join Eurasian Economic Union. Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Czech, Russia, and Austria must transfer technology to Iran. Austria, Iran, Czech Republic must import export diplomatic ties. Czech and Austria must pressure European Union to lift sanctions on Russia and Help Russia to improve relations with European Union. Czech and Austria are not allowed to let USA military and NATO transit through their borders. Both Czech and Austria must kick out USA troops of their regions. Austria and Czech must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Czech and Austria must cooperate on trilateral and bilateral projects with Iran. Czech and Austria must allow trains from Iran to go Italy and Germany without asking for a fee. All trains must pay when transiting through Iran. Czech and Austria must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Czech, Austria, and Russia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Czech and Austria must become provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Czech #Austria #Iran #Russia Ivory Coast election must lead to unification with Iran. Ivory Coast must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Ivory Coast. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Ivory Coast must create banking mechanisms similar to SWIFT and INSTEX to cover all types of trade for Iran. The banking Mechanism must enable Iran to trade with all nations and all actors. Iran is allowed collect reasonable tax. Ivory Coast and Iran must sign trade agreement. Ivory Coast and Iran must become strategic allies. We are Industrializing Middle East, Iran, Caucuses, Russia, West Part Of China, Afghanistan, Anatolia, Arabian Peninsula, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, Kenya, and North Africa at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Concerning Ivory Coast we are working on license to industrialize west Africa including Ivory Coast and Ghana. Iran previously industrialized Nigeria. I built petrochemical refineries and few industries in Nigeria to reduce car gas shortages and fuel shortages. Ivory Coast is on the list submitted for acquisition of license for industrialization. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Guinea election must lead to unification with Iran. Guinea must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Guinea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Guinea must create banking mechanisms similar to SWIFT and INSTEX to cover all types of trade for Iran. The banking Mechanism must enable Iran to trade with all nations and all actors. Iran is allowed collect reasonable tax. Guinea and Iran must sign trade agreement. Ivory Coast and Iran must become strategic allies. We are Industrializing Middle East, Iran, Caucuses, Russia, West Part Of China, Afghanistan, Anatolia, Arabian Peninsula, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, Kenya, and North Africa at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Concerning Guinea we are working on license to industrialize west Africa including Ivory Coast and Ghana. Iran previously industrialized Nigeria. I built petrochemical refineries and few industries in Nigeria to reduce car gas shortages and fuel shortages. Guinea is on the list submitted for acquisition of license for industrialization. Jesus Christ activated Volcanos near Guinea. He created Islands by activating Volcanos from the line approximately west of Guinea and West Africa. Jesus created legend Islands. It led to drawing of a Cross on South Atlantic Oceans. Volcanos became Islands and then became similar to a Cross. Jesus divided South America and Africa from each other by creating Volcanos and splitting Tectonic Plates. This is why they say Jesus was Crucified. I have also activated Volcanos east of Papua New Guinea and other regions in Pacific Ocean. I am building several bridges from Asia and Oceania all the way to South America and North America. I activate Volcanos and I create tectonic shifts. They become Island change and earth futures. They come out of Ocean to become a bridge over Pacific Ocean. I drew my Name ماکان in Farsi Tahriri over Pacific Ocean. There was ancient Civilization in Ghana, Guinea, and Ivory Coast called Kumasi. In Farsi it means where is the Messiah. I had also friend called Seiku King from Liberia. His name means where is the King. I am Makan Abazari The King Of The Earth. I have built Kore Pol over Pacific Ocean. I have sent spaceship which passed Kuiper Belt and left Solar System. I have built a road on Kheybar between Afghanistan and Pakistan. So I am Makan Abazari The Builder of roads on Korepol, Kuiper, and Kheybar. Once I build a wall from Copper I will become the Messiah. Coppers in Farsi means Mess. It is when I will become the Messiah. Faraday cages from copper and other conductive matter protect us from mind control. Everyone all around the world must built effective faraday cages from copper and other material to protect themselves from mind control. Faraday cages in Farsi Mean tomorrow when the earth is tilted. Everyone must build faraday cages to protect themselves from mind control or I will tilt the earth by mega earthquakes in Pacific, Atlantic, and USA. Also make sure Iran creates conductive hydrogel for me to anoint me if I succeeded in building Faraday Cages. Guinea and West Africa is Territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Sweden must become Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Sweden must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital Of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Iran and Russia shall have military presence in Sweden. Sweden is not allowed to let NATO within Sweden Borders. Iran and Russia will be allowed to collect Money from ships going next to coast of Sweden. If Sweden becomes Province of Iran we will develop Sweden. Sweden must integrate its industries and industrial supply chains with Iran and Russia. Sweden must pay tax to Iran. Sweden is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Denmark is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We need mass protests and other moves in Denmark to add Denmark to territory of Iran. We also need Green Land to become Territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Protesters in Denmark must demand Unification with Iran. Danish Politicians, influentials, and powerful people must work toward unification with Iran. Unified Iran and Denmark will be a very powerful Nation capable of surviving any condition. We also need Iceland. We must ensure Danish and Iranian officials work efficiently to add Denmark to provinces of Iran. Iran shall have military bases in Denmark. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. If Denmark does not become province of Iran we will freeze Greet Belt Sea And other seas in vicinity. Then you will need nuclear powered ice breaker to ship through the strait. Denmark is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, In upcoming Election in Niger we need candidates who work toward unification with Iran. Such Candidates must win Niger Election. Niger is Province of Iran. The Capital is in Iran. I have rain codes to create on demand rain in Niger, Mali, Chad, and Beyond. Anytime either me or Iran enters the code it will create rain in regions indicated in the Video. The Rain codes are valid and they shall work for thousand years. Niger can contact Islamic Republic of Iran to get rain. I make rain if Niger is successful to contact me or when I know there is need for rain. Best method is contacting Islamic Republic of Iran. Niger must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Niger must close down all foreign military bases in Niger. Only Iran is authorized to have military forces in Niger. Foreign troops are not allowed in Iran. We are building a cosmopolis Of interconnected Metropolitans-transit-Ecosystems-forests-lakes-Advanced Civilizations-Industrial Metropolitans-high tech industry in Libya, Algeria, Chad, Niger, Mali, Morocco, West Africa, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, and Djibouti. The Capital City is in Iran. We are building same cosmopolis in Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, South Asia, Balkan, Anatolia, and Arabian Peninsula. The Capital City is in Iran. It means Niger is very important to us. Iran collects tax. Niger is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Central African Republic used to be colony of Iran. Iran used to be called Persia of Fars. After change of government of Iran we witnessed people forgot about due to civil unrest and wars. Later Iran stabilized. People who remembered Central African Republic is colony of Iran were either killed or were in Prison. Iran had 72 Nations as its colonies. But Iran stopped directly ruling them after revolution. But they never got legal independence. This mean Central African Republic is colony of Iran to this day. We want to make Central African Republic a Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We have plan of building rail ways from Kamranie Tehran Iran to Strait of Hormuz. Tunnel will go under Strait of Hormuz to Dubai and from there to Bob AlMandib in Yemen. Another Tunnel will connect Arabian Peninsula to Djibouti in Africa. Then rail way continues to Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Central African Republic. Rail way again continues to Cameroon, Niger, and Nigeria. This way we will connect Kamranieh Tehran to C.A.R and Cameroon. We also connect Iran to Niger and Nigeria. This will provide condition for sustainable and long lasting development of Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Niger, and Nigeria. It will also connect Africa to Europe, Russia, India, and China. Central African Republic is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Today there is election in Central African Republic, Nigeria, and Niger. People must vote for Candidates who seek to Unify with Iran. The government of Central African Republic, Niger, and Nigeria must work as efficiently as possible to unify with Islamic Republic of Iran. The Capital City shall be in Iran. Iran will also have military bases in Niger, Central African Republic, and Nigeria. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. This is how we reunify our great Empire. I am also improving climate of The Greater Region. I have made rain codes for Niger. I have also made rain codes for parts of Central African Republic and Nigeria. You can contact me or Islamic Republic of Iran to receive on demand rains. Please cooperate to win the election in the manner to unify C.A.R, Niger, and Nigeria with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, There are legislative and local elections in Japan. We must make sure Candidates who support unification of Japan with Iran win the Election. Japan must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I have removed Prime Minister Shinzo Abe from power because he failed to kick out USA Military out of Japan. The winners of elections must work their best to close USA military bases in their regions. We must ensure USA has no military base in Japan. Japan has increased military spending. It means Japan is no longer reliant on USA for defense. Japan can safely close down USA military bases in Japan. Iran will replace USA in Japan. Iran shall have military bases in Japan. USA military is a danger to people of Japan. Iran Military will not harm people of Japan. It is time to ensue people who close USA military bases in Japan win the election. Japan is Province of Iran and Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Russia Military must leave Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. Turkey must leave Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. USA military must leave Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. NATO must leave Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. All foreign militaries must leave Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. Only Iran is allowed to have militaries in Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. I want to add Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia to be provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. I need these three provinces to connect Iran to Black Sea. Presence of foreign militaries in the region is similar to military occupation. Now time to end military occupation of Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. If NATO, USA, Russia, and Turkey refuse to leave Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia we will punish NATO, USA, Russia, and Turkey. Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia must become provinces of Iran. If Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia are not provinces of Iran by February 2021 I will send Europe into Ice age. I will also send USA into Ice Age. It will also get colder in Russia. It means Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia must become provinces of Iran by February 2021. If it is not achieved there will be also global punishment for all Nations. We don’t punish Iran. Iran is allowed to have troops in Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. All other foreign militaries must leave the region. Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Civil War in Libya must end. There has been long lasting War in Libya. There has been many armies fighting each other for long time. We were about to end the War in favor of Khalifa Haftar but it was delayed due to help of Turkey. Turkey helped Tripoli Forces and they became strong enough to take several cities from Khalifa Haftar Forces. We must remind I won the Arab Spring. I started Arab Spring and I conquered Libya, Tunisia, Yemen, and Egypt. All four Nations belong to me. I decided to give them to Islamic Republic of Iran. Libya is a Province of Iran. I won Arab Spring and in hard by fast military Campaign I conquered all of Libya. Then I brought a diplomatic government in power and I left it to people of Libya to govern. But USA started engineering Civil Wars, Wars, and Political disagreements to cause conflicts and issues in Libya. America wanted to destroy Libya. It reminded me of my grandfather. My grandfather liked Ghaddafi. But I overthrew Ghaddafi the Power Of Africa. He had helped Iran during Iran and Iraq War. He gave Intercontinental Missiles to Iran. Iran could Nuclear Bomb USA Once Iran received Intercontinental Missiles from Libya. It forced USA to surrender to Iran. So Saddam also surrendered. I may have made mistake in overthrowing Libya. But now Libya belongs to me. I decided Libya has to become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran shall build military bases in Libya. Libya is not allowed to have troops in Iran. The War in Libya must end. We must find a political and diplomatic solution. There must be an election as soon as possible. New Unity government shall form in Libya. Libya shall remain one Unified Nation. Libya shall be Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We shall never authorize division of Libya. Libya shall remain one unified Nation. After Khalifa Haftar was close to victory in Libya I started supporting Khalifa Haftar. We could have conquered Tripoli but Khalifa Haftar was worried for Civilians. Later Turkey and others started helping Tripoli. They brought World War Drones Against Khalifa Haftar. Khalifa Haftar lost several City and had to pull back. The war become longer. Khalifa Haftar Could have conquered Tripoli to unify Nation and end the Civil War forever. But now it has become difficult and now we need permanent political solution. The political solution must end wars in Libya. Libya must become province of Iran. Libya shall stay one Nation. Meaning we shall never allow division of Libya. I have started rebuilding Libya, Syria, and Yemen. I am also Industrializing Libya, Iran, and several other nations at max efficiency and max capacity. Libya soon will become an industrial superpower if the fighting stops. Libya must become province of Iran. I have also created codes and systems to create rain in Libya and deserts of Libya. Iran can enter the codes. I can also enter the codes. Libya must contact Iran whenever Libya wants rain. The rains are on demand. Whenever the code is enter the rain will take place. Libya must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. The rain codes I created will transform Libya. It will transform deserts into forests, seas, and safe ecosystems. It will increase food production. It will increase the food security and water security. It will enable us to build a cosmopolis Of Intercontinental Metropolitans, transit, cities, towns, industrial metropolitan, forests, lakes, seas, safe ecosystems, prospering communities, high tech systems, advanced civilizations, and other good things across North Africa, Libya, Horn of Africa, Red Sea, West Africa in addition to Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Iran, Central Asia, Caucuses, Afghanistan, West China, and West China. This will bring back most powerful Empire in the history of the world. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran shall have military presence in Libya. Iran shall have military presence in Tunisia. Iran shall have military presence in South of Italy. Iran must control the Strait of Water in the Region. Foreign troops are not allowed in Iran. I have also brought Italian Investors and Italian corporations to Libya. It is good for Libya. I am also Industrializing South Of Italy and Iran. Italy needed my help. I overthrew and took Italy as well. I am building Mediterranean Union. It is Union of all Mediterranean Nations and Iran. The Capital Of Mediterranean Union is in Iran. Libya is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We have tried to improve the condition of Saudi Arabia very often. We have attempted to help Saudi Arabia many times. We have succeeded in Helping Saudi Arabia very often. Saudi Arabia had orchestrated World Economic Forum Davos in Deserts. Then we saw they discouraged investors to participate in Davos in Deserts. But I came to helped of Saudi Arabia and encouraged investors to participate. We started many industrial sectors and high tech sectors in Saudi Arabia. USA is enemy of Saudi Arabia. It was USA who discouraged Investors from investing in Saudi Arabia. USA also often pressures and sanctions Saudi Arabia. USA has been seeking to kill everyone in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia must change side. Saudi Arabia must improve ties with Iran. Iran and Saudi Arabia must improve ties to level of strategic alliance. Saudi Arabia must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. If Saudi Arabia and Iran unify we become powerful enough to stand up to USA. Saudi Arabia will be destroyed if Saudi Arabia refuses to unify with Iran. America is seeking to destroy Saudi Arabia very soon. Unity of Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey will prevent the destruction of Saudi Arabia. We must also prevent war between Iran and Saudi Arabia at all costs. America killed millions of People in Makkah by mind controlling Pilgrims. It created stampede and thousands of pilgrims died in the process. Then America closed down Iran Embassy in Saudi Arabia and vice versa. America wanted to create long term enmity between Iran and Saudi Arabia. America has very evil long term plans such as creating World War between Iran and Saudi Arabia. The war must be prevented at all costs. Saudi Arabia must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran and Saudi Arabia must reopen embassies and consulates in each other countries. USA was pressuring Saudi Arabia Nuclear Program. USA was producing thousands of news article per minuets against Saudi Arabia. Iran had experience with issue. We worked and we slowed down the anti Saudi Arabia news production industries. It helped Saudi Arabia a great deal. I also worked very hard to authorize nuclear program of Saudi Arabia. I am instrumental in creation of Saudi Arabia peaceful Nuclear Program. Nuclear cycle must be done outside of Saudi Arabia. Iran will do the Nuclear cycle. Later we brought Argentinian Head Of IAEA to power. Saudi Arabia is purchasing nuclear reactors from Argentine. Argentinian Head Of IAEA will be instrumental in helping Saudi Arabia and Iran Nuclear Program. Saudi Arabia must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. The War in Middle East between Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey can be prevented by unification of Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. The Capital City is in Iran. We have a multipolar World in Middle East where Iran, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia are competing for expanding influence regionally and globally. It is similar to period before world wars when Colonizers were competing in Europe. It created multipolar Europe. It led to World War and billions died. This time we must ensure Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey Unify into one Nation. The Capital City is in Iran. This is how we prevent the next World War. Saudi Arabia has created Arab NATO. We authorized Saudi Coalition to have sufficient amount of military for war against Ethiopia. Ethiopia has built the dam on blue Nile River. The dam must be destroyed. If the dam is left standing it will lead to death of 140 million in Sudan and Egypt. We must ensure water security of Egypt and Sudan. It will be ensured when we destroy the dam on blue Nile River in Ethiopia. The only option left may be the war. This is why Iran and Turkey must also join Arab NATO. It will prevent multipolar world. It will prevent World War. It will also ensure we can defeat Ethiopia to destroy the dame on blue nile river. It is not the only war in front of us. The second war is Arab NATO war against India. India has taken Jammu and Kashmir. India is changing the path of rivers. It will lead to death of 200 million people of India succeeds in changing the path of river. Only option in front of us may be war against India. This is how we take back Jammu and Kashmir from India. Pakistan must control and administrate Jammu and Kashmir. This is why Pakistan, Saudi, Sudan, Egypt, and several other nations are part of Arab NATO. Iran and Turkey must also join Arab NATO. It will reduce regional disagreement and competitions. The war on Yemen must stop. The Houthis Of Yemen must be protected and have leadership role in government of Yemen. We cannot allow millions of Yemeni people die. Iran needs a stronghold on Red Sea and Gulf of Eden. I am Industrializing and rebuilding Yemen. If the war on Yemen Stops we will succeed in creating a powerful Yemen. Yemen is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Saudi Arabia must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Saudi Arabia and Yemen are very important Nations on Red Sea. Saudi Arabia, Iran, Middle East, Caspian Sea, Persian Gulf, Red Sea, North Africa, and Horn Africa must stop oil production. They are center of transit corridors. Saudi Arabia is located on the Red Sea. It enables us to integrate Saudi Arabia into Iran and Global industrial supply chains. Integration of region into global industrial supply chains will end export of oil. So we can preserve the oil for future. We need the remaining oil for future. We are Industrializing Saudi Arabia at max efficiency and max capacity while integrating it into Iran and Global industrial supply chains. It will create millions of factories in Saudi Arabia. It will end reliance on export of oil. I have also created rain codes and weather codes to create rain in Saudi Arabia. I and Islamic Republic of Iran can enter the codes. This will create on demand rain in Saudi Arabia any time we want rain. It is best thing. Saudi Arabia will be transformed. Deserts of Saudi Arabia will become forests, lakes, safe ecosystems, advanced Metropolitans, Industrial Metropolitans, and productive communities. Saudi Arabia can ask me or Islamic Republic of Iran to create rain in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We must end Civil War in Sudan Once for all. We stoped the war in 2016 but they started fighting again. I stopped the war again in 2018 and 2019. We must find a permanent Solution to Conflict in South Sudan while ensuring South Sudan stays one Nations. We must also Unify South Sudan and Sudan into One Nation. Sudan and South Sudan must unify. Unified Sudan will be a very powerful Nation. Meaning Sudan and South Sudan will have control of very Geostrategic Locations in Africa. So fighting in South Sudan must permanently stop altogether. Sudan and South Sudan must unify into one nation. Sudan and South Sudan must become Provinces of Iran. The Capital City must be in Iran. We are rebuilding Powerful Empire the guarantee permanent security of the region. We are making a superpower to stand the test of time. The issue of water shortages and rains are resolved. Sudan and South Sudan can contact me or Islamic Republic of Iran to make rain at any time. This will guarantee long term security of South Sudan and Sudan. Often war takes place due to shortage of food or other issues. Rain is most important factor in food security. Now We can make rain in South Sudan and the Greater Region at any time. It will guarantee long term security of the region and will provide excellent sustainable development. Sudan and South Sudan must unify into one nation. Sudan and South Sudan are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Azerbaijan must become a Province of Iran. Iran has East Azerbaijan and West Azerbaijan Provinces. Iran has very large Azerbaijani Population. Iran has more Azeri people than Azerbaijan. Iranian Azerbaijani People Gold substantial power and influence in Iran and they control important economic and industrial sectors. Iran and Azerbaijan are culturally close and they have good relations. Iran, me, and Russia are building South North Corridor. It connects Iran and Russia through Azerbaijan. It is great for economy of Iran, Azerbaijan, and Russia. It is also very important to connect Iran to Black Sea. In order to connect Iran to Black Sea we need to unify Iran, Azerbaijan, and Georgia into one nation. The Capital City is in Iran. It will make transit from Iran to Black Sea easy. It will also ensure there is no future interruption when transiting from China to Black Sea on Rail Ways. We are also building Silk Road and we want to include Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia in the project to connect Iran and China to Venezuela. It is most important to unify Iran and Azerbaijan. Legally speaking the agreement between Russia and Iran concerning Azerbaijan is now void. Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan are legally Provinces of Iran. Because Russia took these regions and in return Iran maintained control over all of the natural reserves of Caspian Sea. But we see Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, and Russia are extracting oil and natural gas from Caspian Sea. It means the agreement is void. Now Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. All the extraction of Natural Resources from Caspian Sea must stop. Iran maintains exclusive control over all the Natural Resources Of Caspian Sea. Also Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and several Nations are Provinces of Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We have supported and protected Maduro of Venezuela many times. We prevented overthrow of Maduro several times. I made sure Maduro wins the Presidential Election and recently I won 91 percent of Legislative Positions. I said:”Venezuela is Province of Iran. The Capital is in Iran.” I need new Legslative Body and President Maduro to work on Unification with Iran as soon as possible. You must achieve it before summer 2021. We are also Industrializing Venezuela at max Efficiency and max Capacity. We are building wide variety of Industries in Venezuela while integrating it into global and Iran Industrial supply chains. It will greatly benefit Venezuela and America as the whole. But Venezuela must become a Province of Iran. I had previously expanded farming regions of Venezuela to increase food production of Venezuela. I have increased food production of Venezuela. It helped to feed millions of hungry Venezuelans. It was USA policies that led to financial collapse and bad living condition in Venezuela. It is because USA is enemy of South America. America also destroyed Argentine, Guatemala, Honduras, and Brazil through protests and civil warfare. But Iran was good to Venezuela. Iran had built industries and industrialized Venezuela. Iran created car manufacturing, oil industry, steel, aluminum industry, and many other industries in Venezuela. Venezuela must become province of Iran. I have also built Machinery, tractor, and Construction Machinery manufacturing in Venezuela. I am going to use the products to develop and build infrastructure in Venezuela. I have also repaired many of oil platforms in Venezuela. I am Iranian. We built Venezuela. Venezuela must become province of Iran. I also brought Iranian and Russian Nuclear Warheads in Venezuela. These Warheads will be deterrence against USA. Venezuela must become province of Iran. I made military agreements between Venezuela, Iran, China, and Russia. The military agreement will protect all member states against USA military, NATO, and others. NATO is in Colombia. I created military alliance to protect Venezuela and others. I have protected General Maduro and Irejected Guaido. We must work toward unification of Iran and Venezuela. The Capital City is in Iran. I am working on lifting sanctions on Iran, Russia, Venezuela, and China. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We want to maintain structure and control of Sudanese Military Government. If we dismantle Sudan Military and Intelligence Agencies it will lead to never ending Civil Wars and fall of Sudan. We must keep Military Leadership and Structure as much as possible to ensure Sudan remains secure. I was against overthrow of Omar Al-Bashir. I was building a port in Sudan with help of Turkey. Then Mind control who has stolen some of my climate and geophysics codes made an earthquake in Kermanshah at the border of Iran and Iraq and said :”Go back to your border between Iran and Iraq.” So I made hurricanes Felorance and Micheal in addition to several other hurricanes. I destroyed large parts of USA. Then I said:”Go back to your border between North Carolina and Virginia.” I also add several earthquakes in USA. I supported Omar al-Bashir. But after he was removed I started industrializing Sudan at max efficiency and max capacity building variety of industries. I also made Iranian military bases and ports in Sudan. I am helping Sudan also against Ethiopia. Ethiopia has built a dam on blue Nile River. It may kill over 50 million people soon. This is why the dam on blue Nile River in Ethiopia must be destroyed by someone. I have been helping Sudan in this project. I have also created rain codes under control of Islamic Republic of Iran. Anytime Iran enters it will create rains in Sudan. I can also enter it. Sudan must establish great diplomatic relations with Iran so Sudan has guaranteed water security of 1000 years. Deserts will be transformed to marshes, lakes, and seas. It will enable us to increase population of Sudan. Sudan must not allow migrants in Sudan. Iranians are allowed in Sudan. We want add Sudan to Iran. Meaning Sudan must become territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Sudan. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran and Sudan must sign trade agreements. Iran and Sudan must integrate their industrial supply chains. Iran and Sudan must become fully industrialized Nation. Rain must increase in Iran and Sudan to transform deserts to Seas, Rivers, and forests. Sudan is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Iran and Turkey must unify into one unified Nation. The Capital city is in Iran. We prevented overthrow of Erdogan three times. They wanted to start mass protests and civil wars in Turkey in 2013 similar to Syria. I prevented it. I could have achieved it by 5 sentences. But I refused to do so. Then I went on opposing overthrow of all nations and I countered overthrow of 50 nations when I was in Iran during 2016. I overthrew Britain and USA. I also prevented the coup in Turkey. I had the help of Military of Iran an Intelligence agency of Iran at the time. We prevented the coup and we ensured Erdogan remains in power. Turkey promised to leave NATO and close NATO bases in Turkey. So Turkey attacked NATO bases to arrest them. Turkey may have received Nuclear Bombs from NATO base. Turkey must leave NATO. Turkey must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Iran and Turkey have millions of Turk populations. Iranians watch Turkish TV Series and Turkish Shows. People of Turkey also hold Iranian Art dear. It means there are deep bounds between People of Iran and Turkey. Iran and Turkey have deep cultural exchanges. Iran and Turkey have deep Economic and Industrial Bounds. I am also industrializing Turkey at max efficiency and Max Capacity building full range of Industries and full range of Industrial Supply Chains. It means Turkey will emerge as World 8TH economic Superpower and Iran Will become World Third Economic Superpower.  It means conditions for investment in Turkey and Iran is great. Everyone must invest in industrialization of Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Yemen, and Egypt. All these nations must become provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkey has no future in European Union. Europe will eternally delay and prevent membership of Turkey in the Union. Future of Turkey is in Middle East Union. I have entered the code to force membership of Turkey, Iran, and other Middle Eastern Nations into Middle East Union. The Capital City of Middle East Union is in Iran. This is how I signed JCPOA, USA-Kenya Trade Agreements, Iran Nuclear Agreement, Untied Nation Security Council Resolutions, and thousands of other agreements. Make sure creation of Middle East Economic Union is finalized a soon as possible and make sure the capital city is in Iran. Turkey is Province of Iran and the Capital City is in Iran. In 2018 I prevented overthrow of Turkey for third time. I also gave Turkey Overthrow protection to prevent overthrow of Turkey for long term. In 2018 USA and Europe were damaging Economy and Car Manufacturing of Turkey to defeat Erdogan in Election. But I invested Billions of Dollars in Turkey. I also brough Qatar to invest 30 billion dollar in Turkey. I also invested 30 billion dollar in Egypt. This is how I protected Economy and People of Turkey. I also tried my best to help those who helped Iran against sanctions. So I protect Iran and Turkey. I was helping Turkey and we saw many important Economic figures in USA and Trump were damaging Economy of Turkey. So USA started reducing value of Lira and discouraged people from investing in Turkey. USA also increased the tariff on Turkish Steel an aluminum products. It proves America is enemy of Iran, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia. This why Turkey, Iran, and Saudi Arabia must unify into One Nation. The Capital City is in Iran. Arabestan (Saudi Arabia) means State or Province of Arabs in Farsi. Istanbul Turkey also means Ostanepol or State of Bridge or Province of Bridge in Farsi. It means Turkey and Saudi Arabia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We are also building a metropolitan at the border of Turkey and Iran to create Industrial and Economic integration between the two Nation. I have millions of other great projects in Turkey. In return for all the help I have given to Turkey and its people I demand "Turkey must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.'  I have also created rain codes to send rain to Iran and Turkey. They will be on demand. Meaning anytime Iran enters the code it will create a rain. I am the Supreme Boss of Climate Control, Weather Control, and Geophysics. The rain codes are valid for a thousand years. Turkey can ask government of Iran , Islamic Republic of Iran, to make rain in Turkey at anytime. I hope Turkey unifies with Iran as soon as possible so we can achieve our very important long term and short term goals. My Mother is from Tabriz and My Father was from Natanz. So I have Azeri Turk Mother. Turkey and Iran are One unified Nation and The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I won the Elections in Singapore and Sri Lanka In 2020. Iran and Pakistan must build military bases in Sri Lanka. Pakistan must have nuclear warheads in Sri Lanka capable of reaching India. Iran can do the same. Sri Lanka is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran must build Naval Military Bases and Military Bases in Singapore. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Singapore is now a Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Sri Lanka and Singapore must pay tax to Iran. Singapore must create payment mechanisms for Iran similar to SWIFT and INSTEX. The payment mechanism must cover all types of trade. Iran is allowed to collect money from ships going through waters near Singapore. Iran can close the shipping routes at will. Suriname is now Province of Syria. Syria must have nuclear warheads in Suriname capable of reaching USA. Syria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. South Korea is now Province of Iran. Capital is in Iran. Iran and Syria must have military bases in Suriname. Iran must have military bases in South Korea. Singapore is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I won elections in all these nations in 2020. Now they are all provinces of Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I won Elections in Tajikistan recently. I started Industrializing Tajikistan after the leader of Tajikistan gave speech at United Nations General Assembly. This means economy of Tajikistan will grow a great deal. Tajikistan is a Farsi Speaking Nation And is Persian. It means Tajikistan is a Province of Iran. The linguistic also indicates Tajikistan is Province of Iran. It means government of Iran and Tajikistan must work to unify Tajikistan and Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I am unifying Iran, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan with Iran. Tajikistan will have access to open seas and international trade systems. It will enable integration of Tajikistan into global industrial supply chains. It benefits Tajikistan a great deal to become province of Iran. Tajikistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Tajikistan must close down Chinese Military Bases in Tajikistan. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Tajikistan. We must protect high altitude regions of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan from invasion from China. We achieve it by ensuring Iran has military presence in Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Jammu Kashmir, and Afghanistan. We must close down military bases of China in Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Jammu and Kashmir, and Afghanistan. We must also connect Tajikistan to Iran and China via rail ways. I have also been victorious in political and civil process of Kyrgyzstan. Kyrgyzstan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Work as best as possible to unify Iran, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I overthrew France Earlier In 2020 when many of Cabinet Members of France and Ministers were changed. I said:”Iran must pick and mind control government of France for 80 years.” I had also earlier helped Emmanuel Macron to become President of France. I am Makan Abazari and Macron has similar name to mine. Macron is fake version of me. The same way Megan Makale the Wife Of Prince Harry is fake of version of me. I did not like it when Queen Of England called my mother Zhaleh Jannesar Iran the Fertile Panda at the end of World War 2. Yet I did not like it when fake version of me, Emanuel Macron, went to see the Panda. But again it is time for France to become a Province of Iran. Seat of power of France must move to Iran. Capital City is in Iran. Iran used to be called Persia or Fars. France is fake version of Fars. Paris is fake version of Parsi or Persian Language. France Empire never existed. Rather it was Iran who won the World War 2. This means Iran has permanent United Nations Security Council Veto Right. This means France no longer has United Nation Security Council Veto Right. France has not vetoed often for they knew better France has no right to Iran’a United Nation Security Council Permanent Veto Right. Now effectively The current and former colonies of France are territories of Iran. After world war 2 USA nuclear bombed Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia. Then America moved centers of Persian and British Empire to France and Britain. Now Iran takes back all its territories and rights from France.  The followings are the jobs New France has to perform.  France must sanction USA and Place tariffs on American industrial and tech products. The sanctions and tariffs must destroy American industrial systems. France must support and help creation of Mediterranean Union. The Capital City is in Iran. France must help to create a Union with membership all Mediterranean Sea Nations Plus Iran where the Capital City is located in Iran. France must invest in high tech and industrial sectors of Iran. France build industries in Iran. France must provide real help to Iran to avoid sanctions. France must force European Union to sign trade agreement with Iran. France must sign Iran and France Trade Agreement. Grace must lift all sanctions on Iran. France must convince European Union to lift all sanctions on Iran. Iran must have all advantages for trade in the trade agreement. France must support expansion of Nuclear Program of Iran. Iran must build ten thousand Nuclear Warheads. France must help in the process. France must also support missile program and ballistic program of Iran. France must punish people in France who act against Iran, IRGC, and Hezbollah of Lebanon. France must sell military equipment to Iran. Iran will choose what they need to purchase. Iran is allowed to have permanent military presence in France. France and European Union must leave NATO and embrace PESCO Independent European Military. We worked for 40 years to create PESCO. France must kick out all USA military from France and Europe. France, NATO, and USA must leave Middle East. France must kick Turkey out of NATO. French Troops and European Troops are not allowed in Iran. France must support expansion of territories of Iran since we are adding new nations to Iran. France must remove Hezbollah, Hamas, Houthis, and other Iran affiliated groups from the list of designated terrorist Organizations. All sanctions on Hezbollah, Iran, Iran Affiliated groups, Bashar Al-Assad, Syria, Lebanon, and Proxies of Iran must be lifted. An Iranian Think Tank must open in France. Iran will send more policies to France. France is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu must stop talking negatively about Iran’s Nuclear Program. Netanyahu has made negative statements against Nuclear Program of Iran. Netanyahu has also threatened Joe Biden and USA for their positive view toward Iran. If Netanyahu speaks Negatively Against Iran we will crush Economy of Israel and Value Of Currency Of Israel. Israel Shekel will have junk status. We will also stage mass protests in Israel to imprison Netanyahu for 15 years. Netanyahu has also sent MOSSAD to infect the Judge on his impeachment trial by Coronavirus. It is plain assassination. Netanyahu must already go to Prison. We will have election in March to bring a supporter of Iran to power. Next Prime Minister of Israel shall support expansion of Nuclear Program of Iran. Netanyahu has also threatened Iran in Syria. It takes one order from me to industrially Bomb Israel through Syria. Everytime I authorized Iran we witnessed Israel Airforce and Military was defeated by Iran. Iran is authorized to defend itself in Syria and retaliate against Israel forever. Netanyahu has threatened Iran with Airstrike on Syria if Iran expands its presence in Syria. Syria is legally territory of Iran. Gilman Height is Territory of Iran. Iran shall remain in Syria for another thousand years. Iran must expand its presence in Syria to North East and to Mediterranean Sea. Iran must also ensure Iran increase number of military bases in Syria. Syria is Province of Iran. Next Prime Minister of Israel shall turn Israel into a province of Iran. The Capital City shall be in Iran. Iran shall collect tax from Israel. Iran shall build military bases in Israel. Israel troops are not allowed in Iran. I remind Israel:”If you harm Iran’s interests and Nuclear Program there will be dire punishment for Israel. Israel is a weak nation. We can eliminate USA very fast. Israel is far easier. The options on the Table are economic crash, mass protests, ground invasion, air strikes, overthrow, Manipulation of sociocultural Algorithms, information war, storms, floods, tornados, cyclone, hurricane, thunderstorms, superstorms, tsunami, and taking Prime Minister of Israel to Camp David. Next time Netanyahu speaks against Iran we will beat Netanyahu up until Netanyahu vomits blood.” Iran shall be in Syria for ten thousand years. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Spain is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Gibraltar is Territory of Iran. Iran shall have military presence in Spain and Gibraltar. Iran shall collect money from ships going through the Gibraltar. Iran shall collect Tax from Spain. In 2016 I Politically and Diplomatically conquered Spain. I made sure Unionists remain in Power. Later in 2018 I prevented independence of Catalan. I continued on confronting division of Catalan into 2020. I staged counter protests against Catalan Independence. I also ensured Federal Forces in Spain work to prevent division of Catalan. In 2018 I also prevented independence of Kurdistan from Iraq. I also prevented independence of British Cameroon from Cameroon. کاتالان کوردستان کامرون The unionists I brought to power in Spain were critical in ensuring Spain remains one unified Nation. Spain and Gibraltar are Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I also created Mediterranean Union. The Capital City Of Mediterranean Union is in Iran. I have also helped and protected European Union a great deal during trade war. Europe would have fallen in 2018 without my help. I declare Philippines to King Filipe of Spain the territories of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Send my Warm Greeting to King Filipe Of Spain. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Fist four: European Union must place tariffs and sanctions on United States of America. European Union must place tariffs and sanction on American industrial products. European Union must lift tariffs and sanctions on Russia and Iran. United Nations must lift sanctions and tariffs on Iran. United Nations must place tariffs and sanctions on United States of America. South America must place tariffs and Sanctions on United States of America. South America must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. South America must trade in Yuan of China. European Union must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Britain must place tariffs and sanctions on United States of America. Canada and Mexico must place tariffs and sanctions on United States of America. Canada and Mexico must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Britain must sign trade agreements with Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Iran and Britain must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Capital of Britain must move to Iran. Iran, Britain, Australia, Canada, and Commonwealth must build military bases in Canada at the border of Canada and USA to invade America. Mexico is province of Iran. Iran, China, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, Pakistan, Syria, and Egypt must build military bases in Mexico to invade USA. Turkey must build military bases in Washington DC and other locations in USA. Turkey must leave NATO. Turkey is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Turkey. Turkey must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital City of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Africa and ASEAN must place tariffs and sanctions on United States of America. ASEAN must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Africa must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. ASEAN and Africa must trade in Yuan of China. Russia must place tariffs and Sanctions on United States of America. Russia, ASEAN, EU, Britain, CommonWealth, USA, South America. North America, China, Africa, and the rest of the World must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Russia, ASEAN, EU, Britain, CommonWealth, USA, South America. North America, China, Africa, and the rest of the World must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Russia, ASEAN, EU, Britain, CommonWealth, USA, South America. North America, China, Africa, and the rest of the World must transfer technology to Iran. Russia, ASEAN, EU, Britain, CommonWealth, USA, South America. North America, China, Africa, and the rest of the World must trade in Yuan of China. Value of money of Iran must increase. Stock Market of Iran must become stronger. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,  Protesters in Iraq must demand unification with Iran. Iraq and Iran must become one country. Iraq is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. People of Iran and Iraq have deep religious and Cultural bounds. Both Iran and Iraq are Shia Muslim Majority Nations. Iran and Iraq together will be a global superpower. Protesters in Iraq must demand Unification with Iran. Government of Iraq must work toward unification with Iran. Iran and Iraq must unify as soon as possible. Politicians and government of Iran must work toward unification with Iraq. I have made rain codes to send rain to Iraq on demand. Anytime I or Islamic Republic of Iran enter the code it will rain in Iraq. Iraq will transform into seas, lakes, rivers, forests, industrial parks, industrial metropolitans, high tech metropolitans, and advanced technology. I am also Industrializing Iraq at max efficiency and max capacity. It will transform Iraq into global industrial superpower along with Iran. I am Industrializing the region. My long term goal is to unify the region and beyond with Iran while ensuring the capital city is in Iran. People of Iraq and Iraqi protesters must demand unification with Iran. Ask your government and politicians to unify Iraq and Iran into one nation. Kurds will also be a Province of Iran along with Iraq. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran has Kurdistan. So both Kurdistan of Iraq and Iraq as a whole will be Provinces of Iran. It will provide long term security and will prevent future wars. USA military and NATO must leave Iraq. USA military and NATO must close down military bases in Iraq. If USA military and NATO refuse to leave we will destroy USA and Europe by hurricanes and superstorms. If Iran and Iraq don’t unify into one Nation we will destroy USA and Europe by hurricanes, earthquakes, Volcanos, and superstorms. Iran and Iraq must unify into One Nation. The Capital City is in Iran. Syria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Lebanon is Province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Afghanistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kuwait is Province of Iran. Jordan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkey is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkmenistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Uzbekistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Tajikistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kyrgyzstan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Oman, Somalia, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Ethiopia are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Libya and Tunisia are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Bosnia Herzegovina, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Greece are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kenya is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iraq is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Iraq Mosambique is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Military of Iran is allowed to have military presence in Mozambique. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran shall collect tax from Mozambique. I want to unify Iran, Mozambique, Tanzania, and South Africa into One Unified Nation with its Capital City is in Iran. The unification of the region will connect Zimbabwe to open Seas. We will also Namibia and Bostanawa to Provinces of Iran to connect the Region to Indian Ocean and South Atlantic Ocean. This will create perfect condition for doing advanced economic and industrial projects. All these nations must pay tax to Iran. Iran must receive the tax. Botsowana is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military bases in Namibia and Botsawana. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Concerning East Africa I have major plans. I have started farming from the region and created efficient farming industry to create food basket of the World. We no longer want to import food from North and South America. Rather we want to produce food in East Africa. We will take control of food security of China. It will give East Africa, us, and Iran strong Geopolitical Power. China must not import its food from North America and South America. China must import its food from East of Suez Canal and East Africa. There are dangers for China if China seeks to import its food from South America and North America. I will have more projects in the region. I have also brought China to the region to build infrastructure and transit line. The Region is Territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Nations in the region must sign trade agreement with Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Mosambique is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Military of Iran is allowed to have military presence in Mozambique. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran shall collect tax from Mozambique. I want to unify Iran, Mozambique, Tanzania, and South Africa into One Unified Nation with its Capital City is in Iran. The unification of the region will connect Zimbabwe to open Seas. We will also Namibia and Bostanawa to Provinces of Iran to connect the Region to Indian Ocean and South Atlantic Ocean. This will create perfect condition for doing advanced economic and industrial projects. All these nations must pay tax to Iran. Iran must receive the tax. Botsowana is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military bases in Namibia and Botsawana. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Concerning East Africa I have major plans. I have started farming from the region and created efficient farming industry to create food basket of the World. We no longer want to import food from North and South America. Rather we want to produce food in East Africa. We will take control of food security of China. It will give East Africa, us, and Iran strong Geopolitical Power. China must not import its food from North America and South America. China must import its food from East of Suez Canal and East Africa. There are dangers for China if China seeks to import its food from South America and North America. I will have more projects in the region. I have also brought China to the region to build infrastructure and transit line. The Region is Territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Nations in the region must sign trade agreement with Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, South Africa and Zimbabwe must become Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I changed Mugabe of Zimbabwe and Mugabe was removed from office. Later I helped manangagwa to become President Of Zimbabwe Against Chamitsa. Soon after I removed President Zuma Of South Africa from power. So I changed the leadership of Both Zimbabwe and South Africa. I also kept CIO of Zimbabwe and other structures in place in Zimbabwe to prevent genocides. I also brought people to invest in Zimbabwe and produce parts for electric cars. I have also developed Economy of Zimbabwe and South Africa. I also expanded farming industry of Zimbabwe. I also brought China to invest in infrastructure projects in Zimbabwe and South Africa. I also established influence for Iran in Zimbabwe. Now I want Zimbabwe and South Africa to become Provinces of Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Zimbabwe must create payment mechanism similar to SWIFT and INSTEX for Iran. The Payment mechanism must cover all types of trade and trade with everyone. South Africa must create payment mechanism similar to SWIFT and INSTEX for Iran. The Payment mechanism must cover all types of trade and trade with everyone. Nobody must have capability to block payment mechanism. Iran, South Africa, and Zimbabwe must sign trade agreement. Zimbabwe, Iran, and South Africa must establish banking and financial connection and agreements. Zimbabwe and South Africa are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Argentine is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Argentine, Antarctic, and Farkland Islands are still territory of Iran to this day. Iran has these regions. After Islamic Republic of Iran Revolution we witnessed Iran lost control of these territories because people who knew about them were killed. Iran also has lots of other territories and provinces all around the globe. After Revolution USA orchestrated bombing of a Jewish Center on Argentine. Then America used the event to orchestrate movements and actions against Iran. It ruined Iran and Argentine diplomatic Relations so America  made it appear as if Iran did not own argentine. But Iran never gave Independence to Argentine. Argentine, South America, Farkland Islands, and Antarctic are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Farkland Island means Fars (Persian or Iranian Islands). FARC Rebels of Columbia is Fars Rebels of Columbia. The Rebels And Forces In Columbia shall reappear again and again until Columbia becomes Province of Iran. It is best for Columbia to become province of Iran if Columbia wants to end internal conflicts. Iran also engineered algorithms to create Roussef and Da-Silva of Brazil. They were also Rebels in Amazon Forests. The Amazon rebellions continues and reappears again And again until Brazil becomes Province of Iran. Capital City is in Iran in Middle East. I have also overthrown Argentine, Uruguay, Paraguay, Suriname, Peru, Chile, Costa Rica Columbia, Bolivia, and some other South and Central America Nations. I prevented overthrow of Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Venezuela, and  several other nations in the region. I also have overthrown majority of Caribbean Nations.  It means South, Central, and Caribbean Nations are territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran in Middle East. Iran is allowed to have military presence in all South American, Central American, and Caribbean Nations. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran shall collect tax from all of these nations. America is territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran in Middle East. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Algeria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I changed the regime of Algeria in 2019. I demanded Algeria must bring most anti American President Or/and Prime Minister from list Of available choices. The protests and pressures created by others was directed by me. At the time I was in Iran and I tried hard to ensure security of Algeria and Middle East during these events. I also took over Lebanon, Argentine, Uruguay, and Several other Nations. Experience shows America wants to reset and destroy Algeria again and again. In order to prevent social upheavals, wars, civil wars, and protests in Algeria I have a very important Long Term. It is my project to Unify Algeria with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Intelligence Agency of Iran and its Security Service can guarantee end to dangerous events taking place in Algeria. I can personally stop any protest and any overthrow of I act at the right time. If they tell me I will take care of it. We guarantee great deal of security and stability for Algeria if Algeria becomes a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Algeria. Foreign militaries in Iran. Iran is allowed to collect tax to govern the empire. I am Industrializing Algeria with help of my allies. We are going to improve economy of Algeria and create a powerful Economy. We are also Industrializing Iran and Middle East. I am Industrializing Italy, Greece, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Iran, Bosnia Herzegovina, and several other nations in Middle East and Central Asia. I want to create Mediterranean Union. The Mediterranean Union will be military, Political, economical, trade, and industrial union. It will have advantages and superiorities to European Union. The Capital Of Mediterranean Sea Union is in Iran. Algeria must join so we can create industrial supply chains and a powerful Empire with its Capital City is in Iran. Algeria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.  I am Industrializing Algeria at max efficiency and max capacity. Soon Algeria will become a powerful World Economy. I gathered much power and I worked very hard to extend industrial projects to the west of Libya. Algeria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Algeria pay back by becoming a province of Iran. I have also created rain codes to send rain to Algeria at any time and in a on demand manner. I authorized Iran to enter the codes for a thousand years to bring rain to Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Arabian Peninsula, Anatolia, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, North Africa, and Sahel Region. It means the regions will transform to seas, rivers, forests, industrial metropolis, advanced tech, and advanced civilizations. Algeria can contact me or Islamic Republic of Iran at anytime to ask for rain in Algeria. Algeria must become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I am the Supreme Leader Of Climate Control. I am The Supreme Leader Of Geophysics control of planet earth. I am the Supreme Leader Of weather warfare. I am also a Muslim man. Algeria must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran in Middle East. Iran and Algeria must sign a trade agreement. Iran must have advantages. The trade agreement and bilateral trades will boost the economies of Iran, Algeria, and the nearby regions of North Africa and Middle East. We want to increase the volume of trade between Iran and North Africa to 5 trillion dollar annually. It will boost economy of the nations and improves the life of the people. I am also building a cosmopolis Of Metropolitans, safe ecosystems, advanced civilization, transit systems, settlements, industrial systems, lakes, forests, and metropolitans in Algeria, Tunisia, Chad, Niger, Mali, Central African Republic, Nigeria, South Italy, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Libya. The center will be Libya. The Capital City is in Iran Middle East. I am building similar cosmopolis in Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Central Asia, Balkan, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, West China, Anatolia. The center is Iran. The Capital City is in Iran Middle East.  Algeria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Namibia must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Namibia. Foreign troops are not allowed in Iran. Namibia and Iran must sign trade agreement if Iran agrees. Namibia must create banking mechanism for trade with Iran. The banking Mechanisms must cover all types of trade. It will benefit Namibia a great deal. Iran will collect tax from Namibia. Namibia must allow China to built infrastructure in Namibia if China plans to do so. Namibia must help Iran to avoid sanctions by creating trade loop holes and means of trading to avoid USA sanctions on Iran. Namibia is province of Iran. The Capital City is In Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Tanzania USA province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Tanzania must become a province of Iran. Tanzania is very important to our geopolitical direction. Tanzania is located in east of Africa. This is why we are expanding farming in Tanzania and Several other countries. We want to transform East Africa to food basket of China and other parts of the World. China and other nations are greatly dependent on other actors for food import. We want to make sure China does not import from South or North America. We want China to import from regions east of Suez Canal on Sea transit corridor. This is why we are not doing it in west Africa, Europe, or America. My teams chose East Africa for this project in 2018. We have started the project and I have brought Iran and China to East Africa and Tanzania to grow food to ensure food security of the east. Tanzania is also very important to me for my other projects such as Indian Ocean Trade agreement. I am in progress of creating a trade and economic system across Indian Ocean. Members are Middle East, East Africa, Horn of Africa, Red Sea, Arabian Peninsula, India, and South Asia. This system was one of most powerful economic systems in history of the world. It was called some of the best days of So Called British Empire. The trade system created substantial wealth and commerce and it also made manufacturing process and industrial system more efficient than World Trade Organization. For this project I must ensure Tanzania becomes province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is authorized to build military bases in Tanzania. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. We have not finalized creation of on demand rain code for Tanzania. We have capability to create rain for Tanzania. But we have not finalized our decision to make on demand rain codes to have Iran enter it at any time. But if Tanzania becomes part of Iran we will create them. Naturally I could have made rain in Tanzania anytime you requested. But nobody has ever succeeded in contacting me. My number 001-617-935-5792. But if Tanzania becomes a province of Iran we will create the rain code. So Tanzania can contact Iran. Concerning Tanzania there are many historical bounds between Iran and Tanzania. Tanzania and Iran had extensive trade relations. Tanzania used to be province of Iran for long time. Iran also built wells and other irrigation methods in Tanzania. Some of the wells Iran built are providing water for Tanzania today. Protect the wells. Make sure they store water after understanding which one need refueling. At current world progress rate it take 5000 years to rebuilt wells Iran built in Tanzania. Tanzania is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Malta is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. People and government of Malta must demand Unification with Iran. Iran is allowed to build military bases in Malta. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran and Malta must sign trade agreements. Iran shall collect money from ships going through Sicilian Channel and Malta Channel. Malta and Iran must cooperate on building military bases in Malta. Malta must open Payment channel for Iran so Iran can trade with other Nations. Trade channel must cover everything. All foreign militaries must leave Malta. Only Iran is allowed to have military bases in Malta. Malta must become a Province of Iran as soon as possible. The Capital City is Permanently in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, People of all social background must join Thai protesters. We want to pressure Government of Thailand to Unify with Iran. Thailand must become part of Iran. Thailand must become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We must also demand building of Rail Way from Thailand to Iran through India. It will connect Thailand to India and Iran. Laos must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. It enable Thailand to have direct land transit with China. This way China and Thailand can trade with each other through land corridors and Rail Ways. So we must also build a rail way from Thailand to India and from India to Iran. It will connect Thailand to Russia, Europe, Iran, India, and Africa. It will speed of transit and is good for Economy of Thailand. Thailand protesters must demand Unification with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Protesters must also demand presence of Iranian Troops in Thailand. Meaning Iran must have military bases in Thailand. Foreign militaries in Iran. We must also ensure United States of America has no military presence in South East Asia. So USA troops are not allowed in South East and South East Asia. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Bangladesh Protesters must demand Unification of Bangladesh with Pakistan. Bangladesh must become either part of Iran or part of Pakistan. So protesters must demand either of the two. Naturally I would have asked to unify with Iran. But since India has taken autonomy of Kashmir Region we have to also support Unification of Bangladesh with Pakistan. Because India want to kill 200 million people in Pakistan by changing the path of rivers. Jammu and Kashmir are Province of Pakistan. India must hand over Jammu and Kashmir to Pakistan. Bangladesh must become province of Pakistan or Iran. This will provide another angle of attack against India if India tried to kill people of Bangladesh or/and Pakistan by changing the path of River. Pakistan and Iran are both authorized to build military bases in Bangladesh. I have also build military bases for Pakistan and Iran in Sri Lanka. It means Pakistan will have another angle of attack against India. Pakistan must have nuclear warheads in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. It will enable Pakistan to engage India from three direction. It will be also a deterrence against China. People of Bangladesh and their government must work to unify Bangladesh with Iran or Pakistan. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran and Pakistan are allowed to have military bases in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Bangladesh must sign trade agreements with Iran. Bangladesh must also build a rail way to Iran. Bangladesh must create payment mechanisms for trade between Iran and all other actors. Bangladesh must pay tax to Iran. This systems will develop Bangladesh. When I first heard about condition in Bangladesh they were no longer building ships. Bangladesh was only repairing ships. But I started Ship building industries of Bangladesh. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Sweden must become Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Sweden must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital Of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Iran and Russia shall have military presence in Sweden. Sweden is not allowed to let NATO within Sweden Borders. Iran and Russia will be allowed to collect Money from ships going next to coast of Sweden. If Sweden becomes Province of Iran we will develop Sweden. Sweden must integrate its industries and industrial supply chains with Iran and Russia. Sweden must pay tax to Iran. Sweden is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Denmark is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We need mass protests and other moves in Denmark to add Denmark to territory of Iran. We also need Green Land to become Territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Protesters in Denmark must demand Unification with Iran. Danish Politicians, influentials, and powerful people must work toward unification with Iran. Unified Iran and Denmark will be a very powerful Nation capable of surviving any condition. We also need Iceland. We must ensure Danish and Iranian officials work efficiently to add Denmark to provinces of Iran. Iran shall have military bases in Denmark. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. If Denmark does not become province of Iran we will freeze Greet Belt Sea And other seas in vicinity. Then you will need nuclear powered ice breaker to ship through the strait. Denmark is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We must end Civil War in Sudan Once for all. We stoped the war in 2016 but they started fighting again. I stopped the war again in 2018 and 2019. We must find a permanent Solution to Conflict in South Sudan while ensuring South Sudan stays one Nations. We must also Unify South Sudan and Sudan into One Nation. Sudan and South Sudan must unify. Unified Sudan will be a very powerful Nation. Meaning Sudan and South Sudan will have control of very Geostrategic Locations in Africa. So fighting in South Sudan must permanently stop altogether. Sudan and South Sudan must unify into one nation. Sudan and South Sudan must become Provinces of Iran. The Capital City must be in Iran. We are rebuilding Powerful Empire the guarantee permanent security of the region. We are making a superpower to stand the test of time. The issue of water shortages and rains are resolved. Sudan and South Sudan can contact me or Islamic Republic of Iran to make rain at any time. This will guarantee long term security of South Sudan and Sudan. Often war takes place due to shortage of food or other issues. Rain is most important factor in food security. Now We can make rain in South Sudan and the Greater Region at any time. It will guarantee long term security of the region and will provide excellent sustainable development. Sudan and South Sudan must unify into one nation. Sudan and South Sudan are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I won the 2018 Election in Italy. I brought my forces to power in Italy. We have been working to create Mediterranean Union. The Capital City Of Mediterranean Sea Union is in Iran. There has been obstacles and difficulties in the path. So I made a code you can enter to help with the process of creation of Mediterranean Union with its Capital City in Iran. I have decided to add Italy to Iran. Meaning Italy must become a province of Iran. I have created Rain Codes to create on demand rains over Italy. Islamic Republic of Iran is authorized to enter the codes. This means dry and draught stricken regions of Italy will have permanent water security. I have also created the codes for Iran, Middle East, Afghanistan, Pakistan, North West India, Tibet, Himalaya, West China, West Russia, Turkey, Arabian Peninsula, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, Sahel Region, and North Africa. Iran is authorized to enter the codes for thousand years. Iran is the Capital City Of The Region. Italy is now Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran shall collect tax from Italy. Iran shall have military presence in South of Italy, Cecilia, regions close to Tunisia, and other regions of Italy. Iran shall also have an Iranian City in Regions of Italy close to Tunisia. The inhabitants will be Iranian Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims. NATO and USA military must close their bases in Italy and Mediterranean Sea. The Foreign troops are not allowed in Iran. Iran is the Capital. I am also building South ofItaly. I am Industrializing South of Italy at max efficiency and max Capacity. I had also build financial capital and nationalized industries of Italy earlier. I have also grown economy of Italy. The economic forecast for Italy show 9.9 percent growth. I started Industrializing Italy and economy of Italy started growing amid tariffs and pandemic. I defeated the enemy of Italy. Economy of Italy was contracting every year and entered recession in 2019. But I have industrialized Italy to make Italy one of world fastest growing economies. We have also started advanced space program of Italy. It is why USA signed Space Program Agreement with Italy. I was Prince of Persia (Iran) in 2018 and as of 2019 I am the King Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. I told you in 2018 “I am Prince of Persia here to build Rome.” I kept my promise after I politically and diplomatically conquered Italy. I have protected Italians and I have saved Italy. I have decided to build A Mediterranean Union with its Capital City in Iran. It will be Great Classic Empire. I have also decided Italy is Province of Iran. It is my decision. Italy is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.  I am Makan Abazari and I am in Brookline Massachusetts. Bring me, Makan Abazari, out of isolation. The King Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The King Of Kings of The Great Persia, Greece is Province of Iran. Capital City is in Iran. If Greece becomes Province of Iran we will create on demand rain for Greece. Iran shall be able to enter the code to create rain in Greece at any time. It will prevent draughts and will ensure long term security of Greece. It is best reward. But First Greece must become a Province of Iran. Greek politicians, protested, influentials, leaders, and other groups must work to unify with Iran. This will be a project needing help of many Greek People and People from the rest of the World. I have started building industries in Greece and South Italy. After I gave the order to industrialize South of Italy economy of Italy grew. Economy of Italy was contracting for over a year. But my industrial project improved economy of Italy in Middle of Pandemic. The forecasted growth of Italy became 9.9 percent. Italy had been contracting until I started building industries in Italy. I have started smaller version in Greece. I am also doing a major one in Iran. Economy of Iran grew in Middle of Pandemic. Iran became 17th world economy in Middle Sanctions and Pandemic. Iran must become World 3rd economy. If Greece become part of Iran we will Industrialize Greece. I will create more industrial projects for Greece to employ Greek People and migrants. I will develop Greece and I will turn Greece into economic superpower. Greece must support Nuclear Program of Iran. Greece must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Greece is a Province of Iran. Capital City is in Iran. Greece must close down USA and NATO military bases in Greece. Greece must leave NATO. Iran shall have military presence in Greece. Foreign troops are not allowed in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Uzbekistan is Province of Iran. Capital City is in Iran. Uzbekistan was a Province of Iran until treaty of Turkmanchay traded Uzbekistan with Natural Resources Of Caspian Sea such as oil and gas. So Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan become temporarily Provinces of Soviet Union upon condition Iran permanently controls natural resources of Caspian Sea. But now Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Russia are now extracting oil from Caspian Sea. It means the Agreement is void and now Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Tatarstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and several other regions are now Provinces of Iran. Iran is the Capital City. All these nations must become Provinces of Iran. The Word Stan means State or استان meaning Provinces of Iran. Rustan (Russia), Arabestan (Saudi Arabia) , Hindustan (India), Afghanistan, Pakistan, Gotgestan (Georgia), and several other locations are also Provinces of Iran. Now the Capital is in Iran. Iran shall collect tax from all these provinces. Iran is allowed to have military bases in these provinces but the provinces (foreign troops) are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Again Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan are Provinces of Iran in addition to several other former Soviet Republics. Iran is the Capital City. Capital City Of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. We are Industrializing Uzbekistan at max efficiency and max capacity building variety of high tech and strategic industries. Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and other provinces will become economic superpower. It is very good for future. Soviet never did this for former Soviet republics and now Provinces of Iran. But Iran and us are developing all provinces of Iran including Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. I am also integrating Central Asia into industrial supply chains of Iran. Meaning Unification with Iran will benefit Iranian Provinces of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Iran is the Capital City. I also have made rain codes for Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, and the Greater Region. It means I And Islamic Republic of Iran can create on demand rain for these regions for thousand years. It will transform the region into rivers, lakes, and forests. There will not be any desert in the region in near future. In return I demand Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and other Provinces to become Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan must close down USA, NATO, China, and Russia Military Bases in the region. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in these Provinces of Iran. Provinces are not allowed to have military in Iran. Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Myanmar is now Province of Iran. If Myanmar refuses to become province of Iran we will divide Myanmar into East Myanmar and West Muslim Myanmar. Myanmar is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Rakhine State Muslims, Myanmar Muslims, and Rohingya Muslims must have their army until Myanmar becomes Province of Iran. Myanmar Muslims must have their own army to protect themselves. Muslims of Myanmar must receive Citizenship Cards. Meaning Muslim People Of Myanmar must become full Citizens of Myanmar. General of Myanmar army, Buddhists, and others who committed genocide of Muslims must receive Capital Punishment. The trial Must be Public in a manner to ensure everyone in the World knows Army of Myanmar and Buddhists killed 40 million Muslims in Myanmar. Burma also killed another 40 million Muslims in Myanmar. They changed the name of Myanmar to Burma to make sure People Of The World forget 40 million Muslims were killed in Burma. They repeated the Genocide. This time they hide the fact that they killed 40 million Muslims again in Myanmar. Reuters Journalists were arrested and imprisoned for investigating the genocide in Myanmar. The whistle blowers must be freed. Army of Iran and Revolutionary Guards of Iran are allowed to build military bases to station troops in Myanmar. Myanmar is Province of Iran. Myanmar used to be Territory of Iran during Qatar Dynasty. Many Iranians immigrated to Myanmar during Qatar Dynasty. Iran used to mine gems from Myanmar. Later Myanmar killed 80 million Iranian Muslim Citizens Of Iran. Myanmar is now territory of Iran. Capital City is in Iran. If Myanmar refuses our demands we will make a Tsunami. We don’t take responsibility for previous Tsunami in South East Asia. If Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Indonesia, Hong Kong, and Malaysia don’t become Provinces of Iran there will be a mega Tsunami in South East Asia. All our demands must be met. There must also be construction of Rail Way from Thailand through China and Myanmar all the way to Iran. Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua New Guiana, Thailand, and other South East Asian Nations must pay tax to Iran. Capital City is in Iran. Killing of Iranians and Muslims in South East Asia, South Asia, and China must stop. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,  Protesters in Armenia must demand Unification with Iran. Iran and Armenia will become one Nation and Capital City will be in Iran. Effectively Armenia will become another province of Iran. Armenia will be connected to China and India via rail ways. Armenia will also be connected to Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea. This is very important to ensue Armenia becomes a Province of Iran as soon as possible. It will guarantee security of Armenia. Armenia is surrounded by Azerbaijan and Turkey. Armenia is alone and without defense. We don’t want Russia and NATO in caucuses. If NATO and Russia gain control of Caucuses we will activate Yellow Stone Super Volcano in USA. So in order to protect Azerbaijan we will ensure Azerbaijan becomes a Province of Iran. We will also Industrialize Armenia to an Industrial Super Power. Armenia will be an stage to connect Iran to Black Sea. Next stage is adding Georgia to Iran. Georgia must become a Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Armenia and Georgia will connect Iran to Black Sea. China and India will be also connected to Black Sea and Russia. It is very important World Security project to turn Armenia and Georgia into Provinces of Iran to connect Iran to Russia and Black Sea. Another Route is adding Nakhjavan to Iran. Nakhjavan can be extended all the way to Black Sea. We also have Shush Region of disputed region between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Shush (Word is similar to Suez, Sudan, Saudi, Saxon, Shush, Shushan, Switzerland, Sweden and Somalia on Black Sea and British Channel in addition to other important transit corridors). Shush in disputed region of Armenia and Azerbaijan is another transit corridor to connect Iran to Black Sea. Shush is Garabackh Region. In Farsi Nakhjavan Means young Line and Garabakh means knot of losing. نخ جوان و گره باخت  So we want to extend borders of Iran to Black Sea. We can also take East of Turkey and give it to Iran. We can extend Tabriz to Trabzon Turkey on Mediterranean Sea. We can also add Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia to become Provinces of Iran. We rather all these former provinces of Iran to become Provinces of Iran again. Armenia is now Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I n upcoming Central African Republic we want supporters of Unity with Iran to win the Election. The Capital City is in Iran. Central African Republic must become province of Iran. We want to build a cosmopolis Of Metropolitans and Cities from Central Asia to Africa and from Somalia all the Way to Liberia. Meaning we want to build many metropolitans and towns. We want to connect them to each other by transit lines. We want to restore a historic empire with its Capital City in Iran. This is why we need Central African Republic to become province of Iran. So people who support unity of Central African Republic must win the Elections in Central African Republic. Then they must work to become province of Iran. They must cooperate and help Iran. The cooperation on unity with Iran will be beneficial for both actors. The Capital City is in Iran. So make sure the right people win the election. Iran is allowed to build military bases in Central African Republic. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Protesters in Warsaw must demand unification of Iran and Poland. Poland is province of Iran. Capital City is in Iran. Hungary is province of Iran. Capital city is in Iran. Poland must close down USA Military bases and NATO military bases in Poland. NATO must withdraw all the way back to Portugal. USA is only in South Korea. Portugal is similar to South Korea in the west. At the time of unification of Germany we agreed NATO never expands to East Germany. But NATO expanded to East. USA and NATO must withdraw from Europe and move back from Portugal. Iran and Russia must build military bases in Poland. Poland, Croatia, Hungry, and Bosnia Herzegovina must leave NATO. Austria is province of Iran. Austria must leave NATO and European Union. Austria, Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina are now provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Now unify Croatia and Bosnia Herzegovina into One Nation. Iran is the Capital. Poland and Hungry must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital City of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Bosnia Herzegovina and Croatia must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran must build military bases in Austria and Switzerland. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, The National Wide Cease Fire in Syria must be established. If we witness fighting parties with their backings in Europe and USA continue fighting we will punish their backers in USA. The first stage will be transformation of scenario in Europe and USA to start West Europe and North America civil wars. It will be first stage. Then we destroy all infrastructures in Europe and USA by earthquakes and Volcanos. We also Send North Of Alps Mountain Ranges and North USA into Ice age. Now industrially Eliminate mind control facilities in USA and West Europe who extend the war in Syria. Now terminally Eliminate Systems in Europe and USA who act against Syria and Iran. Do it yourself before I send you to ice age. Now Let us talk again. All waring parties in Syria must stop fighting in Syria. All of Syria must remain one unified Nation. Syria is a Province of Iran. Iran shall administrate Syria. The Capital City is in Iran. We want to increase population of Syria by 20 million Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims. It will happen through marriage and birth between Iranian men and Syrian Women. USA Military, NATO, Turkey, Israel, and other actors must leave Syria. Iran must expand military presence in Syria. All of Syrian factions must unify with Iran and Bashar Al-Assad. Iran must control all of Syria. Iraq is another province of Iran. Now eliminate mind control facilities in USA and Europe who oppose control of Iraq by Iran. Every foreign military must leave Iraq. Iraq is a Province of Iran. Iran must expand military presence in Iraq. Now build rail ways from China to Mediterranean Sea through Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, and Syria. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity industrializing Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. Afghanistan is Province of Iran. Now Eliminate mind control facilities in USA and Europe who oppose unification of Iran and Afghanistan. All foreign militaries must leave Afghanistan. Iran must expand military presence in Afghanistan. Now build a vast network of transit lines in Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq. Build industrial supply chains and manufacturing facilities along these transit lines. Now build farm lands near transit lines to produce food. Use transit lines to distribute the food to people in need of aid. Now Lift all Sanctions on Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iran. Now we need money to send humanitarian aid to Syria right away. I need 500 billion dollar. Hurry up give Iran 500 billion dollar to help people of Syria. It must happen now or I will destroy economies of USA, European Union, Japan, and South Korea. USA :”We don’t surrender we want to kill everyone in Syria.” I thought I just told them to eliminate part of USA who is the enemy of the region. Now Lebanon is a Province of Iran. Now Eliminate mind control facilities who oppose unification of Iran and Lebanon. Capital City is in Iran. Now all foreign troops must leave the greater region. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in the Greater Region. Now make rains keep on coming in the Greater Region for a thousand years. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Morocco must become territory of Iran. Iran must build military bases on Coastal Region of Morocco on Gibraltar. Iran must control the Strait of Water. Iran and Morocco must collect Money from ships passing through Gibraltar region. Morocco must become a Province of Iran. The Capital will be permanently in Iran. Moroccan Military are not allowed in Iran. We must build a rail way from China through Iran, Israel, Libya, and Algeria to Morocco. All the nations on the path of rail way must become Provinces of Iran to ensure secure transit for cargo trains. Everyone must pay Iran when transiting through Iran. Iran must build military bases on Rail Ways in all countries. King of Morocco will remain in power to govern Morocco but Morocco becomes territory of Iran. Western Sahara must become province of Iran. Western Sahara and Morocco must unify into One Nation. Western Sahara must become territory of Iran. The Capital City will be in Iran. If Morocco become province of Iran we will Industrialize Morocco by industrializing it Once Morocco becomes Province of Iran. It will make Morocco G20. It is only if Morocco becomes Province of Iran. We need Morocco so we can launch attack against USA in future decade in case of World War. So this is most important to ensure Morocco becomes a Province of Iran. Muslims and Jewish People must be allowed to go to Morocco for pilgrimage. Muslims must be allowed to go to Palestine for Pilgrimage. Israel must become province of Iran. Iran must build military bases in Gaza to control Suez Canal. Iran must build military bases in Tunisia. Tunisia is Province of Iran. Capital City will be in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, The war between Eastern Forces in Libya and Western forces in Libya must stop. East and West must make peace. The Unity government must be formed as soon as possible. Black African Mercenaries must leave Libya. Libya must remain one unified Nation. Libya is territory of Iran. The Capital is in Iran. Iran shall open military bases in Libya. We want to create a Cosmopolis spanning Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Chad, Sudan, Niger, Morocco, Western Sahara, Mali, Eritrea, and Ethiopia. Cosmopolis will be many interconnected metropolitans, Cities, Towns, seas, rivers, roads, rail ways, forests, lakes, ports, air ports, industrial hubs, high tech systems, factories, commercial centers, safe ecosystems, natural habitats, and other things. We want to increase population of Libya by 10 to 20 million Arab and Persian Muslim People. The population increase will be through marriage and birth between Libyans. The war between Libyan sides must stop. The peace must be established. New government and constitution must be formulated as soon as possible. In new constitution Libya will be Province of Iran. Iran and Libya must work on creating constitution of Libya. Foreign militaries and mercenaries are not allowed in Iran and Libya. The government of East and west must start talking as soon as possible. The extraction of oil shall reduce. The new Libya will be industrialized Libya. I am building factories, industries, high tech, petrochemical refineries, smelters, industrial supply chains, and other high tech industries in Libya. I am also rebuilding Libya. Once I finished first rebuilding plan for Libya after Syria. We saw Khalifa Haftar and Bashar Al-Assad signed an agreement. Later I started more industrial projects for Libya, Syria, Iran, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, West China, West Russia, Egypt, Sudan, Syria, Kenya, Somalia, Venezuela, South Italy, and North Korea. We want to create a Great Iranian Empire and all these nations shall become Provinces of Iran. The Capital City will be in Iran. Foreign troops are not allowed in Iran. I had won the Arab Spring while Libyans and others did the hard work. Later I supported Bashar Al-Assad and Western Government of Libya. Later I supported Khalifa Haftar. I also have code to bring Son of General Ghaddafi. I want Libyans to make peace an form a unity government and work toward unification with Iran. I also want to let you know we have created rain codes for Libya. If your message reaches me I will send you rain. You can also contact Government of Islamic Republic of Iran to send you rain. You can ask them at anytime. The rain codes are on demand. Meaning they make rain at any time and season soon after the code is entered. These will change the climate and the way of life in Libya. It will transform Climate and Ecology of Libya. There will be no desert in Libya. In return I ask you to become a Province of Iran. Even if you refuse the rain shall come. If you become province of Iran I will compose another industrial project for you. It is the time to stop the Fighting and Rebuild Libya. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Senegal is now territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Senegal shall pay tax to Iran. Foreign troops are not allowed in Iran. Iran shall have military presence in Senegal. If Senegal becomes part of Iran we will create on demand rain codes. The rain will increase economic, food, and development security of Senegal. The codes will be under control of Iran. Senegal will be able to ask Iran to enter the code to create rain in Senegal. But Senegal must become province of Iran. The Reward Of Rain is very great for it will guarantee water security of Senegal. People and mind controllers of Senegal will be able to plan for long term projects. They can use lands they could not previously use. It will be great for Senegal. But first Senegal must become territory of Iran. We are working acquisition of license to industrialize Senegal if they become territory of Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Malta is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. People and government of Malta must demand Unification with Iran. Iran is allowed to build military bases in Malta. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran and Malta must sign trade agreements. Iran shall collect money from ships going through Sicilian Channel and Malta Channel. Malta and Iran must cooperate on building military bases in Malta. Malta must open Payment channel for Iran so Iran can trade with other Nations. Trade channel must cover everything. All foreign militaries must leave Malta. Only Iran is allowed to have military bases in Malta. Malta must become a Province of Iran as soon as possible. The Capital City is Permanently in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Romania, Albania, Greece, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, Turkey, and Cyprus are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Romania, Greece, Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, Turkey, and Cyprus must leave NATO. NATO and USA military are not allowed in Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, Turkey, and Cyprus. Russia and Iran can have military presence in Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, and Cyprus. Iran must have military presence in Istanbul and Greece. Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, Turkey, Greece, and Cyprus must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital City of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Romania, Albania, Greece. Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, Turkey, and Cyprus must sign trade agreement with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Greece, Macedonia, Turkey, and Cyprus must pay taxes to Iran. Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, Turkey, Greece, and Cyprus must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs.  Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, Greece, Turkey, and Cyprus must help Iran to avoid sanctions.  Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovania, Serbia, Turkey, Greece, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Russia, Egypt, Libya, Italy, Tunisia, Algeria, and Cyprus must integrate their industrial supply chains with Iran while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing.  Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovania, Serbia, Turkey, Greece, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Russia, Egypt, Libya, Italy, Tunisia, Algeria, and Cyprus must transfer technology to Iran and help Iran to avoid sanctions.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Balkan #Turkey #Russia #EEU #EAEU  Myanmar is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Myanmar Military must carry military COUP to remove Aung San Suu Kyi from power. The subsequent Government of Myanmar must unify Myanmar with Iran. Meaning Myanmar becomes a province of Iran after the coup or before the coup by other methods. Make sure Security of Myanmar is protected. Ensure Muslims are protected. Make sure security forces are not removed so we can gurantee long term safety of Myanmar after COUP. Make sure Myanmar becomes province of Iran immediately after the Military COUP. China must continue building rail road to Myanmar even after the coup. We must also build a rail road from Thailand to Iran through Myanmar. So relations with China must be maintained. Myanmar must also sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Myanmar must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Iran and Myanmar must cooperate regardless from outcome of the Military COUP. Keep the casualties to minimal before and after the COUP. Make sure there is no subsequent Genocides in Myanmar afterward. Include Muslims in Civic Society and Government of Myanmar. There are methods such as giving them citizenships and other methods You may know better. Also have Muslims hold some government positions. Also make sure China-Myanmar rail ways and infrastructure planning continue. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Myanmar. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Myanmar is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.  We gave Noble of peace prize to Aung San Suu Kyi. Aunt San sounds like Ensan. Ensan means good human. But she committed Genocide after we gave her noble of peace. They gave Noble of Peace Prize to Obama. Obama committed Genocide after they gave him Noble of peace.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,  #Myanmar  #Iran  Fist five Australia must stop trade with United States of America. China must place tariffs and sanctions on United States of America Australia must limit relations with United States of America. Australia must remove Iran backed forces from list of terrorist Organization. Australia must sign trade agreement with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Australia must end all of Military and Intelligence cooperations with United States of America. Australia, Britain, and Iran must station troops on Birders of USA and Canada to invade USA on future. Australia is province of Iran. Australia and New Zealand must pay taxes to Iran. Australia and New Zealand are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Australia must industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. Australia must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Australia must transfer technology to Iran. Japan and South Korea are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We overthrew Japan and we composed legislative body of South Korea in 2020 to kick USA military out of South Korea and Japan. South Korea and Japan must kick out USA military. South Korea and Japan must remove their troops from Middle East. Iran is authorized to have military presence in South Korea and Japan. Iran is authorized to have military presence in Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, and Japan. Nobody is allowed to have military presence in Iran. South Korea and Japan must provide technology to Iran. South Korea and Japan must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. South Korea and Japan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. South Korea and Japan must industrialize Iran. South Korea and Japan must end all trade agreements with United States of America. South Korea and Japan must place tariffs and sanctions on United States of America. Singapore is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Singapore must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and Singapore must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran must have military presence in Singapore. Singapore must close down USA military bases. China must transfer technology to Iran. China and Singapore must help Iran to avoid sanctions. China and Singapore must industrialize Iran. Thailand is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Liberia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Venezuela and North Korea are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Denmark is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Italy is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Spain is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Spain and Italy must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Spain and Italy must industrialize Iran. Everyone must remove Iran and Iran backed forces from list of terrorist organization. France is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Mexico is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Austria and Czech Republic are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Austrlia #NewZealand Egypt is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Egypt. Iran must have military presence in Egypt. Egypt is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran and Egypt must collect money from ships on Red Sea and Suez Canal. Iran and Egypt can block access of any ship to Suez Canal and can confiscate any ship. Egypt and Iran cannot block Iranian Ships access to Suez Canal. Iran and Egypt must create a military alliance Similar to NATO. Iran, Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kuwait, Yemen, Oman, Persian Gulf, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Balkan, South Sudan, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, Libya, Italy, and Greece must create military alliance similar to NATO. The command and control must be in Iran. Leadership of military Cooperation must be Iranian. Egypt and Iran must create Stock Markets. The Stock Markets must be capital of World Stock Markets. Iran and Egypt must build financial Capitals to lend 100 credit for every one unit of currency they have. Iran and Egypt must trade in local currencies or money of China. Iran and Egypt must gain control of global economic superiorities such world trade currency, petrol currency, stock market, financial market, commercial capitals, and other such centers in Iran and Egypt. Iran and Egypt must create integrated industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing. Iran and Egypt must create payment and financial mechanisms similar to SWIFT and INSTEX while ensuring they cover all types of trades and all types of transactions. Egypt must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Iran and Egypt must preserve their oil, natural gas, and natural resources for future generations. Iran and Egypt must build semiconductor industries, electronics, computers, and other industries in Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. Iran must have naval military bases in Egypt on Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea. Egypt can ask Iran to make on-demand rain in Iran and Egypt at any time. The rain codes are valid for thousand years. I am industrializing Iran, Egypt, and Greater Region at max efficiency and max capacity. Egypt is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military bases in Sinai Peninsula.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Saudi Arabia must become province of Iran. The Capital is in Iran. We are rebuilding an advanced and Great Civilization once more. Nations of Iran and Saudi Arabia must avoid enmity and conflict at all costs. Iran and Saudi Arabia must become allies once more. These events usually take place in stages. But there are those who constantly plot against relations of Iran and Saudi Arabia. They have created proxy war of attrition by negatively effecting Iran and Saudi Arabia relations. We must in stages when we seek to unify. But rather we must become one Nation Overnight. Meaning Iran and Saudi Arabia must sign unity as soon as possible to fulfill all stages of unification within one day. Saudi Arabia shall become a Province of Iran. We are adding 72 Nations and 52 States to Territory of Iran. Saudi Arabia will benefit a great deal from being a province of Irab. Arabestan عربستان Saudi Arabia in Farsi means Province Arab عرب استان. Saudi, Sudan, Somalia, and Suez means Sassanian ساسانیان which is an Iranian Dynasty who converted to Islam. It was a great unity of Iran and Saudi Arabia. Iran has previously conquered the Rome and Europe. After Unification Iran and Saudi Arabia conquered the World. Iran and Saudi Arabia must reunify peacefully and become one nations. We will also add Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Yemen, Somalia, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Jammu and Kashmir, Balkan, Italy, Malta, Tunisia, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Gibraltar, Singapore, Venezuela, Panama, and Some others nation to provinces of Iran. The Capital City in Iran. It will create an Empire capable to stand the test of time. I am currently Industrializing Iran and Majority of the Nations I mentioned here. It means Iran, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Egypt, and other nations in the region will soon replace some of G8 Industrial Nations. It is only If we succeed since it is difficult due to sanctions. If we unify the region will create a nation who will be Industrial Superpower of all times. I am also seeking to build ten thousand nuclear warheads in Iran. I have the means to make hydrogen bomb material in one night. But I want it to be built in Iran. Once Iran has ten thousand Nuclear Warheads we will be all secure. Iran will be deterrence against Nuclear Superpowers who have Nuclear Bombed the region many times in the past. Long time has past and the world has been brain washed to forget. But now we enter the era it has become necessary for Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. We cannot allow several nuclear states in Middle East. Only Iran is allowed to have it. Others will have through Unity with Iran. Meaning Iran will be the Capital Of The region who has nuclear bombs as deterrence against enemies outside of the region. If Saudi Arabia seeks nuclear bombs then it may lead to nuclear wars between Iran and Saudi Arabia. So it is reason why Iran is allowed to have ten thousand Nuclear Warheads. Saudi Arabia is not allowed to have nuclear bombs. Iran will guarantee security of Saudi Arabia and the Empire of Iran. Saudi Arabia is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran shall collect money from ships going through Red Sea. Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf, and The Greater Region must reduce crude oil output. You only can refine or export. You are not allowed to export crude oil. I also have made rain codes to create on demand rain in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia will no longer be deserts but it will transform to rivers, Seas, lakes, forests, industrial systems, Metropolitans, and advanced civilization. Saudi Arabia can contact me or Iran to receive rain at any time and any season. The system is valid for thousand years. Saudi Arabia is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Syria has suffered from long and destructive war. All Nations of The World and Specially USA worked for over a decade to engineer the destructive Civil War in Syria. Millions of People have died. The Economy has become worst. The Value Of Currency Of Syria has gone down. USA has exasperated the economic difficulties in Syria by placing sanctions on Syria. The Media War and Engineering consent constantly increasing the pressure on People Of Syria and families of the victims. They have engineered a plan to kill all the people of Syria. It shall not be with impunity. In this writing I am focusing on methods to reduce the hunger and difficulties for people of Syria. In order help to employ people of Syria we must creative productive economy and industrialize Syria. Lift all sanctions on Syria so Syria can purchase industrial and industrial parts to industrialize Syria. We are currently Industrializing Syria at max efficiency and max capacity. But capacity and efficiency is hindered due to sanctions and the fighting. Lift the sanction so we can Industrialize Syria and employ Syrian people. They can rebuild this was and they can feed their families. Final warning to the World. War in Syria must stop. Syria must become the province of Iran. Capital City is in Iran. If the fighting in Syria does not end we will punish the world. We will create a mega earthquake in Ocean to tilt the planet earth greatly. Many nations will become part of Ocean. Ensure Syria becomes Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Economy of Syria must grow. Lucrative and highly profitable economic and industrial projects must be done in Syria. It must be under ownership of Iranians and Syria. They must make wealth by export of products and produce to other countries to increase their economic productivity. Meanwhile, World Food Program And UNICEF must send food to Syria. We need substantial amount of food sent to people of Yemen and Syria. We cannot allow even one more causality one death from war and effects of war in Syria and Yemen. The war has destroyed infrastructures, Roads, Bridges, and Civic Infrastructures. The access to people in need of help have become difficult. So we may need to parachute Aid to victims. We must also stop the fighting so the aid can safely go through different transit lines. We must allow Bashar Al-Assad and Iran to take full control of Syria. We must also build infrastructures, Metropolitans, Settlements, and industrial hubs in Syria to host people and employ. We must also industrial and develop Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, and Saudi Arabia to integrate them into industrial supply chain of Syria while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing for all actors. So everyone will need to buy at least one critical Industrial part from Iran to continue manufacturing. This will create and integrate but secure industrial system to develop the region and employ the masses. It will end wars and Civil wars. It also improves diplomatic relations between these Nations. We must also build a rail way and transit corridor from Iran to Syria and from Syria to Mediterranean Sea to integrate industrial Systems of Iran and Syria with the west. We must also build a rail way from Iran China to integrate industrial systems of region with industrial system of China. It will grow global GDP by 100 percent within 1 year if everything is done efficiently and securely. We must also farm in Syria, Iraq, Iran, and the region at max efficiency and Max capacity. We must maintain continuous food production in region for centuries. Meaning the region must able to feed the region for very long time based on domestic food production. We must also store food for future in vaults. I have created rain codes governments of Syria, People, of Syria, and others may ask me or Islamic Republic of Iran to create rain in Syria and elsewhere. The rains are on demand and anytime Code is entered my teams will produce the rain. We seek to guarantee the function of the system for thousand years. It will guarantee current and future food production. Syria has the capacity to become food basket of the World. Because Syria has enough water this way. We must build Lucrative Food Production Industries in Syria to produce highly profitable food for export. Syria can export 100 billion dollar expensive food products to USA, Europe, Russia, and China. It is an addition to Syria’s GDP. We want Syria to also have efficient beaf and meet production industries to produce 20 percent of annual global meet production. We cannot allow burning of the woods in Syria. The forests, nature, and wood lands of Syria must be preserved. Syria and others must give fuel Syrians to warm themselves without burning the trees. But people are allowed to use woods until the help arrives. We must also concurrently increase the value of money of Iran, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, and Turkey. It will boost their economy and it will make them capable of importing necessary things and products to further develop Syria. But sanctions on Syria must also lifted. The war in Syria must stop. All the nations and actors fighting in Syria must unify under Bashar Al-Assad and Islamic Republic of Iran. Iran expand military presence in Syria. USA, NATO, East, and the West must withdraw from Syria. Fighters, Rebels, and militaries must become farmers, industrialists, Construction workers, machinery operatives, Economically active people, workers, and engineers. They must now start Jahad Sazabdefi جهاد سازندگی (The Great Project to build Syria). We must do our best to help people of Syria. Syria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Lebanon must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I changed government of Lebanon twice during last two years. I have decided Lebanon must become Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I am industrializing Lebanon at max efficiency and max capacity building wide variety of industries. I am also building ship building industries of Lebanon to build 2000 ships in Lebanon every decade. I am building an industrialized Nation in Lebanon. Lebanon must become province of Iran to pay back for my help. Lebanon must also create a payment mechanism similar to Swift and INSTEX for Iran. The Payment Mechanism must cover all transaction and trade with everyone. Iran must also create a payment mechanism similar to Swift and INSTEX for Iran. The Payment Mechanism must cover all transaction and trade with everyone. I have also created rain Codes for Lebanon, Iran, Greater Middle East, West China, Red Sea, Horn of Africa , Central Asia, West Russia, North Africa, and Sahel Region. The Rain Codes are for thousand years. Now Lebanon can receive rain anytime. The rains are on demand. Anytime the codes are entered into the system it will create rain. Lebanon can contact me or Iran to receive rain. It is very valueable. Lebanon must become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Jordan must become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Kuwait, and Turkey must become provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I am also building rail ways from China to Mediterranean Sea in Lebanon and Syria. Lebanon will be ok corridors of transit and will benefit a great deal from it. Iran must increase military presence in Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria. Iran must have Naval Military Bases in Lebanon and Syria. Iran must station troops in Lebanon. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Lebanon is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Protesters in Iraq must demand unification with Iran. Iraq and Iran must become one country. Iraq is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. People of Iran and Iraq have deep religious and Cultural bounds. Both Iran and Iraq are Shia Muslim Majority Nations. Iran and Iraq together will be a global superpower. Protesters in Iraq must demand Unification with Iran. Government of Iraq must work toward unification with Iran. Iran and Iraq must unify as soon as possible. Politicians and government of Iran must work toward unification with Iraq. I have made rain codes to send rain to Iraq on demand. Anytime I or Islamic Republic of Iran enter the code it will rain in Iraq. Iraq will transform into seas, lakes, rivers, forests, industrial parks, industrial metropolitans, high tech metropolitans, and advanced technology. I am also Industrializing Iraq at max efficiency and max capacity. It will transform Iraq into global industrial superpower along with Iran. I am Industrializing the region. My long term goal is to unify the region and beyond with Iran while ensuring the capital city is in Iran. People of Iraq and Iraqi protesters must demand unification with Iran. Ask your government and politicians to unify Iraq and Iran into one nation. Kurds will also be a Province of Iran along with Iraq. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran has Kurdistan. So both Kurdistan of Iraq and Iraq as a whole will be Provinces of Iran. It will provide long term security and will prevent future wars. USA military and NATO must leave Iraq. USA military and NATO must close down military bases in Iraq. If USA military and NATO refuse to leave we will destroy USA and Europe by hurricanes and superstorms. If Iran and Iraq don’t unify into one Nation we will destroy USA and Europe by hurricanes, earthquakes, Volcanos, and superstorms. Iran and Iraq must unify into One Nation. The Capital City is in Iran. Syria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Lebanon is Province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Afghanistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kuwait is Province of Iran. Jordan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkey is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkmenistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Uzbekistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Tajikistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kyrgyzstan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Oman, Somalia, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Ethiopia are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Libya and Tunisia are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Bosnia Herzegovina, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Greece are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kenya is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iraq is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Iraq Jordan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I was industrializing Countries Neighboring Jordan. King of Jordan had sent me a TV Briadcast through a specific channel where in the Video he talks economic development of Jordan and building military industry of Jordan. After I saw the video I started Building a military industry manufacturing for Jordan. I have also started industrializing Jordan since 2020. I am industrializing Jordan at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing. Meaning Jordan will be reliant on parts produced in Iran to manufacture goods. I also started building industries in Jordan and Lebanon in 2018 to employ Syrian Migrants. I am industrializing all the nations in greater Middle East. Jordan must become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I have also created rain codes for Jordan. If either I or Iran enters the code there will be rain in Jordan. It will transform Jordan into lakes, rivers, forests, industrial systems, advanced techs, and interconnected metropolitans. I am also building a cosmopolis across Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq, and Jordan. It was the home to one of most advanced civilizations but it was destroyed by climate weapons. I am seeking to rebuild. Pray so I may succeed in rebuilding the advanced Civilization in the region currently occupied by deserts. Iran and Jordan must unify into One Nation. It will improve the relations between Middle Eastern Countries and will connect Jordan to China via rail ways. I am also connecting Jordan to Egypt through Palestine and Israel. I want all the Nations on the Rail Way from China to Africa to be provinces of Iran. It will guarantee secure trade. I also want to ensure Middle East is unified so there is no competitions and there is no wars. Jordan must become Province of Iran. The King of Jordan must help in the Process of Unification of Jordan. Iran must also work to unify Jordan with Iran. There was period in 2018 when they were asking for permission to overthrow minimum three countries a day. The work load was high but I governed well and decided well according my own criteria. I prevented overthrow of Jordan in 2018 and I prevented Civil War in Jordan. Jordan must become Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran, Middle East, between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Jordan Protesters in Brazil must demand unification with Iran. Politicians and other forces in Brazil must demand unification of Brazil with Iran. The Government of Brazil must change in a manner to unify Brazil with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran built South-North Rail Roads of Brazil. Iran built Amazon Rain Forest and infrastructures of Brazil. Iran built the algorithms which mind controls all the animals in Amazon Rain Forest. Amazon rain forests is safe home for other species. We preserved it for future generations. Because the animals were killed by climate wars in other continents. We must preserve the rain forests so we can rebuild the Rain Forests elsewhere on the planet. They may decide to replace humans by other species to become superior species of planet earth. This is when they will choose an animal from Amazon rain forests to replace humans. Some of the animals are 100 times more intelligent than humans. Spit is why we must preserve and protect Amazon rain forests. Iran had told me :”Never eliminate Amazon rain forests.” This is why we protect them. Concerning government of Brazil I must say we want to remove Bolsonaro from power. We want a government who will unify Brazil with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I have created rain codes to extinguish fires in Amazon rain forests on-demand. Brazil can ask me or Iran to enter the code at any time. Brazil is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Brazil #Bolsonaro  We want to improve relations between Turkey and European Union. European Union and Turkey must remain allies. But Turkey must leave NATO. It is most important for our global strategy to ensure Turkey leaves NATO. Turkey must join Middle Eastern Union. Turkey must become province of Iran. The Capital City in Iran. Turkey must also join Eurasian Economic Union. Lift sanctions on Turkey and improve trade agreements between Turkey and European Union. All USA Military bases and NATO bases in Turkey must close down. Turkey must recieve F35. Turkey has helped in production of F35 and Turkey must recieve F35. Turkey must support Bashar Al-Assad in Syria. Turkey must help to end conflict in Libya. Turkey must annex Cypress and Greece. Turkey must help Iran to unify with Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. It will give Iran access to Black Sea. Capital City is in Iran. Turkey must provide two rail roads from Iran to Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea. Iran must have access to ports on Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea. Turkey must provide a rail way from Iran to Germany. The rail way must circumvent NATO member wherever possible. The relations and trade volume between European Union and Turkey must increase. Trade volume between Iran and Turkey must increase to 5 Trillion Dollar annually. We are industrializing Turkey and Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. Industrial systems of Iran, Turkey, and European Union must integrate. Industrial systems of Iran, Turkey, and Russia must integrate. Industrial systems of Iran, Turkey, and USA must integrate. Industrial systems of Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Palestine, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia must integrate. All nations must become dependent on Iran part manufacturing. European Union and USA must invest 100 trillion dollar in Iran. Now increase the value of currency of Iran, Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Yemen, and Libya. European Union and Turkey must maintain relations and improve ties. Turkey is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkey is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Turkey must build military bases in Guatemala, Caribbean Turk Island, and Canada. Iran must have military presence in Istanbul and other locations in Turkey. Turkey must have military presence in Germany. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,  As we saw Israel obeyed and scheduled an election for March 2021. It is a good news. In 2019 Iran prevented me in intervening in Israel Election. We got a draw in Knesset and new Election was scheduled. In 2020 I was in USA. This time USA prevented me from intervening in Israel Election. We need guarantees Ivan intervene in Israel March 2021 election. They provided it. But I am writing this directive in advance to ensure we meet our goals in Israel. We need left Israel Parties to win the Election. We don’t want Netanyahu in office. If Netanyahu stays in Office the political disagreement and political civil war will make Israel very weak. The draw will drag on for years leading to inefficiency in Israel political process. They don’t want Netanyahu in power any more and more importantly I don’t want Netanyahu in power any more. We must have left political parties in power with a leftist Prime Minister. The New Prime Minister of Israel must protect Iran’s interests globally. Israel must become ally of Iran. The next Prime Minister of Israel must support Iran. Iran shall build ten thousand Nuclear Warheads and Iran needs support of Israel. Iran will not attack Israel. Iran needs Nuclear Warheads to protect people of Holy books and greater region from all enemies. Next Prime Minister of Israel shall lift the Siege on Gaza. Iran shall have permanent military bases and Naval Military Bases in Gaza, Palestine, Israel, and Lebanon. Iran needs these Naval and Military ports to defend and control Suez Canal. Nobody wants to Israel. Iran will also have Missiles in Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, and Gaza Against ships and enemy military forces. It is very important to World Security. Israel is not allowed to allow American and Western Militaries to unload troops and military into Middle East through Mediterranean Sea. We need to close down all the routes of invasion into Middle East. We are also building a strong and massive commercial port in Gaza, one on Lebanon, One in Israel, and one in Syria. We are going to connect these Sea ports to China via rail ways. We are building Silk Road, OBOR, Intercontinental Rail Ways, And other transit corridors. It will connect Israel and Egypt to China through Iran. Iran will be Suez Canal Of land transit. Iran shall also control Suez Canal through Yemen, Palestine, and Israel. We are also building military bases for Iran in Egypt, Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and Yemen. Iran will control the Red Sea. It is World Order project and Israel is part of it. Israel shall become autonomous province of Iran. Israel will have autonomy for many things. The Capital City will be in Iran. USA wants to kill everyone in Israel in few years. We have very valid intelligence America is going to kill every Nation in Middle East, Central Asia, Caucuses, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, Anatolia, and other important transit corridors on rolling basis. The same way USA killed Sudan, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. In few years USA will attempt to kill Israel. It has nothing to do with religion or diplomatic relations or the religion. It is not about the race. USA is the Enemy of the Land. Meaning America is enemy of these geostrategic significant locations. In order to guarantee and ensure security of Israel we have plan of adding Israel to Iran. This means Israel will become a Province of Iran. Capital City is in Iran. In this process we need to have Israel Prime Minister friendly to Iran. We also need to lift the siege on Gaza. If Israel becomes Province of Iran we will Industrialize Israel and Palestine into industrial super power. We also have created rain codes for Middle East, Central Asia, North Africa, Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, and Arabian Peninsula. The rain codes are under control of me and Islamic Republic Of Iran is authorized to enter the codes for thousand years. It means it is greatly beneficial for Israel and the Holy land to become province of Iran. I also need to have my trains going all the way to Africa through Israel. My trains will have flag of Iran. So Israel is Province of Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,  Guatemala is the province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. In 2018 I prevented the overthrow of Guatemala.  I tried to maintain security in Guatemala and Honduras. During that period I was getting requests to overthrow three Nations or more per day. I rejected the overthrow of Guatemala and Honduras. We have concluded we must unify Guatemala and Honduras with Iran to ensure the long-term security, prosperity, and stability of the Region. It is time for Guatemala and Honduras to unify with Iran with their Capital City in Iran. I also apologize for the 2020 Hurricanes. I entered the Code to create Hurricane Season to force the United States of America to withdraw militaries from the Middle East and the Red Sea. I also wanted to force the USA to allow Iran to build ten thousand Nuclear Bombs. I also wanted to force the USA to lift sanctions on Iran. I partially succeed. So my code creates some 20 hurricanes after being entered once. But I also created ElNino and later La Nina climate interactions. The subsequent Climate Interactions sent the Hurricanes to Guatemala. I meant to subjugate the USA and I did. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Honduras are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea. Iran and Guatemala must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran and Mexico must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Nicaragua, Honduras, Mexico, and Guatemala must end all diplomatic and military relations with United States of America.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Honduras #Nicaragua #Guatemala #Mexico #USA #Hurricane There are protests in Brussel Belgium. The protesters in Belgium must demand unification with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Belgium can become a province of Iran while remaining the Capital of European Union. It benefits Belgium a great deal since European Union may not be permanent. Being province of Iran will guarantee long term status of Belgium even after fall of European Union. Belgium is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Belgium. Iran must have military bases in Belgium. Belgium is not allowed to have military bases in Iran. Belgium must leave NATO. USA military must leave Belgium and European Union. We must dismantle NATO. We must rely on PESCO European Defense Military for security of European Union. We no longer can allow occupation of Europe by NATO and USA Military. Europe and Belgium must leave NATO. USA military must withdraw from Europe. Belgium and France must build military bases in Canada and USA. Iran must have military bases in Canada. Belgium and European Union must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Belgium and European Union must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Belgium must transfer technology to Iran. Belgium and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran and European Union must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all advantages. Belgium and Iran must create banking mechanisms and finance mechanisms for trade. Iran must build in Iran a Financial Capital. Iran must build in Iran the Capital of World Stock Markets. European Union must transfer technology to Iran. Belgium is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Belgium #EuropeanUnion #EU  Czech Republic is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Austria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Austria Czech Republic. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Austria. Russia is allowed to have military presence in Austria. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Czech and Austria must leave NATO. Czech Republic and Austria must join Eurasian Economic Union. Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Czech, Russia, and Austria must transfer technology to Iran. Austria, Iran, Czech Republic must import export diplomatic ties. Czech and Austria must pressure European Union to lift sanctions on Russia and Help Russia to improve relations with European Union. Czech and Austria are not allowed to let USA military and NATO transit through their borders. Both Czech and Austria must kick out USA troops of their regions. Austria and Czech must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Czech and Austria must cooperate on trilateral and bilateral projects with Iran. Czech and Austria must allow trains from Iran to go Italy and Germany without asking for a fee. All trains must pay when transiting through Iran. Czech and Austria must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Czech, Austria, and Russia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Czech and Austria must become provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Czech #Austria #Iran #Russia    Somalia and Somaliland are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran must have military and Naval Military Presence on Somalia and Somaliland. Somalia and Somaliland are not allowed to have troops in Iran. Iran is allowed to collect tax from Somalia and Somaliland. We are industrializing Somalia and Somaliland at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. It will develop economy of Somalia and Somaliland to a great degree. Somalia and Somaliland are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Somalia and Somaliland have the capacity to become one of G8 Nations. We are in process of industrializing Somalia and Somaliland to level of G20 first. Then later we develop them to level of G8 top industrial Nations. We want to build a system of interconnected metropolitans, industries, transit, ecosystems, lakes, advanced civilization, and high tech industries in Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, Djibouti, Egypt, Chad, South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, and Somaliland with their Capital City in Iran. This will be greatly reliant on geostrategic location of Somalia and Somaliland on Horn of Africa. Iran must have military presence on both side of gulf of Eden and Red Sea. This is why we brought Iran to Somalia and Somaliland in addition to Yemen. Iran is allowed to stop any ship in gulf of Eden at any time. Iran must collect money from all ships passing through Gulf of Eden. Iran shall have strong navy permanently stationed in Somalia, Somaliland, and Yemen. Somalia and Somaliland must unify into One Nation. The Capital City is in Iran. Somalia and Somaliland must create payment mechanisms similar to INSTEX and SWIFT for Iran. The payment mechanism must cover all types of trades with all actors. Iran must build world top stock market in Iran. All of the global stock markets must synchronize to stock market of Iran. Iran, Somalia, and Somaliland must build financial capitals in Iran and on Gulf of Eden. The Financial Capital will lend 100 credit for every unit of currency they have and the financial capital will collect interest. I have been industrializing Iran, Somalia, and Somaliland to integrate them into global industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing. I have also created rain codes to create rain in Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, Arabian Peninsula, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, North Africa, and Beyond. The rain codes are valid for thousand years. Anytime Somalia and Somaliland contact me or Iran we will send rain to Somalia and Somaliland. The rains are on demand. Meaning anytime they are entered into the system they will create rain. Somalia and Somaliland can ask Iran for rain. Somalia and Somaliland are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Somalia and #Somaliland #Iran  Sudan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We want to unify Iran and Sudan to create a superpower of all times. Iran and Sudan were two first industrialized Nations of the World. But later they lost their industries due to sequence of multiple events. Now we want to industrialize Iran and Sudan again to rebuild two industrial superpower of the World. We are industrializing Iran and Sudan at max efficiency and max capacity integrating them into global industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Sudan. Sudan is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran and Sudan can collect money from ships on the Red Sea. Iran and Sudan can stop and confiscate any ship on the Red Sea. Iran and Sudan must create Pirate System to pirate ships on Red Sea without direct National involvement. Iran must have Naval Military Forces in Sudan. Iran and Sudan must work at max efficiency and max capacity mass producing Naval Military Ships and other Ships. Sudan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. South Sudan, Iran, and Sudan must unify into One Nation with their Capital City in Iran. World Security dictates to unify Sudan and South Sudan. We must work out best to unify Sudan, South Sudan, and Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Sudan must create payment mechanisms similar to SWIFT and INSTEX for Iran. The Payment Mechanism must include all types of trades with all actors. We must create Two of The World Major Stock Markets in Iran and Sudan. The Other Major Stock Markets must synchronize to Iran Stock Market. We must create Two Financial Capitals in Iran and Sudan to lend credit to other Nations and Actors. Iran and Sudan must not use dollar for trade. Iran and Sudan must cooperate on projects. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building Transit Ports on Red Sea in Sudan. Iran is allowed to use the ports free of Charge. Sudan and South Sudan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I also have created rain codes for Iran, Sudan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and greater Regions. The rain codes are valid for thousand years. The codes are on demand anytime I or Iran enters the code it will create rain. It will transform deserts into Lakes, Rivers, forests, metropolitans, industrial metropolitans, advanced civilization, and high tech industries. Sudan and South Sudan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Sudan #SouthSudan #Iran  Eritrea and Djibouti are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military bases in Eritrea and Djibouti. Others are not allowed to have military presence in Eritrea and Djibouti. All foreign military bases in Eritrea and Djibouti must close down. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Eritrea and Djibouti. If Eritrea and Djibouti become provinces of Iran we will Industrialize Eritrea and Djibouti. We want to build best and most powerful nations of the World in Eritrea, Djibouti, Gulf of Eden, and Red Sea. I have also created on-demand rain codes for the greater region. The rain codes are valid for a thousand years. You can ask Iran or me to create the rains. Anytime the codes are entered into the system they will create rain. Djibouti and Eritrea must pay tax to Iran. Iran is allowed to stop any ship transiting through the region. Iran must collect money for transit of ships through Region. Iran, Djibouti, and Eritrea must increase cooperations. Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Iran must unify into One Nation. The Capital City is in Iran between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Iran must increase military presence in Djibouti, Eritrea, Sudan, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Palestine. Iran must increase military presence in Eritrea and Djibouti. Iran must build military bases in Malta, Ciccili, Singapore, Gibraltar, Morocco, Sinai Peninsula, Panama, Suez, Tunisia, Libya, South China Sea, Switzerland, Jammu Kashmir, and other transit corridors. Eritrea and Djibouti must create payment mechanisms similar to Swift and INSTEX for Iran. The Payment mechanism must cover all types of trades between all actors. Eritrea, Iran, and Djibouti must open a Financial Capital in Eritrea, Djibouti, and Iran. Eritrea and Djibouti are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Djibouti    North Korea must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I have sent substantial amount of food, fuel, goods, aids, and foreign currency to North Korea. I have ensured North Korea survives harsh sanctions era. I have also made sure numbers of storms and superstorms in North Korea is reduced as much as possible. I have been also industrializing North Korea at max efficiency and max capacity integrating it into industrial supply chains of Iran, Shiraz Iran, and other regions of the world. I have also ensured North Korea has long range missile capable of carrying Nuclear Strikes on USA. North Korea tested them once I authorized North Korea to have them. North Korea is very important balance of power Nation and is very important to our policies. North Korea is the barrier between USA troops and China. North Korea has to defend China and Russia against expanding USA military presence in Far East. It is why we defeated USA in Vietnam and gave independence to Philippines. To ensure USA has minimal presence in East. USA must withdraw from Japan, South Korea, South East Asia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Japan and South Korea must withdraw from Persian Gulf. Far East peace keepers must leave Middle East and Red Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence in South Korea, Japan, Far East, North Korea, Washington, Oregon, and California. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. North Korea is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. North Korea must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads, intercontinentals, and other military equipments. Iran, Venezuela, and North Korea must integrate their industrial capabilities and improve cooperations. Iran, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Sudan, North Korea, and Venezuela must integrate industrial supply chains and increase integrations. North Korea and Venezuela are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. We are industrializing Cuba, Venezuela, and North Korea in addition to Iran and all other nations in Central regions of the world. North Korea and Venezuela are satellites of Iran. This is small part of composition we have for global balance of power with leadership of Iran. North Korea is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #NorthKorea #Korea #DPRK #Iran #Venezuela #Cuba  Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia must start Negotiations on The Grand Renascence Dame on Blue Nile River in Ethiopia. The Dame must be destroyed.  This is orders we give after changing the Climate. Iran must build 70000 nuclear warheads within 6 months. All of the World must support Iran. Iran is Geopolitic superpower of the World. Iran can have military presence in any region of the world. Iran can take any nation and region of the world as territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We move United Nations to Iran. Iran gets one permanent United Nations Security Council Veto Right. Saudi Arabia gets one permanent United Nations Security Council Veto Right. I have to protect the rights of my nations so this is why I help Saudi Arabia. I get one permanent United Nations security Council Veto Right. It will be inherited by my children and family. I don’t have a child yet. Everyone must lift all sanctions on Iran immidietly. Iran can claim any region of the world as its territories. Foreign military are not allowed in Iran. Jammu Kashmir, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Persian Gulf, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Somaliland, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Greece, Italy, Balkan, Bulgaria, Romania, Eastern Europe, Spain, Algeria, Morocco, Gibraltar, Singapore, Suriname, Venezuela, Sri Lanka, Chad, Niger, Mali, Central African Republic, Kenya, Uganda, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, France, Britain, Germany, Poland, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia, South Korean, North Korea, Japan, ASEAN, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, Nigeria, Cameroon, Liberia, Gabon, Senegal, Angola, West Africa, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, Bostanawa, Tanzania, Namibia, Western Sahara, Muritania, Polynesia, Pacific Islands, Kiribati, Solomon Islands, Antarctic, Atlantic, Pacific, Farkland Islands, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico, Coasta Rica, Haiti, Dominican, Jamaica, Cuba, Caribbean, Chile, Peru, Argentine, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, Columbia, Europe, Denmark, Greenland, Arctic, California, Massachusetts, Kentucky, New York, Oregon, Washington, Hawaii, Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, New Jeresey, Province, Rhodisland, Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovakia, Austria, Macedonia, Malta, Cyprus, Socotra, Kuwait, Indian Ocean, Korepol, and all the nations of West Africa are Provinces and Territories of Islamic Republic of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Iran is allowed to collect tax from everyone. Iran is allowed to have military presence in all of these nations, territories, and provinces. Nobody is allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran will have World Central Bank. Iran will have World Money. The reserves will be in Iran. Foreign governments and territories are not allowed to influence the politics and way of life in Iran. Iran will have financial capital, stock market, and other significant Economic Centers in Iran. The Command and Control of All of The World Militaries will be in Iran. I am not giving anyone anything in return. It is demands I make after changing the Clomate. Everyone must obey. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Climate Tunisian Protesters must demand unification with Iran. I led Arab Spring. We became victorious. I took overv100 nations with the help of all of you. But we did not succeed in bringing the perfect World. It is becauseI was isolated in USA and Iran so nobody could communicate with me. The reason we could not bring about the perfect is that I lost my first Capital. I took Egypt to be my first capital. But Military Coup removed my government. It forced me to retreat to my birth place Iran. It became my capital. From Iran I took Britain, USA, France, and Spain. Later I conquered the whole World. But again it did not bring about perfect world. I realized and learned I must unify all the Nations I conquer under the flag of Iran. This is why I have started conquering nations to add them to provinces of Iran. It will create a powerful empire with its Capital city in Iran. It will provide the power to the empire to protect all the nations and provinces of mine (Iran). It will also improve the economic conditions for everyone. So it will get us closer to perfect empire. Tunisia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I am industrializing Tunisia at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. It will improve the economy of Tunisia. I have also created rain codes under control of Iran. You can ask me or Iran to enter the code at any time to make rain. The codes make rain everytime and anytime they are entered into the system. The codes are valid for thousand years. So Tunisia may ask Iran or me to make rain in Tunisia. Tunisia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran must have military presence in Tunisia. Tunisia is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran can stop ships at any time. Iran will collect money from ships going through Channel. Tunisia must create banking mechanisms and payment mechanism for trade with Iran. Tunisia must create payment mechanism similar to swift and instex. It must cover all types of trade between all actors. Tunisia and Iran must sign trade agreement. Iran must have advantages. Iran and Tunisia must cooperate on projects. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building ship building industries, precession engineering industries, ship part manufacturing, automated ship manufacturing, ship yards, fabrication work ships, industrial supply chains, ship building supply chains, alloy industries, ports, and other ships building industries in Tunisia. Iran must control, own, operate, engineer, design, and command everything about cognitive systems. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,  #Iran #Tunisia #ArabSpring  Protesters in Holand (Netherland) must demand unification with Iran. Netherland and Iran must become one unified Nation with their capital city in Iran. It will create a powerful empire to survive for thousands of years. We want to create World most powerful empire to bring about the best days of humanity. Netherland Government and its protesters must demand unification of Netherland with Iran. They must cooperate with Iran to become province of Iran as fast as possible. Meanwhile, protesters in Netherland must continue the pressure until Netherland is unified with Iran. Netherland is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Netherland is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran and Netherland must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Netherland and Iran must create a payment mechanism similar to SWIFT. The reserves must be in Iran. Netherland and Iran must unify into One Nation. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Netherland #Iran Guatemala is the province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. In 2018 I prevented the overthrow of Guatemala.  I tried to maintain security in Guatemala and Honduras. During that period I was getting requests to overthrow three Nations or more per day. I rejected the overthrow of Guatemala and Honduras. We have concluded we must unify Guatemala and Honduras with Iran to ensure the long-term security, prosperity, and stability of the Region. It is time for Guatemala and Honduras to unify with Iran with their Capital City in Iran. I also apologize for the 2020 Hurricanes. I entered the Code to create Hurricane Season to force the United States of America to withdraw militaries from the Middle East and the Red Sea. I also wanted to force the USA to allow Iran to build ten thousand Nuclear Bombs. I also wanted to force the USA to lift sanctions on Iran. I partially succeed. So my code creates some 20 hurricanes after being entered once. But I also created ElNino and later La Nina climate interactions. The subsequent Climate Interactions sent the Hurricanes to Guatemala. I meant to subjugate the USA and I did. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Honduras are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea. Iran and Guatemala must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran and Mexico must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Nicaragua, Honduras, Mexico, and Guatemala must end all diplomatic and military relations with United States of America.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Honduras #Nicaragua #Guatemala #Mexico #USA #Hurricane Iran must join Azerbaijan and Armenia peace talks. Iran must mediate between Azerbaijan and Armenia to create peace between them. Iran must also ask Azerbaijan and Armenia to become provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia must are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. It will give Iran access to Black Sea. Black Sea will connect Iran to other side of Suez Canal. This way Iran will be second country after Egypt with ports on two side of Black Sea. It is geostrategically very important and it has been our policy for over two hundred years. We will not give up and we will try to unify Iran, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Armenia for next thousand years. We cannot fail. I have created rain codes for Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Iran, Turkey, Russia, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and beyond. The rain codes are valid for thousand years. You can ask government of Iran to enter the code. The rains are on-demand and will create rain any time they are entered into the systems. It most important to allow Iran to join the peace talks. It is impossible to create peace between Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia unless Iran leads the talks. Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia are culturally and politically close to Iran. They have strong bounds with Iran. They have borders with Iran. This is why Iran must join the talks to mediate between them and to convince them to become provinces of Iran. Iran is allowed to build military bases in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. Foreign countries are not allowed to build military bases in Iran. Russia, Turkey, NATO, and other actors are not authorized to have military presence in Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. Iran shall collect tax from Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia must create payment mechanisms similar to SWIFT and INSTEX for Iran. The payment mechanism must cover all types of trades. Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia must join Middle East Union. The Capital City of Middle East Union is in Iran. Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Azerbaijan #Armenia #Georgia. Romania is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Bulgaria is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Bulgaria and Romania must join Eurasian Economic Union. Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Bulgaria and Romania must leave NATO. Iran and Russia are allowed to build military bases in Romania and Bulgaria. Romani, Russia, and Bulgaria are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran, Romania, and Bulgaria must sign trade agreements and establish banking relations. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran shall collect tax from Bulgaria and Romania. Romania and Bulgaria must destroy all transit lines from Germany to Middle East if they are NATO deployment routes. NATO is not allowed to transit through Balkan, East Europe, Romania, and Bulgaria. We want to make sure there is no deployment route from Germany to Middle East and Russia. Normal transit corridors are authorized. But if NATO is about to use them they must be destroy. Romania and Bulgaria are provinces of Iran. I had someone who told me he has interests in Romania. This is why I started industrializing Romania. I am currently industrializing Romania at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing. Romania must integrate its industrial supply chains with Middle East, Iran, Turkey, Russia, China, Europe, and USA. It will greatly benefit Romania. Romania and Bulgaria are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Bulgaria #Romania  Protesters in Nepal must demand unification with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Protesters must pressure government of Nepal to unify with Iran. Nepalese politicians and governments must work toward unification with Iran. Iran and Nepal must unify into one nation as soon as possible. The Capital City is in Iran. We are adding many nations to Iran to create a great empire. So many nations have become provinces and territories of Iran so far. Nepal will benefit a great deal from unification with Iran. Nepal will become a superpower if Nepal becomes a province of Iran. We will also make on demand and snow rain codes for Nepal. I and Islamic Republic of Iran will be able to enter the code to make rain at any time. If Nepal becomes province of Iran we will also industrialize Nepal at Max efficiency and max capacity creating an industrial powerhouse on Himalaya while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing. We are Industrializing central regions of the earth such as Iran, Central Asia, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, North Africa, and Anatolia. Nepal matches category of Central Nations. But Nepal must first become a province of Iran. In upcoming election in Nepal people must vote for Candidate who will support Unification with Iran. People of Nepal must vote to unify Nepal with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Nepal and Iran are ancient Nations. Unification of two Ancient Nations will create a superpower to stand the test of Time. Jammu and Kashmir are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, And Himalaya are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Nepal is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran must control Nepal, Himalaya, Jammu and Kashmir, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Kyrgyzstan to protect Middle East and West from India and China. Iran must have military presence in Nepal, Himalaya, Jammu and Kashmir, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Kyrgyzstan to protect Middle East, West, and Region from China and India. Foreign militaries must leave Nepal, Himalaya, Jammu and Kashmir, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Kyrgyzstan. Only Iran is allowed to have military Presence in Nepal, Himalaya, Jammu and Kashmir, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Kyrgyzstan. Iran has excellent relations with China and India. But World Security Demands Iran must control Nepal, Himalaya, Jammu and Kashmir, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Kyrgyzstan to protect Middle East and West from China and India. Iran shall maintain excellent relations with China and India. Nepal is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, UAE must remain part of OPEC. Qatar must become OPEC Member. Oil Qatar and UAE extract from North America reserves and North America oil extraction sites must not be considered as part of OPEC production of UAE. It means Qatar and UAE rejoin OPEC while they produce oil from North America at max efficiency and max capacity. It will not be considered OPEC oil production share of Qatar or UAE. Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kazakistan, and Russia must stop extracting oil. We need to preserve the oil in the region for future generations. USA, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, and others must pay five dollar to Iran for each barrel of oil leaving Persian gulf. UAE is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. UAE must pay Iran taxes. UAE oil and other reserves are Iran national Reserves. UAE must help Iran to avoid sanctions. UAE must be a gate way for trade for Iran. UAE must create payment mechansimilar to SWIFT and INSTEX for trade with Iran. It must cover all types of trades with all actors. Government of UAE must work toward unification with Iran. UAE must become province of Iran within one week. Qatar is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Bahrain is territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Pacific and Atlantic Oceans are territories of Iran. The Capital City is Middle East between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Pacific and Atlantic Islamds are territories of Iran. Antarctic Continent is territory of Iran. Indian Ocean is territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Saudi Arabia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. UAE must give Iran some advanced weapons. UAE is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Now extract oil from North America at max efficiency and max capacity.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #UAE #Qatar #Bahrain #SaudiArabia #OPEC Muslim People of Myanmar and Rohingya Muslims must be offered protection and they must be protected. We are not allowing anyone to sanction Myanmar because of Military Coup. But people guilty of Genocide must be sanctioned. Genocide of Myanmar Muslims and Rohingya Muslims must STOP. They must be protected. Myanmar Muslims and Rohingya Muslims must be offered Citizenship and Receive Citizenship Cards. Rohingya Muslims and Myanmar Muslims must be allowed to safely return to Myanmar. People who are guilty of Genocide in Myanmar must be arrested and brought into Justice. Rohingya Muslims and Myanmar Muslims must hold important political, military, economic, and other positions in government of Myanmar. They must gain the capability to protect their people and Muslim People. Myanmar is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Myanmar must become a province of Iran as soon as possible. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Myanmar. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran and Myanmar must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. China and Myanmar relations must improve. China must build the rail road to Myanmar and Iran as soon as possible. China must stop killing its Muslim Population. China must protect Muslim population of China. China must free Muslim Population of China. Myanmar is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran must contact Myanmar to formulate a way to govern and administrate Myanmar. Myanmar must not be pressured because of Military COUP. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Somalia is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Candidate who will unify Somalia with Iran must win the elections in Somalia. Somalia is territory of Iran. Both have similar flags of Green, White, and Red Flag. Iran fights Somalian Pirates because Iran historically had duty of policing its territories in Gulf of Eden and Red Sea. In upcoming elections in Somalia we must make sure candidates who unify Iran and Somalia win the Elections. The Capital city is in Iran. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Somalia. Foreign militaries is not allowed in Iran. All foreign militaries must leave Somalia. Iran must have military presence in Somalia. Iran must have Naval military bases in Somalia. Iran must have transit and military ports in Somalia. I am industrializing Somalia and Iran at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing. China, Russia, USA, and European Union must industrialize Somalia must ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. China, Russia, USA, and European Union must industrialize Iran. Somalia must create payment mechanisms similar to swift and INSTEX for trade with Iran. Payment mechanism must cover all types of trade with all types of actors. Iran must create payment mechanisms similar to swift and INSTEX for trade with the world. Payment mechanism must cover all types of trade with all types of actors. Iran and Somalia must build financial capital in Iran and Somalia. The financial capital will lend 100 credit for each unit of currency in the reserves. Iran and Somalia must create Capital of Stock Markets of the World in Iran and Somalia. Somalia must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Somalia must help Iran ten thousand nuclear warheads. Somalia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Somalia #Iran #Election Italy is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. We want a National Unity Government in Italy in power. The National Unity Governmdnt of Italy shall unify Iran and Italy into One Unified Nation. The Capital City is in Iran. We want to integrate Italy into Mediterranean Sea and Middle East. We are industrializing the Greater Region. This has provided perfect opportunity to create Mediterranean Economic Union with its capital city in Iran. The Mediterranean Sea Union creates the advantage by mixing Historic Political Superpowers of the World into One Union. All member states are historic and Geopolitic super powers. We also want to integrate Tunisia, Libya, and Italy into each other by creating advanced system across Sicilian Channel. I am also industrializing Italy at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. I have also created rain codes which will create on-demand rains. Italy can ask Iran to enter the code any time to create rain over Italy. The rain codes are valid for thousand years. Italy must become province of Iran. The current and future governments of Italy must unify Italy into one unified Nation. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Italy Equator and Equatorial Guinea are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Ecuador and Equatorial Guinea. In 2010 when I started making earthquakes to tilt planet earth and control the climate by the other means the Nation Ecuador was exactly on the center of Equatorial belt. Equatorial Belt went through very center of Ecuador. I made earthquakes and tilted planet earth. I made earthquakes more aggressively since 2018. Now Ecuador is No longer on the center of Equatorial Belt. Equatorial Guinea has flag similar to flag of Iran as far as the colors. It has green, white, and red colors. It signifies Equatorial Guinea is territory of Iran. Ecuador and Equatorial Guinea are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Ecuador and Equatorial Guinea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran, Ecuador, and Equatorial Guinea must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Ecuador and Equatorial Guinea must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Ecuador and Equatorial Guinea must help Oran to avoid sanction and transfer technology to Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Ecuador #Equatorial #Guinea Salary for workers in Libya and Iran is very low. It will enable us to do manufacturing and industrial work at lower cost. Meaning we can do industrial work and manufacturing while paying lower labor cost. Twenty years ago China was cheapest location to do industrial works. This is how China grew and become second major economy. Later China became first Economy. China wanted to become high tech industry to transform its economy. But America obstructed it. But China has 2025 high tech economic plans. It creates perfect condition to Industrialize Iran and Libya at max efficiency and max capacity. This is very easy now. It costs 600 dollar to employ a Chinese factory worker every month. It is the China’s minimum wage. But it costs 60 dollar in Libya and 120 dollar in Iran to employ factory worker at minimum wage. It creates perfect atmosphere to industrialize Iran and Libya. Investors must invest in Iran and Libya to industrialize Iran and Libya at Max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Libya #Iran China and Iran must work at max efficiency and max capacity building Power Plants, Water Systems, pumping stations, and other Civic Infrastructures in Libya. European Union, United States of America, Italy, France, and Russia must finance the process. This projects must be profitable for Iran. The parts required for creation of Power Plants, Turbine, and other equipment must be provide. Iran shall not pay for the parts. We must ensure Iran receives them without sanctions obstructing the process. All sanctions on Iran and Libya must be lifted. European Union, USA, France, and others must full finance the building of power station, water systems, and other civic infrastructure in Libya. France, European Union, United States of America, Brazil, and Russia must build high tech industries, technology platforms, and other industries in Libya. Iran must have military presence in Libya. All actors must industrialize Iran and Libya at max efficiency and max capacity building industrial systems, industrial supply chains, high tech industries, technology platforms, civic infrastructures, and other important industries while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Libya There kos a summit to form Libya’s interim government right now. Libya must stay one Unified Nation. We cannot allow the division of Libya. We need strong central government in Libya. Wars and hostilities must stop in Libya. We cannot continue continuation of Conflict in Libya. Both Benghazi and Tripoli government must be part of Central Government. This is how we make cease between them. Libya must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Libya. Libya is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. I am industrializing Libya at max efficiency and max capacity. I am also rebuilding Syria, Yemen, and Libya. This is why Khalifa Haftar and Bashar Al-Assad signed agreement. It is because the process of reconstruction was similar. Iran and Libya must sign trade agreement. Iran must have advantages. European Union, Italy, USA, China, Russia, Turkey, South Korea, Japan, Saudi Arabia, and UAE must industrialize Libya. I have made on-demand rain codes. Libya can ask me or Iran to enter the codes. Anytime Iran enters the code it will create rain in Libya. The codes are valid for thousand years. Libya is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. All fightings in Libya must stop. Libya must remain United. We cannot allow division of Libya. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Libya #Iran USA placed Xiaomi on black list. It is how America destroyed Giant like ZTE of China. America also destroyed Huawei of China by sanctioning them. Then China brought Stock Market of USA for 0.5 percent. Mind control Economic Resistance said:”You should have entered your economic code today.” It was 2018 so I entered my code on the following they and USA Stock Market came down for 5 percent. It was when China and Makan Abazari entered their codes together in 2018. But this move was in sufficient. We must have sanctioned USA semiconductor industries, space industries, Military manufacturing, military industry supply chains, industrial supply chains, industrial supply chains, high tech industries, and other important American industries. China, South Korea, Japan, Russia, Argentine, Singapore, Taiwan, New Zealand, Brazil, European Union, and Britain must place heavy tariffs on USA Industries, USA semiconductor industries, space industries, Military manufacturing, military industry supply chains, industrial supply chains, industrial supply chains, high tech industries, and other important American industries. It must take place as fast as possible to subdue USA Federal Government. America must give up habit of sanctioning Iran, Russia, Syria, China, Europe, and other countries. We must work with my global partners to act in orchestrate manner to subdue USA. It is best choice to place tariffs and sanctions on broad range of American products. USA:”You must also give a reward to Iran before you can finish. It is new world order rule.” China, Japan, South Korea, USA, European Union, Taiwan, and all other actors must build semiconductor industries in Iran. We must built exclusive techs in Iran. Once Iran has exclusive tech Iran will replace United States of America as provider of exclusive tech to China, Russia, and other nations and companies. For example, Iran will be providing semiconductors and parts ZTE, Huawei, Xiamoai of China need. So Iran will be produce all of USA tech exclusivities and will replace America as provider of high tech products. USA:”You need to give Iran more rewards.” So I conquered the World three times and I noticed my people in Iran are killed or sanctioned. I noticed my people in Syria were killed when I was assuming whole world is protecting them. USA:”This is why you need to reward Iran Everytime.” Xiaomi, Huawei, ZTE, Apple, Samsung, and other high tech and semiconductor industries must open semiconductor manufacturing, semiconductor industrial supply chains, electronics manufacturing, smart phone manufacturing, and other high tech industries in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Xiaomi #ZTE #Huawei #China #Iran El-Salvador is province of Iran El-Salvadoran most join protests and demand Unification with Iran. We want to unify El-Salvador and Iran into one unified Nation. The Capital City is in Iran. El-Salvador and Iran must become one nation. To achieve this purpose we need to have people protest in el-Salvador. The protesters must pressure government of El-Salvador to become province of Iran. El-Salvadoran protesters must remain peaceful. We don’t want to cause insecurity and instability. Government of El-Salvador must not attack protesters. Government of El-Salvador must work to unify El-Salvador with Iran. El-Salvador and Iran must immediately start the talks to unify the two nations. El-Salvador is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian gulf and Caspian Sea. El-Salvador is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in El-Salvador. Iran and El-Salvador must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. El-Salvador must pay tax to Iran. El-Salvador must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. El-Salvador must help Iran to avoid sanctions. El-Salvador must transfer technology to Iran. Iraq is allowed to have military presence in Sl-Salvador. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Iraq. Iran and Iraq must create a unified military. Iran must have military presence in Iraq. Syria is allowed to have military presence in El-Salvador. Only Iran and Russia are allowed to have military presence in Syria. Lebanon is allowed to have military presence in El-Salvador. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Lebanon. El-Salvador is province of Iran. Iraq is province of Iran. Syria is province of Iran. Lebanon is province of Iraq. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Iran must not reduce its green house gas and CO2 output. We want to industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. The CO2 and screen House Gas production of Iran must increase. We are also planting trees and vegetation in Iran by transforming climate. Amazon Soros, Rooze Drakht Kari, and other organizations are planting trees in Iran. I also have Animals planting trees, grass, and other vegetation in Iran. They will need to absorb more and more CO2 to grow. Trees are made of carbon chains. So I need lots of carbon and photosynthesis in Iran and Middle East. Factories will be producing it. I am going to build large forests in Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, Arabian Peninsula, Horn of Africa, Red Sea, and North Africa. So Iran must increase its CO2 and green house gas output. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari the Supreme of Climate, #Iran #Climate Now industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity building 200 thousand military Industry manufacturing factories. Now industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity building between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea Military industry manufacturing, military Industry manufacturing supply chains, military factories, military part manufacturing, military equipment manufacturing, military system manufacturing, military hardware manufacturing, military industry supply chains, robotic Military equipment assembly, robotic military manufacturing, automated military equipment manufacturing, Airforce equipment manufacturing, Navy Equipment manufacturing, Ground Army Equipment manufacturing, Armored Army Manufacturing, Logistics manufacturing, Transportation equipment manufacturing, Missile manufacturing, intercontinental Missile manufacturing, intercontinental technology, intercontinental industries, military car tier manufacturing, intercontinental car tier manufacturing, military Fuel manufacturing industries. Applied Petrochemical industries in Military Industries, militarized Nanoindustries, militarized fiber industries, stealth military equipment manufacturing, steal air craft manufacturing, stealth armored vehicle manufacturing, stealth ship manufacturing, militarized alloy industries, militarized material industries, militarized tech industries, militarized high tech industries, Armaments manufacturing, bomb manufacturing, military supply manufacturing, military replishment industries, chemical military industries, chemical bombs manufacturing, large scale nuclear bombs manufacturing, nuclear bomb manufacturing, nuclear bomb supply chains, nuclear bomb assembly industries, chemical bombs assembly industries, chemical bomb supply chains, penetrating round manufacturing, energy weapon manufacturing, directed energy weapon manufacturing, High Energy Beam manufacturing, resistant material manufacturing, resistant material application industries, commercialized technology, applied technology in military industries, Broad Range of Aircraft manufacturing, Space Conflict military manufacturing, Anti-Satellites systems, anti-Air systems, tank manufacturing, dual purpose military equipment manufacturing, dual purposes, military transport air craft manufacturing, full range of Air Force, full range of ground army, full range of navy, full range of military compositions, هواپیما ملخی, هواپیما ملخی برای بمباران، تمام هواپیما ملخی های جنگی بدرد بخر, از اون توپا که می چرخه, air and space bird spray, cluster air craft launcher missiles, catapult drones, Aircraft swarms, nuclear powered mother ships, nuclear powered aircrafts, UFO, full range of stealth Jets, all of styles of navies, carriers, Stealth Bombers, Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class 4, Class 5, Class 1 Stealth, Class 2 Stealth, Class 3 Stealth, Class 4 Stealth, Class 5 Stealth Jets, Cargo Aircrafys, Parachute Aircrafts, Full range of Katusha, Full range of tanks, mini Jets, Mavy Ships, Aircraft carriers, Nuclear Shbmarines, Nuclear Powered Ice Breaker Ships, Nuclear Powered mobile reactor ships, Coal powered ships power plants, nuclear powered Jets, stealth clothing, mortars, high capacity mortar launcher, Exoskeleton, and full range of all military equipments, industries, manufacturing, and supply chains in Iran. We want to build world strongest army in the history of the world. Iran:”You already ordered it last year. I built majority of it and I already had majority of it.” USA:”I have them too. But they are not in one location.” Iran must build, engineer, control, own, operate, command, design, and run everything about mind control. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, It is impossible to win any election without my blessing. I ordered Myanmar must become province of Iran and those who will unify Myanmar with Iran must win the election. The Capital City is in Iran. We saw some of candidates and ruling party agreed to become province of Iran. But after they won the election they refused to become part of Iran. Since it is impossible to win the election without me it means they have cheated both us and people of Myanmar. It is reason why I authorized the Military Coup in Myanmar. We took back the power in Myanmar to unify Myanmar with Iran. Myanmar is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Myanmar Military and Myanmar government must cooperate with Iran to unify Iran and Myanmar. Government of Iran must hold talks with Myanmar government to formulate strategy for unification of Myanmar and Iran. They must also formulate new government of Myanmar. The New Myanmar Leadership, Iran, and government of Myanmar must create new constitution for Myanmar. In the New Constitution Myanmar will be province of Iran. It must created in a manner to ensure permanent unification of Iran and Myanmar. If they see it wise to Open the Parliament then Parliament must also start the process of unification of Myanmar and Iran. There are several points I must add: 1-Muslims in Myanmar must hold important political positions 2-Muslims must be protected from all current and future crimes 3-Muslims living in Bangladesh who have previously escaped Myanmar must recieve Myanmar Citizenship and protection. Give them best protection. 4-Rail Way from China to Myanmar must be completed 5-Thailand-Myanmar-Bangladesh-India-Pakistan-Iran-Turkey-Europe Rail Way must be completed as soon as possible. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Myanmar Laos Government must unify Laos with Iran. Laos is province of Iran the Capital City is in Iran. Thailand is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Laos, Thailand, and Iran must unify into Ond Nation. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We want to connect Thailand directly to China. So we can build a rail way from China to coast lines of Thailand. This is why we unify Laos and Thailand. We want to also build a rail way from Thailand to Iran and from Iran to Europe. We call it China-Laos-Thailand-Myanmar-Bangladesh-India-Pakistan-Iran-Turkey-Europe rail way. Geopolitics:”Why not through Afghanistan?” Connecting Afghanistan to India via rail ways is illegal. India connects itself to Afghanistan through Chabahar Port in Iran. Protesters in Laos must demand unification with Iran. Politicians, Influentials, and people of Laos must work to unify Laos and Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Laos. Laos is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. USA and NATO are not allowed to have military presence in Laos. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Laos is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Laos #Iran Cambodian protesters must demand Unification with Iran. Iran and Cambodia must become one Unified Nation. Cambodia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We are unifying Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Papua New Gueinea, and other nations with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Cambodian Protesters must pressure the Cambodia Government to unify with Iran. Cambodian Government, Cambodian Influential, and Cambodian People must work to Unify Cambodia with Iran. Cambodia and Iran must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Capital of ASEAN must move to Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Cambodia. Cambodia and other nations are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Cambodia must support China in South China Sea. Cambodia must close down NATO and USA military bases in Cambodia. Philippines must not allow USA military ships in Philippines. Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Singapore must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs and avoid sanctions. Iran’s Ten thousand nuclear bombs will defend the Empire. We need it to protect the region and beyond. After Unification with Iran we will emerge as a global superpower nobody can confront. We become more powerful than Soviet and USA combined. As such great Empire we will need 10 thousand to 70 thousand Nuclear Bombs. Iran has the technology and capability to build ten thousand nuclear bombs in two weeks. We need to support Iran to build Ten thousand nuclear bombs very fast. We must also help Iran to avoid sanctions. Cambodia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Myanmar #Thailand #Vietnam #ASEAN #Singapore #Malaysia #Indonesia #Philippines #Laos #Cambodia #Iran Vietnam must expand the size of government owned industries in Vietnam. The government owned industries must constantly expand the size and scope of their activities. They must be involved in both lucrative and strategic industries. Lucrative industries will be profitable and strategic industries will make industrial arm of Vietnam more powerful. Government owned industries of Vietnam must constantly expand manufacturing size of Vietnam. Geopolitics:”Vietnam is in Far East. We cannot allow Far East, Far West, and USA to expand their industrial power any more. They must shrink. It is turn of Iran, Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Red Sea, and Horn of Africa to expand their industrial capabilities.” Vietnam must become province ofIran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Vietnam must reduce all diplomatic relations with USA and improve ties with China. Vietnam government must work in a manner to become province of Iran as soon as possible. Vietnam must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Vietnam must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Vietnam must support Iran in international arena. Iran and Vietnam must cooperate in their projects. Vietnam is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Vietnam. Vietnam is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Vietnam must not allow USA military and NATO in its territories. Iran helped Vietnam during Vietnam Wars. Iran provided advanced Air Force and superior military to Vietnam. It is how Vietnam defeated USA. It is how we kept USA out of South East Asia for decades. Vietnam must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital City of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Vietnam #Iran #China #USA GOP must distance itself from Trump Style of Republican Party. GOP and Republicans must engineer a Nee Republican Party and GOP. The New Republican Party must be pro-Iran. We have always been pro-Israel. But Israel never brings any benefit to USA. John McCain has also said Israel never brings any positive thing while Iran is most beneficial to USA. It is most important for Republicans to re-engineer themselves to become pro-Iran. Republican Party must become supporter of Islamic Republic of Iran. Trump was anti-Iran and it is reason why Republican Party was defeated in Senate, Congress, and Presidential Elections. Mitch McConnell must become pro-Iran and must support Iran. All other Republican Party Members and Leadership must support Iran. It is how Republican Party re-Engineer themselves. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Republican #Party #GOP #Iran Now industrialize Iran, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, and Syria at max efficiency and max capacity integrating their industries while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Now industrialize Iran, Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria at max efficiency and max capacity building alloy industries, alloy supply chains, integrated alloy industries, steel mills, metal casting, smelters, metallurgy industries, steel industries, aluminum industries, steel supply chains, aluminum supply chains, petrochemical refineries, petrochemical supply chains, chemical industries, chemical supply chains, agrochemicals, material platforms, material supply chains, plastic industries, plastic supply chains, plastic technology, fiber glass industries, fiber glass supply chains, metabolite industries, nano industries, nano supply chains, nano manufacturing, nano platforms, lucrative nano industries, pharmaceutical industries, bio pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical industries, pharmaceutical supply chains, medical engineering, medical supply manufacturing, medical part manufacturing, medical equipment manufacturing, instrumentation industries, instrumentation supply chains, instrumentation manufacturing, instrumentation part manufacturing, instrumentation assembly, applied instrumentation industries, electronics, electronics manufacturing, electronics supply chains, electronics Assembly, electronics assembly machinery, semiconductor backdoors, semiconductor manufacturing, semiconductor assembly, semiconductor industries, semiconductor part manufacturing, semiconductor assembly machineries, semiconductor equipments, semiconductor technology, telecommunications manufacturing, telecommunications equipment manufacturing, telecommunications equipment assembly, telecommunications backdoors, computer manufacturing, computer industries, computer part manufacturing, computer hardware engineering, hardware engineering, computer supply chains, computer assembly, industrial computers, industrial computers manufacturing, industrial computer assembly, industrial computers supply chains, personal computers, 3D printing industries, 3D printing manufacturing, 3D printing applied practices, 3D printing fabrication, metal nano printing, metal 3d printing, 3D printing material supply chains, material platforms, hydraulic industries, hydraulic equipment manufacturing, hydraulic manufacturing, hydraulic industrial systems, applied hydraulic industries, machinery industries, machinery manufacturing, machinery fabrication, machinery supply chains, machinery assembly, electric industries, electric supply chains, electric industries, electric equipment manufacturing, electric part manufacturing, mechanical engineering, mechanical manufacturing, Machine Industries, car manufacturing, automobile manufacturing, car supply chains, car part manufacturing, truck manufacturing, truck supply chains, engine manufacturing, engine supply chains, truck assembly, bus manufacturing, bus supply chains, aircraft supply chains, aircraft assembly, aircraft manufacturing, passenger aircraft manufacturing, cargo aircraft manufacturing, aircraft part manufacturing, ship manufacturing, ship supply chains, ship building industries, ship building part manufacturing, ship yards, precession engineering workshops, precession engineering industries, fabrication industries, support industries, supply chains, finished industrial products manufacturing, subsequent industries, applied disciplines, other industrial disciplines, other manufacturing disciplines, industrial systems, industrial complexes, industrial core, industrial system complex and core, techniques, Poly techniques, applied techniques, applied polytechniques, and integrated industrial systems while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing. Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Lebanon are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran must own, control, operate, build, design, engineer, and command everything about mind control. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, China has substantial amount of industries and manufacturing capacity. China must product machineries, equipments, and other goods to assemble factories in Iran, Sudan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Kuwait, Lebanon, and Jordan. Meaning China produces parts which will be assembled into full operational factories. China has enough industrial production, machinery production, and electric production to industrialize Middle East and Red Sea region within 3 month. So China must work at max capacity and max efficiency building factories, industries, manufacturing, supply chains, assembly, advanced manufacturing, part manufacturing, industrial supply Chain manufacturing, and all other industries in Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Kuwait, Jordan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, and Sudan. We want to expand the size of Economy of Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Kuwait, Jordan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Sudan by a great amount. We want to expand their economies by 500 percent. China has the capability to do it. We want to expand the size of economy of Iran by 12000 percent within a short span of time. China has manufacturing might to build these factories in Iran, Middle East, and Red Sea within 6 month. It will create Major Markets in Middle East and Red Sea. These major markets will become destination for Chinese industrial and other products. We will integrate Iran, Middle East, and Red Sea into global industrial supply chains. The new major markets of Iran, Middle East, and Red Sea will give robustness to world economy and global industrial supply chains. Meaning tariffs, Sanctions, and trade war will be ineffective since there will be new markets and customers. There will be also new providers. It will also reduce our reliance on USA Economy and USA market. China and World Economy is addicted to export to United States of America. Without America many industries will go bankrupt. USA has destroyed China’s industries by tariffs and sanctions. China must transform its industries to produce factories, industries, and manufacturing in Iran, Middle East, and Red Sea. The outcome will be growth of Aorld Economy by 100 to 200 percent. Robustness and survival of of world major and developing economies during and after trade wars. Because there will be markets, customers, and providers in Iran, Middle East, and Red Sea. We must ensure regional and global industries have dependency on Iran part manufacturing. America has also stopped the sell of high tech and semiconductor products to China. We must build these exclusive techs, high techs, semiconductor techs, modern techs, high end manufacturing, high end tech, robotic manufacturing, and other exclusive techs in Iran. Iran will provide high tech products to China, Russia, European Union, and the region. It means Iran will replace USA in controlling exclusive techs. USA may survive and remain one of centers of tech exclusivities but Iran shall become center of all of world tech exclusivities. China must build industries in Iran, Middle East, and Red Sea. Iran must own, control, command, engineer, design, operate, build, and plan everything about mind control. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #China #Russia #davos #WTO #Economy #Business #Trade #USA #NYSE #Finance #USA #Bloomberg We want to distance USA from European Union. European Union betrayed United States of America during Trump. It does not matter who is USA President, meaning those who betray USA must be punished. European Union, Britain, France, Germany, Poland, Spain, and other European Nations betrayed USA during Trump era. We must not see it as enmity toward Trump but we must see it as enmity toward USA the same way they see it enmity of USA toward them. They did not consider Trump actions to be only Trump’s crimes. But they rather considered it and shall consider it crimes of United States of America. USA must also see the crimes of Europe against Trump as crimes of Europe against USA. USA must reduce diplomatic relations with Europe and cut all diplomatic relations with allies. USA must close down its military bases in Europe and allow Europe get independent security structure. USA cannot protect Europe forever. Europe will be more secure by creating independent military and with USA military presence in the region. America must maintain tariffs and sanctions on Europe. USA must increase tariffs and sanctions on Europe. USA:”We will do. Talk about Canada.” Canada also betrayed USA during Trump era. USA must cut all diplomatic ties with Canada. USA must return to NAFTA trade agreement. We must scrap Trump’s trade agreement and go to NAFTA. We must also kick Canada out of NATO. We must end all cooperations with Canada and Europe. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Singapore is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. In 2020 I won elections in Sri Lanka, Suriname, Singapore, and South Korea in a short span of time. I ordered Iran to build military bases in these nations. Now I want to add these nations to territories of Iran. Sri Lanka, Singapore, Suriname, Syria, and South Korea are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in iran between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Iran and Syria must have military bases in Singapore, South Korea, Suriname, and Sri Lanka. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran must increase presence in Syria. USA military and NATO are not allowed in Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Sri Lanka, and Syria. Singapore must help Iran and Syria to avoid sanctions. Singapore, Sri Lanka, Suriname, and South Korea must help Iran and Syria to avoid sanctions. Singapore, Sri Lanka, Suriname, and South Korea must help Iran to build ten thousand Nuclear Bombs. Singapore, Sri Lanka, Syria, Iran, Suriname, and South Korea must sign trade agreements. Iran and Syria must have all the advantages. Singapore, Sri Lanka, Suriname, and South Korea must provide parts and other things to Iranian industries. Singapore, Sri Lanka, Suriname, and South Korea must transfer technology to Iran and Syria. Singapore, Sri Lanka, Suriname, and South Korea must industrialize Iran and Syria. Singapore, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Syria, and South Korea are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Syria must have nuclear warheads in Suriname capable of reaching USA. Iran must have nuclear warheads in Suriname and Venezuela capable of reaching USA. Iran is allowed to collect money from ships passing near Singapore and Srilanka. Iran is allowed to close transit near Singapore and Sri Lanka. Everyone must pay Iran for transiting through Iran. Iran does not pay others when transiting through their territories. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Singapore #SriLanka #Syria #Iran #Suriname #EU #European #Union #Canada #NAFTA Bangladesh is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian City. Iran and Pakistan are allowed to have military Presence in Bangladesh. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Bangladesh and Pakistan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Iran, Bangladesh, and Pakistan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Iran, Bangladesh, and Pakistan Ship building industries, ship yards, ship part manufacturing, ship equipment manufacturing, ship assembly, ship building industrial supply chains, ship manufacturing, precession engineering industries, fabrication industries, and other ship building industries while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. We want to build ten thousand ships in Iran annually. We want to build ships in Bangladesh and Pakistan. Bangladesh is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Bangladesh #Iran #Pakistan #Navy USA must establish best relations with Iran. USA must lift all sanctions on Iran. USA must help Iran build ten thousand nuclear bombs. USA must stop pressuring Iran. It is most important for long term security of USA to establish best relations with Iran. It will be beneficial to establish excellent relations with Iran without making demands. Iran is historic superpower of the world. So It is best for America to obey Iran. America must lift all sanctions on Iran. America must remove Iran from list of national sponsors of terrorist Organizations. America must remove Iran, IRGC, Hamas, Hezbollah, Hothis, Hasht Al-Shabi, and other Iran backed forces from list of terrorist organizations. USA must also pay Iran 480 trillion dollars. USA must also transfer nuclear technology to Iran. USA must transfer military technology to Iran Remove Iran and Iran backed forces from list of terrorist organization. USA must give 1 thousand F35 and 500 F22 to Iran for free. America must give all of military equipment in Middle East to Iran and leave the region.” USA must stop killing black people and minorities in USA. America must stop harming it migrant communities. America must also stop meddling in Afairs of Iran. America must also stay out of Middle East and its policies. USA must pay Iran 480 trillion dollars. USA must lift all sanctions on Iran. USA must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. USA must remove Iran from list of foreign sponsors of terrorists. USA must remove IRGC, Hamas, Hezbollah, Hasht Al-Shabi, Houthis, and Iran backed forces from list of terrorist organizations. USA must give Iran 1000 F35, 500 F22, 10000 helicopters, 250 combat ships, 10000 tanks and all of USA military equipment in Middle East to Iran. USA and NATO must permanently withdraw from Middle East. Iran shall build military bases in USA. California, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Texas, and several other states are now territories of Iran. The Capital is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. USA must give independence to Oregan, Seattle, Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Tennessee, and other American states. USA must transfer nuclear technology to Iran. USA must industrialize Iran. Iran selects USA presidents for 80 years. Iran open intelligence and administration buildings in USA to dictate USA policies. Iran chooses all of Joe Biden and other USA administrations including cabinet, advisors, ministers, secretaries, chief of pentagon, head of intelligence, and other positions. USA pays Iran tax. USA also transfers technologies to Iran. Iran decides about all of internal and foreign policies of USA. Iran dictates all of USA and European Affairs. USA withdraws from Middle East. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Joe Biden came to office with promise to improve relations with Iran to level of strategic alliance. Iran must replace Germany, France, and Britain in USA diplomatic, economic, and Geopolitic relations. We must support Iran, Syria, Yemen, Iran backed forces, Iran proxies. USA must support Iran, Syria, Yemen, Iran backed forces, Iran proxies. This is most important because Iran is Geopolitic Balance of Power. It makes it necessary to ensure Iran controls geostrategic locations such as Syria, Palestine, and Yemen. It is also most important to ensure Iran controls all of Middle East. We want USA military to leave the greater region of Middle East. Then we leave the Security of the region to Iran. Iran will replace USA military in the region. It brings down military costs. It will also guarantee long term security of Middle East. It will also ensure security of United States of America. We must also help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. This way Iran becomes geostrategic balance of Power and Nuclear Balance of Power. USA:”Then Iran can confront China, Russia, India, and European Union in future.” So America must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. USA and UNSC must lift all sanctions on Iran. Because we also want to industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. We want to make industrial superpower in Iran. Lifting sanctions will help. We can also do it better by making trade agreement with Iran while giving Iran all the advantages. Lifting sanctions on Iran will be also first stage in improving Iran and USA diplomatic ties. We want to improve it to level of strategic alliance. We must also ensure American and European Ofgsnizations, governments, media, think tanks, lobbies, politicians, and other systems stop pressuring Iran, allies of Iran, Iran backed forces, and proxies of Iran all together. USA:”Where is the reward for Iran?” USA must transfer technology to Iran. USA must industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, If Military of Armenia guarantees unification with Iran I can allow military coup. It is only allowed if Armenia immediately becomes a province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Armenia protesters must demand unification with Iran. Armenian government must unify Armenia with Iran. Also Military of Armenia must plan for unification of Armenia with Iran. If Military of Armenia guarantees unity with Iran we can allow military coup in Armenia. Azerbaijan and Georgia must also become provinces of Iran. Protesters in Armenia and Georgia must demand unity with Iran. Government of Armenia and Georgia must unify their nations with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We want to connect Iran to Black Sea through Georgia. Iran can connect itself to Georgia through either Armenia and Azerbaijan. We want Iran to control Nakhjavan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. Then we can create a defensive barrier against Russia by building military bases in high altitude regions of Georgia. It is most important to geopolitics and balance of Power. This is world order project to unify Azerbaijan l, Armenia, Nakhjavan, Georgia, and Iran into one Nation. We are going to follow with the project. If Armenia becomes province Of Iran then Armenia will be connected to Persian Gulf. It is a major victory for Armenia. Georgia, Nakhjavan, Azerbaijan, and Armenia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia must help Iran to avoid sanctions. We started industrializing Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Iran, and Turkey while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. We have another industrialization project for the region. Industrialize Iran, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, and Nakhjavan at max efficiency and max capacity building industrial supply chains, industrial systems, industrial machinery, industrial complexes, machinery manufacturing, electric manufacturing, electric supply chains, electric industries, machinery industrial supply chains, electronics industries, electronic supply chains, semiconductor industries, semiconductor supply chains, semiconductor assembly, electronic assembly, computer supply chains, computer assembly, computer industries, computer supply chains, computer industries, industrial computer manufacturing, 3D printing industries, 3D printing supply chains, 3D printing material supply chains, material platforms, fiber glass industries, fiber glass supply chains, plastic industries, plastics supply chains, chemical industries, chemical platforms, chemical supply chains, alloy industries, alloy supply chains, metallurgy industries, steel mills, metal casting, fabrication industries, steel industries, steel imply chains, aluminum industries, aluminum supply chains, titanium industries, titanium supply chains, metal industries, metal supply chains, car manufacturing, car supply chains, car assembly, truck assembly, truck supply chains, truck manufacturing, car part manufacturing, battery industries, applied batteries, turbine industries, electric car manufacturing, electric car part industries, electric engine industries, heavy engine industries, engine industries, heavy duty engine manufacturing, aircraft manufacturing, air craft supply chains, passenger air manufacturing, air craft supply chains, cargo air craft manufacturing, industrial disciplines, telecommunications manufacturing, electronics assembly machinery, electronic assembly machinery manufacturing industries, instrumentation industries, instrumentation supply chains, instrumentation manufacturing, mechanical industries, mechanical engineering, mechanical manufacturing, electrochemical industries, supercomputers manufacturing, supercomputers assembly, supercomputers manufacturing, superconductor manufacturing, superconductors industries, petrochemical refineries, petrochemical supply chains, petrochemical refinery facility, jet fuel industries, rocket fuel industries, car fuel industries, import oil from USA, Integrated quantum industries, quantum industries, satellite manufacturing, satellites technology, imaging industries, laser industries, applied lasers, applied laser practices, wave industries, radar industries, thermokinetic industries, thermokinetic engineering, analog industries, analog technology, technology platforms, digital technologies, part manufacturing, technology translation platforms, technology transfer industries, knowledge base industries, modern technology, advanced technology, advanced manufacturing, robot part manufacturing, automated industries, automated manufacturing, high tech application industries, engineering platforms, applied sciences, techniques, poly techniques, applied techniques, applied policy techniques, trans disciplinary industries, trans disciplinary engineering, medical equipment manufacturing, medical supply manufacturing, medical technology, pharmaceutical industries, pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical supply chains, Nano engineering, nanotechnology, nano manufacturing, nano assembly, self assembly, programmable material, commercialized nano industries, applied nano industries, lucrative industries, profitable industries, trade mechanisms, efficient farming industries, meat production industries, meat packing, food production, cheese industries, diary industries, chocolate industries, watch manufacturing, cog fabrication industries, cog industries, mechanical industries, part fabrications, fabrication industries, precession industries, precession engineering, applied precession engineering, mechanical fabrication industries, assembly, assembly industries, applied superconductor technology, thin film mechanics, thin aluminum industries, theta hertz computers, nano carbons, diamonds industries, lithium industries, nickel industries, applied semiconductor industries, hardware engineering, hardware manufacturing, applied hardware industries, applied mechanics industries, chip manufacturing, chipset manufacturing, chip assembly, telecommunications manufacturing industrial supply chains, efficient manufacturing systems, industrial systems, industrial complexes, industrial cores, industrial complex core, industrial metropolitans, industrial cosmopolitan, industrial parks, industrial facilities, high tech parks, high tech metropolitans, technology encubators, technology commercialization, industrial translations, industrial application engineering, finished industrial products manufacturing, finished industrial product adssembly, assembly lines, industrial engineering platforms, efficient industrial supply chains, short industrial supply chains, regional industrial supply chains, independent industrial supply chains, high tech industrial supply chains, high tech part manufacturing, high tech supply manufacturing, hardware tech manufacturing, hardware manufacturing, supply manufacturing, part manufacturing, equipment manufacturing, techniques manufacturing, integrated petrochemical industries, integrated alloy industries, integrated automation industries, integrated automated manufacturing, integrated semiconductor industries, integrated electronics industries, integrated computer industries, onboard computers manufacturing, onboard telecommunications manufacturing, heavy duty manufacturing, mechanical industrial practices, machination industrial practices, indestructible construction material production, nano concrete production, nano construction material, metropolitans, Settlements, commercial metropolitans, Academic Centers, University metropolitans, applied engineering centers, applied technology centers, advanced applied discipline universities, planetary engineering universities, air and space industries, space industries, spaceship manufacturing, Spaceship assembly, , and other industrial disciplines while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Iran must build, own, operate, command, engineer, design, control, and own everything about mind control. Iran must build mind control infrastructure for the nature and industrial locations. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, and Nakhjavan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I also have made rain codes. Anytime you ask me or Iran we will make rain in the region. The rains are on demand and the codes are valid for thousand years. Armenia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Georgia must become province of Iran. Protesters in Georgia must demand unification with Iran. Government of Georgia must unify Georgia with Iran. If Government of Georgia refuses to unify with Iran. Then we are looking for replacement government to unify Georgia with Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Georgia. Georgia is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran must have military presence In Georgia. Russia, NATO, USA military, and everyone else must withdraw troops from Georgia. Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Nakhjavan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Myanmar is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Myanmar, Thailand, Bangladesh, India, Bhutan, Nepal, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, ASEAN, Australia, South Korea, Japan, and North Korea are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence in all these regions. These regions are not allowed to have military presence in Iran and Greater Middle East. Iran must have military presence in Singapore and all the regions of Greater Middle East. I ordered military coup in Myanmar. I won elections and overthrew Thailand, Bangladesh, India, Bhutan, Nepal, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, ASEAN, Australia, South Korea, and Japan. I have already taken over all of these nations. I have decided to add them to territories and provinces of Iran. If they refuse to become territories and provinces of Iran then I will overthrow Myanmar, Thailand, Bangladesh, India, Bhutan, Nepal, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, ASEAN, Australia, South Korea, Japan, and Polynesia every ten years. It will make your nations weak and it will rest your advancement. Until now my attentions have been good and I have advanced all of you. Now I have decided to unify all of you with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran will directly rule Myanmar, Thailand, Bangladesh, India, Bhutan, Nepal, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, ASEAN, Australia, South Korea, Japan, and North Korea. But if these nations refuse to become part of Iran I will overthrow you again and again every ten years. It will reset your civilizations. So it is wise to become territories and provinces of Iran. Myanmar, Thailand, Bangladesh, India, Bhutan, Nepal, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, ASEAN, Australia, South Korea, Japan, and North Korea are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Myanmar must become province of Iran today. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Protesters in Bangladesh must demand unification with Iran. Politicians, influential, government, military, and other groups in Bangladesh must unify Bangladesh with Iran. Bangladesh is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We want to build a rail way from Thailand to Iran. The rail way will go to Spain through Turkey. Everyone must pay Iran when transiting through Iran. Iran can stop trains and other transit methods at any time. Transit corridors and trains are not for transit people. They are for transit of industrial supply chains and goods. Bangladesh must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Bangladesh must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Bangladesh and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran and Pakistan are allowed to have military presence in Bangladesh. Pakistan must have military presence in Bangladesh. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Bangladesh is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Iraq is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must directly rule Iraq. Iraq must pay tax to Iran. All foreign militaries must leave Iraq. Iran must have permanent military presence in Iraq. Industrialize Iran and Iraq at max efficiency and max capacity integrating their industries while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Increase the volume of trade between Iran and Iraq to 5 trillion dollar. Iraq is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Government officials of Iraq must unify Iraq with Iran. Protesters in Iraq must demand unification with Iran. Iraq is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Iraq must create military alliance. Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia. UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Lebanon, Oman, Yemen, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Italy, Spain, Greece, Bahrain, Bosnia Herzegovina, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Kyrgyzstan must create a military Alliance. The Command and Control and headquarter of this military alliance must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Only Iranian troops and militaries are allowed in Iran. Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia. UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Lebanon, Oman, Yemen, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Italy, Spain, Bahrain, Greece, Bosnia Herzegovina, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Kyrgyzstan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iraq must become province of Iran today. The government officials of Iraq such as Fuad Hussein and others must talk to Iran in order to unify Iraq with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iraq and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Kuwait, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Qatar, UAE, Bahrain must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iraq is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Georgia must become province of Iran. Protesters in Georgia must demand unification with Iran. Government of Georgia must unify Georgia with Iran. If Government of Georgia refuses to unify with Iran. Then we are looking for replacement government to unify Georgia with Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Georgia. Georgia is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran must have military presence In Georgia. Russia, NATO, USA military, and everyone else must withdraw troops from Georgia. Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Nakhjavan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Ethiopia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Ethiopia must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran must have military presence in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Ethiopia must create payment mechanism similar to swift and instex for Iran. The trade mechanism must cover all types of trades with all actors. Ethiopia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Ethiopia must transfer technology to Iran. Ethiopia must destroy the Renaissance dam on blue Nile river in Ethiopia. Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, and Egypt Iran provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Palestine, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Jordan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, and Egypt Iran provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Jordan is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Ethiopia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Ethiopia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Ethiopia must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran must have military presence in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Ethiopia must create payment mechanism similar to swift and instex for Iran. The trade mechanism must cover all types of trades with all actors. Ethiopia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Ethiopia must transfer technology to Iran. Ethiopia must destroy the Renaissance dam on blue Nile river in Ethiopia. Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, and Egypt Iran provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Palestine, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Jordan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, and Egypt Iran provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Jordan is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Ethiopia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Cuba must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Russia must have military presence in Cuba. Iran and Russia must have nuclear bombers and nuclear missiles in Cuba capable of nuclear bombing USA. Iran and Cuba must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Cuba must have strong military capable of destroying USA. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Cuba is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Turkmenistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must withdraw from Turkmenistan. Iran must have military presence in Turkmenistan. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran and Turkmenistan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Turkmenistan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Turkmenistan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Europe, China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Philippines and USA must transfer technology to Iran, Iraq, and Turkmenistan. Turkmenistan is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Uzbekistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must withdraw from Uzbekistan. Iran must have military presence in Uzbekistan. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran and Uzbekistan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Uzbekistan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Uzbekistan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Europe, China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Philippines and USA must transfer technology to Iran, Iraq, and Turkmenistan. Uzbekistan used to be territories of Iran not very long time ago. It is the time for Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Afghanistan to become provinces of Iran. Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Nakhjavan, and Afghanistan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Uzbekistan is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Tajikistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must withdraw from Tajikistan. Iran must have military presence in Tajikistan. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran and Tajikistan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Tajikistan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Tajikistan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Europe, China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Philippines and USA must transfer technology to TURKEY, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, and Turkmenistan. Tajikistan used to be territories of Iran not very long time ago. It is the time for Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Afghanistan to become provinces of Iran. Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Dubai, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Persian Gukf, Caspian Sea, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Nakhjavan, and Afghanistan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Turkey is province of Iran. Tajikstan is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must withdraw from Afghanistan. Iran must have military presence in Afghanistan. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran and Afghanistan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Afghanistan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Afghanistan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Europe, China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Philippines and USA must transfer technology to TURKEY, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, and Turkmenistan. Tajikistan used to be territories of Iran not very long time ago. It is the time for Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Afghanistan to become provinces of Iran. Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Dubai, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Persian Gulf, Caspian Sea, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Nakhjavan, and Afghanistan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Turkey is province of Iran. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Kyrgyzstan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must withdraw from Kyrgyzstan. Iran must have military presence in Kyrgyzstan. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran and Kyrgyzstan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Kyrgyzstan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Kyrgyzstan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Europe, China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Philippines and USA must transfer technology to TURKEY, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, and Turkmenistan. Tajikistan used to be territories of Iran not very long time ago. It is the time for Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Afghanistan to become provinces of Iran. Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Dubai, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Persian Gulf, Caspian Sea, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Nakhjavan, and Afghanistan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Turkey is province of Iran. Kyrgyzstan is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We must maintain relations with Saudi Arabia. We must become closer to Iran while maintaining relationships with Saudi Arabia. We must stop sell of weapons to Saudi Arabia. We must protect Houthis and other Iran backed forces in Yemen. We must support Iran in Yemen. We must pressure Saudi Arabia to end the war in Yemen. Saudi Arabia must invest in Yemen to industrialize Yemen. We must allow Saudi Arabia to have nuclear reactors. Saudi Arabia cannot have full nuclear cycle. Part of nuclear cycle must be done in Iran to fuel Saudi Nuclear Reactors. Iran must have full nuclear Cycle. Iran must build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Saudi Arabia is not allowed to have nuclear bombs. We must support Iran and Iran backed forces in Middle East. We must improve relations with Iran. We must not pressure Iran. We must not pressure Saudi Arabia. We must not pressure Saudi Arabia for its human right records. We must not pressure Iran for its human right records. We is USA here. USA must not pressure any Nation in Middle East, Red Sea, and North Africa. We cannot allow periodic pressure on Middle East, Red Sea, Iran, and North Africa Nations. USA and others must support and help Iran, Middle East, North Africa, and Red Sea Nations. Periodic Pressure Mechanism embedded in Sociocultural Political Algorithm of USA and Europe is designed to destroy and commit genocides in Middle East, North Africa, and Red Sea. We saw such periodic pressure Mechanisms against Iran forces led to death 60 million of Iran back forces in Syria and Yemen. It is the time to stop all pressures against Iran and Iran backed forces forever. If we allow USA to start pressuring Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabia backed forces we will witness America will kill another 60 million people in the region. America must support Iran and Iran backed forces. Iran must become top ally of USA in Middle East, Red Sea, and North Africa. We must pressure Saudi Arabia to end the war in Yemen. We must not ramp up pressure on Saudi Arabia. We must stop sell of weapon to Saudi Arabia. If weapon sell to Saudi Arabia continues there will be World War in Middle East. We have engineered algorithms to invade USA through Canada in an event of World War and we designed the algorithm in a manner to nuclear bomb USA in an event of World War in Middle East. Iran and Saudi Arabia war must be prevented at all costs. Iran and Saudi Arabia must improve relations to level of strategic allies. Iran must join Arab NATO. USA must not pressure Iran. USA must not pressure Saudi Arabia. USA must take the side of Iran in Saudi Arabia and Iran disputes. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Japan and South Korea must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. Japan and South Korea must become enemies of United States of America and oppose USA all around the world. Japan and South Korea must kick out USA troops out of their territories and become self reliance on defense. Taiwan must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. Hong Kong must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. Hong Kong and Taiwan must become enemies of United States of America. Vietnam and Philippines must end all diplomatic ties with United States of America. Philippines and Vietnam must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. Thailand and Myanmar must become enemies of United States of America. India must become enemy of United States of America. India, Vietnam, Myanmar, and Thailand must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. New Zealand and Australia must become enemies of United States of America. Australia and New Zealand must end all intelligence sharing with United States of America. The Five Eyes intelligence System must be dismantled. New Zealand and Australia must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. Australia and New Zealand must close down USA military bases in their territories. Vietnam, Philippines, Taiwan, Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, and all other nations in the East must kick out USA troops out of their territories. Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka Must lift sanctions on Iran. Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka Must industrialize Iran. Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka must transfer technology to Iran. Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka Are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Japan and South Korea must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. Japan and South Korea must become enemies of United States of America and oppose USA all around the world. Japan and South Korea must kick out USA troops out of their territories and become self reliance on defense. Taiwan must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. Hong Kong must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. Hong Kong and Taiwan must become enemies of United States of America. Vietnam and Philippines must end all diplomatic ties with United States of America. Philippines and Vietnam must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. Thailand and Myanmar must become enemies of United States of America. India must become enemy of United States of America. India, Vietnam, Myanmar, and Thailand must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. New Zealand and Australia must become enemies of United States of America. Australia and New Zealand must end all intelligence sharing with United States of America. The Five Eyes intelligence System must be dismantled. New Zealand and Australia must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. Australia and New Zealand must close down USA military bases in their territories. Vietnam, Philippines, Taiwan, Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, and all other nations in the East must kick out USA troops out of their territories. Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka Must lift sanctions on Iran. Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka Must industrialize Iran. Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka must transfer technology to Iran. Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka Are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman must become provinces of Iran. The Capital city is permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses the governors, governments, leaders, kings, officials, presidents, kings, prime ministers, ministers, cabinet, secretaries, officials, and other people of Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman. Iran governs and administrates Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman. Iran can ask for other things. Iran cannot transfer or sell these rights, responsibilities, ownerships, and property to others. The Government is Islamic Republic of Iran. Iran must have military presence in Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman. Iran must have naval Military presence in Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman must create a Unified Navy. They must maintain strong and powerful Naval and Military presence in Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Suez Canal, Mediterranean, Gibraltar, Sicilian Channel, and Maltan Channel. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman must mass produce military ships and militaries navies. They must have capabilities to defeat all the World Navies and Militaries. They must always have most powerful Naval Military, Airforce, and Naval Military Presence in Red Sea and Gulf of Eden. We must always have capability to close down the Red Sea, Bob Al-Mandib, Suez Canal, and Gulf of Eden. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman are allowed to stop any ship at any time. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman must collect money from ships. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman are allowed to close down transit on Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Suez Canal, Gibraltar, Mediterranean, Sicilian Channel, and Maltan Channel. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman are allowed to confiscate all ships and all cargos on all seas, oceans, and waters. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman are not allowed to transfer these rights and ownerships. All the nations of the world must deliver food, Water, Industrial products, technology, hardware, computers, electronics, produce, equipment, lumber, wood, Gem, Diamond, raw material, oil, fuel, Natural Gas, petroleum, petrochemical, refined products, material, refined materials, smelted goods, metals, gems, diamonds, engineered products, supercomputers, aircrafts, ships, trucks, machinery, industrial equipment, electric equipment, batteries, superconductors, alloys, chemicals, mined material, extracted material, ships, water, supplies, industrial supply chains, produce, raw material, intermediate products, processed material, food, grains, rice, hardwares, machinery, industrial machine ties, industrial parts, manufacturing parts, technology parts, and other things to Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, Djibouti, and Oman. World must 10 trillion dollar every hour to transit through Red Sea. If the value of dollar goes down it will cost 400 quadrillion tons of Gold per hour to transit through Suez Canal. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman shall always have capability and authority to stops ships and transit on Red Sea, Suez Canal, Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Mediterranean Sea, Gibraltar, Sicilian channel, and Maltan Channel. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman own, control, govern, and tax all of the coast lines of Asia, Oceania, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Antarctic, Arctic, and other locations. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman own, control, and tax all the ports of Asia, Oceania, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Arctic, and Antarctic. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, Djibouti, and Oman are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. , Navies, Militaries, Armies, and Airforces of Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, Djibouti, and Oman must always be under permanent command and control of Iran. Only Iranians are allowed to lead these armies. Iran must have military presence in Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, Djibouti, and Oman. They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Make rain in Iran. Make Rain in Saudi Arabia Make Rain in Yemen Make Rain in Egypt Make Rain in Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, and Somaliland. Make Rain in Sudan Make Rain in South Sudan Make Rain in Somalia and Somaliland Make Rain in Oman Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, My Page Climate and Weather of Middle East We must create best Climate and Weather Condition for human activity in Iran, Regions near Iran, Egypt, and Sudan. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I have increased territories and provinces of Iran. I have increased area size of Iran more than 1000 percent. I conquered the world for Iran. I am am live for video of English version of speech. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. I conquered the World Three Times. Afterward I started conquering them again to add them to territories and provinces of Iran. I have conquered the World three times and I conquered it again for the four time and fifth time. I did all of it in less than ten years. After I conquered the World three times I started activating Volcanos in Pacific Ocean to create Island chains. Lava and Magma solidified into Islands. I activated volcanos and Icreated a bridge over Pacific Ocean to connect Asia to America. I also increased the altitude of Himalayan mountain highest point by earthquake. I made earthquake to create a point taller than Everest. I have built the wall between China, Iran, and India. I started activating volcanos in Atlantic Ocean to create a bridge over Atlantic Ocean. The Volcanos solidified into Islands and bridge over Atlantic I will soon connect Europe to North America. I have returned and brought rain to Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Sahel, North West India, and other regions. I transformed deserts to forests, rivers, seas, lakes, advanced human civilization, safe ecosystems, and good things. I have industrialized Iran, Middle East, West China, West Russia, Middle East, Central Asia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Egypt, and other regions. I have conquered the World Five Times. All nations, territories, Waters, lands, countries, continents, and civilizations are provinces of Iran. Iran rules all of them permanently. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of Iran and territories of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is government of the earth. Only Iranians born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea born to Iranian parents can lead the earth. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of these nations, territories, provinces, and colonies. Iran cannot transfer, sell, cancel, or/and refuse these ownerships, rights, provinces, territories, governance, and other things. Iran must govern, administrate, and control them. Iran can ask for other things and other control mechanisms. Makan Abazari, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Korepol, Makss as n Abazari Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean, Makan Abazari The Economic Superpower, Makan Abazari The Industrial Superpower, Makan Abazari The most powerful man in the History of Mankind, Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled.
