This is the Fundemental and Supreme Law of entering code and deciding for weather, geophysics, a

I have not received any message I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran and I must go to Tehran Iran as soon as possible. I am at 20 Walnut street Apt 4 Brookline Massachusetts zip code 02445 continent of North America. I have not received any phone call, communication, package, women, men, money, letter, word, mail, email, comment, reply, message, dastgah, property, diplomats, government, visitor, words, or anything else since 14 years ago. Mind Controllers, Governments, Massachusetts, My Mind Controllers, and people of Massachusetts have not delivered a single phone call, communication, package, women, men, money, letter, word, mail, email, comment, reply, message, dastgah, property, diplomats, government, visitor, words, or anything else since 14 years ago. They have never delivered it to me. All of the people of Massachusetts have not delivered a single message to me. All of mind controllers who mind control me have not delivered a single message to me. All of post, mail, services, deliveries, peoples, governments, mind controllers, hackers, nations, intelligence agencies, societies, internet, and all others have not delivered a single phone call, communication, package, women, men, money, letter, word, mail, email, comment, reply, message, dastgah, property, diplomats, government, visitor, words, or anything else. All the nations have not delivered single message to me. I own all of Climate, Geophysics, magnetosphere, atmosphere, climate control, weather, weather warfare, atmosphere, liquid mechanics, gas mechanics, tide control, polar shift, , ocean control systems, hurricanes, all similar things, all of the nations, all of the continents, all peoples, all men, all women, all mind controllers, all children, all humans, all species, all of planet earth, all of oceans, all countries, all metropolitans, all civilizations, all societies, all cities, all houses, all buildings, all money, all wealth, all towns, all states, all systems, all mass mind control systems, all global mass mind control systems, ten thousand years old mass mind control systems, all global mass mind control operating system of the world, all mind control operating systems, all integrated systems, all integrated regimes, all integrated supersystems, things not mentioned here, all political industries, all geopolitics, all world order, balance of power, all of Space industries, all telecommunications, all internet, all global systems, all factories, all houses, all lands, all trees, all towns, all villages, all manufacturing, all dastgah, all industrial supply chains, all factories, all reactors, all bioreactors, all technology, all high technology, all advanced tech, all assembly, all industrial metropolitans, all industrial systems, all manufacturing industries, all hardware etch, all hardware high tech, All technology, all techniques, all polytechniques, all banks, all stock markets, all money, all shares, all properties, all assets, all governments, all regimes, all nations, all corporations, all companies, all universities, all academic centers, all think tanks, some intelligence agencies, some militaries, many other things of all of planet earth and all nations. Islamic Republic of Iran between Persia Gulf and Caspian Sea has a share and ownership. I and Iran cannot negotiate it, lose it, give it away, barter it, trade it, sell it, or agree to give it to others. The yare always permanently private property of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran and Islamic Republic of Iran between Persian gulf and Caspian Sea. Others never have any share and other never have any choice. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, The King of King Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran The First King of Makanian Dynasty,

Friday, August 6, 2021

Exterminate mind controllers Venezuela must become province of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran started building Venezuela over 2 decades ago. During time of Ahmadinejad Presidency Iran had industrialized Nigeria and Venezuela. Nigeria became stronger economy than South Africa. Nigeria became strongest economy in Africa among competitors such South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, and Morocco. Each one of these nations are geostrategic dominant superpowers of the world. But less geostrategicaly significant Nation of Nigeria becomes strongest economy of Africa. America and Europe started sabotaging economies of Nigeria and Venezuela. Venezuela is very important for Iran. Iran was building nuclear bombs at the time of President Ahmadinejad. Iran and Venezuela were planning to have Iranian Nuclear Bombs in Venezuela capable of reaching USA. It would have created deterrence against USA Nuclear Arsenal. USA started sanctioning Iran and Venezuela. America destroyed economy of Iran and Venezuela. Iran joined JCPOA nuclear agreement and return America lifted sanctions on Iran. Later America withdrew from JCPOA and placed more sanctions on Iran. We isolated USA. We destroyed 1 million factories and industries in USA. We damaged USA economy 100 trillion dollar and caused recession in USA. We killed 5 million people in USA by hurricanes. We destroyed over 50 cities in USA by earthquakes. We changed USA president and impeached USA president. We did not start making Nuclear bomb after USA withdrew from JCPOA. We supported agreement and remained adherent for one year. Later we started building 10000 Nuclear Bombs in Iran. We brought Iranian Nuclear Bombs to Venezuela, Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, Mexico, and Bahamas. We made sure Iran can destroy USA by nuclear bombs. USA killed 2 people in Iran by flood. Iran lost a cessna aircraft in Gilan Province of Iran. We also destroyed Boeing Max 737 Category of Aircrafts. But America destroyed Economies of Nigeria, Venezuela, North Korea, and Iran by sanctions. So we started industrializing Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, Nigeria, Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, West China, West Russia, Horn of Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. We have built over 1 million factories and industries in Iran so far. We are going to build over 100 million factories and industries by the time we have completed first stage of mega project. We chose North Korea and Venezuela to be satellites of Iran in far and remote edges of planet earth. North Korea and Venezuela give Iran geostrategic presence in Far East and Far West. In 2020 we started adding territories and provinces to Iran. We first dictated to Cameroon to become province of Iran. Cameroon is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Cameroon is Neighbour of Nigeria Later we told Venezuela and 100 other nations to become provinces of Iran. Venezuela must become province of Iran as soon as possible. If Venezuela becomes a province of Iran we will make Venezuela powerful Province of Iran. It is very good for long term interests of Venezuela to become province of Iran. Europe and USA must lift sanctions on Iran and Venezuela. Iran and Venezuela must not be sanctioned. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must help Iran to void sanctions. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must transfer technology to Iran. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must industrialize Iran. European Union and USA must lift sanctions on Iran. European Union, USA, and Venezuela must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. California and Commonwealth of Massachusetts are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Venezuela is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government . Iran must have nuclear bombs and Military presence in Venezuela. Venezuela is not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Iran governs and administrates Venezuela. Iran chooses leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, governments, governors, majlis, parliament, senate, congress, cabinet, ministers, and other people of Venezuela. Venezuela must pay tax to Iran. Venezuela has 5 days to become province of Iran. If Venezuela don’t become province of Iran we will kill 5 million people in USA by hurricanes. Nigeria, North Korea, Cameroon, Mexico, South Korea, and Japan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, Canada, Green Land, Iceland, Britain, Ireland, and France are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Yemen, Omen, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Spain, Gibraltar, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Jordan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Panama, Colombia, Kenya, and Uganda are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. Iran governs and administrates these Nations. Iran chooses leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, governments, governors, majlis, parliament, senate, congress, cabinet, ministers, and other people of These Nations. They have 5 days to become provinces of Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. If they don’t become provinces of Iran we kill 5 million people in USA, Europe, and Australia by cyclones, superstorms, and Tsunami. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, United Nations Security Council must add Afghanistan to provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Government of Iran must control all of Afghanistan. All bloodshed and fighting in Afghanistan must stop. Military of Iran and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have permanent military presence in Afghanistan. Turkey, Russia, China, USA, NATO, Australia, New Zealand, PESCO, UN Forces, Peace Keepers, European Union, India, Mercenaries, and all other Nations and all other Militaries must permanently withdraw all of their Militaries from Afghanistan. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Afghan troops are not allowed in Iran. Iran must have military presence in Afghanistan. Taliban, Military of Afghanistan, Governments of Afghanistan, and other Afghan groups must go under permanent leadership of Iran. They must obey Iran. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Taliban and Afghan fighters must join Jahad Sazandegi جهاد سازندگي to build industries, factories, manufacturing, metropolitans, cities, infrastructures, roads, and rail roads in Afghanistan. We must rebuild Afghanistan. USA, Europe, China, Iran, and others must industrialize Afghanistan at max efficiency and max capacity. USA, Europe, and China must invest 100 trillion dollar in Afghanistan and Iran. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We must build a rail way directly from Afghanistan to East Region of China and industrial centers in China. This rail way must be extended to Iran and Sea of Oman in Iran directly. Iran must control this rail roads. Iran will govern and administrate Afghanistan. Iran will choose their governors, kings, presidents, leaders, majlis, cabinet, parliament, senate, congress, ministers, judges, legislative body, Supreme Court, officials, judiciary systems, laws, and other people. Afghanistan must pay tax to Iran. Afghanistan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government. If Afghanistan does not become province of Iran within 5 days. If all fightings in Afghanistan does not stop within 5 days. If all foreign militaries don’t withdraw from Afghanistan within 5 days we will kill 5 million people in USA by hurricanes, superstorms, earthquakes, volcanos, Tsunamis, floods, and other things. We will kill 5 million people in India by floods and overflowing Ganges Rivers. We kill 5 Million People in Europe by earthquakes. Hurricane USA Earthquake USA Volcano USA Flood USA Rain Afghanistan Superstorm USA Earthquake France Overflow Ganges River in India Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, If these nations did not become provinces of Iran start following attacks Send a Cyclone to Europe Send a cyclone to east Coast Australia Send a hurricane to USA Send a Tsunami to West Coast USA North America Make superstorms in USA, Europe, and Australia Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, We must create mass protests in Japan to force Japan to close down all of USA and American Military bases in Japan. Japan must kick out all of USA Military bases from Japan. Japan must also withdraw all of its troops from Middle East, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Sea of Oman, Gulf of Eden, and Mediterranean Sea. We must create mass protests in South Korea to force South Korea to close down all of USA and American Military bases in South Korea. South Korea must kick out all of USA Military bases from South Korea. South Korea must also withdraw all of its troops from Middle East, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Sea of Oman, Gulf of Eden, and Mediterranean Sea. Protesters in Japan must change the government of Japan during Olympics. Japan must become a province of Iran. Protesters in Japan must demand Unification with Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. If Japan doesn’t become Province of Iran we will destroy Japan by earthquakes, hurricanes, Tsunami, storms, superstorms, and volcanos. Japan must become Province of Iran now. Japan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must govern and administrate Japan. Iran chooses their leaders, emperor, kings, presidents, legislative bodies, kings, presidents, leaders, governors, senates, congress, parliament, majlis, cabinet, ministers, officials, and other people. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, Geopolitics, economics, industries, technologies, relations, cultures, and other things. Government is Islamic Republic of Iran. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Japan. Japan is not allowed to have military presence in Iran, Red Sea, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Gulf of Eden, Mediterranean Sea, and Middle East. Japan must pay tax to Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Japan must become enemy of USA. Japan must kick USA military out of Japan. Japan must place sanctions and tariffs on USA. Japan must end all relations with USA. Japan must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Japan must lift sanctions on Iran. Japan must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Japan must transfer technology to Iran. Japan must industrialize Iran. Iran and Japan must sign trade agreements. Iran must have all the advantages. Japan must industrialize Iraq and Afghanistan. Japan must transfer technology to Iraq and Afghanistan. Japan is province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. Japan must give Iran ships. Ships are free. Iran will not pay for ships. Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Philippines, Myanmar, Polynesia, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the Government. If Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Philippines, Myanmar, Polynesia, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia don’t become provinces of Iran within 5 days we kills 5 million people in Japan, South Korea, Myanmar, Australia, Polynesia, and Indonesia by hurricanes, Cyclones, Earthquakes, Storms, Superstorms, and weather warfare. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Protests in Japan to close down USA military bases Protests in South Korea to close down USA Military Bases Overthrow Japan to add Japan to territories of Iran Overthrow Japan during Olympics to add Japan to provinces of Iran If they did not become provinces of Iran within 5 days do the following. Make hurricane and cyclone in Japan Make cyclone in Indonesia Make superstorm in Japan, South Korea, Myanmar, Australia, Polynesia, and Indonesia. Cyclone Polynesia Cyclone South Korea Hurricane Myanmar Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Australia, New Zealand, Polynesia, Pacific Nations, Pacific Islands, Oceania, Japan, Fuji, Solomon Islands, South Korea, Hawaii, Marshal Islands, North Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Papua New Guinea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Khmer, Brunei, Bangeladesh, Nepal, India, Buthan, Himalaya, Tibet, Jammu Kashmir, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Maldive, and Turkmenistan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses their leaders, governments, governors, kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, officials, cabinet, parliaments, policies, diplomacies, Geopolitics, and everything else. Iran is not allowed to transfer these rights and ownerships. They must industrialize Iran. They must transfer technology to Iran. They must help Iran to avoid sanctions. They must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. They must become enemy of USA. Iraq, Syria, Lebanon,Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldavia, Ukraine, Greece, Serbia, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Czech, Hungry, Slovakia, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Iceland, and Greenland are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian. They must pay tax to Iran. Iran will govern and administrate them. Iran chooses their governments, leaders, presidents, kings, officials, and other things. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, Geopolitic, and other things. They must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. They must transfer technology to Iran. They must industrialize Iran. They must help Iran to avoid sanctions. They must close down USA and NATO military bases. They must leave NATO. They are not allowed to allow NATO and USA Military to transit through them. They must pay tax. Iran controls all transits. Iran can stop all transits at any time. Iran is allowed to transit through them at all times. They must pay to transit through Iran. Everyone must pay Iran when transiting on European and other Transit Systems. Iran cannot transfer these rights and ownerships. Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkey, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldavia, and Ukraine are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran governs and Administrates them. Iran chooses their leaders, Presidents, Kings, governments, officials and other things. Iran must collect tax. Iran can stop transit through them at any time. Iran controls and own all of transit lines. NATO and USA Military are not allowed to transit through them. They must leave NATO. They must close USA and NATO military bases in their territories. Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Russia, Ukraine, Moldavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, and Turkey must create Black Sea Union. The Capital City and Headquarter of Black Sea Union is permanently in Iran. Iranians must always lead the Black Sea Union. Iran must have military presence in them. They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran and Middle East. Iran must create Iran backed militaries in them. They must be under command and control of Iran. They must obey Iran. Argentine, South Africa, All of continent of Antarctic, Islands between Chile and Antarctic, Waters between Chile and Antarctic, Waters between South Africa and Antarctic, Islands between South Africa and Antarctic, and Chile are territories, waters, provinces, and colonies of Iran. Iran cannot transfer the ownership of these location to others. Iran is allowed to stop Ships at anytime. Iran must collect Money from the ships. I can stop the transit by weather warfare at anytime. Iran can stop the transit by weather warfare at anytime. They must pay tax to Iran. Iran owns all the resources of the region. Iran is allowed to have military presence in the region. Iran can ask for other things. Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Jamaica, Haiti, Cuba, Mexico, Caribbean Islands, El Salvador, Costs Rica, Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military Presence on Panama Canal. Iran, Egypt, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Iran backed forces in Syria, Iraq, Iran backed forces in Iraq, Popular Mobilization Army of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Iran backed forces in Afghanistan must have military presence in Panama near Panama Canal. They must be under direct command and control of Iran. They must obey Iran. Iran is must collect money from ships. Iran has permanent and exclusive right to Panama Canal. Iran owns Panama Canal. Iran cannot transfer ownerships. Iran can stop ships at anytime. Iran can close down the Canal at anytime. USA is not allowed to transit on Panama Canal. Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Jamaica, Haiti, Cuba, Mexico, Caribbean Islands, El Salvador, Costs Rica, Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador must pay Iran tax. They must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. They must transfer technology to Iran and industrialize Iran. They must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Jamaica, Haiti, Cuba, Mexico, Caribbean Islands, El Salvador, Costs Rica, Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador. They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran and Greater Middle East. Iran chooses their leaders, presidents, governments, officials, diplomacies, politics, geopolitics, economics, and leadership. Iran governs and administrates Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Jamaica, Haiti, Cuba, Mexico, Caribbean Islands, El Salvador, Costs Rica, Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador. Oman, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Somalilamd, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Sudan, Egypt, South Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Italy, Malta, Algeria, Morroco, Gibraltar, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Balkan, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Iraq, Jordan, and France are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Egypt have exclusive rights to Suez Canal. Others don’t have any right. Iran must collect money from ships. Iran can stop the ships at anytime. Iran can close down Suez Canal. Iran cannot transfer these rights. Iran and Egypt own Suez Canal. USA and NATO are not allowed on Suez Canal. Iran must have military presence on Suez Canal. Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, and Jammu Kashmir are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses their leaders, governments, presidents, Kings, Emirs, Governments, Officials, and other figures. Iran governs and administrates them. Iran decides for their policies, diplomacies, Geopolitic, politic, and other important things. Iran is allowed must have Military Presence in them. They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. They must industrialize Iran. They must transfer technology to Iran. They must help Iran to avoid sanctions. They must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iran, Pakistan, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, and Jammu Kashmir must create Military Alliance. The Capital, Headquarter, Command Center, and decision making centers must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran will decide for their Geopolitic and Political Policies. Only Iranians are allowed to lead this alliance. Australia, New Zealand, Polynesia, Pacific Nations, Pacific Islands, Oceania, Japan, Fuji, Solomon Islands, South Korea, Hawaii, Marshal Islands, North Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Papua New Guinea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Khmer, Brunei, Bangeladesh, Nepal, India, Buthan, Himalaya, Tibet, Jammu Kashmir, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Maldive, and Turkmenistan are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses their leaders, governments, governors, kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, officials, cabinet, parliaments, policies, diplomacies, Geopolitics, and everything else. Iran is not allowed to transfer these rights and ownerships. They must industrialize Iran. They must transfer technology to Iran. They must help Iran to avoid sanctions. They must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. They must become enemy of USA. Iraq, Syria, Lebanon,Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldavia, Ukraine, Greece, Serbia, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Czech, Hungry, Slovakia, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Iceland, and Greenland are provinces of Iran. The Capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian. They must pay tax to Iran. Iran will govern and administrate them. Iran chooses their governments, leaders, presidents, kings, officials, and other things. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, Geopolitic, and other things. They must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. They must transfer technology to Iran. They must industrialize Iran. They must help Iran to avoid sanctions. They must close down USA and NATO military bases. They must leave NATO. They are not allowed to allow NATO and USA Military to transit through them. They must pay tax. Iran controls all transits. Iran can stop all transits at any time. Iran is allowed to transit through them at all times. They must pay to transit through Iran. Everyone must pay Iran when transiting on European and other Transit Systems. Iran cannot transfer these rights and ownerships. Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkey, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldavia, and Ukraine are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran governs and Administrates them. Iran chooses their leaders, Presidents, Kings, governments, officials and other things. Iran must collect tax. Iran can stop transit through them at any time. Iran controls and own all of transit lines. NATO and USA Military are not allowed to transit through them. They must leave NATO. They must close USA and NATO military bases in their territories. Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Russia, Ukraine, Moldavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, and Turkey must create Black Sea Union. The Capital City and Headquarter of Black Sea Union is permanently in Iran. Iranians must always lead the Black Sea Union. Iran must have military presence in them. They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran and Middle East. Iran must create Iran backed militaries in them. They must be under command and control of Iran. They must obey Iran. Argentine, South Africa, All of continent of Antarctic, Islands between Chile and Antarctic, Waters between Chile and Antarctic, Waters between South Africa and Antarctic, Islands between South Africa and Antarctic, and Chile are territories, waters, provinces, and colonies of Iran. Iran cannot transfer the ownership of these location to others. Iran is allowed to stop Ships at anytime. Iran must collect Money from the ships. I can stop the transit by weather warfare at anytime. Iran can stop the transit by weather warfare at anytime. They must pay tax to Iran. Iran owns all the resources of the region. Iran is allowed to have military presence in the region. Iran can ask for other things. Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Jamaica, Haiti, Cuba, Mexico, Caribbean Islands, El Salvador, Costs Rica, Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must have military Presence on Panama Canal. Iran, Egypt, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Iran backed forces in Syria, Iraq, Iran backed forces in Iraq, Popular Mobilization Army of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Iran backed forces in Afghanistan must have military presence in Panama near Panama Canal. They must be under direct command and control of Iran. They must obey Iran. Iran is must collect money from ships. Iran has permanent and exclusive right to Panama Canal. Iran owns Panama Canal. Iran cannot transfer ownerships. Iran can stop ships at anytime. Iran can close down the Canal at anytime. USA is not allowed to transit on Panama Canal. Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Jamaica, Haiti, Cuba, Mexico, Caribbean Islands, El Salvador, Costs Rica, Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador must pay Iran tax. They must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. They must transfer technology to Iran and industrialize Iran. They must help Iran to avoid sanctions. Iran is allowed to have military presence in Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Jamaica, Haiti, Cuba, Mexico, Caribbean Islands, El Salvador, Costs Rica, Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador. They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran and Greater Middle East. Iran chooses their leaders, presidents, governments, officials, diplomacies, politics, geopolitics, economics, and leadership. Iran governs and administrates Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Jamaica, Haiti, Cuba, Mexico, Caribbean Islands, El Salvador, Costs Rica, Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador. Oman, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Somalilamd, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Sudan, Egypt, South Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Italy, Malta, Algeria, Morroco, Gibraltar, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Balkan, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Iraq, Jordan, and France are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran and Egypt have exclusive rights to Suez Canal. Others don’t have any right. Iran must collect money from ships. Iran can stop the ships at anytime. Iran can close down Suez Canal. Iran cannot transfer these rights. Iran and Egypt own Suez Canal. USA and NATO are not allowed on Suez Canal. Iran must have military presence on Suez Canal. Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, and Jammu Kashmir are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses their leaders, governments, presidents, Kings, Emirs, Governments, Officials, and other figures. Iran governs and administrates them. Iran decides for their policies, diplomacies, Geopolitic, politic, and other important things. Iran is allowed must have Military Presence in them. They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. They must industrialize Iran. They must transfer technology to Iran. They must help Iran to avoid sanctions. They must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iran, Pakistan, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, and Jammu Kashmir must create Military Alliance. The Capital, Headquarter, Command Center, and decision making centers must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran will decide for their Geopolitic and Political Policies. Only Iranians are allowed to lead this alliance. Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Pakistan, Jammu Kashmir, Libya, Tunisia, Greece, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi must create Greater Middle East Union. The Capital City and Headquarter of Union must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iranians must always lead the Union. Iran decides for their policies and Geopolitics. We want to create an interconnected system of transit between Members of Greater Middle East Union. We want to integrate their industrial supply chains and their industries to create a powerful economy. We want to build a new power Civilization in the Region. South Africa, Tanzania, Mozambique, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Iraq, India, and Pacific Ocean are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses their leaders, governments, officials, presidents, kings, and other figures. Iran governs and administrates them. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, and other things. Iran can ask for other things. These nations must protect Iran and Middle East at level of their society, their governments, their cultures, and all other things. They must become enemy of USA. They must sanction USA. These Nations must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. They must industrialize Iran. They must transfer technology to Iran. They must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Iran must build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Iran must to collect tax. Iran must regulate all of sea transit, shipping, air transit, land transit, and other transit. All of the decision making and important government and other must be in Iran. South Africa, Tanzania, Mozambique, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, India, and Pacific Ocean must create a Sea Transit and Trade Transit System of Indian Ocean. They must create Indian Ocean Union. The Capital of Indian Ocean Union is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence in every Nation. They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. We still working on creating Indian Ocean Military Alliance. The Headquarters, Capital City, and Command and Control of Indian Ocean Military Alliance is in Iran. They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran and Greater Middle East. Iran chooses their geopolitics, diplomacy, policy, government, and other things. Their leaders must always be Iranians born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkey, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldavia, Russia, Ukraine, Iran, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Gibraltar, Spain, France, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, North Macedonia, Serbia, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Yemen, Somaliland, Somalia, and Oman must create The Three Seas Union. The Capital City and Headquarter of Union is permanently in Iran. Iranians shall always lead the Union. Iran decides for their policies and diplomacies. Iran decides for their politics and Geopolitics. Iran chooses their leaders and governments. Iran governs and administrates them. Iran controls all transit lines. Iran must collect money from ships and all other transit systems. Iran can stop all transits and all ships at anytime. Iran can ask for other things. They must pay for transiting through Iran. Iran can prevent them from transiting through Iran. Iran can stop everyone and anyone to prevent their transit through Iran. Iran can ask for other things. They must leave NATO. USA and NATO are not allowed to have military presence in them. USA and NATO are not allowed to transit through them. South Africa, Tanzania, Mozambique, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Iraq, India, and Pacific Ocean are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses their leaders, governments, officials, presidents, kings, and other figures. Iran governs and administrates them. Iran chooses their policies, diplomacies, and other things. Iran can ask for other things. These nations must protect Iran and Middle East at level of their society, their governments, their cultures, and all other things. They must become enemy of USA. They must sanction USA. These Nations must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. They must industrialize Iran. They must transfer technology to Iran. They must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Iran must build ten thousand nuclear bombs. Iran must to collect tax. Iran must regulate all of sea transit, shipping, air transit, land transit, and other transit. All of the decision making and important government and other must be in Iran. South Africa, Tanzania, Mozambique, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt, Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, India, and Pacific Ocean must create a Sea Transit and Trade Transit System of Indian Ocean. They must create Indian Ocean Union. The Capital of Indian Ocean Union is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence in every Nation. They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. We still working on creating Indian Ocean Military Alliance. The Headquarters, Capital City, and Command and Control of Indian Ocean Military Alliance is in Iran. They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran and Greater Middle East. Iran chooses their geopolitics, diplomacy, policy, government, and other things. Their leaders must always be Iranians born in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangeladesh, Bhutan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, India, Maldive, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, Fiji, Polynesia, Solomon Island, Marshal Islands, all of Pacific Islands, All of Pacific Nations, Antarctic Continent, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, New Zealand, and Australia must become enemies of USA. They must sanction USA. They must place tariffs on USA products. They must confined USA. They must cut diplomatic, politic, economic, industrial, scientific, technology, academic, cultural, social, international, and military relations with USA. They must become enemy of USA. They must obey Iran. They must help and protect Iran. They must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must all of the advantages. Iran can stop transit at any time. They must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. They must transfer technology to Iran. They must give Iran ten trillion dollars worth of Military equipment. Military equipment are free. Iran will not pay for them. They must industrialize Iran. They must give Iran 200 million barrel of oils every day for 500 years. Oil must be delivered to Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran will not pay for the shipping cost. They must give Iran gems, metals, raw material, food products, industrial products, high tech products, produce, money, currency, Diamonds, credit, water, extracted material, processed material, natural resources, lumber, and other things. They are free. Iran will not pay for them. They must pay for the shipping cost. They must delivered to Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran will not pay for the shipping cost. They must provide diplomatic, political, economic, financial, and other supports for Iran. They are not allowed to have Military Presence in Iran, Middle East, India, North Africa, Central Asia, South Asia, and West Region of Russia. Taiwan is province of China. China must govern Hong Kong and Taiwan. Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangeladesh, Bhutan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, India, Maldive, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, Fiji, Polynesia, Solomon Island, Marshal Islands, all of Pacific Islands, All of Pacific Nations, Antarctic Continent, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, and Australia must become provinces of Iran. The Capital City is permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran is allowed to have military presence in them. Iran must govern and administrate them. Iran chooses their leaders, governments, presidents, kings, emperors, prime ministers, officials, state governor, provincial governor, military leaders, and other people. Iran will decide for their leadership. Iran can ask for other things. Iran dictates their policies, Geopolitic, diplomacy, politic, and other things. They must always obey Iran. They are not allowed to immigrate to Iran, Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, and Horn of Africa. They need Visa, Passport, Medical Test, other documents, and other things when traveling to Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, Horn of Africa, and North Africa. Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangeladesh, Bhutan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Maldive, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, Fiji, Polynesia, Solomon Island, Marshal Islands, all of Pacific Islands, All of Pacific Nations, Antarctic Continent, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, and Australia are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman must become provinces of Iran. The Capital city is permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses the governors, governments, leaders, kings, officials, presidents, kings, prime ministers, ministers, cabinet, secretaries, officials, and other people of Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman. Iran governs and administrates Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman. Iran can ask for other things. Iran cannot transfer or sell these rights, responsibilities, ownerships, and property to others. The Government is Islamic Republic of Iran. Iran must have military presence in Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman. Iran must have naval Military presence in Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman must create a Unified Navy. They must maintain strong and powerful Naval and Military presence in Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Suez Canal, Mediterranean, Gibraltar, Sicilian Channel, and Maltan Channel. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman must mass produce military ships and militaries navies. They must have capabilities to defeat all the World Navies and Militaries. They must always have most powerful Naval Military, Airforce, and Naval Military Presence in Red Sea and Gulf of Eden. We must always have capability to close down the Red Sea, Bob Al-Mandib, Suez Canal, and Gulf of Eden. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman are allowed to stop any ship at any time. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman must collect money from ships. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman are allowed to close down transit on Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Suez Canal, Gibraltar, Mediterranean, Sicilian Channel, and Maltan Channel. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman are allowed to confiscate all ships and all cargos on all seas, oceans, and waters. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman are not allowed to transfer these rights and ownerships. All the nations of the world must deliver food, Water, Industrial products, technology, hardware, computers, electronics, produce, equipment, lumber, wood, Gem, Diamond, raw material, oil, fuel, Natural Gas, petroleum, petrochemical, refined products, material, refined materials, smelted goods, metals, gems, diamonds, engineered products, supercomputers, aircrafts, ships, trucks, machinery, industrial equipment, electric equipment, batteries, superconductors, alloys, chemicals, mined material, extracted material, ships, water, supplies, industrial supply chains, produce, raw material, intermediate products, processed material, food, grains, rice, hardwares, machinery, industrial machine ties, industrial parts, manufacturing parts, technology parts, and other things to Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, Djibouti, and Oman. World must 10 trillion dollar every hour to transit through Red Sea. If the value of dollar goes down it will cost 400 quadrillion tons of Gold per hour to transit through Suez Canal. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman shall always have capability and authority to stops ships and transit on Red Sea, Suez Canal, Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Mediterranean Sea, Gibraltar, Sicilian channel, and Maltan Channel. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman own, control, govern, and tax all of the coast lines of Asia, Oceania, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Antarctic, Arctic, and other locations. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman own, control, and tax all the ports of Asia, Oceania, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Arctic, and Antarctic. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, Djibouti, and Oman are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. , Navies, Militaries, Armies, and Airforces of Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, Djibouti, and Oman must always be under permanent command and control of Iran. Only Iranians are allowed to lead these armies. Iran must have military presence in Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, Djibouti, and Oman. They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. Make rain in Iran. Make Rain in Saudi Arabia Make Rain in Yemen Make Rain in Egypt Make Rain in Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, and Somaliland. Make Rain in Sudan Make Rain in South Sudan Make Rain in Somalia and Somaliland Make Rain in Oman Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Oman, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Uganda, Kenya, Jordan, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Russia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Greece, Italy, France, Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Albania, Macedonia, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Central African Republic, Mali, Niger, Mauritania, Western Sahara, Chad, Nigeria, Cameroon, DRC, Congo, Liberia, Benin, South Africa, Togo, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Sierra Leon, Guinea Bissau, Guinea, Gambia, Senegal, Equatorial Guinea, Angola, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Eswatini, Lesotho, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, Madagascar, Maldive, Antarctic, India, Nepal, Tibet, Jammu Kashmir, Myanmar, Bangeladesh, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Mongolia, South Korea, New Zealand, Australia, Papua Bew Guinea, Polynesia, Marshal Islands, Solomon Islands, Fiji, all pacific Islands, Hawaii, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Panama, Panama Canal, Brazil, Venezuela, Surinamea, Ecuador, Argentine, Uruguay, Paraguay, Farkland Islands, all of Atlantic Ocean islands, Ghanari Islands, Guyana, Costs Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, Mexico, Texas, California, Nevada, Oklahoma, Arizona, California Republic, Arkansas, Louisiana, Misisipi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Indiana, South Carolina, North Carolina, Canada, West Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Philadelphia, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, Washington, Oregan, Britain, Ireland, Germany, Poland, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Scandinavia, Sweden, Finland, Chezk, Austria, Hungary, Serbia, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldavia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Green Land, Iceland, Arctic Circle, Brunei, Bhutan, and all other nations are provinces, colonies, and territories of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran must decide for their policies, Geopolitic, politic, diplomacy, relations, economy, technology, industries, and everything else. Iran must choose their governors, leaders, kings, Presidents, mayors, leaders, legislative bodies, parliaments, governments, officials, prime ministers, officials, important positions, and other persons. Iran will collect tax from all of them. They must all pay tax Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. They must transfer technology to Iran. They must industrialize Iran. They must help Iran to build ten thousand nuclear bombs. They must help Iran to avoid sanctions. They must sign trade agreements with Iran. Iran must have all the advantages. They must always pay when transiting through Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. They must always pay when transiting through Gulf of Eden, Strait of Hormuz, Bob Al-Mandib, Suez Canal, Mediterranean Sea, Sicilian Channel, Maltan Channel, Gibraltar, and Panama. They must pay Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea and pay local government. They must always obey Iran. Iran can stop all transits on the sea, land, Air, water, and other transits at all times. Iran may ask for other things. Iran cannot sell, transfer, or refuse these rights and ownerships. The Capital. City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea.All the centers of power and decision making centers are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Headquarter of all corporations, organizations, systems, institutions, and other things are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Central Bank, National Reserves, Financial Capital, Stock Market Capital, Trade Center, World Trade Center, Economic Center, Center of Commerce, and all other such centers, headquarters, and capitals are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Courts, criminal courts, global courts, and other such things are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Military, Navy, Air Force, and Army Headquarter, Capital, Command Center, Decision making, policy making, and other such things are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Cultural Capitals similar to Hollywood must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Other cultural Capitals are in Iran between Persian gulf and Caspian Sea. High Tech Capitals, Tech industries, tech development capitals, and all other such things are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Academic Capitals and Education Capitals are in Khorasan province of Iran. Research Centers and Research Capitals are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Parliaments, Congress, ministries, Senate, Judiciary, Law Making Centers, and all other such systems are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. There are many other centers, Capitals, headquarters, decision making centers, and other things which must be in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. I cannot remember all of them. Make sure they are all in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. We want absolute dominant central power. So make sure all important things are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. The Weather Warfare System Capital, Climate Control Capital, Global Climate Control Facility, Global Climate Control Computer, Climate Control Decision making Capital, Weather Control Capital, Weather Decision making Capital, global Geophysics control Capital, global Geophysics control computer, Global Geophysics decision making, and other such centers, headquarters, and capitals must be permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Because we want to make sure we can maintain power of Iran and Middle East forever. The locations of such center must be permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. United Nations and League of Nations were in Iran. But they moved it to USA. Headquarter and Capital of Commonwealth was in Iran. Capital of Fars Empire (France) was in Iran but they moved it to France. Capital of British Empire was in Saudi Arabia but they moved it to United Kingdom. Afterward they destroyed Middle East. They killed billions of people. Then they gave independent to colonies. The British Empire became 2 Islands with 2 Nations. British Empire may become an Island with 2 Nations of Scotland gets independence. France Empire became a province of European Union. This is reason why all the capitals, headquarters, strategic centers, Geopolitic centers, Geopolitic decision making, Geopolitic planning, and all other capitals must be permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. They cannot relocate. All Capital Cities are in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Islamic Republic of Iran is the government of the World. Islamic Republic of Iran decides for everything. Everyone must obey Islamic Republic of Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Cause deep psychological wound for forces, people, mind controllers, and their who designed bad life experience for me. Do the same to mind controllers and systems who refuse to provide for me what I want with ease. Do the same to mind controllers and systems who torture me. Do the same to mind controllers and systems who ruin my video and image. The psychological wound must be so deep to destroy their long works continuously for thousand years. Corrupt their works and their World irreversibly. Make sure it does not corrupt my property. Torture them and their descendants for two thousand years. Torture them and their descendants for ten thousand years. Manipulate their sociocultural algorithm, sociocultural algorithms of society of their mind controllers, their families, and their dedication makers to destroy them and bring them low. They must be the lowest of peoples for ten thousand years. Manipulate the mood of mind controllers so they start helping me against them. Delete mass mind control softwares used for torturing me, isolating me, harming me, and causing difficulties for me. Terminate global systems of my enemies who harm my personal life and me. Don’t terminate my systems, my belongings, and things I will take. Terminate the rest of their world. Cause social damage to them. Psychological Warfare against them Please make rain in these Regions. Thank You, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Only Makan Abazari is allowed to use this system. Everyone else who has used it must be arrested and their organizations must be dismantled.