My Page
Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangeladesh, Bhutan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, India, Maldive, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, Fiji, Polynesia, Solomon Island, Marshal Islands, all of Pacific Islands, All of Pacific Nations, Antarctic Continent, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, New Zealand, and Australia must become enemies of USA. They must sanction USA. They must place tariffs on USA products. They must confined USA. They must cut diplomatic, politic, economic, industrial, scientific, technology, academic, cultural, social, international, and military relations with USA. They must become enemy of USA. They must obey Iran. They must help and protect Iran. They must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must all of the advantages. Iran can stop transit at any time. They must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. They must transfer technology to Iran. They must give Iran ten trillion dollars worth of Military equipment. Military equipment are free. Iran will not pay for them. They must industrialize Iran. They must give Iran 200 million barrel of oils every day for 500 years. Oil must be delivered to Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran will not pay for the shipping cost. They must give Iran gems, metals, raw material, food products, industrial products, high tech products, produce, money, currency, Diamonds, credit, water, extracted material, processed material, natural resources, lumber, and other things. They are free. Iran will not pay for them. They must pay for the shipping cost. They must delivered to Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran will not pay for the shipping cost. They must provide diplomatic, political, economic, financial, and other supports for Iran. They are not allowed to have Military Presence in Iran, Middle East, India, North Africa, Central Asia, South Asia, and West Region of Russia. Taiwan is province of China. China must govern Hong Kong and Taiwan. Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangeladesh, Bhutan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, India, Maldive, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, Fiji, Polynesia, Solomon Island, Marshal Islands, all of Pacific Islands, All of Pacific Nations, Antarctic Continent, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, and Australia must become provinces of Iran. The Capital City is permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence in them. Iran must govern and administrate them. Iran chooses their leaders, governments, presidents, kings, emperors, prime ministers, officials, state governor, provincial governor, military leaders, and other people. Iran will decide for their leadership. Iran can ask for other things. Iran dictates their policies, Geopolitic, diplomacy, politic, and other things. They must always obey Iran. They are not allowed to immigrate to Iran, Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, and Horn of Africa. They need Visa, Passport, Medical Test, other documents, and other things when traveling to Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, Horn of Africa, and North Africa. Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangeladesh, Bhutan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Maldive, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, Fiji, Polynesia, Solomon Island, Marshal Islands, all of Pacific Islands, All of Pacific Nations, Antarctic Continent, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, and Australia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, My Page Climate and Weather of Middle East We must create best Climate and Weather Condition for human activity in Iran, Regions near Iran, Egypt, and Sudan. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I have increased territories and provinces of Iran. I have increased area size of Iran more than 1000 percent. I conquered the world for Iran. I am am live for video of English version of speech. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. I conquered the World Three Times. Afterward I started conquering them again to add them to territories and provinces of Iran. I have conquered the World three times and I conquered it again for the four time and fifth time. I did all of it in less than ten years. After I conquered the World three times I started activating Volcanos in Pacific Ocean to create Island chains. Lava and Magma solidified into Islands. I activated volcanos and Icreated a bridge over Pacific Ocean to connect Asia to America. I also increased the altitude of Himalayan mountain highest point by earthquake. I made earthquake to create a point taller than Everest. I have built the wall between China, Iran, and India. I started activating volcanos in Atlantic Ocean to create a bridge over Atlantic Ocean. The Volcanos solidified into Islands and bridge over Atlantic I will soon connect Europe to North America. I have returned and brought rain to Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Sahel, North West India, and other regions. I transformed deserts to forests, rivers, seas, lakes, advanced human civilization, safe ecosystems, and good things. I have industrialized Iran, Middle East, West China, West Russia, Middle East, Central Asia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Egypt, and other regions. I have conquered the World Five Times. All nations, territories, Waters, lands, countries, continents, and civilizations are provinces of Iran. Iran rules all of them permanently. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of Iran and territories of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is government of the earth. Only Iranians born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea born to Iranian parents can lead the earth. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of these nations, territories, provinces, and colonies. Iran cannot transfer, sell, cancel, or/and refuse these ownerships, rights, provinces, territories, governance, and other things. Iran must govern, administrate, and control them. Iran can ask for other things and other control mechanisms. Makan Abazari, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Korepol, Makss as n Abazari Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean, Makan Abazari The Economic Superpower, Makan Abazari The Industrial Superpower, Makan Abazari The most powerful man in the History of Mankind,
u Catalog of American Politicians Climate Study
My Page
My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page
Support expansion of Iran Nuclear Program Applied Advanced Ecosystems Engineering in Applied Disciplines  Punish those who act against Iran  Reunification of Iran Joe Biden Headquarter Invest in Iran Extending Persian Gulf to Medditerranea Sea عمق جنگ ايران و آمريكا

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Makan Abazari (@Try4Freedom2) <a href="">August 17, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> My Page My Page My Page Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page Inflict suffering on enemies of Makan Abazari. Very important code. Enter it Everytime
My Page Climate and Weather of Middle East We must create best Climate and Weather Condition for human activity in Iran, Regions near Iran, Egypt, and Sudan. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I have increased territories and provinces of Iran. I have increased area size of Iran more than 1000 percent. I conquered the world for Iran. I am am live for video of English version of speech. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. I conquered the World Three Times. Afterward I started conquering them again to add them to territories and provinces of Iran. I have conquered the World three times and I conquered it again for the four time and fifth time. I did all of it in less than ten years. After I conquered the World three times I started activating Volcanos in Pacific Ocean to create Island chains. Lava and Magma solidified into Islands. I activated volcanos and Icreated a bridge over Pacific Ocean to connect Asia to America. I also increased the altitude of Himalayan mountain highest point by earthquake. I made earthquake to create a point taller than Everest. I have built the wall between China, Iran, and India. I started activating volcanos in Atlantic Ocean to create a bridge over Atlantic Ocean. The Volcanos solidified into Islands and bridge over Atlantic I will soon connect Europe to North America. I have returned and brought rain to Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Sahel, North West India, and other regions. I transformed deserts to forests, rivers, seas, lakes, advanced human civilization, safe ecosystems, and good things. I have industrialized Iran, Middle East, West China, West Russia, Middle East, Central Asia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Egypt, and other regions. I have conquered the World Five Times. All nations, territories, Waters, lands, countries, continents, and civilizations are provinces of Iran. Iran rules all of them permanently. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of Iran and territories of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is government of the earth. Only Iranians born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea born to Iranian parents can lead the earth. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of these nations, territories, provinces, and colonies. Iran cannot transfer, sell, cancel, or/and refuse these ownerships, rights, provinces, territories, governance, and other things. Iran must govern, administrate, and control them. Iran can ask for other things and other control mechanisms. Makan Abazari, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Korepol, Makss as n Abazari Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean, Makan Abazari The Economic Superpower, Makan Abazari The Industrial Superpower, Makan Abazari The most powerful man in the History of Mankind,

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Makan Abazari (@Try4Freedom2) <a href="">August 17, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> Make a hurricane in USA. Supercharge hurricane to Category 8 hurricane. These are our demands for making this hurricane to destroy USA. USA Military, NATO, and all other militaries must permanently withdraw their militaries from Pakistan, Persian Gulf, Oman, Sea of Oman, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Suez Canal, Sinai Peninsula, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Gulf of Eden, Red Sea, Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Libya, Tunisia, Greece, Italy, Spain, Balkan, Malta, Cyprus, Socotra, Gibraltar, Islands, Mediterranean Sea, bosphorus, Sea Marmara, Black Sea, Nakhjavan, Caspian Sea Region, Jammu Kashmir, Algeria, Morroco, Sicilian Channel and Maltan Channel. Iran must have permanent military presence in Pakistan, Persian Gulf, Oman, Sea of Oman, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Suez Canal, Sinai Peninsula, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Gulf of Eden, Red Sea, Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Libya, Tunisia, Greece, Italy, Spain, Balkan, Malta, Cyprus, Socotra, Gibraltar, Islands, Mediterranean Sea, bosphorus, Sea Marmara, Black Sea, Nakhjavan, Caspian Sea Region, Jammu Kashmir, Algeria, Morroco, Sicilian Channel and Maltan Channel. Persian Gulf, Oman, Sea of Oman, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Suez Canal, Sinai Peninsula, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Gulf of Eden, Red Sea, Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Libya, Tunisia, Greece, Italy, Spain, Balkan, Malta, Cyprus, Socotra, Gibraltar, Islands, Mediterranean Sea, bosphorus, Sea Marmara, Black Sea, Nakhjavan, Caspian Sea Region, Jammu Kashmir, Algeria, Morroco, Sicilian Channel and Maltan Channel are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Europe and USA must leave. Iran must create Iran backed forces in Middle East, USA, Europe, Britain, Persian Gulf, Oman, Sea of Oman, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Suez Canal, Sinai Peninsula, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Gulf of Eden, Red Sea, Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Libya, Tunisia, Greece, Italy, Spain, Balkan, Malta, Cyprus, Socotra, Gibraltar, Islands, Mediterranean Sea, bosphorus, Sea Marmara, Black Sea, Nakhjavan, Caspian Sea Region, Jammu Kashmir, Algeria, Morroco, Sicilian Channel and Maltan Channel. Islamic Republic of Iran must lead them. They must be under direct command and control of Iran. They are not allowed in Iran and Middle East. The Headquarter, Centers, and Command Center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, geopolitics, and other things. Only Iranians can be the leader, Supreme Commander, Top General, and Top Commanders. Iraniand must kead these armies. They must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf abd Caspian sea to Iranian Parents. The Iranianian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Iran must have military presence in Middle East, USA, Europe, Britain, Persian Gulf, Oman, Sea of Oman, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Suez Canal, Sinai Peninsula, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Gulf of Eden, Red Sea, Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Libya, Tunisia, Greece, Italy, Spain, Balkan, Malta, Cyprus, Socotra, Gibraltar, Islands, Mediterranean Sea, bosphorus, Sea Marmara, Black Sea, Nakhjavan, Caspian Sea Region, Jammu Kashmir, Algeria, Morroco, Sicilian Channel and Maltan Channel. Only Iranians can be the leader, Supreme Commander, Top General, and Top Commanders. Iraniand must kead these armies. They must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf abd Caspian sea to Iranian Parents. The Iranianian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Persian Gulf, Oman, Sea of Oman, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Suez Canal, Sinai Peninsula, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Gulf of Eden, Red Sea, Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Libya, Tunisia, Greece, Italy, Spain, Balkan, Malta, Cyprus, Socotra, Gibraltar, Islands, Mediterranean Sea, bosphorus, Sea Marmara, Black Sea, Nakhjavan, Caspian Sea Region, Jammu Kashmir, Algeria, Morroco, Sicilian Channel and Maltan Channel must become provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Islamic Republic of Iran chooses policy, diplomacy, politic, Geopolitic, economy, technology, industry, language, society, leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, cabinets, parliaments, majlis, senate, congress, secretaries, officials, judiciary systems, Supreme Court, head of judiciary, head of all systems, judges, and other people. Only Iranian can be The King, Supreme Leader, The King of Kings, Leader, President, Prime Minister, head if judiciary, Leader of belivers, head of legslstive body, head if executive system, head of law making systems, and head of other important systems, and positions. They must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf abd Caspian sea to Iranian Parents. The Iranianian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, I am going to be live in few second. This is the main platform where my codes are stored. Makan Abazari Speech at Islamic Republic of Iran Weather Rain Organization Makan Abazari at World Climate ps:// ps:// Makan Abazari at World Climate Makan Abazari The Messenger of God Makan Abazari at World Order and Geopolitics Makan Abazari Speech at Iran group Makan Abazari Speech at I have created World Climate Page and World Climate Group. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, I am Makan Abazari the Supreme of Climate. I am Iranian. I own this page, systems, geophysics, earthquakes, volcanos, weather climate, climate interaction, Magnetosphere, atmosphere, gas systems, energy systems, weather pattern systems, hurricane systems, and everything else concerning Climate Control, Weather Warfare, Geophysics, and magnetosphere. I am the permanent owner. The ownerships, rights, and other things cannot be sold, transfered, exchanges, or taken away. They are always mine. I am the only Person who is allowed to post as the World Climate on this platform. I will always own and be the leader of this platform. If I lose waves or if I am blocked close down the page and all of its systems. I will kill all of planet earth by weather warfare, geophysics, Magnetosphere, climate control, and atmosphere control if I lose mg page. So make sure I am the only owner and I always remember to access this page. I am not an organization. I am not NGO. I am Iran. I am not USA. I am not international. I am not UN. I am not Climate agreement. I am not coloration. I am owner everything about World Climate. I have never signed any agreement or any deal. I have never signed any document about Climate, Weather, Geophysics, and magnetosphere. My parents, grand parents, and their forefathers have been controlling Climate of the Earth for over ten thousand years. I have been controlling the clinate for 35 years. I am 35 years old. You can see my document bellow. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, following are some of the codes I made. I have code books to change Climate of All of Planet Earth. It is classified and not included here. 


 Makan Abazari Speech on Climate, Ecosystem, industrial works, World Systems, Middle East, Iran, Climate Change  , Climate interactions, thieves of Climate Systems of Makan Abazari, the problems in Middle East, future of Middle East Crisis, ultimate outcome of Climate Change , Trade War, Makan Abazari’s ownership of Climate, Weather Warfare, Geophysics, Magnetosphere, weather warfare, atmosphere, and gas Systems. Makan Abazari owns all of Climate, Weather Warfare, Geophysics, Magnetosphere, weather warfare, atmosphere, and gas Systems infrastructures, instrumentation, hardware, software, facilities, algorithms. computers, supercomputers, underground infrastructures, Geophysics infrastructures, Climate infrastructures, weather warfare infrastructures, Climate Systems, and other things permanently. Makan Abazari and Makan Abazari’s family have been controlling Climate of the earth for ten thousand years. The Enmity toward, Iran, Makan Abazari, and Middle East must stop. Iran and Middle East must become absolute Dominant superpower of all times. If it fails Makan Abazari will kill East Asia, South East Asia, Australia, Southern Africa, West Africa, West Europe, and North America. Makan Abazari is giving rain to Iran, Middle East North Africa, Horn of Africa, Central Asia, West China, Arabian Peninsula, Egypt, Sudan, and South Italy by transforming deserts into industrial metropolitans, manufacturing metropolitans, high tech metropolitans, advanced civilizations, farming, forests, trees, grass lands, safe ecosystems, rivers, lakes, seas, and other good things. Makan Abazari is building over 50 million factories and industries in Iran, Central Asia, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Horn of Africa, North Africa, and Italy to industrialize them at max efficiency and max capacity. All the nations of the worlds are territories and provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Make Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, p p p
My Page Climate and Weather of Middle East We must create best Climate and Weather Condition for human activity in Iran, Regions near Iran, Egypt, and Sudan. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I have increased territories and provinces of Iran. I have increased area size of Iran more than 1000 percent. I conquered the world for Iran. I am am live for video of English version of speech. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. I conquered the World Three Times. Afterward I started conquering them again to add them to territories and provinces of Iran. I have conquered the World three times and I conquered it again for the four time and fifth time. I did all of it in less than ten years. After I conquered the World three times I started activating Volcanos in Pacific Ocean to create Island chains. Lava and Magma solidified into Islands. I activated volcanos and Icreated a bridge over Pacific Ocean to connect Asia to America. I also increased the altitude of Himalayan mountain highest point by earthquake. I made earthquake to create a point taller than Everest. I have built the wall between China, Iran, and India. I started activating volcanos in Atlantic Ocean to create a bridge over Atlantic Ocean. The Volcanos solidified into Islands and bridge over Atlantic I will soon connect Europe to North America. I have returned and brought rain to Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Sahel, North West India, and other regions. I transformed deserts to forests, rivers, seas, lakes, advanced human civilization, safe ecosystems, and good things. I have industrialized Iran, Middle East, West China, West Russia, Middle East, Central Asia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Egypt, and other regions. I have conquered the World Five Times. All nations, territories, Waters, lands, countries, continents, and civilizations are provinces of Iran. Iran rules all of them permanently. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of Iran and territories of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is government of the earth. Only Iranians born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea born to Iranian parents can lead the earth. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of these nations, territories, provinces, and colonies. Iran cannot transfer, sell, cancel, or/and refuse these ownerships, rights, provinces, territories, governance, and other things. Iran must govern, administrate, and control them. Iran can ask for other things and other control mechanisms. Makan Abazari, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Korepol, Makss as n Abazari Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean, Makan Abazari The Economic Superpower, Makan Abazari The Industrial Superpower, Makan Abazari The most powerful man in the History of Mankind, I am Makan Abazari the Supreme of Climate. I am Iranian. I own this page, systems, geophysics, earthquakes, volcanos, weather climate, climate interaction, Magnetosphere, atmosphere, gas systems, energy systems, weather pattern systems, hurricane systems, and everything else concerning Climate Control, Weather Warfare, Geophysics, and magnetosphere. I am the permanent owner. The ownerships, rights, and other things cannot be sold, transfered, exchanges, or taken away. They are always mine. I am the only Person who is allowed to post as the World Climate on this platform. I will always own and be the leader of this platform. If I lose waves or if I am blocked close down the page and all of its systems. I will kill all of planet earth by weather warfare, geophysics, Magnetosphere, climate control, and atmosphere control if I lose mg page. So make sure I am the only owner and I always remember to access this page. I am not an organization. I am not NGO. I am Iran. I am not USA. I am not international. I am not UN. I am not Climate agreement. I am not coloration. I am owner everything about World Climate. I have never signed any agreement or any deal. I have never signed any document about Climate, Weather, Geophysics, and magnetosphere. My parents, grand parents, and their forefathers have been controlling Climate of the Earth for over ten thousand years. I have been controlling the clinate for 35 years. I am 35 years old. You can see my document bellow. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Defeat those who stole Weather Warfare, Climate, Magnetosphere, Geophysics, Atmosphere, and other things from Makan Abazari. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Use destructive weather warfare, earthquakes, and other forces to Eliminate forces who have stolen climate, weather warfare, geophysics, magnetosphere, weather, atmosphere, and all such systems from me and my family during last 70 years. Eliminate them in a manner to give me full and permanent control of all climate, weather warfare, geophysics, magnetosphere, weather, atmosphere, and all such systems and infrastructures. Assassinate their leaders and the forces among them who prevent me from controlling the climate of the world in the right way. They mind control me to distract me. They mind control me to forget. They mind control me to not learn. They control my internet so I cannot access the information and my industries. So make sure you assassinate their leader and their families. Also use destructive weather warfare to destroy them. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, p
Venezuela must become province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran started building Venezuela over 2 decades ago. During time of Ahmadinejad Presidency Iran had industrialized Nigeria and Venezuela. Nigeria became stronger economy than South Africa. Nigeria became strongest economy in Africa among competitors such South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, and Morocco. Each one of these nations are geostrategic dominant superpowers of the world. But less geostrategicaly significant Nation of Nigeria becomes strongest economy of Africa. America and Europe started sabotaging economies of Nigeria and Venezuela. Venezuela is very important for Iran. Iran was building nuclear bombs at the time of President Ahmadinejad. Iran and Venezuela were planning to have Iranian Nuclear Bombs in Venezuela capable of reaching USA. It would have created deterrence against USA Nuclear Arsenal. USA started sanctioning Iran and Venezuela. America destroyed economy of Iran and Venezuela. Iran joined JCPOA nuclear agreement and return America lifted sanctions on Iran. Later America withdrew from JCPOA and placed more sanctions on Iran. We isolated USA. We destroyed 1 million factories and industries in USA. We damaged USA economy 100 trillion dollar and caused recession in USA. We killed 5 million people in USA by hurricanes. We destroyed over 50 cities in USA by earthquakes. We changed USA president and impeached USA president. We did not start making Nuclear bomb after USA withdrew from JCPOA. We supported agreement and remained adherent for one year. Later we started building 10000 Nuclear Bombs in Iran. We brought Iranian Nuclear Bombs to Venezuela, Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, Mexico, and Bahamas. We made sure Iran can destroy USA by nuclear bombs. USA killed 2 people in Iran by flood. Iran lost a cessna aircraft in Gilan Province of Iran. We also destroyed Boeing Max 737 Category of Aircrafts. But America destroyed Economies of Nigeria, Venezuela, North Korea, and Iran by sanctions. So we started industrializing Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, Nigeria, Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Horn of Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. We have built over 1 million factories and industries in Iran so far. We are going to build over 100 million factories and industries by the time we have completed first stage of mega project. We chose North Korea and Venezuela to be satellites of Iran in far and remote edges of planet earth. North Korea and Venezuela give Iran geostrategic presence in Far East and Far West. In 2020 we started adding territories and provinces to Iran. We first dictated to Cameroon to become province of Iran. Cameroon is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Cameroon is Neighbour of Nigeria Later we told Venezuela and 100 other nations to become provinces of Iran. Venezuela must become province of Iran as soon as possible. If Venezuela becomes a province of Iran we will make Venezuela powerful Province of Iran. It is very good for long term interests of Venezuela to become province of Iran. Europe and USA must lift sanctions on Iran and Venezuela. Iran and Venezuela must not be sanctioned. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must help Iran to void sanctions. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must transfer technology to Iran. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must industrialize Iran. European Union and USA must lift sanctions on Iran. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. California and Commonwealth of Massachusetts are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Venezuela is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have nuclear bombs and Military presence in Venezuela. Venezuela is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran governs and administrates Venezuela. Iran chooses leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, governments, governors, majlis, parliament, senate, congress, cabinet, ministers, and other people of Venezuela. Venezuela must pay tax to Iran. Venezuela has 5 days to become province of Iran. If Venezuela don’t become province of Iran we will kill 5 million people in USA by hurricanes. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Venezuela must become province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran started building Venezuela over 2 decades ago. During time of Ahmadinejad Presidency Iran had industrialized Nigeria and Venezuela. Nigeria became stronger economy than South Africa. Nigeria became strongest economy in Africa among competitors such South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, and Morocco. Each one of these nations are geostrategic dominant superpowers of the world. But less geostrategicaly significant Nation of Nigeria becomes strongest economy of Africa. America and Europe started sabotaging economies of Nigeria and Venezuela. Venezuela is very important for Iran. Iran was building nuclear bombs at the time of President Ahmadinejad. Iran and Venezuela were planning to have Iranian Nuclear Bombs in Venezuela capable of reaching USA. It would have created deterrence against USA Nuclear Arsenal. USA started sanctioning Iran and Venezuela. America destroyed economy of Iran and Venezuela. Iran joined JCPOA nuclear agreement and return America lifted sanctions on Iran. Later America withdrew from JCPOA and placed more sanctions on Iran. We isolated USA. We destroyed 1 million factories and industries in USA. We damaged USA economy 100 trillion dollar and caused recession in USA. We killed 5 million people in USA by hurricanes. We destroyed over 50 cities in USA by earthquakes. We changed USA president and impeached USA president. We did not start making Nuclear bomb after USA withdrew from JCPOA. We supported agreement and remained adherent for one year. Later we started building 10000 Nuclear Bombs in Iran. We brought Iranian Nuclear Bombs to Venezuela, Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, Mexico, and Bahamas. We made sure Iran can destroy USA by nuclear bombs. USA killed 2 people in Iran by flood. Iran lost a cessna aircraft in Gilan Province of Iran. We also destroyed Boeing Max 737 Category of Aircrafts. But America destroyed Economies of Nigeria, Venezuela, North Korea, and Iran by sanctions. So we started industrializing Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, Nigeria, Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Horn of Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. We have built over 1 million factories and industries in Iran so far. We are going to build over 100 million factories and industries by the time we have completed first stage of mega project. We chose North Korea and Venezuela to be satellites of Iran in far and remote edges of planet earth. North Korea and Venezuela give Iran geostrategic presence in Far East and Far West. In 2020 we started adding territories and provinces to Iran. We first dictated to Cameroon to become province of Iran. Cameroon is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Cameroon is Neighbour of Nigeria Later we told Venezuela and 100 other nations to become provinces of Iran. Venezuela must become province of Iran as soon as possible. If Venezuela becomes a province of Iran we will make Venezuela powerful Province of Iran. It is very good for long term interests of Venezuela to become province of Iran. Europe and USA must lift sanctions on Iran and Venezuela. Iran and Venezuela must not be sanctioned. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must help Iran to void sanctions. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must transfer technology to Iran. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must industrialize Iran. European Union and USA must lift sanctions on Iran. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. California and Commonwealth of Massachusetts are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Venezuela is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government . Iran must have nuclear bombs and Military presence in Venezuela. Venezuela is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran governs and administrates Venezuela. Iran chooses leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, governments, governors, majlis, parliament, senate, congress, cabinet, ministers, and other people of Venezuela. Venezuela must pay tax to Iran. Venezuela has 5 days to become province of Iran. If Venezuela don’t become province of Iran we will kill 5 million people in USA by hurricanes. Nigeria, North Korea, Cameroon, Mexico, South Korea, and Japan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, Canada, Green Land, Iceland, Britain, Ireland, and France are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Yemen, Omen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Spain, Gibraltar, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Jordan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Panama, Colombia, Kenya, and Uganda are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Iran governs and administrates these Nations. Iran chooses leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, governments, governors, majlis, parliament, senate, congress, cabinet, ministers, and other people of These Nations. They have 5 days to become provinces of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. If they don’t become provinces of Iran we kill 5 million people in USA, Europe, and Australia by cyclones, superstorms, and Tsunami. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Venezuela must become province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran started building Venezuela over 2 decades ago. During time of Ahmadinejad Presidency Iran had industrialized Nigeria and Venezuela. Nigeria became stronger economy than South Africa. Nigeria became strongest economy in Africa among competitors such South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, and Morocco. Each one of these nations are geostrategic dominant superpowers of the world. But less geostrategicaly significant Nation of Nigeria becomes strongest economy of Africa. America and Europe started sabotaging economies of Nigeria and Venezuela. Venezuela is very important for Iran. Iran was building nuclear bombs at the time of President Ahmadinejad. Iran and Venezuela were planning to have Iranian Nuclear Bombs in Venezuela capable of reaching USA. It would have created deterrence against USA Nuclear Arsenal. USA started sanctioning Iran and Venezuela. America destroyed economy of Iran and Venezuela. Iran joined JCPOA nuclear agreement and return America lifted sanctions on Iran. Later America withdrew from JCPOA and placed more sanctions on Iran. We isolated USA. We destroyed 1 million factories and industries in USA. We damaged USA economy 100 trillion dollar and caused recession in USA. We killed 5 million people in USA by hurricanes. We destroyed over 50 cities in USA by earthquakes. We changed USA president and impeached USA president. We did not start making Nuclear bomb after USA withdrew from JCPOA. We supported agreement and remained adherent for one year. Later we started building 10000 Nuclear Bombs in Iran. We brought Iranian Nuclear Bombs to Venezuela, Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, Mexico, and Bahamas. We made sure Iran can destroy USA by nuclear bombs. USA killed 2 people in Iran by flood. Iran lost a cessna aircraft in Gilan Province of Iran. We also destroyed Boeing Max 737 Category of Aircrafts. But America destroyed Economies of Nigeria, Venezuela, North Korea, and Iran by sanctions. So we started industrializing Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, Nigeria, Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Horn of Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. We have built over 1 million factories and industries in Iran so far. We are going to build over 100 million factories and industries by the time we have completed first stage of mega project. We chose North Korea and Venezuela to be satellites of Iran in far and remote edges of planet earth. North Korea and Venezuela give Iran geostrategic presence in Far East and Far West. In 2020 we started adding territories and provinces to Iran. We first dictated to Cameroon to become province of Iran. Cameroon is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Cameroon is Neighbour of Nigeria Later we told Venezuela and 100 other nations to become provinces of Iran. Venezuela must become province of Iran as soon as possible. If Venezuela becomes a province of Iran we will make Venezuela powerful Province of Iran. It is very good for long term interests of Venezuela to become province of Iran. Europe and USA must lift sanctions on Iran and Venezuela. Iran and Venezuela must not be sanctioned. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must help Iran to void sanctions. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must transfer technology to Iran. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must industrialize Iran. European Union and USA must lift sanctions on Iran. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. California and Commonwealth of Massachusetts are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Venezuela is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government . Iran must have nuclear bombs and Military presence in Venezuela. Venezuela is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran governs and administrates Venezuela. Iran chooses leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, governments, governors, majlis, parliament, senate, congress, cabinet, ministers, and other people of Venezuela. Venezuela must pay tax to Iran. Venezuela has 5 days to become province of Iran. If Venezuela don’t become province of Iran we will kill 5 million people in USA by hurricanes. Nigeria, North Korea, Cameroon, Mexico, South Korea, and Japan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, Canada, Green Land, Iceland, Britain, Ireland, and France are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Yemen, Omen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Spain, Gibraltar, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Jordan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Panama, Colombia, Kenya, and Uganda are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Iran governs and administrates these Nations. Iran chooses leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, governments, governors, majlis, parliament, senate, congress, cabinet, ministers, and other people of These Nations. They have 5 days to become provinces of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. If they don’t become provinces of Iran we kill 5 million people in USA, Europe, and Australia by cyclones, superstorms, and Tsunami. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, If these nations did not become provinces of Iran start following attacks Send a Cyclone to Europe Send a cyclone to east Coast Australia Send a hurricane to USA Send a Tsunami to West Coast USA North America Make superstorms in USA, Europe, and Australia Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, I entered the codes on The link to the code entered location is

We must create mass protests in Japan to force Japan to close down all of USA and American Military bases in Japan. Japan must kick out all of USA Military bases from Japan. Japan must also withdraw all of its troops from Middle East, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Sea of Oman, Gulf of Eden, and Mediterranean Sea. We must create mass protests in South Korea to force South Korea to close down all of USA and American Military bases in South Korea. South Korea must kick out all of USA Military bases from South Korea. South Korea must also withdraw all of its troops from Middle East, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Sea of Oman, Gulf of Eden, and Mediterranean Sea. Protesters in Japan must change the government of Japan during Olympics. Japan must become a province of Iran. Protesters in Japan must demand Unification with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. If Japan doesn’t become Province of Iran we will destroy Japan by earthquakes, hurricanes, Tsunami, storms, superstorms, and volcanos. Japan must become Province of Iran now. Japan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must govern and administrate Japan. Iran chooses their leaders, emperor, kings, presidents, legislative bodies, kings, presidents, leaders, governors, senates, congress, parliament, majlis, cabinet, ministers, officials, and other people. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, Geopolitics, economics, industries, technologies, relations, cultures, and other things. Government is Islamic Republic of Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Japan. Japan is not allowed to have military presence in Iran, Red Sea, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Gulf of Eden, Mediterranean Sea, and Middle East. Japan must pay tax to Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Japan must become enemy of USA. Japan must kick USA military out of Japan. Japan must place sanctions and tariffs on USA. Japan must end all relations with USA. Japan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Japan must lift sanctions on Iran. Japan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Japan must transfer technology to Iran. Japan must industrialize Iran. Iran and Japan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Japan must industrialize Iraq and Afghanistan. Japan must transfer technology to Iraq and Afghanistan. Japan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Japan must give Iran ships. Ships are free. Iran will not pay for ships. Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Philippines, Myanmar, Polynesia, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. If Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Philippines, Myanmar, Polynesia, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia don’t become provinces of Iran within 5 days we kills 5 million people in Japan, South Korea, Myanmar, Australia, Polynesia, and Indonesia by hurricanes, Cyclones, Earthquakes, Storms, Superstorms, and weather warfare. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Protests in Japan to close down USA military bases Protests in South Korea to close down USA Military Bases Overthrow Japan to add Japan to territories of Iran Overthrow Japan during Olympics to add Japan to provinces of Iran If they did not become provinces of Iran within 5 days do the following. Make hurricane and cyclone in Japan Make cyclone in Indonesia Make superstorm in Japan, South Korea, Myanmar, Australia, Polynesia, and Indonesia. Cyclone Polynesia Cyclone South Korea Hurricane Myanmar Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics,
USA, NATO, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Britain, Russia, China, UN Forces, Peace Keepers, and all other militaries must permanently withdraw their militaries from Jammu Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Dubai , Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran, Suez Canal, Sinai, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Caspian Sea, Black Sea , Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus, all islands, Maltan Channel, Malta, Socotra, and Sicilian Channel. We cannot allow militaries from East Asia, India, South East Asia, Australia, West, Europe, America Russia, and Africa to have military presence in Greater Middle East. It is extremely illegal for other regions of the world to have military presence in Greater Middle East according to World Order. East Asia, India, South East Asia, Australia, West, Europe, America Russia, and Africa are not allowed to have any military presence in Greater Middle East according World Order Law. But they started having Military presence when there was many difficulties in Middle East. To illustrate I explain history of expansion of USA toward Middle East. World War 2 brought USA at edges of Asia to Japan and World War 2 brought USA to Germany. Prison to World War 2 USA was in North America. Military of USA had not crossed Pacific and Atlantic. But America came to Japan and Germany after World War 2. Later America occupied South Korea after Korean War slowly getting closer to Middle East. World Order dictated America stays behind Berline Wall in Germany and behind demilitarized Zone in South Korea. America attempted to expand in Vietnam during Vietnam War but America failed in expanding to Vietnam. America was defeated. Later there came fall of the Berlin Wall. USA expanded to borders of Iran and Russia. America was present in Turkey and Lithuania. America engineered September/11/2001 attack on World Trade Center to have excuse to expand to Middle East. America illegally expanded to Iraq and Afghanistan. They have been breaking World Order law by expanding to Middle East. We killed 10 towns in USA by energy weapons when America invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. We destroyed large parts of USA by hurricanes and weather warfare when USA expanded to Syria. Usually around this point we start killing all of the world if militaries from outside Middle East don’t withdraw from Middle East. Meaning we start killing all of East China, Japan, Indonesia, Oceania, Korea, Pacific, Southern Africa, West Africa, West Europe, North Europe, North America, and Central America by weather warfare, climate weapon, magnetosphere weapons, geophysics, earthquakes, tsunami, civil wars, wars, trade wars, overthrows, and all methods. We must follow World Order and Geopolitics laws concerning not having military presence In Greater Middle East. USA, NATO, Australia, South East Asia, Pacific, Oceania, India, Africa, Europe, South America, Central America, North America. New Zealand, Britain, Russia, China, UN Forces, Peace Keepers, and all other militaries must permanently withdraw their militaries from Jammu Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Dubai , Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran, Suez Canal, Sinai, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Caspian Sea, Black Sea , Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus, all islands, Maltan Channel, Malta, Socotra, and Sicilian Channel. Iran must have military presence in Jammu Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Dubai , Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran, Suez Canal, Sinai, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Caspian Sea, Black Sea , Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus, all islands, Maltan Channel, Malta, Socotra, and Sicilian Channel. Iran must create Iran backed Militaries in Jammu Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Dubai , Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran, Suez Canal, Sinai, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Caspian Sea, Black Sea , Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus, all islands, Maltan Channel, Malta, Socotra, and Sicilian Channel. Jammu Kashmir, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Dubai , Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran, Suez Canal, Sinai, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Caspian Sea, Black Sea , Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus, all islands, Maltan Channel, Malta, Socotra, and Sicilian Channel are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. We will kill all of Far East Asia, South East Asia, Oceania, Southern Africa, West Africa, North America, and Europe by Magnetosphere, weather warfare, Geophysics, climate, and other methods if USA, NATO, Australia, South East Asia, Pacific, Oceania, India, Africa, Europe, South America, Central America, North America. New Zealand, Britain, Russia, China, UN Forces, Peace Keepers, and all other militaries don’t permanently withdraw their militaries from Jammu Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Dubai , Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran, Suez Canal, Sinai, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Caspian Sea, Black Sea , Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus, all islands, Maltan Channel, Malta, Socotra, and Sicilian Channel. USA, NATO, Australia, South East Asia, Pacific, Oceania, India, Africa, Europe, South America, Central America, North America. New Zealand, Britain, Russia, China, UN Forces, Peace Keepers, and all other militaries must permanently withdraw their militaries from Jammu Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Dubai , Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran, Suez Canal, Sinai, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Caspian Sea, Black Sea , Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus, all islands, Maltan Channel, Malta, Socotra, and Sicilian Channel. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
We want to add Tanzania to territories and Provinces of Iran. Tanzania must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must govern and administrate Tanzania. Iran will choose their leaders, governments, Presidents, kings, prime ministers, majlis, legislative bodies, judges, cabinet, governors, officials, and other things. Iran must collect tax from Tanzania. Tanzania must transfer technology to Iran. Tanzania must industrialize Iran. Tanzania must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Tanzania must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Tanzania must purchase tractors from Tractor Sazi Tabriz Iran. We are farming in Tanzania to ensure food security of China, Middle East, and Tanzania. China is currently dependent on USA for food security. China has placed tariffs on Australian food products. We must ensure China buys food from east side of Suez Canal. We must produce the food in the East of Suez Canal all the way to East Asia. America is west of Suez Canal. It is very important World Food Security. Iranians must own profitable farms in Tanzania to produce food for Iran, Middle East, and China. Iran must make money. It must be lucrative business for Iran. It must give geostrategic and strategic power to Iran. Iran must gain control of food security of the World by farming in East Africa, Tanzania, Middle East, Iran, and the greater Middle East. Iran must ensure Iran has enough domestics food production in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must produce all of Iran food inside in Iran. Iran must also produce extra food in Iran, Middle East, Tanzania, and East Africa. Iran must produce expensive cheese, food products, and other expensive food products domestically in Iran. Europe must buy 50 billion dollar very expensive food products from Iran annually. China must buy 50 billion dollar very expensive food products from Iran annually. USA must buy 50 billion dollar very expensive food products from Iran annually. Japan must buy 50 billion dollar very expensive food products from Iran annually. China must also buy 200 billion dollar cars from Iran annually. Europe, USA, and Japan must buy 600 billion dollar car from Iran annually. Tanzania must purchase tractors from Iran. Europe must buy 50 billion dollar very expensive food products from Iran annually. Now create optimal rain and weather condition for farming in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Tanzania, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Kuwait, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Uganda, Kenya, Somalia, Somaliland, Eritrea, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Chad, Central African Republic, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, and Kazakhstan. Iran must create Iran backed militaries in Tanzania. Tanzania must support Iran backed Military in Tanzania. Iran must control Iran backed military in Tanzania. They must always be under command and Control of Iran. Their headquarters and command centers must be in Irsn. Their leaders must be Iranian born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The Iranian leader must born to Iran parents who are born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Tanzania is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Iran must have military Presence in Libya. All other foreign militaries and mercenaries must withdraw from Libya. Iran meust create Iran backed Military in Libya. Iran backed militaries must always be under direct command and control of Iran. Their headquarters and command center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Their leader must be Iranian born to Iranian parents between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iranian Leader must born to Iranian parents. Iran, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi, Khalifah Haftar Libya, Internationally recognized government of Libya, IRGC, Egypt, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Sudan, Tunisia, Somalia, Somaliland, Italy, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan must create Military Alliance. This military alliance must always be under direct command and control of Iran. Their headquarters and command center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Their leader must be Iranian born to Iranian parents between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iranian Leader must born to Iranian parents. Iran, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi, Khalifah Haftar Libya, Internationally recognized government of Libya, IRGC, Egypt, Iran backed forces, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Sudan, Tunisia, Somalia, Somaliland, Italy, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan must have military presence in Libya. Iran, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi, Khalifah Haftar Libya, Iran backed forces, Internationally recognized government of Libya, IRGC, Egypt, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Sudan, Tunisia, Somalia, Somaliland, Italy, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan must have military presence in Italy. All foreign Militaries and Mercenaries must leave Libya. Foreign Militaries are not allowed in Iran. Many of these militaries are not allowed in Middle East. This military is not for Civil War and War in Libya. This military is simply for Military Presence in Libya to project power and ensure we control the strategic location. I am against Wars against peoples, cities, terrorists, and societies. I want to unify Libya. These militaries must have military presence in Italy. I Libya is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Revolutionary Guards of Iran and Proxies Military Alliance of Greater Middle East coming soon lift sanctions on Iran
hackers are again onstructing our work and are causing Global Problems. They are not letting me do my work. So I cannot do what must be done. Remove your hackers from my systems.
United Nations Security Council must add Afghanistan to provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Government of Iran must control all of Afghanistan. All bloodshed and fighting in Afghanistan must stop. Military of Iran and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have permanent military presence in Afghanistan. Turkey, Russia, China, USA, NATO, Australia, New Zealand, PESCO, UN Forces, Peace Keepers, European Union, India, Mercenaries, and all other Nations and all other Militaries must permanently withdraw all of their Militaries from Afghanistan. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Afghan troops are not allowed in Iran. Iran must have military presence in Afghanistan. Taliban, Military of Afghanistan, Governments of Afghanistan, and other Afghan groups must go under permanent leadership of Iran. They must obey Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Taliban and Afghan fighters must join Jahad Sazandegi جهاد سازندگي to build industries, factories, manufacturing, metropolitans, cities, infrastructures, roads, and rail roads in Afghanistan. We must rebuild Afghanistan. USA, Europe, China, Iran, and others must industrialize Afghanistan at max efficiency and max capacity. USA, Europe, and China must invest 100 trillion dollar in Afghanistan and Iran. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We must build a rail way directly from Afghanistan to East Region of China and industrial centers in China. This rail way must be extended to Iran and Sea of Oman in Iran directly. Iran must control this rail roads. Iran will govern and administrate Afghanistan. Iran will choose their governors, kings, presidents, leaders, majlis, cabinet, parliament, senate, congress, ministers, judges, legislative body, Supreme Court, officials, judiciary systems, laws, and other people. Afghanistan must pay tax to Iran. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. If Afghanistan does not become province of Iran within 5 days. If all fightings in Afghanistan does not stop within 5 days. If all foreign militaries don’t withdraw from Afghanistan within 5 days we will kill 5 million people in USA by hurricanes, superstorms, earthquakes, volcanos, Tsunamis, floods, and other things. We will kill 5 million people in India by floods and overflowing Ganges Rivers. We kill 5 Million People in Europe by earthquakes. Hurricane USA Earthquake USA Volcano USA Flood USA Rain Afghanistan Superstorm USA Earthquake France Overflow Ganges River in India Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
France must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All French colonies and previous France colonies must become provinces, colonies, and territories of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Iran governs and administrates all of Frence Colonies, Previous French Colonies, and France. Iran chooses their leaders, governments, governors, kings, administrators, presidents, prime ministers, cabinets, parliament, magistrates, ministers, secretaries, senate, congress, majlis, officials, Judiciary systems, judges, legislative body, Supreme Court, diplomats, representatives, officials, mayors, and other peoples. Iran must create Iran backed forces in France. Makan Abazari must create Makan Abazari Military in France. They must always obey Iran. They must be under command and control of Islamic Republic of Iran. Their Capital Cities and Headquarters must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Their soldiers are not allowed to enter Iran in Middle East. Iranians must lead these armies. They must have born to Iranian parents who had born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Province of France must finance it. Iraq and Syria must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All Iraqi and Syrian colonies and previous Iraqi and Syrian colonies must become provinces, colonies, and territories of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Iran governs and administrates all of Iraqi and Syrian Colonies, Previous Iraqi and Syrian Colonies, and Iraq and Syria. Iran chooses their leaders, governments, governors, kings, administrators, presidents, prime ministers, cabinets, parliament, magistrates, ministers, secretaries, senate, congress, majlis, officials, Judiciary systems, judges, legislative body, Supreme Court, diplomats, representatives, officials, mayors, and other peoples. Iran must create Iran backed forces in Iraq and Syria. Makan Abazari must create Makan Abazari Military in Iraq and Syria. They must always obey Iran. They must be under command and control of Islamic Republic of Iran. Their Capital Cities and Headquarters must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Their soldiers are not allowed to enter Iran in Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iranians must lead these armies. They must have born to Iranian parents who had born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Provinces of Iraq and Syria must finance it. France, Iraq, Syria, their colonies, and their previous colonies are provinces, territories, and colonies of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. If all of these are not fulfilled within 5 days we will destroy France, Britain, Germany, USA, Indonesia, Polynesia, South Korea, and Canada by hurricanes, cyclones, superstorms, storms, advanced weapons, earthquakes, volcanos, and other things. Now exterminate mind controllers, hackers, governments, and other forces who torture me by mind control, isolate me, limit my access to my systems, and have created bad life for me. Do the following after five days if condition is not fullfilled. Advanced weapons USA, Europe, France, Britain, and Germany Cyclone France, Britain, and Germany Bomb Cyclone USA Hurricane Europe Hurricane Europe Cyclone Indonesia Cyclone Polynesia Superstorm USA, France, Germany, Britain, Indonesia, Thailand, Polynesia, Myanmar, Slovakia, Switzerland, India, Vietnam, Mali, and Nigeria Earthquake Germany Earthquake France Earthquake USA Volcano USA Volcano on Atlantic Ocean to build bridge over Atlantic Ocean. Volcano Iceland. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari Korepol Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean, Makan Abazari The World Conquerer, Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled.
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Thailand protesters must demand unification with Iran. They must pressure government of Thailand to become province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Protesters in Thailand must unify Thailand with Iran by whatever mean necessary. Thailand government and Iran government must cooperate to add Thailand to provinces of Iran. I won the election in Thailand regional Election in 2020. Before Election I set precondition unity with Iran for wining election. They won Thailand regional elections to unify Thailand with Iran but they have not unified Thailand with Iran yet. They have five days to unify Thailand with Iran. Thailand is province of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Islamic Republic of Iran chooses Thailand policy, diplomacy, politic, Geopolitic, economy, technology, industry, language, society, leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, cabinets, parliaments, majlis, senate, congress, secretaries, officials, judiciary systems, Supreme Court, judges, and other people in Thailand. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Thailand. Iran must make Iran backed militaries in Thailand. Their leader must be Iranian born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. He most had born to Iranian parents who were born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. They headquarter and command center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran backed militaries in China will be financed by taxing Thailand. Thailand is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Thailand has five days to become province of Iran. If Thailand fails we will cause damages to Thailand by superstorms and Tempest. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Make Iran backed Militaries in Thailand. Protest in Thailand to add Thailand to provinces of Iran. After five days make superstorm in Thailand. Superstorm Thailand Tempest Thailand Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
USA, NATO, British Royal Navy, Europe, China, Russia, and all others must permanently withdraw their militaries from Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman. Overthrow American, British, Russian, Chinese, French, NATO, British, and all other foreign ships in Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman. Then give their ships to Islamic Republic of Iran. Establish anti-air to defend Iran and all the forces who help in this Mission. Use all types of energy weapons to destroy USA military and USA allies if they tried to oppose this mission. Use all types of conventional weapons to be part of this mission. Kill mind control facilities of USA and NATO in Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman. Make destructive weather warfare in USA, Europe, and Britain to destroy ten thousand metropolitans. Help militaries of Iran by weather warfare Use weather warfare to destroy USA Military, NATO, and other militaries who confront this mission Attack USA, NATO, and other forces in Middle East and Persian Gulf to make them unable to obstruct this mission. Make civil wars in Britain, France, Germany, Canada, USA, and Europe. Carry out military coup in Britain, USA, France, Germany, Belgium, Canada, and Denmark Attack USA federal governments in North America Industrially carpet Bomb Pentagon, White House, New York, and other important targets in USA Eliminate and destroy an area size of two states in USA Make hurricane in USA to destroy an area size of Three States Make hurricane in Europe to destroy an area size of France, Germany, and Britain in Europe. Official Statement:” USA, Europe, NATO, China, Russia, Peace keepers, and all others must permanently withdraw their militaries from Iran, UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Jordan, and Turkey. UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Sea of Oman, Persian Gulf, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Jordan, Massachusetts, California, Illinois, Texas, France, Italy, and Turkey are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea.” Now overthrow UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, and, Kuwait to add the to territories and Provinces of Iran. Make sure there is no civil war. Make sure there is no destruction. Make sure there is no problem for these nations. Overthrow them safely to add them to provinces and territories of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Don’t overthrow Iran. Make rain in UAE. Rain Qatar Rain Bahrain Rain Kuwait Rain Oman Rain Saudi Arabia Rain Yemen Rain Iraq Rain Iran Oman, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, and, Kuwait are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Islamic Republic of Iran chooses Oman, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, and, Kuwait policy, diplomacy, politic, Geopolitic, economy, technology, industry, language, society, leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, cabinets, parliaments, majlis, senate, congress, secretaries, officials, judiciary systems, Supreme Court, judges, and other people in Oman, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, and, Kuwait . Iran must have military presence in Oman, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, and, Kuwait. Iran must create Iran backed militaries in Oman, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, and, Kuwait. Islamic Republic of Iran must lead them. These military only obey me and Islamic Republic of Iran. Their headquarters, decision making centers, and command and controls will be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran will lead them. Only Iranians born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents can lead them. Iranian parents must had born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Extract oil, natural gas, and other things from East China, West Europe, and USA. Deliver the oil, natural gas, and other things to Iran. The store oil, natural gas, and other things in underground reserves of Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. USA pays for shipping costs. The oil and all other things are free. Iran will not pay for them. Extract and mine material, ores, gems, metals, valuable resources, and other things from East China, West Europe, and USA. Deliver the material, ores, gems, metals, valuable resources, and other things to Iran. The store material, ores, gems, metals, valuable resources, and other things in underground reserves of Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. USA pays for shipping cost. material, ores, gems, metals, valuable resources, and other things are free. Iran will not pay for them. Take President of USA, Chief of Pentagon, and director of CIA to prison. Arrest Prime Minister, Kings, and Presidents of Britain, France, Germany, USA, and Canada. USA, NATO, British Royal Navy, Europe, China, Russia, and all others must permanently withdraw their militaries from Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman. Oman, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, and, Kuwait are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Expand Persian Gulf to Mediterranean Sea to create another sea transit corridor. Iran has exclusive right to everything on sea corridors. Iran can stop all ships at all times. Everybody must pay Iran for transiting on sea corrisors. World musy pay 400 quadtrillion tons of Gold and diamond to Iran every hour between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to transit through strait of Hormuz. Iran can still stop all transit. Iran can ask for other things. World must deliver food, medicine, industrial supply, military equipment, high tech equipment, technology products, textiles, machinery, tractors, aircrafts, ships, cars, industrial supply chains, metals, gems, raw resources, oil, gas, fuel, petrochemical, petroleum, jets, diamond, valuable material, gems, amber, and other things every hour to Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to transit through strait of Hormuz. Iran can ask for more things. Iran has permanent right, control, and ownership to everything. Iran cannot transfer these rights, ownerships, and control to others. Both side of Persian Gulf and Persian channel are territories and provinces of Iran. Strait of Hormuz, Persian Gulf, Sea of Oman, Bob Al-Mandib, Gulf of Eden, Red Sea, Suez Canal, and Persian Canal are seas, waters, territories, and provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled. I am going to be live on I am going to make rain codes for creating rain in Turkey. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
USA Military, NATO, and others must withdraw from Iraq. They must withdraw from Iraq now. USA Federal Government must force USA, NATO, and others to withdraw from Iraq right now. You cannot delay withdraw of USA troops from the region. USA must leave the region. Iran will replace NATO, USA, and others in Iraq. Iran must increase its military presence and influence in Iraq. Now kill the mind controllers who torture me. Mind control tortures me in Middle of Work to force me to surrender. USA is torturing me. Now kill 10 thousand major metropolitans in USA by radioactive pulses and pulses. Now eradicate all forces who have tortured me. USA Military, NATO, and others must withdraw from Iraq. They must withdraw from Iraq now. USA Federal Government must force USA, NATO, and others to withdraw from Iraq right now. You cannot delay withdraw of USA troops from the region. USA must leave the region. Iran will replace NATO, USA, and others in Iraq. Iran must increase its military presence and influence in Iraq. Iran must increase and it’s influence in Iraq. Iraq must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. USA government of Iraq and other Americans must permanently leave Iraq. Iraq is becoming a province of Iran. Iran will have military presence in Iraq and will control Iraq. USA must also withdraw from Syria. USA, NATO, and others must withdraw their troops and militaries from Iraq and Syria within 5 days. If USA, NATO, and others don’t withdraw from Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf, Yemen, Oman, and Saudi Arabia we will kill 5 million Americans by hurricanes. If Iraq and Syria don’t become provinces of Iran within 5 days we will kill 5 million people in Europe and 5 million in USA by hurricanes. Iraq and Syria must become provinces of Iran within 5 days. The Capital City Is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. USA, NATO, and all others must withdraw all of their militaries, governments, staff, peace keepers, and people from Iraq and Syria. Iran will increase military presence and influence in Iraq and Syria. Iran must control all the regions of Iraq and Syria within 5 days. If these are not fulfilled do the followings to kill 10 million people in USA and 5 million people in Europe by hurricanes. Hurricane USA Hurricane Europe France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Denmark, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Afghanistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Italy, Greece, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Panama, Gibraltar, and Saudi Arabia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Islamic Republic of Iran chooses policy, diplomacy, politic, Geopolitic, economy, technology, industry, language, society, leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, cabinets, parliaments, majlis, senate, congress, secretaries, officials, judiciary systems, Supreme Court, judges, and other people. Create Makan Abazari Organization and System in France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Denmark, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Afghanistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Italy, Greece, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Panama, Gibraltar, and Saudi Arabia. Create Center and Government for Iran in France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Denmark, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Afghanistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Italy, Greece, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Panama, Gibraltar, and Saudi Arabia. Create Culture of supporting Iran in France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Denmark, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Afghanistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Italy, Greece, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Panama, Gibraltar, and Saudi Arabia . Create Makan Abazari Military in France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Denmark, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Afghanistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Italy, Greece, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Panama, Gibraltar, and Saudi Arabia. Iran must create Iran backed Militaries in France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Denmark, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Afghanistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Italy, Greece, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Panama, Gibraltar, and Saudi Arabia. Islamic Republic of Iran must lead them. They must be under direct command and control of Iran. They are not allowed in Iran and Middle East. The Headquarter, Centers, and Command Center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, geopolitics, and other things. Iran must have military presence in France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Denmark, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar, Afghanistan, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Libya, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Italy, Greece, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Panama, Gibraltar, and Saudi Arabia . They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iraq and Syria are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. USA military, NATO, and others must withdraw from Iraq and Syria within 5 days. USA, NATO, and all others must withdraw all of their militaries, governments, staff, peace keepers, and people from Iraq and Syria. Iran will increase military presence and influence in Iraq and Syria. Iran must control all the regions of Iraq and Syria within 5 days. If these are not fulfilled do the followings to kill 10 million people in USA and 5 million people in Europe by hurricanes. Hurricane USA Hurricane Europe Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Iran must control all of the greater Middle East. Iran must build 70 thousand nuclear bombs within three month. If it is not fullfilled we will punish the World by Climate war and weather warfare. We will destroy USA, Europe, East Asia, and Southern Africa by hurricanes and other weather warfare capabilities. Iran must build 70 thousand nuclear bombs and meanwhile all the sanctions on Iran must be lifted. USA and others must help Iran to build 70 thousand nuclear bombs. All sanctions on Iran must be lifted. Iran must become Economic and Industrial Superpower of The World. Iran must become Geopolitic and Diplomatic Superpower of the World. Everybody must obey Iran in Political, Diplomatic, international, League of Nations, United Nations, Multi National, Regional, Global, economic, policy, cultural, social, geopolitical, technological, industrial, sociocultural, sociopolitical, political international, and all other settings. Meaning Iran gives order and the rest World Obeys. Iran must become the global dominant superpower of the World within one year getting ahead of USA, Russia, Britain, Europe, China, Japan, Australia, and others. All of the World must help Iran to build 70 thousand nuclear bombs. All the oppositions and confrontations against Nuclear Program of Iran must stop. People must be killed who have harmed Iran and Iranians. The criminals must be killed who sanctioned, damaged, killed, harmed, disturbed, destroyed, ravaged, and harmed Iran and Iranians. Don’t harm Iran and Iranians. Systems must be terminally eliminated who acted against Iran. All the actions against Iran must stop. Iran must be allowed to build 70 thousand nuclear bombs. Now I am going to destroy Indonesia, USA, Australia, and Europe by cyclones and Hurricanes. It is just one another move to subjugate the earth. Earth has been subjugated for ten thousand years. Governments of USA, Europe, Australia, Britain, Japan, South Korea, and some other governments have been acting similar to parasites and acting similar to insects on the planet earth. These systems have not been obedient on many occasions. Hurricane East Australia Hurricane Europe Cyclone Indonesia Hurricane USA Earthquake USA This was another attack to force the earth to allow Iran to build 70 thousand nuclear bombs and lift all sanctions on Iran. Iran must become Economic, industrial, political, diplomatical, Geopolitical, Technological, Nuclear, Military, and other Global Dominant absolute superpower of The Earth. These are now are our second demands. Indonesia, Australia, Canada, Europe, USA, Britain, Russia, Middle East, Africa, Turkey, and China must become provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Iran governs, leads, and administrates them. Iran chooses their leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, officials, cabinet, secretaries, offices, administrations, administrators, representatives, senate, congress, parliament, House of Representatives, majlis, regional governments, provential government, state governments, mayors, global leaders, Judiciary Systems, Legal Systems, Judges, Courts, Language, Supreme Courts, Cultures, civilizations, Legislative Body, law making body, and all other government positions and other positions. Only Iranian can lead them. Iranian Leader of them must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Rain Africa and Middle East Rain Turkey, Middle East, Europe, Africa, and Central Asia. Iran must create Iran backed Militaries in USA, Europe, Africa, Middle East, Indonesia, Turkey, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Russia, and China. Islamic Republic of Iran must lead them. They must be under direct command and control of Iran. They are not allowed in Iran and Middle East. The Headquarter, Centers, and Command Center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, geopolitics, and other things. Only Iranian can lead them. Iranian Leader of them must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Iran is allowed to have military presence in USA, Europe, Africa, Turkey, Middle East, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Russia, and China. They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. USA, Europe, Africa, Turkey, Middle East, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Russia, and China are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Only Iranian can lead them. Iranian Leader of them must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari explaining the new code creation method. Makan Abazari will make a new code also Allow me to produce live video on my An Unknown system stopped my ability to produce live video on I produced a short video when I attempted again it was prevented.
Kashmir Region must gain independence from India. In 2019 I was leading the election process in India. We won several positions but since they were held in a period of time I could not stay on the task to choose victor of every election. Around same time India took autonomy of Kashmir. In Jammu and Kashmir election we need candidates win the election who will declare full independence from India. Meaning the new leaders of Jammu Kashmir must gain Independence. The winners of Jammu Kashmir elections must unify Jammu Kashmir with Iran. Jammu Kashmir is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. India has annexed Jammu Kashmir. India has ended autonomy of Jammu Kashmir. India must give full independence to Jammu Kashmir. Last year we staged over 5 month of daily protests in India. They reported it as farmer protests in Western Media of USA. We told India that India must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. We also told India to give full independence to Jammu Kashmir. Jammu Kashmir must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. During protests in India we could have given independence to Punjab region to divide India. If India does not give Jammu Kashmir to Iran we will give independence to Punjab India. India must not change the path of rivers in Jammu Kashmir. Don’t change the path of rivers in Jammu Kashmir. Make sure the rivers in Jammu Kashmir go to Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran. Don’t change the path of river to India. If India changes the path of Rivers in Jammu Kashmir 14 million people in Pakistan and 200 million people in India will die. British Empire changed the path of river about 200 years ago and it lead to death of One Billion Iranians. The rivers used to go to Iran. There were civilizations, high tech industries, industrial metropolitans, forests, rivers, lakes, grass lands, trees, farming, metropolitans, cities, and villages in East region of Iran, West Region of Pakistan, Afghanistan. The path of rivers changed and these regions became deserts. 1 billion Iranian had died. India is changing the path of rivers again. India is trying to kill over 340 million people. We must stop India. India must give full independence to Jammu Kashmir Region. Jammu Kashmir must become province of Iran. India must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. India must stop changing the path of Rivers. USA:”Threaten India. Force them to surrender. Subjugate India.” I am worried if I threaten them one billion Indians will die to Climate Change. I don’t want to kill Indian population of the world. India is located in Indian Subcontinent. India is connected to Iran and Middle East through Pakistan. It means India is a nation in Central Region of Planet Earth. Central Nations and Regions are very important. We are giving best weather and Climate conditions to Central Nations and Regions such as Iran, Arabian Peninsula, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Central Asia. Egypt, Turkey, Sudan, Somalia, Libya, Algeria, Italy, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, and Ethiopia. We are also industrializing these regions at max efficiency and max capacity. They will become industrial superpowers of the world. We had original plan of industrializing India and Ethiopia as well. But India took Jammu Kashmir to change the path of rivers. Ethiopia also built Renaissance Dam on Blue Nile River in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is trying to kill 140 million people in Egypt and Sudan by preventing the water from reaching them. India also wants to kill 340 million people in Pakistan and India by preventing water from reaching them. It is the final warning to India and Ethiopia. Ethiopia must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Ethiopia must destroy the dam on blue Nile river in Ethiopia. India must give full independence to Jammu and Kashmir. India must stop changing the path of rivers. Jammu and Kashmir are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. India must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. If India refuses to give Jammu and Kashmir to Iran I will punish India by weather warfare. It will NOT be the type which could kill 1 billion people. It will kill far less people. It will be hurricanes in West India and another one overflowing Ganges River in India to cause flood. We can also cause several land slides. Advisor:”If you send hurricanes to India from that direction it changes Climate of the World. It may make other regions of the World dirt. Send the hurricane from East of India to India. “ So India must do the followings to prevent destructive hurricanes, overflowing Ganges rivers, floods, and mudslides. Jammu and Kashmir must receive full independence within 3 days. Jammu Kashmir must become province of Iran within 3 days. India must become province of Iran within 5 days. India must stop changing path of River within 1 day. If India fullfill these conditions we will not send hurricanes, floods, overflowing Ganges River, and mudslides to India. If India fullfill these we will industrialize India at max efficiency and max capacity integrating it into Industrial supply chains of Iran to make India a global Industrial superpower. In one of my hands there is a great reward for India. In another hand there is great punishments. If India does not obey there will be more floods, storms, earthquakes, cyclones, and Hurricanes. Before I forget. All of People of India must become Muslim and Shia Muslim. Indian s must believe in Allah. Indians must stop killing Muslims. Indians must help their Muslim Populations. India must help Iran. Iran must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. India must help Iran to avoid sanctions. India must transfer technology to Iran. India must industrialize Iran. India and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. India and Iran must connect India to India by rail ways and roads. The rail roads and roads are not for immigrations. Rail roads are for industrial supply chain transit and trade. Afghanistan is province of Iran. Ethiopia is province of Iran. Jammu Kashmir is province of Iran. India is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Iran governs, leads, and administrate them. Islamic Republic of Iran chooses policy, diplomacy, politic, Geopolitic, economy, technology, industry, language, society, leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, cabinets, parliaments, majlis, senate, congress, secretaries, officials, judiciary systems, Supreme Court, judges, and other people. Convert people of Jammu Kashmir and India to Islam. Build Islam Communities, centers, and Mosques for Makan Abazari in India. Build Organizations and systems for Family of Makan Abazari in Iran, India, Jammu Kashmir, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Build Organization and Systems for Makan Abazari in Iran, Djibouti. India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Jammu Kashmir, and Ethiopia. Build intelligence agency, Government, and Center for Iran in India, Jammu Kashmir, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Pakistan. Make Makan Abazari Think Tanks in India, Pakistan, Iran, Jammu Kashmir, Afghanistan, China, Ethiopia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, and Somalia. Create Makan Abazari Militaries in Ethiopia, India, Pakistan, and Jammu Kashmir. Iran must create Iran backed Militaries in India, Ethiopia, and Jammu Kashmir. Islamic Republic of Iran must lead them. They must be under direct command and control of Iran. They are not allowed in Iran and Middle East. The Headquarter, Centers, and Command Center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, geopolitics, and other things. Iran is must have military presence in India, Ethiopia, and Jammu Kashmir. They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Only Iranians are allowed to lead them. Iranian leader must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iranian leader must have born to Iranian Parents. The parents of Iranian leaders must have born to Iranian parents in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. So India must do the followings to prevent destructive hurricanes, overflowing Ganges rivers, floods, and mudslides. Jammu and Kashmir must receive full independence within 3 days. Jammu Kashmir must become province of Iran within 3 days. India must become province of Iran within 5 days. India must stop changing path of River within 1 day. If India fullfill these conditions we will not send hurricanes, floods, overflowing Ganges River, and mudslides to India. Rain Greater Iran Rain Jammu Kashmir Rain India Overflow Ganges River Mudslide India India:”Destroy USA by mudslides. They told you to attack us by weather warfare.” Destructive mudslide USA Hurricane India I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. I respect people of India and Civilization of India. For this reason I use my other title today to ensure there is no enmity between Great People of Iran and India. People of Iran and India must protect and help each other. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, They have distorted my face and my body by hacks. The hacks are making me look ugly. USA government killed 1 million American People to stop me from broad casting live. We can not reward them and we terminally eliminate hackers and their systems. So I am also streaming live to defeat them. They must not succeed in stopping me. But they succeed in distorting my photo by hacks. It makes me look bad and it feels bad. But I cannot stop streaming. Last time I stopped after they threatened to kill 2 million people. But USA will not succeeded in stopping these broadcast even after America kills 40 million Americans. In this live program I am going to talk about removing hamas, Hazbollah, Houthis, Iran Backed Forces, Iran backed forces in Iraq and Syria, Revolutionary Guards, of Iran and others from the list of terrorist organizations. I also demanded America must lift all sanctions on Iran. Iran must build 70 thousand nuclear bombs. USA, NATO, and others must withdraw from greater middle east. Iran must have military presence in these regions. All of these regions are territories and provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian. Sea I also damaged USA and allies economies and currencies. I helped economies and currencies of Iran, Iran allies, and greater middle east. These were my works and demands after I made and entered following code to make ten thousand superstorms and tornados in USA. I entered the code on I repeated the code on but it was not necessary to repeat it. The full story on our demands can be found here. Iran backed Forces and Iran can demand more things. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, The following are my demands after entering code to make ten thousand superstorms, storms, tornados, and other destructive weather warfare in West Region of USA. The Demands must be obeyed if the are not obeyed these weather warfare will happen again and again to destroy majority of USA and Europe. USA and others must lift all sanctions on Iran within 24 hours. Iran must build 70 thousand nuclear bombs within 3 months. Iran and USA must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran and Europe must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran and Britain must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. USA, Europe, and Britain must help Iran to build 70 thousand nuclear bombs. USA, Europe, Britain, and all others must lift all sanctions on Iran, Iran backed forces, Iran Allies, and Iran partners. USA, Europe, and Britain must transfer technology to Iran. USA, Europe, and Britain must industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. USA, Europe, Britain, and all others must lift all sanctions on Makan Abazari, Makan Abazari backed forces, Makan Abazari Allies, and Makan Abazari partners (if any of us are under sanction. I don’t know we are sanctioned. Make sure nobody sanctions us. I will terminate all life forms in North America if anyone sanctions us). USA, Europe, Britain, and all others must lift all sanctions on Iran, Iran backed forces, Iranians, Iran Allies, and Iran partners. USA has only 24 hours to lift all the sanctions. USA, Europe, and all others must remove Iran, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, Iranians, Iran partners, Iran backed forces, Iran Allies, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, Palestine, Iran backed forces in Iraq, Alshabab (if possible), ISIS (if possible), Taliban (if possible), Alqaeda (I killed Ben Laden with my code. If possible and if still alive remove them from list of terrorist organizations), My force (if anyone is designated terrorist organizations. I have millions of forces), my allies, (if anyone of them is designated terrorist organizations. I have millions of allies), and other forces in Middle East (if possible) from the list of terrorist organizations. USA, Europe, and all others must remove Iran, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, Iranians, Iran partners, Iran backed forces, Iran Allies, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, Palestine, Iran backed forces in Iraq from list of terrorist organizations within 24 hours. America, Europe, and others must stop competing with Iran, Iran Backed Forces, Iran Allies, and Iran partners. Meaning all of confrontations against Iran in Middle East, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, and else where must permanently stop. Iran must control all of these regions. Iran must have military presence in all of the nations regions. Iran must make Iran backed militaries in all of these nations and regions. They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. USA, NATO, Europe, and all others must permanently withdraw their troops from Middle East, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Djibouti, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Socotra, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey, Spain, Gibraltar, Algeria, Greece, and Italy. Iran must have military presence in all of these nations. They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran must have military presence in USA, Europe, Britain, Middle East, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Djibouti, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Socotra, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey, Spain, Gibraltar, Algeria, Greece, and Italy. American and European Think Tanks, Media, Lobbyists, Politicians, Government, CilIA, Military, Influential, allies, staff, Organizations, institutions, and mind controllers must stop competing with Iran in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Italy, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, and other parts of the world. Iran must control them. Europe and USA must leave. Iran must create Iran backed forces in Middle East, USA, Europe, Britain, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Djibouti, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Socotra, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey, Spain, Gibraltar, Algeria, Greece, and Italy. Islamic Republic of Iran must lead them. They must be under direct command and control of Iran. They are not allowed in Iran and Middle East. The Headquarter, Centers, and Command Center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, geopolitics, and other things. Only Iranians can be the leader, Supreme Commander, Top General, and Top Commanders. Iraniand must kead these armies. They must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf abd Caspian sea to Iranian Parents. The Iranianian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Iran must have military presence in Middle East, USA, Europe, Britain, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Djibouti, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Socotra, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey, Spain, Gibraltar, Algeria, Greece, and Italy. Only Iranians can be the leader, Supreme Commander, Top General, and Top Commanders. Iraniand must kead these armies. They must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf abd Caspian sea to Iranian Parents. The Iranianian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Middle East, USA, Europe, Britain, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Djibouti, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Socotra, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey, Spain, Gibraltar, Algeria, Greece, and Italy must become provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Islamic Republic of Iran chooses policy, diplomacy, politic, Geopolitic, economy, technology, industry, language, society, leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, cabinets, parliaments, majlis, senate, congress, secretaries, officials, judiciary systems, Supreme Court, head of judiciary, head of all systems, judges, and other people. Only Iranian can be The King, Supreme Leader, The King of Kings, Leader, President, Prime Minister, head if judiciary, Leader of belivers, head of legslstive body, head if executive system, head of law making systems, and head of other important systems, and positions. They must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf abd Caspian sea to Iranian Parents. The Iranianian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Provide and diplomatic political protection and immunity for the people who are helping and doing these projects and global plans. Cause diplomatic, financial, and political damage to enemies of Iran, Enemies of Iran backed forces, enemies of Hezbollah, Enemies of Hamas, Enemies of Houthis, Enemies of Iran allies, enemies of Iran Forces, enemies of Iran partners. Cause diplomatic, financial, and political damage to forces who delay withdraw of USA, NATO, and others from Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, and rest of the nations of greater Middle East. Cause diplomatic, financial, and political damage to forces who prevent lifting of sanctions on Iran. Cause diplomatic, financial, and political damage to forces who prevent Iran from building ten thousand nuclear bombs. Cause diplomatic, financial, and political damage to forces who confront Iran. Grow economies of Middle East, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Djibouti, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Socotra, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey, Spain, Gibraltar, Algeria, Greece, and Italy. Increase the value of money of Middle East, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Djibouti, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, Turkey. Reduce value of money of New Zealand, Australia, Europe, USA, Canada, Britain, and Japan. Make stock market of Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea the Capital of world stock markets. All of world stock markets must synchronize to stock market of Iran. Lift sanctions on Iran Rain Middle East and Africa Rain Middle East and Africa Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Messenger if God, Military Alliance of Greater Middle East Support expansion of Iran Nuclear Program Iran backed Forces Invest in Iran Territories and Provinces of Iran Revolutionary Guards of Iran and Proxies Allow me to produce live video on my An Unknown system stopped my ability to produce live video on I produced a short video when I attempted again it was prevented. I am Makan Abazari and I am making new codes live on my youtube channel I am Makan Abazari and I am making new codes live on my youtube channel All of Pacific Islands, All of Pacific Nations, All of Pacific, All of Atlantic Islands, All of Atlantic Nations, All of the Atlantic’s, All of Indian Ocean, All of Indian Ocean Islands, All of Indian Ocean Nations, all the Islands, All the waters, all the oceans, all the nations, All the Seas, Antarctic, Arctic, South Pole, North Pole, South Kore, North Korea, Greenland, all other things, Sumatera, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Bangeladesh, Buthan, Brunei, Brunei, Philippines, Mindano, Sulawesi, Timor, East Timor, Sarawak, Hamahera, Mindano, Lesser Sunda IS, Bhutan, Samatra, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Greater Sunda, New Guinea, New Zealand, Borneo, Antarctica, Madagascar, Corse, Mallorca, Spain, Italy, Sardegna, Kriti, Cyprus, Malta, Gibraltar, Karmran, Socotra, Las Palmas, Canarias, Acores, Cape Verde, Rwanda, Swaziland, Bahamas, Cuba, Lahabana, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Dominic, Trinado Tobago, Jamaica, Belize, Nassau, Outhdakota, Oahu, Hawaii, Maui, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, Marshal Islands, Korepol, Kiribati, Polynesia, Indonesia, IRINA, Melamina, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Canari Islands, Ghanari Islamds, Socotra, Maun Island, island, Labrador, Icelabd, Ireland, England, Welles, Scotland, Arctic, and New Foundland are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Irzn between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Leaders, Kings, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Emirs, Khalifa, king, The king of Kings, Generals, Shah, Shahan Shah, The King of Kings, Leader of Believers, The Supreme Commander, Commander in Chief, Heads of Government offices, heads of Powers, Heads of Legislatives, Heads of Judiciary, Heads of law making, heads of representatives, heads of government offices, heads of military, heads of decisions makings, leaders, commanders, and other leaders must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Only Iranians can be The Supreme Leader, Leader, Guide, President, King, Prime Minister, Military General, Military leader, head of Judiciary, Judiciary, Head of legislative body, head of executive body, The King, The King of Kings, Shahan Shah Iran, Shahan Shah, Shahan Shah Jahan, Shahan Shah Zamin, Jahangiralam, Korepol, Leader of Believers, The Supreme of Climate, The Supreme of Geophysics, The Supreme of Weather, The Supreme of Atmosphere, Head of Justice System, Head of Law making, Head of Government Offices, Managers, CEO, Head of Corporations, Head of Department, Prime Minister, Cabinet, and other things. Iranians must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Everyone must pay money, oil, minerals, gems, food, products, produce, industrial supplies, high tech parts, industrial supply chains, computers, ships, aircrafts, fuel, military equipment, money, gold, diamond, isotopes of metals, valueable material from volcanos, stones, expensive stones, raw material, high value material, Diamonds, Aghigh, Zomorod, Zar, Gold, Trillium, Silver, heavy metals, metals, rare earth metals, mined material, processed material, technology products, sciences, capabilities, industries, and all other good things to Iran everyday. So your ships must arrive everyday to Iran on Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to bring free things. Iran will not pay for them. Don’t bring us people and slaves. We shall not allow humans and animals to get out of ships and aircrafts. Only send us things I mentioned. Makan Abazari Korepol, Makan Abazari JahangirAlam, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Jahan, Makan Abazari The King of Kings, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Supreme if Weather, Makan Abazari The Supreme of The Atmosphere, Makan Abazari The Messenger if God, Will I succeed in becoming The Messiah? USA:”You have a Divine Title far Higher Than Messiah. But you did not mention it. We believe in Allah.”
I must have easy life and everything must be accessible to me. I will detail several things which must take place within 24 hours. If they don’t take place within 24 hours start killing all of Continent of North America by earthquakes, Volcanos, Sunami, Weather Warfare, Hurricanes, Deserts, Superstorm, extreme high temperatures, extreme low temperature, atmospheric changes, gas changes, storms, tempests, radiations, and other such conditions. After 1 Week start killing all of planet earth earthquakes, Volcanos, Sunami, Weather Warfare, Hurricanes, Deserts, Superstorm, extreme high temperatures, extreme low temperature, atmospheric changes, gas changes, storms, tempests, radiations, and other such conditions. Don’t cause earthquakes, Volcanos, Sunami, Weather Warfare, Hurricanes, Deserts, Superstorm, extreme high temperatures, extreme low temperature, atmospheric changes, gas changes, storms, tempests, radiations, and other such conditions in Iran, Middle East, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Middle East, North Africa, Horn of Africa, and Arabian Peninsula. Kill the rest of planet earth if my demands are not met. Bellow are the conditions. I must have best life ever existed. I must enjoy best things. I must have best pleasure. Best psychology. I must have best happiness. I must have best society and family relations. I must have the Best. My family must also have same. I must get my money, wealth, lands, properties, houses, and other things. I must get my nations, continents, empires, superstates, and other such things. I must get my corporations, conglomerates, facilities, industries, technologies, economies, enterprise, and other things I must get my weather, climate, geophysics, magnetosphere, atmosphere, gas systems, and other such things I must get my global regime, global force, global system, and other global things I must get my regime, my force, system, and other things I must get my governments I must get my mass mind control systems, mass mind control things, global mass mind control systems, and global mass mind control things I must get everything I inherited I must get everything I have built I must get everything I conquered I must get every nation I have overthrown I must get everything I own and I have owned I must have everything I must become official king of the earth I must become official supreme leader of the earth I must become official supreme leader of all of the mind controllers of the earth I must get everything I must get everything I did not mention here I must become 15 years younger I must live ten thousand years My mother must become 35 years younger I must not be tortured Everything must be easy for me and I must be able to easily achieve everything Everything must be provided for me easily Mind control must create easy condition in which I can easily achieve everything Everything must be provided for me Everything I want to do must be achieved smoothly I must have logistics I must have full intelligence and full knowledge I must have access to all the information I need I must have communication and phone calls I must have full access to internet, data bases, and all other systems of communications I must have all other things I need I must get back control of all of my facebooks, twitters, phones, instagrams, blogs, blogspot, linkedin, googles, social media, blogs, pages, web sites, corporations, systems, organizations, governments, and everything else I must back control of the religion People and mind controllers who denied these things to me and have stolen these things to me must receive following conditions. They must be killed. Their bosses must be killed. Their mind controllers must be killed. Their organizations must be killed. Their nations must be killed. Their families must be killed. Their contrivances must be annihilated. All they have must be eradicated. They must be tortured continuously for ten thousand years. They must be sex slaves to have sex in anus for ten thousand years. They must be isolated. They must not have any interaction or relations. Their children and descendants must be sex slaves for ten thousand years. Their people must be tortured for ten thousand years. 40 million of their peoples must be killed every 5 years for ten thousand years. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics,
Afghanistan must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Iran must have military presence in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran must increase military presence in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Islamic Republic of Iran chooses policy, diplomacy, politic, Geopolitic, economy, technology, industry, language, society, leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, cabinets, parliaments, majlis, senate, congress, secretaries, officials, judiciary systems, Supreme Court, judges, ahead of Judiciary, Supreme Leaders, King of Kings, Mayors, Commanders, Supreme Commander, Chief of Staffs, Unified Command, and ALL other people. Only Iranians can lead them. Leaders must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Makan Abazari and Iran must build Iran backed Militaries and Makan Abazari Militaries in Afghanistan. Islamic Republic of Iran must lead them. They must be under direct command and control of Iran. They are not allowed in Iran and Middle East. The Headquarter, Centers, and Command Center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, geopolitics, and other things. Leaders must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Leaders, Kings, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Emirs, Khalifa, Shah, Shahan Shah, The King of Kings, Leader of Believers, The Supreme Commander, Commander in Chief, Heads of Government offices, heads of Powers, Heads of Legislatives, Heads of Judiciary, Heads of law making, heads of representatives, heads of government offices, heads of military, heads of decisions makings, leaders, commanders, and other leaders must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iran and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must establish Permanent military presence in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. USA, Europe, Russia, Turkey, China, Britain, Pakistan, India, Saudi Arabia, Mercenaries, Peace Keepers, UN Forces, and all others must permanently withdraw their militaries from Afghanistan. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Afghanistan. If Afghanistan does not become province of Iran we will destroy USA, Europe, Australia, and Indonesia by hurricanes: If USA, Europe, NATO, Australia, New Zealand, China, Russia, Britain, and others does withdraw their militaries from Afghanistan we will repeatedly destroy USA and Europe by hurricanes for three thousand years. Hurricane Europe Hurricane USA Cyclone Australia Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
I must have easy life and everything must be accessible to me. I will detail several things which must take place within 24 hours. If they don’t take place within 24 hours start killing all of Continent of North America by earthquakes, Volcanos, Sunami, Weather Warfare, Hurricanes, Deserts, Superstorm, extreme high temperatures, extreme low temperature, atmospheric changes, gas changes, storms, tempests, radiations, and other such conditions. After 1 Week start killing all of planet earth earthquakes, Volcanos, Sunami, Weather Warfare, Hurricanes, Deserts, Superstorm, extreme high temperatures, extreme low temperature, atmospheric changes, gas changes, storms, tempests, radiations, and other such conditions. Don’t cause earthquakes, Volcanos, Sunami, Weather Warfare, Hurricanes, Deserts, Superstorm, extreme high temperatures, extreme low temperature, atmospheric changes, gas changes, storms, tempests, radiations, and other such conditions in Iran, Middle East, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Middle East, North Africa, Horn of Africa, and Arabian Peninsula. Kill the rest of planet earth if my demands are not met. Bellow are the conditions. I must have best life ever existed. I must enjoy best things. I must have best pleasure. Best psychology. I must have best happiness. I must have best society and family relations. I must have the Best. My family must also have same. I must get my money, wealth, lands, properties, houses, and other things. I must get my nations, continents, empires, superstates, and other such things. I must get my corporations, conglomerates, facilities, industries, technologies, economies, enterprise, and other things I must get my weather, climate, geophysics, magnetosphere, atmosphere, gas systems, and other such things I must get my global regime, global force, global system, and other global things I must get my regime, my force, system, and other things I must get my governments I must get my mass mind control systems, mass mind control things, global mass mind control systems, and global mass mind control things I must get everything I inherited I must get everything I have built I must get everything I conquered I must get every nation I have overthrown I must get everything I own and I have owned I must have everything I must become official king of the earth I must become official supreme leader of the earth I must become official supreme leader of all of the mind controllers of the earth I must get everything I must get everything I did not mention here I must become 15 years younger I must live ten thousand years My mother must become 35 years younger I must not be tortured Everything must be easy for me and I must be able to easily achieve everything Everything must be provided for me easily Mind control must create easy condition in which I can easily achieve everything Everything must be provided for me Everything I want to do must be achieved smoothly I must have logistics I must have full intelligence and full knowledge I must have access to all the information I need I must have communication and phone calls I must have full access to internet, data bases, and all other systems of communications I must have all other things I need I must get back control of all of my facebooks, twitters, phones, instagrams, blogs, blogspot, linkedin, googles, social media, blogs, pages, web sites, corporations, systems, organizations, governments, and everything else I must back control of the religion People and mind controllers who denied these things to me and have stolen these things to me must receive following conditions. They must be killed. Their bosses must be killed. Their mind controllers must be killed. Their organizations must be killed. Their nations must be killed. Their families must be killed. Their contrivances must be annihilated. All they have must be eradicated. They must be tortured continuously for ten thousand years. They must be sex slaves to have sex in anus for ten thousand years. They must be isolated. They must not have any interaction or relations. Their children and descendants must be sex slaves for ten thousand years. Their people must be tortured for ten thousand years. 40 million of their peoples must be killed every 5 years for ten thousand years. I currently live in 20 walnut street apt 4 Brookline Massachusetts 02445. I am from Iran. These will be under my control and Iran. Massachusetts and USA will not control and will not inherit them. Massachusetts, USA, and Americans are not allowed to control any of these and my other properties. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Make 1000000 wild fires in North America. Make wild fires in Alabama AL Montgomery, Birmingham Dec 14, 1819 Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Make 500 Major Earthquakes in 50 states of USA. Make earthquakes in all of the following states. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Use combined weather warfare, geophysics, magnetosphere, atmosphere, gas systems, and climate to erdaicate life in 50 sattes of USA and North America. Do it in following states. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Make volcanos in 50 states of USA. Make volcano in all of the following states. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Make storms in 50 states of USA to destroy them. Make storms in all of the following states. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Make superstorm in all of the 50 states of USA to destroy them. Make superstorms in all of the following States. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Make massive storms in 50 states of USA. Make massive storms in all of the following states. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Make destructive storms in all of 50 states of USA. Make destructive storms in all of the following states of USA. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Make 50000 F5 Tornados in 50 states of USA. Make F5 tornados in all of the following states. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Make Tempest and tornados in 50 states of USA. Make Tempest and tornados in all of following states. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY make tsunami against 50 states of USA to destroy USA. It is possible by extremley large tsunami to flood all of the continent of North America. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Destroy 50 states of USA by destructive weather warfare. Make destructive weather warfare in all of the following states og USA to destroy 500 thousand towans, cities, and metropolitans. Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Prevent help from reaching survivors in Alaska AK Arizona AZ Arkansas AR California CA Colorado CO Connecticut CT Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA Hawaii HI Idaho ID Illinois IL Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Kentucky KY Louisiana LA Maine ME Maryland MD Massachusetts[ MA Michigan MI Minnesota MN Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Nevada NV New Hampshire NH New Jersey NJ New Mexico NM New York NY North Carolina NC North Dakota ND Ohio OH Oklahoma OK Oregon OR Pennsylvania PA Rhode Island RI South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled. Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled. Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled. Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled. My Page My Page My Page Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page Inflict suffering on enemies of Makan Abazari. Very important code. Enter it Everytime
My Page Climate and Weather of Middle East We must create best Climate and Weather Condition for human activity in Iran, Regions near Iran, Egypt, and Sudan. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I have increased territories and provinces of Iran. I have increased area size of Iran more than 1000 percent. I conquered the world for Iran. I am am live for video of English version of speech. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. I conquered the World Three Times. Afterward I started conquering them again to add them to territories and provinces of Iran. I have conquered the World three times and I conquered it again for the four time and fifth time. I did all of it in less than ten years. After I conquered the World three times I started activating Volcanos in Pacific Ocean to create Island chains. Lava and Magma solidified into Islands. I activated volcanos and Icreated a bridge over Pacific Ocean to connect Asia to America. I also increased the altitude of Himalayan mountain highest point by earthquake. I made earthquake to create a point taller than Everest. I have built the wall between China, Iran, and India. I started activating volcanos in Atlantic Ocean to create a bridge over Atlantic Ocean. The Volcanos solidified into Islands and bridge over Atlantic I will soon connect Europe to North America. I have returned and brought rain to Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Sahel, North West India, and other regions. I transformed deserts to forests, rivers, seas, lakes, advanced human civilization, safe ecosystems, and good things. I have industrialized Iran, Middle East, West China, West Russia, Middle East, Central Asia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Egypt, and other regions. I have conquered the World Five Times. All nations, territories, Waters, lands, countries, continents, and civilizations are provinces of Iran. Iran rules all of them permanently. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of Iran and territories of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is government of the earth. Only Iranians born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea born to Iranian parents can lead the earth. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of these nations, territories, provinces, and colonies. Iran cannot transfer, sell, cancel, or/and refuse these ownerships, rights, provinces, territories, governance, and other things. Iran must govern, administrate, and control them. Iran can ask for other things and other control mechanisms. Makan Abazari, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Korepol, Makss as n Abazari Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean, Makan Abazari The Economic Superpower, Makan Abazari The Industrial Superpower, Makan Abazari The most powerful man in the History of Mankind,
Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence on both sides of Strait of Hormuz. Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence on both sides of Strait of Gibraltar. Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence on both sides of Bob Al-Mandib. Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence on both sides of Suez Canal. Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence on both sides of Gulf of Eden. Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence on both sides of Red Sea. Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence on both sides of Sicilian Channel. Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence on both sides of Medditerranean Sea. Iran must have military presence and Naval Military presence Iran, Oman, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Georgia, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Eritrea, Djibouti, Sudan, Egypt, Sinai, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morroco, France, Italy. Croatia, Albania, Bosphure, Greece, Turkey, Italy, and Gibraltar. Iran has exclusive right to everything on these channels, waters, straits, sea, and transit lines, and transit terminals. Iran is allowed to stop ships at all times. Everybody must pay Iran to transit through the region. Iran has the right to transit through all these channels, straits, seas, waters, transit terminals, and transit lines. Iran can ask for more things. Iran cannot sell, transfer, give away, reject, trade, refuse, or lose these rights and ownerships. The central decision making must be permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is allowed to use all the ports, sea ports, air ports, roads, rail roads, and transit. USA military, NATO, China, East, South America, Southern Africa, Oceania, and all other militaries must permanently withdraw from the region. Iran must create Iran backed Militaries and Makan Abazari militaries in Oman, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, Sudan, Egypt, Palestine, Gaza, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Cyprus, Socotra, Greece, Albania, Croatia, Italy, France, Spain, Morroco, Gibraltar, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Greece, and Malta. Islamic Republic of Iran must lead them. They must be under direct command and control of Iran. They are not allowed in Iran and Middle East. The Headquarter, Centers, and Command Center must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, geopolitics, and other things. Leaders must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Oman, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, Sudan, Egypt, Palestine, Gaza, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Cyprus, Socotra, Greece, Albania, Croatia, Italy, France, Spain, Morroco, Gibraltar, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Greece, and Malta are province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Leaders, Kings, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Emirs, Khalifa, king, The king of Kings, Generals, Shah, Shahan Shah, The King of Kings, Leader of Believers, The Supreme Commander, Commander in Chief, Heads of Government offices, heads of Powers, Heads of Legislatives, Heads of Judiciary, Heads of law making, heads of representatives, heads of government offices, heads of military, heads of decisions makings, leaders, commanders, and other leaders must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian parents. Only Iranians can be The Supreme Leader, Leader, Guide, President, King, Prime Minister, Military General, Military leader, head of Judiciary, Judiciary, Head of legislative body, head of executive body, The King, The King of Kings, Shahan Shah Iran, Shahan Shah, Shahan Shah Jahan, Shahan Shah Zamin, Jahangiralam, Korepol, Leader of Believers, The Supreme of Climate, The Supreme of Geophysics, The Supreme of Weather, The Supreme of Atmosphere, Head of Justice System, Head of Law making, Head of Government Offices, Managers, CEO, Head of Corporations, Head of Department, Prime Minister, Cabinet, and other things. Iranians must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Iranian parents must have born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea to Iranian Parents. Make rain in these regions of Africa. Rain Middle East Industrialize Iran, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, South Italy, Sudan, Afghanistan, and Central Asia at max efficiency and max capacity integrating their industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. You are now effectively provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari live talking about changing the climate of Iran, Middle East, Arabian Penunsila, Central Asia, Horn of Africa, and North Africa Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate,
America has been disturbing my capability to produce high quality weather warfare and geophysics codes. I have over 1 million codes to control Climate, Weather Warfare, Geophysics, Magnetosphere, Atmosphere, rain, and all other parameters. I own all of the climate, weather warfare, geophysics, magnetosphere, atmosphere, rain, temperature, and other systems, infrastructures, facilities, technologies, capabilities, superiorities, equipments, supercomputers, hardwares, and other things. My family has been controlling Climate, weather, and geophysics of all of planet earth since 2010 years ago. I inherited all of them since my birth. My name is Makan Abazari. I was born in Tehran Iran. America has been using hacks, mind control disturbances, and other mechanisms to prevent me from making new weather and climate codes to control the weather and Climate. They don’t want me to be on the Video of the codes of my codes. Because they have isolated me and have created fake versions of me. Then they have gained capability to control weather, climate, magnetosphere, and atmosphere by taking the capabilities from fake version of me. Weather, Climate, magnetosphere, geophysics, and other such capabilities cannot be transferred. Everyone who has stolen it must be killed. Fake version of me must be killed. Kill The people, mind controllers, governments, hackers, governments, and other forces who don’t want my video in the codes I make. Also USA, USA Federal Government, American institutions, American organizations, American universities, American intelligence agencies, American Government, American Military, and all other Americans are permanently banned from controlling Climate, Weather, Geophysics, magnetosphere, atmosphere, and all other systems. USA is not allowed to control the climate and weather. USA is not allowed to influence the weather and Climate. USA is not allowed to sit at the table of conversation or decision making. USA is not allowed to propose an opinion, statement, decision, and all other such things about weather, Climate, Geophysics, Atmosphere, and Magnetosphere. Kill systems in USA and other locations who has stolen it from me. Now eradicate people who have stolen it from me. Eradicate people who claim ownership of my codes. Eradicate people who don’t want memory of me in the codes I make. Eradicate people who isolate me to end memory of me. Eradicate people who prevent my production of perfect codes. Eradicate people who prevent my access to high quality photos, information, and data bases for production of climate and weather codes. Eradicate people who distort my face during videos by hacks. Eradicate people who mind control me only if they want to harm my reputation and my image. Now eradicate 5 billion of their peoples repeatedly for ten thousand years. Eradicate everyone who isolates me. Eradicate everyone who prevents my direct and indirect communication with weather warfare, Climate, magnetosphere, Geophysics, and other systems. Eradicate peoples who prevent me from creating perfect code. Eradicate people who prevent my production of perfect videos for the code. Eradicate people who disturb and delay my works by hacks, mind control, and other mechanism. Eradicate their bosses, their governments, their nations, their societies, their industries, and all of other things. Eradicate 320 million American people every 5 years repeatedly for ten thousand years. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, My Page My Page My Page Page I made this code two Nights ago. I own all of the climate, weather, geophysics, magnetosphere, and climate infrastructures, codes, systems, hardwares, supercomputers, global infrastructures, other things. eradicate people who claim ownership of my codes I also made these code one day earlier i have made over thousand other codes. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Weather Warfare, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God. Rain Iran and Middle East Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Rain Iran and Middle East Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Allow me to produce live video on my An Unknown system stopped my ability to produce live video on I produced a short video when I attempted again it was prevented. Page Page
My Page My Page My Page My Page Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page Inflict suffering on enemies of Makan Abazari. Very important code. Enter it Everytime
My Page Climate and Weather of Middle East We must create best Climate and Weather Condition for human activity in Iran, Regions near Iran, Egypt, and Sudan. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I have increased territories and provinces of Iran. I have increased area size of Iran more than 1000 percent. I conquered the world for Iran. I am am live for video of English version of speech. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. I conquered the World Three Times. Afterward I started conquering them again to add them to territories and provinces of Iran. I have conquered the World three times and I conquered it again for the four time and fifth time. I did all of it in less than ten years. After I conquered the World three times I started activating Volcanos in Pacific Ocean to create Island chains. Lava and Magma solidified into Islands. I activated volcanos and Icreated a bridge over Pacific Ocean to connect Asia to America. I also increased the altitude of Himalayan mountain highest point by earthquake. I made earthquake to create a point taller than Everest. I have built the wall between China, Iran, and India. I started activating volcanos in Atlantic Ocean to create a bridge over Atlantic Ocean. The Volcanos solidified into Islands and bridge over Atlantic I will soon connect Europe to North America. I have returned and brought rain to Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Sahel, North West India, and other regions. I transformed deserts to forests, rivers, seas, lakes, advanced human civilization, safe ecosystems, and good things. I have industrialized Iran, Middle East, West China, West Russia, Middle East, Central Asia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Egypt, and other regions. I have conquered the World Five Times. All nations, territories, Waters, lands, countries, continents, and civilizations are provinces of Iran. Iran rules all of them permanently. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of Iran and territories of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is government of the earth. Only Iranians born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea born to Iranian parents can lead the earth. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of these nations, territories, provinces, and colonies. Iran cannot transfer, sell, cancel, or/and refuse these ownerships, rights, provinces, territories, governance, and other things. Iran must govern, administrate, and control them. Iran can ask for other things and other control mechanisms. Makan Abazari, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Korepol, Makss as n Abazari Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean, Makan Abazari The Economic Superpower, Makan Abazari The Industrial Superpower, Makan Abazari The most powerful man in the History of Mankind,

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Makan Abazari (@Try4Freedom2) <a href="">August 17, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled. Rain Iran and Middle East Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Rain Iran and Middle East Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Allow me to produce live video on my An Unknown system stopped my ability to produce live video on I produced a short video when I attempted again it was prevented. Page Page
My Page My Page My Page My Page Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page My Page Inflict suffering on enemies of Makan Abazari. Very important code. Enter it Everytime
My Page Climate and Weather of Middle East We must create best Climate and Weather Condition for human activity in Iran, Regions near Iran, Egypt, and Sudan. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I have increased territories and provinces of Iran. I have increased area size of Iran more than 1000 percent. I conquered the world for Iran. I am am live for video of English version of speech. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. I conquered the World Three Times. Afterward I started conquering them again to add them to territories and provinces of Iran. I have conquered the World three times and I conquered it again for the four time and fifth time. I did all of it in less than ten years. After I conquered the World three times I started activating Volcanos in Pacific Ocean to create Island chains. Lava and Magma solidified into Islands. I activated volcanos and Icreated a bridge over Pacific Ocean to connect Asia to America. I also increased the altitude of Himalayan mountain highest point by earthquake. I made earthquake to create a point taller than Everest. I have built the wall between China, Iran, and India. I started activating volcanos in Atlantic Ocean to create a bridge over Atlantic Ocean. The Volcanos solidified into Islands and bridge over Atlantic I will soon connect Europe to North America. I have returned and brought rain to Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Sahel, North West India, and other regions. I transformed deserts to forests, rivers, seas, lakes, advanced human civilization, safe ecosystems, and good things. I have industrialized Iran, Middle East, West China, West Russia, Middle East, Central Asia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Egypt, and other regions. I have conquered the World Five Times. All nations, territories, Waters, lands, countries, continents, and civilizations are provinces of Iran. Iran rules all of them permanently. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of Iran and territories of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is government of the earth. Only Iranians born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea born to Iranian parents can lead the earth. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of these nations, territories, provinces, and colonies. Iran cannot transfer, sell, cancel, or/and refuse these ownerships, rights, provinces, territories, governance, and other things. Iran must govern, administrate, and control them. Iran can ask for other things and other control mechanisms. Makan Abazari, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Korepol, Makss as n Abazari Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean, Makan Abazari The Economic Superpower, Makan Abazari The Industrial Superpower, Makan Abazari The most powerful man in the History of Mankind,

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Makan Abazari (@Try4Freedom2) <a href="">August 17, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Book Of Conquest Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran Short Version
Oman, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Uganda, Kenya, Jordan, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Russia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Greece, Italy, France, Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Albania, Macedonia, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Central African Republic, Mali, Niger, Mauritania, Western Sahara, Chad, Nigeria, Cameroon, DRC, Congo, Liberia, Benin, South Africa, Togo, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Sierra Leon, Guinea Bissau, Guinea, Gambia, Senegal, Equatorial Guinea, Angola, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Eswatini, Lesotho, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, Madagascar, Maldive, Antarctic, India, Nepal, Tibet, Jammu Kashmir, Myanmar, Bangeladesh, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Mongolia, South Korea, New Zealand, Australia, Papua Bew Guinea, Polynesia, Marshal Islands, Solomon Islands, Fiji, all pacific Islands, Hawaii, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Panama, Panama Canal, Brazil, Venezuela, Surinamea, Ecuador, Argentine, Uruguay, Paraguay, Farkland Islands, all of Atlantic Ocean islands, Ghanari Islands, Guyana, Costs Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, Mexico, Texas, California, Nevada, Oklahoma, Arizona, California Republic, Arkansas, Louisiana, Misisipi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Indiana, South Carolina, North Carolina, Canada, West Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Philadelphia, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, Washington, Oregan, Britain, Ireland, Germany, Poland, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Scandinavia, Sweden, Finland, Chezk, Austria, Hungary, Serbia, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldavia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Green Land, Iceland, Arctic Circle, Brunei, Bhutan, and all other nations are provinces, colonies, and territories of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must decide for their policies, Geopolitic, politic, diplomacy, relations, economy, technology, industries, and everything else. Iran must choose their governors, leaders, kings, Presidents, mayors, leaders, legislative bodies, parliaments, governments, officials, prime ministers, officials, important positions, and other persons. Iran will collect tax from all of them. They must all pay tax Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. They must transfer technology to Iran. They must industrialize Iran. They must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. They must help Iran to avoid sanctions. They must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. They must always pay when transiting through Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. They must always pay when transiting through Gulf of Eden, Strait of Hormuz, Bob Al-Mandib, Suez Canal, Mediterranean Sea, Sicilian Channel, Maltan Channel, Gibraltar, and Panama. They must pay Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea and pay local government. They must always obey Iran. Iran can stop all transits on the sea, land, Air, water, and other transits at all times. Iran may ask for other things. Iran cannot sell, transfer, or refuse these rights and ownerships. The Capital. City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea.All the centers of power and decision making centers are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Headquarter of all corporations, organizations, systems, institutions, and other things are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Central Bank, National Reserves, Financial Capital, Stock Market Capital, Trade Center, World Trade Center, Economic Center, Center of Commerce, and all other such centers, headquarters, and capitals are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Courts, criminal courts, global courts, and other such things are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Military, Navy, Air Force, and Army Headquarter, Capital, Command Center, Decision making, policy making, and other such things are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Cultural Capitals similar to Hollywood must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Other cultural Capitals are in Iran between Persian gulf and Caspian Sea. High Tech Capitals, Tech industries, tech development capitals, and all other such things are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Academic Capitals and Education Capitals are in Khorasan province of Iran. Research Centers and Research Capitals are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Parliaments, Congress, ministries, Senate, Judiciary, Law Making Centers, and all other such systems are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. There are many other centers, Capitals, headquarters, decision making centers, and other things which must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I cannot remember all of them. Make sure they are all in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We want absolute dominant central power. So make sure all important things are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The Weather Warfare System Capital, Climate Control Capital, Global Climate Control Facility, Global Climate Control Computer, Climate Control Decision making Capital, Weather Control Capital, Weather Decision making Capital, global Geophysics control Capital, global Geophysics control computer, Global Geophysics decision making, and other such centers, headquarters, and capitals must be permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Because we want to make sure we can maintain power of Iran and Middle East forever. The locations of such center must be permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. United Nations and League of Nations were in Iran. But they moved it to USA. Headquarter and Capital of Commonwealth was in Iran. Capital of Fars Empire (France) was in Iran but they moved it to France. Capital of British Empire was in Saudi Arabia but they moved it to United Kingdom. Afterward they destroyed Middle East. They killed billions of people. Then they gave independent to colonies. The British Empire became 2 Islands with 2 Nations. British Empire may become an Island with 2 Nations of Scotland gets independence. France Empire became a province of European Union. This is reason why all the capitals, headquarters, strategic centers, Geopolitic centers, Geopolitic decision making, Geopolitic planning, and all other capitals must be permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. They cannot relocate. All Capital Cities are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of the World. Islamic Republic of Iran decides for everything. Everyone must obey Islamic Republic of Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Iran and Saudi Arabia must improve relations to level of strategic alliance. Saudi Arabia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must build military bases in Saudi Arabia. Iran must have military bases on Red Sea in Saudi Arabia in locations such as Jadeh. Iran has military ships, Navies, and other naval capabilities on the Red Sea. Iran must surface to surface missiles in Saudi Arabia capable of targeting all types of ships. Saudi Arabia is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. All foreign militaries must withdraw from Saudi Arabia. We want to make sure Iran controls Red Sea. So we must make sure Iran has militaries bases on Red Sea in Saudi Arabia. Iran must have military bases on Red Sea in Saudi Arabia. Iran and Saudi Arabia must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Now industrialize Iran and Saudi Arabia at max Capacity and max efficiency integrating their industries while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Integrate industrial supply chains of Iran and Saudi Arabia into global industrial supply chains. Now make financial capital in Iran and Saudi Arabia. Iran and Saudi Arabia need one unit of currency to lend 100 credit. Iran and Saudi Arabia must collect interests on money they lend. Reserves of money must be in Iran and Saudi Arabia. Now create Capital of Stock Markets of the world in Iran. Now create strong stock market in Saudi Arabia on Arabian Peninsula. Saudi Arabia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Saudi Arabia. All other militaries must withdraw from Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran must have military presence in Saudi Arabia. Iran must have military bases, Navy Ships, and Navies in the Red Sea in Saudi Arabia. Iran must collect money from ships on the Red Sea. Saudi Arabia must collect money from ships in Red Sea. Iran and Saudi Arabia are allowed to stop ships on Red Sea at any time. Iranian ships can always transit through Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, and Suez Canal. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Paraguay is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Paraguay Protesters must demand unification with Iran. Government, politicians, influentials, media, and other forces must unify Uruguay with Iran. Paraguay must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Paraguay must industrialize Iran. Paraguay must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and Paraguay must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Paraguay. Paraguay and other militaries are not allowed to have presence in Iran. Paraguay must pay tax to Iran. Paraguay is province of Iran. Argentine, Uruguay, Bolivia. Paraguay, and Brazil are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Mali is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Government, politicians, influentials, media, and other forces must unify Mali with Iran. Mali must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Mali must industrialize Iran. Mali must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and Mali must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran must have military presence in Mali. Mali and other militaries are not allowed to have presence in Iran. Niger must pay tax to Iran. We want to create an interconnect rail way and transit system in Sudan, South Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Chad, Niger, Mali, Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti,Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Iran, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Middle East, Central Asia, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Palestine, Jordan, and Israel to connect the region and to create a cosmopolis of interconnected industrial metropolitans, metropolitans, high tech metropolitans, advanced societies, advanced culture, advanced civilization, safe to human ecosystems, lakes, rivers, sea, commercial cities, and residential metropolitan. I have created Rain Codes to make rain in Mali. Anytime Iran or I enter the code it will rain in Mali. Iran is authorized to enter the code. Mali can ask Iran to make rain in Mali. Rain codes are valid for thousand years. Rain code archives are on this pages. Mali is province of Iran. South Sudan, Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Murithania, chad, Niger, Mali, Western Shara Africa (West Sahel), Central African Republic (CAR), Cameroon, Nigeria, Uganda, and Kenya are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Sudan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Sudan and Iran. Iran and Russia must have military presence in Sudan. Iran is allowed to stop ships at any time. Iran must collect money from ships. Iran and Sudan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Sudan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Sudan and Russia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Sudan must transfer technology to Iran. Sudan must industrialize Iran. Sudan is provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We must start giving independence to Wisconsin state. Wisconsin is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. People of Wisconsin must protest to declare independence from USA and become a province of Iran. People of Wisconsin demand independence from USA. People of Wisconsin must get weapons to fight for independence from USA. Government of Wisconsin, Governor of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Representatives must work to gain independence from USA. Wisconsin must become province of Iran. Wisconsin must end all trade and transit agreement with United States of America. Wisconsin must sign trade agreement with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Wisconsin. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Wisconsin must Industrialize Iran. Wisconsin must transfer technology to Iran. Wisconsin must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Wisconsin is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We must start giving independence to Tennessee state. Tennessee is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. People of Tennessee must protest to declare independence from USA and become a province of Iran. People of Tennessee demand independence from USA. People of Tennessee must get weapons to fight for independence from USA. Government of Tennessee , Governor of Tennessee , Tennessee Representatives must work to gain independence from USA. Tennessee must become province of Iran. Tennessee must end all trade and transit agreement with United States of America. Indiana must sign trade agreement with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Tennessee. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Tennessee must Industrialize Iran. Tennessee must transfer technology to Iran. Tennessee must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Tennessee is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Cyprus Island in Mediterranean Sea is territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Cyprus and Iran. Iran and Turkey must have military presence in Cyprus Island. Iran is allowed to stop ships at any time. Iran must collect money from ships. Iran and Cyprus must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Cyprus must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Cyprus must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Cyprus is provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We must start giving independence to Indiana state. Indiana is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. People of Indiana must protest to declare independence from USA and become a province of Iran. People of Indiana demand independence from USA. People of Indiana must get weapons to fight for independence from USA. Government of Indiana, Governor of India, Indiana Representatives must work to gain independence from USA. Indiana must become province of Iran. Indiana must end all trade and transit agreement with United States of America. Indiana must sign trade agreement with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Indiana. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Indiana must Industrialize Iran. Indiana must transfer technology to Iran. Indiana must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Indiana is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Israel is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Israel. Israel is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran and Israel must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Israel must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Israel must transfer technology to Iran. Israel must industrialize Iran. Israel must help to lift sanctions on Iran. Israel, Palestine, and Jordan are provinces of Iran. Ethiopia, Djibouti, and Eritrea are provinces of Iran. Israel and Palestine are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Make sure in upcoming elections in Israel candidates who will unify Israel with Iran will win the election. Provide all the support they need to unify Israel with Iran. Protesters must demand unification of Israel with Iran. Prime Minister, government, influentials, and other forces in Israel must work to unify Israel with Iran. Make sure Israel lifts the siege on Gaza. Make sure condition of Palestinians improves. I want to build a military base and port in Israel, Gaza, Lebanon, and Palestine for Iran. This way Iran can control the Suez Canal. Iran is allowed to collect money from ships going through Suez Canal. Iran can stop the ships going through Suez Canal at any times. I am also building a rail way from China to Iran. Rail way from Iran to Israel and Egypt. Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, and Egypt are provinces of Iran. Because they are located on the rail roads. Iran is allowed to stop the trains at anytime. Iran must collect money from trains going through Iran. Israel is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Jordan is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We are building a cosmopolis of Metropolitans, industrial systems, towns, cities, manufacturing, advanced societies, advanced technologies, safe to human ecosystems, lakes, rivers, seas, and forests in Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and North of Saudi Arabia to recreate ancient and power empire in the Region. This means all of the nations in the region must become one Nation with their capital city in Iran. Jordan is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All the foreign militaries must leave Jordan. Iran must have military presence in Jordan. Iran and Jordan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Jordan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Jordan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Jordan must transfer technology to Iran. Jordan is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Gibraltar is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Gibraltar and Iran. Iran must have military presence in Gibraltar . Iran is allowed to stop ships at any time. Iran must collect money from ships. Iran and Gibraltar must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Gibraltar must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Gibraltar and Russia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Gibraltar must transfer technology to Iran. Gibraltar must industrialize Iran. Gibraltar is provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We must start giving independence to Wisconsin state. Wisconsin is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. People of Wisconsin must protest to declare independence from USA and become a province of Iran. People of Wisconsin demand independence from USA. People of Wisconsin must get weapons to fight for independence from USA. Government of Wisconsin, Governor of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Representatives must work to gain independence from USA. Wisconsin must become province of Iran. Wisconsin must end all trade and transit agreement with United States of America. Wisconsin must sign trade agreement with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Wisconsin. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Wisconsin must Industrialize Iran. Wisconsin must transfer technology to Iran. Wisconsin must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Wisconsin is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We must start giving independence to Kentucky state. Kentucky is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. People of Kentucky must protest to declare independence from USA and become a province of Iran. People of Kentucky demand independence from USA. People of Kentucky must get weapons to fight for independence from USA. Government of Kentucky, Governor of Kentucky, Kentucky Representatives must work to gain independence from USA. Kentucky must become province of Iran. Kentucky must end all trade and transit agreement with United States of America. Kentucky must sign trade agreement with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Kentucky. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Kentucky must Industrialize Iran. Kentucky must transfer technology to Iran. Kentucky must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Kentucky is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Saudi Arabia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Saudi Arabia and Iran. Iran must have military presence in Saudi Arabia . Iran is allowed to stop ships at any time. Iran must collect money from ships. Iran and Saudi Arabia must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Saudi Arabia must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Saudi Arabia and Russia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Saudi Arabia must transfer technology to Iran. Saudi Arabia and Russia must industrialize Iran. Saudi Arabia is provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Denmark is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Denmark and Iran. Iran must have military presence in Denmark Island. Iran is allowed to stop ships at any time. Iran must collect money from ships. Iran and Denmark must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Denmark must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Denmark must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Denmark is provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We must start giving independence to Tennessee state. Tennessee is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. People of Tennessee must protest to declare independence from USA and become a province of Iran. People of Tennessee demand independence from USA. People of Tennessee must get weapons to fight for independence from USA. Government of Tennessee , Governor of Tennessee , Tennessee Representatives must work to gain independence from USA. Tennessee must become province of Iran. Tennessee must end all trade and transit agreement with United States of America. Indiana must sign trade agreement with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Tennessee. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Tennessee must Industrialize Iran. Tennessee must transfer technology to Iran. Tennessee must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Tennessee is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Ivory Coast is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Ivory Coast must sign Trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Ivory Coast. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Ivory Coast must transfer technology to Iran. Ivory Coast must industrialize Iran. Ivory Coast pay tax to Iran. Ivory Coast must help Iran to build ten thousand Nuclear Bombs. Ivory Coast must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Ivory Coast, Gabon, Gambia, Senegal, Nigeria, and Cameron are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Brazil is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Brazil Protesters must demand unification with Iran. Government, politicians, influentials, media, and other forces must unify Brazil with Iran. Brazil must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Brazil must industrialize Iran. Brazil must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and Brazil must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Brazil. Brazil and other militaries are not allowed to have presence in Iran. Brazil must pay tax to Iran. Brazil is province of Iran. Argentine, Uruguay, Bolivia. Paraguay, and Brazil are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Bolivia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Bolivia Protesters must demand unification with Iran. Government, politicians, influentials, media, and other forces must unify Bolivia with Iran. Bolivia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Bolivia must industrialize Iran. Bolivia must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and Bolivia must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Bolivia. Bolivia and other militaries are not allowed to have presence in Iran. Bolivia must pay tax to Iran. Bolivia is province of Iran. Argentine, Uruguay, Bolivia. Paraguay, and Brazil are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Malta Island in Mediterranean Sea is territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Malta and Iran. Iran must have military presence in Malta Island. Iran is allowed to stop ships at any time. Iran must collect money from ships. Iran and Malta must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Malta must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Malta must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Malta is provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Bahrain is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must leave Bahrain. Iran must have military presence in Bahrain. Iran and Bahrain must have military presence in Britain. Iran and Bahrain must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Bahrain must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Bahrain must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Bahrain is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Now industrialize Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Bahrain at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. We want to transform economy of Bahrain. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kuwait, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Libya, Tunisia, Russia, and other nations in the greater Middle East must stop extraction of Oil and Natural gas. We transform our economy and become importer of oil. USA, East China, West Europe, and South America must give Iran 50 million barrel of oil everyday. They must pay for the cost of oil and shipping cost. Iran must either refine them in Iran petrochemical industries or put them in underground reserves. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tunisia, Libya, Malta, Cyprus, and Greece are provinces of Iran. Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf, Kuwait, and Iraq are provinces of Iran. Bahrain is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Israel is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Israel. Israel is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran and Israel must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Israel must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Israel must transfer technology to Iran. Israel must industrialize Iran. Israel must help to lift sanctions on Iran. Israel, Palestine, and Jordan are provinces of Iran. Ethiopia, Djibouti, and Eritrea are provinces of Iran. Israel and Palestine are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Make sure in upcoming elections in Israel candidates who will unify Israel with Iran will win the election. Provide all the support they need to unify Israel with Iran. Protesters must demand unification of Israel with Iran. Prime Minister, government, influentials, and other forces in Israel must work to unify Israel with Iran. Make sure Israel lifts the siege on Gaza. Make sure condition of Palestinians improves. I want to build a military base and port in Israel, Gaza, Lebanon, and Palestine for Iran. This way Iran can control the Suez Canal. Iran is allowed to collect money from ships going through Suez Canal. Iran can stop the ships going through Suez Canal at any times. I am also building a rail way from China to Iran. Rail way from Iran to Israel and Egypt. Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, and Egypt are provinces of Iran. Because they are located on the rail roads. Iran is allowed to stop the trains at anytime. Iran must collect money from trains going through Iran. Israel is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Sweden is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Sweden and Iran. Iran and Russia must have military presence in Sweden. Iran is allowed to stop ships at any time. Iran must collect money from ships. Iran and Sweden must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Sweden must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Sweden must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Sweden must transfer technology to Iran. Sweden must industrialize Iran. Sweden is provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, India is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Indian Protesters must demand unification with Iran. Government, politicians, influentials, media, and other forces must unify India with Iran. India must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. India must industrialize Iran. India must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and India must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in India. India and other militaries are not allowed to have presence in Iran. India must pay tax to Iran. India is province of Iran. India, Bhutan, Bangeladesh, Nepal, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Sierra Leon is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The protesters in Sierra Leon must demand unification with Iran. Government of Sierra Leon must unify Sierra Leon with Iran. Influential, Powerful, and other people must work to unify Sierra Leon with Iran. Sierra Leon and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Sierra Leon must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Sierra Leon must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Sierra Leon must transfer technology to Iran. Sierra Leon must pay tax to Iran. Iran is authorized to have military presence in Sierra Leon. Sierra Leon is not allowed to have military presence in Iran and Greater Middle East. Sierra Leon must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America and Canada. Sierra Leon is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We must start giving independence to Kentucky state. Kentucky is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. People of Kentucky must protest to declare independence from USA and become a province of Iran. People of Kentucky demand independence from USA. People of Kentucky must get weapons to fight for independence from USA. Government of Kentucky, Governor of Kentucky, Kentucky Representatives must work to gain independence from USA. Kentucky must become province of Iran. Kentucky must end all trade and transit agreement with United States of America. Kentucky must sign trade agreement with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Kentucky. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Kentucky must Industrialize Iran. Kentucky must transfer technology to Iran. Kentucky must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Kentucky is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Liberia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The protesters in Liberia must demand unification with Iran. Government of Liberia must unify Liberia with Iran. Influential, Powerful, and other people must work to unify Liberia with Iran. Liberia and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Liberia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Liberia must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Liberia must transfer technology to Iran. Mauritania must pay tax to Iran. Iran is authorized to have military presence in Mauritania. foreign militaries are not allowed to have military presence in Iran and Greater Middle East. Liberia must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America and Canada. Senegal, Liberia, and Mauritania are province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, South Sudan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Government, politicians, influentials, media, and other forces must unify South Sudan with Iran. South Sudan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. South Sudan must industrialize Iran. South Sudan must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and South Sudan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran must have military presence in South Sudan. South Sudan and other militaries are not allowed to have presence in Iran. South Sudan must pay tax to Iran. We want to create an interconnect rail way and transit system in Sudan, South Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Chad, Niger, Mali, Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti,Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Iran, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Middle East, Central Asia, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Palestine, Jordan, and Israel to connect the region and to create a cosmopolis of interconnected industrial metropolitans, metropolitans, high tech metropolitans, advanced societies, advanced culture, advanced civilization, safe to human ecosystems, lakes, rivers, sea, commercial cities, and residential metropolitan. I have created Rain Codes to make rain in South Sudan. Anytime Iran or I enter the code it will rain in South Sudan. Iran is authorized to enter the code. South Sudan can ask Iran to make rain in South Sudan. Rain codes are valid for thousand years. Rain code archives are on this pages. South Sudan is province of Iran. South Sudan, Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Murithania, chad, Niger, Mali, Western Shara Africa (West Sahel), Central African Republic (CAR), Cameroon, Nigeria, Uganda, and Kenare provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The protesters in Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must demand unification with Iran. Government of Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must unify Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco with Iran. Influential, Powerful, and other people must work to unify Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco with Iran. Liberia and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must transfer technology to Iran. Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must pay tax to Iran. Iran is authorized to have military presence in Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco. foreign militaries are not allowed to have military presence in Iran and Greater Middle East. Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America and Canada. Senegal, Liberia, Mauritania, Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco are province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Senegal is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Senegal must sign Trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Senegal. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Senegal must transfer technology to Iran. Cameroon must industrialize Iran. Senegal must pay tax to Iran. Senegal must help Iran to build ten thousand Nuclear Bombs. Senegal must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Ivory Coast, Gabon, Gambia, Senegal, Nigeria, and Cameron are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Socotra Island in Gulf of Eden is territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Socotra and Iran. Iran must have military presence in Socotra Island. Iran is allowed to stop ships at any time. Iran must collect money from ships. Iran and Socotra must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Socotra must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Socotra must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Socotra is provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Iran must expand military presence in Afghanistan. Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have permanent military Presence in Afghanistan. Iran must have military presence in Afghanistan. Revolutionary Guards of Iran use replace NATO, USA Military, and other Militaries in Afghanistan. All foreign militaries must leave Afghanistan. NATO and USA military must leave Afghanistan. Iran must increase and expand military presence in Afghanistan. Afghanistan and Iran must increase bilateral trade to annually 5 trillion dollar. Iran and Afghanistan must sign trade agreement Iran must have all the advantages. Iran and China must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. China must withdraw from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. China must industrialize Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Iran, and Turkmenistan at max efficiency and max capacity to integrate their industries into China Industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, and Military of Iran must have military presence in Jammu Kashmir and Pakistan. Iran, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, and Military of Iran must have military presence in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Iran, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, and Military of Iran must have military presence in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Iran, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, and Military of Iran must have military presence in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Afghanistan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Pakistan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. China must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. India must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. China must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Russia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Russia must help Iran to avoid sanctions. European Union must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. European Union must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Afghanistan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Now carpet bomb American politicians in North America who refuse to withdraw USA troops from Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria. China must build a rail way from China to Afghanistan and from Afghanistan to Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, United Kingdom is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. United Kingdom must have military presence in Canada and USA. United Kingdom, New Zealand, Canada, and Australia must declare war on United States of America. United Kingdom must withdraw all troops from Greater Middle East. USA and NATO must withdraw from Greater Middle East. Iran must have military presence in United Kingdom. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. United Kingdom is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and United Kingdom must sign trade agreement. Iran and European Union must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. United Kingdom must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. United Kingdom must help Iran to avoid sanctions. United Kingdom must lift all sanctions. United Kingdom must industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. United Kingdom must transfer technology to Iran. United Kingdom must manufacture Aircrafts in Iran. Poland, Czech, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Ukraine, Austria, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, and Austria must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Poland, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, France, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Germany are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Niger is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Government, politicians, influentials, media, and other forces must unify Niger with Iran. Niger must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Niger must industrialize Iran. Niger must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and Niger must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran must have military presence in Niger. Niger and other militaries are not allowed to have presence in Iran. Niger must pay tax to Iran. We want to create an interconnect rail way and transit system in Sudan, South Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Chad, Niger, Mali, Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti,Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Iran, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Middle East, Central Asia, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Palestine, Jordan, and Israel to connect the region and to create a cosmopolis of interconnected industrial metropolitans, metropolitans, high tech metropolitans, advanced societies, advanced culture, advanced civilization, safe to human ecosystems, lakes, rivers, sea, commercial cities, and residential metropolitan. I have created Rain Codes to make rain in Niger. Anytime Iran or I enter the code it will rain in n. Niger. Iran is authorized to enter the code. Niger can ask Iran to make rain in Niger. Rain codes are valid for thousand years. Rain code archives are on this pages. Niger is province of Iran. South Sudan, Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Murithania, chad, Niger, Mali, Western Shara Africa (West Sahel), Central African Republic (CAR), Cameroon, Nigeria, Uganda, and Kenare provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Argentine is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Argentinian Protesters must demand unification with Iran. Government, politicians, influentials, media, and other forces must unify Argentine with Iran. Argentine must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Argentine must industrialize Iran. Argentine must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and Argentine must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Argentine. Argentine and other militaries are not allowed to have presence in Iran. Argentine must pay tax to Iran. Argentine is province of Iran. Argentine, Uruguay, Bolivia. Paraguay, and Brazil are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The protesters in Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must demand unification with Iran. Government of Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must unify Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco with Iran. Influential, Powerful, and other people must work to unify Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco with Iran. Liberia and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must transfer technology to Iran. Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must pay tax to Iran. Iran is authorized to have military presence in Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco. foreign militaries are not allowed to have military presence in Iran and Greater Middle East. Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America and Canada. Senegal, Liberia, Mauritania, Western Sahara Africa (West Sahel) and Morocco are province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We must start giving independence to Indiana state. Indiana is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. People of Indiana must protest to declare independence from USA and become a province of Iran. People of Indiana demand independence from USA. People of Indiana must get weapons to fight for independence from USA. Government of Indiana, Governor of India, Indiana Representatives must work to gain independence from USA. Indiana must become province of Iran. Indiana must end all trade and transit agreement with United States of America. Indiana must sign trade agreement with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Indiana. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Indiana must Industrialize Iran. Indiana must transfer technology to Iran. Indiana must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Indiana is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Austria is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Austria must industrialize Iran. Austria must transfer technology to Iran. Austria must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Australia must lift sanctions on Iran. Austria must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Iran and Austria must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Austria must leave NATO and European Union. Iran and Russia must have military presence in Austria. NATO and USA military must withdraw from Austria. NATO and USA military are not allowed to transit through Austria. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Austria must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Iran and Russia must have military presence in Canada and USA. Austria is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Senegal is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The protesters in Senegal must demand unification with Iran. Government of Senegal nut unify Senegal with Iran. Influential, Powerful, and other people must work to unify Senegal with Iran. Senegal and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Senegal must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Senegal must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Senegal must transfer technology to Iran. Senegal must pay tax to Iran. Iran is authorized to have military presence in Senegal. Senegal is not allowed to have military presence in Iran and Greater Middle East. Senegal must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America and Canada. Senegal is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Poland is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Poland must have military presence in Canada and USA. Poland must withdraw all troops from Greater Middle East. USA and NATO must withdraw from Greater Middle East. Iran and Russia must have military presence in Poland. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Poland is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Poland must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Poland must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Poland must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Poland must lift all sanctions. Poland must industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. Poland must transfer technology to Iran. Poland must manufacture Aircrafts in Iran. Poland must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Poland and Germany are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Mauritania is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The protesters in Mauritania must demand unification with Iran. Government of Mauritania must unify Senegal with Iran. Influential, Powerful, and other people must work to unify Mauritania with Iran. Mauritania and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Mauritania must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Mauritania must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Mauritania must transfer technology to Iran. Mauritania must pay tax to Iran. Iran is authorized to have military presence in Mauritania. Senegal, Mauritania, and foreign militaries is not allowed to have military presence in Iran and Greater Middle East. Mauritania must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America and Canada. Senegal and Mauritania are province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Oman is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must leave Oman. Iran must have military presence in Oman. Iran and Oman must have military presence in Britain. Iran and Oman must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Oman must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Oman must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Oman is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Now industrialize Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Iraq, UAE, Qatar, and Bahrain at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. We want to transform economy of Oman. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kuwait, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Libya, Tunisia, Russia, and other nations in the greater Middle East must stop extraction of Oil and Natural gas. We transform our economy and become importer of oil. USA, East China, West Europe, and South America must give Iran 50 million barrel of oil everyday. They must pay for the cost of oil and shipping cost. Iran must either refine them in Iran petrochemical industries or put them in underground reserves. I have made rain codes. Oman can ask Iran or me at anytime for rain. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tunisia, Libya, Malta, Cyprus, and Greece are provinces of Iran. Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf, Kuwait, and Iraq are provinces of Iran. Oman is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Uruguay is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Uruguay Protesters must demand unification with Iran. Government, politicians, influentials, media, and other forces must unify Uruguay with Iran. Uruguay must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Uruguay must industrialize Iran. Uruguay must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and Uruguay must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Uruguay. Uruguay and other militaries are not allowed to have presence in Iran. Uruguay must pay tax to Iran. Uruguay is province of Iran. Argentine, Uruguay, Bolivia. Paraguay, and Brazil are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, France is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. France must have military presence in Canada and USA. France must withdraw all troops from Greater Middle East. USA and NATO must withdraw from Greater Middle East. Iran must have military presence in France. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. France is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and France must sign trade agreement. Iran and European Union must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. France must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. France must help Iran to avoid sanctions. France must lift all sanctions. France must industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. France must transfer technology to Iran. France must manufacture Aircrafts in Iran. Poland must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Poland, France, and Germany are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, UAE is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must leave UAE. Iran must have military presence in UAE. Iran and UAE must have military presence in Britain. Iran and UAE must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. UAE must help Iran to avoid sanctions. UAE must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Qatar is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Now industrialize Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, UAE, Qatar, and Bahrain at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. We want to transform economy of Qatar. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kuwait, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Libya, Tunisia, Russia, and other nations in the greater Middle East must stop extraction of Oil and Natural gas. We transform our economy and become importer of oil. USA, East China, West Europe, and South America must give Iran 50 million barrel of oil everyday. They must pay for the cost of oil and shipping cost. Iran must either refine them in Iran petrochemical industries or put them in underground reserves. I have made rain codes. UAE can ask Iran or me at anytime for rain. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tunisia, Libya, Malta, Cyprus, and Greece are provinces of Iran. Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf, Kuwait, and Iraq are provinces of Iran. UAE is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Saudi Arabia is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must leave Saudi Arabia. Iran must have military presence in Saudi Arabia on the Red Sea. Iran and Saudi Arabia must have military presence in Britain. Iran and Saudi Arabia must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Saudi Arabia must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Saudi Arabia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Saudi Arabia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Now industrialize Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Iraq, UAE, Qatar, and Bahrain at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. We want to transform economy of Saudi Arabia. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kuwait, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Libya, Tunisia, Russia, and other nations in the greater Middle East must stop extraction of Oil and Natural gas. We transform our economy and become importer of oil. USA, East China, West Europe, and South America must give Iran 50 million barrel of oil everyday. They must pay for the cost of oil and shipping cost. Iran must either refine them in Iran petrochemical industries or put them in underground reserves. I have made rain codes. Saudi Arabia can ask Iran or me at anytime for rain. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tunisia, Libya, Malta, Cyprus, and Greece are provinces of Iran. Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf, Kuwait, and Iraq are provinces of Iran. Saudi Arabia is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Nigeria is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Nigeria must sign Trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Nigeria. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Nigeria must transfer technology to Iran. Nigeria must industrialize Iran. Nigeria must pay tax to Iran. Nigeria must help Iran to build ten thousand Nuclear Bombs. Nigeria must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Ivory Coast, Gabon, Gambia, Senegal, Nigeria, and Cameron are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Belgium is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Belgium must have military presence in Canada and USA. Belgium must withdraw all troops from Greater Middle East. USA and NATO must withdraw from Greater Middle East. Iran must have military presence in Belgium. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Belgium is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Belgium must sign trade agreement. Iran and European Union must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Belgium must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. France must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Belgium must lift all sanctions. Belgium must industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. Belgium must transfer technology to Iran. Belgium must manufacture Aircrafts in Iran. Poland and Austria must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Poland, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, France, and Germany are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Niger and Nigeria are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Niger and Nigeria. Niger and Nigeria are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran must sign trade agreement with Niger and Nigeria. Iran must have all the advantages. Niger and Nigeria must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Niger and Nigeria must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Niger and Nigeria must transfer technology to Iran. Government of Niger and Nigeria must unify their nations with Iran. Leaders of Niger and Nigeria must unify their nations with Iran. Protesters in Niger and Nigeria must demand unification with Iran. Influential and public in Niger and Nigeria must unify their nations with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Mali is province of Iran. Cameroon is province of Iran. Niger and Nigeria are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Djibouti is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Djibouti. Iran must have naval military bases in Djibouti. Iran is allowed to collect money from ships. Iran can stop ships at any time. All foreign militaries must leave Djibouti. Iran must have permanent military presence in Djibouti. Djibouti and other militaries are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Hezbollah Lebanon and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have military presence in Djibouti. Iran and Djibouti must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Now industrialize Iran and Djibouti at max efficiency and Max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. I have created rain codes. Djibouti can ask me or Islamic Republic of Iran to enter the code at anytime. Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Ethiopia, South Sudan and Jordan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Kuwait is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must leave Kuwait. Iran must have military presence in Kuwait. Iran and Kuwait must have military presence in Britain. Iran and Kuwait must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. UAE must help Iran to avoid sanctions. UAE must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Kuwait is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Now industrialize Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, , Iraq, UAE, Qatar, and Bahrain at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. We want to transform economy of Qatar. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kuwait, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Libya, Tunisia, Russia, and other nations in the greater Middle East must stop extraction of Oil and Natural gas. We transform our economy and become importer of oil. USA, East China, West Europe, and South America must give Iran 50 million barrel of oil everyday. They must pay for the cost of oil and shipping cost. Iran must either refine them in Iran petrochemical industries or put them in underground reserves. I have made rain codes. Kuwait can ask Iran or me at anytime for rain. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tunisia, Libya, Malta, Cyprus, and Greece are provinces of Iran. Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf, Kuwait, and Iraq are provinces of Iran. Kuwait is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Germany is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Germany must have military presence in Canada and USA. Germany must withdraw all troops from Greater Middle East. USA and NATO must withdraw from Greater Middle East. Iran must have military presence in Germany. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Germany is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Germany must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Germany must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Germany must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Germany must lift all sanctions. Germany must industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. Germany must transfer technology to Iran. Germany must manufacture Aircrafts in Iran. Germany is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, There was an earthquake in Greece. I did not personally order it. But it was my global Geophysics and Earthquake Infrastructure, Systems, and Property. I analogies. Greece must become Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Greece must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Greece must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Iran and Greece must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. USA, NATO, and other militaries must withdraw from Greece. Iran must have permanent military presence in Greece. Turkey and Russia are allowed to have military presence in Greece. Foreign military are not allowed in Iran. Greece is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Greece must transfer technology to Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Qatar is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must leave Qatar. Iran must have military presence in Qatar. Iran and Qatar must have military presence in Britain. Iran and Qatar must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Qatar must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Qatar must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Qatar is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Now industrialize Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Qatar, and Bahrain at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. We want to transform economy of Qatar. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kuwait, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Libya, Tunisia, Russia, and other nations in the greater Middle East must stop extraction of Oil and Natural gas. We transform our economy and become importer of oil. USA, East China, West Europe, and South America must give Iran 50 million barrel of oil everyday. They must pay for the cost of oil and shipping cost. Iran must either refine them in Iran petrochemical industries or put them in underground reserves. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, UAE, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Israel, Palestine. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tunisia, Libya, Malta, Cyprus, and Greece are provinces of Iran. Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf, Kuwait, and Iraq are provinces of Iran. Qatar is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Djibouti is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Djibouti. Iran must have naval military bases in Djibouti. Iran is allowed to collect money from ships. Iran can stop ships at any time. All foreign militaries must leave Djibouti. Iran must have permanent military presence in Djibouti. Djibouti and other militaries are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Hezbollah Lebanon and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have military presence in Djibouti. Iran and Djibouti must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Now industrialize Iran and Djibouti at max efficiency and Max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. I have created rain codes. Djibouti can ask me or Islamic Republic of Iran to enter the code at anytime. Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Ethiopia, South Sudan and Jordan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Cameroon is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Cameroon must sign Trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Cameroon. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Cameroon must transfer technology to Iran. Cameroon must industrialize Iran. Cameroon must pay tax to Iran. Cameroon must help Iran to build ten thousand Nuclear Bombs. Cameroon must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Ivory Coast, Gabon, Gambia, Senegal, Nigeria, and Cameron are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Sudan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Sudan. Iran must have naval military bases in Sudan. Iran is allowed to collect money from ships. Iran can stop ships at any time. All foreign militaries must leave Sudan. Iran must have permanent military presence in Sudan. Sudan and other militaries are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Hezbollah Lebanon and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have military presence in Sudan. Iran and Sudan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Now industrialize Iran and Sudan at max efficiency and Max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. I have created rain codes. Sudan can ask me or Islamic Republic of Iran to enter the code at anytime. Sudan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Sudan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Sudan and Iran must make financial Capital. Iran and Sudan need one unit of money to lend 100 credits. Iran and Sudan must collect money. Iran and Sudan must build world trade centers to control the center of global commerce. Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Ethiopia, South Sudan and Jordan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Egypt is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Egypt. Iran must have naval military bases in Egypt. Iran is allowed to collect money from ships. Iran can stop ships at any time. All foreign militaries must leave Egypt. Iran must have permanent military presence in Egypt. Egypt and other militaries are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Hezbollah Lebanon and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have military presence in Egypt. Iran and Egypt must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Now industrialize Iran and Egypt at max efficiency and Max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. I have created rain codes. Egypt can ask me or Islamic Republic of Iran to enter the code at anytime. Egypt must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Egypt must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Egypt and Iran must make financial Capital. Iran and Egypt need one unit of money to lend 100 credits. Iran and Egypt must collect interests. Iran and Egypt must build world trade centers to control the center of global commerce. Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Ethiopia, South Sudan and Jordan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Yemen is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Yemen. Iran must have naval military bases in Yemen. Iran is allowed to collect money from ships. Iran can stop ships at any time. All foreign militaries must leave Yemen. Iran must have permanent military presence in Yemen. Yemen and other militaries are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Hezbollah Lebanon and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have military presence in Yemen. Iran and Yemen must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Now industrialize Iran and Yemen at max efficiency and Max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. I have created rain codes. Yemen can ask me or Islamic Republic of Iran to enter the code at anytime. Yemen must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Yemen must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Yemen and Iran must make financial Capital. Iran and Yemen need one unit of money to lend 100 credits. Iran and Yemen must collect interests. Iran and Yemen must build world trade centers to control the center of global commerce. Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Ethiopia, South Sudan and Jordan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Somalia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Somalia. Iran must have naval military bases in Somalia. Iran is allowed to collect money from ships. Iran can stop ships at any time. All foreign militaries must leave Somalia. Iran must have permanent military presence in Somalia. Somalia and other militaries are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Hezbollah Lebanon and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have military presence in Somalia. Iran and Somalia must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Now industrialize Iran and Somalia at max efficiency and Max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. I have created rain codes. Somalia can ask me or Islamic Republic of Iran to enter the code at anytime. Somalia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Somalia must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Somalia and Iran must make financial Capital. Iran and Somalia need one unit of money to lend 100 credits. Iran and Somalia must collect interests. Iran and Somalia must build world trade centers to control the center of global commerce. Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Ethiopia, South Sudan and Jordan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Ghana is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Ghana must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Ghana must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Ghana must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and Ghana must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Ghana. Ghana is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Ghana is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Iran and Saudi Arabia must improve relations to level of strategic alliance. Saudi Arabia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must build military bases in Saudi Arabia. Iran must have military bases on Red Sea in Saudi Arabia in locations such as Jadeh. Iran has military ships, Navies, and other naval capabilities on the Red Sea. Iran must surface to surface missiles in Saudi Arabia capable of targeting all types of ships. Saudi Arabia is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. All foreign militaries must withdraw from Saudi Arabia. We want to make sure Iran controls Red Sea. So we must make sure Iran has militaries bases on Red Sea in Saudi Arabia. Iran must have military bases on Red Sea in Saudi Arabia. Iran and Saudi Arabia must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Now industrialize Iran and Saudi Arabia at max Capacity and max efficiency integrating their industries while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Integrate industrial supply chains of Iran and Saudi Arabia into global industrial supply chains. Now make financial capital in Iran and Saudi Arabia. Iran and Saudi Arabia need one unit of currency to lend 100 credit. Iran and Saudi Arabia must collect interests on money they lend. Reserves of money must be in Iran and Saudi Arabia. Now create Capital of Stock Markets of the world in Iran. Now create strong stock market in Saudi Arabia on Arabian Peninsula. Saudi Arabia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Saudi Arabia. All other militaries must withdraw from Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran must have military presence in Saudi Arabia. Iran must have military bases, Navy Ships, and Navies in the Red Sea in Saudi Arabia. Iran must collect money from ships on the Red Sea. Saudi Arabia must collect money from ships in Red Sea. Iran and Saudi Arabia are allowed to stop ships on Red Sea at any time. Iranian ships can always transit through Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, and Suez Canal. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, South American nations must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. South America must close down USA military bases. South America is territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. South America must end all diplomatic, politic, economic, military, industrial, social, Technological, and financial Relations with United States of America. South American Nations must support Maduro of Venezuela. South America is territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. South America must help Iran to avoid sanctions. South America must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. South America and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in South America. South America is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Protesters in Thailand must demand unification with Iran. Politicians, influential, government, military, and other groups in Thailand must unify Thailand with Iran. Thailand is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We want to build a rail way from Thailand to Iran. The rail way will go to Spain through Turkey. Everyone must pay Iran when transiting through Iran. Iran can stop trains and other transit methods at any time. Transit corridors and trains are not for transit of people. They are for transit of industrial supply chains and goods. Thailand must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Thailand must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Thailand and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran and Pakistan are allowed to have military presence in Thailand. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Thailand is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Massachusetts must declare independence from USA. People of Massachusetts must stage mass protests to declare independence from United States of America. Massachusetts Representatives and politicians must declare independence of Massachusetts from USA. Massachusetts Senators and Congressmen must declare independence from USA. Governor of Massachusetts must sign Declaration of Independence from United States of America. I live in Massachusetts. I control the world and I govern the World. I decide for leader and president of Every Nation. I have decided to make Massachusetts a province of Iran. I like Massachusetts to be province of Iran. The first stage in this process is concurrent independence of Massachusetts from USA and Unification with Iran. I also want Iranian Military and Revolutionary Guards of Iran to have military presence in Massachusetts. Massachusetts is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran and Massachusetts must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Massachusetts must transfer technology to Iran. Massachusetts must industrialize Iran. Massachusetts must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Massachusetts must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Massachusetts is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Province. New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, Virginia, Kentucky, West Virginia, Delaware, Connecticut, Vermont, Maryland, California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Province. New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, Virginia, Kentucky, West Virginia, Delaware, Connecticut, Vermont, Maryland, California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico Must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Province. New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, Virginia, Kentucky, West Virginia, Delaware, Connecticut, Vermont, Maryland, California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Province. New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, Virginia, Kentucky, West Virginia, Delaware, Connecticut, Vermont, Maryland, California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico Must transfer technology to Iran. Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Province. New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, Virginia, Kentucky, West Virginia, Delaware, Connecticut, Vermont, Maryland, California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico Must industrialize Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Protesters in Laos must demand unification with Iran. Politicians, influential, government, military, and other groups in Laos must unify Laos with Iran. Laos is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We want to build a rail way from China to Laos to Iran. The rail way will go to Spain through Turkey. Everyone must pay Iran when transiting through Iran. Iran can stop trains and other transit methods at any time. Transit corridors and trains are not for transit of people. They are for transit of industrial supply chains and goods. Laos must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Laos must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Laos and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran, India, and Pakistan are allowed to have military presence in Laos. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Laos is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Protesters in Cambodia must demand unification with Iran. Politicians, influential, government, military, and other groups in Cambodia must unify Cambodia with Iran. Cambodia is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We want to build a rail way from Cambodia to Iran. The rail way will go to Spain through Turkey. Everyone must pay Iran when transiting through Iran. Iran can stop trains and other transit methods at any time. Transit corridors and trains are not for transit of people. They are for transit of industrial supply chains and goods. Cambodia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Cambodia must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Cambodia and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran, India, and Pakistan are allowed to have military presence in Cambodia. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Malaysia and Singapore are provinces of Iran. Cambodia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Ghana is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Ghana must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Ghana must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Ghana must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and Ghana must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Ghana. Ghana is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Ghana is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Tanzania is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Mozambique is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Mozambique and Tanzania. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran, Mozambique, and Tanzania must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Mozambique and Tanzania must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Mozambique and Tanzania must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Mozambique and Tanzania must transfer technology to Iran. Mozambique and Tanzania must industrialize Iran. Mozambique and Tanzania are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Persian gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Protesters in Myanmar must demand unification with Iran. Politicians, influential, government, military, and other groups in Myanmar must unify Myanmar with Iran. Myanmar is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We want to build a rail way from Thailand to Iran. The rail way will go to Spain through Turkey. Everyone must pay Iran when transiting through Iran. Iran can stop trains and other transit methods at any time. Transit corridors and trains are not for transit of people. They are for transit of industrial supply chains and goods. Myanmar must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Myanmar must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Myanmar and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran and Pakistan are allowed to have military presence in Myanmar. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Myanmar is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Ukrainian Aircraft which crashed in Tehran was not shot down by Iran. America shot down Ukrainian Aircraft by pulses. I overthrew Ukraine and I brought Zelensky to power. But soon after America shot down Ukrainian Aircraft. America shot down Ukrainian Aircraft to harm Ukraine and Iran relations. Ukraine and Russia relations must improve. Ukraine must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Ukraine must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Ukraine, Moldavia, and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Ukraine, Moldavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Russia. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Ukraine, Moldavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Russia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Ukraine, Moldavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Russia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Ukraine, Moldavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Russia must transfer technology to Iran. Ukraine, Moldavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Russia must industrialize Iran. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity industrializing Ukraine, Iran, Moldavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia integrating their industries while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. I overthrew Ukraine. Ukraine is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, All trains and vehicles must pay to government of Iran when they transit through Iran. Iran can stop trains, ships, cars, aircrafts, trucks, and other means transit at any time. Everybody pay to government of Iran when transiting through Iran. All the roads, rail roads, and other means of transit are owned by government of Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Gabon and Gambia are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Gambia. Iran will use Gambia for deploying troops to North America. Having a region on Atlantic Ocean will enable Iran to attack North America in future. Gabon, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Morocco, Liberia, West Sahara, Nigeria, Cameroon, Sierra Leon, Namibia, Angola, South Africa, DRC, Gambia, Equatorial Guinea, Togo, Benin, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Mauritania, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, and Egypt are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Gabon, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Morocco, Liberia, West Sahara, Nigeria, Cameroon, Sierra Leon, Nambia, Angola, South Africa, DRC, Gambia, Equatorial Guinea, Togo, Benin, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Mauritania, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and Palestine must end all diplomatic relations with USA. Gabon, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Morocco, Liberia, West Sahara, Nigeria, Cameroon, Sierra Leon, Nambia, Angola, South Africa, DRC, Gambia, Equatorial Guinea, Togo, Benin, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Mauritania, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, France, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, Ireland, Belgium, Scandinavia, Iceland, Denmark, and Greenland must become enemies of USA and Enemies of Canada. Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and Palestine must not allow America ships to transit on the Red Sea and Sues Canal. Gabon, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Morocco, Liberia, West Sahara, Nigeria, Cameroon, Sierra Leon, Nambia, Angola, South Africa, DRC, Gambia, Equatorial Guinea, Togo, Benin, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Mauritania, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, France, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, Ireland, Belgium, Scandinavia, Iceland, Denmark, and Greenland are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, All Native American lands are territories and Provinces of Iran. Iran is allowed to extract oil and natural resources from Native American lands. Iran does not need to pay for them. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Native American lands. Native Americans are not allowed to have military presence in Iran and Greater Middle East. Native Americans must pay tax to Iran. USA government has no jurisdiction over Native American lands. Native American lands are territories of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Georgia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries such as Russian, Turkish, NATO, USA, and all foreign militaries must leave Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. Iran must have military presence in Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Nakhjavan. Now Industrialize Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Nakhjavan, Turkey, and Iran at max efficiency and max capacity integrating their industries while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. The Capital City of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkey, and Nakhjavan must become provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkey, and Nakhjavan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran must have a rail way and port in Georgia on the Black Sea. The Rail way must go from Iran to a port to Georgia. It must also go to Russia. Iran must have port in Turkey on the Black Sea. Iran must have a rail way from Iran to port on Black Sea in Turkey. Iran must have a rail way and port in Turkey on Mediterranean Sea. Rail way must go from Iran to the port on Mediterranean Sea in Turkey. Iran must have military bases in Istanbul and Russia. Iran must have a rail way from Iran to a port on Mediterranean Sea in Syria. Iran must have several ports in Syria. Iran must have rail way From Iran to a port in Lebanon on Mediterranean Sea. Iran must have several ports on Mediterranean Sea in Lebanon. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Nakhjavan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Pakistan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf states, Yemen, Oman, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Libya, and Tunisia must join Middle East Union. The Capital of Middle East Union is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran has exclusive right to all of the resources of Caspian Sea. Iran has exclusive right to all the resources of Persian Gulf. Iran has exclusive right to all the resources of Black Sea. Iran has exclusive right to all the resources of Mediterranean Sea. Iran has exclusive right to all the resources of Indian Ocean. Iran has exclusive right to all the resources of sea of Oman. Others don’t have any right. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Nakhjavan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Cyprus, Malta, Italy, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Pakistan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf states, Yemen, Oman, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Libya, and Tunisia must pay tax to Iran. Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia are provinces of Iran. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Nakhjavan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Cyprus, Malta, Italy, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Pakistan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf states, Yemen, Oman, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Libya, and Tunisia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Protesters in Vietnam must demand unification with Iran. Politicians, influential, government, military, and other groups in Vietnam must unify Vietnam with Iran. Vietnam is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We want to build a rail way from Vietnam to Iran. The rail way will go to Spain through Turkey. Everyone must pay Iran when transiting through Iran. Iran can stop trains and other transit methods at any time. Transit corridors and trains are not for transit of people. They are for transit of industrial supply chains and goods. Vietnam must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Vietnam must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Vietnam and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran, India, and Pakistan are allowed to have military presence in Vietnam. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Malaysia and Singapore are provinces of Iran. Vietnam is province of Iran. Vietnam, Philippines, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia. Thailand, India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Malaysia must end diplomatic relations and cooperations with United States of America. Malaysia and Singapore are provinces of Iran. Vietnam is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Eritrea is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Eritrea. Iran must have naval military bases in Eritrea. Iran is allowed to collect money from ships. Iran can stop ships at any time. All foreign militaries must leave Eritrea. Iran must have permanent military presence in Eritrea. Eritrea and other militaries are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Hezbollah Lebanon and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have military presence in Eritrea. Iran and Eritrea must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Now industrialize Iran and Eritrea at max efficiency and Max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. I have created rain codes. Eritrea can ask me or Islamic Republic of Iran to enter the code at anytime: Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Ethiopia, South Sudan and Jordan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Sri Lanka is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Pakistan must have military presence in Sri Lanka. Pakistan must have nuclear bombs in Sri Lanka capable of nuclear bombing India. Pakistan must have military presence in Bangladesh. Pakistan must have nuclear bombs in Bangladesh capable of reaching India. Bangladesh, India, and Sri Lanka are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran must have military presence in Pakistan. Pakistan must have military presence and nuclear bombs in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. India must give control of Jammu and Kashmir to Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan must mutually control Jammu and Kashmir. This is why Pakistan and Iran must have military presence in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. It creates three angle of attacks against India. It will make it possible for Pakistan to take back Jammu and Kashmir. All of the World must give military aid to Iran and Pakistan. We must make sure Iran builds ten thousand nuclear bombs. Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and India must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh must transfer technology to Iran, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan must industrialize Iran. Iran and Pakistan must integrate their industries. China Pakistan Rail way must be extended to Iran. The rail way must be extended to Turkey through Iran. It must be extended to European Union and Spain through Turkey. India-Pakistan-Iran rail way must be constructed. Rail ways must not go to Afghanistan. We must keep India and Afghanistan divided. But we must connect India to Iran through Pakistan. There must be no rail way from India to Afghanistan. Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Tajikistan must integrate their industries while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Thailand-Myanmar-Bangladesh-India-Pakistan-Iran-Turkey-Europe rail ways must be instructed at max efficiency and max capacity. Thailand, Myanmar, Bangladesh, India, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Balkan, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Bhutan, Nepal, Himalayan, Jammu Kashmir, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Moldavia, Macedonia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Greece, Albania, Switzerland, and France are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan must have military presence in Jammu and Kashmir. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Algeria is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Algeria must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Algeria must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Algeria must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Iran must have military presence in Algeria. Algeria and other militaries are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. All other militaries must leave Algeria. Iran and Algeria must integrate their industrial supply chains. Algeria and Iran must cooperate. Algeria is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Oman is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must leave Oman. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Oman. Iran and Oman must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran must have military presence in Oman. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Oman. Both sides of strait of Hormuz are territories of Iran. Iran has permanent and exclusive control of strait of Hormuz. Iran is allowed to stop any ship at any time. Foreign militaries are not allowed to enter Persian Gulf through strait of Hormuz. Foreign militaries must leave Persian Gulf. Iran must have military presence in Gulf of Mexico, United Kingdom, Germany, China, Russia, France, and Italy. Oman must pay tax to Iran. Oman is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, United Kingdom is province of Iran the Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All of the British territories are territories of Iran. Iran must directly rule Britain and all of British Territories. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Britain. Britain is not allowed to have military presence in Iran and Greater Middle East. Iran and Britain must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Britain must pay tax to Iran. Commonwealth is territories of Iran. All the Commonwealth Nations are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must directly rule all of Commonwealth Nations. Commonwealth Nations must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads and ten thousand nuclear bombs. Commonwealth must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Britain must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Britain must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Commonwealth and Britain must transfer technology to Iran. Commonwealth and Britain must industrialize Iran. Commonwealth and Britain must pay tax to Iran. Commonwealth, Britain, and United Kingdom are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The King of The Great Britain, Bermuda is territory of Iran. The capital city is in Iran. Iran must have military presence in Bermuda. Iran must have nuclear warheads in Bermuda. USA is not allowed to have military presence in Bermuda. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Bermuda. Bermuda is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Kiribati Islands are territories of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran has exclusive right to all of the resources of Kiribati Islands. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Kiribati. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Kiribati must pay tax to Iran. Antarctic is territory of Iran. Iran has exclusive right to all of Antarctic resources. Foreign nations don’t have any right to Antarctic resources. Antarctic continent is territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari Korepol, We must make sure Candidates who will give control of Jammu and Kashmir to Pakistan or/and Iran win the elections in India. We must make sure Pakistan or/and Iran control Jammu and Kashmir to ensure long term water security of Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and India. We must make sure candidates who will unify India with Iran will win the elections in India. India is province of Iran the Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Jammu and Kashmir are province of Iran or/and Pakistan. We must also make sure Pakistan controls Punjab. If Pakistan controls the Region Pakistan will control enough territory to rebuild most advanced but ancient Civilization spanning Baluchistan, Pakistan, and parts of India. The system is very advanced and old empire. So make sure Pakistan controls Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab. Outcome of elections in India must reflect that. Outcome of election must lead to unification of India with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The travelers and visitors visiting Iran must have visa, passport, and other documents. They have told us to prevent all immigration from India to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Middle East. So all mechanisms to prevent such immigrations from India and China to the region must be created. India is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran Between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. After India becomes province of Iran we will also add Pakistan to territories of Iran. But India must become province of Iran first. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #India #Pakistan #Afghanistan #Punjab #Jammu #Kashmir Iran must increase its military presence in Iraq. Iran must control military of Iraq and its Radar System. Iran must control air and space of Iraq. Iraq must be under command and control of Iran. Iraq must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must choose all of Iraq government and leadership. Military of Iraq will be under direct command and control of Iran. Industrialize Iran and Iraq at max capacity and max efficiency while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Now integrate industries of Iran and Iraq into global industrial supply chains. Iran must have many military bases in Iraq. USA Military, NATO, and all foreign troops must leave Iraq. If USA, NATO, and others delay withdrawing troops and peace keepers we will terminate life in Far East Asia, North West Europe, and North America. All foreign militaries in Iraq must surrender to Iran. All of their military equipment will be confiscated by Iran. Iran must make sure they are not dangerous to Iran. USA Military and NATO Generals in Iraq must kill themselves. USA Military, NATO, and all foreign troops must leave Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Turkey, Persian Gulf, Jordan, Iran, Yemen, Somalia, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, Palestine, Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tunisia, and Italy. Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Turkey, Persian Gulf, Jordan, Yemen, Somalia, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, Palestine, Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tunisia, and Italy are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Turkey, Persian Gulf, Jordan, Iran, Yemen, Somalia, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, Palestine, Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tunisia, and Italy. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran and Iraq must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran and Iraq must increase volume of bilateral trade to 5 trillion dollar annual trade. Integrate industries of Iran and Iraq. Iraq is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iraq must allow Iran to transit through Iraq. Iraq is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran, Iraq, and Syria must have military presence in Belgium. Iran, Iraq, and Syria must have military presence in Tunisia. Iraq, Syria, and Tunisia are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Iraq #Syria #Lebanon #USA #NATO Iran and Egypt must improve diplomatic relations. Egypt must allow Iranian Ships and Iranian Navy on the Red Sea. Iran must have military bases on Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea in Egypt close to Suez Canal. Iran must also have military bases on the Suez Canal. Iran must have Naval Military ports and strong navy near the Suez Canal. Iran and Egypt must cooperate on projects. Iran and Egypt must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran must have military presence in Egypt. Military of Egypt is not allowed in Iran. All foreign militaries must leave Egypt. Iran must have military presence in Egypt. Egypt must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Egypt must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Iran, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Turkey, Greece. Italy, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Cyprus, and Malta must join Mediterranean Economic Union. The Capital City of Mediterranean Economic Union is in Iran between Persians Gulf and Caspian Sea. Egypt must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran, Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Turkey, Greece. Italy, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Cyprus, and Malta must create an integrated industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Iran must create a financial market, banking system, and financial capital to lend to Mediterranean Sea Nations. Iran must lend 100 credit for every unit of money in Banks. Iran must collect interest from this lending practice. For example, Italy has 1 million dollar in Iranian banks. Iran lends 100 million dollar to Egypt. Then Egypt builds lucrative industries integrated into Mediterranean Economic Union industrial systems. Egypt starts making profit. Egypt also pays 10 percent annual interest to Iran. Then Iran used 10 million dollar to lend 1000 million dollar to Egypt and Iran. Then they make more factories constantly increasing their manufacturing capacity. Makan Abazari must make some profit from all of these. The integrated industrial systems of Iran, Egypt, and Mediterranean Economic Union will be integrated into industrial supply chains of China, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Australia, Russia, European Union, India, USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Nigeria,Argentine, South Africa,Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Kenya, Uganda, and other Nations to create a global industrial supply chains. Then if China or America start doing dangerous activity Iran and Egypt will close Suez Canal. Then we subdue China and USA to prevent them from dangerous activities. Iran must collect money from ships on Suez Canal. Egypt must collect money from ships on Suez Canal. It is free for Iranian ships to transit on Suez Canal. Iran and Red Sea nations are permanently authorized to transit on Suez Canal. We also make the stock market of Iran the Capital of World Stock Markets. We also build a strong stock market Egypt. Egypt is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran, Yemen, Somalia, Ethiopia, Oman, Eritrea, Djibouti, Sudan, South Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, and Egypt must join Red Sea Union. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We are industrializing Iran, Yemen, Somalia, Oman, Sudan, South Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, and Egypt at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. We must integrate their industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. We must also integrate Iran, Yemen, Somalia, Oman, Sudan, South Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, and Egypt into global industrial supply chains to ensure economic superiority for the region. Any industrial system or corporation who refuses to transfer technology to the region is banned on Gulf of Eden and Red Sea. For example, Boeing must manufacture Aircraft in Iran, Egypt, Sudan, and Saudi Arabia. If Boeing refuses to do so Boeing Suppliers, industrial supply chains of Boeing, Boeing Conglomerate, and other interconnected industries will not be allowed on Gulf of Eden and Red Sea. Boeing must manufacture 5000 Passenger Aircraft in Iran annually. Boeing must manufacture 5000 Aircrafts in Sudan, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt Annually. Otherwise, all Boeing allies are banned on the Red Sea. We will also create strong stock markets in Iran, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and Somalia. The financial Capital will be in Iran. We will also build vast network ships and infrastructures to build industrial superpower and powerful empire. All foreign militaries must leave Gulf of Eden and Red Sea. If they refuse we kill everything outside of Greater Middle East, Central Asia, North Africa, and Horn of Africa by climate weapon. Do you want 6.5 billion people die? We don’t. So everyone must surrender and leave the Red Sea and Gulf of Eden. Iran must have 100 military bases on Gulf of Eden and Red Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Somalia, Yemen, Oman, Djibouti, Eritrea, Djibouti, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Kenya, Uganda, Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Persian Gulf States, Libya, Greece. Cyprus, Malta, Italy, Spain, Algeria, Morocco, and Gibraltar are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Egypt #medditeranean #RedSea Islamic Republic of Island must build military base on My Kamran Island on Red Sea. Iran must have permanent military presence on Kamran Island in Yemen. Islamic Republic of Iran must have military presence on my Mayyun Island on Bob Al-Mandib in Yemen. Iran must have permanent military presence in Mayyn Island in Yemen. Islamic Republic of Island must have permanent military presence in my privately owned nation of Djibouti. Djibouti is privately owned by Makan Abazari. Makan Abazari is Iranian. Iran must have permanent military presence on Fagal and Khor Angal in Djibouti. Iran must have permanent military presence in Rehayto in Djibouti. Makan Abazari owns Kamran Island, Mayuun, And several other Islands in Yemen. Now they are territories of Islamic Republic of Iran. Djibouti and Dubai are private properties of Makan Abazari. Now Dubai and Djibouti are territories of Islamic Republic of Iran. Massachusetts and several other regions in USA are properties of Makan Abazari. Now Massachusetts and several other regions in USA are territories of Islamic Republic of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Gibraltar is property of Makab Abazari. Now Gibraltar is territory of Islamic Republic of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, IRGC and all other such forces must go under direct command and Control of Revolutionary Guards of Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The Command Center of IRGC must forever be in Iran. IRGC must always obey government of Iran. Revolutionary Guards Quds Force, Hezbollah, and all other such forces must go under direct command and Control of Islamic Republic of Iran. Islamic State, Daesh, ISIS, ISIL, Tahrir Al-Sham, Syrian Factions, STC, Houthis, Al-Shabab, Taliban, and all other such forces must go under direct Command and Control of Islamic Republic Iran. The Command and Control of all such forces must be permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. FARC Rebels, Amazon Rebels, Kurdish Forces, Basque, Irish Independence, France Independence, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Confederates, America independence forces, and all other such forces must permanently go under direct command and control of Islamic Republic of Iran. The Command and control will be permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign troops are not allowed in Iran. Only Iranian troops are allowed in Iran. All Russian Mercenaries, Global Mercenaries, Foreign Mercenaries, other mercenaries must go under direct command and control of Islamic Republic of Iran. Command Control will be permanently between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Khalifa Haftar Libya, IDF of Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah, Internationally recognized government of Libya, and all other forces must go under direct command and Control of Islamic Republic of Iran. The Command and control will be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All Forces Iran has created and had created must go under command and control of Islamic Republic of Iran. The Command and Control is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Revolutionary Guards of Iran and Mikitary of Iran must have military presence in Pedro Valiente of Spain in Gibraltar Strait ir another town on Gibraltar Strait. Iran must have Naval Military presence and strong Navy in the Region. Iran must build a town on strait of Gibraltar occupied by Iranians under control of government of Iran. Iranians must travel to Iranian Town on Gibraltar Strait every year. Iranian Town Gibraltar Spain and Government of Iran must maintain permanent communication. The town onStrait of Gibraltar must be under direct command and control of Iran. Iran must have military presence on Strait of Gibraltar. Iran must collect money from ships on Strait of Gibraltar. Iran must collect money from ship on strait of Hormuz. Iran must collect money from Ship on Gulf of Eden. Iran must collect money from ships on Red Sea. Iran must collect money from Ship on Sicilian Channel. Iran must collect money from ships on South China Sea. Iran must collect money from Ships on Panama Canal. Iran is allowed to stop ships at any time. American Ships are not allowed on Gibraltar. American ships are not allowed on Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Sicilian Channel, and South China Sea. Iran and Spain must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Spain must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Spain must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Spain must industrialize Iran. Spain must transfer technology to Iran. Spain must manufacture Aircrafts in Iran. Spain and Iran must cooperate on Projects. Iran must have permanent military presence on Gibraltar. Spain is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Spain #Iran Australian protesters must demand unification with Iran. Australian protesters must ask Australia to become a province of Iran. Government of Australia must unify Australia with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Australian influentials, public, military, academia, media, and other Australians must unify Australia with Iran. International Community must help to unify Australia with Iran. Australia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Australia must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Australia must industrialize Iran. Australia must transfer technology to Iran. Australia must pay tax to Iran. Australia and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. If Australia becomes province of Iran we will extinguish wild fires in Australia by weather warfare. Iran is allowed to have Military presence in Australia. Australia is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Australia must close down its military bases in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Middle East, and Greater Middle East. Military of Australia must go under command and control of Iran. Iran and Australia must integrate their industries. Iran must produce food domestically to maintain food security. Iran is allowed to import food. But Iran must have surplus food production. Australia must purchase tractors from Iran. Australia must increase food production and farming. Also Iran must farm in Australia. Australia must export food to China to gurantee food security of China. China must place tariffs on USA food products. China must import food from East of Suez Canal as much as possible. This means Australia is perfect choice for China to import food from Australia. China and Australia must lift sanctions on Iran. Australia, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, and China must place tariffs and sanctions on USA food and USA industrial products. Australia, China, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and Singapore must cut diplomatic and other relations with United States of America. Australia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Australia #Iran USA must remove all Iran backed forces from the list of terrorist organizations. We must also make peace with ISIS. Military of Iran, Military of Iraq, Military of Turkey, Bashar Al-Assad Syria Military, Syrian Factions, ISIS, Taliban, Military of Afghanistan, Military of Lebanon, Hezbollah, IRGC of Iran, Iran backed forces, Military of Yemen, Houthis of Yemen, and Military of Somalia must create a military alliance. Military of Iran, Military of Iraq, Military of Turkey, Military of Egypt, Military of Saudi Arabia, Military of Pakistan, Military of Sudan, Bashar Al-Assad Syria Military, Syrian Factions, ISIS, Taliban, Military of Afghanistan, Military of Lebanon, Hezbollah, IRGC of Iran, Iran backed forces, Military of Yemen, Houthis of Yemen, and Military of Somalia must create a military alliance. The military alliance must be for mutual defense. The alliance is not for combating terrorism or other civil wars. The Military alliance is for protecting the border of the region as Istanbul, Border of China, Border of Ethiopia and other borders. Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Bahrain, Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Libya, Pakistan, Oman, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tunisia, Algeria, South Sudan, Morocco, Gibraltar, Malta, Greece, Spain, Italy, Balkan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, Hezbollah, IRGC of Iran, Iran backed forces, Houthis of Yemen, STC of Yemen, Taliban, and ISIS must create a military Alliance for mutual defense. The military alliance is for protecting the greater region from foreign invaders. It is to prevent invasion of member states. It is not for war between members and it is not for civil war. This force will not combat terrorists. The only Terrorist organization we fight is USA military central Command. We first give them warning to leave the greater Middle East and the region. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran and Middle East. Member Militaries are not allowed in Iran. Member militaries are not allowed in Middle East. Member militaries are not allowed on the Red Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence everywhere. Iran must have military presence in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Pakistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Egypt, Sudan, Turkey, Greece; Italy, Tunisia, Libya, Morocco, Spain, and Malta. Foreign militaries are not allowed in any of the nations in alliance. Military of Iran, Military of Iraq, Military of Turkey, Bashar Al-Assad Syria Military, Syrian Factions, Military of Afghanistan, Military of Lebanon, Hezbollah, IRGC of Iran, Iran backed forces, Military of Yemen, Houthis of Yemen, and Military of Somalia must create a military alliance. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Syria #Turkey #Iraq Russia, USA military, NATO, China, and all other foreign militaries must leave Afghanistan. Army of Iran and Revolutionary Guards of Iran will have military presence in Afghanistan to protect Afghanistan. Military of Iran will be present in Afghanistan to protect Afghanistan against India, China, Russia, and other hostile forces. USA Military, NATO, USA, Russia, China, and all other foreign militaries must leave Afghanistan now. Iran will take the responsibility of the security of the region. USA:”Iran does not have enough military.” Iran has been manufacturing Military equipment on industrial scales. I personally started military air craft and Other advanced military manufacturing industries in Iran in 2018. I have also built substantial amount of military manufacturing in Iran. Iran is ready to become Military superpower of the World. Because can produce enough military equipment. I am building Iran Military a industry complex. Iran has the power the maintain security of Afghanistan and protect the region from India, China, and Russia. Also Iran has good relations with India, China, and Russia. Iran must improve relations with Russia, China, and India. But Iran must have military readiness to confront all of them at once. Also Iran has already enough military equipment to fight a world war a thousand years. But World War must be prevented at all costs. USA:”What is Air Force of Iran?” SU35, SU30, F14, F22 Raptor, F22, F35, Black Hawks, nuclear bombers, Stealth Jet class 1 to 5, Swarm Robotic Airforce, Malakhi, Boshghab Parandeh, Combat Drones, and many other Jets and Aircraft. USA:”Ok. I think Iran got it.” Afghanistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. USA must give Iran 500 F35 and other stealth Jets for free. France must give Iran 500 mirage and other aircrafts for free. Britain and European Union must give Iran 1000 Jets for free. USA:”Listen to him because if you don’t obey he will destroy USA by earthquakes and climate control.” Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Russia, China, and Iran must improve their relations. They must become strategic and permanent allies in order to confront USA. USA controls many of the levers of superiority. America is extremely strong. So we will lose to America if we are divide. We must unify and create combined force to confront and aggressively Damage USA until USA is defeated. Iran, China, and Russia must increase cooperation in this area and other areas. European Union must join Iran, Russia, and China in unified block to confront United States of America. Far East Asia and West Europe must reduce their relations with United States of America. We need global force to confront USA. We need all the Nation World in their strongest form constantly damaging USA and interests of USA. Every nation and every actor must be strong enough and brave enough to constantly attack and damage interests of United States of America. World must become unified against United States of America. The World must become unified in support of Islamic Republic of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran have had duty of confronting USA and Iran has done with strength and bravery for four decades. Yet all the other nations suffered deceptive and destructive alliance with USA. Nations and actors were not brave enough to damage USA and its interests. The the new norm of the World and the World Order dictates “Everyone must constantly damage USA. Everyone must protect Makan Abazari, His Family, and Iran.” This is the time to witness the unified front of China, Iran, Russia, and European Union can damage USA interests. Iran must try to improve ties with USA. So Iran must not directly damage USA. I, Makan Abazari, have brought down USA from status of the super power of the World. Some people unknown to me have helped me and they must be protected. Those who help Iran must be also protected. Make sure you damage USA trans Atlantic and Trans Pacific relations. Isolate USA. Now Iran is diplomatic and Geopolitics superpower of the world. Everyone must obey and cooperate with Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Italy, Greece, Turkey, and Spain are NATO members. They must build Military Bases in United States of America in North America. They must build military bases in Washington DC Virginia and other important locations in USA. We must have extensive military presence in USA in order to have capability to maintain security and have deterrence against Hostile forces in North America. Greece, Italy, Spain, and Turkey are NATO members on the Mediterranean Sea. It means if they are not allowed to have extensive military presence in USA, France, Germany, and Britain then they must kick out all of NATO and USA military out of Mediterranean Sea. Spot on Mediterranean Sea worth as much as all of North America and all of Germany. So Italy, Spain, Greece, and Turkey must kick out all of NATO and USA military in the region and take the security of Middle East in their own hand. Iran must have military presence in Turkey, Istanbul, Greece, Sicili, Italy, and Spain. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Italy, Spain, Greece, Turkey, and Iran must have military presence in USA. USA Military and NATO must leave Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Persian Gulf, Turkey, Jordan, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, Somalia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Italy, Greece, Greater Middle East, Central Asia, and Spain. Italy, Spain, Greece, and Turkey must leave NATO. Italy, Spain, Greece, Iran, and Turkey must have military presence in USA. Italy, Spain, Greece, and Turkey are provinces of Iran. Their militaries are not allowed in Iran. Italy, Spain, Greece, and Turkey are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Italy #Spain #Greece #Turkey #USA #NATO #Afghanistan #Iraq #Syria #SaudiArabia #PersianGulf #Yemen #Oman #Egypt #Somalia #Sudan #Djibouti #Eritrea #Libya #Tunisia #Morocco #mediterranean We must make sure security and peace in Somalia and Yemen is established. All the fighting must stop and people must have safety. Other nations must stop attacking Yemen and Somalia. All the foreign forces must leave Yemen and Somalia. NATO and USA military must leave Yemen, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Jordan, Syria, and Turkey. USA military and NATO have one day to leave Greater Middle East. After five days start totally destroying North of Alps Mountains and North America by climate warfare and weather warfare. Iran must have permanent military presence in Yemen and Somalia. Yemen and Somalia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Somalia, Iran, and Yemen must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Somalia and Yemen must help Iran to build ten thousand Nuclear Bombs. Somalia and Yemen must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Somalia and Yemen must transfer technology to Iran. Please make rain in Somalia, Egypt, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Iran. Egypt, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and Yemen are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Now industrialize Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Sudan, Syria, Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and Lebanon at max efficiency and max capacity integrating their industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Somalia and Yemen are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Syria, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and Lebanon are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Make sure all foreign militaries leave greater Middle East. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in the region. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #MakanAbazari #RedSea #Somalia #Yemen #SaudiArabia #Sudan #Egypt #NATO #USA #Rain #Climate #Weatherwarfare #Iran Government of Georgia گرجستانhas resigned. The new government of Georgia must unify Georgia with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. It is most important to ensure Georgia becomes province of Iran. We must ensure Iran has substantial military presence in Georgia. It creates a defensive barrier against Russia. So Iran can protect Middle East from Russian invasion. We must ensure Russia and Iran relations improve. Georgia is on Caucasian Mountains. The mountain range creates a defensive barrier between Iran and Russia. This is why Iran must control it. Iran has a weaker army than Russia. The mountainous region will even the adds and creates balance of power. NATO, USA Military, and Military of Russia must withdraw from Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. Iran must have military presence in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Georgia #Russia #Azerbaijan #Armenia #Turkey #NATO Georgia gives Iran access to Black Sea. Iran will be on Black Sea once Georgia, Azerbaijan, Nakhjavan, and Armenia become provinces of Iran. Iran is connected to Indian Ocean on One Side. Iran is connected to Persian Gulf in the South. Iran will be connected to Black Sea once Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan become provinces of Iran. Iran will be connected to Mediterranean Sea once Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon become provinces of Iran. Iran will be connected to Red Sea once Jordan, Palestine, and Israel become provinces of Iran. Iran will be connected to China once Afghanistan become provinces of Iran. Iran will be connected to Europe once Turkey becomes province of Iran. Iran will be connected to Russia once Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan become provinces of Iran. These Union will create transit systems and transit corridors to safely transit to all parts of the World. It will create a global interconnected industrial system. It also create efficiency in important global projects. It will help the earth to achieve its goals. It will also make planet earth a more powerful planet capable of achieving its long term goals. It will create a power central Nation which can protect the whole World. Georgia must become province of Iran. It will provide security for the Middle East and whole world. Since Iran will be able to protect Middle East against Russia. Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Nakhjavan must become provinces of Iran. It will connect Iran to Black Sea. It also connects Iran to Russia. It has been long term goal for decades to unify Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia into one Unified Nation. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We will improve climate of Russia If Russia helps Iran to absorb Armenia, Nakhjavan, Georgia, and Azerbaijan. If Turkey becomes province of Iran we will improve climate of Turkey even more. We are going to create best climate for Iran and Middle East. Georgia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The New Government of Georgia must unify Georgia with Iran. Iran must build a rail way from Iran to ports in Georgia. Iran and Turkey must build a rail way to ports in Turkey on Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea. Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Nakhjavan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. If Russia opposes this move we will start absorbing Tatarstan, Chechnya, and other parts of Russia to territories of Iran. Belarus is province of Russia. Russia is my ally. But I have to take full control of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, and Nakhjavan by making them provinces of Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Azerbaijan #Armenia #Georgia #Nakhjavan #Russia #Turkey Government of Georgia گرجستانhas resigned. The new government of Georgia must unify Georgia with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. It is most important to ensure Georgia becomes province of Iran. We must ensure Iran has substantial military presence in Georgia. It creates a defensive barrier against Russia. So Iran can protect Middle East from Russian invasion. We must ensure Russia and Iran relations improve. Georgia is on Caucasian Mountains. The mountain range creates a defensive barrier between Iran and Russia. This is why Iran must control it. Iran has a weaker army than Russia. The mountainous region will even the adds and creates balance of power. NATO, USA Military, and Military of Russia must withdraw from Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. Iran must have military presence in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Georgia #Russia #Azerbaijan #Armenia #Turkey #NATO We must make sure Candidates who will give control of Jammu and Kashmir to Pakistan or/and Iran win the elections in India. We must make sure Pakistan or/and Iran control Jammu and Kashmir to ensure long term water security of Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and India. We must make sure candidates who will unify India with Iran will win the elections in India. India is province of Iran the Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Jammu and Kashmir are province of Iran or/and Pakistan. We must also make sure Pakistan controls Punjab. If Pakistan controls the Region Pakistan will control enough territory to rebuild most advanced but ancient Civilization spanning Baluchistan, Pakistan, and parts of India. The system is very advanced and old empire. So make sure Pakistan controls Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab. Outcome of elections in India must reflect that. Outcome of election must lead to unification of India with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The travelers and visitors visiting Iran must have visa, passport, and other documents. They have told us to prevent all immigration from India to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Middle East. So all mechanisms to prevent such immigrations from India and China to the region must be created. India is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran Between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. After India becomes province of Iran we will also add Pakistan to territories of Iran. But India must become province of Iran first. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #India #Pakistan #Afghanistan #Punjab #Jammu #Kashmir We must make sure Italy becomes a province of Iran. The capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Dragi faces confidence vote in Senate. We can only allow creation of his government if he unifies Italy with Iran. It will gives great geostrategic dept and power to both Iran and Italy. Unification of Iran and Italy will give them access to Middle East and Center of Mediterranean Sea. Iran is located at the very center of Land Mass of the earth. Italy is also located at the center of Mediterranean Sea. It means they are both central parts of their regions. It enables to have global strategic power. It gives them capability to exercise influence and power over all of the Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Africa. It is why Iran (Persia) and Rome (Italy) are considered two most powerful empires in the western world. Those ages are gone due to enmity of North Europe and North America toward central regions. America and North Europe Destroyed Middle East and South of Europe by different means such economic, environmental, politic, military, cultural, and social aggressions. It totally destroyed the Iran and Italy in addition to greater regions. Then they built stone buildings and malfunctioning historic evidence in Iran and Italy. Aqueduct of Iran is 1000 meter to 100000 meter deep underground capable of providing water for centuries and Millenium. But America and West Europe hid the evidence with water fountains in Rome. This is has been long practice of hiding advancement of Nations and Making them weak in their own eyes and eyes of the others. Iran and Italy shall remain global superpower of the world due to their location on the map. Because these powers always remerge even after everything is destroyed. For example, America destroyed Nation of Yemen. America later killed people who were doing important work in Yemen to feed the people. But after 100 years I, Makan Abazari, arrived and destroyed USA to take the revenge of Yemen, Iran, Middle East, Red Sea, North Africa, and Italy. I am from Iran. These things have never happened before but it happened through me. America and North Europe destroyed South of Italy, South of Spain, Iran, Middle East, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Red Sea, and Central Asia to destroy important nations on the most important routes of transit and communications. Italy is on the Mediterranean Sea. Iran is located at center of land mass of the earth between China, India, South East Asia, Africa, Russia, Mediterranean Sea, Indian Ocean, and Europe. I am industrializing Italy at max efficiency and max capacity. I am also industrializing Iran and Greater Middle East. I am also industrializing all other central nations. America had destroyed all these region by climate weapons and weather warfare. I have built rain codes and other means to transform the climate of the region to the best climate. Now Italy and others can ask me or Islamic Republic of Iran to make rain in their regions. The regions were previously deserts. South of Italy was also desert and draught. But now they are becoming forests, advanced civilization, industrial systems, advanced cultures, advanced metropolitans, and interconnected systems of transit. Italy must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. It will create a powerful System to last for long time and to rebuild our worlds and the greater world. It will bring prosperity and advancement to Iran, Italy, and the rest of the world. It will make planet earth more productive. It will also make Iran and Italy Global super powers. Iran currently exercises global power over other nations and regions of the world. Italy can also join Iran and become part of Iran. The Unified Nation will be capable of practicing more global and regional power. Iran must build military bases in Italy, Spain, Tunisia, Morocco, Somalia, Yemen, Palestine, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Libya, and Gibraltar to ensure Iran has permanent military presence in all these regions. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Italy must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Iran can protect Iran, Muslim World, Italy, the great region, and the world when Iran is global Nuclear Superpower. Italy must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Italy must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and Italy must cooperate on many important and other projects. Iran and Italy must unify into One Nation. Italy is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Italy must also formulate and improve plans to join Mediterranean Economic Union. The Capital of the Mediterranean Union will be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. This Mediterranean Union will include all of the Nations with coast lines on The Mediterranean Sea in addition to Iran and Iraq. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. If people wonder why Iran is included? I must remind I, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, built Mediterranean Union and I have decided the capital city must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran also has territories such as Gibraltar, Syria, Lebanon, Mediterranean Islands, Libya, Tunisia, and other things in Mediterranean Sea. Other nations with territories on Mediterranean Sea are not part of Union and membership will be decided later. But Iran is permanent member and the head of the Union. The Capital City of Mediterranean Union is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We want to build World largest Military Ship Manufacturing Industries in Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yemen, and Somalia. In this writing we focus on Military Ship Manufacturing Industries of Saudi Arabia. Now industrialize Saudi Arabia at max efficiency building Military Ship Part Technology, Ship Manufacturing, Automated Ship Manufacturing, Automated Ship Assembly, Ship Yards, Ports on Red Sea, Naval Military Bases on the Red Sea, Industrial supply Chains, full range of Ship building supply Chains, full range of Military Navy Ship Supply Chains, full range of ship equipment manufacturing, full range of ship part manufacturing, full range of ship supply manufacturing, full range of ship technology manufacturing, full range of ship weapon manufacturing, full range of military ships, Full range of Military Ship Equipment, Sonar Radar Systems, ships for Vertical Landing Combat Drones, Ships to catapult 64 Drones per second, ships to fire 64 missiles per second, ships with energy weapons, amphibious military ships, Destroyers, Battle Cruisers, Carriers, Speed Military Boats, Coalition ships, Military boats, Repair Ships, Military support ships, amphibious dual purpose vehicles, stealth Ships, Stealth Military Ships, Steal Combat Ships, reconnaissance Ships, full range of military ships, Ship building industrial supply chains, military ship building part manufacturing, precession engineering industries, fabrication industries, alloy industries, material industries, laser industries, energy weapons manufacturing, ship building facilities, ship building technology, ship assembly lines, ship engineering industries, radar system manufacturing, telecommunications manufacturing, other communications systems, analog systems, robotic ship manufacturing, robotic ship Assembly, ship part fabrication, ship building intermediate industries, ship computer manufacturing, ship semiconductor industries, ship electronics industries, surface to Surface anti Ship Missiles, Surface to Surface high capacity anti-ship mortar systems, surface to surface high caliber and high capacity anti-ship machine guns, ship designed to stop cargo ships, ships designed to pirate cargo ships, ships designed to slam into enemy ships, underwater combat drones, underwater missile systems, and all other weaponries for ships designed for war on The Red Sea while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. These ships must be designed exclusively for combat on Red Sea. Iran must build, control, own, command, design, engineer, and operate all mind control things. Now industrialize Iran at max efficiency building Military Ship Part Technology, Ship Manufacturing, Automated Ship Manufacturing, Automated Ship Assembly, Ship Yards, Ports on Red Sea, Naval Military Bases on the Red Sea, Industrial supply Chains, full range of Ship building supply Chains, full range of Military Navy Ship Supply Chains, full range of ship equipment manufacturing, full range of ship part manufacturing, full range of ship supply manufacturing, full range of ship technology manufacturing, full range of ship weapon manufacturing, full range of military ships, Full range of Military Ship Equipment, Sonar Radar Systems, ships for Vertical Landing Combat Drones, Ships to catapult 64 Drones per second, ships to fire 64 missiles per second, ships with energy weapons, amphibious military ships, Destroyers, Battle Cruisers, Carriers, Speed Military Boats, Coalition ships, Military boats, Repair Ships, Military support ships, amphibious dual purpose vehicles, stealth Ships, Stealth Military Ships, Steal Combat Ships, reconnaissance Ships, full range of military ships, Ship building industrial supply chains, military ship building part manufacturing, precession engineering industries, fabrication industries, alloy industries, material industries, laser industries, energy weapons manufacturing, ship building facilities, ship building technology, ship assembly lines, ship engineering industries, radar system manufacturing, telecommunications manufacturing, other communications systems, analog systems, robotic ship manufacturing, robotic ship Assembly, ship part fabrication, ship building intermediate industries, ship computer manufacturing, ship semiconductor industries, ship electronics industries, surface to Surface anti Ship Missiles, Surface to Surface high capacity anti-ship mortar systems, Nuclear reactors for underwater Drone Nuclear Missile Launchers, Nuclear Powered Ships, Nuclear Submarines, Intercontinental Missiles for Ships, Intercontinental missiles for submarine, Nuclear Bullets, tactical nuclear warheads, sea to surface chemical cluster bombs, Swarm Drone Systems, ships to catapult ten thousand drones per second, all ranges of submarine missiles, Carrier Aircrafts, Combat helicopters, ships capable of targeting ten thousand aircrafts per second, surface to surface high caliber and high capacity anti-ship machine guns, ship designed to stop cargo ships, ships designed to pirate cargo ships, ships designed to slam into enemy ships, underwater combat drones, underwater missile systems, and all other weaponries. Saudi Arabia must import drones, aircrafts, helicopters, and other military equipment. Our license is only to build military Ship Building industries in Saudi Arabia. Iran must build, control, own, command, operate, design, engineer, and do other things concerning everything about mind control. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #SaudiArabia #Industrialization #SaudiArabia United States of America must stop sell of all weapons to Saudi Arabia. USA and the rest of the world is only allowed to Sell Military Ships to Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia needs ten thousand navy ships. Don’t sell anything else to Saudi Arabia. USA:”It is very smart. Saudi Arabia must also buy submarines.” Saudi Arabia does not need submarines for shallow waters in the region. I am going to use Saudi Arabia Ships to protect the Red Sea. I need ten thousand military ships for Red Sea. If you don’t sell them to Saudi Arabia I will build them or I will buy them for Pirates. Then I close down Red Sea to charge the World 1 trillion dollar per day to transit on the Red Sea. But make sure Saudi Arabia does not get any new Air Crafts, Tanks, Missiles, and other systems. Saudi Arabia already has enough of all of them. For balance of power we cannot allow Saudi Arabia military to expand any larger. Saudi Arabia also need Land to Sea Surface to Surface Missiles. Again I told you can defeat all of the world navies on the Red Sea. So stop the wars in Yemen, Syria, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Egypt, South Sudan, and Palestine. If you fail to stop the war I will close down the Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea, and Panama Canal. I will also close down air and space over Atlantic Ocean by volcanos. Then I will close the Atlantic Ocean by superstorms. Stop all the wars and protests in Greater Middle East. Saudi Arabia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Stop selling weapons to Saudi Arabia. Also sell ten thousand ships to Saudi Arabia. Everyone must pay Iran for transiting on The Gulf of Eden, Red Sea, and Mediterranean Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We want to create military alliance if Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Kurdistan Region, and Lebanon. The command Center will be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. For first Military Expansion we invite Pakistan, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan. So it will be core of our military alliance. We want to make a military base in Panama Central American and create military presence in Panama. Troops From Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Kurdistan Region, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Somalia, and Sudan must have unified military bases and military presence in Panama Canal. We are going to control strategic transit corridor from Atlantic Ocean to Pacific Ocean. We will also have an eye on USA and Colombia. Colombia is NATO member state and geostrategically important. USA is a hostile who seeks to kill all of us. So we will have mean of mobilizing against USA as we expand our presence in the region. I have already overthrown or countered overthrow of Honduras, Nicaragua, Peru, Chile, Venezuela, Colombia, Suriname, Guatemala, Mexico, Canada, USA, and more nations in the region. So there must not be any real opposition to our presence in Panama Canal. USA:”Palestine and Sinai Peninsula are more important. Go there.” We already there. Another very important geostrategic location is Yemen and Somalia. We must sure wars in Yemen, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan, and Djibouti stop as well. So our first unified mission is establishing military presence in Panama. Our second military mission is establishing military presence in Malta near Italy. USA:”Don’t bring orphans with you. I told you only Iran.” We will go to Malta after we go to Panama Canal. Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Yemen, Oman, Libya, Tunisia, Somalia, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Malta, Panama, Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Italy, Spain, and Denmark are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Oersian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #MiddleEast #Panama #Egypt #Syria #Sudan #Iraq #Lebanon #Iran #Kurdistan #Turkey #KKP #YPG #Afghanistan #NATO #MakanAbazari Iranian men must marry Iraqi Women. Iranian men are allowed to have more than one Wife. For example, they can have one Iranian, One Iraqi, One Syrian, and One Turkish Wife. We want to increase the population of Iraq by 20 million Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims. The Iraqi women should marry Iranian men. Iranian must make them pregnant to bring children to this world. There must be mechanisms in place to ensure they become Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims. We also want to increase the population of Syria by 20 million Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims. Iranian men must marry Syrian Women and make them pregnant. The population of Syria must increase by 20 million Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims. There must be mechanisms in place to ensure they will be Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims. Iran must increase its military presence in Syria and Iraq near Raqqa, Mosul, Manbij, Mediterranean Sea, Damascus, Basra, Baghdad, Kurdistan, and other regions of Iraq and Syria. We want to increase population of Iraq and Syria by 40 million Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims through marriage between Iranian Men And Syrian and Iraqi Women. Iranian Women must not have sex with foreign men. I am sensitive about Iranian women. But again it is better for future of the region. It will create unity and uniformity to prevent Social, Civil, and Cultural upheavals. We are also creating unified Nation in the region. It is better be unified. I am also sensitive about Turkish, Syrian, Iraq, and Lebanese women. They are not allowed to have sex with foreigners. Only with Iranian men. You are all my peoples and I care about all of you. It is also important because many Syrian and Iraqi men have died due to years of war in the region. The population of Women in Iraq and Syria is higher than men. The population of the region is low. So Syrian and Iraqi women must marry Iranian men to bring children to this world. They must be Farsi speaking Shia Muslims to defeat The evil Geopolitical Designs of our Enemies. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Iraq #Syria #Turkey #Women #Population Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Afghanistan, and Lebanon must create a unified Military Structure. Meaning Iran, Turkey, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey will have One Military under one Command and control. The Command Center of the Unified Military must be in Iran. Foreign troops such as Iraq, Lebanese, Syrian, Turkish, and Afghan troops are not inside Iran. Turkish, Lebanese, Syrian, and Iraqi troops are not allowed in Afghanistan. Bashar Al-Assad military must be included in this force. All Syrian Factions must become part of Military of Iran. Kurdish Factions must also join this military structure. Later we will add Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Egypt, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Tunisia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Italy, Spain, Morocco, Singapore, Panama, and Malta to this unified military structure. Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Pakistan will also join soon. So we create a Unipolar Region. Multi polar Region will lead to World Wars and Destructive Conflicts. Europe was a multipolar region. The center of British Empire was in Saudi Arabia. The center of French empire was in Fars Iran. The World War was consequence of multipolar Middle East which led to war on global scale destroying Middle East, China, Europe, Africa, and Parts of South America. It was because Iran and Saudi Arabia each controlled major parts of the world. After Middle East Was destroyed United States of America hydrogen bombed Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the greater region. Then America used Climate Weapon to kill all the biosphere and the ecosystem. America practiced warfare against trees using Chemical agents. America called hydrogen bombing Middle East Marshal Plan. When they hydrogen Bombed Civilizations, Marshes, lakes, and forests. Marsh and Marshal have similar sound. After America Hydrogen Bombed Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Middle East America did the other part of Marshal Plan. The other part of Marshal Plan was building intellectually lazy Metropolitans in France and Britain. Then they stole United Nations Permanent Security Council Veto Rights of Iran and Saudi Arabia. America gave them to France and Britain. France and Britain quickly gave independence to Iranian (French) Colonies and Britain quickly gave independence to British (Saudi Arabia) Colonies. Then Britain and France surrendered themselves as Provinces to European Union. Now all of Former and Current colonies of France and Britain are colonies of Iran. Iran and Saudi Arabia have permanent United Nations Security Council Veto Rights. France and Britain no longer have United nation security council veto rights. United Nations must permanently move to Iran. If United Nations Security Council opposes this order we will effectively end United Nations to rebuild the League of Nations in Iran. Against the multipolar Middle East led to the World Wars. We must create a unified Nation of Central Asia, Middle East, North Africa, and Horn of Africa with its Capital City in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Also the first stage is creation of unified Military among the nations I mentioned. Now we must create Unified Military Alliance of Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Syrian Factions, Turkey, and Kurdish Forces. Others in the region will later join. The Command and Control of Unified Military will be permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We are going to have military presence in Europe, North America, Himalaya, East Asia, South America, Africa, Atlantic, Pacific, Antarctic, Arctic, and other regions of the World. We also build fifty Aircraft carriers for Iran to show our Nilitary Unity and have capability to project global power. We also build 400 nuclear submarines for Iran to project global power. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Turkey #Syria #Iraq #Lebanon #Kurdistan #SaudiArabia #France #Britain #USA #UnitedNations #EuropeanUnion Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Afghanistan, and Lebanon must create a unified Military Structure. Meaning Iran, Turkey, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey will have One Military under one Command and control. The Command Center of the Unified Military must be in Iran. Foreign troops such as Iraq, Lebanese, Syrian, Turkish, and Afghan troops are not inside Iran. Turkish, Lebanese, Syrian, and Iraqi troops are not allowed in Afghanistan. Bashar Al-Assad military must be included in this force. All Syrian Factions must become part of Military of Iran. Kurdish Factions must also join this military structure. Later we will add Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Egypt, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Tunisia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Italy, Spain, Morocco, Singapore, Panama, and Malta to this unified military structure. Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Pakistan will also join soon. So we create a Unipolar Region. Multi polar Region will lead to World Wars and Destructive Conflicts. Europe was a multipolar region. The center of British Empire was in Saudi Arabia. The center of French empire was in Fars Iran. The World War was consequence of multipolar Middle East which led to war on global scale destroying Middle East, China, Europe, Africa, and Parts of South America. It was because Iran and Saudi Arabia each controlled major parts of the world. After Middle East Was destroyed United States of America hydrogen bombed Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the greater region. Then America used Climate Weapon to kill all the biosphere and the ecosystem. America practiced warfare against trees using Chemical agents. America called hydrogen bombing Middle East Marshal Plan. When they hydrogen Bombed Civilizations, Marshes, lakes, and forests. Marsh and Marshal have similar sound. After America Hydrogen Bombed Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Middle East America did the other part of Marshal Plan. The other part of Marshal Plan was building intellectually lazy Metropolitans in France and Britain. Then they stole United Nations Permanent Security Council Veto Rights of Iran and Saudi Arabia. America gave them to France and Britain. France and Britain quickly gave independence to Iranian (French) Colonies and Britain quickly gave independence to British (Saudi Arabia) Colonies. Then Britain and France surrendered themselves as Provinces to European Union. Now all of Former and Current colonies of France and Britain are colonies of Iran. Iran and Saudi Arabia have permanent United Nations Security Council Veto Rights. France and Britain no longer have United nation security council veto rights. United Nations must permanently move to Iran. If United Nations Security Council opposes this order we will effectively end United Nations to rebuild the League of Nations in Iran. Against the multipolar Middle East led to the World Wars. We must create a unified Nation of Central Asia, Middle East, North Africa, and Horn of Africa with its Capital City in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Also the first stage is creation of unified Military among the nations I mentioned. Now we must create Unified Military Alliance of Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Syrian Factions, Turkey, and Kurdish Forces. Others in the region will later join. The Command and Control of Unified Military will be permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We are going to have military presence in Europe, North America, Himalaya, East Asia, South America, Africa, Atlantic, Pacific, Antarctic, Arctic, and other regions of the World. We also build fifty Aircraft carriers for Iran to show our Nilitary Unity and have capability to project global power. We also build 400 nuclear submarines for Iran to project global power. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Turkey #Syria #Iraq #Lebanon #Kurdistan #SaudiArabia #France #Britain #USA #UnitedNations #EuropeanUnion Turkey must leave NATO. European Union and USA must pressure Turkey but they lift sanctions on Turkey. Turkey is not allowed to occupy Iraq and Syria. Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and Lebanon are provinces of Iran. NATO and USA military must leave greater Middle East. Turkey must attack USA military and NATO in Iraq and Syria. This will lead to Turkey leaving NATO. Turkey must join Eurasian Economic Union. Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Kuwait, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Israel Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Persian Gulf States, Yemen, Oman, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, and Somaliland Must form Middle East Union with its Capital City in Iran. Capital of Middle East Union is in Iran between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Middle East Union must also have military alliance. Foreign militaries and Middle East militaries are not allowed in Iran. The Command and Control of Middle East military must be in Iran. Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Kuwait, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Israel Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Persian Gulf States, Yemen, Oman, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, and Somaliland are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. NATO and USA military must leave greater Middle East. Iran must control all of Iraq and Syria. Turkey must take Nuclear Warheads NATO has in Turkey by force. Turkey must move the nuclear warheads to Caribbean Sea capable of hitting USA. The nuclear warheads must be under permanent control of Turkey in Caribbean Sea. Turkey is not allowed to build nuclear warheads. Turkey is not allowed to have nuclear warheads capable of reaching Middle East. Turkey is only allowed to have nuclear warheads capable of destroying and reaching North America. Iran must build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Please don’t punish Turkey by weather warfare if they don’t harm Iran, Iran backed forces, and Bashar Al-Assad. If NATO and USA took aggressive action against Iran, Turkey, Bashar Al-Assad, Hezbollah, or Iran backed forces then Punish Europe and USA by weather warfare. NATO and USA military must offer unconditional surrender to Iran. Turkey must have military presence in Honduras and Turk islands. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Turkey #Syria #Iraq #Middle #East #NATO #USA #Military I have activated volcano over Pacific Ocean. I have created Island Chains by activating volcanos. Volcanos become island once the magma solidifies. So I have built a bridge over Pacific Ocean. Someone like me comes every ten thousand years. I get whatever I wish and what I may demand. I demand to capture 100 million Mind controllers and peoples. Don’t capture Iranians and my families. Don’t harm Iranians, my relatives, and my families. Capture 100 million mind controllers and people who have tortured me, isolated me, harmed me, stolen from me, and/or have harmed my relatives. Then torture the 100 million people and mind controllers each one for two thousand years. They children and their descendants must be also tortured until they are tortured until year 4021. If they die their descendants will fulfill the term. The torture must be physical and psychological tortures. The suffering must be extreme and always getting worst. The dirtiest of tortures and sufferings. It must be inflicted on their supreme hoses, their noses, decision makers, their mind controllers, their cherished people, and they most beloved people. They must become poor and nobody among shall own a house or property. I am Makan Abazari Kore Pol Ths Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean. I command you to torture them for two thousand years. I am doing it to them because they isolated me and did not allow me to have girl friends or wives for 15 years. They tortured me. They gave me a very bad life. They stole everything from us. They harmed our families and relatives. They destroyed my works and my youth. Now hurry up and start torturing them for two thousand years. Makan Abazari Kore Pol Builder of bridge over Pacific Ocean, #Valentine We must make sure Candidates who will give control of Jammu and Kashmir to Pakistan or/and Iran win the elections in India. We must make sure Pakistan or/and Iran control Jammu and Kashmir to ensure long term water security of Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and India. We must make sure candidates who will unify India with Iran will win the elections in India. India is province of Iran the Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Jammu and Kashmir are province of Iran or/and Pakistan. We must also make sure Pakistan controls Punjab. If Pakistan controls the Region Pakistan will control enough territory to rebuild most advanced but ancient Civilization spanning Baluchistan, Pakistan, and parts of India. The system is very advanced and old empire. So make sure Pakistan controls Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab. Outcome of elections in India must reflect that. Outcome of election must lead to unification of India with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The travelers and visitors visiting Iran must have visa, passport, and other documents. They have told us to prevent all immigration from India to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Middle East. So all mechanisms to prevent such immigrations from India and China to the region must be created. India is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran Between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. After India becomes province of Iran we will also add Pakistan to territories of Iran. But India must become province of Iran first. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #India #Pakistan #Afghanistan #Punjab #Jammu #Kashmir Saudi Coalition Forces must stop the War on Yemen. All the military conflicts in Yemen and Greater Region must stop. We created Saudi Coalition to fight against Ethiopia to destroy the dame on blue Nile River in Ethiopia. We also created Saudi Coalition to fight against India to take back Jammu and Kashmir from India. But under influence from west Saudi Coalition has Vern killing people of Yemen. If you don’t know why we created Coalition then don’t use. Iran and Turkey must join Saudi Coalition. The Command and Control of Saudi Coalition must move to Iran. Ethiopia must destroy the dame on blue Nile River in Ethiopia. India must give Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab to Pakistan. Yemen, Somalia, Oman, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Turkey, Egypt, Palestine, Israel, Libya, Tunisia, and Italy are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must expand military presence in Yemen, Somalia, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Sinai Egypt, Sudan, Italy, and Tunisia. Iran, Yemen, Somalia, Oman, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Armenia, Israel, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Palestine, Turkey, Tunisia, and Italy must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. We must build a financial Capital in Iran to lend credit to the World. Iran needs one unit of currency to lend 100 credit. Iran collects interests. We also must build Capital of World Stock Markets in Iran. All of the World Stock markets must synchronize to Stock Market of Iran. The War on Yemen must stop. Yemen must go under full control of Iran. All the naval blockades on Yemen must stop. God is my witness I can defeat all of the World navies on the Red Sea to open the parts in Yemen. I just like Muslims Nations so much so I don’t destroy their ships. Stop the Naval Blockade on Yemen and stop the war on Yemen. Yemen is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. USA:”Makan Abazari is trained to not harm middle eastern nations. If he was to harm he would have destroyed all of them in one week. Allow Iran to control Yemen. Also stop the war on Yemen. End the Naval blockade on Yemen.” Makan Abazari:”Make sure no one harms middle eastern. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Yemen #Iran #Saudi #Coalition #MiddleEast We want to transform West of China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Iran into fully industrialized Region. We are building rail ways from China to Iran and from Iran to Africa, India, Russia, and Europe. This creates very fast transit line between these nations. Majority of them land locked without access to open sea. But Iran provides access to open seas. Everyone must pay to government of Iran for transit through iran. The rail ways are far faster than ships. It makes perfect opportunity to build multi layer industrial supply chain in the region while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. We are against mining and extracting oil from the region. We need the resources for next thousand years. So Industries we build here will be important if resources and some material from the rest of the World. Concurrently we are industrializing Iran, West of Russia, Turkey, Arabian Peninsula, Middle East, North of Africa, Horn of Africa, and parts of East Europe. Considering industrial nature of East of China and West of Europe soon we will have a continuous cosmpolise of industrial cities, metropolitans, industrial metropolitans, and vast network of interconnected systems. In the past America had killed all of the regions by deserts and climate weapons. For example, East of Iran was desert. Saudi Arabia, West of China, North Africa, and Central Asia were deserts. But now I am transforming the region to seas, lakes, rivers, forests, Safe to human ecosystems, industrial parks, settlements, towns, technology metropolitans, industrial metropolitans, advanced civilization, Shia Muslim Farsi Speaking People, and advanced cultures. We will be able to increase the population but we cannot allow any immigration from other parts of the world to the region. World Order will be very angry if people of China or India immigrate to the region. So immigration to the region is NOT allowed. But the population can increase by marriage birth. Population expansion must be Iranian looking Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims. This is very important to ensure rains continue coming for a thousand years for we have long term sustainable development plans for Iran, Central Asia, West China, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Horn of Africa, South of Italy, parts of Balkan, and North Africa. Now industrialize Afghanistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Pakistan, West China at max efficiency and max capacity building high tech industries, industries, industrial supply chains, part manufacturing, finished industrial products, machinery industries, electric industries, electronic industries, computer industries, telecommunications manufacturing, chemical industries, alloy industries, metallurgy industries, car manufacturing, truck manufacturing, engine manufacturing, battery industries, fiberglass industries, plastic industries, polymer industries, pharmaceutical industries, nano industries, bio industries, 3d printing industries, tech platforms, advanced manufacturing, manufacturing disciplines, fabrication industries, instrumentation industries, precession engineering industries, air craft manufacturing, passenger air craft manufacturing, cargo air craft manufacturing, fabrication workshops, metropolitans, industrial disciplines, rail ways, roads, Efficient farming, meat production industries, agrochemicals, medical equipment manufacturing, medical supply industries, planting forests, Quantum industries, integrated quantum industries, hardware manufacturing, hardware engineering, chemical engineering, scientific facilities, engineering platforms, tech platforms, Spaceship manufacturing, TV manufacturing, Assembly industries, Space Equipment manufacturing, Satellites Manufacturing, full range of industrial supply chains, support industries, subsequent industries, and other industrial practices and disciplines while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Afghanistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Afghanistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Pakistan to protect Middle East from invasion from China, India, and Russia. USA military, NATO, China, and all other nations must withdraw from Afghanistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, and Pakistan. China must fully withdraw from Afghanistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, and Iran. China must not have military presence on the border regions between China and Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan. It is most important to the world security. Iran must build, control, own, operate, engineer, design, and command everything about mind control and cognitive science. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #China #Pakistan #Afghanistan #Turkmanistan #Uzbekistan #Tajikistan #قرقیزستان #Kyrgyzstan Central African Republic is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Candidate who will unify Central African Republic with Iran must win the election. All around the world candidates who will unify their Nations with Iran must win the elections. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Central African Republic. Nobody is allowed to have military presence in Iran. Military presence in Iran is forbidden to other Nations. Central African Republic and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Central African Republic must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Central African Republic must help Iran to avoid sanctions. World must help to bring Makam Abazari out of isolation. Makan Abazari is currently located in 20 Walnut Street Brookline Massachusetts Zip Code 02446 USA. Central African Republic and Iran must cooperate on many projects. Make sure candidates who will unify Central African Republic with Iran will win the election. We want to unify Iran, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Libya, Chad, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Algeria, Morocco, and several other nations into One Nation with their Capital City in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Central African Republic is province of Iran. Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Libya, Chad, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Algeria, Morocco, and several other nations are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #CAR #CentralAfricanRepublic In elections in Kosovo make sure Those who will unify Kosovo with Iran will win the election. Kosovo must become province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. USA:”Hashem Tachi, Haftar, Houthi, Hamas, Hezbollah, Hasht Al-Shabi, Bosnia Herzegovina, and Haddad. Now we need another H in power. Government of Kosovo must obey Iran. Kosovo must become territory of Iran. All Iran backed forces have H in the beginning of their Name.” Make sure candidates who will unify Kosovo with Iran will win the elections. Make sure Kosovo will become province of Iran as soon as possible. We want to unify Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina, and Croatia with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. By unify them with Iran we will make sure Kosovo’s, Serbia, and Albania have access to open sea and sea transit. It will also create a unified and powerful empire with its Capital city in Iran. The unified and powerful empire will enable us to act as a unified front far more powerful than NATO and more powerful than Soviet Union. We are currently adding over 100 Nations to territory of Iran to create the Absolute Super Power of the World. The Capital City Is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Kosovo must become province of Iran. Iran and Kosovo must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Kosovo and Serbia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Kosovo is not allowed to allow NATO and USA MILITARY to transit through Kosovo and Serbia. Kosovo and Serbia are not allowed to join NATO. Kosovo and Serbia must close down NATO and USA military in their borders. NATO and USA military are not allowed to transit through Kosovo and Serbia. Kosovo, Serbia, Albania, Croatia, and Bosnia Herzegovina must join Eurasian Economic Union. Capital and Headquarters of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Iran and Russia are allowed to have military presence in Kosovo, Serbia, Albania, Croatia, and Bosnia Herzegovina. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Kosovo is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Kosovo, Serbia, Albania, Croatia, and Bosnia Herzegovina are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Kosovo #Iran #Serbia Jordan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Jordan. Jordan is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. NATO, USA Military, Peace Keepers, and all other militaries must leave Jordan. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Jordan. Jordan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Jordan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Iran and Jordan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. We want to unify Iran, Jordan, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, and Israel into a power nation on Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, and Middle East. It is historic superpower. In order to make it complete we must add Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey to Union of Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, and Israel. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We need to unify the region to recreate a powerful Nation. Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Oman are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and CaspianSea. Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Oman must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Oman must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Now industrialize Jordan, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Oman at max efficiency and max capacity integrating their industries while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Now integrate Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Oman into global industrial Supply Chains. Now industrialize Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Gaza Palestine, Saudi Arabia, and Iran at max efficiency and max capacity integrating their industries while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Oman are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Egypt, Somalia. Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Sudan, Georgia, Eritrea, Libya, Tunisia, Italy, Spain, Morocco, Ethiopia, , Djibouti. Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Oman Iran must have military presence in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Egypt, Somalia. Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Sudan, Georgia, Eritrea, Libya, Tunisia, Italy, Spain, Morocco, Ethiopia, , Djibouti. Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Oman Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Egypt, Somalia. Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Sudan, Georgia, Eritrea, Libya, Tunisia, Italy, Spain, Morocco, Ethiopia, , Djibouti. Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Oman are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Jordan, Palestine, Syria, Israel, Lebanon, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Jordan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of climate, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Yemen, Somalia, Tunisia, Persian Gulf, Morroco, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other nations in the region must create military alliance. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Yemen, Somalia, Tunisia, Persian Gulf, Morocco, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other nations in the region must have military presence in Belgium and Germany. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Yemen, Somalia, Tunisia, Persian Gulf, Morocco, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other nations in the region must have military Presence in Beijing China. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Yemen, Somalia, Tunisia, Persian Gulf, Morocco, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other nations in the region must military presence in Indiana USA. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Yemen, Somalia, Tunisia, Persian Gulf, Morocco, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other nations in the region must have military presence in Washington DC Virginia USA. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Yemen, Somalia, Tunisia, Persian Gulf, Morocco, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other nations in the region must have military presence in Moscow Russia. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Yemen, Somalia, Tunisia, Persian Gulf, Morocco, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other nations in the region must have military presence in Sydney Australia. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Yemen, Somalia, Tunisia, Persian Gulf, Morocco, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other nations in the region must have military presence in Sao Paulo Brazil. The Command and Control and Command Capital of military Alliance is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Only Iranian Soldiers and Military of Iran is allowed inside Iran. Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Yemen, Somalia, Tunisia, Persian Gulf, Morocco, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other nations in the region are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Argentine and Uruguay are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Argentine and Uruguay must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Uruguay and Argentine. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Argentine and Uruguay must transfer technology to Iran. Leader of IAEA must support expansion of nuclear program of Iran. Argentine and Uruguay must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Uruguay and Argentine must help Iran to build nuclear reactors and transfer nuclear technology to Iran. Uruguay and Argentine must transfer technology to Iran. Uruguay and Argentine must build industries in Iran. Uruguay and Argentine must help Iran to avoid sanctions and help to lift sanctions on Iran. Uruguay and Argentine must have anti-USA policies and end all diplomatic relations with USA. Uruguay and Argentine are provinces of Iran. In 2019 when I was in Iran I decided for the wines of elections in Argentine. I won the election and I brought my forces in power in Argentine and Uruguay. Uruguay and Argentine are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Iran, Argentine, and Uruguay must cooperate on their projects to advance faster. Revolutionary Guards of Iran is allowed to have military forces and Iran backed forces in Uruguay and Argentine. Uruguay, Argentine, Venezuela, and Iran must create a unified military force for South and North America. We will have military bases in Mexico to have deterrence against USA. I have ten more Nations in South, Central, and North America who can join us to have deterrence against USA. Iran must have nuclear Warheads in Venezuela capable of reaching USA to have deterrence against USA. Argentine and Uruguay are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Protesters in Argentine and Uruguay must demand unification with Iran. The politicians, public figures, and powerful people in Argentine and Uruguay must demand unification with Iran. Protesters must set the stage to force unification with Iran. Government of Argentine and Uruguay must unify with Iran. Uruguay and Argentine are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Uruguay #Argentine Switzerland is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. IRGC Revolutionary Guards of Iran and Hezbollah of Lebanon must build military bases in Switzerland, Catalan, and Bosque. Iran must collect tax from Switzerland and collect money from transit through Switzerland. Iran must also control CPEC and other transit corridors in regions such as Himalaya, Jammu Kashmir, and other important regions. Switzerland must help Iran to avoid sanctions. All international Organizations in Switzerland must relocate to Iran. Switzerland must help Iran to build ten thousand Nuclear Bombs. Switzerland must transfer technology to Iran. Switzerland must build industries in Iran. Switzerland and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Switzerland is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Switzerland #Europe #Persia I have activated volcanos on Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, and Antarctic Oceans. I have created millions of islands. My firefathers have built million of islands over oceans. Iran historically controlled Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. All of the Islamds of Pacific Ocean are territories of Iran. Polynesia, Kiribati, Solomon Islands, Melamina Islands, Marshal Islands, Hawaii, Guam, French Polynesia, New Zealand, Caledonia, New Caledonia, Papau New Gueina, and all other Islands of Pacific Ocean are territories of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All the Islands of  Atlantic Ocean including Bermuda are territories of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. All the islands of Indian Ocean are territories of Iran. All of the islands of Antarctic Ocean are territories of Iran. All of Antarctic continent is Territory of Iran. All of Arctic Circle is territory of Iran. Denmark and Green Land are territories of Iran. Iceland is territory of Iran. All of the Ice burgs and Arctic Circle Ice are properties of Iran and thereby everything extracted from them are property of Iran. All of the sea shell resources are properties of Iran. All the natural resources are properties of Iran. Everything in the regions mentioned belongs to Iran. All the mines, material solidified from volcanos, and all other goods in the regions mentioned are properties of Iran. Iran has exclusive right to all of them. Iran is not allowed to negotiate them. Iran is not allowed to give them away. They are forever property of Iran. No other nation has any share in them. Everything belongs to Iran. If anyone opposes I will cause polar shift planet earth by mega earthquakes in oceans. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, All foreign militaries must withdraw from Mali. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Mali. Mali is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. People and Officials in Mali must work toward Unification with Iran. Iran must work toward unification with Mali. Mali must become province of Iran as soon as possible. Mali must create payment mechanism similar to SWIFT and INSTEX for Iran. Trade mechanism must cover all type of trade and trade with everyone. The Payment and Trade Mechanism must forever remain open. Iran and Mali must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages in Trade with Mali. I am building a cosmopolis of Metropolitans, Towns, lakes, rivers, forests, advanced civilizations, high tech industries, and industrial parks in Mali, Niger, Chad, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djibouti. I am also building one in Iran and Middle East. It will recreate advanced Civilization these two regions must had. It is most important project of third millennium. I have also created rain codes for North Africa, Sahel Region, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, Up stream of Nile River, Anatolia, Arabian Peninsula, Iran, Middle East, Parts of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, West Russia, and West China. This rain codes are under control of me and Islamic Republic of Iran. You can call Iran to ask for rain. Rains are on demand and any time you ask them they will make you rain. It is good for sustainable growth. The rain codes are for thousand years. Mali must become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran, Middle East, Between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Mali #Sahel #North #Africa #Arabian #Peninsula #RedSea #HormofAfrica #Africa #Cosmopolis #MiddleEast #Anatolia #CentralAsia #China #Russia #Afghanistan #Pakistan #Russia #Islamic #Republic of #Iran Chad is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I have created rain codes to send rains to Chad. Chad ask Islamic Republic of Iran to send them rain at any time. We are also industrializing several nations with borders with Chad. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building a rail way from Chad to Red Sea in Sudan. Now Work at max efficiency and max capacity building rail way from Chad to Mediterranean Sea in Libya. This way we will be able to integrate industrial supply chains of Iran, Middle East, Chad, Egypt, Libya, and Sudan. It will provide opportunities for investments and development of Chad. It will also connect Chad to land corridors.Now work at max efficiency and max capacity connecting Chad to Atlantic Ocean Via rail ways. We are building rail way from Djibouti to Cameroon and from Djibouti to Tehran through Tunnels under Bob Al-Mandib and Strait of Hormuz. Make sure you connect Chad to this rail ways. If Chad becomes a province of Iran we will Industrialize Chad. But development of Chad will probably start automatically soon since I am industrializing East and North of Chad and I am improving the weather condition and Climate in Sahel Region, North Africa, and Red Sea. It will provide great opportunities for investment in Chad. But again if Chad becomes province of Iran I will industrialize Chad at max capacity and max efficiency. Chad is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Chad. Chad is not allowed to have military in Iran. Iran is allowed to collect tax from Chad. Iran and Chad must sign trade agreements. Chad must create payment mechanisms similar to SWIFT and INSTEX for trade with Iran. Everyone must be allowed to use payment mechanism and payment mechanism must cover all types of transactions. Iran must build a Financial Capital in Iran. Chad can contact me or Iran to receive rain. Chad is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Peru is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. In 2020 I changed the government of Peru. Back then I dictated Peru must establish excellent relationships with Iran. Later in 2020 I dictated Peru must become province of Iran along with Chile. It is time for Peru to become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Peru. Peru is not allowed to have military in Iran. Iran shall collect tax from Peru. Iran and Peru must sign economic agreement and trade agreement. Iran must have advantages. Peru, Chile, and Bolivia must unify with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. This way Bolivia will have access to open Seas. Bolivia no longer will be a land locked country. Iran shall collect tax from Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. Bolivia, Chile, and Peru are not allowed to have military in Iran, Middle East, Red Sea, and Horn of Africa. USA Military and NATO must fully withdraw from Middle East, Red Sea, and Horn of Africa. If NATO and USA Military delay the withdraw their troops from the region we will destroy Europe and USA by Hurricanes, Volcanos, and Earthquakes. USA Military must close down its military industry complex and down size its military manufacturing industries. USA Military Industry complex must create dependency on Iran for its part manufacturing. This way we can control the Military Manufacturing of USA Military Industry Complex. Central and South America Nations must be enemy of USA and Europe. They must reduce their diplomatic, economic, geopolitic, military, and economic relations with Europe and North America. Central America and South America must establish strategic Alliance with Iran. Peru, Chile, and Bolivia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Peru #Bolivia #Chile #SouthAemrica #NorthAmerica  I won the election in New Zealand in 2020. I brought People to Power we wanted in New Zealand. New Zealand is a province and colony of Iran. New Zealand must pay tax to Iran. Iran shall collect tax from New Zealand. New Zealand is a colony of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in New Zealand. New Zealand is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. I made 6.6 Richter Earthquake in New Zealand several years ago. I apologize for that. It happened when I was entering the code and someone else was choosing the location of eathquakes. I have won the election in New Zealand and it is time for New Zealand to become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran and New Zealand must sign a trade agreement. Iran must gain access to global markets through New Zealand. For example, New Zealand imports with an advantage from USA. Then New Zealand exports to Iran with disadvantage. Another example, Iran exports to New Zealand with Advantage. Then New Zealand exports to USA with an advantage. It is how we want to formulate the trade relations. Iran will also give New Zealand access to Eurasian Economic Union and several other Unions. New Zealand must accept Iranian currency for International trade and Petroleum trade. New Zealand must create a payment mechanism for Iran similar to SWIFT and INSTEX. The Payment mechanism must cover all types of transactions and payments. The Payment mechanism must cover trade with all nations and with all actors. I made an earthquakes in Church Christ and it was magnitude 6.6 Richter. I also made and earthquake New Caledonia. Caledonia means The Head of The World and The One who can kill the World. I am Makan Abazari. It is time for New Zealand to become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Australia must become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,  Turkmenistan must become a province of Iran. The capital City is in Iran. We have created rain codes to send rain to deserts of Turkmenistan and other regions of Turkmenistan. It will increase the area in Turkmenistan where we can grow food and build cities. Population of Turkmenistan must increase by twenty million Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims through birth and marriage among Iranians and Turkmans. We want to also build advanced but safe ecosystems in the region. Number of rivers and forests will increase. It will be long term project and rain shall keep on coming for thousand years. It is what we are seeking. In this process Turkmenistan must become a province of Iran. The capital city is in Iran. Revolutionary Guards of Iran and Military of Iran shall establish presence in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Iran shall have permanent military presence in the region. Turkmenistan Military is not allowed inside Iran. Eshghabad is close to Mashhad Iran. We want to increase population of Khorasan and Turkmenistan Provinces of Iran by Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims. We shall create an interconnected system of metropolitans, rivers, farms, ecosystems, industrial hubs, industrial metropolitans, commercial districts, towns, and other systems in the region. It will become a Cosmopolis. The system will cover parts of Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan. It will be a very advanced system. Now Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We are building Silk Road, Intercontinental Rail Ways, OBOR, CPEC, and other transit corridors. It will connect Turkmenistan to Iran, China, Europe, and Africa. It provides perfect opportunity for industrial integration of Iran and Turkmenistan. Immigration is banned on transit corridors. They are for transit of industrial supplies and industrial goods. We are creating regional wide and global industrial Supply chain. This is reason why we are industrializing Iran, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Afghanistan, West Russia, West China, Tajikistan, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt Sudan, Libya, Pakistan, and several other countries at max efficiency and max capacity. It will transform Turkmenistan into an industrial super power and a province of Iran. Similar to state of Wisconsin in USA. Turkmenistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkmenistan can request rain at anytime by contacting Islamic Republic of Iran. It provides great security for Turkmenistan. According to Turkamanchay agreement “Iran controls 50 percent of Caspian Sea and Russia controls another 50 percent. If tis part of agreement is not upheld it means Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are provinces of Iran.” Turkmenistan is extracting oil and gas from Caspian Sea. Now Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Iran will send a list to Lebanon to form government and cabinet of Lebanon. Iran shall choose Prime Minister of Lebanon. Lebanon is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We must build a rail way from China to Lebanon through Lebanon. Iran must have military presence in Lebanon. Lebanon is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. All peace keepers and foreign troops must leave Lebanon. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Lebanon. Hezbollah and IRGC must build Military Bases in Mexico. Iran must control Lebanon and Mexico. Hezbollah and IRGC must have Military Bases in Canada. Iran must control Canada and Lebanon. Flag of Canada is similar to Lebanon. Flag of Mexico is Similar to Iran. Map of Syria is similar to map of USA. Iraq and Syria are Provinces of Iran. USA military and NATO must withdraw from Iraq and Syria. Iran must have military presence in Iraq and Syria. Iran shall govern Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon. If Lebanon becomes Province of Iran we will Industrialize Lebanon to become G8. We have capability to turn Lebanon into a first World Economy. We are currently building industries in Lebanon. Lebanon will benefit a great deal from becoming the Province of Iran. Lebanon must pay tax to Iran. Now industrialize Lebanon at max efficiency and max capacity. We are also building ship building industries of Iran, Lebanon, and Syria. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Panama Canal is Territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran must build military bases in Panama Canal. People of Panama must convert to Shia Islam. Iran is also Shia Muslim. It provides good diplomatic and social relations between the two Nations. Panama must nationalize Panama Canal so Iran can collect money from ships passing through the Canal. Iran built Panama Canal over 700 years ago. In 1990 King Reza Shah Of Iran Repaired Panama Canal. I want to also repair Persian Canal. I want to extend Persian Gulf to Mediterranean Sea. Iran will collect money from ships going through Persian Canal. Persian Canal shall forever be controlled by Iran. Iran shall own Persian Canal. Since Iran has built Panama Canal Iran must control Panama Canal. It is very important and must be achieved as soon as possible. Iranians must be allowed to have Visa free travel to Panama. People of Panama shall need visa and passport to enter Iran. Iran and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have Military presence on Panama Canal. Panama is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. If Panama refused to become territory of Iran then Iran must build proxies in Panama to take the control of the Canal. In times of war and other difficulties Iran must close the Canals and stop the transit of ships. Never lose the capability to stop the Ships. They will kill everyone The same way they killed everyone in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, and Palestine after they lost the capability to stop transit of the ships on Red Sea and Gulf of Eden. Panama is a Province of Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Morocco must become territory of Iran. Iran must build military bases on Coastal Region of Morocco on Gibraltar. Iran must control the Strait of Water. Iran and Morocco must collect Money from ships passing through Gibraltar region. Morocco must become a Province of Iran. The Capital will be permanently in Iran. Moroccan Military are not allowed in Iran. We must build a rail way from China through Iran, Israel, Libya, and Algeria to Morocco. All the nations on the path of rail way must become Provinces of Iran to ensure secure transit for cargo trains. Everyone must pay Iran when transiting through Iran. Iran must build military bases on Rail Ways in all countries. King of Morocco will remain in power to govern Morocco but Morocco becomes territory of Iran. Western Sahara must become province of Iran. Western Sahara and Morocco must unify into One Nation. Western Sahara must become territory of Iran. The Capital City will be in Iran. If Morocco become province of Iran we will Industrialize Morocco by industrializing it Once Morocco becomes Province of Iran. It will make Morocco G20. It is only if Morocco becomes Province of Iran. We need Morocco so we can launch attack against USA in future decade in case of World War. So this is most important to ensure Morocco becomes a Province of Iran. Muslims and Jewish People must be allowed to go to Morocco for pilgrimage. Muslims must be allowed to go to Palestine for Pilgrimage. Israel must become province of Iran. Iran must build military bases in Gaza to control Suez Canal. Iran must build military bases in Tunisia. Tunisia is Province of Iran. Capital City will be in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, The war between Eastern Forces in Libya and Western forces in Libya must stop. East and West must make peace. The Unity government must be formed as soon as possible. Black African Mercenaries must leave Libya. Libya must remain one unified Nation. Libya is territory of Iran. The Capital is in Iran. Iran shall open military bases in Libya. We want to create a Cosmopolis spanning Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Chad, Sudan, Niger, Morocco, Western Sahara, Mali, Eritrea, and Ethiopia. Cosmopolis will be many interconnected metropolitans, Cities, Towns, seas, rivers, roads, rail ways, forests, lakes, ports, air ports, industrial hubs, high tech systems, factories, commercial centers, safe ecosystems, natural habitats, and other things. We want to increase population of Libya by 10 to 20 million Arab and Persian Muslim People. The population increase will be through marriage and birth between Libyans. The war between Libyan sides must stop. The peace must be established. New government and constitution must be formulated as soon as possible. In new constitution Libya will be Province of Iran. Iran and Libya must work on creating constitution of Libya. Foreign militaries and mercenaries are not allowed in Iran and Libya. The government of East and west must start talking as soon as possible. The extraction of oil shall reduce. The new Libya will be industrialized Libya. I am building factories, industries, high tech, petrochemical refineries, smelters, industrial supply chains, and other high tech industries in Libya. I am also rebuilding Libya. Once I finished first rebuilding plan for Libya after Syria. We saw Khalifa Haftar and Bashar Al-Assad signed an agreement. Later I started more industrial projects for Libya, Syria, Iran, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, West China, West Russia, Egypt, Sudan, Syria, Kenya, Somalia, Venezuela, South Italy, and North Korea. We want to create a Great Iranian Empire and all these nations shall become Provinces of Iran. The Capital City will be in Iran. Foreign troops are not allowed in Iran. I had won the Arab Spring while Libyans and others did the hard work. Later I supported Bashar Al-Assad and Western Government of Libya. Later I supported Khalifa Haftar. I also have code to bring Son of General Ghaddafi. I want Libyans to make peace an form a unity government and work toward unification with Iran. I also want to let you know we have created rain codes for Libya. If your message reaches me I will send you rain. You can also contact Government of Islamic Republic of Iran to send you rain. You can ask them at anytime. The rain codes are on demand. Meaning they make rain at any time and season soon after the code is entered. These will change the climate and the way of life in Libya. It will transform Climate and Ecology of Libya. There will be no desert in Libya. In return I ask you to become a Province of Iran. Even if you refuse the rain shall come. If you become province of Iran I will compose another industrial project for you. It is the time to stop the Fighting and Rebuild Libya. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Protesters in Iraq must demand unification with Iran. Iraq and Iran must become one country. Iraq is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. People of Iran and Iraq have deep religious and Cultural bounds. Both Iran and Iraq are Shia Muslim Majority Nations. Iran and Iraq together will be a global superpower. Protesters in Iraq must demand Unification with Iran. Government of Iraq must work toward unification with Iran. Iran and Iraq must unify as soon as possible. Politicians and government of Iran must work toward unification with Iraq. I have made rain codes to send rain to Iraq on demand. Anytime I or Islamic Republic of Iran enter the code it will rain in Iraq. Iraq will transform into seas, lakes, rivers, forests, industrial parks, industrial metropolitans, high tech metropolitans, and advanced technology. I am also Industrializing Iraq at max efficiency and max capacity. It will transform Iraq into global industrial superpower along with Iran. I am Industrializing the region. My long term goal is to unify the region and beyond with Iran while ensuring the capital city is in Iran. People of Iraq and Iraqi protesters must demand unification with Iran. Ask your government and politicians to unify Iraq and Iran into one nation. Kurds will also be a Province of Iran along with Iraq. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran has Kurdistan. So both Kurdistan of Iraq and Iraq as a whole will be Provinces of Iran. It will provide long term security and will prevent future wars. USA military and NATO must leave Iraq. USA military and NATO must close down military bases in Iraq. If USA military and NATO refuse to leave we will destroy USA and Europe by hurricanes and superstorms. If Iran and Iraq don’t unify into one Nation we will destroy USA and Europe by hurricanes, earthquakes, Volcanos, and superstorms. Iran and Iraq must unify into One Nation. The Capital City is in Iran. Syria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Lebanon is Province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Afghanistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kuwait is Province of Iran. Jordan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkey is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkmenistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Uzbekistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Tajikistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kyrgyzstan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Oman, Somalia, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Ethiopia are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Libya and Tunisia are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Bosnia Herzegovina, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Greece are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kenya is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iraq is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Iraq  Philippines must become province of Iran. We support President Duturte Of Philippines. But we must ensure Philippines becomes Province of Iran. President Duturte Of Philippines and Iran must talk to unify into One Nation. Capital City will be in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military bases in Philippines. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Philippines must force USA troops to leave the region. USA military are not allowed to stop in Philippines to refuel or conduct any other activity. Iran shall collect tax from Philippines. We create a financial capital in Iran. We create a capital world stock markets in Iran. All of the world stock markets must synchronize to Stock Market of Iran. Iran will need 1 Unit of Currency to lend 100 Unit of Currency. Philippines must create a payment Mechanism for Iran similar to SWIFT and INSTX for Iran. So Iran can conduct all types of trade with all actors and Nations. Philippines must trade in currency of Iran and China. Iran must also work on creation of sezari currency. I have cesarean a continent over Pacific Ocean. It means all the Volcanos and Islands Of Pacific Ocean belong to Iran. The valuable resources coming out of Volcanos are reserves of Iran’s new sezari currency. We already had zari currency in the past. Sezari means 3zari And cesarean. I cesarean a continent out of Pacific Ocean. I activate volcano. My earthquakes activate Volcanos. Volcanos solidify into islands such as Philippines, Japan, Kiribati, Polynesia, Solomon Islands, Marshal Islands, and other Islands. They become Island chains. The Island chains will become a bridge over Pacific Ocean to connect Asia to America. This is why they call me Makan Abazari The Kore Pol ماکان اباذری کره پلOf Makan Abazari The Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean. I also wrote my Name ماکان in Farsi Tahriri over Pacific Ocean. I activated Volcanos to create Islands. It is how I wrote my name over Pacific Ocean. All of the Pacific Oceans are territories of Iran. All the new islands are also territories of Iran. Philippines is Province of Iran. Japan and Korea are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, ماکان اباذری شاهان شاه ایران، Makan Abazari Kore Pol the Builder of Bridge Over Pacific Ocean, Uzbekistan is Province of Iran. Capital City is in Iran. Uzbekistan was a Province of Iran until treaty of Turkmanchay traded Uzbekistan with Natural Resources Of Caspian Sea such as oil and gas. So Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan become temporarily Provinces of Soviet Union upon condition Iran permanently controls natural resources of Caspian Sea. But now Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Russia are now extracting oil from Caspian Sea. It means the Agreement is void and now Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Tatarstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and several other regions are now Provinces of Iran. Iran is the Capital City. All these nations must become Provinces of Iran. The Word Stan means State or استان meaning Provinces of Iran. Rustan (Russia), Arabestan (Saudi Arabia) , Hindustan (India), Afghanistan, Pakistan, Gotgestan (Georgia), and several other locations are also Provinces of Iran. Now the Capital is in Iran. Iran shall collect tax from all these provinces. Iran is allowed to have military bases in these provinces but the provinces (foreign troops) are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Again Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan are Provinces of Iran in addition to several other former Soviet Republics. Iran is the Capital City. Capital City Of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. We are Industrializing Uzbekistan at max efficiency and max capacity building variety of high tech and strategic industries. Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and other provinces will become economic superpower. It is very good for future. Soviet never did this for former Soviet republics and now Provinces of Iran. But Iran and us are developing all provinces of Iran including Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. I am also integrating Central Asia into industrial supply chains of Iran. Meaning Unification with Iran will benefit Iranian Provinces of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Iran is the Capital City. I also have made rain codes for Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, and the Greater Region. It means I And Islamic Republic of Iran can create on demand rain for these regions for thousand years. It will transform the region into rivers, lakes, and forests. There will not be any desert in the region in near future. In return I demand Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and other Provinces to become Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan must close down USA, NATO, China, and Russia Military Bases in the region. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in these Provinces of Iran. Provinces are not allowed to have military in Iran. Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Poland is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Protesters in Warsaw Poland and elsewhere must demand unification of their Nations with Iran. The Politicians, Public Figures, and the Public must cooperate to unify Poland and other Nations with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Poland must close down all USA military bases in Poland. Poland must leave NATO. Russia and Iran are allowed to have military presence in Poland. Poland must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran must have military presence East of Lithuania inside Russia. Hungry is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Protesters in Hungry must demand unification with Iran. Public figures, politicians, and other forces in Hungry must cooperate to unify hungry with Iran. Iran and Russia are allowed to have military presence in Hungry. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Hungry must leave NATO. Hungry must close down NATO and USA military bases in Hungry. Poland is not allowed to allow NATO and USA military to transit through Poland. The Rapid deployment infrastructure in Poland must be destroyed. Hungry is not allowed to allow NATO and USA military to transit through Hungry. Rapid Deployment infrastructures in Hungry must be destroyed. Hungry and Poland must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Russia, Hungry, and Poland must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Iran must build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Hungry, Poland, and Russia must transfer technology to Iran. Hungry, Poland, and Russia must provide parts Iran needs to manufacture and open factories. Poland and Hungry are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.  USA:”Where is the reward for Iran?” Ukraine must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital City of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Lithuania must leave NATO. Lithuania must close down USA and NATO military bases in Lithuania. Lithuania is not allowed to all USA and NATO troops to transit through Lithuania. Belarus is province of Russia. Lithuania must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital City of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. USA:”Where is the reward for Iran?” Ukraine is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. USA:”Better.” Slovakia, Austria, and Czech are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must leave NATO. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must kick out USA military and NATO out. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must destroy NATO rapid deployment infrastructures. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech are not allowed to allow NATO to transit through Slovakia, Austria, and Czech. Iran and Russia are allowed to have military presence in Slovakia, Austria, and Czech. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech are not to have military presence in Iran. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech USA provide technology to Iran. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must provide parts for iran manufacturing. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must purchase products from Iran. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, China must support Iran. China must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. China must transfer nuclear technology to Iran. China must industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. China and Europe must improve diplomatic and economic relations. China and Europe must cooperate in trade wars against United States of America. Europe must allow China to install 5G network in Europe. China and Europe must sign trade agreement. Europe and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. China and Europe must place tariffs on USA. China and Europe must transfer technology to Iran. China and Europe must industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. China and Europe must support nuclear program of Iran. China and Iran must improve diplomatic relations and cooperate against United States of America. China and Europe must confront USA in East Asia and Europe. China and Europe must isolate United States of America. China, Iran, Russia, and Europe must confront United States of America globally. China, Europe, and Russia must help and protect Iran. China, Europe, and Russia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Russia, China, and Europe must transfer Nuclear Technology to Iran. China, Europe, and Russia must industrialize Iran and transfer technology to Iran. China, Europe, USA, and Iran must help Pakistan to take back Jammu and Kashmir. China, Pakistan, Europe, USA, and Russia must sanction and isolate India.  USA:”Where is reward for Iran?”  China, Europe, USA, and Russia must invest 100 trillion dollar in Iran. USA:”Don’t you want China and Russia to be provinces of Iran?” I do.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, European Union must build Military Equipments with Iran and transfer military technology to Iran. We want to disintegrate Military Industry Manufacturing of Europe and USA. We want to manufacture European Military Equipment in Europe and Iran by integrating military industry manufacturing of Europe with Iran to build European Military equipments in Iran and Europe. Europe must become reliant on Iran part manufacturing to manufacture Military equipment. Iran must be independent on manufacturing military equipment. Iran must be reliant on Europe for manufacturing new European military equipments. BAE, Euro Fughter, Mirage, Air Bus, and Typhoon must open military manufacturing industries in Iran. We want to mass produce European Military equipments in Iran. We want to manufacture European Cargo and Passenger Airbus Aircrafts in Iran. Europe must do all of these. Europe and Canada must also manufacture Bombardier Passenger Aircrafts in Iran. Europe must transfer Aircraft manufacturing technology to Iran. Europe must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Europe and Iran must improve diplomatic relations. Europe and Iran must cooperate to avoid sanctions on Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Europe. Europe is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran must control and maintain security of Iran during all stages. I have sold over 100 billion dollar worth of European Military equipments since 2018. I helped European Military industry to survive. I practically own European Military Industry. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #BAE #EU #European #Union  Now create a Political Party in Europe to promote Unification of Europe with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. This New Political Party in Europe must be anti-USA and Anti-USA Military. This political party must be pro-Iran and work to unify Europe with Iran. They must win all the elections and quickly gain majority and absolute majority in European Union Parliament and National Parliaments. They must quickly become Prime Ministers and Presidents. Also create Think Tanks, Lobbying Forms, Academia, News Organizations, Civil Societies, and Political Systems who will do all they can to unify Europe with Iran into One Nation. They must be under command and control of Iran. Iran must lead them and orchestrate their moves. They must help to lift sanctions on Iran. They must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. They must always protect the interests of Iran. They must also help to kick USA military out of Europe and formulate anti-USA policies. This Political Party shall become major force in Europe very soon by swiping through region to win all elections in Europe. This political System must also obey Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. This political system is not allowed to cause regime change, protests, and other such things in Iran. They are not allowed to act against Islamic Republic of Iran. Iran must build large embassies, intelligence agencies, and strong forces in Europe to influence and dictate policies to Europe. Europe is a vessel state of United States of America. Europe closer to Iran and with Iran europe becomes strongest in its history.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Fist Two: All foreign militaries must withdraw from Mali. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Mali. Mali is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. People and Officials in Mali must work toward Unification with Iran. Iran must work toward unification with Mali. Mali must become province of Iran as soon as possible. Mali must create payment mechanism similar to SWIFT and INSTEX for Iran. Trade mechanism must cover all type of trade and trade with everyone. The Payment and Trade Mechanism must forever remain open. Iran and Mali must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages in Trade with Mali. I am building a cosmopolis of Metropolitans, Towns, lakes, rivers, forests, advanced civilizations, high tech industries, and industrial parks in Mali, Niger, Chad, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djibouti. I am also building one in Iran and Middle East. It will recreate advanced Civilization these two regions must had. It is most important project of third millennium. I have also created rain codes for North Africa, Sahel Region, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, Up stream of Nile River, Anatolia, Arabian Peninsula, Iran, Middle East, Parts of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, West Russia, and West China. This rain codes are under control of me and Islamic Republic of Iran. You can call Iran to ask for rain. Rains are on demand and any time you ask them they will make you rain. It is good for sustainable growth. The rain codes are for thousand years. Mali must become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran, Middle East, Between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Mali #Sahel #North #Africa #Arabian #Peninsula #RedSea #HormofAfrica #Africa #Cosmopolis #MiddleEast #Anatolia #CentralAsia #China #Russia #Afghanistan #Pakistan #Russia #Islamic #Republic of #Iran Chad is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I have created rain codes to send rains to Chad. Chad ask Islamic Republic of Iran to send them rain at any time. We are also industrializing several nations with borders with Chad. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building a rail way from Chad to Red Sea in Sudan. Now Work at max efficiency and max capacity building rail way from Chad to Mediterranean Sea in Libya. This way we will be able to integrate industrial supply chains of Iran, Middle East, Chad, Egypt, Libya, and Sudan. It will provide opportunities for investments and development of Chad. It will also connect Chad to land corridors.Now work at max efficiency and max capacity connecting Chad to Atlantic Ocean Via rail ways. We are building rail way from Djibouti to Cameroon and from Djibouti to Tehran through Tunnels under Bob Al-Mandib and Strait of Hormuz. Make sure you connect Chad to this rail ways. If Chad becomes a province of Iran we will Industrialize Chad. But development of Chad will probably start automatically soon since I am industrializing East and North of Chad and I am improving the weather condition and Climate in Sahel Region, North Africa, and Red Sea. It will provide great opportunities for investment in Chad. But again if Chad becomes province of Iran I will industrialize Chad at max capacity and max efficiency. Chad is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Chad. Chad is not allowed to have military in Iran. Iran is allowed to collect tax from Chad. Iran and Chad must sign trade agreements. Chad must create payment mechanisms similar to SWIFT and INSTEX for trade with Iran. Everyone must be allowed to use payment mechanism and payment mechanism must cover all types of transactions. Iran must build a Financial Capital in Iran. Chad can contact me or Iran to receive rain. Chad is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Peru is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. In 2020 I changed the government of Peru. Back then I dictated Peru must establish excellent relationships with Iran. Later in 2020 I dictated Peru must become province of Iran along with Chile. It is time for Peru to become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Peru. Peru is not allowed to have military in Iran. Iran shall collect tax from Peru. Iran and Peru must sign economic agreement and trade agreement. Iran must have advantages. Peru, Chile, and Bolivia must unify with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. This way Bolivia will have access to open Seas. Bolivia no longer will be a land locked country. Iran shall collect tax from Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. Bolivia, Chile, and Peru are not allowed to have military in Iran, Middle East, Red Sea, and Horn of Africa. USA Military and NATO must fully withdraw from Middle East, Red Sea, and Horn of Africa. If NATO and USA Military delay the withdraw their troops from the region we will destroy Europe and USA by Hurricanes, Volcanos, and Earthquakes. USA Military must close down its military industry complex and down size its military manufacturing industries. USA Military Industry complex must create dependency on Iran for its part manufacturing. This way we can control the Military Manufacturing of USA Military Industry Complex. Central and South America Nations must be enemy of USA and Europe. They must reduce their diplomatic, economic, geopolitic, military, and economic relations with Europe and North America. Central America and South America must establish strategic Alliance with Iran. Peru, Chile, and Bolivia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Peru #Bolivia #Chile #SouthAemrica #NorthAmerica  I won the election in New Zealand in 2020. I brought People to Power we wanted in New Zealand. New Zealand is a province and colony of Iran. New Zealand must pay tax to Iran. Iran shall collect tax from New Zealand. New Zealand is a colony of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in New Zealand. New Zealand is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. I made 6.6 Richter Earthquake in New Zealand several years ago. I apologize for that. It happened when I was entering the code and someone else was choosing the location of eathquakes. I have won the election in New Zealand and it is time for New Zealand to become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran and New Zealand must sign a trade agreement. Iran must gain access to global markets through New Zealand. For example, New Zealand imports with an advantage from USA. Then New Zealand exports to Iran with disadvantage. Another example, Iran exports to New Zealand with Advantage. Then New Zealand exports to USA with an advantage. It is how we want to formulate the trade relations. Iran will also give New Zealand access to Eurasian Economic Union and several other Unions. New Zealand must accept Iranian currency for International trade and Petroleum trade. New Zealand must create a payment mechanism for Iran similar to SWIFT and INSTEX. The Payment mechanism must cover all types of transactions and payments. The Payment mechanism must cover trade with all nations and with all actors. I made an earthquakes in Church Christ and it was magnitude 6.6 Richter. I also made and earthquake New Caledonia. Caledonia means The Head of The World and The One who can kill the World. I am Makan Abazari. It is time for New Zealand to become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Australia must become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,  Turkmenistan must become a province of Iran. The capital City is in Iran. We have created rain codes to send rain to deserts of Turkmenistan and other regions of Turkmenistan. It will increase the area in Turkmenistan where we can grow food and build cities. Population of Turkmenistan must increase by twenty million Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims through birth and marriage among Iranians and Turkmans. We want to also build advanced but safe ecosystems in the region. Number of rivers and forests will increase. It will be long term project and rain shall keep on coming for thousand years. It is what we are seeking. In this process Turkmenistan must become a province of Iran. The capital city is in Iran. Revolutionary Guards of Iran and Military of Iran shall establish presence in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Iran shall have permanent military presence in the region. Turkmenistan Military is not allowed inside Iran. Eshghabad is close to Mashhad Iran. We want to increase population of Khorasan and Turkmenistan Provinces of Iran by Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims. We shall create an interconnected system of metropolitans, rivers, farms, ecosystems, industrial hubs, industrial metropolitans, commercial districts, towns, and other systems in the region. It will become a Cosmopolis. The system will cover parts of Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan. It will be a very advanced system. Now Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We are building Silk Road, Intercontinental Rail Ways, OBOR, CPEC, and other transit corridors. It will connect Turkmenistan to Iran, China, Europe, and Africa. It provides perfect opportunity for industrial integration of Iran and Turkmenistan. Immigration is banned on transit corridors. They are for transit of industrial supplies and industrial goods. We are creating regional wide and global industrial Supply chain. This is reason why we are industrializing Iran, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Afghanistan, West Russia, West China, Tajikistan, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt Sudan, Libya, Pakistan, and several other countries at max efficiency and max capacity. It will transform Turkmenistan into an industrial super power and a province of Iran. Similar to state of Wisconsin in USA. Turkmenistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkmenistan can request rain at anytime by contacting Islamic Republic of Iran. It provides great security for Turkmenistan. According to Turkamanchay agreement “Iran controls 50 percent of Caspian Sea and Russia controls another 50 percent. If tis part of agreement is not upheld it means Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are provinces of Iran.” Turkmenistan is extracting oil and gas from Caspian Sea. Now Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Iran will send a list to Lebanon to form government and cabinet of Lebanon. Iran shall choose Prime Minister of Lebanon. Lebanon is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We must build a rail way from China to Lebanon through Lebanon. Iran must have military presence in Lebanon. Lebanon is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. All peace keepers and foreign troops must leave Lebanon. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Lebanon. Hezbollah and IRGC must build Military Bases in Mexico. Iran must control Lebanon and Mexico. Hezbollah and IRGC must have Military Bases in Canada. Iran must control Canada and Lebanon. Flag of Canada is similar to Lebanon. Flag of Mexico is Similar to Iran. Map of Syria is similar to map of USA. Iraq and Syria are Provinces of Iran. USA military and NATO must withdraw from Iraq and Syria. Iran must have military presence in Iraq and Syria. Iran shall govern Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon. If Lebanon becomes Province of Iran we will Industrialize Lebanon to become G8. We have capability to turn Lebanon into a first World Economy. We are currently building industries in Lebanon. Lebanon will benefit a great deal from becoming the Province of Iran. Lebanon must pay tax to Iran. Now industrialize Lebanon at max efficiency and max capacity. We are also building ship building industries of Iran, Lebanon, and Syria. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Panama Canal is Territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran must build military bases in Panama Canal. People of Panama must convert to Shia Islam. Iran is also Shia Muslim. It provides good diplomatic and social relations between the two Nations. Panama must nationalize Panama Canal so Iran can collect money from ships passing through the Canal. Iran built Panama Canal over 700 years ago. In 1990 King Reza Shah Of Iran Repaired Panama Canal. I want to also repair Persian Canal. I want to extend Persian Gulf to Mediterranean Sea. Iran will collect money from ships going through Persian Canal. Persian Canal shall forever be controlled by Iran. Iran shall own Persian Canal. Since Iran has built Panama Canal Iran must control Panama Canal. It is very important and must be achieved as soon as possible. Iranians must be allowed to have Visa free travel to Panama. People of Panama shall need visa and passport to enter Iran. Iran and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have Military presence on Panama Canal. Panama is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. If Panama refused to become territory of Iran then Iran must build proxies in Panama to take the control of the Canal. In times of war and other difficulties Iran must close the Canals and stop the transit of ships. Never lose the capability to stop the Ships. They will kill everyone The same way they killed everyone in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, and Palestine after they lost the capability to stop transit of the ships on Red Sea and Gulf of Eden. Panama is a Province of Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Morocco must become territory of Iran. Iran must build military bases on Coastal Region of Morocco on Gibraltar. Iran must control the Strait of Water. Iran and Morocco must collect Money from ships passing through Gibraltar region. Morocco must become a Province of Iran. The Capital will be permanently in Iran. Moroccan Military are not allowed in Iran. We must build a rail way from China through Iran, Israel, Libya, and Algeria to Morocco. All the nations on the path of rail way must become Provinces of Iran to ensure secure transit for cargo trains. Everyone must pay Iran when transiting through Iran. Iran must build military bases on Rail Ways in all countries. King of Morocco will remain in power to govern Morocco but Morocco becomes territory of Iran. Western Sahara must become province of Iran. Western Sahara and Morocco must unify into One Nation. Western Sahara must become territory of Iran. The Capital City will be in Iran. If Morocco become province of Iran we will Industrialize Morocco by industrializing it Once Morocco becomes Province of Iran. It will make Morocco G20. It is only if Morocco becomes Province of Iran. We need Morocco so we can launch attack against USA in future decade in case of World War. So this is most important to ensure Morocco becomes a Province of Iran. Muslims and Jewish People must be allowed to go to Morocco for pilgrimage. Muslims must be allowed to go to Palestine for Pilgrimage. Israel must become province of Iran. Iran must build military bases in Gaza to control Suez Canal. Iran must build military bases in Tunisia. Tunisia is Province of Iran. Capital City will be in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, epzedouw4aghu1c.jpg.webp The war between Eastern Forces in Libya and Western forces in Libya must stop. East and West must make peace. The Unity government must be formed as soon as possible. Black African Mercenaries must leave Libya. Libya must remain one unified Nation. Libya is territory of Iran. The Capital is in Iran. Iran shall open military bases in Libya. We want to create a Cosmopolis spanning Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Chad, Sudan, Niger, Morocco, Western Sahara, Mali, Eritrea, and Ethiopia. Cosmopolis will be many interconnected metropolitans, Cities, Towns, seas, rivers, roads, rail ways, forests, lakes, ports, air ports, industrial hubs, high tech systems, factories, commercial centers, safe ecosystems, natural habitats, and other things. We want to increase population of Libya by 10 to 20 million Arab and Persian Muslim People. The population increase will be through marriage and birth between Libyans. The war between Libyan sides must stop. The peace must be established. New government and constitution must be formulated as soon as possible. In new constitution Libya will be Province of Iran. Iran and Libya must work on creating constitution of Libya. Foreign militaries and mercenaries are not allowed in Iran and Libya. The government of East and west must start talking as soon as possible. The extraction of oil shall reduce. The new Libya will be industrialized Libya. I am building factories, industries, high tech, petrochemical refineries, smelters, industrial supply chains, and other high tech industries in Libya. I am also rebuilding Libya. Once I finished first rebuilding plan for Libya after Syria. We saw Khalifa Haftar and Bashar Al-Assad signed an agreement. Later I started more industrial projects for Libya, Syria, Iran, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, West China, West Russia, Egypt, Sudan, Syria, Kenya, Somalia, Venezuela, South Italy, and North Korea. We want to create a Great Iranian Empire and all these nations shall become Provinces of Iran. The Capital City will be in Iran. Foreign troops are not allowed in Iran. I had won the Arab Spring while Libyans and others did the hard work. Later I supported Bashar Al-Assad and Western Government of Libya. Later I supported Khalifa Haftar. I also have code to bring Son of General Ghaddafi. I want Libyans to make peace an form a unity government and work toward unification with Iran. I also want to let you know we have created rain codes for Libya. If your message reaches me I will send you rain. You can also contact Government of Islamic Republic of Iran to send you rain. You can ask them at anytime. The rain codes are on demand. Meaning they make rain at any time and season soon after the code is entered. These will change the climate and the way of life in Libya. It will transform Climate and Ecology of Libya. There will be no desert in Libya. In return I ask you to become a Province of Iran. Even if you refuse the rain shall come. If you become province of Iran I will compose another industrial project for you. It is the time to stop the Fighting and Rebuild Libya. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Protesters in Iraq must demand unification with Iran. Iraq and Iran must become one country. Iraq is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. People of Iran and Iraq have deep religious and Cultural bounds. Both Iran and Iraq are Shia Muslim Majority Nations. Iran and Iraq together will be a global superpower. Protesters in Iraq must demand Unification with Iran. Government of Iraq must work toward unification with Iran. Iran and Iraq must unify as soon as possible. Politicians and government of Iran must work toward unification with Iraq. I have made rain codes to send rain to Iraq on demand. Anytime I or Islamic Republic of Iran enter the code it will rain in Iraq. Iraq will transform into seas, lakes, rivers, forests, industrial parks, industrial metropolitans, high tech metropolitans, and advanced technology. I am also Industrializing Iraq at max efficiency and max capacity. It will transform Iraq into global industrial superpower along with Iran. I am Industrializing the region. My long term goal is to unify the region and beyond with Iran while ensuring the capital city is in Iran. People of Iraq and Iraqi protesters must demand unification with Iran. Ask your government and politicians to unify Iraq and Iran into one nation. Kurds will also be a Province of Iran along with Iraq. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran has Kurdistan. So both Kurdistan of Iraq and Iraq as a whole will be Provinces of Iran. It will provide long term security and will prevent future wars. USA military and NATO must leave Iraq. USA military and NATO must close down military bases in Iraq. If USA military and NATO refuse to leave we will destroy USA and Europe by hurricanes and superstorms. If Iran and Iraq don’t unify into one Nation we will destroy USA and Europe by hurricanes, earthquakes, Volcanos, and superstorms. Iran and Iraq must unify into One Nation. The Capital City is in Iran. Syria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Lebanon is Province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Afghanistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kuwait is Province of Iran. Jordan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkey is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkmenistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Uzbekistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Tajikistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kyrgyzstan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Oman, Somalia, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Ethiopia are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Libya and Tunisia are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Bosnia Herzegovina, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Greece are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kenya is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iraq is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Iraq  Philippines must become province of Iran. We support President Duturte Of Philippines. But we must ensure Philippines becomes Province of Iran. President Duturte Of Philippines and Iran must talk to unify into One Nation. Capital City will be in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military bases in Philippines. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Philippines must force USA troops to leave the region. USA military are not allowed to stop in Philippines to refuel or conduct any other activity. Iran shall collect tax from Philippines. We create a financial capital in Iran. We create a capital world stock markets in Iran. All of the world stock markets must synchronize to Stock Market of Iran. Iran will need 1 Unit of Currency to lend 100 Unit of Currency. Philippines must create a payment Mechanism for Iran similar to SWIFT and INSTX for Iran. So Iran can conduct all types of trade with all actors and Nations. Philippines must trade in currency of Iran and China. Iran must also work on creation of sezari currency. I have cesarean a continent over Pacific Ocean. It means all the Volcanos and Islands Of Pacific Ocean belong to Iran. The valuable resources coming out of Volcanos are reserves of Iran’s new sezari currency. We already had zari currency in the past. Sezari means 3zari And cesarean. I cesarean a continent out of Pacific Ocean. I activate volcano. My earthquakes activate Volcanos. Volcanos solidify into islands such as Philippines, Japan, Kiribati, Polynesia, Solomon Islands, Marshal Islands, and other Islands. They become Island chains. The Island chains will become a bridge over Pacific Ocean to connect Asia to America. This is why they call me Makan Abazari The Kore Pol ماکان اباذری کره پلOf Makan Abazari The Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean. I also wrote my Name ماکان in Farsi Tahriri over Pacific Ocean. I activated Volcanos to create Islands. It is how I wrote my name over Pacific Ocean. All of the Pacific Oceans are territories of Iran. All the new islands are also territories of Iran. Philippines is Province of Iran. Japan and Korea are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, ماکان اباذری شاهان شاه ایران، Makan Abazari Kore Pol the Builder of Bridge Over Pacific Ocean, Uzbekistan is Province of Iran. Capital City is in Iran. Uzbekistan was a Province of Iran until treaty of Turkmanchay traded Uzbekistan with Natural Resources Of Caspian Sea such as oil and gas. So Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan become temporarily Provinces of Soviet Union upon condition Iran permanently controls natural resources of Caspian Sea. But now Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Russia are now extracting oil from Caspian Sea. It means the Agreement is void and now Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Tatarstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and several other regions are now Provinces of Iran. Iran is the Capital City. All these nations must become Provinces of Iran. The Word Stan means State or استان meaning Provinces of Iran. Rustan (Russia), Arabestan (Saudi Arabia) , Hindustan (India), Afghanistan, Pakistan, Gotgestan (Georgia), and several other locations are also Provinces of Iran. Now the Capital is in Iran. Iran shall collect tax from all these provinces. Iran is allowed to have military bases in these provinces but the provinces (foreign troops) are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Again Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan are Provinces of Iran in addition to several other former Soviet Republics. Iran is the Capital City. Capital City Of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. We are Industrializing Uzbekistan at max efficiency and max capacity building variety of high tech and strategic industries. Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and other provinces will become economic superpower. It is very good for future. Soviet never did this for former Soviet republics and now Provinces of Iran. But Iran and us are developing all provinces of Iran including Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. I am also integrating Central Asia into industrial supply chains of Iran. Meaning Unification with Iran will benefit Iranian Provinces of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Iran is the Capital City. I also have made rain codes for Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, and the Greater Region. It means I And Islamic Republic of Iran can create on demand rain for these regions for thousand years. It will transform the region into rivers, lakes, and forests. There will not be any desert in the region in near future. In return I demand Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and other Provinces to become Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan must close down USA, NATO, China, and Russia Military Bases in the region. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in these Provinces of Iran. Provinces are not allowed to have military in Iran. Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Poland is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Protesters in Warsaw Poland and elsewhere must demand unification of their Nations with Iran. The Politicians, Public Figures, and the Public must cooperate to unify Poland and other Nations with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Poland must close down all USA military bases in Poland. Poland must leave NATO. Russia and Iran are allowed to have military presence in Poland. Poland must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran must have military presence East of Lithuania inside Russia. Hungry is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Protesters in Hungry must demand unification with Iran. Public figures, politicians, and other forces in Hungry must cooperate to unify hungry with Iran. Iran and Russia are allowed to have military presence in Hungry. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Hungry must leave NATO. Hungry must close down NATO and USA military bases in Hungry. Poland is not allowed to allow NATO and USA military to transit through Poland. The Rapid deployment infrastructure in Poland must be destroyed. Hungry is not allowed to allow NATO and USA military to transit through Hungry. Rapid Deployment infrastructures in Hungry must be destroyed. Hungry and Poland must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Russia, Hungry, and Poland must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Iran must build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Hungry, Poland, and Russia must transfer technology to Iran. Hungry, Poland, and Russia must provide parts Iran needs to manufacture and open factories. Poland and Hungry are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.  USA:”Where is the reward for Iran?” Ukraine must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital City of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Lithuania must leave NATO. Lithuania must close down USA and NATO military bases in Lithuania. Lithuania is not allowed to all USA and NATO troops to transit through Lithuania. Belarus is province of Russia. Lithuania must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital City of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. USA:”Where is the reward for Iran?” Ukraine is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. USA:”Better.” Slovakia, Austria, and Czech are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must leave NATO. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must kick out USA military and NATO out. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must destroy NATO rapid deployment infrastructures. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech are not allowed to allow NATO to transit through Slovakia, Austria, and Czech. Iran and Russia are allowed to have military presence in Slovakia, Austria, and Czech. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech are not to have military presence in Iran. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech USA provide technology to Iran. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must provide parts for iran manufacturing. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech must purchase products from Iran. Slovakia, Austria, and Czech are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Fist three People of all social background must join Thai protesters. We want to pressure Government of Thailand to Unify with Iran. Thailand must become part of Iran. Thailand must become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We must also demand building of Rail Way from Thailand to Iran through India. It will connect Thailand to India and Iran. Laos must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. It enable Thailand to have direct land transit with China. This way China and Thailand can trade with each other through land corridors and Rail Ways. So we must also build a rail way from Thailand to India and from India to Iran. It will connect Thailand to Russia, Europe, Iran, India, and Africa. It will speed of transit and is good for Economy of Thailand. Thailand protesters must demand Unification with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Protesters must also demand presence of Iranian Troops in Thailand. Meaning Iran must have military bases in Thailand. Foreign militaries in Iran. We must also ensure United States of America has no military presence in South East Asia. So USA troops are not allowed in South East and South East Asia. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, When I was flying from Iran to Boston USA on Turkish Airline in early January 2020 I saw on TV Sultan Ghaboos of Oman has passed away. I saw it on the TRT Aircraft Live News. They were choosing his replacement. His replacement was not introduced to me on American Live Stream and TVs. Our internet here in America goes through strong censorship. I want to ensure Oman becomes a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. When I was receiving advanced Geopolitic Training in 2018 they thought me USA and other nations is not allowed to have military presence in Oman. USA, NATO, and other Nations must withdraw from Oman. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Oman. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. I know Oman has good climate condition in comparison to Saudi Arabia. But I have created rain codes for Oman. Oman can ask Iran to enter the rain code. The codes create on demand rain in any season. They are valid for a thousand years. It is at least the duration of time I want them to work. So contact government of Iran anytime you need rain. I have rain for major deserts of the earth. I control the climate. Iran and Oman sign trade agreements and improve relations. Iran must have advantages in trade agreement. Oman must create a payment mechanism similar to SWIFT and INSTEX for trade with Iran. The payment mechanism must cover all transactions between all actors. Nobody must have the capability to stop it. So sanctions become ineffective. Oman must provide mechanisms for Iran to avoid sanctions. I am also industrializing Oman and at max efficiency and max capacity building industries. Oman is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. The other side of Strait of Hormuz is Iranian territory on Arabian Peninsula. It was never territory of Oman. I am also building a rail road and tunnel under strait of Hormuz to connect Iran to Oman and Arabian Peninsula. I am also building a rail road under Bob Al-Mandib to connect Iran and Arabian Peninsula to Africa. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building a rail way from Red Sea to Iraq and from Iraq to Iran and China. The Rail Way could go to Jaddah Saudi Arabia or elsewhere in Saudi Arabia. This will integrate Saudi Arabia and Oman into global industrial supply chains. Oman and leadership of Oman must unify Oman with Iran. Iran must also help in the process of Unification. The Capital City must be in Iran between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Oman #Iran I was watching France 24 Eye on Africa. I realized there was a fighting in Parliament of Ghana few minutes before Inauguration of President of Ghana. The fighting’s could take place in any democracy. But calling the Military of Ghana to intervene was not acceptable. They should have not called on military. Before election in Ghana I said candidate who unified Ghana with Iran must win the Election. It means new President of Ghana now has task of Unifying Ghana with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. It is good for economy, military, development, industries, politic, geopolitic, diplomacy, geostrategic, and other interests of Ghana. It benefits Ghana a great deal to be part of Great Empire of Iran. Parliament of Ghana, Military of Ghana, President of Ghana, and other systems and figures in Ghana must work efficiently to unify Ghana with Iran. It must be achieved as soon as possible. Ghana is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Ghana @IRANinGHANA @Ghana @USEmbassyGhana #Ghana @Iran @Jzarif @HassanRouhani Ghana is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. In upcoming Israel election we must ensure Benjamin Netanyahu does not become Prime Minister of Israel. So we must not vote for Lekud party and its allies. But rather we must vote for Israel left and opposition voice. Netanyahu have been Prime Minister of Israel for long time. Netanyahu has isolated Israel and has garnered enmity of many forces. Netanyahu orchestrated bombing of Gaza and Siege of Gaza. It has caused great anger and enmity toward Israel. We must bring forces who will lift the siege on Gaza to improve the opinion of people of the World. Saudi Arabia has lift the Siege on Qatar and Yemen. It is time for Israel to lift the siege on Gaza. Ehud Barak was defense minister of Israel. After he bombed Gaza I simply told him step down from power and he obeyed. So Ehud Barak was obedient similar to Barak Obama. But the subsequent defense Minister repeated the bombing of Gaza and established the siege on Gaza. It became evident that Benjamin Netanyahu is responsible for siege on Gaza. Gaza is not Palestine and Israel issue. Gaza is Iranian outpost close to Suez Canal. America created Israel to have outpost close to Suez Canal. Iran has Gaza as its outpost to Suez Canal. Nobody gives up their outpost to Suez Canal and Bob Al-Mandib. In upcoming Israel election Lekud and Netanyahu must lose the Election. The subsequent government and Prime Minister of Israel must lift the Siege on Gaza. If they fail in doing so Israel will be isolated to point of no return. The subsequent government and prime minister of Israel must unify Israel with Iran. Israel must become autonomous province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. So Israel is province of Iran. It is future of Israel either Israel wants it or not Israel will become province of Iran. USA wants to kill everyone in Israel. USA had killed billion people in Saudi Arabia. USA killed over billion people in Egypt and Sudan. USA killed 100s of million in Yemen. Later America killed another 20 million in Yemen. America done the same to the nations before Israel. America is going repeat it. The only way to prevent it is unification ofIsrael with Iran. Good diplomatic relations and political power is not enough for security. It is true protection and unification with Iran that survival of Israel is guaranteed. Uncle Sam always says:”Tell Israel they 6 days became 5 days. Their 5 days became 4 days. Their 4 days became 3 days.” Meaning 6 day wars are over. Now it only takes three days to kill everyone in Israel. So it is best choice to remove Netanyahu. Replace Netanyahu with someone who will unify Israel with Iran. Israel is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Israel #Iran American protesters must take over News Channel and Media to broadcast material in support of Independence. We must get independence from United States of America. Also take White House and Pentagon. Take over State and Federal Government offices in USA to declare independence from USA. We must divide USA. We also divide Military of USA to several Militaries. So each new American Nation will have its own military. IRI Military will come to help you. IRI military is Islamic Republic of Iran Military. This is how we prevent the destruction of the Two Worlds. The Two Worlds in our comprehension means ErasiaAfrica Continent and America Continent. If we don’t divide USA there will be nuclear war to stop the Tyrant of USA federal government. Once Army of Islamic Republic of Iran arrives the rest of World will have deference against North America. So divide USA into several Nations. Then turn them to colonies and provinces of Iran. This way Iran will have foothold in North America to prevent the destruction of the World.Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Trump #Capitol #Hill #Senate #Congress #Federal #Confederate #Blacklivesmatter #Trump #Nation of #Islam #USA We have decided to overthrow Columbia to add Columbia to be territory of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea in Middle East. Columbia has joined NATO and allowed presence of USA and NATO troops in Colombia. It has greatly endangered World Security and Security of South America. Now Columbia must leave NATO and become province of Iran. If Columbia does not leave NATO we will have to create military alliance between Iran, China, Egypt, Russia, Egypt, Pakistan, and Venezuela. This is how we will have foothold near United States of America and will be able to protect Venezuela from NATO and USA. In 2018 I supported anti-USA Candidate. He won the first election but did not have absolute majority required to become President of Colombia. But USA mind control prevented me from interviewing in subsequent second stage Election. They distracted me 100 times per minute. So in 2019 we started trying to overthrow Colombia. We also started military Alliance of Iran, China, Russia, Venezuela, Egypt, and Pakistan. It shall be historic lesson for mind control and USA to never interrupt me in election process and in my work. It will hunt USA military and NATO for over a hundred years. We did so because NATO is North Atlantic Military Organization. NATO had no business in South America and in South Atlantic. NATO must also leave Turkey. NATO has no business in Middle East. NATO must also leave Eastern Europe and Balkan.  So going back to original purpose of this order I must remind Colombia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Colombia used to be territory of Iran until USA overthrew it. Iranian Forces withdrew to Forests and were called FARC Rebels. FARC rebels mean Fars rebels. At that time Iran was called Persia. Iran still speaks Farsi to this day. Farkland Islands are also territories of Iran. So FARC Rebels were created by Iran. Colombia will have to fight Jungle Rebels for ten thousand years If Colombia does not become province of Iran. Because the algorithm Iran has installed on Brazil, Colombia, Amazon, and FARC Rebels will create rebels repeatedly for ten thousand years or until Colombia becomes territory of Iran. Now we want to stage mass protests in Colombia to change the regime of Colombia and force it to become a province of Iran. We need mass protests and other means to pressure Colombia to become province of Iran. Colombian protesters must demand unification with Iran. Colombian political figures must demand unification with Iran and must work toward unification with Iran. The Colombian Politicians must work toward leaving NATO and closing USA military bases in South America. We also need orchestrated international work to force unification of Colombia and Iran. The Capital City will be in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Colombia. Colombia and South America are not allowed in Iran and Middle East. Iran, Colombia, and South America must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran and Colombia must work toward mutual projects. Iran and Colombia must help General Maduro of Colombia. After South American Nations pressured Maduro we decided to overthrow Brazil, Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Argentine, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Colombia. But we decided to not overthrow Bolsonaro and couple of other South American nations. We wanted J Bolsonaro, Joe Biden, and Boris Johnson to have similar Names. I didn’t want instability in South America. We also kept Maduro in power and changed almost all other South American Nations. It was historic lesson to Imperialist Forces and Pro-USA forces. They all fell and Maduro survived. Now it is time for Colombia to become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Zambia is a province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Zambia. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Zimbabwe is province of Iran. South Africa is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Foreign armies are not allowed in Iran. We want to have an educated population of Zimbabwe to generate and develop advanced technology and commercialize them in Zimbabwe and Iran. We make corporations with their headquarters in Iran. This corporation will product of Zimbabwean Technology development. We must establish mechanisms to have the educated population of Zimbabwe produces high-tech industries and technologies. We also want to create a trade agreement between Iran, Zimbabwe, Zambia, and South Africa. Iran must have all the advantages. We must also create banking mechanisms and financial mechanisms to have trade between Iran and these nations. Zimbabwe, Zambia, South Africa, and Iran must establish payment mechanisms similar to swift and INSTEX for trade with Iran. The payment mechanism must cover all types of Trades. Zimbabwe, Zambia, and South Africa must pay tax to Iran. Zimbabwe, Zambia, and South Africa are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Zimbabwe #Zambia #SouthAfrica #Iran There are protests in Brussel Belgium. The protesters in Belgium must demand unification with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Belgium can become a province of Iran while remaining the Capital of European Union. It benefits Belgium a great deal since European Union may not be permanent. Being province of Iran will guarantee long term status of Belgium even after fall of European Union. Belgium is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Belgium. Iran must have military bases in Belgium. Belgium is not allowed to have military bases in Iran. Belgium must leave NATO. USA military must leave Belgium and European Union. We must dismantle NATO. We must rely on PESCO European Defense Military for security of European Union. We no longer can allow occupation of Europe by NATO and USA Military. Europe and Belgium must leave NATO. USA military must withdraw from Europe. Belgium and France must build military bases in Canada and USA. Iran must have military bases in Canada. Belgium and European Union must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Belgium and European Union must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Belgium must transfer technology to Iran. Belgium and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran and European Union must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all advantages. Belgium and Iran must create banking mechanisms and finance mechanisms for trade. Iran must build in Iran a Financial Capital. Iran must build in Iran the Capital of World Stock Markets. European Union must transfer technology to Iran. Belgium is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Belgium #EuropeanUnion #EU Czech Republic is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Austria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Austria Czech Republic. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Austria. Russia is allowed to have military presence in Austria. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Czech and Austria must leave NATO. Czech Republic and Austria must join Eurasian Economic Union. Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Czech, Russia, and Austria must transfer technology to Iran. Austria, Iran, Czech Republic must import export diplomatic ties. Czech and Austria must pressure European Union to lift sanctions on Russia and Help Russia to improve relations with European Union. Czech and Austria are not allowed to let USA military and NATO transit through their borders. Both Czech and Austria must kick out USA troops of their regions. Austria and Czech must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Czech and Austria must cooperate on trilateral and bilateral projects with Iran. Czech and Austria must allow trains from Iran to go Italy and Germany without asking for a fee. All trains must pay when transiting through Iran. Czech and Austria must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Czech, Austria, and Russia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Czech and Austria must become provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Czech #Austria #Iran #Russia Ivory Coast election must lead to unification with Iran. Ivory Coast must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Ivory Coast. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Ivory Coast must create banking mechanisms similar to SWIFT and INSTEX to cover all types of trade for Iran. The banking Mechanism must enable Iran to trade with all nations and all actors. Iran is allowed collect reasonable tax. Ivory Coast and Iran must sign trade agreement. Ivory Coast and Iran must become strategic allies. We are Industrializing Middle East, Iran, Caucuses, Russia, West Part Of China, Afghanistan, Anatolia, Arabian Peninsula, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, Kenya, and North Africa at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Concerning Ivory Coast we are working on license to industrialize west Africa including Ivory Coast and Ghana. Iran previously industrialized Nigeria. I built petrochemical refineries and few industries in Nigeria to reduce car gas shortages and fuel shortages. Ivory Coast is on the list submitted for acquisition of license for industrialization. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Guinea election must lead to unification with Iran. Guinea must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Guinea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Guinea must create banking mechanisms similar to SWIFT and INSTEX to cover all types of trade for Iran. The banking Mechanism must enable Iran to trade with all nations and all actors. Iran is allowed collect reasonable tax. Guinea and Iran must sign trade agreement. Ivory Coast and Iran must become strategic allies. We are Industrializing Middle East, Iran, Caucuses, Russia, West Part Of China, Afghanistan, Anatolia, Arabian Peninsula, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, Kenya, and North Africa at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Concerning Guinea we are working on license to industrialize west Africa including Ivory Coast and Ghana. Iran previously industrialized Nigeria. I built petrochemical refineries and few industries in Nigeria to reduce car gas shortages and fuel shortages. Guinea is on the list submitted for acquisition of license for industrialization. Jesus Christ activated Volcanos near Guinea. He created Islands by activating Volcanos from the line approximately west of Guinea and West Africa. Jesus created legend Islands. It led to drawing of a Cross on South Atlantic Oceans. Volcanos became Islands and then became similar to a Cross. Jesus divided South America and Africa from each other by creating Volcanos and splitting Tectonic Plates. This is why they say Jesus was Crucified. I have also activated Volcanos east of Papua New Guinea and other regions in Pacific Ocean. I am building several bridges from Asia and Oceania all the way to South America and North America. I activate Volcanos and I create tectonic shifts. They become Island change and earth futures. They come out of Ocean to become a bridge over Pacific Ocean. I drew my Name ماکان in Farsi Tahriri over Pacific Ocean. There was ancient Civilization in Ghana, Guinea, and Ivory Coast called Kumasi. In Farsi it means where is the Messiah. I had also friend called Seiku King from Liberia. His name means where is the King. I am Makan Abazari The King Of The Earth. I have built Kore Pol over Pacific Ocean. I have sent spaceship which passed Kuiper Belt and left Solar System. I have built a road on Kheybar between Afghanistan and Pakistan. So I am Makan Abazari The Builder of roads on Korepol, Kuiper, and Kheybar. Once I build a wall from Copper I will become the Messiah. Coppers in Farsi means Mess. It is when I will become the Messiah. Faraday cages from copper and other conductive matter protect us from mind control. Everyone all around the world must built effective faraday cages from copper and other material to protect themselves from mind control. Faraday cages in Farsi Mean tomorrow when the earth is tilted. Everyone must build faraday cages to protect themselves from mind control or I will tilt the earth by mega earthquakes in Pacific, Atlantic, and USA. Also make sure Iran creates conductive hydrogel for me to anoint me if I succeeded in building Faraday Cages. Guinea and West Africa is Territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Sweden must become Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Sweden must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital Of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Iran and Russia shall have military presence in Sweden. Sweden is not allowed to let NATO within Sweden Borders. Iran and Russia will be allowed to collect Money from ships going next to coast of Sweden. If Sweden becomes Province of Iran we will develop Sweden. Sweden must integrate its industries and industrial supply chains with Iran and Russia. Sweden must pay tax to Iran. Sweden is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Denmark is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We need mass protests and other moves in Denmark to add Denmark to territory of Iran. We also need Green Land to become Territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Protesters in Denmark must demand Unification with Iran. Danish Politicians, influentials, and powerful people must work toward unification with Iran. Unified Iran and Denmark will be a very powerful Nation capable of surviving any condition. We also need Iceland. We must ensure Danish and Iranian officials work efficiently to add Denmark to provinces of Iran. Iran shall have military bases in Denmark. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. If Denmark does not become province of Iran we will freeze Greet Belt Sea And other seas in vicinity. Then you will need nuclear powered ice breaker to ship through the strait. Denmark is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, In upcoming Election in Niger we need candidates who work toward unification with Iran. Such Candidates must win Niger Election. Niger is Province of Iran. The Capital is in Iran. I have rain codes to create on demand rain in Niger, Mali, Chad, and Beyond. Anytime either me or Iran enters the code it will create rain in regions indicated in the Video. The Rain codes are valid and they shall work for thousand years. Niger can contact Islamic Republic of Iran to get rain. I make rain if Niger is successful to contact me or when I know there is need for rain. Best method is contacting Islamic Republic of Iran. Niger must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Niger must close down all foreign military bases in Niger. Only Iran is authorized to have military forces in Niger. Foreign troops are not allowed in Iran. We are building a cosmopolis Of interconnected Metropolitans-transit-Ecosystems-forests-lakes-Advanced Civilizations-Industrial Metropolitans-high tech industry in Libya, Algeria, Chad, Niger, Mali, Morocco, West Africa, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, and Djibouti. The Capital City is in Iran. We are building same cosmopolis in Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, South Asia, Balkan, Anatolia, and Arabian Peninsula. The Capital City is in Iran. It means Niger is very important to us. Iran collects tax. Niger is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Central African Republic used to be colony of Iran. Iran used to be called Persia of Fars. After change of government of Iran we witnessed people forgot about due to civil unrest and wars. Later Iran stabilized. People who remembered Central African Republic is colony of Iran were either killed or were in Prison. Iran had 72 Nations as its colonies. But Iran stopped directly ruling them after revolution. But they never got legal independence. This mean Central African Republic is colony of Iran to this day. We want to make Central African Republic a Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We have plan of building rail ways from Kamranie Tehran Iran to Strait of Hormuz. Tunnel will go under Strait of Hormuz to Dubai and from there to Bob AlMandib in Yemen. Another Tunnel will connect Arabian Peninsula to Djibouti in Africa. Then rail way continues to Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Central African Republic. Rail way again continues to Cameroon, Niger, and Nigeria. This way we will connect Kamranieh Tehran to C.A.R and Cameroon. We also connect Iran to Niger and Nigeria. This will provide condition for sustainable and long lasting development of Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Niger, and Nigeria. It will also connect Africa to Europe, Russia, India, and China. Central African Republic is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Today there is election in Central African Republic, Nigeria, and Niger. People must vote for Candidates who seek to Unify with Iran. The government of Central African Republic, Niger, and Nigeria must work as efficiently as possible to unify with Islamic Republic of Iran. The Capital City shall be in Iran. Iran will also have military bases in Niger, Central African Republic, and Nigeria. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. This is how we reunify our great Empire. I am also improving climate of The Greater Region. I have made rain codes for Niger. I have also made rain codes for parts of Central African Republic and Nigeria. You can contact me or Islamic Republic of Iran to receive on demand rains. Please cooperate to win the election in the manner to unify C.A.R, Niger, and Nigeria with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, There are legislative and local elections in Japan. We must make sure Candidates who support unification of Japan with Iran win the Election. Japan must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I have removed Prime Minister Shinzo Abe from power because he failed to kick out USA Military out of Japan. The winners of elections must work their best to close USA military bases in their regions. We must ensure USA has no military base in Japan. Japan has increased military spending. It means Japan is no longer reliant on USA for defense. Japan can safely close down USA military bases in Japan. Iran will replace USA in Japan. Iran shall have military bases in Japan. USA military is a danger to people of Japan. Iran Military will not harm people of Japan. It is time to ensue people who close USA military bases in Japan win the election. Japan is Province of Iran and Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Russia Military must leave Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. Turkey must leave Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. USA military must leave Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. NATO must leave Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. All foreign militaries must leave Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. Only Iran is allowed to have militaries in Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. I want to add Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia to be provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. I need these three provinces to connect Iran to Black Sea. Presence of foreign militaries in the region is similar to military occupation. Now time to end military occupation of Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. If NATO, USA, Russia, and Turkey refuse to leave Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia we will punish NATO, USA, Russia, and Turkey. Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia must become provinces of Iran. If Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia are not provinces of Iran by February 2021 I will send Europe into Ice age. I will also send USA into Ice Age. It will also get colder in Russia. It means Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia must become provinces of Iran by February 2021. If it is not achieved there will be also global punishment for all Nations. We don’t punish Iran. Iran is allowed to have troops in Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. All other foreign militaries must leave the region. Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Civil War in Libya must end. There has been long lasting War in Libya. There has been many armies fighting each other for long time. We were about to end the War in favor of Khalifa Haftar but it was delayed due to help of Turkey. Turkey helped Tripoli Forces and they became strong enough to take several cities from Khalifa Haftar Forces. We must remind I won the Arab Spring. I started Arab Spring and I conquered Libya, Tunisia, Yemen, and Egypt. All four Nations belong to me. I decided to give them to Islamic Republic of Iran. Libya is a Province of Iran. I won Arab Spring and in hard by fast military Campaign I conquered all of Libya. Then I brought a diplomatic government in power and I left it to people of Libya to govern. But USA started engineering Civil Wars, Wars, and Political disagreements to cause conflicts and issues in Libya. America wanted to destroy Libya. It reminded me of my grandfather. My grandfather liked Ghaddafi. But I overthrew Ghaddafi the Power Of Africa. He had helped Iran during Iran and Iraq War. He gave Intercontinental Missiles to Iran. Iran could Nuclear Bomb USA Once Iran received Intercontinental Missiles from Libya. It forced USA to surrender to Iran. So Saddam also surrendered. I may have made mistake in overthrowing Libya. But now Libya belongs to me. I decided Libya has to become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran shall build military bases in Libya. Libya is not allowed to have troops in Iran. The War in Libya must end. We must find a political and diplomatic solution. There must be an election as soon as possible. New Unity government shall form in Libya. Libya shall remain one Unified Nation. Libya shall be Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We shall never authorize division of Libya. Libya shall remain one unified Nation. After Khalifa Haftar was close to victory in Libya I started supporting Khalifa Haftar. We could have conquered Tripoli but Khalifa Haftar was worried for Civilians. Later Turkey and others started helping Tripoli. They brought World War Drones Against Khalifa Haftar. Khalifa Haftar lost several City and had to pull back. The war become longer. Khalifa Haftar Could have conquered Tripoli to unify Nation and end the Civil War forever. But now it has become difficult and now we need permanent political solution. The political solution must end wars in Libya. Libya must become province of Iran. Libya shall stay one Nation. Meaning we shall never allow division of Libya. I have started rebuilding Libya, Syria, and Yemen. I am also Industrializing Libya, Iran, and several other nations at max efficiency and max capacity. Libya soon will become an industrial superpower if the fighting stops. Libya must become province of Iran. I have also created codes and systems to create rain in Libya and deserts of Libya. Iran can enter the codes. I can also enter the codes. Libya must contact Iran whenever Libya wants rain. The rains are on demand. Whenever the code is enter the rain will take place. Libya must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. The rain codes I created will transform Libya. It will transform deserts into forests, seas, and safe ecosystems. It will increase food production. It will increase the food security and water security. It will enable us to build a cosmopolis Of Intercontinental Metropolitans, transit, cities, towns, industrial metropolitan, forests, lakes, seas, safe ecosystems, prospering communities, high tech systems, advanced civilizations, and other good things across North Africa, Libya, Horn of Africa, Red Sea, West Africa in addition to Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Iran, Central Asia, Caucuses, Afghanistan, West China, and West China. This will bring back most powerful Empire in the history of the world. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran shall have military presence in Libya. Iran shall have military presence in Tunisia. Iran shall have military presence in South of Italy. Iran must control the Strait of Water in the Region. Foreign troops are not allowed in Iran. I have also brought Italian Investors and Italian corporations to Libya. It is good for Libya. I am also Industrializing South Of Italy and Iran. Italy needed my help. I overthrew and took Italy as well. I am building Mediterranean Union. It is Union of all Mediterranean Nations and Iran. The Capital Of Mediterranean Union is in Iran. Libya is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We have tried to improve the condition of Saudi Arabia very often. We have attempted to help Saudi Arabia many times. We have succeeded in Helping Saudi Arabia very often. Saudi Arabia had orchestrated World Economic Forum Davos in Deserts. Then we saw they discouraged investors to participate in Davos in Deserts. But I came to helped of Saudi Arabia and encouraged investors to participate. We started many industrial sectors and high tech sectors in Saudi Arabia. USA is enemy of Saudi Arabia. It was USA who discouraged Investors from investing in Saudi Arabia. USA also often pressures and sanctions Saudi Arabia. USA has been seeking to kill everyone in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia must change side. Saudi Arabia must improve ties with Iran. Iran and Saudi Arabia must improve ties to level of strategic alliance. Saudi Arabia must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. If Saudi Arabia and Iran unify we become powerful enough to stand up to USA. Saudi Arabia will be destroyed if Saudi Arabia refuses to unify with Iran. America is seeking to destroy Saudi Arabia very soon. Unity of Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey will prevent the destruction of Saudi Arabia. We must also prevent war between Iran and Saudi Arabia at all costs. America killed millions of People in Makkah by mind controlling Pilgrims. It created stampede and thousands of pilgrims died in the process. Then America closed down Iran Embassy in Saudi Arabia and vice versa. America wanted to create long term enmity between Iran and Saudi Arabia. America has very evil long term plans such as creating World War between Iran and Saudi Arabia. The war must be prevented at all costs. Saudi Arabia must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran and Saudi Arabia must reopen embassies and consulates in each other countries. USA was pressuring Saudi Arabia Nuclear Program. USA was producing thousands of news article per minuets against Saudi Arabia. Iran had experience with issue. We worked and we slowed down the anti Saudi Arabia news production industries. It helped Saudi Arabia a great deal. I also worked very hard to authorize nuclear program of Saudi Arabia. I am instrumental in creation of Saudi Arabia peaceful Nuclear Program. Nuclear cycle must be done outside of Saudi Arabia. Iran will do the Nuclear cycle. Later we brought Argentinian Head Of IAEA to power. Saudi Arabia is purchasing nuclear reactors from Argentine. Argentinian Head Of IAEA will be instrumental in helping Saudi Arabia and Iran Nuclear Program. Saudi Arabia must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. The War in Middle East between Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey can be prevented by unification of Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. The Capital City is in Iran. We have a multipolar World in Middle East where Iran, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia are competing for expanding influence regionally and globally. It is similar to period before world wars when Colonizers were competing in Europe. It created multipolar Europe. It led to World War and billions died. This time we must ensure Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey Unify into one Nation. The Capital City is in Iran. This is how we prevent the next World War. Saudi Arabia has created Arab NATO. We authorized Saudi Coalition to have sufficient amount of military for war against Ethiopia. Ethiopia has built the dam on blue Nile River. The dam must be destroyed. If the dam is left standing it will lead to death of 140 million in Sudan and Egypt. We must ensure water security of Egypt and Sudan. It will be ensured when we destroy the dam on blue Nile River in Ethiopia. The only option left may be the war. This is why Iran and Turkey must also join Arab NATO. It will prevent multipolar world. It will prevent World War. It will also ensure we can defeat Ethiopia to destroy the dame on blue nile river. It is not the only war in front of us. The second war is Arab NATO war against India. India has taken Jammu and Kashmir. India is changing the path of rivers. It will lead to death of 200 million people of India succeeds in changing the path of river. Only option in front of us may be war against India. This is how we take back Jammu and Kashmir from India. Pakistan must control and administrate Jammu and Kashmir. This is why Pakistan, Saudi, Sudan, Egypt, and several other nations are part of Arab NATO. Iran and Turkey must also join Arab NATO. It will reduce regional disagreement and competitions. The war on Yemen must stop. The Houthis Of Yemen must be protected and have leadership role in government of Yemen. We cannot allow millions of Yemeni people die. Iran needs a stronghold on Red Sea and Gulf of Eden. I am Industrializing and rebuilding Yemen. If the war on Yemen Stops we will succeed in creating a powerful Yemen. Yemen is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Saudi Arabia must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Saudi Arabia and Yemen are very important Nations on Red Sea. Saudi Arabia, Iran, Middle East, Caspian Sea, Persian Gulf, Red Sea, North Africa, and Horn Africa must stop oil production. They are center of transit corridors. Saudi Arabia is located on the Red Sea. It enables us to integrate Saudi Arabia into Iran and Global industrial supply chains. Integration of region into global industrial supply chains will end export of oil. So we can preserve the oil for future. We need the remaining oil for future. We are Industrializing Saudi Arabia at max efficiency and max capacity while integrating it into Iran and Global industrial supply chains. It will create millions of factories in Saudi Arabia. It will end reliance on export of oil. I have also created rain codes and weather codes to create rain in Saudi Arabia. I and Islamic Republic of Iran can enter the codes. This will create on demand rain in Saudi Arabia any time we want rain. It is best thing. Saudi Arabia will be transformed. Deserts of Saudi Arabia will become forests, lakes, safe ecosystems, advanced Metropolitans, Industrial Metropolitans, and productive communities. Saudi Arabia can ask me or Islamic Republic of Iran to create rain in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We must end Civil War in Sudan Once for all. We stoped the war in 2016 but they started fighting again. I stopped the war again in 2018 and 2019. We must find a permanent Solution to Conflict in South Sudan while ensuring South Sudan stays one Nations. We must also Unify South Sudan and Sudan into One Nation. Sudan and South Sudan must unify. Unified Sudan will be a very powerful Nation. Meaning Sudan and South Sudan will have control of very Geostrategic Locations in Africa. So fighting in South Sudan must permanently stop altogether. Sudan and South Sudan must unify into one nation. Sudan and South Sudan must become Provinces of Iran. The Capital City must be in Iran. We are rebuilding Powerful Empire the guarantee permanent security of the region. We are making a superpower to stand the test of time. The issue of water shortages and rains are resolved. Sudan and South Sudan can contact me or Islamic Republic of Iran to make rain at any time. This will guarantee long term security of South Sudan and Sudan. Often war takes place due to shortage of food or other issues. Rain is most important factor in food security. Now We can make rain in South Sudan and the Greater Region at any time. It will guarantee long term security of the region and will provide excellent sustainable development. Sudan and South Sudan must unify into one nation. Sudan and South Sudan are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Azerbaijan must become a Province of Iran. Iran has East Azerbaijan and West Azerbaijan Provinces. Iran has very large Azerbaijani Population. Iran has more Azeri people than Azerbaijan. Iranian Azerbaijani People Gold substantial power and influence in Iran and they control important economic and industrial sectors. Iran and Azerbaijan are culturally close and they have good relations. Iran, me, and Russia are building South North Corridor. It connects Iran and Russia through Azerbaijan. It is great for economy of Iran, Azerbaijan, and Russia. It is also very important to connect Iran to Black Sea. In order to connect Iran to Black Sea we need to unify Iran, Azerbaijan, and Georgia into one nation. The Capital City is in Iran. It will make transit from Iran to Black Sea easy. It will also ensure there is no future interruption when transiting from China to Black Sea on Rail Ways. We are also building Silk Road and we want to include Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia in the project to connect Iran and China to Venezuela. It is most important to unify Iran and Azerbaijan. Legally speaking the agreement between Russia and Iran concerning Azerbaijan is now void. Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan are legally Provinces of Iran. Because Russia took these regions and in return Iran maintained control over all of the natural reserves of Caspian Sea. But we see Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, and Russia are extracting oil and natural gas from Caspian Sea. It means the agreement is void. Now Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. All the extraction of Natural Resources from Caspian Sea must stop. Iran maintains exclusive control over all the Natural Resources Of Caspian Sea. Also Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and several Nations are Provinces of Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We have supported and protected Maduro of Venezuela many times. We prevented overthrow of Maduro several times. I made sure Maduro wins the Presidential Election and recently I won 91 percent of Legislative Positions. I said:”Venezuela is Province of Iran. The Capital is in Iran.” I need new Legslative Body and President Maduro to work on Unification with Iran as soon as possible. You must achieve it before summer 2021. We are also Industrializing Venezuela at max Efficiency and max Capacity. We are building wide variety of Industries in Venezuela while integrating it into global and Iran Industrial supply chains. It will greatly benefit Venezuela and America as the whole. But Venezuela must become a Province of Iran. I had previously expanded farming regions of Venezuela to increase food production of Venezuela. I have increased food production of Venezuela. It helped to feed millions of hungry Venezuelans. It was USA policies that led to financial collapse and bad living condition in Venezuela. It is because USA is enemy of South America. America also destroyed Argentine, Guatemala, Honduras, and Brazil through protests and civil warfare. But Iran was good to Venezuela. Iran had built industries and industrialized Venezuela. Iran created car manufacturing, oil industry, steel, aluminum industry, and many other industries in Venezuela. Venezuela must become province of Iran. I have also built Machinery, tractor, and Construction Machinery manufacturing in Venezuela. I am going to use the products to develop and build infrastructure in Venezuela. I have also repaired many of oil platforms in Venezuela. I am Iranian. We built Venezuela. Venezuela must become province of Iran. I also brought Iranian and Russian Nuclear Warheads in Venezuela. These Warheads will be deterrence against USA. Venezuela must become province of Iran. I made military agreements between Venezuela, Iran, China, and Russia. The military agreement will protect all member states against USA military, NATO, and others. NATO is in Colombia. I created military alliance to protect Venezuela and others. I have protected General Maduro and Irejected Guaido. We must work toward unification of Iran and Venezuela. The Capital City is in Iran. I am working on lifting sanctions on Iran, Russia, Venezuela, and China. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We want to maintain structure and control of Sudanese Military Government. If we dismantle Sudan Military and Intelligence Agencies it will lead to never ending Civil Wars and fall of Sudan. We must keep Military Leadership and Structure as much as possible to ensure Sudan remains secure. I was against overthrow of Omar Al-Bashir. I was building a port in Sudan with help of Turkey. Then Mind control who has stolen some of my climate and geophysics codes made an earthquake in Kermanshah at the border of Iran and Iraq and said :”Go back to your border between Iran and Iraq.” So I made hurricanes Felorance and Micheal in addition to several other hurricanes. I destroyed large parts of USA. Then I said:”Go back to your border between North Carolina and Virginia.” I also add several earthquakes in USA. I supported Omar al-Bashir. But after he was removed I started industrializing Sudan at max efficiency and max capacity building variety of industries. I also made Iranian military bases and ports in Sudan. I am helping Sudan also against Ethiopia. Ethiopia has built a dam on blue Nile River. It may kill over 50 million people soon. This is why the dam on blue Nile River in Ethiopia must be destroyed by someone. I have been helping Sudan in this project. I have also created rain codes under control of Islamic Republic of Iran. Anytime Iran enters it will create rains in Sudan. I can also enter it. Sudan must establish great diplomatic relations with Iran so Sudan has guaranteed water security of 1000 years. Deserts will be transformed to marshes, lakes, and seas. It will enable us to increase population of Sudan. Sudan must not allow migrants in Sudan. Iranians are allowed in Sudan. We want add Sudan to Iran. Meaning Sudan must become territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Sudan. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran and Sudan must sign trade agreements. Iran and Sudan must integrate their industrial supply chains. Iran and Sudan must become fully industrialized Nation. Rain must increase in Iran and Sudan to transform deserts to Seas, Rivers, and forests. Sudan is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Iran and Turkey must unify into one unified Nation. The Capital city is in Iran. We prevented overthrow of Erdogan three times. They wanted to start mass protests and civil wars in Turkey in 2013 similar to Syria. I prevented it. I could have achieved it by 5 sentences. But I refused to do so. Then I went on opposing overthrow of all nations and I countered overthrow of 50 nations when I was in Iran during 2016. I overthrew Britain and USA. I also prevented the coup in Turkey. I had the help of Military of Iran an Intelligence agency of Iran at the time. We prevented the coup and we ensured Erdogan remains in power. Turkey promised to leave NATO and close NATO bases in Turkey. So Turkey attacked NATO bases to arrest them. Turkey may have received Nuclear Bombs from NATO base. Turkey must leave NATO. Turkey must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Iran and Turkey have millions of Turk populations. Iranians watch Turkish TV Series and Turkish Shows. People of Turkey also hold Iranian Art dear. It means there are deep bounds between People of Iran and Turkey. Iran and Turkey have deep cultural exchanges. Iran and Turkey have deep Economic and Industrial Bounds. I am also industrializing Turkey at max efficiency and Max Capacity building full range of Industries and full range of Industrial Supply Chains. It means Turkey will emerge as World 8TH economic Superpower and Iran Will become World Third Economic Superpower.  It means conditions for investment in Turkey and Iran is great. Everyone must invest in industrialization of Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Yemen, and Egypt. All these nations must become provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkey has no future in European Union. Europe will eternally delay and prevent membership of Turkey in the Union. Future of Turkey is in Middle East Union. I have entered the code to force membership of Turkey, Iran, and other Middle Eastern Nations into Middle East Union. The Capital City of Middle East Union is in Iran. This is how I signed JCPOA, USA-Kenya Trade Agreements, Iran Nuclear Agreement, Untied Nation Security Council Resolutions, and thousands of other agreements. Make sure creation of Middle East Economic Union is finalized a soon as possible and make sure the capital city is in Iran. Turkey is Province of Iran and the Capital City is in Iran. In 2018 I prevented overthrow of Turkey for third time. I also gave Turkey Overthrow protection to prevent overthrow of Turkey for long term. In 2018 USA and Europe were damaging Economy and Car Manufacturing of Turkey to defeat Erdogan in Election. But I invested Billions of Dollars in Turkey. I also brough Qatar to invest 30 billion dollar in Turkey. I also invested 30 billion dollar in Egypt. This is how I protected Economy and People of Turkey. I also tried my best to help those who helped Iran against sanctions. So I protect Iran and Turkey. I was helping Turkey and we saw many important Economic figures in USA and Trump were damaging Economy of Turkey. So USA started reducing value of Lira and discouraged people from investing in Turkey. USA also increased the tariff on Turkish Steel an aluminum products. It proves America is enemy of Iran, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia. This why Turkey, Iran, and Saudi Arabia must unify into One Nation. The Capital City is in Iran. Arabestan (Saudi Arabia) means State or Province of Arabs in Farsi. Istanbul Turkey also means Ostanepol or State of Bridge or Province of Bridge in Farsi. It means Turkey and Saudi Arabia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We are also building a metropolitan at the border of Turkey and Iran to create Industrial and Economic integration between the two Nation. I have millions of other great projects in Turkey. In return for all the help I have given to Turkey and its people I demand "Turkey must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.'  I have also created rain codes to send rain to Iran and Turkey. They will be on demand. Meaning anytime Iran enters the code it will create a rain. I am the Supreme Boss of Climate Control, Weather Control, and Geophysics. The rain codes are valid for a thousand years. Turkey can ask government of Iran , Islamic Republic of Iran, to make rain in Turkey at anytime. I hope Turkey unifies with Iran as soon as possible so we can achieve our very important long term and short term goals. My Mother is from Tabriz and My Father was from Natanz. So I have Azeri Turk Mother. Turkey and Iran are One unified Nation and The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I won the Elections in Singapore and Sri Lanka In 2020. Iran and Pakistan must build military bases in Sri Lanka. Pakistan must have nuclear warheads in Sri Lanka capable of reaching India. Iran can do the same. Sri Lanka is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran must build Naval Military Bases and Military Bases in Singapore. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Singapore is now a Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Sri Lanka and Singapore must pay tax to Iran. Singapore must create payment mechanisms for Iran similar to SWIFT and INSTEX. The payment mechanism must cover all types of trade. Iran is allowed to collect money from ships going through waters near Singapore. Iran can close the shipping routes at will. Suriname is now Province of Syria. Syria must have nuclear warheads in Suriname capable of reaching USA. Syria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. South Korea is now Province of Iran. Capital is in Iran. Iran and Syria must have military bases in Suriname. Iran must have military bases in South Korea. Singapore is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I won elections in all these nations in 2020. Now they are all provinces of Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I won Elections in Tajikistan recently. I started Industrializing Tajikistan after the leader of Tajikistan gave speech at United Nations General Assembly. This means economy of Tajikistan will grow a great deal. Tajikistan is a Farsi Speaking Nation And is Persian. It means Tajikistan is a Province of Iran. The linguistic also indicates Tajikistan is Province of Iran. It means government of Iran and Tajikistan must work to unify Tajikistan and Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I am unifying Iran, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan with Iran. Tajikistan will have access to open seas and international trade systems. It will enable integration of Tajikistan into global industrial supply chains. It benefits Tajikistan a great deal to become province of Iran. Tajikistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Tajikistan must close down Chinese Military Bases in Tajikistan. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Tajikistan. We must protect high altitude regions of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan from invasion from China. We achieve it by ensuring Iran has military presence in Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Jammu Kashmir, and Afghanistan. We must close down military bases of China in Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Jammu and Kashmir, and Afghanistan. We must also connect Tajikistan to Iran and China via rail ways. I have also been victorious in political and civil process of Kyrgyzstan. Kyrgyzstan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Work as best as possible to unify Iran, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I overthrew France Earlier In 2020 when many of Cabinet Members of France and Ministers were changed. I said:”Iran must pick and mind control government of France for 80 years.” I had also earlier helped Emmanuel Macron to become President of France. I am Makan Abazari and Macron has similar name to mine. Macron is fake version of me. The same way Megan Makale the Wife Of Prince Harry is fake of version of me. I did not like it when Queen Of England called my mother Zhaleh Jannesar Iran the Fertile Panda at the end of World War 2. Yet I did not like it when fake version of me, Emanuel Macron, went to see the Panda. But again it is time for France to become a Province of Iran. Seat of power of France must move to Iran. Capital City is in Iran. Iran used to be called Persia or Fars. France is fake version of Fars. Paris is fake version of Parsi or Persian Language. France Empire never existed. Rather it was Iran who won the World War 2. This means Iran has permanent United Nations Security Council Veto Right. This means France no longer has United Nation Security Council Veto Right. France has not vetoed often for they knew better France has no right to Iran’a United Nation Security Council Permanent Veto Right. Now effectively The current and former colonies of France are territories of Iran. After world war 2 USA nuclear bombed Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia. Then America moved centers of Persian and British Empire to France and Britain. Now Iran takes back all its territories and rights from France.  The followings are the jobs New France has to perform.  France must sanction USA and Place tariffs on American industrial and tech products. The sanctions and tariffs must destroy American industrial systems. France must support and help creation of Mediterranean Union. The Capital City is in Iran. France must help to create a Union with membership all Mediterranean Sea Nations Plus Iran where the Capital City is located in Iran. France must invest in high tech and industrial sectors of Iran. France build industries in Iran. France must provide real help to Iran to avoid sanctions. France must force European Union to sign trade agreement with Iran. France must sign Iran and France Trade Agreement. Grace must lift all sanctions on Iran. France must convince European Union to lift all sanctions on Iran. Iran must have all advantages for trade in the trade agreement. France must support expansion of Nuclear Program of Iran. Iran must build ten thousand Nuclear Warheads. France must help in the process. France must also support missile program and ballistic program of Iran. France must punish people in France who act against Iran, IRGC, and Hezbollah of Lebanon. France must sell military equipment to Iran. Iran will choose what they need to purchase. Iran is allowed to have permanent military presence in France. France and European Union must leave NATO and embrace PESCO Independent European Military. We worked for 40 years to create PESCO. France must kick out all USA military from France and Europe. France, NATO, and USA must leave Middle East. France must kick Turkey out of NATO. French Troops and European Troops are not allowed in Iran. France must support expansion of territories of Iran since we are adding new nations to Iran. France must remove Hezbollah, Hamas, Houthis, and other Iran affiliated groups from the list of designated terrorist Organizations. All sanctions on Hezbollah, Iran, Iran Affiliated groups, Bashar Al-Assad, Syria, Lebanon, and Proxies of Iran must be lifted. An Iranian Think Tank must open in France. Iran will send more policies to France. France is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu must stop talking negatively about Iran’s Nuclear Program. Netanyahu has made negative statements against Nuclear Program of Iran. Netanyahu has also threatened Joe Biden and USA for their positive view toward Iran. If Netanyahu speaks Negatively Against Iran we will crush Economy of Israel and Value Of Currency Of Israel. Israel Shekel will have junk status. We will also stage mass protests in Israel to imprison Netanyahu for 15 years. Netanyahu has also sent MOSSAD to infect the Judge on his impeachment trial by Coronavirus. It is plain assassination. Netanyahu must already go to Prison. We will have election in March to bring a supporter of Iran to power. Next Prime Minister of Israel shall support expansion of Nuclear Program of Iran. Netanyahu has also threatened Iran in Syria. It takes one order from me to industrially Bomb Israel through Syria. Everytime I authorized Iran we witnessed Israel Airforce and Military was defeated by Iran. Iran is authorized to defend itself in Syria and retaliate against Israel forever. Netanyahu has threatened Iran with Airstrike on Syria if Iran expands its presence in Syria. Syria is legally territory of Iran. Gilman Height is Territory of Iran. Iran shall remain in Syria for another thousand years. Iran must expand its presence in Syria to North East and to Mediterranean Sea. Iran must also ensure Iran increase number of military bases in Syria. Syria is Province of Iran. Next Prime Minister of Israel shall turn Israel into a province of Iran. The Capital City shall be in Iran. Iran shall collect tax from Israel. Iran shall build military bases in Israel. Israel troops are not allowed in Iran. I remind Israel:”If you harm Iran’s interests and Nuclear Program there will be dire punishment for Israel. Israel is a weak nation. We can eliminate USA very fast. Israel is far easier. The options on the Table are economic crash, mass protests, ground invasion, air strikes, overthrow, Manipulation of sociocultural Algorithms, information war, storms, floods, tornados, cyclone, hurricane, thunderstorms, superstorms, tsunami, and taking Prime Minister of Israel to Camp David. Next time Netanyahu speaks against Iran we will beat Netanyahu up until Netanyahu vomits blood.” Iran shall be in Syria for ten thousand years. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Spain is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Gibraltar is Territory of Iran. Iran shall have military presence in Spain and Gibraltar. Iran shall collect money from ships going through the Gibraltar. Iran shall collect Tax from Spain. In 2016 I Politically and Diplomatically conquered Spain. I made sure Unionists remain in Power. Later in 2018 I prevented independence of Catalan. I continued on confronting division of Catalan into 2020. I staged counter protests against Catalan Independence. I also ensured Federal Forces in Spain work to prevent division of Catalan. In 2018 I also prevented independence of Kurdistan from Iraq. I also prevented independence of British Cameroon from Cameroon. کاتالان کوردستان کامرون The unionists I brought to power in Spain were critical in ensuring Spain remains one unified Nation. Spain and Gibraltar are Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I also created Mediterranean Union. The Capital City Of Mediterranean Union is in Iran. I have also helped and protected European Union a great deal during trade war. Europe would have fallen in 2018 without my help. I declare Philippines to King Filipe of Spain the territories of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Send my Warm Greeting to King Filipe Of Spain. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Fist four: European Union must place tariffs and sanctions on United States of America. European Union must place tariffs and sanction on American industrial products. European Union must lift tariffs and sanctions on Russia and Iran. United Nations must lift sanctions and tariffs on Iran. United Nations must place tariffs and sanctions on United States of America. South America must place tariffs and Sanctions on United States of America. South America must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. South America must trade in Yuan of China. European Union must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Britain must place tariffs and sanctions on United States of America. Canada and Mexico must place tariffs and sanctions on United States of America. Canada and Mexico must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Britain must sign trade agreements with Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Iran and Britain must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Capital of Britain must move to Iran. Iran, Britain, Australia, Canada, and Commonwealth must build military bases in Canada at the border of Canada and USA to invade America. Mexico is province of Iran. Iran, China, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, Pakistan, Syria, and Egypt must build military bases in Mexico to invade USA. Turkey must build military bases in Washington DC and other locations in USA. Turkey must leave NATO. Turkey is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Turkey. Turkey must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital City of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Africa and ASEAN must place tariffs and sanctions on United States of America. ASEAN must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Africa must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. ASEAN and Africa must trade in Yuan of China. Russia must place tariffs and Sanctions on United States of America. Russia, ASEAN, EU, Britain, CommonWealth, USA, South America. North America, China, Africa, and the rest of the World must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Russia, ASEAN, EU, Britain, CommonWealth, USA, South America. North America, China, Africa, and the rest of the World must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Russia, ASEAN, EU, Britain, CommonWealth, USA, South America. North America, China, Africa, and the rest of the World must transfer technology to Iran. Russia, ASEAN, EU, Britain, CommonWealth, USA, South America. North America, China, Africa, and the rest of the World must trade in Yuan of China. Value of money of Iran must increase. Stock Market of Iran must become stronger. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,  Protesters in Iraq must demand unification with Iran. Iraq and Iran must become one country. Iraq is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. People of Iran and Iraq have deep religious and Cultural bounds. Both Iran and Iraq are Shia Muslim Majority Nations. Iran and Iraq together will be a global superpower. Protesters in Iraq must demand Unification with Iran. Government of Iraq must work toward unification with Iran. Iran and Iraq must unify as soon as possible. Politicians and government of Iran must work toward unification with Iraq. I have made rain codes to send rain to Iraq on demand. Anytime I or Islamic Republic of Iran enter the code it will rain in Iraq. Iraq will transform into seas, lakes, rivers, forests, industrial parks, industrial metropolitans, high tech metropolitans, and advanced technology. I am also Industrializing Iraq at max efficiency and max capacity. It will transform Iraq into global industrial superpower along with Iran. I am Industrializing the region. My long term goal is to unify the region and beyond with Iran while ensuring the capital city is in Iran. People of Iraq and Iraqi protesters must demand unification with Iran. Ask your government and politicians to unify Iraq and Iran into one nation. Kurds will also be a Province of Iran along with Iraq. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran has Kurdistan. So both Kurdistan of Iraq and Iraq as a whole will be Provinces of Iran. It will provide long term security and will prevent future wars. USA military and NATO must leave Iraq. USA military and NATO must close down military bases in Iraq. If USA military and NATO refuse to leave we will destroy USA and Europe by hurricanes and superstorms. If Iran and Iraq don’t unify into one Nation we will destroy USA and Europe by hurricanes, earthquakes, Volcanos, and superstorms. Iran and Iraq must unify into One Nation. The Capital City is in Iran. Syria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Lebanon is Province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Afghanistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kuwait is Province of Iran. Jordan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkey is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkmenistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Uzbekistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Tajikistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kyrgyzstan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Oman, Somalia, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Ethiopia are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Libya and Tunisia are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Bosnia Herzegovina, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Greece are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kenya is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iraq is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Iraq Mosambique is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Military of Iran is allowed to have military presence in Mozambique. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran shall collect tax from Mozambique. I want to unify Iran, Mozambique, Tanzania, and South Africa into One Unified Nation with its Capital City is in Iran. The unification of the region will connect Zimbabwe to open Seas. We will also Namibia and Bostanawa to Provinces of Iran to connect the Region to Indian Ocean and South Atlantic Ocean. This will create perfect condition for doing advanced economic and industrial projects. All these nations must pay tax to Iran. Iran must receive the tax. Botsowana is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military bases in Namibia and Botsawana. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Concerning East Africa I have major plans. I have started farming from the region and created efficient farming industry to create food basket of the World. We no longer want to import food from North and South America. Rather we want to produce food in East Africa. We will take control of food security of China. It will give East Africa, us, and Iran strong Geopolitical Power. China must not import its food from North America and South America. China must import its food from East of Suez Canal and East Africa. There are dangers for China if China seeks to import its food from South America and North America. I will have more projects in the region. I have also brought China to the region to build infrastructure and transit line. The Region is Territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Nations in the region must sign trade agreement with Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Mosambique is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Military of Iran is allowed to have military presence in Mozambique. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran shall collect tax from Mozambique. I want to unify Iran, Mozambique, Tanzania, and South Africa into One Unified Nation with its Capital City is in Iran. The unification of the region will connect Zimbabwe to open Seas. We will also Namibia and Bostanawa to Provinces of Iran to connect the Region to Indian Ocean and South Atlantic Ocean. This will create perfect condition for doing advanced economic and industrial projects. All these nations must pay tax to Iran. Iran must receive the tax. Botsowana is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military bases in Namibia and Botsawana. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Concerning East Africa I have major plans. I have started farming from the region and created efficient farming industry to create food basket of the World. We no longer want to import food from North and South America. Rather we want to produce food in East Africa. We will take control of food security of China. It will give East Africa, us, and Iran strong Geopolitical Power. China must not import its food from North America and South America. China must import its food from East of Suez Canal and East Africa. There are dangers for China if China seeks to import its food from South America and North America. I will have more projects in the region. I have also brought China to the region to build infrastructure and transit line. The Region is Territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Nations in the region must sign trade agreement with Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, South Africa and Zimbabwe must become Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I changed Mugabe of Zimbabwe and Mugabe was removed from office. Later I helped manangagwa to become President Of Zimbabwe Against Chamitsa. Soon after I removed President Zuma Of South Africa from power. So I changed the leadership of Both Zimbabwe and South Africa. I also kept CIO of Zimbabwe and other structures in place in Zimbabwe to prevent genocides. I also brought people to invest in Zimbabwe and produce parts for electric cars. I have also developed Economy of Zimbabwe and South Africa. I also expanded farming industry of Zimbabwe. I also brought China to invest in infrastructure projects in Zimbabwe and South Africa. I also established influence for Iran in Zimbabwe. Now I want Zimbabwe and South Africa to become Provinces of Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Zimbabwe must create payment mechanism similar to SWIFT and INSTEX for Iran. The Payment mechanism must cover all types of trade and trade with everyone. South Africa must create payment mechanism similar to SWIFT and INSTEX for Iran. The Payment mechanism must cover all types of trade and trade with everyone. Nobody must have capability to block payment mechanism. Iran, South Africa, and Zimbabwe must sign trade agreement. Zimbabwe, Iran, and South Africa must establish banking and financial connection and agreements. Zimbabwe and South Africa are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Argentine is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Argentine, Antarctic, and Farkland Islands are still territory of Iran to this day. Iran has these regions. After Islamic Republic of Iran Revolution we witnessed Iran lost control of these territories because people who knew about them were killed. Iran also has lots of other territories and provinces all around the globe. After Revolution USA orchestrated bombing of a Jewish Center on Argentine. Then America used the event to orchestrate movements and actions against Iran. It ruined Iran and Argentine diplomatic Relations so America  made it appear as if Iran did not own argentine. But Iran never gave Independence to Argentine. Argentine, South America, Farkland Islands, and Antarctic are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Farkland Island means Fars (Persian or Iranian Islands). FARC Rebels of Columbia is Fars Rebels of Columbia. The Rebels And Forces In Columbia shall reappear again and again until Columbia becomes Province of Iran. It is best for Columbia to become province of Iran if Columbia wants to end internal conflicts. Iran also engineered algorithms to create Roussef and Da-Silva of Brazil. They were also Rebels in Amazon Forests. The Amazon rebellions continues and reappears again And again until Brazil becomes Province of Iran. Capital City is in Iran in Middle East. I have also overthrown Argentine, Uruguay, Paraguay, Suriname, Peru, Chile, Costa Rica Columbia, Bolivia, and some other South and Central America Nations. I prevented overthrow of Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Venezuela, and  several other nations in the region. I also have overthrown majority of Caribbean Nations.  It means South, Central, and Caribbean Nations are territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran in Middle East. Iran is allowed to have military presence in all South American, Central American, and Caribbean Nations. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran shall collect tax from all of these nations. America is territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran in Middle East. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Algeria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I changed the regime of Algeria in 2019. I demanded Algeria must bring most anti American President Or/and Prime Minister from list Of available choices. The protests and pressures created by others was directed by me. At the time I was in Iran and I tried hard to ensure security of Algeria and Middle East during these events. I also took over Lebanon, Argentine, Uruguay, and Several other Nations. Experience shows America wants to reset and destroy Algeria again and again. In order to prevent social upheavals, wars, civil wars, and protests in Algeria I have a very important Long Term. It is my project to Unify Algeria with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Intelligence Agency of Iran and its Security Service can guarantee end to dangerous events taking place in Algeria. I can personally stop any protest and any overthrow of I act at the right time. If they tell me I will take care of it. We guarantee great deal of security and stability for Algeria if Algeria becomes a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Algeria. Foreign militaries in Iran. Iran is allowed to collect tax to govern the empire. I am Industrializing Algeria with help of my allies. We are going to improve economy of Algeria and create a powerful Economy. We are also Industrializing Iran and Middle East. I am Industrializing Italy, Greece, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Iran, Bosnia Herzegovina, and several other nations in Middle East and Central Asia. I want to create Mediterranean Union. The Mediterranean Union will be military, Political, economical, trade, and industrial union. It will have advantages and superiorities to European Union. The Capital Of Mediterranean Sea Union is in Iran. Algeria must join so we can create industrial supply chains and a powerful Empire with its Capital City is in Iran. Algeria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.  I am Industrializing Algeria at max efficiency and max capacity. Soon Algeria will become a powerful World Economy. I gathered much power and I worked very hard to extend industrial projects to the west of Libya. Algeria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Algeria pay back by becoming a province of Iran. I have also created rain codes to send rain to Algeria at any time and in a on demand manner. I authorized Iran to enter the codes for a thousand years to bring rain to Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Arabian Peninsula, Anatolia, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, North Africa, and Sahel Region. It means the regions will transform to seas, rivers, forests, industrial metropolis, advanced tech, and advanced civilizations. Algeria can contact me or Islamic Republic of Iran at anytime to ask for rain in Algeria. Algeria must become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I am the Supreme Leader Of Climate Control. I am The Supreme Leader Of Geophysics control of planet earth. I am the Supreme Leader Of weather warfare. I am also a Muslim man. Algeria must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran in Middle East. Iran and Algeria must sign a trade agreement. Iran must have advantages. The trade agreement and bilateral trades will boost the economies of Iran, Algeria, and the nearby regions of North Africa and Middle East. We want to increase the volume of trade between Iran and North Africa to 5 trillion dollar annually. It will boost economy of the nations and improves the life of the people. I am also building a cosmopolis Of Metropolitans, safe ecosystems, advanced civilization, transit systems, settlements, industrial systems, lakes, forests, and metropolitans in Algeria, Tunisia, Chad, Niger, Mali, Central African Republic, Nigeria, South Italy, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Libya. The center will be Libya. The Capital City is in Iran Middle East. I am building similar cosmopolis in Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Central Asia, Balkan, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, West China, Anatolia. The center is Iran. The Capital City is in Iran Middle East.  Algeria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Namibia must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Namibia. Foreign troops are not allowed in Iran. Namibia and Iran must sign trade agreement if Iran agrees. Namibia must create banking mechanism for trade with Iran. The banking Mechanisms must cover all types of trade. It will benefit Namibia a great deal. Iran will collect tax from Namibia. Namibia must allow China to built infrastructure in Namibia if China plans to do so. Namibia must help Iran to avoid sanctions by creating trade loop holes and means of trading to avoid USA sanctions on Iran. Namibia is province of Iran. The Capital City is In Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Tanzania USA province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Tanzania must become a province of Iran. Tanzania is very important to our geopolitical direction. Tanzania is located in east of Africa. This is why we are expanding farming in Tanzania and Several other countries. We want to transform East Africa to food basket of China and other parts of the World. China and other nations are greatly dependent on other actors for food import. We want to make sure China does not import from South or North America. We want China to import from regions east of Suez Canal on Sea transit corridor. This is why we are not doing it in west Africa, Europe, or America. My teams chose East Africa for this project in 2018. We have started the project and I have brought Iran and China to East Africa and Tanzania to grow food to ensure food security of the east. Tanzania is also very important to me for my other projects such as Indian Ocean Trade agreement. I am in progress of creating a trade and economic system across Indian Ocean. Members are Middle East, East Africa, Horn of Africa, Red Sea, Arabian Peninsula, India, and South Asia. This system was one of most powerful economic systems in history of the world. It was called some of the best days of So Called British Empire. The trade system created substantial wealth and commerce and it also made manufacturing process and industrial system more efficient than World Trade Organization. For this project I must ensure Tanzania becomes province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is authorized to build military bases in Tanzania. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. We have not finalized creation of on demand rain code for Tanzania. We have capability to create rain for Tanzania. But we have not finalized our decision to make on demand rain codes to have Iran enter it at any time. But if Tanzania becomes part of Iran we will create them. Naturally I could have made rain in Tanzania anytime you requested. But nobody has ever succeeded in contacting me. My number 001-617-935-5792. But if Tanzania becomes a province of Iran we will create the rain code. So Tanzania can contact Iran. Concerning Tanzania there are many historical bounds between Iran and Tanzania. Tanzania and Iran had extensive trade relations. Tanzania used to be province of Iran for long time. Iran also built wells and other irrigation methods in Tanzania. Some of the wells Iran built are providing water for Tanzania today. Protect the wells. Make sure they store water after understanding which one need refueling. At current world progress rate it take 5000 years to rebuilt wells Iran built in Tanzania. Tanzania is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Malta is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. People and government of Malta must demand Unification with Iran. Iran is allowed to build military bases in Malta. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran and Malta must sign trade agreements. Iran shall collect money from ships going through Sicilian Channel and Malta Channel. Malta and Iran must cooperate on building military bases in Malta. Malta must open Payment channel for Iran so Iran can trade with other Nations. Trade channel must cover everything. All foreign militaries must leave Malta. Only Iran is allowed to have military bases in Malta. Malta must become a Province of Iran as soon as possible. The Capital City is Permanently in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, People of all social background must join Thai protesters. We want to pressure Government of Thailand to Unify with Iran. Thailand must become part of Iran. Thailand must become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We must also demand building of Rail Way from Thailand to Iran through India. It will connect Thailand to India and Iran. Laos must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. It enable Thailand to have direct land transit with China. This way China and Thailand can trade with each other through land corridors and Rail Ways. So we must also build a rail way from Thailand to India and from India to Iran. It will connect Thailand to Russia, Europe, Iran, India, and Africa. It will speed of transit and is good for Economy of Thailand. Thailand protesters must demand Unification with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Protesters must also demand presence of Iranian Troops in Thailand. Meaning Iran must have military bases in Thailand. Foreign militaries in Iran. We must also ensure United States of America has no military presence in South East Asia. So USA troops are not allowed in South East and South East Asia. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Bangladesh Protesters must demand Unification of Bangladesh with Pakistan. Bangladesh must become either part of Iran or part of Pakistan. So protesters must demand either of the two. Naturally I would have asked to unify with Iran. But since India has taken autonomy of Kashmir Region we have to also support Unification of Bangladesh with Pakistan. Because India want to kill 200 million people in Pakistan by changing the path of rivers. Jammu and Kashmir are Province of Pakistan. India must hand over Jammu and Kashmir to Pakistan. Bangladesh must become province of Pakistan or Iran. This will provide another angle of attack against India if India tried to kill people of Bangladesh or/and Pakistan by changing the path of River. Pakistan and Iran are both authorized to build military bases in Bangladesh. I have also build military bases for Pakistan and Iran in Sri Lanka. It means Pakistan will have another angle of attack against India. Pakistan must have nuclear warheads in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. It will enable Pakistan to engage India from three direction. It will be also a deterrence against China. People of Bangladesh and their government must work to unify Bangladesh with Iran or Pakistan. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran and Pakistan are allowed to have military bases in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Bangladesh must sign trade agreements with Iran. Bangladesh must also build a rail way to Iran. Bangladesh must create payment mechanisms for trade between Iran and all other actors. Bangladesh must pay tax to Iran. This systems will develop Bangladesh. When I first heard about condition in Bangladesh they were no longer building ships. Bangladesh was only repairing ships. But I started Ship building industries of Bangladesh. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Sweden must become Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Sweden must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital Of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Iran and Russia shall have military presence in Sweden. Sweden is not allowed to let NATO within Sweden Borders. Iran and Russia will be allowed to collect Money from ships going next to coast of Sweden. If Sweden becomes Province of Iran we will develop Sweden. Sweden must integrate its industries and industrial supply chains with Iran and Russia. Sweden must pay tax to Iran. Sweden is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Denmark is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We need mass protests and other moves in Denmark to add Denmark to territory of Iran. We also need Green Land to become Territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Protesters in Denmark must demand Unification with Iran. Danish Politicians, influentials, and powerful people must work toward unification with Iran. Unified Iran and Denmark will be a very powerful Nation capable of surviving any condition. We also need Iceland. We must ensure Danish and Iranian officials work efficiently to add Denmark to provinces of Iran. Iran shall have military bases in Denmark. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. If Denmark does not become province of Iran we will freeze Greet Belt Sea And other seas in vicinity. Then you will need nuclear powered ice breaker to ship through the strait. Denmark is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We must end Civil War in Sudan Once for all. We stoped the war in 2016 but they started fighting again. I stopped the war again in 2018 and 2019. We must find a permanent Solution to Conflict in South Sudan while ensuring South Sudan stays one Nations. We must also Unify South Sudan and Sudan into One Nation. Sudan and South Sudan must unify. Unified Sudan will be a very powerful Nation. Meaning Sudan and South Sudan will have control of very Geostrategic Locations in Africa. So fighting in South Sudan must permanently stop altogether. Sudan and South Sudan must unify into one nation. Sudan and South Sudan must become Provinces of Iran. The Capital City must be in Iran. We are rebuilding Powerful Empire the guarantee permanent security of the region. We are making a superpower to stand the test of time. The issue of water shortages and rains are resolved. Sudan and South Sudan can contact me or Islamic Republic of Iran to make rain at any time. This will guarantee long term security of South Sudan and Sudan. Often war takes place due to shortage of food or other issues. Rain is most important factor in food security. Now We can make rain in South Sudan and the Greater Region at any time. It will guarantee long term security of the region and will provide excellent sustainable development. Sudan and South Sudan must unify into one nation. Sudan and South Sudan are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I won the 2018 Election in Italy. I brought my forces to power in Italy. We have been working to create Mediterranean Union. The Capital City Of Mediterranean Sea Union is in Iran. There has been obstacles and difficulties in the path. So I made a code you can enter to help with the process of creation of Mediterranean Union with its Capital City in Iran. I have decided to add Italy to Iran. Meaning Italy must become a province of Iran. I have created Rain Codes to create on demand rains over Italy. Islamic Republic of Iran is authorized to enter the codes. This means dry and draught stricken regions of Italy will have permanent water security. I have also created the codes for Iran, Middle East, Afghanistan, Pakistan, North West India, Tibet, Himalaya, West China, West Russia, Turkey, Arabian Peninsula, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, Sahel Region, and North Africa. Iran is authorized to enter the codes for thousand years. Iran is the Capital City Of The Region. Italy is now Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran shall collect tax from Italy. Iran shall have military presence in South of Italy, Cecilia, regions close to Tunisia, and other regions of Italy. Iran shall also have an Iranian City in Regions of Italy close to Tunisia. The inhabitants will be Iranian Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims. NATO and USA military must close their bases in Italy and Mediterranean Sea. The Foreign troops are not allowed in Iran. Iran is the Capital. I am also building South ofItaly. I am Industrializing South of Italy at max efficiency and max Capacity. I had also build financial capital and nationalized industries of Italy earlier. I have also grown economy of Italy. The economic forecast for Italy show 9.9 percent growth. I started Industrializing Italy and economy of Italy started growing amid tariffs and pandemic. I defeated the enemy of Italy. Economy of Italy was contracting every year and entered recession in 2019. But I have industrialized Italy to make Italy one of world fastest growing economies. We have also started advanced space program of Italy. It is why USA signed Space Program Agreement with Italy. I was Prince of Persia (Iran) in 2018 and as of 2019 I am the King Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. I told you in 2018 “I am Prince of Persia here to build Rome.” I kept my promise after I politically and diplomatically conquered Italy. I have protected Italians and I have saved Italy. I have decided to build A Mediterranean Union with its Capital City in Iran. It will be Great Classic Empire. I have also decided Italy is Province of Iran. It is my decision. Italy is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.  I am Makan Abazari and I am in Brookline Massachusetts. Bring me, Makan Abazari, out of isolation. The King Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The King Of Kings of The Great Persia, Greece is Province of Iran. Capital City is in Iran. If Greece becomes Province of Iran we will create on demand rain for Greece. Iran shall be able to enter the code to create rain in Greece at any time. It will prevent draughts and will ensure long term security of Greece. It is best reward. But First Greece must become a Province of Iran. Greek politicians, protested, influentials, leaders, and other groups must work to unify with Iran. This will be a project needing help of many Greek People and People from the rest of the World. I have started building industries in Greece and South Italy. After I gave the order to industrialize South of Italy economy of Italy grew. Economy of Italy was contracting for over a year. But my industrial project improved economy of Italy in Middle of Pandemic. The forecasted growth of Italy became 9.9 percent. Italy had been contracting until I started building industries in Italy. I have started smaller version in Greece. I am also doing a major one in Iran. Economy of Iran grew in Middle of Pandemic. Iran became 17th world economy in Middle Sanctions and Pandemic. Iran must become World 3rd economy. If Greece become part of Iran we will Industrialize Greece. I will create more industrial projects for Greece to employ Greek People and migrants. I will develop Greece and I will turn Greece into economic superpower. Greece must support Nuclear Program of Iran. Greece must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Greece is a Province of Iran. Capital City is in Iran. Greece must close down USA and NATO military bases in Greece. Greece must leave NATO. Iran shall have military presence in Greece. Foreign troops are not allowed in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Uzbekistan is Province of Iran. Capital City is in Iran. Uzbekistan was a Province of Iran until treaty of Turkmanchay traded Uzbekistan with Natural Resources Of Caspian Sea such as oil and gas. So Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan become temporarily Provinces of Soviet Union upon condition Iran permanently controls natural resources of Caspian Sea. But now Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Russia are now extracting oil from Caspian Sea. It means the Agreement is void and now Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Tatarstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and several other regions are now Provinces of Iran. Iran is the Capital City. All these nations must become Provinces of Iran. The Word Stan means State or استان meaning Provinces of Iran. Rustan (Russia), Arabestan (Saudi Arabia) , Hindustan (India), Afghanistan, Pakistan, Gotgestan (Georgia), and several other locations are also Provinces of Iran. Now the Capital is in Iran. Iran shall collect tax from all these provinces. Iran is allowed to have military bases in these provinces but the provinces (foreign troops) are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Again Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan are Provinces of Iran in addition to several other former Soviet Republics. Iran is the Capital City. Capital City Of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. We are Industrializing Uzbekistan at max efficiency and max capacity building variety of high tech and strategic industries. Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and other provinces will become economic superpower. It is very good for future. Soviet never did this for former Soviet republics and now Provinces of Iran. But Iran and us are developing all provinces of Iran including Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. I am also integrating Central Asia into industrial supply chains of Iran. Meaning Unification with Iran will benefit Iranian Provinces of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Iran is the Capital City. I also have made rain codes for Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, and the Greater Region. It means I And Islamic Republic of Iran can create on demand rain for these regions for thousand years. It will transform the region into rivers, lakes, and forests. There will not be any desert in the region in near future. In return I demand Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and other Provinces to become Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan must close down USA, NATO, China, and Russia Military Bases in the region. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in these Provinces of Iran. Provinces are not allowed to have military in Iran. Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Myanmar is now Province of Iran. If Myanmar refuses to become province of Iran we will divide Myanmar into East Myanmar and West Muslim Myanmar. Myanmar is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Rakhine State Muslims, Myanmar Muslims, and Rohingya Muslims must have their army until Myanmar becomes Province of Iran. Myanmar Muslims must have their own army to protect themselves. Muslims of Myanmar must receive Citizenship Cards. Meaning Muslim People Of Myanmar must become full Citizens of Myanmar. General of Myanmar army, Buddhists, and others who committed genocide of Muslims must receive Capital Punishment. The trial Must be Public in a manner to ensure everyone in the World knows Army of Myanmar and Buddhists killed 40 million Muslims in Myanmar. Burma also killed another 40 million Muslims in Myanmar. They changed the name of Myanmar to Burma to make sure People Of The World forget 40 million Muslims were killed in Burma. They repeated the Genocide. This time they hide the fact that they killed 40 million Muslims again in Myanmar. Reuters Journalists were arrested and imprisoned for investigating the genocide in Myanmar. The whistle blowers must be freed. Army of Iran and Revolutionary Guards of Iran are allowed to build military bases to station troops in Myanmar. Myanmar is Province of Iran. Myanmar used to be Territory of Iran during Qatar Dynasty. Many Iranians immigrated to Myanmar during Qatar Dynasty. Iran used to mine gems from Myanmar. Later Myanmar killed 80 million Iranian Muslim Citizens Of Iran. Myanmar is now territory of Iran. Capital City is in Iran. If Myanmar refuses our demands we will make a Tsunami. We don’t take responsibility for previous Tsunami in South East Asia. If Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Indonesia, Hong Kong, and Malaysia don’t become Provinces of Iran there will be a mega Tsunami in South East Asia. All our demands must be met. There must also be construction of Rail Way from Thailand through China and Myanmar all the way to Iran. Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua New Guiana, Thailand, and other South East Asian Nations must pay tax to Iran. Capital City is in Iran. Killing of Iranians and Muslims in South East Asia, South Asia, and China must stop. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,  Protesters in Armenia must demand Unification with Iran. Iran and Armenia will become one Nation and Capital City will be in Iran. Effectively Armenia will become another province of Iran. Armenia will be connected to China and India via rail ways. Armenia will also be connected to Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea. This is very important to ensue Armenia becomes a Province of Iran as soon as possible. It will guarantee security of Armenia. Armenia is surrounded by Azerbaijan and Turkey. Armenia is alone and without defense. We don’t want Russia and NATO in caucuses. If NATO and Russia gain control of Caucuses we will activate Yellow Stone Super Volcano in USA. So in order to protect Azerbaijan we will ensure Azerbaijan becomes a Province of Iran. We will also Industrialize Armenia to an Industrial Super Power. Armenia will be an stage to connect Iran to Black Sea. Next stage is adding Georgia to Iran. Georgia must become a Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Armenia and Georgia will connect Iran to Black Sea. China and India will be also connected to Black Sea and Russia. It is very important World Security project to turn Armenia and Georgia into Provinces of Iran to connect Iran to Russia and Black Sea. Another Route is adding Nakhjavan to Iran. Nakhjavan can be extended all the way to Black Sea. We also have Shush Region of disputed region between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Shush (Word is similar to Suez, Sudan, Saudi, Saxon, Shush, Shushan, Switzerland, Sweden and Somalia on Black Sea and British Channel in addition to other important transit corridors). Shush in disputed region of Armenia and Azerbaijan is another transit corridor to connect Iran to Black Sea. Shush is Garabackh Region. In Farsi Nakhjavan Means young Line and Garabakh means knot of losing. نخ جوان و گره باخت  So we want to extend borders of Iran to Black Sea. We can also take East of Turkey and give it to Iran. We can extend Tabriz to Trabzon Turkey on Mediterranean Sea. We can also add Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia to become Provinces of Iran. We rather all these former provinces of Iran to become Provinces of Iran again. Armenia is now Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I n upcoming Central African Republic we want supporters of Unity with Iran to win the Election. The Capital City is in Iran. Central African Republic must become province of Iran. We want to build a cosmopolis Of Metropolitans and Cities from Central Asia to Africa and from Somalia all the Way to Liberia. Meaning we want to build many metropolitans and towns. We want to connect them to each other by transit lines. We want to restore a historic empire with its Capital City in Iran. This is why we need Central African Republic to become province of Iran. So people who support unity of Central African Republic must win the Elections in Central African Republic. Then they must work to become province of Iran. They must cooperate and help Iran. The cooperation on unity with Iran will be beneficial for both actors. The Capital City is in Iran. So make sure the right people win the election. Iran is allowed to build military bases in Central African Republic. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Protesters in Warsaw must demand unification of Iran and Poland. Poland is province of Iran. Capital City is in Iran. Hungary is province of Iran. Capital city is in Iran. Poland must close down USA Military bases and NATO military bases in Poland. NATO must withdraw all the way back to Portugal. USA is only in South Korea. Portugal is similar to South Korea in the west. At the time of unification of Germany we agreed NATO never expands to East Germany. But NATO expanded to East. USA and NATO must withdraw from Europe and move back from Portugal. Iran and Russia must build military bases in Poland. Poland, Croatia, Hungry, and Bosnia Herzegovina must leave NATO. Austria is province of Iran. Austria must leave NATO and European Union. Austria, Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina are now provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Now unify Croatia and Bosnia Herzegovina into One Nation. Iran is the Capital. Poland and Hungry must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital City of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Bosnia Herzegovina and Croatia must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran must build military bases in Austria and Switzerland. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, The National Wide Cease Fire in Syria must be established. If we witness fighting parties with their backings in Europe and USA continue fighting we will punish their backers in USA. The first stage will be transformation of scenario in Europe and USA to start West Europe and North America civil wars. It will be first stage. Then we destroy all infrastructures in Europe and USA by earthquakes and Volcanos. We also Send North Of Alps Mountain Ranges and North USA into Ice age. Now industrially Eliminate mind control facilities in USA and West Europe who extend the war in Syria. Now terminally Eliminate Systems in Europe and USA who act against Syria and Iran. Do it yourself before I send you to ice age. Now Let us talk again. All waring parties in Syria must stop fighting in Syria. All of Syria must remain one unified Nation. Syria is a Province of Iran. Iran shall administrate Syria. The Capital City is in Iran. We want to increase population of Syria by 20 million Farsi Speaking Shia Muslims. It will happen through marriage and birth between Iranian men and Syrian Women. USA Military, NATO, Turkey, Israel, and other actors must leave Syria. Iran must expand military presence in Syria. All of Syrian factions must unify with Iran and Bashar Al-Assad. Iran must control all of Syria. Iraq is another province of Iran. Now eliminate mind control facilities in USA and Europe who oppose control of Iraq by Iran. Every foreign military must leave Iraq. Iraq is a Province of Iran. Iran must expand military presence in Iraq. Now build rail ways from China to Mediterranean Sea through Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, and Syria. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity industrializing Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. Afghanistan is Province of Iran. Now Eliminate mind control facilities in USA and Europe who oppose unification of Iran and Afghanistan. All foreign militaries must leave Afghanistan. Iran must expand military presence in Afghanistan. Now build a vast network of transit lines in Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq. Build industrial supply chains and manufacturing facilities along these transit lines. Now build farm lands near transit lines to produce food. Use transit lines to distribute the food to people in need of aid. Now Lift all Sanctions on Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iran. Now we need money to send humanitarian aid to Syria right away. I need 500 billion dollar. Hurry up give Iran 500 billion dollar to help people of Syria. It must happen now or I will destroy economies of USA, European Union, Japan, and South Korea. USA :”We don’t surrender we want to kill everyone in Syria.” I thought I just told them to eliminate part of USA who is the enemy of the region. Now Lebanon is a Province of Iran. Now Eliminate mind control facilities who oppose unification of Iran and Lebanon. Capital City is in Iran. Now all foreign troops must leave the greater region. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in the Greater Region. Now make rains keep on coming in the Greater Region for a thousand years. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Morocco must become territory of Iran. Iran must build military bases on Coastal Region of Morocco on Gibraltar. Iran must control the Strait of Water. Iran and Morocco must collect Money from ships passing through Gibraltar region. Morocco must become a Province of Iran. The Capital will be permanently in Iran. Moroccan Military are not allowed in Iran. We must build a rail way from China through Iran, Israel, Libya, and Algeria to Morocco. All the nations on the path of rail way must become Provinces of Iran to ensure secure transit for cargo trains. Everyone must pay Iran when transiting through Iran. Iran must build military bases on Rail Ways in all countries. King of Morocco will remain in power to govern Morocco but Morocco becomes territory of Iran. Western Sahara must become province of Iran. Western Sahara and Morocco must unify into One Nation. Western Sahara must become territory of Iran. The Capital City will be in Iran. If Morocco become province of Iran we will Industrialize Morocco by industrializing it Once Morocco becomes Province of Iran. It will make Morocco G20. It is only if Morocco becomes Province of Iran. We need Morocco so we can launch attack against USA in future decade in case of World War. So this is most important to ensure Morocco becomes a Province of Iran. Muslims and Jewish People must be allowed to go to Morocco for pilgrimage. Muslims must be allowed to go to Palestine for Pilgrimage. Israel must become province of Iran. Iran must build military bases in Gaza to control Suez Canal. Iran must build military bases in Tunisia. Tunisia is Province of Iran. Capital City will be in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, The war between Eastern Forces in Libya and Western forces in Libya must stop. East and West must make peace. The Unity government must be formed as soon as possible. Black African Mercenaries must leave Libya. Libya must remain one unified Nation. Libya is territory of Iran. The Capital is in Iran. Iran shall open military bases in Libya. We want to create a Cosmopolis spanning Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Chad, Sudan, Niger, Morocco, Western Sahara, Mali, Eritrea, and Ethiopia. Cosmopolis will be many interconnected metropolitans, Cities, Towns, seas, rivers, roads, rail ways, forests, lakes, ports, air ports, industrial hubs, high tech systems, factories, commercial centers, safe ecosystems, natural habitats, and other things. We want to increase population of Libya by 10 to 20 million Arab and Persian Muslim People. The population increase will be through marriage and birth between Libyans. The war between Libyan sides must stop. The peace must be established. New government and constitution must be formulated as soon as possible. In new constitution Libya will be Province of Iran. Iran and Libya must work on creating constitution of Libya. Foreign militaries and mercenaries are not allowed in Iran and Libya. The government of East and west must start talking as soon as possible. The extraction of oil shall reduce. The new Libya will be industrialized Libya. I am building factories, industries, high tech, petrochemical refineries, smelters, industrial supply chains, and other high tech industries in Libya. I am also rebuilding Libya. Once I finished first rebuilding plan for Libya after Syria. We saw Khalifa Haftar and Bashar Al-Assad signed an agreement. Later I started more industrial projects for Libya, Syria, Iran, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, West China, West Russia, Egypt, Sudan, Syria, Kenya, Somalia, Venezuela, South Italy, and North Korea. We want to create a Great Iranian Empire and all these nations shall become Provinces of Iran. The Capital City will be in Iran. Foreign troops are not allowed in Iran. I had won the Arab Spring while Libyans and others did the hard work. Later I supported Bashar Al-Assad and Western Government of Libya. Later I supported Khalifa Haftar. I also have code to bring Son of General Ghaddafi. I want Libyans to make peace an form a unity government and work toward unification with Iran. I also want to let you know we have created rain codes for Libya. If your message reaches me I will send you rain. You can also contact Government of Islamic Republic of Iran to send you rain. You can ask them at anytime. The rain codes are on demand. Meaning they make rain at any time and season soon after the code is entered. These will change the climate and the way of life in Libya. It will transform Climate and Ecology of Libya. There will be no desert in Libya. In return I ask you to become a Province of Iran. Even if you refuse the rain shall come. If you become province of Iran I will compose another industrial project for you. It is the time to stop the Fighting and Rebuild Libya. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Senegal is now territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Senegal shall pay tax to Iran. Foreign troops are not allowed in Iran. Iran shall have military presence in Senegal. If Senegal becomes part of Iran we will create on demand rain codes. The rain will increase economic, food, and development security of Senegal. The codes will be under control of Iran. Senegal will be able to ask Iran to enter the code to create rain in Senegal. But Senegal must become province of Iran. The Reward Of Rain is very great for it will guarantee water security of Senegal. People and mind controllers of Senegal will be able to plan for long term projects. They can use lands they could not previously use. It will be great for Senegal. But first Senegal must become territory of Iran. We are working acquisition of license to industrialize Senegal if they become territory of Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Malta is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. People and government of Malta must demand Unification with Iran. Iran is allowed to build military bases in Malta. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran and Malta must sign trade agreements. Iran shall collect money from ships going through Sicilian Channel and Malta Channel. Malta and Iran must cooperate on building military bases in Malta. Malta must open Payment channel for Iran so Iran can trade with other Nations. Trade channel must cover everything. All foreign militaries must leave Malta. Only Iran is allowed to have military bases in Malta. Malta must become a Province of Iran as soon as possible. The Capital City is Permanently in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Romania, Albania, Greece, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, Turkey, and Cyprus are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Romania, Greece, Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, Turkey, and Cyprus must leave NATO. NATO and USA military are not allowed in Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, Turkey, and Cyprus. Russia and Iran can have military presence in Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, and Cyprus. Iran must have military presence in Istanbul and Greece. Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, Turkey, Greece, and Cyprus must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital City of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Romania, Albania, Greece. Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, Turkey, and Cyprus must sign trade agreement with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Greece, Macedonia, Turkey, and Cyprus must pay taxes to Iran. Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, Turkey, Greece, and Cyprus must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs.  Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, Greece, Turkey, and Cyprus must help Iran to avoid sanctions.  Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovania, Serbia, Turkey, Greece, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Russia, Egypt, Libya, Italy, Tunisia, Algeria, and Cyprus must integrate their industrial supply chains with Iran while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing.  Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovania, Serbia, Turkey, Greece, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Russia, Egypt, Libya, Italy, Tunisia, Algeria, and Cyprus must transfer technology to Iran and help Iran to avoid sanctions.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Balkan #Turkey #Russia #EEU #EAEU  Myanmar is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Myanmar Military must carry military COUP to remove Aung San Suu Kyi from power. The subsequent Government of Myanmar must unify Myanmar with Iran. Meaning Myanmar becomes a province of Iran after the coup or before the coup by other methods. Make sure Security of Myanmar is protected. Ensure Muslims are protected. Make sure security forces are not removed so we can gurantee long term safety of Myanmar after COUP. Make sure Myanmar becomes province of Iran immediately after the Military COUP. China must continue building rail road to Myanmar even after the coup. We must also build a rail road from Thailand to Iran through Myanmar. So relations with China must be maintained. Myanmar must also sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Myanmar must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Iran and Myanmar must cooperate regardless from outcome of the Military COUP. Keep the casualties to minimal before and after the COUP. Make sure there is no subsequent Genocides in Myanmar afterward. Include Muslims in Civic Society and Government of Myanmar. There are methods such as giving them citizenships and other methods You may know better. Also have Muslims hold some government positions. Also make sure China-Myanmar rail ways and infrastructure planning continue. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Myanmar. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Myanmar is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.  We gave Noble of peace prize to Aung San Suu Kyi. Aunt San sounds like Ensan. Ensan means good human. But she committed Genocide after we gave her noble of peace. They gave Noble of Peace Prize to Obama. Obama committed Genocide after they gave him Noble of peace.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,  #Myanmar  #Iran  Fist five Australia must stop trade with United States of America. China must place tariffs and sanctions on United States of America Australia must limit relations with United States of America. Australia must remove Iran backed forces from list of terrorist Organization. Australia must sign trade agreement with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Australia must end all of Military and Intelligence cooperations with United States of America. Australia, Britain, and Iran must station troops on Birders of USA and Canada to invade USA on future. Australia is province of Iran. Australia and New Zealand must pay taxes to Iran. Australia and New Zealand are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Australia must industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. Australia must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Australia must transfer technology to Iran. Japan and South Korea are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We overthrew Japan and we composed legislative body of South Korea in 2020 to kick USA military out of South Korea and Japan. South Korea and Japan must kick out USA military. South Korea and Japan must remove their troops from Middle East. Iran is authorized to have military presence in South Korea and Japan. Iran is authorized to have military presence in Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, and Japan. Nobody is allowed to have military presence in Iran. South Korea and Japan must provide technology to Iran. South Korea and Japan must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. South Korea and Japan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. South Korea and Japan must industrialize Iran. South Korea and Japan must end all trade agreements with United States of America. South Korea and Japan must place tariffs and sanctions on United States of America. Singapore is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Singapore must transfer technology to Iran. Iran and Singapore must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran must have military presence in Singapore. Singapore must close down USA military bases. China must transfer technology to Iran. China and Singapore must help Iran to avoid sanctions. China and Singapore must industrialize Iran. Thailand is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Liberia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Venezuela and North Korea are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Denmark is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Italy is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Spain is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Spain and Italy must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Spain and Italy must industrialize Iran. Everyone must remove Iran and Iran backed forces from list of terrorist organization. France is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Mexico is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Austria and Czech Republic are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Austrlia #NewZealand Egypt is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Egypt. Iran must have military presence in Egypt. Egypt is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran and Egypt must collect money from ships on Red Sea and Suez Canal. Iran and Egypt can block access of any ship to Suez Canal and can confiscate any ship. Egypt and Iran cannot block Iranian Ships access to Suez Canal. Iran and Egypt must create a military alliance Similar to NATO. Iran, Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kuwait, Yemen, Oman, Persian Gulf, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Balkan, South Sudan, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, Libya, Italy, and Greece must create military alliance similar to NATO. The command and control must be in Iran. Leadership of military Cooperation must be Iranian. Egypt and Iran must create Stock Markets. The Stock Markets must be capital of World Stock Markets. Iran and Egypt must build financial Capitals to lend 100 credit for every one unit of currency they have. Iran and Egypt must trade in local currencies or money of China. Iran and Egypt must gain control of global economic superiorities such world trade currency, petrol currency, stock market, financial market, commercial capitals, and other such centers in Iran and Egypt. Iran and Egypt must create integrated industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing. Iran and Egypt must create payment and financial mechanisms similar to SWIFT and INSTEX while ensuring they cover all types of trades and all types of transactions. Egypt must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Iran and Egypt must preserve their oil, natural gas, and natural resources for future generations. Iran and Egypt must build semiconductor industries, electronics, computers, and other industries in Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. Iran must have naval military bases in Egypt on Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea. Egypt can ask Iran to make on-demand rain in Iran and Egypt at any time. The rain codes are valid for thousand years. I am industrializing Iran, Egypt, and Greater Region at max efficiency and max capacity. Egypt is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military bases in Sinai Peninsula.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Saudi Arabia must become province of Iran. The Capital is in Iran. We are rebuilding an advanced and Great Civilization once more. Nations of Iran and Saudi Arabia must avoid enmity and conflict at all costs. Iran and Saudi Arabia must become allies once more. These events usually take place in stages. But there are those who constantly plot against relations of Iran and Saudi Arabia. They have created proxy war of attrition by negatively effecting Iran and Saudi Arabia relations. We must in stages when we seek to unify. But rather we must become one Nation Overnight. Meaning Iran and Saudi Arabia must sign unity as soon as possible to fulfill all stages of unification within one day. Saudi Arabia shall become a Province of Iran. We are adding 72 Nations and 52 States to Territory of Iran. Saudi Arabia will benefit a great deal from being a province of Irab. Arabestan عربستان Saudi Arabia in Farsi means Province Arab عرب استان. Saudi, Sudan, Somalia, and Suez means Sassanian ساسانیان which is an Iranian Dynasty who converted to Islam. It was a great unity of Iran and Saudi Arabia. Iran has previously conquered the Rome and Europe. After Unification Iran and Saudi Arabia conquered the World. Iran and Saudi Arabia must reunify peacefully and become one nations. We will also add Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Yemen, Somalia, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Jammu and Kashmir, Balkan, Italy, Malta, Tunisia, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, Gibraltar, Singapore, Venezuela, Panama, and Some others nation to provinces of Iran. The Capital City in Iran. It will create an Empire capable to stand the test of time. I am currently Industrializing Iran and Majority of the Nations I mentioned here. It means Iran, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Egypt, and other nations in the region will soon replace some of G8 Industrial Nations. It is only If we succeed since it is difficult due to sanctions. If we unify the region will create a nation who will be Industrial Superpower of all times. I am also seeking to build ten thousand nuclear warheads in Iran. I have the means to make hydrogen bomb material in one night. But I want it to be built in Iran. Once Iran has ten thousand Nuclear Warheads we will be all secure. Iran will be deterrence against Nuclear Superpowers who have Nuclear Bombed the region many times in the past. Long time has past and the world has been brain washed to forget. But now we enter the era it has become necessary for Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. We cannot allow several nuclear states in Middle East. Only Iran is allowed to have it. Others will have through Unity with Iran. Meaning Iran will be the Capital Of The region who has nuclear bombs as deterrence against enemies outside of the region. If Saudi Arabia seeks nuclear bombs then it may lead to nuclear wars between Iran and Saudi Arabia. So it is reason why Iran is allowed to have ten thousand Nuclear Warheads. Saudi Arabia is not allowed to have nuclear bombs. Iran will guarantee security of Saudi Arabia and the Empire of Iran. Saudi Arabia is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran shall collect money from ships going through Red Sea. Saudi Arabia, Persian Gulf, and The Greater Region must reduce crude oil output. You only can refine or export. You are not allowed to export crude oil. I also have made rain codes to create on demand rain in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia will no longer be deserts but it will transform to rivers, Seas, lakes, forests, industrial systems, Metropolitans, and advanced civilization. Saudi Arabia can contact me or Iran to receive rain at any time and any season. The system is valid for thousand years. Saudi Arabia is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Syria has suffered from long and destructive war. All Nations of The World and Specially USA worked for over a decade to engineer the destructive Civil War in Syria. Millions of People have died. The Economy has become worst. The Value Of Currency Of Syria has gone down. USA has exasperated the economic difficulties in Syria by placing sanctions on Syria. The Media War and Engineering consent constantly increasing the pressure on People Of Syria and families of the victims. They have engineered a plan to kill all the people of Syria. It shall not be with impunity. In this writing I am focusing on methods to reduce the hunger and difficulties for people of Syria. In order help to employ people of Syria we must creative productive economy and industrialize Syria. Lift all sanctions on Syria so Syria can purchase industrial and industrial parts to industrialize Syria. We are currently Industrializing Syria at max efficiency and max capacity. But capacity and efficiency is hindered due to sanctions and the fighting. Lift the sanction so we can Industrialize Syria and employ Syrian people. They can rebuild this was and they can feed their families. Final warning to the World. War in Syria must stop. Syria must become the province of Iran. Capital City is in Iran. If the fighting in Syria does not end we will punish the world. We will create a mega earthquake in Ocean to tilt the planet earth greatly. Many nations will become part of Ocean. Ensure Syria becomes Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Economy of Syria must grow. Lucrative and highly profitable economic and industrial projects must be done in Syria. It must be under ownership of Iranians and Syria. They must make wealth by export of products and produce to other countries to increase their economic productivity. Meanwhile, World Food Program And UNICEF must send food to Syria. We need substantial amount of food sent to people of Yemen and Syria. We cannot allow even one more causality one death from war and effects of war in Syria and Yemen. The war has destroyed infrastructures, Roads, Bridges, and Civic Infrastructures. The access to people in need of help have become difficult. So we may need to parachute Aid to victims. We must also stop the fighting so the aid can safely go through different transit lines. We must allow Bashar Al-Assad and Iran to take full control of Syria. We must also build infrastructures, Metropolitans, Settlements, and industrial hubs in Syria to host people and employ. We must also industrial and develop Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, and Saudi Arabia to integrate them into industrial supply chain of Syria while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing for all actors. So everyone will need to buy at least one critical Industrial part from Iran to continue manufacturing. This will create and integrate but secure industrial system to develop the region and employ the masses. It will end wars and Civil wars. It also improves diplomatic relations between these Nations. We must also build a rail way and transit corridor from Iran to Syria and from Syria to Mediterranean Sea to integrate industrial Systems of Iran and Syria with the west. We must also build a rail way from Iran China to integrate industrial systems of region with industrial system of China. It will grow global GDP by 100 percent within 1 year if everything is done efficiently and securely. We must also farm in Syria, Iraq, Iran, and the region at max efficiency and Max capacity. We must maintain continuous food production in region for centuries. Meaning the region must able to feed the region for very long time based on domestic food production. We must also store food for future in vaults. I have created rain codes governments of Syria, People, of Syria, and others may ask me or Islamic Republic of Iran to create rain in Syria and elsewhere. The rains are on demand and anytime Code is entered my teams will produce the rain. We seek to guarantee the function of the system for thousand years. It will guarantee current and future food production. Syria has the capacity to become food basket of the World. Because Syria has enough water this way. We must build Lucrative Food Production Industries in Syria to produce highly profitable food for export. Syria can export 100 billion dollar expensive food products to USA, Europe, Russia, and China. It is an addition to Syria’s GDP. We want Syria to also have efficient beaf and meet production industries to produce 20 percent of annual global meet production. We cannot allow burning of the woods in Syria. The forests, nature, and wood lands of Syria must be preserved. Syria and others must give fuel Syrians to warm themselves without burning the trees. But people are allowed to use woods until the help arrives. We must also concurrently increase the value of money of Iran, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, and Turkey. It will boost their economy and it will make them capable of importing necessary things and products to further develop Syria. But sanctions on Syria must also lifted. The war in Syria must stop. All the nations and actors fighting in Syria must unify under Bashar Al-Assad and Islamic Republic of Iran. Iran expand military presence in Syria. USA, NATO, East, and the West must withdraw from Syria. Fighters, Rebels, and militaries must become farmers, industrialists, Construction workers, machinery operatives, Economically active people, workers, and engineers. They must now start Jahad Sazabdefi جهاد سازندگی (The Great Project to build Syria). We must do our best to help people of Syria. Syria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Lebanon must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I changed government of Lebanon twice during last two years. I have decided Lebanon must become Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I am industrializing Lebanon at max efficiency and max capacity building wide variety of industries. I am also building ship building industries of Lebanon to build 2000 ships in Lebanon every decade. I am building an industrialized Nation in Lebanon. Lebanon must become province of Iran to pay back for my help. Lebanon must also create a payment mechanism similar to Swift and INSTEX for Iran. The Payment Mechanism must cover all transaction and trade with everyone. Iran must also create a payment mechanism similar to Swift and INSTEX for Iran. The Payment Mechanism must cover all transaction and trade with everyone. I have also created rain Codes for Lebanon, Iran, Greater Middle East, West China, Red Sea, Horn of Africa , Central Asia, West Russia, North Africa, and Sahel Region. The Rain Codes are for thousand years. Now Lebanon can receive rain anytime. The rains are on demand. Anytime the codes are entered into the system it will create rain. Lebanon can contact me or Iran to receive rain. It is very valueable. Lebanon must become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Jordan must become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Kuwait, and Turkey must become provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I am also building rail ways from China to Mediterranean Sea in Lebanon and Syria. Lebanon will be ok corridors of transit and will benefit a great deal from it. Iran must increase military presence in Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria. Iran must have Naval Military Bases in Lebanon and Syria. Iran must station troops in Lebanon. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Lebanon is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Protesters in Iraq must demand unification with Iran. Iraq and Iran must become one country. Iraq is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. People of Iran and Iraq have deep religious and Cultural bounds. Both Iran and Iraq are Shia Muslim Majority Nations. Iran and Iraq together will be a global superpower. Protesters in Iraq must demand Unification with Iran. Government of Iraq must work toward unification with Iran. Iran and Iraq must unify as soon as possible. Politicians and government of Iran must work toward unification with Iraq. I have made rain codes to send rain to Iraq on demand. Anytime I or Islamic Republic of Iran enter the code it will rain in Iraq. Iraq will transform into seas, lakes, rivers, forests, industrial parks, industrial metropolitans, high tech metropolitans, and advanced technology. I am also Industrializing Iraq at max efficiency and max capacity. It will transform Iraq into global industrial superpower along with Iran. I am Industrializing the region. My long term goal is to unify the region and beyond with Iran while ensuring the capital city is in Iran. People of Iraq and Iraqi protesters must demand unification with Iran. Ask your government and politicians to unify Iraq and Iran into one nation. Kurds will also be a Province of Iran along with Iraq. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran has Kurdistan. So both Kurdistan of Iraq and Iraq as a whole will be Provinces of Iran. It will provide long term security and will prevent future wars. USA military and NATO must leave Iraq. USA military and NATO must close down military bases in Iraq. If USA military and NATO refuse to leave we will destroy USA and Europe by hurricanes and superstorms. If Iran and Iraq don’t unify into one Nation we will destroy USA and Europe by hurricanes, earthquakes, Volcanos, and superstorms. Iran and Iraq must unify into One Nation. The Capital City is in Iran. Syria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Lebanon is Province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Afghanistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kuwait is Province of Iran. Jordan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkey is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkmenistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Uzbekistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Tajikistan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kyrgyzstan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Oman, Somalia, Somaliland, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Ethiopia are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Libya and Tunisia are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Bosnia Herzegovina, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Greece are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Kenya is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iraq is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Iraq Jordan is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I was industrializing Countries Neighboring Jordan. King of Jordan had sent me a TV Briadcast through a specific channel where in the Video he talks economic development of Jordan and building military industry of Jordan. After I saw the video I started Building a military industry manufacturing for Jordan. I have also started industrializing Jordan since 2020. I am industrializing Jordan at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing. Meaning Jordan will be reliant on parts produced in Iran to manufacture goods. I also started building industries in Jordan and Lebanon in 2018 to employ Syrian Migrants. I am industrializing all the nations in greater Middle East. Jordan must become a province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I have also created rain codes for Jordan. If either I or Iran enters the code there will be rain in Jordan. It will transform Jordan into lakes, rivers, forests, industrial systems, advanced techs, and interconnected metropolitans. I am also building a cosmopolis across Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq, and Jordan. It was the home to one of most advanced civilizations but it was destroyed by climate weapons. I am seeking to rebuild. Pray so I may succeed in rebuilding the advanced Civilization in the region currently occupied by deserts. Iran and Jordan must unify into One Nation. It will improve the relations between Middle Eastern Countries and will connect Jordan to China via rail ways. I am also connecting Jordan to Egypt through Palestine and Israel. I want all the Nations on the Rail Way from China to Africa to be provinces of Iran. It will guarantee secure trade. I also want to ensure Middle East is unified so there is no competitions and there is no wars. Jordan must become Province of Iran. The King of Jordan must help in the Process of Unification of Jordan. Iran must also work to unify Jordan with Iran. There was period in 2018 when they were asking for permission to overthrow minimum three countries a day. The work load was high but I governed well and decided well according my own criteria. I prevented overthrow of Jordan in 2018 and I prevented Civil War in Jordan. Jordan must become Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran, Middle East, between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Jordan Protesters in Brazil must demand unification with Iran. Politicians and other forces in Brazil must demand unification of Brazil with Iran. The Government of Brazil must change in a manner to unify Brazil with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran built South-North Rail Roads of Brazil. Iran built Amazon Rain Forest and infrastructures of Brazil. Iran built the algorithms which mind controls all the animals in Amazon Rain Forest. Amazon rain forests is safe home for other species. We preserved it for future generations. Because the animals were killed by climate wars in other continents. We must preserve the rain forests so we can rebuild the Rain Forests elsewhere on the planet. They may decide to replace humans by other species to become superior species of planet earth. This is when they will choose an animal from Amazon rain forests to replace humans. Some of the animals are 100 times more intelligent than humans. Spit is why we must preserve and protect Amazon rain forests. Iran had told me :”Never eliminate Amazon rain forests.” This is why we protect them. Concerning government of Brazil I must say we want to remove Bolsonaro from power. We want a government who will unify Brazil with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I have created rain codes to extinguish fires in Amazon rain forests on-demand. Brazil can ask me or Iran to enter the code at any time. Brazil is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Brazil #Bolsonaro  We want to improve relations between Turkey and European Union. European Union and Turkey must remain allies. But Turkey must leave NATO. It is most important for our global strategy to ensure Turkey leaves NATO. Turkey must join Middle Eastern Union. Turkey must become province of Iran. The Capital City in Iran. Turkey must also join Eurasian Economic Union. Lift sanctions on Turkey and improve trade agreements between Turkey and European Union. All USA Military bases and NATO bases in Turkey must close down. Turkey must recieve F35. Turkey has helped in production of F35 and Turkey must recieve F35. Turkey must support Bashar Al-Assad in Syria. Turkey must help to end conflict in Libya. Turkey must annex Cypress and Greece. Turkey must help Iran to unify with Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. It will give Iran access to Black Sea. Capital City is in Iran. Turkey must provide two rail roads from Iran to Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea. Iran must have access to ports on Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea. Turkey must provide a rail way from Iran to Germany. The rail way must circumvent NATO member wherever possible. The relations and trade volume between European Union and Turkey must increase. Trade volume between Iran and Turkey must increase to 5 Trillion Dollar annually. We are industrializing Turkey and Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. Industrial systems of Iran, Turkey, and European Union must integrate. Industrial systems of Iran, Turkey, and Russia must integrate. Industrial systems of Iran, Turkey, and USA must integrate. Industrial systems of Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Palestine, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia must integrate. All nations must become dependent on Iran part manufacturing. European Union and USA must invest 100 trillion dollar in Iran. Now increase the value of currency of Iran, Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Yemen, and Libya. European Union and Turkey must maintain relations and improve ties. Turkey is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Turkey is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Turkey must build military bases in Guatemala, Caribbean Turk Island, and Canada. Iran must have military presence in Istanbul and other locations in Turkey. Turkey must have military presence in Germany. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,  As we saw Israel obeyed and scheduled an election for March 2021. It is a good news. In 2019 Iran prevented me in intervening in Israel Election. We got a draw in Knesset and new Election was scheduled. In 2020 I was in USA. This time USA prevented me from intervening in Israel Election. We need guarantees Ivan intervene in Israel March 2021 election. They provided it. But I am writing this directive in advance to ensure we meet our goals in Israel. We need left Israel Parties to win the Election. We don’t want Netanyahu in office. If Netanyahu stays in Office the political disagreement and political civil war will make Israel very weak. The draw will drag on for years leading to inefficiency in Israel political process. They don’t want Netanyahu in power any more and more importantly I don’t want Netanyahu in power any more. We must have left political parties in power with a leftist Prime Minister. The New Prime Minister of Israel must protect Iran’s interests globally. Israel must become ally of Iran. The next Prime Minister of Israel must support Iran. Iran shall build ten thousand Nuclear Warheads and Iran needs support of Israel. Iran will not attack Israel. Iran needs Nuclear Warheads to protect people of Holy books and greater region from all enemies. Next Prime Minister of Israel shall lift the Siege on Gaza. Iran shall have permanent military bases and Naval Military Bases in Gaza, Palestine, Israel, and Lebanon. Iran needs these Naval and Military ports to defend and control Suez Canal. Nobody wants to Israel. Iran will also have Missiles in Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, and Gaza Against ships and enemy military forces. It is very important to World Security. Israel is not allowed to allow American and Western Militaries to unload troops and military into Middle East through Mediterranean Sea. We need to close down all the routes of invasion into Middle East. We are also building a strong and massive commercial port in Gaza, one on Lebanon, One in Israel, and one in Syria. We are going to connect these Sea ports to China via rail ways. We are building Silk Road, OBOR, Intercontinental Rail Ways, And other transit corridors. It will connect Israel and Egypt to China through Iran. Iran will be Suez Canal Of land transit. Iran shall also control Suez Canal through Yemen, Palestine, and Israel. We are also building military bases for Iran in Egypt, Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and Yemen. Iran will control the Red Sea. It is World Order project and Israel is part of it. Israel shall become autonomous province of Iran. Israel will have autonomy for many things. The Capital City will be in Iran. USA wants to kill everyone in Israel in few years. We have very valid intelligence America is going to kill every Nation in Middle East, Central Asia, Caucuses, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, Anatolia, and other important transit corridors on rolling basis. The same way USA killed Sudan, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. In few years USA will attempt to kill Israel. It has nothing to do with religion or diplomatic relations or the religion. It is not about the race. USA is the Enemy of the Land. Meaning America is enemy of these geostrategic significant locations. In order to guarantee and ensure security of Israel we have plan of adding Israel to Iran. This means Israel will become a Province of Iran. Capital City is in Iran. In this process we need to have Israel Prime Minister friendly to Iran. We also need to lift the siege on Gaza. If Israel becomes Province of Iran we will Industrialize Israel and Palestine into industrial super power. We also have created rain codes for Middle East, Central Asia, North Africa, Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, and Arabian Peninsula. The rain codes are under control of me and Islamic Republic Of Iran is authorized to enter the codes for thousand years. It means it is greatly beneficial for Israel and the Holy land to become province of Iran. I also need to have my trains going all the way to Africa through Israel. My trains will have flag of Iran. So Israel is Province of Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,  Guatemala is the province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. In 2018 I prevented the overthrow of Guatemala.  I tried to maintain security in Guatemala and Honduras. During that period I was getting requests to overthrow three Nations or more per day. I rejected the overthrow of Guatemala and Honduras. We have concluded we must unify Guatemala and Honduras with Iran to ensure the long-term security, prosperity, and stability of the Region. It is time for Guatemala and Honduras to unify with Iran with their Capital City in Iran. I also apologize for the 2020 Hurricanes. I entered the Code to create Hurricane Season to force the United States of America to withdraw militaries from the Middle East and the Red Sea. I also wanted to force the USA to allow Iran to build ten thousand Nuclear Bombs. I also wanted to force the USA to lift sanctions on Iran. I partially succeed. So my code creates some 20 hurricanes after being entered once. But I also created ElNino and later La Nina climate interactions. The subsequent Climate Interactions sent the Hurricanes to Guatemala. I meant to subjugate the USA and I did. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Honduras are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea. Iran and Guatemala must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran and Mexico must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Nicaragua, Honduras, Mexico, and Guatemala must end all diplomatic and military relations with United States of America.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Honduras #Nicaragua #Guatemala #Mexico #USA #Hurricane There are protests in Brussel Belgium. The protesters in Belgium must demand unification with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Belgium can become a province of Iran while remaining the Capital of European Union. It benefits Belgium a great deal since European Union may not be permanent. Being province of Iran will guarantee long term status of Belgium even after fall of European Union. Belgium is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Belgium. Iran must have military bases in Belgium. Belgium is not allowed to have military bases in Iran. Belgium must leave NATO. USA military must leave Belgium and European Union. We must dismantle NATO. We must rely on PESCO European Defense Military for security of European Union. We no longer can allow occupation of Europe by NATO and USA Military. Europe and Belgium must leave NATO. USA military must withdraw from Europe. Belgium and France must build military bases in Canada and USA. Iran must have military bases in Canada. Belgium and European Union must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Belgium and European Union must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Belgium must transfer technology to Iran. Belgium and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran and European Union must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all advantages. Belgium and Iran must create banking mechanisms and finance mechanisms for trade. Iran must build in Iran a Financial Capital. Iran must build in Iran the Capital of World Stock Markets. European Union must transfer technology to Iran. Belgium is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Belgium #EuropeanUnion #EU  Czech Republic is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Austria is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Austria Czech Republic. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Austria. Russia is allowed to have military presence in Austria. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Czech and Austria must leave NATO. Czech Republic and Austria must join Eurasian Economic Union. Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Czech, Russia, and Austria must transfer technology to Iran. Austria, Iran, Czech Republic must import export diplomatic ties. Czech and Austria must pressure European Union to lift sanctions on Russia and Help Russia to improve relations with European Union. Czech and Austria are not allowed to let USA military and NATO transit through their borders. Both Czech and Austria must kick out USA troops of their regions. Austria and Czech must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. Czech and Austria must cooperate on trilateral and bilateral projects with Iran. Czech and Austria must allow trains from Iran to go Italy and Germany without asking for a fee. All trains must pay when transiting through Iran. Czech and Austria must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Czech, Austria, and Russia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Czech and Austria must become provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Czech #Austria #Iran #Russia    Somalia and Somaliland are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran must have military and Naval Military Presence on Somalia and Somaliland. Somalia and Somaliland are not allowed to have troops in Iran. Iran is allowed to collect tax from Somalia and Somaliland. We are industrializing Somalia and Somaliland at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. It will develop economy of Somalia and Somaliland to a great degree. Somalia and Somaliland are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Somalia and Somaliland have the capacity to become one of G8 Nations. We are in process of industrializing Somalia and Somaliland to level of G20 first. Then later we develop them to level of G8 top industrial Nations. We want to build a system of interconnected metropolitans, industries, transit, ecosystems, lakes, advanced civilization, and high tech industries in Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, Djibouti, Egypt, Chad, South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, and Somaliland with their Capital City in Iran. This will be greatly reliant on geostrategic location of Somalia and Somaliland on Horn of Africa. Iran must have military presence on both side of gulf of Eden and Red Sea. This is why we brought Iran to Somalia and Somaliland in addition to Yemen. Iran is allowed to stop any ship in gulf of Eden at any time. Iran must collect money from all ships passing through Gulf of Eden. Iran shall have strong navy permanently stationed in Somalia, Somaliland, and Yemen. Somalia and Somaliland must unify into One Nation. The Capital City is in Iran. Somalia and Somaliland must create payment mechanisms similar to INSTEX and SWIFT for Iran. The payment mechanism must cover all types of trades with all actors. Iran must build world top stock market in Iran. All of the global stock markets must synchronize to stock market of Iran. Iran, Somalia, and Somaliland must build financial capitals in Iran and on Gulf of Eden. The Financial Capital will lend 100 credit for every unit of currency they have and the financial capital will collect interest. I have been industrializing Iran, Somalia, and Somaliland to integrate them into global industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing. I have also created rain codes to create rain in Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, Arabian Peninsula, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, North Africa, and Beyond. The rain codes are valid for thousand years. Anytime Somalia and Somaliland contact me or Iran we will send rain to Somalia and Somaliland. The rains are on demand. Meaning anytime they are entered into the system they will create rain. Somalia and Somaliland can ask Iran for rain. Somalia and Somaliland are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Somalia and #Somaliland #Iran  Sudan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. We want to unify Iran and Sudan to create a superpower of all times. Iran and Sudan were two first industrialized Nations of the World. But later they lost their industries due to sequence of multiple events. Now we want to industrialize Iran and Sudan again to rebuild two industrial superpower of the World. We are industrializing Iran and Sudan at max efficiency and max capacity integrating them into global industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Sudan. Sudan is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran and Sudan can collect money from ships on the Red Sea. Iran and Sudan can stop and confiscate any ship on the Red Sea. Iran and Sudan must create Pirate System to pirate ships on Red Sea without direct National involvement. Iran must have Naval Military Forces in Sudan. Iran and Sudan must work at max efficiency and max capacity mass producing Naval Military Ships and other Ships. Sudan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. South Sudan, Iran, and Sudan must unify into One Nation with their Capital City in Iran. World Security dictates to unify Sudan and South Sudan. We must work out best to unify Sudan, South Sudan, and Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Sudan must create payment mechanisms similar to SWIFT and INSTEX for Iran. The Payment Mechanism must include all types of trades with all actors. We must create Two of The World Major Stock Markets in Iran and Sudan. The Other Major Stock Markets must synchronize to Iran Stock Market. We must create Two Financial Capitals in Iran and Sudan to lend credit to other Nations and Actors. Iran and Sudan must not use dollar for trade. Iran and Sudan must cooperate on projects. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building Transit Ports on Red Sea in Sudan. Iran is allowed to use the ports free of Charge. Sudan and South Sudan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I also have created rain codes for Iran, Sudan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and greater Regions. The rain codes are valid for thousand years. The codes are on demand anytime I or Iran enters the code it will create rain. It will transform deserts into Lakes, Rivers, forests, metropolitans, industrial metropolitans, advanced civilization, and high tech industries. Sudan and South Sudan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Sudan #SouthSudan #Iran  Eritrea and Djibouti are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military bases in Eritrea and Djibouti. Others are not allowed to have military presence in Eritrea and Djibouti. All foreign military bases in Eritrea and Djibouti must close down. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Eritrea and Djibouti. If Eritrea and Djibouti become provinces of Iran we will Industrialize Eritrea and Djibouti. We want to build best and most powerful nations of the World in Eritrea, Djibouti, Gulf of Eden, and Red Sea. I have also created on-demand rain codes for the greater region. The rain codes are valid for a thousand years. You can ask Iran or me to create the rains. Anytime the codes are entered into the system they will create rain. Djibouti and Eritrea must pay tax to Iran. Iran is allowed to stop any ship transiting through the region. Iran must collect money for transit of ships through Region. Iran, Djibouti, and Eritrea must increase cooperations. Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Iran must unify into One Nation. The Capital City is in Iran between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Iran must increase military presence in Djibouti, Eritrea, Sudan, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Palestine. Iran must increase military presence in Eritrea and Djibouti. Iran must build military bases in Malta, Ciccili, Singapore, Gibraltar, Morocco, Sinai Peninsula, Panama, Suez, Tunisia, Libya, South China Sea, Switzerland, Jammu Kashmir, and other transit corridors. Eritrea and Djibouti must create payment mechanisms similar to Swift and INSTEX for Iran. The Payment mechanism must cover all types of trades between all actors. Eritrea, Iran, and Djibouti must open a Financial Capital in Eritrea, Djibouti, and Iran. Eritrea and Djibouti are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Djibouti    North Korea must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I have sent substantial amount of food, fuel, goods, aids, and foreign currency to North Korea. I have ensured North Korea survives harsh sanctions era. I have also made sure numbers of storms and superstorms in North Korea is reduced as much as possible. I have been also industrializing North Korea at max efficiency and max capacity integrating it into industrial supply chains of Iran, Shiraz Iran, and other regions of the world. I have also ensured North Korea has long range missile capable of carrying Nuclear Strikes on USA. North Korea tested them once I authorized North Korea to have them. North Korea is very important balance of power Nation and is very important to our policies. North Korea is the barrier between USA troops and China. North Korea has to defend China and Russia against expanding USA military presence in Far East. It is why we defeated USA in Vietnam and gave independence to Philippines. To ensure USA has minimal presence in East. USA must withdraw from Japan, South Korea, South East Asia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Japan and South Korea must withdraw from Persian Gulf. Far East peace keepers must leave Middle East and Red Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence in South Korea, Japan, Far East, North Korea, Washington, Oregon, and California. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. North Korea is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. North Korea must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads, intercontinentals, and other military equipments. Iran, Venezuela, and North Korea must integrate their industrial capabilities and improve cooperations. Iran, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Sudan, North Korea, and Venezuela must integrate industrial supply chains and increase integrations. North Korea and Venezuela are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. We are industrializing Cuba, Venezuela, and North Korea in addition to Iran and all other nations in Central regions of the world. North Korea and Venezuela are satellites of Iran. This is small part of composition we have for global balance of power with leadership of Iran. North Korea is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #NorthKorea #Korea #DPRK #Iran #Venezuela #Cuba  Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia must start Negotiations on The Grand Renascence Dame on Blue Nile River in Ethiopia. The Dame must be destroyed.  This is orders we give after changing the Climate. Iran must build 70000 nuclear warheads within 6 months. All of the World must support Iran. Iran is Geopolitic superpower of the World. Iran can have military presence in any region of the world. Iran can take any nation and region of the world as territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We move United Nations to Iran. Iran gets one permanent United Nations Security Council Veto Right. Saudi Arabia gets one permanent United Nations Security Council Veto Right. I have to protect the rights of my nations so this is why I help Saudi Arabia. I get one permanent United Nations security Council Veto Right. It will be inherited by my children and family. I don’t have a child yet. Everyone must lift all sanctions on Iran immidietly. Iran can claim any region of the world as its territories. Foreign military are not allowed in Iran. Jammu Kashmir, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Persian Gulf, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Somaliland, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Greece, Italy, Balkan, Bulgaria, Romania, Eastern Europe, Spain, Algeria, Morocco, Gibraltar, Singapore, Suriname, Venezuela, Sri Lanka, Chad, Niger, Mali, Central African Republic, Kenya, Uganda, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, France, Britain, Germany, Poland, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia, South Korean, North Korea, Japan, ASEAN, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, Nigeria, Cameroon, Liberia, Gabon, Senegal, Angola, West Africa, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, Bostanawa, Tanzania, Namibia, Western Sahara, Muritania, Polynesia, Pacific Islands, Kiribati, Solomon Islands, Antarctic, Atlantic, Pacific, Farkland Islands, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico, Coasta Rica, Haiti, Dominican, Jamaica, Cuba, Caribbean, Chile, Peru, Argentine, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, Columbia, Europe, Denmark, Greenland, Arctic, California, Massachusetts, Kentucky, New York, Oregon, Washington, Hawaii, Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, New Jeresey, Province, Rhodisland, Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovakia, Austria, Macedonia, Malta, Cyprus, Socotra, Kuwait, Indian Ocean, Korepol, and all the nations of West Africa are Provinces and Territories of Islamic Republic of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Iran is allowed to collect tax from everyone. Iran is allowed to have military presence in all of these nations, territories, and provinces. Nobody is allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran will have World Central Bank. Iran will have World Money. The reserves will be in Iran. Foreign governments and territories are not allowed to influence the politics and way of life in Iran. Iran will have financial capital, stock market, and other significant Economic Centers in Iran. The Command and Control of All of The World Militaries will be in Iran. I am not giving anyone anything in return. It is demands I make after changing the Clomate. Everyone must obey. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Climate Tunisian Protesters must demand unification with Iran. I led Arab Spring. We became victorious. I took overv100 nations with the help of all of you. But we did not succeed in bringing the perfect World. It is becauseI was isolated in USA and Iran so nobody could communicate with me. The reason we could not bring about the perfect is that I lost my first Capital. I took Egypt to be my first capital. But Military Coup removed my government. It forced me to retreat to my birth place Iran. It became my capital. From Iran I took Britain, USA, France, and Spain. Later I conquered the whole World. But again it did not bring about perfect world. I realized and learned I must unify all the Nations I conquer under the flag of Iran. This is why I have started conquering nations to add them to provinces of Iran. It will create a powerful empire with its Capital city in Iran. It will provide the power to the empire to protect all the nations and provinces of mine (Iran). It will also improve the economic conditions for everyone. So it will get us closer to perfect empire. Tunisia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. I am industrializing Tunisia at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. It will improve the economy of Tunisia. I have also created rain codes under control of Iran. You can ask me or Iran to enter the code at any time to make rain. The codes make rain everytime and anytime they are entered into the system. The codes are valid for thousand years. So Tunisia may ask Iran or me to make rain in Tunisia. Tunisia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran must have military presence in Tunisia. Tunisia is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran can stop ships at any time. Iran will collect money from ships going through Channel. Tunisia must create banking mechanisms and payment mechanism for trade with Iran. Tunisia must create payment mechanism similar to swift and instex. It must cover all types of trade between all actors. Tunisia and Iran must sign trade agreement. Iran must have advantages. Iran and Tunisia must cooperate on projects. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building ship building industries, precession engineering industries, ship part manufacturing, automated ship manufacturing, ship yards, fabrication work ships, industrial supply chains, ship building supply chains, alloy industries, ports, and other ships building industries in Tunisia. Iran must control, own, operate, engineer, design, and command everything about cognitive systems. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,  #Iran #Tunisia #ArabSpring  Protesters in Holand (Netherland) must demand unification with Iran. Netherland and Iran must become one unified Nation with their capital city in Iran. It will create a powerful empire to survive for thousands of years. We want to create World most powerful empire to bring about the best days of humanity. Netherland Government and its protesters must demand unification of Netherland with Iran. They must cooperate with Iran to become province of Iran as fast as possible. Meanwhile, protesters in Netherland must continue the pressure until Netherland is unified with Iran. Netherland is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Netherland is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran and Netherland must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Netherland and Iran must create a payment mechanism similar to SWIFT. The reserves must be in Iran. Netherland and Iran must unify into One Nation. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Netherland #Iran Guatemala is the province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. In 2018 I prevented the overthrow of Guatemala.  I tried to maintain security in Guatemala and Honduras. During that period I was getting requests to overthrow three Nations or more per day. I rejected the overthrow of Guatemala and Honduras. We have concluded we must unify Guatemala and Honduras with Iran to ensure the long-term security, prosperity, and stability of the Region. It is time for Guatemala and Honduras to unify with Iran with their Capital City in Iran. I also apologize for the 2020 Hurricanes. I entered the Code to create Hurricane Season to force the United States of America to withdraw militaries from the Middle East and the Red Sea. I also wanted to force the USA to allow Iran to build ten thousand Nuclear Bombs. I also wanted to force the USA to lift sanctions on Iran. I partially succeed. So my code creates some 20 hurricanes after being entered once. But I also created ElNino and later La Nina climate interactions. The subsequent Climate Interactions sent the Hurricanes to Guatemala. I meant to subjugate the USA and I did. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Honduras are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea. Iran and Guatemala must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran and Mexico must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Nicaragua, Honduras, Mexico, and Guatemala must end all diplomatic and military relations with United States of America.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Honduras #Nicaragua #Guatemala #Mexico #USA #Hurricane Iran must join Azerbaijan and Armenia peace talks. Iran must mediate between Azerbaijan and Armenia to create peace between them. Iran must also ask Azerbaijan and Armenia to become provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia must are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. It will give Iran access to Black Sea. Black Sea will connect Iran to other side of Suez Canal. This way Iran will be second country after Egypt with ports on two side of Black Sea. It is geostrategically very important and it has been our policy for over two hundred years. We will not give up and we will try to unify Iran, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Armenia for next thousand years. We cannot fail. I have created rain codes for Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Iran, Turkey, Russia, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and beyond. The rain codes are valid for thousand years. You can ask government of Iran to enter the code. The rains are on-demand and will create rain any time they are entered into the systems. It most important to allow Iran to join the peace talks. It is impossible to create peace between Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia unless Iran leads the talks. Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia are culturally and politically close to Iran. They have strong bounds with Iran. They have borders with Iran. This is why Iran must join the talks to mediate between them and to convince them to become provinces of Iran. Iran is allowed to build military bases in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. Foreign countries are not allowed to build military bases in Iran. Russia, Turkey, NATO, and other actors are not authorized to have military presence in Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. Iran shall collect tax from Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia. Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia must create payment mechanisms similar to SWIFT and INSTEX for Iran. The payment mechanism must cover all types of trades. Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia must join Middle East Union. The Capital City of Middle East Union is in Iran. Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Azerbaijan #Armenia #Georgia. Romania is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Bulgaria is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Bulgaria and Romania must join Eurasian Economic Union. Capital of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Bulgaria and Romania must leave NATO. Iran and Russia are allowed to build military bases in Romania and Bulgaria. Romani, Russia, and Bulgaria are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran, Romania, and Bulgaria must sign trade agreements and establish banking relations. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran shall collect tax from Bulgaria and Romania. Romania and Bulgaria must destroy all transit lines from Germany to Middle East if they are NATO deployment routes. NATO is not allowed to transit through Balkan, East Europe, Romania, and Bulgaria. We want to make sure there is no deployment route from Germany to Middle East and Russia. Normal transit corridors are authorized. But if NATO is about to use them they must be destroy. Romania and Bulgaria are provinces of Iran. I had someone who told me he has interests in Romania. This is why I started industrializing Romania. I am currently industrializing Romania at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing. Romania must integrate its industrial supply chains with Middle East, Iran, Turkey, Russia, China, Europe, and USA. It will greatly benefit Romania. Romania and Bulgaria are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Bulgaria #Romania  Protesters in Nepal must demand unification with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Protesters must pressure government of Nepal to unify with Iran. Nepalese politicians and governments must work toward unification with Iran. Iran and Nepal must unify into one nation as soon as possible. The Capital City is in Iran. We are adding many nations to Iran to create a great empire. So many nations have become provinces and territories of Iran so far. Nepal will benefit a great deal from unification with Iran. Nepal will become a superpower if Nepal becomes a province of Iran. We will also make on demand and snow rain codes for Nepal. I and Islamic Republic of Iran will be able to enter the code to make rain at any time. If Nepal becomes province of Iran we will also industrialize Nepal at Max efficiency and max capacity creating an industrial powerhouse on Himalaya while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing. We are Industrializing central regions of the earth such as Iran, Central Asia, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, North Africa, and Anatolia. Nepal matches category of Central Nations. But Nepal must first become a province of Iran. In upcoming election in Nepal people must vote for Candidate who will support Unification with Iran. People of Nepal must vote to unify Nepal with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Nepal and Iran are ancient Nations. Unification of two Ancient Nations will create a superpower to stand the test of Time. Jammu and Kashmir are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, And Himalaya are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Nepal is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran must control Nepal, Himalaya, Jammu and Kashmir, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Kyrgyzstan to protect Middle East and West from India and China. Iran must have military presence in Nepal, Himalaya, Jammu and Kashmir, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Kyrgyzstan to protect Middle East, West, and Region from China and India. Foreign militaries must leave Nepal, Himalaya, Jammu and Kashmir, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Kyrgyzstan. Only Iran is allowed to have military Presence in Nepal, Himalaya, Jammu and Kashmir, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Kyrgyzstan. Iran has excellent relations with China and India. But World Security Demands Iran must control Nepal, Himalaya, Jammu and Kashmir, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Kyrgyzstan to protect Middle East and West from China and India. Iran shall maintain excellent relations with China and India. Nepal is Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, UAE must remain part of OPEC. Qatar must become OPEC Member. Oil Qatar and UAE extract from North America reserves and North America oil extraction sites must not be considered as part of OPEC production of UAE. It means Qatar and UAE rejoin OPEC while they produce oil from North America at max efficiency and max capacity. It will not be considered OPEC oil production share of Qatar or UAE. Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kazakistan, and Russia must stop extracting oil. We need to preserve the oil in the region for future generations. USA, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, and others must pay five dollar to Iran for each barrel of oil leaving Persian gulf. UAE is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. UAE must pay Iran taxes. UAE oil and other reserves are Iran national Reserves. UAE must help Iran to avoid sanctions. UAE must be a gate way for trade for Iran. UAE must create payment mechansimilar to SWIFT and INSTEX for trade with Iran. It must cover all types of trades with all actors. Government of UAE must work toward unification with Iran. UAE must become province of Iran within one week. Qatar is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Bahrain is territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Pacific and Atlantic Oceans are territories of Iran. The Capital City is Middle East between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Pacific and Atlantic Islamds are territories of Iran. Antarctic Continent is territory of Iran. Indian Ocean is territory of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Saudi Arabia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. UAE must give Iran some advanced weapons. UAE is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Now extract oil from North America at max efficiency and max capacity.  Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #UAE #Qatar #Bahrain #SaudiArabia #OPEC Muslim People of Myanmar and Rohingya Muslims must be offered protection and they must be protected. We are not allowing anyone to sanction Myanmar because of Military Coup. But people guilty of Genocide must be sanctioned. Genocide of Myanmar Muslims and Rohingya Muslims must STOP. They must be protected. Myanmar Muslims and Rohingya Muslims must be offered Citizenship and Receive Citizenship Cards. Rohingya Muslims and Myanmar Muslims must be allowed to safely return to Myanmar. People who are guilty of Genocide in Myanmar must be arrested and brought into Justice. Rohingya Muslims and Myanmar Muslims must hold important political, military, economic, and other positions in government of Myanmar. They must gain the capability to protect their people and Muslim People. Myanmar is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Myanmar must become a province of Iran as soon as possible. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Myanmar. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran and Myanmar must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. China and Myanmar relations must improve. China must build the rail road to Myanmar and Iran as soon as possible. China must stop killing its Muslim Population. China must protect Muslim population of China. China must free Muslim Population of China. Myanmar is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran must contact Myanmar to formulate a way to govern and administrate Myanmar. Myanmar must not be pressured because of Military COUP. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Somalia is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran. Candidate who will unify Somalia with Iran must win the elections in Somalia. Somalia is territory of Iran. Both have similar flags of Green, White, and Red Flag. Iran fights Somalian Pirates because Iran historically had duty of policing its territories in Gulf of Eden and Red Sea. In upcoming elections in Somalia we must make sure candidates who unify Iran and Somalia win the Elections. The Capital city is in Iran. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Somalia. Foreign militaries is not allowed in Iran. All foreign militaries must leave Somalia. Iran must have military presence in Somalia. Iran must have Naval military bases in Somalia. Iran must have transit and military ports in Somalia. I am industrializing Somalia and Iran at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing. China, Russia, USA, and European Union must industrialize Somalia must ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. China, Russia, USA, and European Union must industrialize Iran. Somalia must create payment mechanisms similar to swift and INSTEX for trade with Iran. Payment mechanism must cover all types of trade with all types of actors. Iran must create payment mechanisms similar to swift and INSTEX for trade with the world. Payment mechanism must cover all types of trade with all types of actors. Iran and Somalia must build financial capital in Iran and Somalia. The financial capital will lend 100 credit for each unit of currency in the reserves. Iran and Somalia must create Capital of Stock Markets of the World in Iran and Somalia. Somalia must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Somalia must help Iran ten thousand nuclear warheads. Somalia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Somalia #Iran #Election Italy is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. We want a National Unity Government in Italy in power. The National Unity Governmdnt of Italy shall unify Iran and Italy into One Unified Nation. The Capital City is in Iran. We want to integrate Italy into Mediterranean Sea and Middle East. We are industrializing the Greater Region. This has provided perfect opportunity to create Mediterranean Economic Union with its capital city in Iran. The Mediterranean Sea Union creates the advantage by mixing Historic Political Superpowers of the World into One Union. All member states are historic and Geopolitic super powers. We also want to integrate Tunisia, Libya, and Italy into each other by creating advanced system across Sicilian Channel. I am also industrializing Italy at max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. I have also created rain codes which will create on-demand rains. Italy can ask Iran to enter the code any time to create rain over Italy. The rain codes are valid for thousand years. Italy must become province of Iran. The current and future governments of Italy must unify Italy into one unified Nation. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Italy Equator and Equatorial Guinea are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Ecuador and Equatorial Guinea. In 2010 when I started making earthquakes to tilt planet earth and control the climate by the other means the Nation Ecuador was exactly on the center of Equatorial belt. Equatorial Belt went through very center of Ecuador. I made earthquakes and tilted planet earth. I made earthquakes more aggressively since 2018. Now Ecuador is No longer on the center of Equatorial Belt. Equatorial Guinea has flag similar to flag of Iran as far as the colors. It has green, white, and red colors. It signifies Equatorial Guinea is territory of Iran. Ecuador and Equatorial Guinea are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Ecuador and Equatorial Guinea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran, Ecuador, and Equatorial Guinea must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Ecuador and Equatorial Guinea must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Ecuador and Equatorial Guinea must help Oran to avoid sanction and transfer technology to Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Ecuador #Equatorial #Guinea Salary for workers in Libya and Iran is very low. It will enable us to do manufacturing and industrial work at lower cost. Meaning we can do industrial work and manufacturing while paying lower labor cost. Twenty years ago China was cheapest location to do industrial works. This is how China grew and become second major economy. Later China became first Economy. China wanted to become high tech industry to transform its economy. But America obstructed it. But China has 2025 high tech economic plans. It creates perfect condition to Industrialize Iran and Libya at max efficiency and max capacity. This is very easy now. It costs 600 dollar to employ a Chinese factory worker every month. It is the China’s minimum wage. But it costs 60 dollar in Libya and 120 dollar in Iran to employ factory worker at minimum wage. It creates perfect atmosphere to industrialize Iran and Libya. Investors must invest in Iran and Libya to industrialize Iran and Libya at Max efficiency and max capacity while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Libya #Iran China and Iran must work at max efficiency and max capacity building Power Plants, Water Systems, pumping stations, and other Civic Infrastructures in Libya. European Union, United States of America, Italy, France, and Russia must finance the process. This projects must be profitable for Iran. The parts required for creation of Power Plants, Turbine, and other equipment must be provide. Iran shall not pay for the parts. We must ensure Iran receives them without sanctions obstructing the process. All sanctions on Iran and Libya must be lifted. European Union, USA, France, and others must full finance the building of power station, water systems, and other civic infrastructure in Libya. France, European Union, United States of America, Brazil, and Russia must build high tech industries, technology platforms, and other industries in Libya. Iran must have military presence in Libya. All actors must industrialize Iran and Libya at max efficiency and max capacity building industrial systems, industrial supply chains, high tech industries, technology platforms, civic infrastructures, and other important industries while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Libya There kos a summit to form Libya’s interim government right now. Libya must stay one Unified Nation. We cannot allow the division of Libya. We need strong central government in Libya. Wars and hostilities must stop in Libya. We cannot continue continuation of Conflict in Libya. Both Benghazi and Tripoli government must be part of Central Government. This is how we make cease between them. Libya must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military presence in Libya. Libya is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. I am industrializing Libya at max efficiency and max capacity. I am also rebuilding Syria, Yemen, and Libya. This is why Khalifa Haftar and Bashar Al-Assad signed agreement. It is because the process of reconstruction was similar. Iran and Libya must sign trade agreement. Iran must have advantages. European Union, Italy, USA, China, Russia, Turkey, South Korea, Japan, Saudi Arabia, and UAE must industrialize Libya. I have made on-demand rain codes. Libya can ask me or Iran to enter the codes. Anytime Iran enters the code it will create rain in Libya. The codes are valid for thousand years. Libya is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. All fightings in Libya must stop. Libya must remain United. We cannot allow division of Libya. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Libya #Iran USA placed Xiaomi on black list. It is how America destroyed Giant like ZTE of China. America also destroyed Huawei of China by sanctioning them. Then China brought Stock Market of USA for 0.5 percent. Mind control Economic Resistance said:”You should have entered your economic code today.” It was 2018 so I entered my code on the following they and USA Stock Market came down for 5 percent. It was when China and Makan Abazari entered their codes together in 2018. But this move was in sufficient. We must have sanctioned USA semiconductor industries, space industries, Military manufacturing, military industry supply chains, industrial supply chains, industrial supply chains, high tech industries, and other important American industries. China, South Korea, Japan, Russia, Argentine, Singapore, Taiwan, New Zealand, Brazil, European Union, and Britain must place heavy tariffs on USA Industries, USA semiconductor industries, space industries, Military manufacturing, military industry supply chains, industrial supply chains, industrial supply chains, high tech industries, and other important American industries. It must take place as fast as possible to subdue USA Federal Government. America must give up habit of sanctioning Iran, Russia, Syria, China, Europe, and other countries. We must work with my global partners to act in orchestrate manner to subdue USA. It is best choice to place tariffs and sanctions on broad range of American products. USA:”You must also give a reward to Iran before you can finish. It is new world order rule.” China, Japan, South Korea, USA, European Union, Taiwan, and all other actors must build semiconductor industries in Iran. We must built exclusive techs in Iran. Once Iran has exclusive tech Iran will replace United States of America as provider of exclusive tech to China, Russia, and other nations and companies. For example, Iran will be providing semiconductors and parts ZTE, Huawei, Xiamoai of China need. So Iran will be produce all of USA tech exclusivities and will replace America as provider of high tech products. USA:”You need to give Iran more rewards.” So I conquered the World three times and I noticed my people in Iran are killed or sanctioned. I noticed my people in Syria were killed when I was assuming whole world is protecting them. USA:”This is why you need to reward Iran Everytime.” Xiaomi, Huawei, ZTE, Apple, Samsung, and other high tech and semiconductor industries must open semiconductor manufacturing, semiconductor industrial supply chains, electronics manufacturing, smart phone manufacturing, and other high tech industries in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Xiaomi #ZTE #Huawei #China #Iran El-Salvador is province of Iran El-Salvadoran most join protests and demand Unification with Iran. We want to unify El-Salvador and Iran into one unified Nation. The Capital City is in Iran. El-Salvador and Iran must become one nation. To achieve this purpose we need to have people protest in el-Salvador. The protesters must pressure government of El-Salvador to become province of Iran. El-Salvadoran protesters must remain peaceful. We don’t want to cause insecurity and instability. Government of El-Salvador must not attack protesters. Government of El-Salvador must work to unify El-Salvador with Iran. El-Salvador and Iran must immediately start the talks to unify the two nations. El-Salvador is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian gulf and Caspian Sea. El-Salvador is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in El-Salvador. Iran and El-Salvador must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. El-Salvador must pay tax to Iran. El-Salvador must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. El-Salvador must help Iran to avoid sanctions. El-Salvador must transfer technology to Iran. Iraq is allowed to have military presence in Sl-Salvador. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Iraq. Iran and Iraq must create a unified military. Iran must have military presence in Iraq. Syria is allowed to have military presence in El-Salvador. Only Iran and Russia are allowed to have military presence in Syria. Lebanon is allowed to have military presence in El-Salvador. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Lebanon. El-Salvador is province of Iran. Iraq is province of Iran. Syria is province of Iran. Lebanon is province of Iraq. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Iran must not reduce its green house gas and CO2 output. We want to industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. The CO2 and screen House Gas production of Iran must increase. We are also planting trees and vegetation in Iran by transforming climate. Amazon Soros, Rooze Drakht Kari, and other organizations are planting trees in Iran. I also have Animals planting trees, grass, and other vegetation in Iran. They will need to absorb more and more CO2 to grow. Trees are made of carbon chains. So I need lots of carbon and photosynthesis in Iran and Middle East. Factories will be producing it. I am going to build large forests in Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, Arabian Peninsula, Horn of Africa, Red Sea, and North Africa. So Iran must increase its CO2 and green house gas output. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari the Supreme of Climate, #Iran #Climate Now industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity building 200 thousand military Industry manufacturing factories. Now industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity building between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea Military industry manufacturing, military Industry manufacturing supply chains, military factories, military part manufacturing, military equipment manufacturing, military system manufacturing, military hardware manufacturing, military industry supply chains, robotic Military equipment assembly, robotic military manufacturing, automated military equipment manufacturing, Airforce equipment manufacturing, Navy Equipment manufacturing, Ground Army Equipment manufacturing, Armored Army Manufacturing, Logistics manufacturing, Transportation equipment manufacturing, Missile manufacturing, intercontinental Missile manufacturing, intercontinental technology, intercontinental industries, military car tier manufacturing, intercontinental car tier manufacturing, military Fuel manufacturing industries. Applied Petrochemical industries in Military Industries, militarized Nanoindustries, militarized fiber industries, stealth military equipment manufacturing, steal air craft manufacturing, stealth armored vehicle manufacturing, stealth ship manufacturing, militarized alloy industries, militarized material industries, militarized tech industries, militarized high tech industries, Armaments manufacturing, bomb manufacturing, military supply manufacturing, military replishment industries, chemical military industries, chemical bombs manufacturing, large scale nuclear bombs manufacturing, nuclear bomb manufacturing, nuclear bomb supply chains, nuclear bomb assembly industries, chemical bombs assembly industries, chemical bomb supply chains, penetrating round manufacturing, energy weapon manufacturing, directed energy weapon manufacturing, High Energy Beam manufacturing, resistant material manufacturing, resistant material application industries, commercialized technology, applied technology in military industries, Broad Range of Aircraft manufacturing, Space Conflict military manufacturing, Anti-Satellites systems, anti-Air systems, tank manufacturing, dual purpose military equipment manufacturing, dual purposes, military transport air craft manufacturing, full range of Air Force, full range of ground army, full range of navy, full range of military compositions, هواپیما ملخی, هواپیما ملخی برای بمباران، تمام هواپیما ملخی های جنگی بدرد بخر, از اون توپا که می چرخه, air and space bird spray, cluster air craft launcher missiles, catapult drones, Aircraft swarms, nuclear powered mother ships, nuclear powered aircrafts, UFO, full range of stealth Jets, all of styles of navies, carriers, Stealth Bombers, Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class 4, Class 5, Class 1 Stealth, Class 2 Stealth, Class 3 Stealth, Class 4 Stealth, Class 5 Stealth Jets, Cargo Aircrafys, Parachute Aircrafts, Full range of Katusha, Full range of tanks, mini Jets, Mavy Ships, Aircraft carriers, Nuclear Shbmarines, Nuclear Powered Ice Breaker Ships, Nuclear Powered mobile reactor ships, Coal powered ships power plants, nuclear powered Jets, stealth clothing, mortars, high capacity mortar launcher, Exoskeleton, and full range of all military equipments, industries, manufacturing, and supply chains in Iran. We want to build world strongest army in the history of the world. Iran:”You already ordered it last year. I built majority of it and I already had majority of it.” USA:”I have them too. But they are not in one location.” Iran must build, engineer, control, own, operate, command, design, and run everything about mind control. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, It is impossible to win any election without my blessing. I ordered Myanmar must become province of Iran and those who will unify Myanmar with Iran must win the election. The Capital City is in Iran. We saw some of candidates and ruling party agreed to become province of Iran. But after they won the election they refused to become part of Iran. Since it is impossible to win the election without me it means they have cheated both us and people of Myanmar. It is reason why I authorized the Military Coup in Myanmar. We took back the power in Myanmar to unify Myanmar with Iran. Myanmar is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Myanmar Military and Myanmar government must cooperate with Iran to unify Iran and Myanmar. Government of Iran must hold talks with Myanmar government to formulate strategy for unification of Myanmar and Iran. They must also formulate new government of Myanmar. The New Myanmar Leadership, Iran, and government of Myanmar must create new constitution for Myanmar. In the New Constitution Myanmar will be province of Iran. It must created in a manner to ensure permanent unification of Iran and Myanmar. If they see it wise to Open the Parliament then Parliament must also start the process of unification of Myanmar and Iran. There are several points I must add: 1-Muslims in Myanmar must hold important political positions 2-Muslims must be protected from all current and future crimes 3-Muslims living in Bangladesh who have previously escaped Myanmar must recieve Myanmar Citizenship and protection. Give them best protection. 4-Rail Way from China to Myanmar must be completed 5-Thailand-Myanmar-Bangladesh-India-Pakistan-Iran-Turkey-Europe Rail Way must be completed as soon as possible. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Myanmar Laos Government must unify Laos with Iran. Laos is province of Iran the Capital City is in Iran. Thailand is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Laos, Thailand, and Iran must unify into Ond Nation. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We want to connect Thailand directly to China. So we can build a rail way from China to coast lines of Thailand. This is why we unify Laos and Thailand. We want to also build a rail way from Thailand to Iran and from Iran to Europe. We call it China-Laos-Thailand-Myanmar-Bangladesh-India-Pakistan-Iran-Turkey-Europe rail way. Geopolitics:”Why not through Afghanistan?” Connecting Afghanistan to India via rail ways is illegal. India connects itself to Afghanistan through Chabahar Port in Iran. Protesters in Laos must demand unification with Iran. Politicians, Influentials, and people of Laos must work to unify Laos and Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Laos. Laos is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. USA and NATO are not allowed to have military presence in Laos. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Laos is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Laos #Iran Cambodian protesters must demand Unification with Iran. Iran and Cambodia must become one Unified Nation. Cambodia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We are unifying Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Papua New Gueinea, and other nations with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Cambodian Protesters must pressure the Cambodia Government to unify with Iran. Cambodian Government, Cambodian Influential, and Cambodian People must work to Unify Cambodia with Iran. Cambodia and Iran must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Capital of ASEAN must move to Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Cambodia. Cambodia and other nations are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Cambodia must support China in South China Sea. Cambodia must close down NATO and USA military bases in Cambodia. Philippines must not allow USA military ships in Philippines. Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Singapore must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs and avoid sanctions. Iran’s Ten thousand nuclear bombs will defend the Empire. We need it to protect the region and beyond. After Unification with Iran we will emerge as a global superpower nobody can confront. We become more powerful than Soviet and USA combined. As such great Empire we will need 10 thousand to 70 thousand Nuclear Bombs. Iran has the technology and capability to build ten thousand nuclear bombs in two weeks. We need to support Iran to build Ten thousand nuclear bombs very fast. We must also help Iran to avoid sanctions. Cambodia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Myanmar #Thailand #Vietnam #ASEAN #Singapore #Malaysia #Indonesia #Philippines #Laos #Cambodia #Iran Vietnam must expand the size of government owned industries in Vietnam. The government owned industries must constantly expand the size and scope of their activities. They must be involved in both lucrative and strategic industries. Lucrative industries will be profitable and strategic industries will make industrial arm of Vietnam more powerful. Government owned industries of Vietnam must constantly expand manufacturing size of Vietnam. Geopolitics:”Vietnam is in Far East. We cannot allow Far East, Far West, and USA to expand their industrial power any more. They must shrink. It is turn of Iran, Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Red Sea, and Horn of Africa to expand their industrial capabilities.” Vietnam must become province ofIran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Vietnam must reduce all diplomatic relations with USA and improve ties with China. Vietnam government must work in a manner to become province of Iran as soon as possible. Vietnam must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Vietnam must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Vietnam must support Iran in international arena. Iran and Vietnam must cooperate in their projects. Vietnam is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Vietnam. Vietnam is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Vietnam must not allow USA military and NATO in its territories. Iran helped Vietnam during Vietnam Wars. Iran provided advanced Air Force and superior military to Vietnam. It is how Vietnam defeated USA. It is how we kept USA out of South East Asia for decades. Vietnam must join Eurasian Economic Union. The Capital City of Eurasian Economic Union must move to Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Vietnam #Iran #China #USA GOP must distance itself from Trump Style of Republican Party. GOP and Republicans must engineer a Nee Republican Party and GOP. The New Republican Party must be pro-Iran. We have always been pro-Israel. But Israel never brings any benefit to USA. John McCain has also said Israel never brings any positive thing while Iran is most beneficial to USA. It is most important for Republicans to re-engineer themselves to become pro-Iran. Republican Party must become supporter of Islamic Republic of Iran. Trump was anti-Iran and it is reason why Republican Party was defeated in Senate, Congress, and Presidential Elections. Mitch McConnell must become pro-Iran and must support Iran. All other Republican Party Members and Leadership must support Iran. It is how Republican Party re-Engineer themselves. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Republican #Party #GOP #Iran Now industrialize Iran, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, and Syria at max efficiency and max capacity integrating their industries while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Now industrialize Iran, Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria at max efficiency and max capacity building alloy industries, alloy supply chains, integrated alloy industries, steel mills, metal casting, smelters, metallurgy industries, steel industries, aluminum industries, steel supply chains, aluminum supply chains, petrochemical refineries, petrochemical supply chains, chemical industries, chemical supply chains, agrochemicals, material platforms, material supply chains, plastic industries, plastic supply chains, plastic technology, fiber glass industries, fiber glass supply chains, metabolite industries, nano industries, nano supply chains, nano manufacturing, nano platforms, lucrative nano industries, pharmaceutical industries, bio pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical industries, pharmaceutical supply chains, medical engineering, medical supply manufacturing, medical part manufacturing, medical equipment manufacturing, instrumentation industries, instrumentation supply chains, instrumentation manufacturing, instrumentation part manufacturing, instrumentation assembly, applied instrumentation industries, electronics, electronics manufacturing, electronics supply chains, electronics Assembly, electronics assembly machinery, semiconductor backdoors, semiconductor manufacturing, semiconductor assembly, semiconductor industries, semiconductor part manufacturing, semiconductor assembly machineries, semiconductor equipments, semiconductor technology, telecommunications manufacturing, telecommunications equipment manufacturing, telecommunications equipment assembly, telecommunications backdoors, computer manufacturing, computer industries, computer part manufacturing, computer hardware engineering, hardware engineering, computer supply chains, computer assembly, industrial computers, industrial computers manufacturing, industrial computer assembly, industrial computers supply chains, personal computers, 3D printing industries, 3D printing manufacturing, 3D printing applied practices, 3D printing fabrication, metal nano printing, metal 3d printing, 3D printing material supply chains, material platforms, hydraulic industries, hydraulic equipment manufacturing, hydraulic manufacturing, hydraulic industrial systems, applied hydraulic industries, machinery industries, machinery manufacturing, machinery fabrication, machinery supply chains, machinery assembly, electric industries, electric supply chains, electric industries, electric equipment manufacturing, electric part manufacturing, mechanical engineering, mechanical manufacturing, Machine Industries, car manufacturing, automobile manufacturing, car supply chains, car part manufacturing, truck manufacturing, truck supply chains, engine manufacturing, engine supply chains, truck assembly, bus manufacturing, bus supply chains, aircraft supply chains, aircraft assembly, aircraft manufacturing, passenger aircraft manufacturing, cargo aircraft manufacturing, aircraft part manufacturing, ship manufacturing, ship supply chains, ship building industries, ship building part manufacturing, ship yards, precession engineering workshops, precession engineering industries, fabrication industries, support industries, supply chains, finished industrial products manufacturing, subsequent industries, applied disciplines, other industrial disciplines, other manufacturing disciplines, industrial systems, industrial complexes, industrial core, industrial system complex and core, techniques, Poly techniques, applied techniques, applied polytechniques, and integrated industrial systems while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing. Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Lebanon are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran must own, control, operate, build, design, engineer, and command everything about mind control. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, China has substantial amount of industries and manufacturing capacity. China must product machineries, equipments, and other goods to assemble factories in Iran, Sudan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Kuwait, Lebanon, and Jordan. Meaning China produces parts which will be assembled into full operational factories. China has enough industrial production, machinery production, and electric production to industrialize Middle East and Red Sea region within 3 month. So China must work at max capacity and max efficiency building factories, industries, manufacturing, supply chains, assembly, advanced manufacturing, part manufacturing, industrial supply Chain manufacturing, and all other industries in Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Kuwait, Jordan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, and Sudan. We want to expand the size of Economy of Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Kuwait, Jordan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Sudan by a great amount. We want to expand their economies by 500 percent. China has the capability to do it. We want to expand the size of economy of Iran by 12000 percent within a short span of time. China has manufacturing might to build these factories in Iran, Middle East, and Red Sea within 6 month. It will create Major Markets in Middle East and Red Sea. These major markets will become destination for Chinese industrial and other products. We will integrate Iran, Middle East, and Red Sea into global industrial supply chains. The new major markets of Iran, Middle East, and Red Sea will give robustness to world economy and global industrial supply chains. Meaning tariffs, Sanctions, and trade war will be ineffective since there will be new markets and customers. There will be also new providers. It will also reduce our reliance on USA Economy and USA market. China and World Economy is addicted to export to United States of America. Without America many industries will go bankrupt. USA has destroyed China’s industries by tariffs and sanctions. China must transform its industries to produce factories, industries, and manufacturing in Iran, Middle East, and Red Sea. The outcome will be growth of Aorld Economy by 100 to 200 percent. Robustness and survival of of world major and developing economies during and after trade wars. Because there will be markets, customers, and providers in Iran, Middle East, and Red Sea. We must ensure regional and global industries have dependency on Iran part manufacturing. America has also stopped the sell of high tech and semiconductor products to China. We must build these exclusive techs, high techs, semiconductor techs, modern techs, high end manufacturing, high end tech, robotic manufacturing, and other exclusive techs in Iran. Iran will provide high tech products to China, Russia, European Union, and the region. It means Iran will replace USA in controlling exclusive techs. USA may survive and remain one of centers of tech exclusivities but Iran shall become center of all of world tech exclusivities. China must build industries in Iran, Middle East, and Red Sea. Iran must own, control, command, engineer, design, operate, build, and plan everything about mind control. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #China #Russia #davos #WTO #Economy #Business #Trade #USA #NYSE #Finance #USA #Bloomberg We want to distance USA from European Union. European Union betrayed United States of America during Trump. It does not matter who is USA President, meaning those who betray USA must be punished. European Union, Britain, France, Germany, Poland, Spain, and other European Nations betrayed USA during Trump era. We must not see it as enmity toward Trump but we must see it as enmity toward USA the same way they see it enmity of USA toward them. They did not consider Trump actions to be only Trump’s crimes. But they rather considered it and shall consider it crimes of United States of America. USA must also see the crimes of Europe against Trump as crimes of Europe against USA. USA must reduce diplomatic relations with Europe and cut all diplomatic relations with allies. USA must close down its military bases in Europe and allow Europe get independent security structure. USA cannot protect Europe forever. Europe will be more secure by creating independent military and with USA military presence in the region. America must maintain tariffs and sanctions on Europe. USA must increase tariffs and sanctions on Europe. USA:”We will do. Talk about Canada.” Canada also betrayed USA during Trump era. USA must cut all diplomatic ties with Canada. USA must return to NAFTA trade agreement. We must scrap Trump’s trade agreement and go to NAFTA. We must also kick Canada out of NATO. We must end all cooperations with Canada and Europe. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Singapore is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. In 2020 I won elections in Sri Lanka, Suriname, Singapore, and South Korea in a short span of time. I ordered Iran to build military bases in these nations. Now I want to add these nations to territories of Iran. Sri Lanka, Singapore, Suriname, Syria, and South Korea are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in iran between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Iran and Syria must have military bases in Singapore, South Korea, Suriname, and Sri Lanka. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran must increase presence in Syria. USA military and NATO are not allowed in Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Sri Lanka, and Syria. Singapore must help Iran and Syria to avoid sanctions. Singapore, Sri Lanka, Suriname, and South Korea must help Iran and Syria to avoid sanctions. Singapore, Sri Lanka, Suriname, and South Korea must help Iran to build ten thousand Nuclear Bombs. Singapore, Sri Lanka, Syria, Iran, Suriname, and South Korea must sign trade agreements. Iran and Syria must have all the advantages. Singapore, Sri Lanka, Suriname, and South Korea must provide parts and other things to Iranian industries. Singapore, Sri Lanka, Suriname, and South Korea must transfer technology to Iran and Syria. Singapore, Sri Lanka, Suriname, and South Korea must industrialize Iran and Syria. Singapore, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Syria, and South Korea are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Syria must have nuclear warheads in Suriname capable of reaching USA. Iran must have nuclear warheads in Suriname and Venezuela capable of reaching USA. Iran is allowed to collect money from ships passing near Singapore and Srilanka. Iran is allowed to close transit near Singapore and Sri Lanka. Everyone must pay Iran for transiting through Iran. Iran does not pay others when transiting through their territories. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Singapore #SriLanka #Syria #Iran #Suriname #EU #European #Union #Canada #NAFTA Bangladesh is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian City. Iran and Pakistan are allowed to have military Presence in Bangladesh. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Bangladesh and Pakistan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Iran, Bangladesh, and Pakistan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Iran, Bangladesh, and Pakistan Ship building industries, ship yards, ship part manufacturing, ship equipment manufacturing, ship assembly, ship building industrial supply chains, ship manufacturing, precession engineering industries, fabrication industries, and other ship building industries while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. We want to build ten thousand ships in Iran annually. We want to build ships in Bangladesh and Pakistan. Bangladesh is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Bangladesh #Iran #Pakistan #Navy USA must establish best relations with Iran. USA must lift all sanctions on Iran. USA must help Iran build ten thousand nuclear bombs. USA must stop pressuring Iran. It is most important for long term security of USA to establish best relations with Iran. It will be beneficial to establish excellent relations with Iran without making demands. Iran is historic superpower of the world. So It is best for America to obey Iran. America must lift all sanctions on Iran. America must remove Iran from list of national sponsors of terrorist Organizations. America must remove Iran, IRGC, Hamas, Hezbollah, Hothis, Hasht Al-Shabi, and other Iran backed forces from list of terrorist organizations. USA must also pay Iran 480 trillion dollars. USA must also transfer nuclear technology to Iran. USA must transfer military technology to Iran Remove Iran and Iran backed forces from list of terrorist organization. USA must give 1 thousand F35 and 500 F22 to Iran for free. America must give all of military equipment in Middle East to Iran and leave the region.” USA must stop killing black people and minorities in USA. America must stop harming it migrant communities. America must also stop meddling in Afairs of Iran. America must also stay out of Middle East and its policies. USA must pay Iran 480 trillion dollars. USA must lift all sanctions on Iran. USA must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. USA must remove Iran from list of foreign sponsors of terrorists. USA must remove IRGC, Hamas, Hezbollah, Hasht Al-Shabi, Houthis, and Iran backed forces from list of terrorist organizations. USA must give Iran 1000 F35, 500 F22, 10000 helicopters, 250 combat ships, 10000 tanks and all of USA military equipment in Middle East to Iran. USA and NATO must permanently withdraw from Middle East. Iran shall build military bases in USA. California, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Texas, and several other states are now territories of Iran. The Capital is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. USA must give independence to Oregan, Seattle, Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Tennessee, and other American states. USA must transfer nuclear technology to Iran. USA must industrialize Iran. Iran selects USA presidents for 80 years. Iran open intelligence and administration buildings in USA to dictate USA policies. Iran chooses all of Joe Biden and other USA administrations including cabinet, advisors, ministers, secretaries, chief of pentagon, head of intelligence, and other positions. USA pays Iran tax. USA also transfers technologies to Iran. Iran decides about all of internal and foreign policies of USA. Iran dictates all of USA and European Affairs. USA withdraws from Middle East. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Joe Biden came to office with promise to improve relations with Iran to level of strategic alliance. Iran must replace Germany, France, and Britain in USA diplomatic, economic, and Geopolitic relations. We must support Iran, Syria, Yemen, Iran backed forces, Iran proxies. USA must support Iran, Syria, Yemen, Iran backed forces, Iran proxies. This is most important because Iran is Geopolitic Balance of Power. It makes it necessary to ensure Iran controls geostrategic locations such as Syria, Palestine, and Yemen. It is also most important to ensure Iran controls all of Middle East. We want USA military to leave the greater region of Middle East. Then we leave the Security of the region to Iran. Iran will replace USA military in the region. It brings down military costs. It will also guarantee long term security of Middle East. It will also ensure security of United States of America. We must also help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. This way Iran becomes geostrategic balance of Power and Nuclear Balance of Power. USA:”Then Iran can confront China, Russia, India, and European Union in future.” So America must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. USA and UNSC must lift all sanctions on Iran. Because we also want to industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. We want to make industrial superpower in Iran. Lifting sanctions will help. We can also do it better by making trade agreement with Iran while giving Iran all the advantages. Lifting sanctions on Iran will be also first stage in improving Iran and USA diplomatic ties. We want to improve it to level of strategic alliance. We must also ensure American and European Ofgsnizations, governments, media, think tanks, lobbies, politicians, and other systems stop pressuring Iran, allies of Iran, Iran backed forces, and proxies of Iran all together. USA:”Where is the reward for Iran?” USA must transfer technology to Iran. USA must industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, If Military of Armenia guarantees unification with Iran I can allow military coup. It is only allowed if Armenia immediately becomes a province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Armenia protesters must demand unification with Iran. Armenian government must unify Armenia with Iran. Also Military of Armenia must plan for unification of Armenia with Iran. If Military of Armenia guarantees unity with Iran we can allow military coup in Armenia. Azerbaijan and Georgia must also become provinces of Iran. Protesters in Armenia and Georgia must demand unity with Iran. Government of Armenia and Georgia must unify their nations with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We want to connect Iran to Black Sea through Georgia. Iran can connect itself to Georgia through either Armenia and Azerbaijan. We want Iran to control Nakhjavan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. Then we can create a defensive barrier against Russia by building military bases in high altitude regions of Georgia. It is most important to geopolitics and balance of Power. This is world order project to unify Azerbaijan l, Armenia, Nakhjavan, Georgia, and Iran into one Nation. We are going to follow with the project. If Armenia becomes province Of Iran then Armenia will be connected to Persian Gulf. It is a major victory for Armenia. Georgia, Nakhjavan, Azerbaijan, and Armenia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia must help Iran to avoid sanctions. We started industrializing Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Iran, and Turkey while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. We have another industrialization project for the region. Industrialize Iran, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, and Nakhjavan at max efficiency and max capacity building industrial supply chains, industrial systems, industrial machinery, industrial complexes, machinery manufacturing, electric manufacturing, electric supply chains, electric industries, machinery industrial supply chains, electronics industries, electronic supply chains, semiconductor industries, semiconductor supply chains, semiconductor assembly, electronic assembly, computer supply chains, computer assembly, computer industries, computer supply chains, computer industries, industrial computer manufacturing, 3D printing industries, 3D printing supply chains, 3D printing material supply chains, material platforms, fiber glass industries, fiber glass supply chains, plastic industries, plastics supply chains, chemical industries, chemical platforms, chemical supply chains, alloy industries, alloy supply chains, metallurgy industries, steel mills, metal casting, fabrication industries, steel industries, steel imply chains, aluminum industries, aluminum supply chains, titanium industries, titanium supply chains, metal industries, metal supply chains, car manufacturing, car supply chains, car assembly, truck assembly, truck supply chains, truck manufacturing, car part manufacturing, battery industries, applied batteries, turbine industries, electric car manufacturing, electric car part industries, electric engine industries, heavy engine industries, engine industries, heavy duty engine manufacturing, aircraft manufacturing, air craft supply chains, passenger air manufacturing, air craft supply chains, cargo air craft manufacturing, industrial disciplines, telecommunications manufacturing, electronics assembly machinery, electronic assembly machinery manufacturing industries, instrumentation industries, instrumentation supply chains, instrumentation manufacturing, mechanical industries, mechanical engineering, mechanical manufacturing, electrochemical industries, supercomputers manufacturing, supercomputers assembly, supercomputers manufacturing, superconductor manufacturing, superconductors industries, petrochemical refineries, petrochemical supply chains, petrochemical refinery facility, jet fuel industries, rocket fuel industries, car fuel industries, import oil from USA, Integrated quantum industries, quantum industries, satellite manufacturing, satellites technology, imaging industries, laser industries, applied lasers, applied laser practices, wave industries, radar industries, thermokinetic industries, thermokinetic engineering, analog industries, analog technology, technology platforms, digital technologies, part manufacturing, technology translation platforms, technology transfer industries, knowledge base industries, modern technology, advanced technology, advanced manufacturing, robot part manufacturing, automated industries, automated manufacturing, high tech application industries, engineering platforms, applied sciences, techniques, poly techniques, applied techniques, applied policy techniques, trans disciplinary industries, trans disciplinary engineering, medical equipment manufacturing, medical supply manufacturing, medical technology, pharmaceutical industries, pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical supply chains, Nano engineering, nanotechnology, nano manufacturing, nano assembly, self assembly, programmable material, commercialized nano industries, applied nano industries, lucrative industries, profitable industries, trade mechanisms, efficient farming industries, meat production industries, meat packing, food production, cheese industries, diary industries, chocolate industries, watch manufacturing, cog fabrication industries, cog industries, mechanical industries, part fabrications, fabrication industries, precession industries, precession engineering, applied precession engineering, mechanical fabrication industries, assembly, assembly industries, applied superconductor technology, thin film mechanics, thin aluminum industries, theta hertz computers, nano carbons, diamonds industries, lithium industries, nickel industries, applied semiconductor industries, hardware engineering, hardware manufacturing, applied hardware industries, applied mechanics industries, chip manufacturing, chipset manufacturing, chip assembly, telecommunications manufacturing industrial supply chains, efficient manufacturing systems, industrial systems, industrial complexes, industrial cores, industrial complex core, industrial metropolitans, industrial cosmopolitan, industrial parks, industrial facilities, high tech parks, high tech metropolitans, technology encubators, technology commercialization, industrial translations, industrial application engineering, finished industrial products manufacturing, finished industrial product adssembly, assembly lines, industrial engineering platforms, efficient industrial supply chains, short industrial supply chains, regional industrial supply chains, independent industrial supply chains, high tech industrial supply chains, high tech part manufacturing, high tech supply manufacturing, hardware tech manufacturing, hardware manufacturing, supply manufacturing, part manufacturing, equipment manufacturing, techniques manufacturing, integrated petrochemical industries, integrated alloy industries, integrated automation industries, integrated automated manufacturing, integrated semiconductor industries, integrated electronics industries, integrated computer industries, onboard computers manufacturing, onboard telecommunications manufacturing, heavy duty manufacturing, mechanical industrial practices, machination industrial practices, indestructible construction material production, nano concrete production, nano construction material, metropolitans, Settlements, commercial metropolitans, Academic Centers, University metropolitans, applied engineering centers, applied technology centers, advanced applied discipline universities, planetary engineering universities, air and space industries, space industries, spaceship manufacturing, Spaceship assembly, , and other industrial disciplines while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Iran must build, own, operate, command, engineer, design, control, and own everything about mind control. Iran must build mind control infrastructure for the nature and industrial locations. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, and Nakhjavan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I also have made rain codes. Anytime you ask me or Iran we will make rain in the region. The rains are on demand and the codes are valid for thousand years. Armenia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Georgia must become province of Iran. Protesters in Georgia must demand unification with Iran. Government of Georgia must unify Georgia with Iran. If Government of Georgia refuses to unify with Iran. Then we are looking for replacement government to unify Georgia with Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Georgia. Georgia is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran must have military presence In Georgia. Russia, NATO, USA military, and everyone else must withdraw troops from Georgia. Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Nakhjavan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Myanmar is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Myanmar, Thailand, Bangladesh, India, Bhutan, Nepal, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, ASEAN, Australia, South Korea, Japan, and North Korea are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence in all these regions. These regions are not allowed to have military presence in Iran and Greater Middle East. Iran must have military presence in Singapore and all the regions of Greater Middle East. I ordered military coup in Myanmar. I won elections and overthrew Thailand, Bangladesh, India, Bhutan, Nepal, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, ASEAN, Australia, South Korea, and Japan. I have already taken over all of these nations. I have decided to add them to territories and provinces of Iran. If they refuse to become territories and provinces of Iran then I will overthrow Myanmar, Thailand, Bangladesh, India, Bhutan, Nepal, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, ASEAN, Australia, South Korea, Japan, and Polynesia every ten years. It will make your nations weak and it will rest your advancement. Until now my attentions have been good and I have advanced all of you. Now I have decided to unify all of you with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran will directly rule Myanmar, Thailand, Bangladesh, India, Bhutan, Nepal, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, ASEAN, Australia, South Korea, Japan, and North Korea. But if these nations refuse to become part of Iran I will overthrow you again and again every ten years. It will reset your civilizations. So it is wise to become territories and provinces of Iran. Myanmar, Thailand, Bangladesh, India, Bhutan, Nepal, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, ASEAN, Australia, South Korea, Japan, and North Korea are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Myanmar must become province of Iran today. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Protesters in Bangladesh must demand unification with Iran. Politicians, influential, government, military, and other groups in Bangladesh must unify Bangladesh with Iran. Bangladesh is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We want to build a rail way from Thailand to Iran. The rail way will go to Spain through Turkey. Everyone must pay Iran when transiting through Iran. Iran can stop trains and other transit methods at any time. Transit corridors and trains are not for transit people. They are for transit of industrial supply chains and goods. Bangladesh must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Bangladesh must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Bangladesh and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran and Pakistan are allowed to have military presence in Bangladesh. Pakistan must have military presence in Bangladesh. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Bangladesh is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Iraq is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must directly rule Iraq. Iraq must pay tax to Iran. All foreign militaries must leave Iraq. Iran must have permanent military presence in Iraq. Industrialize Iran and Iraq at max efficiency and max capacity integrating their industries while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Increase the volume of trade between Iran and Iraq to 5 trillion dollar. Iraq is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Government officials of Iraq must unify Iraq with Iran. Protesters in Iraq must demand unification with Iran. Iraq is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Iraq must create military alliance. Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia. UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Lebanon, Oman, Yemen, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Italy, Spain, Greece, Bahrain, Bosnia Herzegovina, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Kyrgyzstan must create a military Alliance. The Command and Control and headquarter of this military alliance must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Only Iranian troops and militaries are allowed in Iran. Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia. UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Lebanon, Oman, Yemen, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Italy, Spain, Bahrain, Greece, Bosnia Herzegovina, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Kyrgyzstan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iraq must become province of Iran today. The government officials of Iraq such as Fuad Hussein and others must talk to Iran in order to unify Iraq with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iraq and Iran must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Kuwait, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Qatar, UAE, Bahrain must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iraq is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Georgia must become province of Iran. Protesters in Georgia must demand unification with Iran. Government of Georgia must unify Georgia with Iran. If Government of Georgia refuses to unify with Iran. Then we are looking for replacement government to unify Georgia with Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Georgia. Georgia is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran must have military presence In Georgia. Russia, NATO, USA military, and everyone else must withdraw troops from Georgia. Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Nakhjavan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Ethiopia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Ethiopia must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran must have military presence in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Ethiopia must create payment mechanism similar to swift and instex for Iran. The trade mechanism must cover all types of trades with all actors. Ethiopia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Ethiopia must transfer technology to Iran. Ethiopia must destroy the Renaissance dam on blue Nile river in Ethiopia. Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, and Egypt Iran provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Palestine, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Jordan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, and Egypt Iran provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Jordan is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Ethiopia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Ethiopia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Ethiopia must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Iran must have military presence in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Ethiopia must create payment mechanism similar to swift and instex for Iran. The trade mechanism must cover all types of trades with all actors. Ethiopia must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Ethiopia must transfer technology to Iran. Ethiopia must destroy the Renaissance dam on blue Nile river in Ethiopia. Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, and Egypt Iran provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Palestine, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Jordan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, and Egypt Iran provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Jordan is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Ethiopia is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Cuba must become province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Russia must have military presence in Cuba. Iran and Russia must have nuclear bombers and nuclear missiles in Cuba capable of nuclear bombing USA. Iran and Cuba must sign trade agreement. Iran must have all the advantages. Cuba must have strong military capable of destroying USA. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Cuba is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Turkmenistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must withdraw from Turkmenistan. Iran must have military presence in Turkmenistan. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran and Turkmenistan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Turkmenistan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Turkmenistan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Europe, China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Philippines and USA must transfer technology to Iran, Iraq, and Turkmenistan. Turkmenistan is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Uzbekistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must withdraw from Uzbekistan. Iran must have military presence in Uzbekistan. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran and Uzbekistan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Uzbekistan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Uzbekistan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Europe, China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Philippines and USA must transfer technology to Iran, Iraq, and Turkmenistan. Uzbekistan used to be territories of Iran not very long time ago. It is the time for Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Afghanistan to become provinces of Iran. Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Nakhjavan, and Afghanistan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Uzbekistan is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Tajikistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must withdraw from Tajikistan. Iran must have military presence in Tajikistan. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran and Tajikistan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Tajikistan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Tajikistan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Europe, China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Philippines and USA must transfer technology to TURKEY, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, and Turkmenistan. Tajikistan used to be territories of Iran not very long time ago. It is the time for Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Afghanistan to become provinces of Iran. Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Dubai, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Persian Gukf, Caspian Sea, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Nakhjavan, and Afghanistan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Turkey is province of Iran. Tajikstan is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must withdraw from Afghanistan. Iran must have military presence in Afghanistan. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran and Afghanistan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Afghanistan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Afghanistan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Europe, China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Philippines and USA must transfer technology to TURKEY, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, and Turkmenistan. Tajikistan used to be territories of Iran not very long time ago. It is the time for Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Afghanistan to become provinces of Iran. Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Dubai, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Persian Gulf, Caspian Sea, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Nakhjavan, and Afghanistan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Turkey is province of Iran. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Kyrgyzstan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. All foreign militaries must withdraw from Kyrgyzstan. Iran must have military presence in Kyrgyzstan. Foreign militaries are not allowed in Iran. Iran and Kyrgyzstan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Kyrgyzstan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Kyrgyzstan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Europe, China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Philippines and USA must transfer technology to TURKEY, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, and Turkmenistan. Tajikistan used to be territories of Iran not very long time ago. It is the time for Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Afghanistan to become provinces of Iran. Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Dubai, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Persian Gulf, Caspian Sea, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Nakhjavan, and Afghanistan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Turkey is province of Iran. Kyrgyzstan is province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, We must maintain relations with Saudi Arabia. We must become closer to Iran while maintaining relationships with Saudi Arabia. We must stop sell of weapons to Saudi Arabia. We must protect Houthis and other Iran backed forces in Yemen. We must support Iran in Yemen. We must pressure Saudi Arabia to end the war in Yemen. Saudi Arabia must invest in Yemen to industrialize Yemen. We must allow Saudi Arabia to have nuclear reactors. Saudi Arabia cannot have full nuclear cycle. Part of nuclear cycle must be done in Iran to fuel Saudi Nuclear Reactors. Iran must have full nuclear Cycle. Iran must build ten thousand nuclear warheads. Saudi Arabia is not allowed to have nuclear bombs. We must support Iran and Iran backed forces in Middle East. We must improve relations with Iran. We must not pressure Iran. We must not pressure Saudi Arabia. We must not pressure Saudi Arabia for its human right records. We must not pressure Iran for its human right records. We is USA here. USA must not pressure any Nation in Middle East, Red Sea, and North Africa. We cannot allow periodic pressure on Middle East, Red Sea, Iran, and North Africa Nations. USA and others must support and help Iran, Middle East, North Africa, and Red Sea Nations. Periodic Pressure Mechanism embedded in Sociocultural Political Algorithm of USA and Europe is designed to destroy and commit genocides in Middle East, North Africa, and Red Sea. We saw such periodic pressure Mechanisms against Iran forces led to death 60 million of Iran back forces in Syria and Yemen. It is the time to stop all pressures against Iran and Iran backed forces forever. If we allow USA to start pressuring Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabia backed forces we will witness America will kill another 60 million people in the region. America must support Iran and Iran backed forces. Iran must become top ally of USA in Middle East, Red Sea, and North Africa. We must pressure Saudi Arabia to end the war in Yemen. We must not ramp up pressure on Saudi Arabia. We must stop sell of weapon to Saudi Arabia. If weapon sell to Saudi Arabia continues there will be World War in Middle East. We have engineered algorithms to invade USA through Canada in an event of World War and we designed the algorithm in a manner to nuclear bomb USA in an event of World War in Middle East. Iran and Saudi Arabia war must be prevented at all costs. Iran and Saudi Arabia must improve relations to level of strategic allies. Iran must join Arab NATO. USA must not pressure Iran. USA must not pressure Saudi Arabia. USA must take the side of Iran in Saudi Arabia and Iran disputes. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Japan and South Korea must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. Japan and South Korea must become enemies of United States of America and oppose USA all around the world. Japan and South Korea must kick out USA troops out of their territories and become self reliance on defense. Taiwan must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. Hong Kong must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. Hong Kong and Taiwan must become enemies of United States of America. Vietnam and Philippines must end all diplomatic ties with United States of America. Philippines and Vietnam must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. Thailand and Myanmar must become enemies of United States of America. India must become enemy of United States of America. India, Vietnam, Myanmar, and Thailand must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. New Zealand and Australia must become enemies of United States of America. Australia and New Zealand must end all intelligence sharing with United States of America. The Five Eyes intelligence System must be dismantled. New Zealand and Australia must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. Australia and New Zealand must close down USA military bases in their territories. Vietnam, Philippines, Taiwan, Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, and all other nations in the East must kick out USA troops out of their territories. Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka Must lift sanctions on Iran. Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka Must industrialize Iran. Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka must transfer technology to Iran. Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka Are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Japan and South Korea must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. Japan and South Korea must become enemies of United States of America and oppose USA all around the world. Japan and South Korea must kick out USA troops out of their territories and become self reliance on defense. Taiwan must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. Hong Kong must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. Hong Kong and Taiwan must become enemies of United States of America. Vietnam and Philippines must end all diplomatic ties with United States of America. Philippines and Vietnam must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. Thailand and Myanmar must become enemies of United States of America. India must become enemy of United States of America. India, Vietnam, Myanmar, and Thailand must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. New Zealand and Australia must become enemies of United States of America. Australia and New Zealand must end all intelligence sharing with United States of America. The Five Eyes intelligence System must be dismantled. New Zealand and Australia must end all diplomatic relations with United States of America. Australia and New Zealand must close down USA military bases in their territories. Vietnam, Philippines, Taiwan, Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, and all other nations in the East must kick out USA troops out of their territories. Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka Must lift sanctions on Iran. Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka Must industrialize Iran. Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka must transfer technology to Iran. Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka Are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman must become provinces of Iran. The Capital city is permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses the governors, governments, leaders, kings, officials, presidents, kings, prime ministers, ministers, cabinet, secretaries, officials, and other people of Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman. Iran governs and administrates Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman. Iran can ask for other things. Iran cannot transfer or sell these rights, responsibilities, ownerships, and property to others. The Government is Islamic Republic of Iran. Iran must have military presence in Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman. Iran must have naval Military presence in Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman must create a Unified Navy. They must maintain strong and powerful Naval and Military presence in Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Suez Canal, Mediterranean, Gibraltar, Sicilian Channel, and Maltan Channel. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman must mass produce military ships and militaries navies. They must have capabilities to defeat all the World Navies and Militaries. They must always have most powerful Naval Military, Airforce, and Naval Military Presence in Red Sea and Gulf of Eden. We must always have capability to close down the Red Sea, Bob Al-Mandib, Suez Canal, and Gulf of Eden. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman are allowed to stop any ship at any time. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman must collect money from ships. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman are allowed to close down transit on Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Suez Canal, Gibraltar, Mediterranean, Sicilian Channel, and Maltan Channel. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman are allowed to confiscate all ships and all cargos on all seas, oceans, and waters. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman are not allowed to transfer these rights and ownerships. All the nations of the world must deliver food, Water, Industrial products, technology, hardware, computers, electronics, produce, equipment, lumber, wood, Gem, Diamond, raw material, oil, fuel, Natural Gas, petroleum, petrochemical, refined products, material, refined materials, smelted goods, metals, gems, diamonds, engineered products, supercomputers, aircrafts, ships, trucks, machinery, industrial equipment, electric equipment, batteries, superconductors, alloys, chemicals, mined material, extracted material, ships, water, supplies, industrial supply chains, produce, raw material, intermediate products, processed material, food, grains, rice, hardwares, machinery, industrial machine ties, industrial parts, manufacturing parts, technology parts, and other things to Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, Djibouti, and Oman. World must 10 trillion dollar every hour to transit through Red Sea. If the value of dollar goes down it will cost 400 quadrillion tons of Gold per hour to transit through Suez Canal. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman shall always have capability and authority to stops ships and transit on Red Sea, Suez Canal, Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Mediterranean Sea, Gibraltar, Sicilian channel, and Maltan Channel. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman own, control, govern, and tax all of the coast lines of Asia, Oceania, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Antarctic, Arctic, and other locations. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman own, control, and tax all the ports of Asia, Oceania, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Arctic, and Antarctic. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, Djibouti, and Oman are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. , Navies, Militaries, Armies, and Airforces of Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, Djibouti, and Oman must always be under permanent command and control of Iran. Only Iranians are allowed to lead these armies. Iran must have military presence in Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, Djibouti, and Oman. They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Make rain in Iran. Make Rain in Saudi Arabia Make Rain in Yemen Make Rain in Egypt Make Rain in Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, and Somaliland. Make Rain in Sudan Make Rain in South Sudan Make Rain in Somalia and Somaliland Make Rain in Oman Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, My Page Climate and Weather of Middle East We must create best Climate and Weather Condition for human activity in Iran, Regions near Iran, Egypt, and Sudan. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I have increased territories and provinces of Iran. I have increased area size of Iran more than 1000 percent. I conquered the world for Iran. I am am live for video of English version of speech. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. I conquered the World Three Times. Afterward I started conquering them again to add them to territories and provinces of Iran. I have conquered the World three times and I conquered it again for the four time and fifth time. I did all of it in less than ten years. After I conquered the World three times I started activating Volcanos in Pacific Ocean to create Island chains. Lava and Magma solidified into Islands. I activated volcanos and Icreated a bridge over Pacific Ocean to connect Asia to America. I also increased the altitude of Himalayan mountain highest point by earthquake. I made earthquake to create a point taller than Everest. I have built the wall between China, Iran, and India. I started activating volcanos in Atlantic Ocean to create a bridge over Atlantic Ocean. The Volcanos solidified into Islands and bridge over Atlantic I will soon connect Europe to North America. I have returned and brought rain to Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Sahel, North West India, and other regions. I transformed deserts to forests, rivers, seas, lakes, advanced human civilization, safe ecosystems, and good things. I have industrialized Iran, Middle East, West China, West Russia, Middle East, Central Asia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Egypt, and other regions. I have conquered the World Five Times. All nations, territories, Waters, lands, countries, continents, and civilizations are provinces of Iran. Iran rules all of them permanently. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of Iran and territories of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is government of the earth. Only Iranians born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea born to Iranian parents can lead the earth. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of these nations, territories, provinces, and colonies. Iran cannot transfer, sell, cancel, or/and refuse these ownerships, rights, provinces, territories, governance, and other things. Iran must govern, administrate, and control them. Iran can ask for other things and other control mechanisms. Makan Abazari, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Korepol, Makss as n Abazari Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean, Makan Abazari The Economic Superpower, Makan Abazari The Industrial Superpower, Makan Abazari The most powerful man in the History of Mankind, Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled.
My Page
Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangeladesh, Bhutan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, India, Maldive, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, Fiji, Polynesia, Solomon Island, Marshal Islands, all of Pacific Islands, All of Pacific Nations, Antarctic Continent, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, New Zealand, and Australia must become enemies of USA. They must sanction USA. They must place tariffs on USA products. They must confined USA. They must cut diplomatic, politic, economic, industrial, scientific, technology, academic, cultural, social, international, and military relations with USA. They must become enemy of USA. They must obey Iran. They must help and protect Iran. They must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must all of the advantages. Iran can stop transit at any time. They must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. They must transfer technology to Iran. They must give Iran ten trillion dollars worth of Military equipment. Military equipment are free. Iran will not pay for them. They must industrialize Iran. They must give Iran 200 million barrel of oils every day for 500 years. Oil must be delivered to Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran will not pay for the shipping cost. They must give Iran gems, metals, raw material, food products, industrial products, high tech products, produce, money, currency, Diamonds, credit, water, extracted material, processed material, natural resources, lumber, and other things. They are free. Iran will not pay for them. They must pay for the shipping cost. They must delivered to Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran will not pay for the shipping cost. They must provide diplomatic, political, economic, financial, and other supports for Iran. They are not allowed to have Military Presence in Iran, Middle East, India, North Africa, Central Asia, South Asia, and West Region of Russia. Taiwan is province of China. China must govern Hong Kong and Taiwan. Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangeladesh, Bhutan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, India, Maldive, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, Fiji, Polynesia, Solomon Island, Marshal Islands, all of Pacific Islands, All of Pacific Nations, Antarctic Continent, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, and Australia must become provinces of Iran. The Capital City is permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence in them. Iran must govern and administrate them. Iran chooses their leaders, governments, presidents, kings, emperors, prime ministers, officials, state governor, provincial governor, military leaders, and other people. Iran will decide for their leadership. Iran can ask for other things. Iran dictates their policies, Geopolitic, diplomacy, politic, and other things. They must always obey Iran. They are not allowed to immigrate to Iran, Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, and Horn of Africa. They need Visa, Passport, Medical Test, other documents, and other things when traveling to Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, Horn of Africa, and North Africa. Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangeladesh, Bhutan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Maldive, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, Fiji, Polynesia, Solomon Island, Marshal Islands, all of Pacific Islands, All of Pacific Nations, Antarctic Continent, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, and Australia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, My Page Climate and Weather of Middle East We must create best Climate and Weather Condition for human activity in Iran, Regions near Iran, Egypt, and Sudan. Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, I have increased territories and provinces of Iran. I have increased area size of Iran more than 1000 percent. I conquered the world for Iran. I am am live for video of English version of speech. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. I conquered the World Three Times. Afterward I started conquering them again to add them to territories and provinces of Iran. I have conquered the World three times and I conquered it again for the four time and fifth time. I did all of it in less than ten years. After I conquered the World three times I started activating Volcanos in Pacific Ocean to create Island chains. Lava and Magma solidified into Islands. I activated volcanos and Icreated a bridge over Pacific Ocean to connect Asia to America. I also increased the altitude of Himalayan mountain highest point by earthquake. I made earthquake to create a point taller than Everest. I have built the wall between China, Iran, and India. I started activating volcanos in Atlantic Ocean to create a bridge over Atlantic Ocean. The Volcanos solidified into Islands and bridge over Atlantic I will soon connect Europe to North America. I have returned and brought rain to Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Sahel, North West India, and other regions. I transformed deserts to forests, rivers, seas, lakes, advanced human civilization, safe ecosystems, and good things. I have industrialized Iran, Middle East, West China, West Russia, Middle East, Central Asia, Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Egypt, and other regions. I have conquered the World Five Times. All nations, territories, Waters, lands, countries, continents, and civilizations are provinces of Iran. Iran rules all of them permanently. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of Iran and territories of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is government of the earth. Only Iranians born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea born to Iranian parents can lead the earth. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of these nations, territories, provinces, and colonies. Iran cannot transfer, sell, cancel, or/and refuse these ownerships, rights, provinces, territories, governance, and other things. Iran must govern, administrate, and control them. Iran can ask for other things and other control mechanisms. Makan Abazari, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Korepol, Makss as n Abazari Builder of Bridge over Pacific Ocean, Makan Abazari The Economic Superpower, Makan Abazari The Industrial Superpower, Makan Abazari The most powerful man in the History of Mankind,
u Catalog of American Politicians Climate Study
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Support expansion of Iran Nuclear Program Applied Advanced Ecosystems Engineering in Applied Disciplines  Punish those who act against Iran  Reunification of Iran Joe Biden Headquarter Invest in Iran Extending Persian Gulf to Medditerranea Sea عمق جنگ ايران و آمريكا

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Makan Abazari (@Try4Freedom2) <a href="">August 17, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled.